Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Spiritual Metamorphosis by Alessandrina Lerner Spiritual Enlightenment in the Age of Cybersex. Alessandrina Lerner is the author of four books. All 3 of her Poetry books, "The Essence of Love" (Sep'09), "Spiritual Metamorphosis" (Feb'10) and "Have You Seen My Childhood" (Mar'10) are adorned with beautiful illustrations made by the author's daughter, a precocious 10-year old Artist, Amandine Love Lerner. Alessandrina's poetry does not only use the poetic imagery and innate musicality of words but also aspires to take the readers on a journey to the core of themselves through inspirational poems of a meditative nature. Alessandrina is also the author of a novel, "Spiritual Enlightenment in the Age of Cybersex" (Dec' 09), a comedic spiritual gem which introduces Spiritual teachings with humor and a real urban flavor, making them accessible to a modern, and maybe a little less spiritually inclined crowd. Alessandrina Lerner has been writing poetry since she was 8, and wrote her first short novel when she was 12. Though she left her childhood dreamworld, obtained an MBA in International Finance from French Ivy league University Paris IX- Dauphine, and went on to pursue a high profile career in the world of International Finance, Alessandrina never forgot her true love and kept cultivating a passion for writing all throughout, continuing to write poetry and short stories as a hobby, whenever time allowed. Traveling to over 55 countries in the context of her career, she fulfilled the explorative part of her dream, yet found herself seeking more meaningful experiences to further nourish her soul. Motherhood pushed her further in that direction, propping her to quit her job and start training with a Spiritual Indian Master to become a Yoga Therapist, now her primary occupation since 2001. Having grown increasingly passionate and talented in the Art of inspiring others through Yoga, Alessandrina decided to take it to the next level by going back to her roots and honoring her true essence by dedicating herself to writing. Since writing books seemed like the most logical step to disseminate the spiritual knowledge she has acquired on her journey, Alessandrina has decided to embrace her new path with love, dedication, and the greatest hope for the future. Alessandrina is currently working on a number of literary projects, including children books, a spiritual movie script, a Yoga manual, and sequels to her first novel. She has many other artistic projects in the pipeline, which she hopes to be able to fully dedicate herself to in the coming years. Spirituality & Practice. is an internationally renowned social theorist, theologian, and psychotherapist. He is the founder and publisher of Tikkun magazine, one of the most respected intellectual/cultural magazines in the Jewish world. He is the rabbi of Beyt Tikkun Synagogue, which meets in and Berkeley. A national leader of the antiwar movement of the 1960s and chair of the Berkeley chapter of Students for a Democratic Society, Lerner was described by J. Edgar Hoover as "one of the most dangerous criminals in America." In the twenty-first century, he helped to organize The Network of Spiritual Progressives. Personal Transformation: Manifest by Speaking Your Truth – Affirmations Guided Meditation. This guided meditation, Manifest through the power of affirmations, is designed to help you receive the experiences that are most meaningful and fulfilling to you by attaining a state of internal alignment and speaking your truth through the use of affirmations created from your heart. This meditation is inspired by the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza and years of practicing meditation and exploring how the law of attraction and true manifestation and receivership work. By activating and integrating your energy centers and allowing energy to move into the space of your heart, you can activate your heart center and expand the energy field around you. In this way, you begin to resonate the energy of your true intentions, emanating from your heart – the seat of your soul – into the field of consciousness. In addition, when you allow the energy cultivated in your heart to be expressed in your throat center – the center of self-expression – your words are filled and fueled with the energy of your deepest emotions and feelings. All of this together, allows for a successful use of affirmations to attract what you want most in your life. Practicing this meditation as often as you’d like, or any time that you feel separate from wealth, health, harmony, balance, joy, love, happiness, fulfillment, and all of the other wonderful experiences and emotions available to you, will help you reconnect and remember who you truly are and what is most meaningful to you. It will also help you feel connected to your heart and your intentions and become aware of the power of your words to change your life for the better. This is a true practice in the art of manifestation and the law of attraction. Enjoy our books, meditation made simple, or navigating life from the mountaintop: © Dexter and Alessandrina, 2019. All content such as text, audio recordings, graphics and images is the exclusive property of Dexter and Alessandrina (except as noted above) and protected by United States and international copyright laws. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Dexter and Alessandrina is strictly prohibited. Spirituality & Practice. A Path to Healing and Transformation. Book Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat. Michael Lerner is founder and editor of Tikkun magazine, a bimonthly Jewish critique of politics, culture, and society. In Jewish Renewal: A Path to Healing and Transformation, the author spells out new directions for Judaism emphasizing love, compassion, and justice. He finds in the the basic challenge for humankind — to heal and transform the world. Lerner is a contentious believer who begins with a critique of status quo Judaism. He asserts that this spiritually deadened faith has driven away some of the best and the brightest because of its overemphasis on exclusivism, Holocaust trauma, and suffering. Jewish renewal, in Lerner's words, is "part of a worldwide religious and spiritual revival — a product of the failure of secular modernism to shape a world that would satisfy human needs." Jewish renewal offers a politics of meaning which celebrates the capacity of human beings to decrease the pain in the world and to stand up against structures which oppress and violate the powerless, the weak, and the stranger. The same spirit informs Lerner's opposition to patriarchy and . The Sinai story of emancipation serves as a touchstone for Jewish renewal. The author criticizes those who idolize and dedicate themselves to the extermination of Arab enemies. Lerner delineates a post-Zionist philosophy and ethic of kindness — especially toward the . "Much of the pain and oppression we experience in this world," the author states, "is a reflection of the way we do not recognize God in the world, in one another, and in ourselves." That is why Jewish renewal is based on communities of meaning dedicated to virtues such as humility, compassion, honesty, hopefulness, joyfulness, and humor. That is also why Jewish renewal involves the fashioning of new rituals, prayers, and practices for the faithful. Although Michael Lerner's vision of a path of renewal for Judaism is controversial, it demands a hearing. His politics of meaning is refreshing and far-reaching. Spiritual Metamorphosis. Spiritual metamorphosis is the transformation of the believer from one level of glory to another until he becomes a complete reflection of the fullness of Jesus Christ. The scripture teaches us that the path of the righteous, for you the child of God, is like the early morning sun that continues to shine brighter and brighter (Prov. 4:18.) That is how God has designed your life to shine. There is, of necessity, a spiritual metamorphosis required for every one of us. We begin our Christian walk with different baggage, but all move towards the same goal of Christlike-ness. Some begin their walk with more weights and burdens than others, but there is enough grace for us all to move towards the goal no matter how we started. A child who was raised morally upright in a religious home, and who gets saved, has less to deal with than one who is off the streets with drugs and all sorts of sins. Yet both need Jesus. Both need to be transformed through spiritual metamorphosis. Spiritual metamorphosis comes through in just one way, and that is through God’s Word. The Spirit of God transforms you as you feed on the Word. This transformation is not spontaneous for every believer. It needs to be triggered. We can spend fifty years in the faith and not be transformed. In fact, we can have leadership positions in Church but remain the same old person for years. Longevity in the faith has nothing to do with it. Our attitude and openness towards allowing our lives to be molded by the Word through the Spirit, therefore allowing renewal of our minds, is the key. Be proactive, be intentional, and move purposefully from one level of glory to another. MEDITATE. A key to true and lasting spiritual metamorphosis is meditating constantly on the Word. Take a moment to meditate on the main verse above.