Betty MacDonald,Alexandra Boiger | 128 pages | 14 Aug 2007 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780064401487 | English | New York, NY, United States Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Series by Betty MacDonald

And yet, they are charming somehow. Piggle-Wiggle's calling is getting kids to do what they're supposed to do, using a combination of common sense and magic. I wonder if my kids liked her because she is the unrelenting authority figure they never had in me? Or maybe they enjoyed hearing about the rotten kids getting their comeuppance? If you think you'd like to read Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, start with the first book. But don't even bother if you're sensitive to political incorrectness. I don't remember the specifics, but I'm sure I cringed over a few passages. When that happens, I tend to tell the kids what's making me uncomfortable, so it becomes part of the experience. I never read Mrs. So maybe we're not so incompatible after all, these children and me. Jan 20, Ann rated it really liked it Shelves: k-6 , fantasy , classics. I remember adoring the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books when I was little, except for Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm because it didn't have any magical cures in it. I was surprised to find that this first book in the series didn't include them either. I didn't love it as much as I think I will love re-reading the next couple of books, but I still think the little stories are really fun. I love the old-fashioned feeling of these books. However, the radish cure story is the grossest thing ever and I had to cri I remember adoring the Mrs. However, the radish cure story is the grossest thing ever and I had to cringe my way through it. I just read this book for the second time -- the last time was in 3rd grade!! I re-read it for a challenge that had a "book from your childhood" category. And now I remember why I enjoyed Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle so much! She doesn't have any children of her own, but the neighborhood children love her and come to visit every day. And all their mothers call her for cures for such childhood ailments as: "won't-pick-up-toys-itis"; "answer-backers disease"; and "never-want-to- go-to-bedders' syndrome. Piggle-Wiggle has a cure for them all! Just an adorable book, I'm so glad I read it again! Oct 04, Jeremy Hurd- McKenney rated it liked it Shelves: teenfic-children-s-lit , read-in , cult-classics. When standard child abuse is no longer effective to rid your little ones of their bad habits, it's Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle to the rescue! In stark contrast to the aggressive vitriol and lies employed by Mary Poppins, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle has a friendly, unpolished exterior, which she uses to her advantage to get children to bend to her will through a variety of subtle tortures and passive-aggressive homespun remedies. The Radish Cure was particularly disturbing. One of the children mentioned in the boo When standard child abuse is no longer effective to rid your little ones of their bad habits, it's Mrs. One of the children mentioned in the book is named Paraphernalia. I recently read several stories with magical nannies coming to the rescue of families in need. I thought it would be fun to compare each of their pros and cons and see how they lined up So funny! Nurse Matilda: -Likable nanny. Mary Poppins: -I did not like the nanny watch the movie instead, if you want to like Mary Poppins; Julie Andrews did a great job enhancing and making the character likable. Then you should follow me! Because I have hundreds more just like this one. So Follow or Friend me here on GoodReads! My sister read a ton of children's fiction growing up. She had diverse tastes still does , and so her books were a little bit of everything, including the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series. I was pretty much a Hardy Boys kinda girl, so our tastes almost never crossed, but now that we're both adults, I'm actually trying some of her favorite books when she was a kid. Hence my rather odd choice of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for this challenge. You have this dear older widow woman who befriends pretty m My sister read a ton of children's fiction growing up. You have this dear older widow woman who befriends pretty much every child in her small town, invites them into her upside-down house the chandeliers are on the floor, etc. Eventually, word gets out that Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle knows children, so whenever children in the town start to rebel, inevitably the parents seek out Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for her "cures. He'll have no choice but to clean his space. And the once sweet little girl who starts back-talking like crazy, so Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle loans the family her parrot who is the queen of back-talk and shows the child just how nasty the habit is. You've got the radish cure for the little girl who refuses to bathe and whose parents plant radishes in the accumulating dirt on her skin one night, and the children who don't want to go to bed on time so the parents let them stay up as late as they want without saying a word until the children are so exhausted and crabby they beg to go to bed on time. The book is organized a little like the Mary Poppins books, but if I were to choose a favorite between the two, it would be Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle hands-down. She's a charming, delightful woman whose love of children and her neighbors is absolutely genuine. The lessons learned are all valuable since they address bad habits, and this first book in the series has "practical" cures instead of magic cures like in the later books. I'm not sure that I'll read any further in the series, but I highly recommend the first Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle as a delightful read for your little ones, especially read out-loud for story time once chapter at a time! Jun 21, Keturah Lamb rated it it was amazing. I had to wait a loooong time on it from the library though. Anyways, this book is super cute. All the mothers call her and ask how to fix their ornery children May 04, Brittany rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-aloud-revival My girls loved this book! Very entertaining read aloud. I love Mrs Piggle Wiggle so much! Jul 26, Crystal rated it liked it Shelves: childrens , humor , classics , fiction. I loved these books as a kid and felt like re-reading something light this summer, so I checked this one out. These hold up and don't gender roles! I really think some adult folks need to be sent to a Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for a cure to their ailments :. View 2 comments. May 21, Tiffany rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-with-kids. My 10 year old absolutely loved this book. Her favorite parts were the funny names for the children's "maladies" that Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle has to cure. We read it as a read-aloud, but I was thrilled to see how much of it she could easily read back to me. A perfect book for a first chapter book. Piggle Wiggle were real, and that her cures for all sorts of behaviors really worked. It would be amazing! I remember wanting a neighbor like Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. It was still fun to read as an adult. I love books that you can read at any age. She thought it was really funny. I kinda wish we had read it together. It would be a fun book to read aloud. There was a trend in children's literature in the early and midth century for books about quasi-magical people who were courageous and clever and seemed to know everything about everything. It's the model that gave us Doctor Doolittle, Pippi Longstocking, and Mary Poppins, and when it works, it can produce the framework for memorable, enchanting stories. When it doesn't work, it gives us Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle lives in an upside-down house, and is a great friend of children. Eac There was a trend in children's literature in the early and midth century for books about quasi-magical people who were courageous and clever and seemed to know everything about everything. Each of the chapters in the book are about the parents of a child with a particular problem behavior. The parents call Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for help, and she prescribes some type of "cure" for it. That sounds sort of preachy and tiresome, but it's actually worse than that, because each of the "cures" is pretty awful. Piggle-Wiggle trying to stifle laughter at the sight of an emaciated child, who's been given progressively smaller and smaller meals for days, struggling to stay on the back of a horse. I recognize the book is trying to be whimsical, but it comes across as Goofus and Gallant Go To Hell, crossed with the meaner episodes of Punk'd. I'm not sure why this one has found an audience -- it's still in print, and here on this page, its average rating is well north of four stars. But to me, it was deeply unpleasant, the kind of thing I only finished because a it was short, and b I wanted to see just how much of a train wreck it would become. Not Recommended. Nov 01, Jonathan Penn rated it it was amazing. Here are some of their reviews: "It's a really good book to read to other people. It made me feel like when I get to 20 years old and I graduate from highschool - I want to read that book. Oct 24, Shawn Thrasher rated it liked it. In steps Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle with all sorts of amazing cures for selfishness, not going to bed, not picking up toys, not bathing my favorite story in the whole bunch. Voila - problem solved! The mothers can go back to their housework and garden clubs, the dads back to work and golf, rest assured that their little angels are now perfect. Until the Beatles, Vietnam, and the summer of love For now, all was well. Feb 03, Logan rated it really liked it. Read it again, this time to the kids. While it's true that morally, Mrs Piggle-Wiggle's solutions usually don't really touch the heart or account for sin nature Jul 11, Arianna rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites , re-read. Reading it 30 years later, I haven't changed my mind about this book! Dec 11, Sara rated it it was amazing. This book is totally delightful. Smart, funny and oh so much fun. Fun to go back in time and remember my love of Mrs. Feb 18, Lynna rated it it was amazing Shelves: own , read-aloud , kids , First read Feb. Childrens book read in late 80's or early 90's about boy who didn't want to eat. Children's book, collection of cautionary stories, picky eater, small bowls. Readers also enjoyed. Young Adult. About Betty MacDonald. Betty MacDonald. Her official birth date is given as March 26, , although federal census returns seem to indicate Her family moved to the north slope of 's Capitol Hill neighborhood in , moving to the Laurelhurst neighborhood a year later and finally settling in the Roosevelt neighborhood in , where she graduated from Ro MacDonald was born Anne Elizabeth Campbell Bard in Boulder, Colorado. Her family moved to the north slope of Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood in , moving to the Laurelhurst neighborhood a year later and finally settling in the Roosevelt neighborhood in , where she graduated from Roosevelt High School in She left Heskett in and returned to Seattle, where she worked at a variety of jobs to support their daughters Anne and Joan; after the divorce the ex-spouses had virtually no contact. She spent nine months at Firland Sanatorium near Seattle in — for treatment of tuberculosis. On April 24, she married Donald C. MacDonald — and moved to Vashon Island, where she wrote most of her books. MacDonald rose to fame when her first book, , was published in It was a bestseller and was translated into 20 languages. Based on her life on the Chimacum Valley chicken farm, the books introduced the characters Ma and Pa Kettle, who also were featured in the movie version of The Egg and I. The characters become so popular a series of nine more films were made featuring them. Her husband simply called "Bob" in the book was called "Bob MacDonald" in the film, as studio executives were keen not to raise the matter of MacDonald's divorce in the public consciousness. He was played by Fred MacMurray. Although the book was a critical and popular success at publication, in the s it was criticized for its stereotypical treatment of Native Americans. It had also been claimed that it "spawned a perception of as a land of eccentric country bumpkins like Ma and Pa Kettle. MacDonald faced two lawsuits: by members of a family who claimed she had based the Kettles on them, and by a man who claimed he was the model for the Indian character Crowbar. One lawsuit was settled out of court, while the second went to trial in February The plaintiffs did not prevail, although the judge indicated he felt they had shown that some of the claims of defamation had merit. MacDonald also published three other semi- autobiographical books: Anybody Can Do Anything, recounting her life in the Depression trying to find work; The Plague and I, describing her nine-month stay at the Firlands tuberculosis sanitarium; and Onions in the Stew, about her life on Vashon Island with her second husband and daughters during the war years. She also wrote the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series of children's books and another children's book, entitled Nancy and Plum. A posthumous collection of her writings, entitled Who Me? Other books in the series. Piggle Wiggle 5 books. Piggle-Wiggle she has apparently returned to her original neighborhood and to her magical cures. No mention of the farm is made for the rest of the series. Some of the children have the same names as members of the original audience for example, there is a pair of brothers called Darsie and Bard. This explains some of the inconsistencies, such as Mrs. The final book in the series, Happy Birthday, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle , was published sixty years after the original, and is largely written by MacDonald's daughter, Anne MacDonald Canham the two share a writing credit for this book. The first story in the book is an unpublished MacDonald story, while Anne explains in the book that the remaining stories are based on "notes for other stories among her mother's possessions. The first edition of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle was illustrated by Richard Bennett. Subsequent editions of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle , Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic , and Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle are illustrated by Hilary Knight. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm is illustrated by . Piggle-Wiggle is illustrated by Alexandra Boiger. The title was written by Ann M. In this version of the series, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's husband is alive, but has gone missing, and Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle has set out in search of him, leaving her great-niece, Missy Piggle-Wiggle, in charge of the upside-down house. Missy Piggle-Wiggle soon begins helping the children in the neighborhood with her own take on Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's special magic and cures. The series is set in the modern era, though the nature of the problems and cures remains similar to those in the original novels. Following the publication of The Whatever Cure , Martin and Parnell began work on a second title in the series. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Book by Betty MacDonald. Children's literature portal. Not to be confused with Piggly Wiggly. Retrieved July 31, Select a title to see its linked publication history and general information. Select a particular edition title for more data at that level, such as a front cover image or linked contents. Mental Floss. Retrieved October 10, Categories : American children's novels Series of children's books American novels Children's fantasy novels children's books. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. Piggle-Wiggle leads a parade past his house. A "selfishness kit" labels everything as Dick's property, causing him embarrassment when other children ridicule him. Allowed to stay up late until they are so tired they can't function during the day, missing activities such as birthday parties. Parents mimic the fighting of the children, demonstrating how unpleasant it is to those around them. Small powder makes hearing super-sensitive when sprinkled in the ear example; makes turning on a light switch sound like a gunshot or a water faucet like Niagara Falls. Piggle-Wiggle "forgets" to feed her and locks her out of the farmhouse, so she knows how it feels. Leadership Pills bring out leadership qualities Bullybaths, which weaken the bather so they can be pushed around, are rejected in favor of the pills. Crystals transform any food into white noodles; the effect being that he will want to try other things. Magic wristwatch causes loud alarm only she can hear when running late; also hears the sounds of other alarms all around her. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle (TV Series – ) - IMDb

Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Episode List. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Episode Guide. Added to Watchlist. The Evolution of Armie Hammer. Piggle-wiggle 13 March BroadwayWorld. TV i need to see. Children TV Shows. Share this Rating Title: Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle — 6. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Photos Add Image. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Jean Stapleton Piggle- Wiggle 5 episodes, Francis Bell My second read-aloud with my preschooler. I'm not sure if I read this as a kid or not, but I thought it was not only fun to read not to mention hilarious , but it also had some pretty valid points in it! Basically, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle is the neighborhood's resident expert in how to "cure" children of various bad behaviors, and each chapter focuses on a different "cure. I know there are several in this series, so it will be fun to check out some more of those later. Jan 25, Leigh Anne rated it liked it. As a parent, I have tried to steer my children toward some of the books I loved as a child, with indifferent success. I chalked it up to the generation gap, among other things. So I could hardly believe it a few years ago when my kids went mad, I mean bonkers, for Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, a children's book character who is like the s version of Willy Wonka. As a result, I have read nearly every episode in the life of Mrs. And yet, they are charming somehow. Piggle-Wiggle's calling is getting kids to do what they're supposed to do, using a combination of common sense and magic. I wonder if my kids liked her because she is the unrelenting authority figure they never had in me? Or maybe they enjoyed hearing about the rotten kids getting their comeuppance? If you think you'd like to read Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, start with the first book. But don't even bother if you're sensitive to political incorrectness. I don't remember the specifics, but I'm sure I cringed over a few passages. When that happens, I tend to tell the kids what's making me uncomfortable, so it becomes part of the experience. I never read Mrs. So maybe we're not so incompatible after all, these children and me. Jan 20, Ann rated it really liked it Shelves: k-6 , fantasy , classics. I remember adoring the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books when I was little, except for Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm because it didn't have any magical cures in it. I was surprised to find that this first book in the series didn't include them either. I didn't love it as much as I think I will love re- reading the next couple of books, but I still think the little stories are really fun. I love the old-fashioned feeling of these books. However, the radish cure story is the grossest thing ever and I had to cri I remember adoring the Mrs. However, the radish cure story is the grossest thing ever and I had to cringe my way through it. I just read this book for the second time -- the last time was in 3rd grade!! I re-read it for a challenge that had a "book from your childhood" category. And now I remember why I enjoyed Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle so much! She doesn't have any children of her own, but the neighborhood children love her and come to visit every day. And all their mothers call her for cures for such childhood ailments as: "won't-pick-up-toys-itis"; "answer-backers disease"; and "never-want-to-go-to-bedders' syndrome. Piggle-Wiggle has a cure for them all! Just an adorable book, I'm so glad I read it again! Oct 04, Jeremy Hurd-McKenney rated it liked it Shelves: teenfic-children-s-lit , read-in , cult-classics. When standard child abuse is no longer effective to rid your little ones of their bad habits, it's Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle to the rescue! In stark contrast to the aggressive vitriol and lies employed by Mary Poppins, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle has a friendly, unpolished exterior, which she uses to her advantage to get children to bend to her will through a variety of subtle tortures and passive-aggressive homespun remedies. The Radish Cure was particularly disturbing. One of the children mentioned in the boo When standard child abuse is no longer effective to rid your little ones of their bad habits, it's Mrs. One of the children mentioned in the book is named Paraphernalia. I recently read several stories with magical nannies coming to the rescue of families in need. I thought it would be fun to compare each of their pros and cons and see how they lined up So funny! Nurse Matilda: -Likable nanny. Mary Poppins: -I did not like the nanny watch the movie instead, if you want to like Mary Poppins; Julie Andrews did a great job enhancing and making the character likable. Then you should follow me! Because I have hundreds more just like this one. So Follow or Friend me here on GoodReads! My sister read a ton of children's fiction growing up. She had diverse tastes still does , and so her books were a little bit of everything, including the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series. I was pretty much a Hardy Boys kinda girl, so our tastes almost never crossed, but now that we're both adults, I'm actually trying some of her favorite books when she was a kid. Hence my rather odd choice of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for this challenge. You have this dear older widow woman who befriends pretty m My sister read a ton of children's fiction growing up. You have this dear older widow woman who befriends pretty much every child in her small town, invites them into her upside-down house the chandeliers are on the floor, etc. Eventually, word gets out that Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle knows children, so whenever children in the town start to rebel, inevitably the parents seek out Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for her "cures. He'll have no choice but to clean his space. And the once sweet little girl who starts back-talking like crazy, so Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle loans the family her parrot who is the queen of back-talk and shows the child just how nasty the habit is. You've got the radish cure for the little girl who refuses to bathe and whose parents plant radishes in the accumulating dirt on her skin one night, and the children who don't want to go to bed on time so the parents let them stay up as late as they want without saying a word until the children are so exhausted and crabby they beg to go to bed on time. The book is organized a little like the Mary Poppins books, but if I were to choose a favorite between the two, it would be Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle hands-down. She's a charming, delightful woman whose love of children and her neighbors is absolutely genuine. The lessons learned are all valuable since they address bad habits, and this first book in the series has "practical" cures instead of magic cures like in the later books. I'm not sure that I'll read any further in the series, but I highly recommend the first Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle as a delightful read for your little ones, especially read out-loud for story time once chapter at a time! Jun 21, Keturah Lamb rated it it was amazing. I had to wait a loooong time on it from the library though. Anyways, this book is super cute. All the mothers call her and ask how to fix their ornery children May 04, Brittany rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-aloud-revival My girls loved this book! Very entertaining read aloud. I love Mrs Piggle Wiggle so much! Jul 26, Crystal rated it liked it Shelves: childrens , humor , classics , fiction. I loved these books as a kid and felt like re-reading something light this summer, so I checked this one out. These hold up and don't gender roles! I really think some adult folks need to be sent to a Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for a cure to their ailments :. View 2 comments. May 21, Tiffany rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-with-kids. My 10 year old absolutely loved this book. Her favorite parts were the funny names for the children's "maladies" that Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle has to cure. We read it as a read-aloud, but I was thrilled to see how much of it she could easily read back to me. A perfect book for a first chapter book. Piggle Wiggle were real, and that her cures for all sorts of behaviors really worked. It would be amazing! I remember wanting a neighbor like Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. It was still fun to read as an adult. I love books that you can read at any age. She thought it was really funny. I kinda wish we had read it together. It would be a fun book to read aloud. There was a trend in children's literature in the early and midth century for books about quasi-magical people who were courageous and clever and seemed to know everything about everything. It's the model that gave us Doctor Doolittle, Pippi Longstocking, and Mary Poppins, and when it works, it can produce the framework for memorable, enchanting stories. When it doesn't work, it gives us Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle lives in an upside-down house, and is a great friend of children. Eac There was a trend in children's literature in the early and midth century for books about quasi-magical people who were courageous and clever and seemed to know everything about everything. Each of the chapters in the book are about the parents of a child with a particular problem behavior. The parents call Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for help, and she prescribes some type of "cure" for it. That sounds sort of preachy and tiresome, but it's actually worse than that, because each of the "cures" is pretty awful. Piggle-Wiggle trying to stifle laughter at the sight of an emaciated child, who's been given progressively smaller and smaller meals for days, struggling to stay on the back of a horse. I recognize the book is trying to be whimsical, but it comes across as Goofus and Gallant Go To Hell, crossed with the meaner episodes of Punk'd. I'm not sure why this one has found an audience -- it's still in print, and here on this page, its average rating is well north of four stars. But to me, it was deeply unpleasant, the kind of thing I only finished because a it was short, and b I wanted to see just how much of a train wreck it would become. Not Recommended. Nov 01, Jonathan Penn rated it it was amazing. Here are some of their reviews: "It's a really good book to read to other people. It made me feel like when I get to 20 years old and I graduate from highschool - I want to read that book. Oct 24, Shawn Thrasher rated it liked it. In steps Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle with all sorts of amazing cures for selfishness, not going to bed, not picking up toys, not bathing my favorite story in the whole bunch. Voila - problem solved! The mothers can go back to their housework and garden clubs, the dads back to work and golf, rest assured that their little angels are now perfect. Until the Beatles, Vietnam, and the summer of love For now, all was well. Feb 03, Logan rated it really liked it. Read it again, this time to the kids. While it's true that morally, Mrs Piggle-Wiggle's solutions usually don't really touch the heart or account for sin nature Jul 11, Arianna rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites , re-read. Reading it 30 years later, I haven't changed my mind about this book! Dec 11, Sara rated it it was amazing. This book is totally delightful. Smart, funny and oh so much fun. Fun to go back in time and remember my love of Mrs. Feb 18, Lynna rated it it was amazing Shelves: own , read-aloud , kids , First read Feb. Childrens book read in late 80's or early 90's about boy who didn't want to eat. Children's book, collection of cautionary stories, picky eater, small bowls. Readers also enjoyed. Young Adult. About Betty MacDonald. Betty MacDonald. Her official birth date is given as March 26, , although federal census returns seem to indicate Her family moved to the north slope of Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood in , moving to the Laurelhurst neighborhood a year later and finally settling in the Roosevelt neighborhood in , where she graduated from Ro MacDonald was born Anne Elizabeth Campbell Bard in Boulder, Colorado. Her family moved to the north slope of Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood in , moving to the Laurelhurst neighborhood a year later and finally settling in the Roosevelt neighborhood in , where she graduated from Roosevelt High School in She left Heskett in and returned to Seattle, where she worked at a variety of jobs to support their daughters Anne and Joan; after the divorce the ex-spouses had virtually no contact. She spent nine months at Firland Sanatorium near Seattle in — for treatment of tuberculosis. On April 24, she married Donald C. MacDonald — and moved to Vashon Island, where she wrote most of her books. MacDonald rose to fame when her first book, The Egg and I, was published in It was a bestseller and was translated into 20 languages. Based on her life on the Chimacum Valley chicken farm, the books introduced the characters Ma and Pa Kettle, who also were featured in the movie version of The Egg and I. The characters become so popular a series of nine more films were made featuring them. Her husband simply called "Bob" in the book was called "Bob MacDonald" in the film, as studio executives were keen not to raise the matter of MacDonald's divorce in the public consciousness. He was played by Fred MacMurray. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle by Betty MacDonald, Alexandra Boiger, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, 1. Sep 10, Janet rated it liked it Shelves: fantasy , psychic-trauma , childrensnovels , strange. Piggle-Wiggle is still out there on shelves, unchallenged, messing with people's heads?! I just reread it today, trying to vanquish my fears, and now I'm afraid to go to sleep. I will not go into details about The Radish Cure except to say that to this day the sight of mud on my skin freaks me out and I have a deep distrust of roots. Bring on The Satanic Verses , but keep that Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle away from me! View all 10 comments. Dear Mrs. So clever, so kind! And what a fascinating look these book give you at life in the "Donna Reed Era. The girls wear dresses and white socks and the boys wear sweaters and ironed jeans! It's swell, just swell! And YET. The problems that these frazzled mothers call Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle to help with? Still so curr Dear Mrs. Still so current! Selfishness, not picking up toys, picky eating, constant bickering! Every time I read these books to my kids and it looks like it's been about 6 years since the last time , I always have to keep stopping to stare meaningfully at my children. Because even though they're generally very good. Oct 02, Sarah Booth rated it really liked it. My dad read these to me as a kid and did voices. He did one for Fetlock not in this book who lied all the time and said his father was a cat burglar. I want to find the one with fetlock in it and read it to my dad now. View 1 comment. Shelves: children-classics , children-literature. The tales involving the tiny, eccentric widow with her upside-down house, dog Wag, cat Lightfoot, pony Spotty, delightful games, and amazing insight. Of course, now I see Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle as a clever woman with an encyclopedic knowledge of child psychology, but, of course, in those days, I thought her magical and wise in the way that good witches are wise. Literally everyone should read this book. My mom read this to me countless times growing up and each time I reread I fall in love with the whimsical magic and hilarity all over again. Aug 17, Marvin rated it liked it. I forgot all about these books. Piggle-Wiggle was an eccentric lady that parents turned to when they became frustrated with their children's misbehavior. Her techniques were pretty predictable. Let the child do what they want until their behavior back-fired, then she would tell the parents to do some nasty little trick that sent the kids running to the sanctity of good behavior. For instance, when the children wouldn't wash, she would let them get really dirty, then plant radish seeds Wow. For instance, when the children wouldn't wash, she would let them get really dirty, then plant radish seeds under the dirt while they slept. When the radishes sprouted, the kids couldn't clean up fast enough! Perhaps she was the precursor to the idea of natural and logical consequences, the most used form of discipline these days. I always wondered what Dr. Benjamin Spock thought of Mrs. My wife reminded me to state that I am pretty much reviewing the series of Mrs. Piggle wiggle books. I can't vouch for the specific example I used being in this specific book. My wife catches things like that. I think she has a little Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle in her. View all 7 comments. Feb 05, Jessica rated it it was amazing Shelves: childhoodfavorites. Delightful as ever! Read it aloud to the kids 8 and 4 , they both loved it. As a kid I thought this book was hilarious, as an adult I found that I kept pausing and looking meaningfully at my children, to see if they were paying attention to what happens to little boys and girls who quarrel or don't pick up their toys! I love how full of details about life back in the 's these books are: the mothers are home all day, cleaning and cooking. Children eat snacks like thick slices of gingerbread Delightful as ever! Children eat snacks like thick slices of gingerbread and drink glasses of milk before running outside to play baseball - not on an organized team, mind you, but just in the street or in someone's yard! Apr 10, Emily rated it liked it Shelves: second-childhood , read-aloud. Coming to it as an adult, I feel like I've missed out on some kind of special magic that it must have, because while I liked it well enough, it's hard for me to see how it could inspire such fond devotion. I read Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle to my six-year-old, having just recently resolved to make more of an effort to read aloud chapter books to him we've been stuck in a review of April I never encountered Mrs Piggle-Wiggle as a child, but I know that many people who did really adore this series. Piggle-Wiggle to my six-year-old, having just recently resolved to make more of an effort to read aloud chapter books to him we've been stuck in a loop, reading the same picture books over and over , and he was really enthusiastic about it, so perhaps when he's an adult Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle will have that magical glow of nostalgia that Winnie-the-Pooh has for me. I quite liked the first chapter, in which we meet Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and see her upside-down house, and watch her interacting with kids and showing them how washing the dishes can be a tremendously exciting game. So it was odd and disappointing that for the rest of the book she doesn't appear at all except as a disembodied voice on the telephone. Each subsequent chapter is about a different problem child, and the mother's desperation, and Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's wacky cure. I found it got quite repetitive, and though my son was relishing each child's bad behavior, and was eagerly anticipating what form the cure would take, he still got a little impatient with the part of each chapter in which the mother they are all indistinguishable from each other calls all the other mothers that she knows for their completely inadequate advice, until one of them will say "Why not try calling Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle," and the mother says, "Oh yes, what a good idea! I'm a little uneasy though. This morning he said "The never-go-to-bedders cure was so funny! I think I'm not going to go to bed tonight so you can try it on me! View all 4 comments. Even better than I remember them. I love all the kids' utterly ridiculous names. The kid digs them too. Jun 21, Kellyn Roth rated it liked it Shelves: satire-comedy , adventurous-books , books-for-children. I remember reading this when I was little. A little cliche and silly View all 3 comments. Mar 24, Torrie rated it really liked it. My second read-aloud with my preschooler. I'm not sure if I read this as a kid or not, but I thought it was not only fun to read not to mention hilarious , but it also had some pretty valid points in it! Basically, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle is the neighborhood's resident expert in how to "cure" children of various bad behaviors, and each chapter focuses on a different "cure. I know there are several in this series, so it will be fun to check out some more of those later. Jan 25, Leigh Anne rated it liked it. As a parent, I have tried to steer my children toward some of the books I loved as a child, with indifferent success. I chalked it up to the generation gap, among other things. So I could hardly believe it a few years ago when my kids went mad, I mean bonkers, for Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, a children's book character who is like the s version of Willy Wonka. As a result, I have read nearly every episode in the life of Mrs. And yet, they are charming somehow. Piggle-Wiggle's calling is getting kids to do what they're supposed to do, using a combination of common sense and magic. I wonder if my kids liked her because she is the unrelenting authority figure they never had in me? Or maybe they enjoyed hearing about the rotten kids getting their comeuppance? If you think you'd like to read Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, start with the first book. But don't even bother if you're sensitive to political incorrectness. I don't remember the specifics, but I'm sure I cringed over a few passages. When that happens, I tend to tell the kids what's making me uncomfortable, so it becomes part of the experience. I never read Mrs. So maybe we're not so incompatible after all, these children and me. Jan 20, Ann rated it really liked it Shelves: k-6 , fantasy , classics. I remember adoring the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books when I was little, except for Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm because it didn't have any magical cures in it. I was surprised to find that this first book in the series didn't include them either. I didn't love it as much as I think I will love re- reading the next couple of books, but I still think the little stories are really fun. I love the old-fashioned feeling of these books. However, the radish cure story is the grossest thing ever and I had to cri I remember adoring the Mrs. However, the radish cure story is the grossest thing ever and I had to cringe my way through it. I just read this book for the second time -- the last time was in 3rd grade!! I re-read it for a challenge that had a "book from your childhood" category. And now I remember why I enjoyed Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle so much! She doesn't have any children of her own, but the neighborhood children love her and come to visit every day. And all their mothers call her for cures for such childhood ailments as: "won't-pick-up-toys-itis"; "answer-backers disease"; and "never-want-to-go-to- bedders' syndrome. Piggle-Wiggle has a cure for them all! Just an adorable book, I'm so glad I read it again! Oct 04, Jeremy Hurd-McKenney rated it liked it Shelves: teenfic-children-s-lit , read-in , cult-classics. When standard child abuse is no longer effective to rid your little ones of their bad habits, it's Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle to the rescue! In stark contrast to the aggressive vitriol and lies employed by Mary Poppins, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle has a friendly, unpolished exterior, which she uses to her advantage to get children to bend to her will through a variety of subtle tortures and passive-aggressive homespun remedies. The Radish Cure was particularly disturbing. One of the children mentioned in the boo When standard child abuse is no longer effective to rid your little ones of their bad habits, it's Mrs. One of the children mentioned in the book is named Paraphernalia. I recently read several stories with magical nannies coming to the rescue of families in need. I thought it would be fun to compare each of their pros and cons and see how they lined up So funny! Nurse Matilda: -Likable nanny. Mary Poppins: -I did not like the nanny watch the movie instead, if you want to like Mary Poppins; Julie Andrews did a great job enhancing and making the character likable. Then you should follow me! Because I have hundreds more just like this one. So Follow or Friend me here on GoodReads! My sister read a ton of children's fiction growing up. She had diverse tastes still does , and so her books were a little bit of everything, including the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series. I was pretty much a Hardy Boys kinda girl, so our tastes almost never crossed, but now that we're both adults, I'm actually trying some of her favorite books when she was a kid. Hence my rather odd choice of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for this challenge. You have this dear older widow woman who befriends pretty m My sister read a ton of children's fiction growing up. You have this dear older widow woman who befriends pretty much every child in her small town, invites them into her upside-down house the chandeliers are on the floor, etc. Eventually, word gets out that Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle knows children, so whenever children in the town start to rebel, inevitably the parents seek out Mrs. Piggle- Wiggle for her "cures. He'll have no choice but to clean his space. And the once sweet little girl who starts back-talking like crazy, so Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle loans the family her parrot who is the queen of back-talk and shows the child just how nasty the habit is. Book by Betty MacDonald. Children's literature portal. Not to be confused with Piggly Wiggly. Retrieved July 31, Select a title to see its linked publication history and general information. Select a particular edition title for more data at that level, such as a front cover image or linked contents. Mental Floss. Retrieved October 10, Categories : American children's novels Series of children's books American novels Children's fantasy novels children's books. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. Piggle-Wiggle leads a parade past his house. A "selfishness kit" labels everything as Dick's property, causing him embarrassment when other children ridicule him. Allowed to stay up late until they are so tired they can't function during the day, missing activities such as birthday parties. Parents mimic the fighting of the children, demonstrating how unpleasant it is to those around them. Small powder makes hearing super-sensitive when sprinkled in the ear example; makes turning on a light switch sound like a gunshot or a water faucet like Niagara Falls. Piggle-Wiggle "forgets" to feed her and locks her out of the farmhouse, so she knows how it feels. Leadership Pills bring out leadership qualities Bullybaths, which weaken the bather so they can be pushed around, are rejected in favor of the pills. Crystals transform any food into white noodles; the effect being that he will want to try other things. Magic wristwatch causes loud alarm only she can hear when running late; also hears the sounds of other alarms all around her. Magic vapor forces her to give clear and direct lessons whenever anyone asks her what they're doing wrong. Hurts and annoys other children; has no empathy and regularly responds to others with "whatever". Two-step cure; Bubble of Apology traps him in a bubble whenever he won't properly apologize to someone for a wrong and How-Are-You- Doing? Parents instructed to be firm in giving Samantha a time and telling her there will only be one warning, then let whatever happens happen. Missy Piggle-Wiggle also sends over her talking parrot, Penelope, to babysit. The Freeforall parents are constantly at work, even keeping their cell phones on during mealtimes. A smarty-pants - is a genius but always interrupts others, is often rude and gives long speeches people don't want to hear. Magic blue mist causes Einstein to spout nonsense whenever he tries to talk like a know-it-all, but permits him to speak when talking normally or politely. Sad about having to move from her former town of Utopia, believes she has no friends in Little Spring Valley and wishes she could be magic like Missy Piggle-Wiggle to solve her problems. Knowing that not all problems can be cured with magic, Missy Piggle-Wiggle agrees to think on the matter. Magic dog biscuit causes the dog to change into a talking dog who is tasked with caring for Egmont, but instead shirking the responsibility, such as watching Dog Whisperer instead of doing his laundry. Magic drops make it so that nobody but them can hear themselves whenever they whine, only when they speak normally or politely. After a string of bad luck, is afraid to so much as even step outside, let alone go on an upcoming vacation. Is sent to stay in Missy's guest-room, which has been turned into a softly padded room and served only soft food. Melody's friends are tired of hearing about how great things were in her former home of Utopia and want her to see she has friends in Little Spring Valley. Cinnamon powder sprinkled on breakfast cereal causes anything Louie steals to literally "stick" to him, and the items will not come off until he visits their owners and gives a genuine apology. Peppermint air freshener hung in the Clavicle home causes Almandine's parents to start making up tall tales about themselves, comparing themselves to their new neighbors, as their own unfair comparisons of their daughter to the neighbors' child had prompted her to start making up the tall tales. Spoiled - is given what she wants and throws a massive tantrum if she doesn't, well past the age when a kid would no longer be expected to have tantrums. Given a chocolate at every meal, which causes Veronica to become dressed up in a baby outfit anytime she tries to throw a tantrum and do nothing but make crying sounds, until finally she decides on her own to have grown-up conversations instead of throwing tantrums. Chatters constantly whenever he has the chance, never allowing anyone else to get a word in edgewise. A magic peppermint causes everyone in his presence to chatter loudly and incessantly until he realizes the value of a proper conversation. A series of magic tablets provide a cure in three stages - in the first stage when Tulip nitpicks something, the issue she pointed out goes away, in the second stage she can make changes to people as well, but in the third stage, she gets a taste of her own medicine when things change after people nitpick her. Is extremely forgetful, at one point going missing for two hours because she forgot to go to soccer practice and causing a panic. A peppermint candy causes those around Rosie to forget things instead, forcing her to take charge until she realizes the importance of remembering things.

[PDF] Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Book by Betty MacDonald Free Download ( pages)

Home Downloads Free Downloads Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle pdf. In stock [PDF] Mrs. Description Reviews 2 Mrs. Hot Mrs. O'Brien by Robert C. Great book, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle pdf is enough to raise the goose bumps alone. It's always fun to read Betty MacDonald books. Add a review Your Rating: Your Comment:. Recent Downloads Hot Mrs. Highlander Untamed by Monica McCarty. Betty Crockers Cookbook by Betty Crocker. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E. Technical Specs. Episode List. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Episode Guide. Added to Watchlist. The Evolution of Armie Hammer. Piggle-wiggle 13 March BroadwayWorld. TV i need to see. Children TV Shows. Share this Rating Title: Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle — 6. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Photos Add Image. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Jean Stapleton Piggle-Wiggle 5 episodes, Francis Bell Norbert Wainwright 4 episodes, Dan Gilroy Bean 3 episodes, Cerita Monet Bickelmann Pergola Winsproggle 3 episodes, Nathaniel Meyst Bean 2 episodes, Robin Faye Bookland Certificate: TV- Y. naturwissenschaftliche-skizzen-und-b-299.pdf kulturgeschichte-des-donauraumes-zeitschrift-f-707.pdf