CURRENT FOCUS VOLUME2, NUMBER 2 A STUDENT PUBLICATION OF EMMANUEL COLLEGE NOVEMBER 1993 PATTERNS OF DISCOVERY Residence Hall FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE? Council try into the student's major field study." teaching involved." There is also a "total By Diana Steinbock As for the benefits of the new equality in grading" in that "all three Established format, Dr. Lang says that she likes it. teachers grade a student's test...there is As Emmanuel students, most She feels that before, "Patterns" was too no grading by section only." As for the By Sonia Edghill all of us have taken or will have taken the text driven" and it was harder to teach. disadvantages, Dr. Lang feels that stu­ course "Patterns of Discovery" before Now, "there is no required discussion dents don't have the same sense of a The Residence Hall Council is a graduation. As the current "Patterns" every Wednesday ... and there's more Patterns continued on pg 3 tutor, Diana Steinbock has taken the new organization on campus. It was course for three years. She has seen many 1--...,...,...... ",....--~~07::7'7:::::-:-;~~--:-:-:---:-:-:--~------, formed this semester with the main goal changes, but this fall the course under­ being to provide the residents of St went major reconstruction. Joseph's Hall with a channel through Most remember "Patterns" as a which they could communicate their con­ series of Monday lectures, Wednesday cerns to the administrative body. The small groups, a reading assignment each following guidelines, taken from the R.H. week, a quiz every other week, a three C. Constitution, outline the specific ways page paper every other week, and an in which the R. H. C. intends to serve the essay fmal. This lasted for two semesters student body: with up to five faculty members asemes­ 1. Give community members a voice in ter. Sound familiar? Well all of this is a the decision making process associated distant memory. with living in the Residence Hall. Currently, "Patterns" consists 2. Create a forum for social, recreational of three faculty members, Sr. Ellen and educational activities to take place. Glavin, Dr. Claire Lang, and Sr. Esther 3. Foster a community that values the McCarthy. There are Monday and diversity of each of its members. Wednesday lectures for three weeks, (2 4. Provide progmms and services UJai. lectures from each professor), then a meet the needs and concerns of the stu­ Monday discussion group and a Wednes­ dents. day essay test with a question from each The objectives outlined above are professor. Then' follows another three being facilitated by the formation of three weeks of lectures and so on until it is committees: Security, Food, and Build­ time for the essay final, and then it is ing and Grounds. Each committee con­ over; only one semester of "Patterns". sists of five members of the R.H.C., one Why was the structure of "Pat­ of whom is a member of the R.H.C. terns" changed? According to Dr. Claire executive board. The committees meet Lang. one reason was that the full-year bimonthly or as needed, w.ith a represen­ requirement of "Patterns" "delayed eo- tative from tlie administrative body in L-__ {j3L~~~~ ______~P~h~ · o~ro~b~y~~~~~~~~ order to address the residents' concerns. The Security committee meets with Mr. Lavalle of the Campus Safety office, the Interview with . . food cornmittee meets with Linda Nicho­ • las of P.F.M: and the Buildings and side the metaphor. When I write, I am All Rice's novels explore the Grounds committee meets with Meet By Stephanie Bouchard , discovering the complexity of idea of things not being as they seem on Chute of the Buildings and Grounds of­ the story as I go." some level. In both The fice. The following is a list of the offic­ Rice's stories can be complex, Chronicles and The Witchina Hour and It's been said that an author ers and floor representatives ofeach com­ with layer upon layer of psychological, its newly released sequel, ~ , she writes from what shelhe knows- from mittee: emotional, and philosophical intensity. uses an organization called The experience. Author AnneRice is a prime Members of the Buildings and Grounds Says Rice, "I love to play with the theme Talarnasca as a metaphor for this theme. example, although one might question committee are Alicia Rarnpulla, V.P.; of things not being as they seem; to Rice, bom in New Orleans and how, since her more popular characters Cassie Mcintire, 3rd floor; Jacqueline discover what's good and evil." Her raised Roman Cmliolic, says that the are . Yet, her novels are a Travasso, 5th floor; Bethany Clemmey, novels revolve around these central con- Talarnasca "is inspired by the religious reflection of herself; her struggle with RHC contlpued on pg 4 orders I was brought. up with as a child," death, sexuality, what is good and what adding "I had two aLnts that were nuns." is evil, the existential dilemma of free 1941 Anne ~ice, named Howard Allen, Created in the 758, the will and responsibility. born in New Orleans on WHAT'S INSIDE , Octoberi4th ·(Changed,name to Talarnasca, who's motto is "We watch. While Rice doesn't know what Anne in.l941) And we are always there," is a religious­ it is to be an actual vampire, her fascina­ 1961 Marries poet Stan Rice on October like organization 0/ scholars with some OPINION PAGE PAGE 2 tion with what it could be like prompted 14tb psychic abilities. These scholars collect her to write The Ipterview With the Yam­ 1966 Gives daughter, Michele,. paranormal evidence. the flfSt of the vampire Chronicles on September 21st SECURITY SPOlLIGHT llim - Rice says of the Talamasca, "I - from the point of view of a vampire. ·1972 Michele dies of leukemia on Aug PAGE-3 wanted to create something that had the Unlike Beam Stoker's Dracula ust 5th strengths of a religious order but was and other portrayals, Rice' s vampires 1976 Interyiew With.the Vampire pub secular . .. (and) ex ploced the supernatu­ ART REVIEW PAGE 3 are, as cited in The New York Times lished 1978 Gives birth to a son, Christopher. ral." She created (he Talamasca to be Maaazine, lonely philosophers who, on March 11 th "open and scholarly" and calls it her while debating the nature of goOd and CROSSWORD PAGE 4 1979 Feast of AU Sajnts published dream organization. "In my dreams I evil, still revel in their immortality. 19.82 Cryt£> Heayen published belong to the Talamasca - when I'm not Above all, Rice's vampires - who were 1983-5 The· Slee.Pin~ Beauty Trilon pub Lestat, Lasher or Rowan." once human like the rest of us - are lished . (on~ book per year) The Talamasca is at first pre­ BOOK REVIEW PAGE 4 metaphors that teach us what it means to 19.85 Exit to Sden andlbe Yaml2jre sented by Rice as ahighly efficient, c1ose­ be human. .l&ital published knit family of sorts. Yet, in recent nov­ "Vampires are metaphors for 1986 : :Qelip~apubUs~ed els, especially~ , Rice has presented THIS l\fONTH'S all, especially outsiders," Rice says. 1938. . Thcdiui&n ofth~ Dam.n~ pub- lished some cracks in the organization's seem­ WEATHER ''1b~y have to be a metaphor for all of us 1989 The M"mm,y. or Ramsesthe ing perfection. Some of its most loyal MOSTLY COLD WITH or else the book is a failure." Damned published members, are beginning to question the INCREASING POSSmILITY OF She adds that when she writes she doesn't 1990 . The Wju:hiD~ Hour published authority figures or the Talarnasca, just­ SNOW/SLEETIFLO think about whether or not she's creating .1992 The Tale of tbe Body Thief pub as Rice herself qUl!Stioned that of the metaphors. Rather, Rice says, '''I'm in- lished RI CE continued on pg 3 1993 PAGE 2 THE CURRENT FOCUS - NOVEMBER 1993 OPINIONS ...

Dear Editor, Dear Editor: I hope "Disappointed's" letter that Here is my dilemma: I have appeared in last month's issue does not big problem concerning the reflect many students' attitudes towards "childish" incidents that have res the Program Board's response to Carolyn from a lack of respect on the part of Carey's resignation. As students we do whole Emmanuel College community not have many opportunities to voice our Do I continue to just sit around upset opinions in a meaningful manner, and .disappointed by what is happening wi we have even less opprtunities to take a general cynical attitude toward actions that have an impact. The resig­ community or do I produce SOlmemlnl!1 nation of the Program Board was the constructive in order to express how ONL Y meaningful action we felt we feel risking the wrath of those otlencledl could take. The letter's author admits the by it? administration may have nudged Carolyn I am specifically referring to resign. If the Program Board had let the mass thefts of important., but Carolyn's resignation pass without a replaceable objects in the l'-"';>lU';;lI~a word, that silence would have been taken Halls, both harmless and threaten liSagreement. Ifwe had continued work­ notes slipped under and written on ing, we would have given up any "power" dents' doors, and prank phone calls. __S_h_e_S_a--=y_s_e • • She Says that we may have as students. Can you am generally referring to the By Jenn Ford By Debra Fitzgerald ask us to be so apathetic? We, the Pro­ lack of respect between both MUUC;lll~ In any society there exists a Every man deserves a good life, gram Board, had to let the administration and other students and students and stockpile of great quotes, patriotic songs What about women? I don't feel in­ know we were unhappy. We did not ministrators alike. and speeches that remain in the memory cluded when one speaks like this, The make any demand:S and we did not think If this was not a case of lack of the people for years. Many of you are simple fact is that I am a woman and I am Carolyn would resume her position; how­ respect, an individual would not opt probably familiar with the following: not included in the word "man," Women ever we felt we had to make our point in steal in order to get a message across "Four score and seven years ago, our and men are unimaginably different and the most professional and meaningful But it is: one who steals has no forefathers ... "No, sorry Abe, even though I do not understand how it is possible to manner available to us . for the individual they have stolen from those who participated in the Constitu­ include both in the same word, espe­ -Kristi Dailey And this will produce even worse tional Convention ~ all men, it is cially when one is accentuated more than suIts. How? Let us explore a politically incorrect to say forefathers. the other. Though this has been accepted hypothetical situation using the And Neal, what were you thinking when for years, I believe it is time for some of theft: you said, "One small step for man, one improvements . An individual with no for others decides to initiate what giant leap for mankind."? Well of course Many say this is much ado about believes will be a childish prank in everyone understood th ,lit you meant the nothing. I do not agree. I am a woman to prove something to herself or entire human race, but still, it is best not of this world, I have to listen to the same to speak in general terms. Maybe you media, read the same newspaper articles, friends. She decides to steal "V1U"l'Ul1~ from every perSon in the entire have heardi)flhatlittle patri(')tiC'song Ihat use the same generalized wordS as men dence hall (so as not to discriminate children sing, the one WiUli the line, " .. .land and I want to be included in our lan­ single out individuals). She believes whereourfathersdied ... " That is so wrong guage. I am an important part of this role in this game ends here. But these days. Certainly we all realize that culture as a woman. When people say ramifications have just begun. only men fought and died in wars back "mankind" I truly don't feel as if women individuals will be put out of their then, but today it is sexist to specify only are being considered equals. Women are in order to replace the stolen fathers. We must includl" pvprvnnp increasingly becoming more and more Many others will be offended and hurt So what would those politically important to the backbone of our society, the point that their respect will also correct activists suggest as replacements how can we feel that we are actually vanished. Their lack of respect, in for the aforementioned quotes? Accord­ making changes and making progress will reflect on how they act toward ing to the bias-free and non-sexist dictio­ when we are not included as an impor­ viduals that they feel are responsible naries, the proper words would have to be tant part in our language? There will the theft (even if those they feel are gender free, but somehow, "Forescore come a time when the percentage of blame are not the actual cuI prits). and seven years ago our ancestors ... " women in our government will equal "One small step for a person, one giant that of the women in our population. blamed individuals in tum lose l"'~UC;', U for the victims who blame them. leap for genkind ... " and " .. .land where When that time comes will the word our mothers and fathers died... "justdon't "man" still be acceptable? Will we still ~use those in autho~ty positions unable to- produce an individual have the same ring to them. .' want to consider ourselves, as merely responsible for the act and, due to Wby must we banish 'gender included in the word ' "man?" I don't fact that they are only hOII:lan, are from our language? I concede that women think so. to replace the respect the students should be included in the' language. It is I am not saying that every gen­ lost for each other, the students, in perfectly acceptable to address a female der friendly word be changed to a neutral lose respect for authority. member of Congress as Congresswoman gender, yet let's face it., we all want Is .this the end result that and a male member as Congressman. I credit and wantto be included in our own original thief wants to produce; a see a problem when one decides to abol­ surroundings. I am saying that women can not possibly be generalized as men, cious cycle in which theiI: lack ofl,,~uc;l' " ish both terms in favor of the "gender­ for an individual produces a lack free" Congressperson. Why not leave the and vice versa (not like that would ever respect for several individuals which gender in? Differences should be cel­ happen!). Let's widen the scope of our tum produce.s a lack respect for the ebrated. Afterall, everything doesn' thave country and finally allow women and Emmanuel College comrhunity? Or to be homogenous. "minority" groups in! she just want to have some fun? These effo1't;S to reshape the lan­ 'Just as we have been searching the halls of Emmanuel College and guage have gone too far. The basic idea for the right words to address people of will see just how many people belie to change the language to refl~ct the new different cultures, I believe that it is that this is "fun ." . role of women in the workplace is a good about time to gain our independence So, do I continue to w one. Il'was time to include women in the from "men" and start making some noise through. Emmanuel with everyone language. The key though is too include, in our society under the word "women." bothered by this and not doing not eliminate other words. The ideas could out offearoflosing more respect? be useful if sensible people put them I risk offending more people by together in a good-faith effort. Instead FREE ASSAUL T/RAPE ing out and having this printed for all you have a group of militant activists PREVENTION read in order to express what most attempting to purify lailguage of all gen­ der bias. They are a self-appointed group PERSONAL SAFETY already know: it will only get SEMINARS unless we all stop childish pranks and of regulators. Changing the language of a something constructive. society is not alone going to eliminate CALL 1-800-GET-MACE -Diana Steinbock prejudice, it i~ only going to destroy an otherwise beautiful Ian ua e. THECURRENTFOCUS-NOVEMBERl~3 PAGE 3

Catholic church. Another novel of Rice's , ~ Rice claims that "any modem Witchin~ Hour, was also supposed to be writer addresses the questioning of au­ made into a movie, but, says Rice, "The thority." Because her background is {producers} went through four scripts Catholic and she herself questioned the the books Exit ro Eden and Belinda. novel The Mummy. or Ramses the Damned, and finally put it aside." The difficulty of While the Rampling books was originally written as a movie script, but authority of the Catholic church ( and making The Witchin~ Hour into a script eventually left it), the questioning of the are sexually explorative, the sexual when the project fell through Rice decided is understandable considering that the Talamasca's authority becomes a reflec­ experiences in these books are mild to adapt it to novel form. novel is a highly complex web of m ythol­ tion of her own questioning. in comparison totheSIeeJ)in~ Beauty Rice also wrote a script for ~ ogy, psychology, medical research, and Rice adds that this questioning TriIQ~y penned under the name of view With the vampire. which just began Catholicism. "also addresses who you can trust: who A.N. Roquelaure. Rice proudly call filming on October 18. Several script ver­ Many have commented on are your true brothers? who are your true these explicitly erotic novels por­ sions were produced before Rice was finally Rice's use of Catholic themes in her sisters? who can you believe?" nography. Roquelaure takes from asked to try writing a script for it herself. work. These themes often represent a Rice plans on exploring the the fairy tale only the main character, As far as she knows, says Rice, darkness that leads to enlightenment. Rice Talamasca and these related questions in Beauty, and picks up the tale when a Warner Brothers (has the movie rights to says that while "the darkness in my books a future book. She has also just com­ prince awakens her with a kiss. from Ipterview With the Vampire) "started {film­ comes from a . . . spontaneous direction pleted a fifth book for the Vampire there on no semblence of the fairy ing} with the script I'd done - that is more as I write," she isn' t aware of its implica­ Chronicles. tale remains as Rice delves into a condensed than the book - but, I don't know tions as the process proceeds . Simply, While her Vampire Chronicles world of sadomasichism. Utilizing if Neil Jordan has made any more changes." she says, "I write from the pain within are her most popular l><><>ks, Rice has the s and m scenario, Rice examines The sudden ·death of actor River myself." written several other books, some as the the power of surrender by using "pun­ Phoenix, who was cast as the interviewer, Regardless of her awareness or contemporary novelist Anne Rampling ishments" to purify and perfect, to will change how things have been proceed­ lack of, Rice reflects that she "hope {s} and others as ,the pornographer A.N. find a higher self through "humilia- ing with the filming. all my books are enlightening." In her Roquelaure. tion." Of Phoenix's death Rice reflected, VamDire Chronicles, she explains that As Rampling and Roquelaure, By allowing herself to ex­ "His death is such a tragedy - as are all her vampires "seek knowledge and an Rice exercised her imagination by play­ plore different voices Rice rounded deaths - but it is so sad about the death of all ethical life and understanding." ing with sexual fantasies and plumbing out her writing style so that in her his beauty and youth." Besides hoping that her books the depths of human sexuality, psychol­ Rice voice she could find traces of Filming of the interview scenes, are enlightening for her readers Rice adds ogy and love. Rampling and Roquelaure as well. which take place and are to be filmed in San that, like most authors "I want them {her She broke away from her Rice Rice also decid~ to expand Franscico, hadn't yet begun at the time of readers} to love me and never forget me. her voice beyond novels to try her Phoenix's death. Rice said that she doesn't voice as Rampling to investigate erotic Rice continued on pg 4 obsessions in a: contemporary setting in hand at writing movie scripts. Her know who his replacement will be. African and Oceanic Art at MFA Art Review By Diana Steinbock

On July 24, 1993, the Museum ofFine Arts opened an exhibit of African and Oceanic Sculpture. The African art primarily comes from both Western and Central areas while the Oceanic art, prin­ cipally from Melanesia. Looking at the plentitude of masks, figures, cups, staffs, instruments and weapons, I could see the power and importance these objects held in the lives of the people that they represent. Some are beautiful to look at while others are not as visually pleasing. But all had an intention and played an integral role in the lives of the people. In Africa. some objects are used to educate the young in the group's cul­ whether it is because the course design al­ major events, thoughts, and ideas change ture. The art can represent spirits, there­ P A TIE RNS continued from pg 1 lows them to do so, or if the group generally through history. In the course of history, fore linking the supernatural to the Ii ving personal teacher." performs well on essay tests. people change, students change, goals world. It can also represent the status of Gone are the small groups It would seem that the course has change, courses change, and the out­ the owner. in which points from weekly lectures followed its own lesson which notes that comes are often unpredictable. The Oceanic art, particularly and readings can be clarified before Melanesian, was used to connect the they are forgotten, as well as the spirit world with the people. Added to insight from a specific professor and the objects are bone and hair of the fellow classmates. Gained instead, is departed in order to attract their spirit. more content and information due to Some art was ·also educational as well as the added lecture in place of the ceremonial. small group meeting. Gone is the The art work is stylized and individual attention received from a abstracted and does take some getting personal professor. Gained is inter­ used to. But once one stops the struggle action during the lecture between the of "why isn't it depicted realistically?" students and the speaker. Gone are and one realizes that it was because the several accumulated grades with artists were not trying to produce a pho­ plenty of chances to improve. Gained tograph, but were trying to capture an is more time to read and understand essence. I found the result amazing. I the informati on before a test. Gone is started to feel the spirit and the power the "weeding in" of the students to myself. I sensed the magic behind masks college paper writing and testing. and the meaning behind each carving. It Also gone are numerous books to Carter Holmes Voula Lavalle is a different type of appreciation that buy and add to personal collections. p....a,mIJUS Safety Administrative Assistant will make you want to re-examine what Gained is a one price packet of ar­ 1 years at E mmanuel College 15 years at Emmanuel College we were brought up to believe was "art." ticles and excerpts from major works. like working at Emmanuel. Some of the "I enj oy working at Emmanuel... the col­ There is a difference, but not just in Lost is the second semester; gained IH UllKO ,U~ consider me a father away from lege communi ty has been very support­ appearance. is room for an (!xtra course. They ask me for advice on a variety ive." Our art is separate from us, There is a pretty good bal­ subjects." "What Campus Securi ty basically comes placed in a museum, critiqued, bought ance between what is gained and ""'U'-'"1.o3 should know that Campus Secu­ down to is Protect and Serve. Weare and sold. For the people of Africa and what is lo ~ t. However, it is much too is here to help them, and that they can only as far away as a phone call." Oceania. art has always played, and cur­ early to tell if losses outweight the to us for their safety needs." "Students have to realize that we are here rently plays, an integral and essential gains, or if the gains outweigh the to help them. With the forming of the part in their communi ties and indi vidual losses. The students seem to be do­ new Student Securi ty Council, we can lives. The exhibit ends Jul y 3, 1994. ing well so far, but because the pro­ resol ve some of the problems that some Don't miss it! gram is so new, it is hard to tell feel we have. THE CURRENT FOCUS - NOVEMBER 1993 PAGE 4 Beavis and Butt-Head Phenomenon FreshWoman Insight RICE continuedfrom pg 3 Book Review of Beavis and Butt-Head's This Book Sucks I want my books to matter." As evidenced by the outra­ record, with the school and Santa Clause, By Missy Miner By Debra Fitzgerald geously large numbers of fans who at­ seems to be encouraged here. Also As a new member of the Fresh tend her book signings and the creation I am a self admitted Beavis and throughout the book the phrase "School "woman" class and also of Emmanuel' s of The Vampire LestatFan Club, Anne Butt-Head fan. I have watched them Sucks" is thrown in for good measure. newspaper staff, I was asked to write a Rice has quite a loyal following. Her until the wee hours of the morning, laugh­ One part that caught my eye that seemed few words on this new class, of 1997. I fans range from blue-collar to students ing at their sadistic mannerisms. Yes, I exceedingly destructive was a section on sat and thought for a while, "What can I and academia and beyond. Rice is proud laughed, I laughed my head off at times; "Tattoos Rule!". This upsets me be­ possibly write about people I hardly even of the wide range of people she attracts. but I must admit that this laughter was cause I can only picture a mass of kids know?" I was stuck with writers block of "I'm delighted with the idea of reaching mindless until now. Mindless in that I walking around with a skull and LIFE some sort. Then it came to me, write a a big audience from all walks oflife, " she never actually looked at the audience SUCKS branded across their bodies (one poem, as I did for the elections (I am says. Because so many people are eager that these two bone heads are reaching. of the designs suggested by you know sorry, if it gets a bit repetitive). Another for her material, and partly for herself This Book Sucks is in cartoon who). dedication for the first year students that too, she says, "I try to give all I have to form. It looks like a book for younger This first part of my review is I have encountered: give," when she writes. children supplied complete with activi­ from a responsible adult's point of view. I see faces, brand new faces of people I Rice is sometimes referred to ties, which includes a word find, connect Young children, heck children under don't know as a modem-day Mary Shelley because, the dots, and even a "Let's Color" sec­ seventeen shouldn't be allowed to buy smiling faces of people who seem to care like Shelley, she writes about ideas in, as tion. The "Let's Color" section is a this book. Ideas for burning things, and I left alot as all of you did Rice puts it, "an unlikely way." picture of Mr. Anderson's house with ruining private property; which are I left my family but most hurtingly I left Like Shelley's Frankenstein is graffiti that reads "Bum Me", "Spank clearly listed in this book, should not be my friends the people who cared taken as serious literature, Rice hopes the Monkey", and "Beavis Sucks". Great available for young, naive children to but as I look at your smiling faces I see her work is also taken seriously. ideas for young children to follow. pick up. kindness "I believe," Rice says, "that a The book is a biographical ac­ Now let us tum to the view of a I see a friend in each of you book can be serious and meaningful at count of Beavis and Butt-Head's life loyal Beavis and Butt-Head fan . One these faces I have encountered with the same time as being entertaining." until this point. Complete with baby complaint I have is that the "HEH HEH I will see come and go for the next four She adds that Shelley's work reflects pictures, an explanation of the town, and HEH, HUH HUH HUH" of their laughs years this. its civilians. One interesting fact that I, every few lines is aggravating to the It will give me the courage to go on Anne Rice strongly asserts, "I as a Beavis and Butt-head fan, did not reader. I did think part of the text was without the influences in the past we believe the true meaning of being a good realize until reading this book was that amusing but yet sometimes went too far. have had, writer is to make books both entertaining the two boys are actually brothers. The baby pictures were a riot and I also without the ones we left behind. as well as serious and meaningful." There are many negative found myself amused by the "Guaran­ we will experience a new friendship or Thousands of fans agree that "vibes" coming from this 96 page "comic teed Effective Pickup Lines" section. two with each other Anne Rice lives up to her belief. book". Stewart Stevenson, a friend of To wrap it up, I will give this we will experience a new bonding Background information for Beavis and Butt-head, is criticized for book two ratings. A skull and cross bones these new faces will be this article is taken from Prism of the having "what you calla relationship with for the children and immature adults the heavens when we feel like hell Ni2ht - A Bjo2raphy of Anne Rice, by his parents". Speaking of family, their (like any other description would be fit the happiness when we feel like crying Katherine Ramsland, Plume 1992. family tree is filled with married cousins for a Beavis and Butt-Head fan); and a the shoulder when we need to cry and shadow figures of unknown rela­ thumbs up for sane fans who like the these group of girls will be our families tives spotting the genealogy. This is the break from rational, everyday life. It's these new faces will care for us when it epitome of a dysfunctional family . not worth the ten dollars but it seems like seems no one else does Tennis in Review The idea of having a permanent a great party favor. these new women will be the comfort in us all By Ellen McAdam us fresh"women" will be Crossword of the a family .... Despite a very rainy start, the Although I only know mostly tennis team's season was one of the best Stars only the second floor first year students; it has ever had. The team went into the from them alone I know we all care about season with a record of ten wins and By Ellen McAdam each other. This poem that I created is tllree losses. for IlS all. It is. a bit of a thank you for AU players contribul"...Ai to the tv V.A. '.', when I was homesick, when I needed the success of the team, either through ex­ comfort of someone's heart, I came to cellent playing or encouragement from some of you. We women will go through the sidelines. Through the hard work all the hardships of being away for the and effort of the team, they made it to the first time. We will all succeed, but we Northeast Women's Athletic Conference ~.' need each other's guidance in order to do League Tournament at Colby Sawyer so. College in New London, New Hamp­ RHC continued from pg 1 shire. The team placed second in the tournament, with two players, Dawn 1st floor; and Dawn Harrison, 4th floor. Harrison ('95), and Valerie Marcel ('97), Members of the Food Committee are making the all tournament team. Eileen Laggase, Secretary; Kristen Tozza, 1st floor; Margaret Crawford, 3rd floor; Suzanne BiggiUls, 2nd floor; THANK YOU cm TRAN and Vanessa Dechellis, 4th floor. Mem­ ~ dedicated Computer LabWorkel bers of the Security Committee are Sonia for your patience and Edghill, President; Jen Talbot, 6th floor; understanding ~u ~~-!~ ~ '.I.... 1 ••• \ Nelsy Holmes, 6th floor; Michelle Gagne, during our / ...... • ··· L 5th floor; and Katie McNamara, 2nd final hours Qf floor. layout! &~~~; The R.H.C meets weekly on Tuesday nights at 9: 30pm in S t. Joseph's Foyer with the Director of Residential ~'. Life, Jonna Creed, the Council's advi­ ·HEWPREMlUM sor. The meetings are open to the entire community and anyone with concerns or DEUTRAYSI '.'''' suggestions is encouraged to attend. Resi­ dents are also encouraged to become acquainted with their floor representa­ CLUES ACROSS: CLUES DOWN: tives and to bring to their attention any 3. Your horoscope will tell you 1. With 3 ACROSS issues that need to be addressed. about__ and __(with 1 Down). 2. The GOAT 4. Glowing matters in the sky. 6. The WATER BEARER *Eight different trays 5. Your horoscope can be very ___ 7. The LION *Perfect for your next meeting or get 6. The study of stars. 8. The SCORPIAN NEW OR REFURBISHED COMPUT!RS, DISPLAYS, PRINTERS, LAPTOPS, ETC. together. 9. The FISHES 10. The BULL LOWEST PRICES AVAILABLE II *It's the easy way to serve your gues 12. The CRAB 11. A "great" pick up line, "What's your 18W 2,. NEe 311 MACINTOSH Sf 13. The SCALES ,'M.OO $3".00 S3H.OO ~_AIOA'_ at a price you can afford. 15. The VIRGIN 14. The TWINS ~ (po'cIo ...... _-*Yl call: ~ 16. The CENTAUR 1·800·853·2667 Bob Ross 735-9952 ~ 17. The RAM