Hawke's - Roddicton Trail: Part I - Alternative Route [Ammended July 2005] Map 15 /I Legend Highlands of St. John New IAT Route

Existing Route

Roads/ Trails

Contour Lines r e iv R Streams/ Rivers


Vegetation t s a E

Do cto rs B ro ok 0 0 0 0 0

East River 0 .

Gree n Isl and Pin Co 0 S es C ve hoa ov e S l Co and ve ig y C B St. Anthony

Northwest 0 ov e Arm H Savage Cove Hare I o H w r e Nameless Cove Ireland's Pt 0 Flower's Cove Hare Bay Goose C ove D ea Be Seabird Sanctuary ov e d ar se C t 0 m a C Ecological Reserve Goo as n' ov E s C e HA ov OF BELLE ISLE RE e Brent B A 2 Genge Point Anchor Point West Spring I Y B Long I Pi roo Great Cormorandier k Maiden n C ov Pt 6 Black Duck Covee Arm I Forresters Point St. B ar be Ariege (Belvy) Bay

Main Brook 5 Island Ste. Genevieve Fischot Islands Bay Burnt Village First Salmon Great Hr ke Pond Pond Cove a k L B Seal Point e Tom Roses il Pond M St. Juliens Blue Cove n St. Julien Island B Old Ferolle Grand Te Round Lake t ir I Pond s White Hump d Plu r e St C m ve w Pd . M ov P oi i th a e nt on R u Sho rga Salm o al C re Brig S ove t B Croque Croque Harbour ay Bay Ferolle Point Coles Pond Windy Point le THREE MILE LAKE rol Reefs Fe Hr Eagle ew N Pt y ark Ba kb er B r nt Oa eav ro ilie Poi B o P amid k Py Groais Bartlett's Harbour CAPE ROUGE James I Northeast Crouse Island Castors River C Twin Islands Fox Islands apeRo Leg ugeHarbour

Cove y id Pond C Squ a Conche o B Roddickton



e h

North Summit n e C Turr Islands H ap e GREY ISLANDS St. John m a F i o r x Island Hare I h b

C o Round Head Bide Arm u Island r m F r is 430 A h r Pt e B Hunt iv Otter Cove e ers P o d ar int R i bac Brown Rock Point e Eddies CovWe est B Po Torrent Cove int d BELL ISLAND ou Englee Cl Canada Gar gamelle Northwest Pt er Bay Point Riche Riv Grey Is lands Harbour st Ea Canada Head Ile aux Canes Canada Harbour Port S aunders Western Brook R i Pond ve ay r s B ke t Hooping Har bour S aw To rren pirity Point H Hawke's Bay Hooping Harbour D uck bill E P o int C Williamsport N Fourché Harbour River R E ive S of Ponds r o ouf Granite Point Lake f P flets R on R ds S i ve W N r A I L A T

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F Map created by: Information provided by: Projection Information: Grid Projection: resp O onsibility for the integrety Maps 12 I/14 & 12 I/19


Inland Fish & Wildlife Division HQ NAD 83/ TM/ Zone 21 Mr. Paul Wylezol and IAT NL NAD 83/ UTM/ Zone 21 oFf the information provided. Corner Brook, Winter 2004/ 2005 L U G

s in ta n u o M

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g n o L