Securing the future…  Improving services  Enhancing quality of life  Making the best use of public resources

Council Building 2 High Street Perth PH1 5PH

23 October 2018

A Meeting of the Housing and Communities Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, 2 High Street, Perth, PH1 5PH on Wednesday, 31 October 2018 at 10:00.

Note: The Convener will ask the Committee to agree to vary the order of business to take Items P1 and P2 (exempt business) following Item 3 on the agenda at the commencement of the meeting.

If you have any queries please contact Committee Services on (01738) 475000 or email [email protected].

KAREN REID Chief Executive

Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are in silent mode.

Please note that the meeting will be recorded and will be publicly available on the Council’s website following the meeting.

Members: Councillor Peter Barrett (Convener) Councillor Richard Watters

Councillor Bob Brawn (Vice-Convener) Councillor Chris Ahern Councillor Alasdair Bailey Councillor Harry Coates Councillor Eric Drysdale Councillor Tom Gray Councillor David Illingworth Councillor Sheila McCole Councillor Tom McEwan Councillor Crawford Reid Councillor Caroline Shiers

Page 1 of 156 Page 2 of 156 Housing and Communities Committee

Wednesday, 31 October 2018







4(i) SCOTTISH FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE QUARTERLY 11 - 34 PERFORMANCE REPORT - 1 JULY 2018 TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 Report by Area Manager G Pryde, Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (copy herewith 18/343)

4(ii) LOCAL POLICING AREA - 35 - 50 PERFORMANCE RESULTS - 1 JULY 2018 TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 Report by Chief Superintendent A Todd, Police Scotland 'D' Division (Tayside) (copy herewith 18/344)

5 PERTH AND KINROSS COMMUNITY JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP 51 - 92 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (copy herewith 18/345)

6 COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP UPDATE 93 - 98 Report by Depute Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer (copy herewith 18/342)

7 HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENT SIX MONTH PERFORMANCE 99 - 116 SUMMARY 2018/19 - EXCEPTION REPORT Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (copy herewith 18/346)

Page 3 of 156 Note: The above report will also be submitted to the meetings of the Environment and Infrastructure Committee on 7 November 2018 and to the Scrutiny Committee on 28 November 2018.

8 RAPID REHOUSING TRANSITION PLAN 117 - 126 Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (copy herewith 18/347)

9 STRATEGIC HOUSING INVESTMENT PLAN 127 - 156 Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (copy herewith 18/348)






Meeting of the Minute of the Housing and Communities Committee held in the Council Chambers, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 22 August 2018 at 10.00am.

Present: Councillors P Barrett, B Brawn, K Baird (substituting for Councillor C Shiers), C Ahern, A Bailey, E Drysdale, T Gray, D Illingworth, S McCole, T McEwan, R Watters and W Wilson (substituting for Councillor H Coates).

In Attendance: B Renton, Executive Director (Housing and Environment Service); C Mailer, J McCall, G Conway, N Robson, N Rogerson, C Hendry, E Ritchie, M Dow, D McPhee and P Turner (all Housing and Community Safety); C Flynn, S Richards, and A Taylor (all Corporate and Democratic Services).

Also in Attendance: Chief Superintendent G Murdoch and Inspector K Chase (both Police Scotland); Area Manager G Pryde (Scottish Fire and Rescue Service); C Stewart and T Bremner (both Tenants’ Representatives).

Apologies: Councillor H Coates, C Shiers and C Reid.

Councillor Barrett, Convener, Presiding.

Prior to the commencement of business:

(i) Liz Dewar

The Convener paid tribute to former Tenants’ and Residents’ Representative Liz Dewar, who sadly passed away last month.


The Convener welcomed all those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence and substitutes were noted as above.


There were no declarations of interest made in terms of the Councillors Code of Conduct.


The minute of the meeting of the Housing and Communities Committee of 16 May 2018 (Art. 257-266) was submitted and approved as a correct record and authorised for signature.






The Committee received and noted a verbal report from Area Manager G Pryde of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) on information which was not to be made publically available.


Police Scotland had no operational update to report.



(i) Fire and Rescue Quarterly Performance Report – 1 April to 30 June 2018

There was submitted a report by Area Manager G Pryde, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (18/251) on the performance of the SFRS against the priorities, performance indicators and targets detailed within the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth and Kinross 2017-20, for the first quarter, 1 April to 30 June 2018.

Councillor Drysdale made reference to the issue of road traffic collision casualties, fatal and non-fatal, and that targets are set by SFRS without any clear way of directly influencing the number of causalities, he queried to what extent this was an appropriate measure of the effectiveness of the service, Area Manager Pryde advised that this was a key risk within Perth and Kinross, SFRS as part of a multi agency group were focussing activity on providing support through educational work with schools and through the Road Safety Group to try and continue to drive the figures down further.

Councillor Drysdale further stated that although he noted the number of casualties had improved he further queried to what extent were the injuries/casualties to drivers and passengers of vehicles and what extent were to pedestrians/cyclists. In response, Area Manager Pryde


advised that any road traffic collision they attend will come in via the Ambulance Service or Police Scotland. He advised that they only respond to incidents where people require to be extricated from a vehicle, if the incident involved a pedestrian or a cyclist then the Fire Service would not normally attend.

Councillor Wilson made reference to the number of fire safety visits that were being carried out and queried whether there was a targeting strategy for these visits. In response Area Manager Pryde advised that SFRS have a risk rating profile for every premise which is completed prior to carrying out the fire safety visit and reviewed after the visit and will record any significant improvements made.

Councillor McCole made reference to unwanted fire alarm systems and the fact that a significant number of the accidental fire alarms set off were due to equipment failure, she queried whether there were any statistics which would help identify any make or model of file alarm systems or repeat offenders or locations where the fire alarms go off persistently. In response Area Manager Pryde confirmed that every time SFRS attend an unwanted fire alarm call operational crews implement the unwanted fire alarm signal policy. The crew will record information from engagement with, the owner/occupier of the premises and will offer support and advice to identify the cause and put in place any remedial actions identified in order to prevent repeat calls. Area Manager Pryde further advised that SFRS have the figures for the whole Tayside area and if any specific issues arise these will be targeted, however there is the ability to feed the local information into the National Fire and Rescue Service to identify any national trends.

Councillor Brawn queried our readiness to deal with the potential threat caused by wildfires in rural areas, Area Manager Pryde advised that there is a national lead for wildfires, and there is a wildfire strategy for Scotland, he assured members that SFRS have the correct resources to deal with wildfires in this area.

Resolved: The performance of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in Perth and Kinross area for the first quarter, 1 April to 30 June 2018, as detailed in Report 18/251, be noted.

(ii) Perth and Kinross Local Policing Area Performance Results – 1 January to 31 March 2018

There was submitted a report by Chief Superintendent P Anderson, Police Scotland ‘D’ Division (Tayside) (18/252) on the performance of Police Scotland against the local policing priorities for the Perth and Kinross area as set out in the Local Policing Plan for the first quarter, 1 April to 30 June 2018 and also detailing the year-end performance figures for April 2017 to March 2018 previously subject to an embargo.


Councillor Drysdale made reference to the detection rate indicators detailed in the report and noted that these had fallen during the quarter, he queried whether these were down due to the major incidents that have occurred and also the number of high profile events that have taken place over the summer, Chief Superintendent Murdoch advised that there will be a clearer picture of this at the end of Quarter 2.

Councillor McEwen made reference to the statistics on theft by shoplifting and queried whether this data could be broken down further as there may be social cases were people are shoplifting food and not for personal gain, Inspector Chase assured members that during operational meetings they do look at offenders, their backgrounds and other vulnerability factors involved but stressed that it would be extremely difficult for them to collate separate statistics.

Councillor Drysdale asked if statistics could be made available comparing the performance of Perth and Kinross with the national picture, Chief Superintendent Murdoch advised that Police Scotland would be making management information available within the next few weeks. This information would include performance against all crime groups broken down by local authority area and would allow for comparisons.

Councillor Wilson made reference to the recent change to the minimum pricing of alcohol and queried whether this was perhaps attributable to the reduction of incidents, Inspector Chase advised that it was too early to comment.

Resolved: The performance of Police Scotland against the local policing priorities for the Perth and Kinross area as detailed in Report 18/252 be noted.



There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (18/250) providing an update on the activities of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP).

Resolved: The progress made in relation to Community Planning be noted.



There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (18/253) presenting the first Housing and Environment Business Management Improvement Plan for the period 2018-19.

Resolved: (i) The Housing and Environment Business Management and Improvement Plan 2018-19, for the Housing and Communities Committees areas of responsibility as detailed in Appendix 1 to Report 18/253 be approved. (ii) It be noted that Report 18/253 would also be submitted to the Environment and Infrastructure Committee for consideration and approval for their specific area of interest on 5 September 2018. (iii) It be noted that Report 18/253 would be submitted to the Scrutiny Committee on 12 September for scrutiny and comment as appropriate.


There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) (18/254) presenting the key priority actions for 2018-19 for Criminal Justice Services.

Resolved: (i) The priority actions for Criminal Justice Services, as detailed in Appendix 1 to Report 18/254, be approved. (ii) It be noted that the Education and Children’s Services Improvement Plan 2018-19 would be considered by the Lifelong Learning Committee later that day and would also be submitted to the Scrutiny Committee on 12 September 2018 for scrutiny and comment as appropriate.


There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (18/255) (1) noting the progress in implementing the Local Housing Strategy for Perth and Kinross which was approved at Housing and Health Committee in May 2016; and (2) the approval of a revised action plan for 2018-2019.

Resolved: (i) The progress in implementing the actions set out in the Local Housing Strategy, attached as Appendix 1 to Report 18/255, be noted. (ii) The revised action plan, as outlined in Appendix 2 to Report 18/255, be approved.



There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) (18/256) providing an update for the period 2016/17 on the operation of Community Payback Orders in Perth and Kinross.

Resolved: (i) The work undertaken by the Public Protection and Unpaid Work Teams in respect of Community Payback Orders in Perth and Kinross, be noted. (ii) The Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) be instructed to bring forward a report on the activity and performance of Community Payback Orders for 2017/18 within 12 months.


There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (18/257) seeking approval to sign up to the ‘Make a Stand’ pledge and to promote the Council’s commitment and participation via the Perth and Kinross Council website, various social media channels and other appropriate platforms.

Resolved: (i) It be approved that Perth and Kinross Council sign up to the ‘Make a Stand’ Pledge. (ii) The work currently underway to support people experiencing domestic abuse be noted. (iii) Further enhancements to our approach to addressing and responding to domestic abuse as detailed in section 2.5 of Report 18/257 be supported



There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (18/258) seeking approval for a revised Gypsy/Traveller Strategy 2018-21.

Resolved: (i) The contents of Report 18/258 be approved. (ii) The revised Gypsy/Traveller Strategy 2018-21 as detailed in Appendix 1 to Report 18/258, be noted. (iii) It be agreed that the report be shared with the Community Planning Partnership for their approval. (iv) The Executive Director (Housing and Environment) be instructed to bring back an annual update on the Strategy’s progress to Committee in August 2019.




31 OCTOBER 2018

Report by Area Manager Gordon Pryde, Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (Report No. 18/343)



Abstract The Reports contain performance information relating to the Second quarter (July – September) of 2018-19 on the performance of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in support of Member scrutiny of local service delivery.


To provide information for the Committee regarding the performance of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, against the priorities, performance indicators and targets detailed within the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth and Kinross 2017-20, to facilitate local scrutiny.


It is recommended that members:

Note, scrutinise and question the content of this report.




4.1 A performance management framework has been developed to facilitate the monitoring of performance against the agreed priorities and outcomes ensuring effective targeting of resources and the principles of Best Value are met.

4.2 The Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017-20 was approved by the Housing and Communities Committee on the 1st t of November 2017.


4.3 The priorities and outcomes contained within the Local Fire and Rescue Plan reflect ‘place’ and the contribution of Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to the Perth and Kinross Community Plan (LOIP) 2017-27 and Community Planning Partnership.

4.4 In summary the following local priorities and targets are detailed within the plan:

Priority 1 - Improving Fire Safety in the Home Priority 2 - Improving Fire Safety and Resilience in the Business Community Priority 3 - Minimising the Impact of Unintentional Harm Priority 4 - Reducing Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals Priority 5 - Reducing Deliberate Fires Priority 6 - Effective Risk Management and Operational Preparedness

4.5 Appendix 1 attached to this report provides a detailed breakdown and analysis of all data collected during the reporting period. A performance summary and scorecard is detailed on page 6 of the report. In addition further sections are included to provide Members with an overview of a range of notable incidents and events undertaken by the local personnel/stations in support of prevention activities and preparation for emergency response.


6 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 6.1 There are no environmental issues arising as a consequence of this report.

7 SUMMARY 7.1 The attached report updates members regarding significant community safety engagement activities and operational matters; and gives context to the performance of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in the Perth and Kinross area.

Area Manager Gordon Pryde Local Senior Officer Perth & Kinross, Angus and Dundee Fire and Rescue Headquarters Blackness Road, Dundee DD1 5PA

Page 12 of 156 4(i)


Covering the activities and performance in support of the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017

Quarter Two: 2018/19


The activity totals and other statistics quoted in this report are provisional in nature and subject to change as a result of ongoing quality assurance and review.

Because all statistics quoted are provisional there may be differences in the period totals quoted in our reports after original publication which result from revisions or additions to the data on our systems.

From 2015-16 onwards responsibility for the publication of end-year statistical data transferred from the Scottish Government to the SFRS. This change of responsibility does not change the status of the figures quoted in this and other SFRS reports reported to the Committee.

2 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 14 of 156 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE

Introduction 5

Quarterly Performance Summary 6

Quarterly Performance Highlights 7

Priority 1 - Improving Fire Safety in The Home 8

HI 1 – Accidental Dwelling Fires (ADF) 8

HI 2 – ADF Fatal Casualties 8

HI 3 – ADF Non-Fatal Casualties 8

Priority 2 - Improving Fire Safety and Resilience in the Business Community 10

HI 4 - Non-Domestic Building Fires 10

HI 5 – Fatal Casualties in Non-Domestic Buildings 10

HI 6 – Non-Fatal Casualties in Non-Domestic Buildings 10

Priority 3 - Minimising the Impact of Unintentional Harm 12

HI 7 – Road Traffic Collision (RTC) Incidents 12

HI 8 – Fatal RTC Casualties 12

HI 9 – Non-Fatal RTC Casualties 12

Priority 4 - Reducing Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals 14

HI 10 – Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals (UFAS) 14

Priority 5 - Reducing Deliberate Fires 16

HI 11 – Deliberate Primary Fires 16

HI 12 – Deliberate Secondary Fires 16

Priority 6 - Effective Risk Management and Operational Preparedness 18

Activity Update



3 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance

Page 15 of 156 This page is intentionally blank

4 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 16 of 156 INTRODUCTION

This is the quarter two monitoring report covering the SFRS’s performance and activities in support of the six priorities in the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017, namely:

· Priority 1 - Improving fire safety in the home · Priority 2 - Improving fire safety and resilience in the business community · Priority 3 - Minimising the impact of unintentional harm · Priority 4 - Reducing unwanted fire alarm signals · Priority 5 - Reducing deliberate fires · Priority 6 - Effective risk management and operational preparedness

As well as supporting the six priorities in the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross, this monitoring report shows how SFRS activities and performance contribute to the wider priorities of the Perth & Kinross Council Community Planning Partnership (CPP), as set out in the Perth & Kinross Community Plan (LOIP).

The figures in this report are provisional, to provide the Committee with the SFRS’s direction of travel in the Perth & Kinross area, in terms of performance against headline indicators and targets. Most figures will not change; however, members should note that there may be some small variations for some indicators when the final confirmed figures are published by the SFRS.

The Perth & Kinross Council Housing and Communities Committee agreed the new Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross on 1 November 2017, covering the 3 year period from 1 November 2017 to October 2020. In support of delivering the priorities in this plan, 12 headline indicators and targets have been set, and form the basis of this quarterly monitoring report.

5 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 17 of 156 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY The table below provides a summary of quarter two activity and year to date (YTD) performance against headline indicators and annual targets. It aims to provide – at a glance – our direction of travel during the current reporting year.

HI 1 HI 2 HI 3 Accident Dwelling Fires ADF Fatal Casualties ADF Non-Fatal Casualties

Q2 – 26 Incidents Q2 – 0 Q2 – 2 YTD – 48 Incidents YTD – 0 YTD – 4 Annual Target – 122 Incidents Annual Target – 0 Annual Target – 20 HI 4 HI 5 HI 6 Non-domestic Building fires Fatal Casualties in Non-Domestic Non-Fatal Casualties in Non- Building Fires Domestic Building Fires

Q2 – 12 Incidents Q2 – 0 Q2 – 0 YTD – 12 Incidents YTD – 0 YTD – 0 Annual Target – 66 Incidents Annual Target – 0 Annual Target – 2 HI 7 HI 8 HI 9 Road Traffic Collision (RTC) Fatal RTC Casualties Non-Fatal RTC Casualties Incidents

Q2 – 18 Incidents Q2 – 2 Q2 – 18 YTD – 39 Incidents YTD – 4 YTD – 36 Annual Target – 89 Incidents Annual Target – 4 Annual Target – 66 HI 10 HI 11 HI 12 Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals Deliberate Primary Fires Deliberate Secondary Fires

Q2 –155 Incidents Q2 – 3 Incidents Q2 – 22 Incidents YTD – 305 Incidents YTD – 11 Incidents YTD – 57 Incidents Annual Target – 593 Incidents Annual Target – 30 Incidents Annual Target – 75 Incidents

Year-to-Date Legend Below headline target

Less than 10% above headline target

More than 10% above headline target

6 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 18 of 156


During Quarter two (July - September) the SRFS attended a total of 539 incidents across Perth & Kinross.

Perth & Kinross Quarter Two Incident Breakdown

Accidental Fires Incomplete 14% 10%

Deliberate Fires 5%

Special Service False Alarms 14% 57%

Accidental Fires Deliberate Fires Special Service False Alarms Incomplete

Of the 12 headline indicators and targets, the following performance should be noted for Quarter Two 2018/19:

· The number of Accidental Dwelling Fires (ADF’s) continues to reflect a decrease in the long term. The performance during quarter two reflects a slight increase on last quarter and an 11% decrease on the year to date (YTD) target. · There were zero ADF Fatal Casualties during this reporting period. The number of ADF Non-fatal Casualties continues to reduce over the long-term. The performance during quarter two is reporting the lowest number of casualties for the last five years. · The number of Non-Domestic Building fires remains relatively constant over the long-term with low numbers. The performance during quarter two is reporting the lowest number of fires over the previous 3 years, whilst also reporting the lowest number of fires compared with the previous five years. There were no fatal or non-fatal casualties during quarter two in non-domestic fires. · The number of Road Traffic Collisions for quarter two is reporting a significant decrease (30%) against the 3 year average for this quarter over the previous last 3 years. There is a significant decrease (33%) on the same quarter last year. The number of Fatal RTC Casualties remains relatively low with two this quarter, whilst the number of Non-Fatal RTC Causalities are reflecting a decrease (10%) on the 3 years average for quarter two, a decrease (25%) on the same quarter last year, and a slight increase of 1 casualty one on last quarter. · The number of Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals (UFAS) caused by automatic fire alarms (AFAs) in non-domestic buildings reflects a decrease (8%) on the 3 year average for this quarter whilst also reflecting a decrease (7%) on the same quarter last year.

· The number of Deliberate Secondary Fires are reflecting similar in number compared with the three year average during quarter two, whilst reflecting a slight decrease (5%) against the same quarter last year and a decrease (35%) on the last quarter.

7 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 19 of 156 PRIORITY 1 - IMPROVING FIRE SAFETY IN THE HOME

HI 1 – Accidental Dwelling Fires (ADF)

Table 1: Year to Date (April to June) Performance 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Annual Target H1: ADF’s 59 67 51 48 122

HI 2 - ADF Fatal Casualties & HI 3 - ADF Non-Fatal Casualties

HI 2 & HI 3 - Quarter Two 12 10 10


6 4 4 2 2 2

0 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19

ADF Fatal Fire Casualties ADF Non-Fatal Fire Casualties 3yr Average

Table 2: Year to Date (April to June) Performance

Annual 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Target H2: ADF Fatal Casualties 0 0 1 0 0

H3: ADF Non-Fatal Casualties 14 12 10 4 20

8 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 20 of 156 Indicator Description The largest single type of primary fire in Perth & Kinross is accidental fires in the home and their prevention is a key focus of the Service’s community safety activity.

HI 1 – Accidental Dwelling Fires (ADF) As a headline target, the aim is to reduce the rate of ADF’s, in a growing Perth & Kinross population, by keeping these fires below 122, each year.

HI 2 – ADF Fatal Casualties This indicator counts those people for whom fire has been clearly identified as the cause of death, even if they die some-time after the actual fire. Those who die at, or after, the fire but where fire is not identified as the cause of death are not included in these figures. As a headline target, the aim is to have Zero ADF Fatal Casualties, in Perth & Kinross each year.

HI 3 – ADF Non-Fatal Casualties This headline target counts all types of non-fatal fire injury in the home, including precautionary checks. As a headline target, the aim is to reduce the risk of injury from fire in the home, in an increasing Perth & Kinross population, by keeping fire injuries below 20, each year.

What we aim to Achieve As well as helping to deliver Priority One: Improving Fire Safety in the Home, meeting the headline targets will also support a long term Vision in the Perth & Kinross LOIP.

We also link this headline target to improving the following Perth & Kinross LOIP objectives: · Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens · Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives · Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations

Performance Management There were 26 ADF’s reported during quarter two, which is comparable with the 3 year average for the same quarter. The fire damage in 23 incidents was reported as low level, whilst two were limited to one room and one sustained serious damage. The total number of ADF’s continues to decrease over the long term as a result of a number of community safety initiatives delivered through partnership working. Of the 26 fires 18 were fitted with smoke detection, of which 15 operated and gave early warning to the occupiers. We are therefore showing Green for achieving the HI 1 annual target.

There were zero ADF Fatal Casualties during quarter two and year to date. We are therefore showing Green for achieving the HI 2 annual target.

There were two ADF Non-Fatal Casualties during quarter two, the lowest recorded over the last five years. Both casualties were elderly females treated for smoke inhalation. We are showing Green for achieving the HI 3 annual target.

Within Perth & Kinross we will continue to work with our partners to ensure we positively contribute to driving down the risk to our communities and Staff by analysis of our operational activities and targeting those most at risk and vulnerable, particularly around unintentional harm in the home. These targeted initiatives will continue to develop and improve as we move forward together to ensure we provide the most appropriate support for our communities with regard to unintentional harm.

9 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 21 of 156 PRIORITY 2 – IMPROVING FIRE SAFETY AND RESILIENCE IN THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY

HI 4 - Non-domestic Building Fires

HI 4 - Quarter Two 25





0 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19

Incidents 3yr Average Rate per 10,000 Population

Table 3: Year to Date (April to June) Performance

Annual 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Target H4: Non-domestic Building 36 37 22 18 57 Fires

HI 5 – Fatal Fire Casualties in Non-domestic Buildings & HI 6 – Non-Fatal Fire Casualties in Non-domestic Buildings

HI 5 & HI 6 - Quarter Two 4


2 2


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19

All Fatal Fire Casualties All Non-Fatal Fire Casualties

Table 4: Year to Date (April to June) Performance Annual 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Target H5: Fatal Fire Casualties 0 0 0 0 0 H6: Non-Fatal Fire Casualties 3 0 1 0 1

10 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 22 of 156 Indicator Description These headline indicators and targets cover the types of non-domestic buildings applicable to Part 3 of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 (‘The Act’) (e.g. care homes, hotels and hospitals etc.) and is designed to reflect the effectiveness of fire safety management in respect of these types of buildings.

HI 4 - Non-domestic Building Fires Applicable to the Act As a headline target, the aim is to reduce the rate of fires in non-domestic buildings (where The Act applies), by keeping these fires below 57, in Perth & Kinross each year. The numbers as currently well below this target.

HI 5 – Fatal Fire Casualties in Non-domestic Building Fires Applicable to the Act This indicator counts those people for whom fire has been clearly identified as the cause of death, even if they die sometime after the actual fire. Those who die at, or after, the fire but where fire is not identified as the cause of death are not included in these figures. As a headline target, the aim is to have Zero Fatal Fire Casualties in non- domestic buildings applicable to the Act, in Perth & Kinross each year.

HI 6 – Non-fatal Fire Casualties in Non-domestic Building Fires Applicable to the Act This headline target counts all types of non-fatal fire injury in non-domestic buildings, including precautionary checks. As a headline target, the aim is to reduce risk of injury from fire in non-domestic buildings, by keeping fire injuries below 1, in Perth & Kinross each year, the numbers are currently below the target.

What we aim to Achieve As well as helping to deliver Priority Two: Improving Fire Safety and Resilience in the Business Community, we also link this headline target to improving the following Perth & Kinross LOIP outcomes: · Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy · Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives · Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations

Performance Management There were 7 fires in non-domestic building fires during quarter two which reflects the lowest number of fires for the last five years. Six of the incidents resulted in minor damage, one with fire damage limited to one room. This also reflects a significant decrease (37%) on the last year to date target. This therefore is showing Green for achieving the HI 4 against the annual target to date.

There were zero Non-Domestic Fatal Casualties during quarter two. There have been no fatal casualties for over 5 years and we are therefore showing Green for achieving the HI 5 annual target to date.

There were zero Non-Domestic Non-Fatal Casualties during quarter two. We are showing Green for achieving the HI 6 annual target to date.

In total, 133 fire safety audits were targeted at high life risk non-domestic buildings for quarter one and two, which included 26 post fire audits, and meets our target part of the annual audit programme. These fires can often have a serious impact on our local business sector and wider economy, as a fire within companies’ premises often results in significant monetary loss and in the worst cases, loss of employment for staff. Our Fire Safety Enforcement Officers (FSEO’s) will continue to provide the most appropriate level of support to local businesses to enable suitable and timely legislative fire safety guidance and enforcement to be undertaken. We also continue to engage with business forums to ensure the right level of information is given to the business community.

11 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 23 of 156 PRIORITY 3 – MINIMISING THE IMPACT OF UNINTENTIONAL HARM

HI 7 – Road Traffic Collision (RTC) Incidents

HI 7 - Quarter Two 35 30 30 27 27 25

20 18




0 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19

RTC 3yr Average

Table 5: Year to Date (April to March) Performance

Annual 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Target H7: RTC Incidents 42 46 59 39 89

HI 8 – Fatal RTC Casualties & H9 – Non-Fatal RTC Casualties

HI 8 & HI 9 - Quarter Two 30

24 25 20 20 18

14 15


5 2 2 0 0 0 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19

Fatalities Casualties 3yr Average

Table 6: Year to Date (April to March) Performance

Annual 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Target H8: Fatal RTC Casualties 3 3 3 4 4 H9: Non-Fatal RTC Casualties 24 36 56 36 66

12 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 24 of 156 Indicator Description The SFRS has become increasingly involved in more non-fire related prevention work, in support of its role in promoting the wider safety and well-being of its communities, including minimising the impact of unintentional harm. The headline indicators and targets reflect the fact that most of non-fire related incidents attended by the SFRS in Perth & Kinross are RTC Incidents.

HI 7 - RTC Incidents As a headline target, the aim is to reduce the rate of RTC incidents, by keeping them below 89 each year.

HI 8 – Fatal RTC Casualties As a headline target, the aim is to reduce the risk of death from RTC’s in Perth & Kinross, by keeping them below 4 each year.

HI 9 - Non-fatal RTC Casualties As a headline target, the aim is to reduce the risk of injury from RTC’s in Perth & Kinross, by keeping non-fire injuries below 66 each year.

What we aim to Achieve As well as helping to deliver Priority Three: Minimising the Impact of Unintentional Harm, we also link these headline targets to improving the following Perth & Kinross LOIP outcomes: · Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens · Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives · Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations

Performance Management

We attended 18 RTC Incidents, to assist in safety of the incident scene and release/extricate occupants trapped of the vehicles as a result of a collision. This is a decrease (33%) in comparison to the same quarter in 2017/18 when there were 27, whilst reporting a reduction (29%) on the 3 year average (26) for this quarter and a slight decrease in the number RTCs last quarter (Q1 2018/19). We are showing Green for achieving the HI 7 annual target.

Of the 18 RTC Incidents we attended during quarter two there were two fatalities which is comparable with previous years for this quarter. We are showing Red for achieving the HI 8 annual target.

Of the 18 RTC Incidents we attended during quarter two, there were 18 non-fatal casualties which reflects a slight decrease in the three year average however the year to date casualties reflects an increase in RTC casualties against our target. We are showing Red for achieving the HI 9 annual target.

This type of incident accounts for around 3% of all incidents and 23% of all special service incidents attended this quarter. However these types of incidents account for a high number of casualties every year which requires a partnership approach to reduce these risks. Road Safety within Perth & Kinross is going through a refresh with a Road Safety Partnership being re-established to ensure we review our current position. This multi-agency group is reviewing this area of work locally with a view to establishing priorities for the partnership moving forward which will influence the content of Perth and Kinross Road Safety plan and subsequent actions. These actions will ensure, as a partnership, we work towards Road Safety initiatives that will reduce the impact of RTC locally.

13 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 25 of 156 PRIORITY 4 - REDUCING UNWANTED FIRE ALARM SIGNALS

HI 10 – Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals

HI 10 - Quarter Two

175 172

168 170 167


160 155 155


145 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19

UFAS Incidents 3yr Average

Table 7: Year to Date (April to March) Performance

Annual 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Target HI 10: UFAS Incidents 276 323 315 310 593

All False Alarms for Quarter two

ALL False Alarms (306) - UFAS = 51%

Malicious 4% Good Intent 17%

Equipment Faliure 79%

Equipment Faliure Good Intent Malicious

14 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 26 of 156 Indicator Description Automatic Fire alarms (AFA) are fundamental to providing early warning from fire, giving people the chance to evacuate safely. However, to be effective, they must be properly installed and maintained, and a good fire safety management regime must be in place by the duty holder, so they do not activate when there is no fire.

Every Unwanted Fire Alarm Signal (UFAS) from an AFA has an impact in terms of unnecessary blue light journeys, redirecting SFRS resources away from other activities such as community safety work and causing considerable disruption to businesses.

HI 10 – Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals (UFAS) As a headline target, the aim is to improve fire safety management and awareness, by reducing the number of attendances to unwanted fire alarm signals (UFAS) from automatic systems in non-domestic buildings to less than 593 each year.

What we aim to Achieve As well as helping to deliver Priority Four: Reducing Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals, we also link this headline target to improving the following Perth & Kinross LOIP outcome: · Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy

Performance Management

During quarter two 2018/19, SFRS were called out to 155 UFAS from a total of 305 False Alarms. This is a decrease (7%) in comparison to the same quarter in 2017/18 when there were 167 UFAS whilst reflecting comparable numbers year on year. In total, UFAS accounted for 29% of our total operational demand and were the cause of 51% of all false alarms in Perth & Kinross during quarter two.

All false alarms are continuing to report a slight downward trend which we will continue to work towards through a number of targeted initiatives driven by SFRS as well as local staff.

The table below lists the 5 property types that had persistent call-outs due to UFAS during quarter two. When analysed further, it is the same property types that are causing UFAS in Perth & Kinross and nationally, the picture is very similar.

Property Types UFAS Residential - Home, Nursing/Care, school, sheltered 37 Education, school 32 Retail/Offices 26 Industrial Processing 14 Entertainment and culture 9

During quarter two our operational crews continue to investigate the cause of every UFAS event to ensure the appropriate level of engagement with the duty holder when in attendance at these call-outs. Every UFAS incident SFRS attend is used as an opportunity to educate the duty holder about the impact UFAS has on their businesses, the community and the Fire and Recue Service.

The number of all False Alarms attended by SFRS is on a steady decrease year on year. Based on the annual AFAS Target we have set we are currently showing Amber for achieving the HI 10 annual target.

15 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 27 of 156 PRIORITY 5 – REDUCING DELIBERATE FIRES

HI 11 – Deliberate Primary Fires

HI 11 - Quarter Two 7 6 6

5 4 4 3 3 3



0 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19

All Deliberate Primary Fires 3yr Average

Table 8: Year to Date (April to March) Performance

Annual 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Target HI 11: Deliberate Primary Fires 17 18 14 11 30

HI 12 – Deliberate Secondary Fires

HI 12 - Quarter Two 25

24 23 23 22 22 21 21 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19

All Deliberate Secondary Fires 3yr Average

Table 9: Year to Date (April to March) Performance

Annual 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Target HI 12: Deliberate Secondary Fires 54 50 63 57 75

16 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 28 of 156 Indicator Description These headline and indicators targets account for all types of fire that are believed to have been started intentionally, and are categorised as Deliberate Primary Fires and Deliberate Secondary Fires.

HI 11 – Deliberate Primary Fires These deliberate fires cover the following types: · Fires in the home · Fires in non-domestic buildings · Fires in motor vehicles As a headline target, the aim is to reduce the rate of deliberate primary fires in Perth & Kinross by keeping these fires below 30 each year. The number for quarter two is lower than the previous three years and we are currently below the annual target.

HI 12 – Deliberate Secondary Fires These deliberate fires cover the majority of outdoor fires including grassland and refuse fires and include fires in derelict buildings, but not chimney fires. As a headline target, the aim is to reduce the rate of deliberate secondary fires in Perth & Kinross by keeping these fires below 75 each year, this exceeds the annual target.

What we aim to Achieve As well as helping to deliver Priority Five: Reducing Deliberate Fires, we also link this headline target to improving the following Perth & Kinross LOIP outcomes: · Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens · Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy · Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives · Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations

Performance Management

There were 3 deliberate primary fires reported during quarter two, which is the lowest number in comparison to the last five years, whilst also showing a slight decrease in the three year average of 4, Although we are reporting the lowest number of fires in the last five years the number remaining relatively low year on year. This reflects slightly below the year to date target and is therefore showing Green against the HI 11 annual target.

There were 22 deliberate secondary fires reported during quarter two, which is a slight decrease of in comparison to the same quarter in 2017/18 when there were 23 deliberate secondary fires and is comparable with the three year average for this quarter with 22. This also reports a decrease on last quarter with 34 incidents. The majority of these incidents were in Perth City area with 13. Given the target we have set for this reporting year we are showing Red for achieving the HI 12 annual target against year to date.

During the last few months we have continued to work with partners to reduce the number of all deliberate fire incidents. The proactive approach particularly around youth engagement to endeavour to reduce the number of deliberate primary and secondary fires as part of a wider youth awareness education initiative. These included working with local schools to reduce this type of unacceptable anti-social behaviour. There is a continual programme of inputs each quarter with regard deliberate and malicious fire raising, alongside other educational safety programmes, across Perth and Kinross particularly around the Perth City area.

17 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 29 of 156 PRIORITY 6 – EFFECTIVE RISK MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONAL PREPAREDNESS Description Risk Management and operational preparedness is a key area of work for the SFRS. In Perth & Kinross, this means: · Knowing what the risks are in Perth & Kinross and then making plans, so we are resilient to respond to any event. · Being prepared to respond to national threats or major emergencies. · Developing flexibility to deploy crews, to take on a broadening role within the community. · Firefighters being quipped to deal with emergencies safely and effectively and our stations being in a constant state of readiness. · Safe, secure, vibrant and sustainable communities · An inclusive and sustainable economy · An enhanced, protected and enjoyed natural and built environment · Improved physical, mental and emotional health and well-being

What we aim to Achieve As well as helping to deliver Priority Six: Effective Risk Management and Operational Preparedness, our activities also support improving the following Perth & Kinross LOIP objectives: · Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens · Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy · Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives · Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations Activity During quarter two we delivered our quarterly training commitment to operational firefighters, whereby we trained and tested their preparedness to deal with: · Hazardous Materials · Health, Safety & Risk Management · Marine Firefighting · Knots & Lines · Secure Accommodation · Ladders Firefighters continued to visit sites within their station area so that they are aware of the associated risks and hazards, and if required can take effective actions in dealing with incidents at these sites. During the first quarter firefighters visited a range of sites to gather operational intelligence and review our response plans, including hotels, care homes, high rise, industrial premises and sporting venues.

Helping to build community resilience, so that residents are prepared in an emergency is important to us. As a key partner in delivering the Scottish Government’s Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest strategy, we equipped members of the public with life-saving CPR skills during quarter two. Crews also continue to conduct routine water hydrant inspections to check that there is access to and adequate provision of water supplies within the area should crews require them in the event of an incident. The introduction of a Hydrant operative will support this work. This also provides the opportunity for crews to familiarise themselves with the locations of hydrants in relation to the risks in their area and link-in other activities, such as conducting Home Safety Visits.

On-going recruitment for RDS/VDS firefighters in the Perth & Kinross area continued to be a priority during this quarter. Point of Entry Selection Testing events have taken place at Perth to identify and selection test candidates to undertake training to become full time, part time and volunteer firefighters. These candidates will now attended basic induction, specific RTC and Breathing apparatus training courses will ensure stations are staffed appropriately to meet the needs of our communities. This has proven very popular with personnel who in the past would have had to have attended a residential course meaning two weeks away from home.

18 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance


This section provides details of Community Safety Engagement initiatives undertaken within Perth & Kinross during the first quarter of 2018-19, the safer Communities partnership work together to continue to provide various community safety messages, education, training and support which will continue to develop, whilst implementing risk reduction strategies to support our communities, particularly those most vulnerable. This joint work will also support the priorities in the LFRP 2017 and wider Perth & Kinross Council CPP priorities. Some examples this quarter are;

Kinloch Rannoch

On 4th July Local crews from Kinloch Rannoch Community Fries Station attended to the Jousting Event. The crews recently along with a Fire Appliance supported fund raising whilst engaging with local communities giving specific safety messages and advice. This included home safety, fire safety, road safety as well as RDS recruitment information to those wishing to support the local fire and Rescue station.

Blairgowrie fire station open day

A special event to mark our 60th anniversary on Saturday 14th July was held at Blairgowrie Community Fire Station. Firefighters from the station provided a number of events on the day which included fire and rescue scenarios whilst also providing numerous safety education, advice and messages to those in attendance.

The station also raised over £5000 for charity with various fund raising events during this year on the lead up to the station open day. Nine local charities received donations as a result of these community events.

Perth College UHI Event

Community safety staff from Perth attended the Perth College UHI Fresher’s week giving out valuable Home & Fire Safety Advice, partnership working with Community Wardens.

19 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance

Page 31 of 156 Blairgowrie RAF Cadets

RAF Cadets worked with Firefighters from Blairgowrie to complete a Young Firefighters. Over a 3 week period. This enabled them to gain an inside into the role of a Firefighter whilst gaining some well-earned experience across a number of development areas. This event proved to be a great success to the Cadets and Firefighters and great time was had by all. The effort and enthusiasm shown by the Cadets was greatly appreciated and resulted everyone completed the course.

Anthony Nolan Partnership

The SFRS in partnership, along with local schools, support the Anthony Nolan Trust to help secure volunteers for this worthwhile charity work. The most recent event was held at Perth High School where 56 young adults volunteered to support the stem cell donor register. We will continue to work in partnership with school over the coming months to identify suitable volunteers for this very worthwhile charity.

Firefighter for a Day

Firefighters Jamie Crawley & Wendy Duigan, Blue Watch Perth welcomed Isaac Smith (centre) on work experience at Perth Community Fire Station. Isaac spent the day learning the core skills that every Firefighter has to learn and maintain over their career. He thoroughly enjoyed his time at the station whilst learning numerous new skills along with some important safety messages.

20 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 32 of 156 APPENDIX 2: NOTABLE INCIDENTS / EVENTS

SFRS attended 539 incidents of which a number would undoubtedly have had a serious impact on members of our communities and their families, particularly from Road Traffic Collisions, Dwelling Fires and other Special Service Calls. Some of the more notable incidents and events are noted below:

Fire in Auchterarder

Firefighters from Auchterarder, Crieff and Perth were called to a significant Fire in Auchterarder main Street at 3am on 23rd September 2018, which involved Acetylene and oxygen cylinders contained within a domestic garage. The garage was completely destroyed by the fire which had the added risk from the cylinders. This resulted in the evacuation of eight houses deemed to be within risk area of the fire as well as firefighting in a defensive way until such times as the cylinders were declared to be safe from the risk of explosion. At its height 25 Firefighting personnel were on scene along with four fire appliances. The fire was brought under control quickly whilst safety procedures were put in place for the cylinders. There were no casualties at this incident and SFRS let the scene some six hours later.

Water and Rope Rescue Teams from Perth, Dundee and Water/Gorge Rescues Lochgelly recently attended a number of Water/Gorge rescues across Perthshire during the reporting period. The incidents involved a multi-agency approach to bring to safe conclusion as quickly as possible. This involved utilising the specialist SFRS, along with other agencies,to effective the technically complex rescue of persons trapped in water involved working at height. All incidents were brought ot a safe conclusion. We have scheduled multi-agency debriefs for these incidents to ensure we learn from these experiences whilst enhancing our joint approach at these types of technically complex incidents.

21 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance Page 33 of 156 Fire in Dunkeld

On Wednesday 26 September at 12:30pm the SFRS received a call to a garage on fire. On arrival the inside of the garage was fully involved in fire with a number of vehicles and other equipment within the building. This incident involved Acetylene and oxygen cylinders contained inside the garage which resulted in a defensive firefighting approach. Twenty three properties within the risk area required to be evacuated from Police Scotland during the incident. There were twenty five firefighting personnel on scene along with four fire appliances. Only minor injuries were reported from one casualty. The incident was concluded safely almost six hours later.

Retained (RDS) Trainee Courses

Quarter two saw the completion of another successful recruitment of Retained Firefighters joining Perth and Kinross area. Ten Trainees completed initial training including Task and Task Management from across Scotland at Perth. This means another intake of RDS firefighters to take their operational posts on Fire stations. This greatly assists the overall operational availability for responding to the needs of our communities. There is further recruitment courses scheduled for 2018 which will support the establishment on our Fire Stations across Perth and Kinross.

Training Day

On 4th July Perth’s Red Watch completed Breathing apparatus training within a tenement type building. This was as a result of excellent support from housing colleagues to ensure our Firefighters maintain their skills in realistic conditions, such as difficult close and how much resources are needed to effect searches of all flats.

22 Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth & Kinross 2017 – Quarterly Monitoring of Performance

Page 34 of 156 4(ii)


Housing and Communities Committee – 31 October 2018


Report by Chief Superintendent Andrew Todd Police Scotland ‘D’ Division (Tayside) (Report No 18/344)


1.1 It is recommended that members note and scrutinise this operational report.


2.1 The purpose of this report (Appendix A) is to provide information to the Committee regarding the performance of Police Scotland against performance indicators that will facilitate local scrutiny.

2.2 Appendix A will provide context to the information provided in relation to some of the work which has taken place within Perth and Kinross Local Policing Area.

2.3 The content in this report is for information purposes to allow Board Members to conduct their scrutiny responsibilities.


3.1 Appendix A will provide updates on:

 Putting Victims at the Heart of What We Do  Tackling Crime and Antisocial Behaviour  Protecting Vulnerable People  Maintaining Public Safety


4.1. There are no financial implications as a result of this report.


5.1 There are no staffing issues as a result of this report.

Page 35 of 156


6.1 This report does not have any impact on the environment.


7.1 The attached report updates members regarding significant operational matters and gives context to the performance of the local policing area.


Is the proposal;

(a) Human Rights Act 1998 compliant? YES (b) Equality & Diversity compliant? YES

Page 36 of 156 4(ii) NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED


Housing & Community Safety Committee

Report by Chief Superintendent Andrew Todd (1st July 2018 - 30th September 2018)




Background to this Report page 3

Local Policing Priority Updates: Putting Victims at the heart of what we do page 4 Tackling Crime and ASB pages 5/6 Protecting Vulnerable People pages 6 Maintaining Public Safety pages 7 Figures relating to this report pages




As from April 2013, the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 has required Police Scotland to produce and publish a Local Policing Plan (LPP) for each local authority area. The LPP clearly sets out the policing priorities for Perth and Kinross.

Performance in relation to the identified policing priorities is monitored and reviewed internally on a weekly basis. Quarterly reports are produced to allow scrutiny by Perth and Kinross Housing and Communities Committee.

This report covers the period from 1st July 2018 to 30th September 2018 and provides a synopsis of our performance against the Local Policing Plan priorities for Perth and Kinross, these priorities being Putting Victims at the heart of what we do, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, protecting vulnerable people and maintaining public safety. The report also includes performance figures for this period.



Putting Victims At The Heart of What We Do

Domestic violence is a priority investigation for Police Scotland and are supported by partners in relation to the investigation and protection of victims. Incidents that are reported are risk assessed in terms of potential future offending and risk faced by the victim. High risk incidents are prioritised to ensure the victim is protected.

On the 29th August in Perth, a 35 year old female victim was the subject of a serious assault by her former male partner. The male partner was arrested in respect of this crime and is currently on bail awaiting trial.

On the 28th September in Kinloch Rannoch, a 47 year old female was the victim of a sustained assault within her home by her partner. As a result of the investigation the male partner was charged with attempted murder and is currently on bail at a separate address with conditions protecting the victim.

Hate crimes have a detrimental impact on victims and as such Police Scotland with the assistance of partners ensure that reports are fully investigated whilst rare, when these crimes include violence they are prioritised to ensure that the victim can be protected through court measures. One such incident was reported on 15th July, in whereby the male offender assaulted another male due to his perceived ethnicity. The male offender was arrested in relation to this incident and is currently awaiting trial in respect of this incident.

On Thursday 6th September, PKAVS received reports of possible human trafficking in Perth involving 6 victims. A full investigation was launched in relation to the circumstances and as a result two Romanian males appeared at Court in relation to the incident. This incident also led to partners within Perth and Kinross Council and PKAVS quickly responding to the incident that left the 6 victims homeless. Support and accommodation was found with the assistance of PKC and ensured that the 6 victims, who have since found alternative employment, had temporary accommodation. Support continued to ensure that the victims secured permanent accommodation.

We also like to place on record the community support for the Trauma Teddies initiative. Pitlochry Police Office has been inundated with hundreds of teddies and we would like to express our gratitude for the efforts by the communities and we have sufficient teddies at present.



Tackling Crime and ASB

For the period under review there have been the following items of note in respect of criminality in Perth and Kinross. .

On 15th August 2018 a serious assault took place in Kinross were the victim was punched by the male accused causing serious injuries. The investigation was led by local officers at Kinross and a 24 year old male was arrested for this crime. He was later released on bail awaiting trial for this crime.

On the 26th August a male contacted Police Scotland to report that he was the victim of a robbery in Perth. Officers attended and later traced a 30 year old local male suspect in respect of this crime. The suspect was arrested for the offence and has been remanded in custody awaiting trial for this incident.

We will actively pursue and disrupt people involved in the supply of controlled drugs across Perth and Kinross. One such incident took place on the 16th July whereby enforcement action was taken at an address in Perth. This incident led to a substantial recovery of cocaine and three males from Perth were arrested. These males are currently awaiting trial at the High Court.

Another incident led by a specialist unit took place in Invergowrie on the 20th July whereby following intelligence a drugs warrant was executed at an address with a significant quantity of cocaine recovered. Two people are awaiting trial in relation to this incident.

We continue to work in partnership with HMP Perth and have two officers working in partnership with the estate to ensure criminality is prevented. For the reporting period under review there have been 57 incidents at HMP Perth. In total there were 8 reports of assault, 1 of which the victim had serious injuries. Out of the 8 incidents reported 7 of these incidents are detected and the offenders are awaiting trial in respect of these incidents. Proactive measures by HMP Perth and joint operations with Police Scotland continue to deter prohibited items and drugs from entering the prison estate. Of note, for the reporting period under review, a female from Lochgelly was reported to the Procurator Fiscal attempting to distribute drugs into the prison estate.

In relation to the death of Annaliese Johnstone highlighted in the report for the first quarter, a 28 year old female has also been charged in relation to the death of Annaliese and is awaiting trial.

We are pleased with the guilty convictions for two males in connection with the robbery at Mappin and Webb, Gleneagles Hotel. The lengthy enquiry was led by specially trained officers and the use of partners to secure these convictions to hopefully provide some closure to those directly affected by the traumatic incident.

Anti-social behaviour continues to fall throughout Perth and Kinross. Whilst this is pleasing we continue to be proactive in our patrols especially in areas of historical community concerns. We continue to patrol South Inch, Moncrieff Island and Rodney Garden areas of Perth to reduce the calls from concerned residents.

People who are the subject of an Anti-Social Behavioural Order will be the subject of joint investigations when necessary to ensure those who live nearby are afforded normality within the NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 5

Page 41 of 156 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED community. On 10th August at an address in Perth, residents contacted Police Scotland with regards to noise coming from an address where the occupant is the subject of an Anti-Social Behavioural Order. Following attendance at the address a 39 year old female was arrested in relation to the incident and pled guilty at Court where she received a 60 day prison sentence.

Protecting Vulnerable People

The Preventions and Interventions Team continues to work closely with partners to protect vulnerable people from crime and provide educational advice with support from partners. Protecting those at risk from financial harm will continue to be a priority for the Preventions and Interventions Team to ensure those vulnerable from such criminals are provided with preventative advice that they can adopt.

In July 2018, officers from the Preventions, Interventions and Partnership assisted with two operations led by Trading Standards. A day of action was organised to carry out enforcement action at an E-cigarette premises in Perth which ran alongside identical raids at similar premises in other Divisions. The result of this action was the immediate closure of the premises in Perth and other premises throughout Scotland.

The second operation was an intelligence led operation carried out at the Errol Car Boot sale with regards to the sale of illegal tobacco and alcohol. No recoveries were made, however the high profile action assisted in disrupting vendors from participating in the illegal sale of these products.

Kinross and Perth Community Officers continue to engage with local residential schools in respect of safety and positive engagement to meet our commitments to the Corporate Parenting Strategy. Our engagement continues to positively promote Police Scotland to having a positive impact on the young person. Engagement within school settings continues and Inspector Chase assisted Crieff High School to train pupils in respect of the Mentors in Violence Programme.

Between 3rd and 4th August PC Johnstone, Safer Communities Rural Crime Prevention Officer with several other officers from Safer Communities division attended the Perth Show at South Inch, Perth in partnership with SPARC. Whilst in attendance they engaged with the farming community providing crime prevention advice including a police marked tractor. The theory behind this is to mark agricultural plant equipment differently to make it less attractive for perpetrators. The presence was well received by those in attendance with social media and press releases receiving positive feedback.

On the 4th September the Preventions, Interventions and Partnership officers attended at Perth College UHI providing crime prevention advice and information in relation to the law in Scotland as part of Fresher’s Week. The information also included financial harm and violence prevention encouraging students to keep themselves safe.

Between Sunday 9th and Sunday 15th September we supported Suicide Prevention Week with partners. This week long awareness campaign included a live question and answer session on a social media platform.



Maintaining Public Safety

Maintaining public safety is a key priority for Police Scotland. Public safety is not only within communities but also on our roads network as well ensuring safety is for all people who either reside, work or visit Perth and Kinross.

Tragically there were 5 fatal road traffic collisions in Perth and Kinross for the period under review. On the 7th July a female cyclist was killed on the Main Street Bridgend, Perth. On the 8th July a 51 year old female front seat passenger was killed on the A9 near Dalnaspidal Lodge. On the 25th August a 43 year old female motorcycle pillion passenger was killed on the A9 at Kindallachan. On the 18th September a 44 year old male driver was killed on the C458 at Machany Bridge near Tullibardine, Auchterarder and on the 21st September an 80 year old male driver was killed on the B996 Beinn Inn to Glenfarg Road.

The Summer Drink Drive Campaign took place between 29th June and 13th July. Across Tayside Division there were 186 negative breath tests however there were 15 detected cases for Tayside for driving under the influence. Overall the figures for Perth and Kinross up to the end of August for persons driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or refusing to provide a sample for analysis was 73 which is a consistent figure compared to the previous two years.

Between 17th and 23rd September a seat belt, speed and illegal use of mobile phone Campaign took place across Tayside. In total there were 306 speeders, 30 mobile phone and 27 seat belt offences across Tayside.

Perth and Kinross Officers have been heavily involved with events for the period under review from a local, divisional and national perspective. Nationally, over the weekend of the 13th July, our police officers assisted with the visit to Scotland by the President of the United States. Divisionally, the weekend of the 19th and 22nd July, Perth and Kinross officers assisted with the policing of the Open at Carnoustie.

Within Perth and Kinross there have been several events including Perth Races. Between the 8th and 12th August, Police Scotland supported the European Championships Golf event at Gleneagles. On the same weekend, on the 11th August 2018, Sergeant Kat Thompson and two Community Officers attended the inaugural "Perthshire Pride" event, which drew thousands of people to the Perth Concert Hall plaza. Police Scotland had a stall in the plaza providing an excellent opportunity for officers to engage with the community. This event also provided an opportunity to provide information to interested parties regarding the recruitment process for both full time constables and special constables.

Between 31st August and 1st September we provided a police presence for the Braemar Day including the evening festivities. We are pleased to report no significant incident of note during the event and would like to record our thanks for the letter received from a local elected representative in respect of our policing for this event.



Contact Details Divisional Commander - Chief Superintendent Andrew Todd D Division HQ West Bell Street, Dundee

Area Commander - Chief Inspector Ian Scott Perth & Kinross Local Policing Area (LPA) HQ Barrack Street, Perth


Page 44 of 156 LOCAL AUTHORITY SCRUTINY BOARD – Perth and Kinross September 2018 (Quarter 2)

Violence, Disorder & Antisocial Behaviour Apr Apr 2018 – 2017 - % 5 Yr Victims Sept Sept Change Mean 2018 2017 27 1 Total No Group1: Crimes of Violence 89 62 43.5% more

2 Murder 1 0 1 more -

3 Attempted Murder 3 2 1 more 50.0%

4 Culpable Homicide (common law) 0 0 None -

5 Culpable Homicide (other) 2 0 2 more -

6 Serious Assault detection rate 73.2% 94.7% -21.5%

7 Serious Assault 41 38 3 more 7.9%

8 Robbery detection rate 92.9% 63.6% 29.3%

9 Robbery 14 11 3 more 27.3%

10 Common assault detection rate 76.5% 81.9% -5.4%

61 11 Common assault 486 547 -11.2% fewer

585 12 Number of complaints regarding disorder 2,680 3,265 -17.9% fewer

Page 45 of 156 LOCAL AUTHORITY SCRUTINY BOARD – Perth and Kinross September 2018

Violence, Disorder & Antisocial Behaviour (continued) Apr Apr 2018 – 2017 - % 5 Yr Victims Sept Sept Change Mean 2018 2017 Number of Domestic Abuse Incidents 13 623 560 11.3% Reported to the Police

Total Crimes and offences in domestic 14 365 332 9.9% abuse incidents

Percentage of Domestic Incidents that 15 43.7% 46.6% -2.9% result in a crime being recorded

Total crimes and offences in domestic 16 63.6% 73.8% -10.2% abuse incidents detection rate

Total Detections for Domestic Bail 17 26 21 23.8% Offences

Ensure 95% of domestic abuse initial bail 18 checks are conducted within a prescribed 80.0% - - timeframe (24hrs)

19 Hate Crime and offences detection rate 86.8% 84.6% 2.2%

Violence, Disorder & Antisocial Behaviour - Stop and Searches Apr Apr 2018 - 2018 – % Sept Victims Sept Change 2018 2018 Positive Number of stop and searches conducted 20 290 109 (total) Number of statutory stop and searches 21 290 109 conducted Number of consensual stop and searches 22 0 0 conducted Number of consensual stop and searches 23 0 - refused 24 Number of seizures made 2 - On the 11th May 2017 Police Scotland adopted a new code of practice on the use of stop and search. At this time the use of non-statutory (Consensual) search ceased. The period covered by this report includes searches conducted prior to the introduction of the code. The table above provides information on consensual searches carried out before 11th May. Further information on Police Scotland's use of stop and search and on the code of practice is available on the Police Scotland Website.

Page 46 of 156 LOCAL AUTHORITY SCRUTINY BOARD – Perth and Kinross September 2018

Additional Identified Local Priorities Apr Apr 2018 - 2017 – % 5 Yr Victims Sept Sept Change Mean 2018 2017 Number of detections for drugs supply, 25 35 44 -20.5% drugs productions, drugs cultivation

Theft by housebreaking (including 26 20.9% 30.8% -9.9% attempts) detection rate

Theft by housebreaking (including 23 27 110 133 -17.3% attempts) fewer

28 Theft by shoplifting detection rate 77.8% 76.6% 1.2%

24 29 Theft by shoplifting 343 367 -6.5% fewer

Vandalism & Malicious Mischief detection 30 31.3% 33.8% -2.5% rate

136 31 Vandalism & Malicious Mischief 284 420 -32.4% fewer

Number of detections for Consuming 32 Alcohol in a designated place (where 3 15 -80.0% appropriate byelaws exist)

Public Protection

Apr Apr 2018 - 2017 – % 5 Yr Victims Sept Sept Change Mean 2018 2017 49 33 Number of Sexual Crimes 184 135 36.3% more

34 Sexual Crimes detection rate 54.4% 80.0% -25.6%

35 Rape detection rate 52.2% 79.2% -27.0%

Page 47 of 156 LOCAL AUTHORITY SCRUTINY BOARD – Perth and Kinross September 2018

Road Traffic Casualty Statistics Apr Apr 2018 2017 5 Yr - – Victims % Change Mean Sept Sept 2018 2017 People Killed 8 6 2 more 33.3% 13 People Seriously injured 37 50 -26.0% fewer 31 People Slightly Injured 82 113 -27.4% fewer (Context) Children (aged<16) Killed 0 0 None - 1 Children (aged<16) Seriously Injured 2 3 -33.3% fewer

Road Safety & Road Crime

Apr Apr 2018 2017 5 Yr % - - Victims Mean Change Sept Sept 2018 2017 36 Dangerous driving 44 64 -31.3%

37 Speeding 902 698 29.2%

38 Disqualified driving 20 21 -4.8%

39 Driving Licence 88 162 -45.7%

40 Insurance 216 349 -38.1%

41 Seat Belts 47 47 0.0%

42 Mobile Phone 54 80 -32.5%


Almond and Earn Blairgowrie and Glens Year to date – Sept 18 Rec Det % Rec Det % Rec Det % Rec Det % Groups 1-5 57 29 50.9 123 69 56.1 88 39 44.3 92 35 38.0 Overall Violent Crime 12 10 83.3 37 27 73.0 19 15 78.9 40 33 82.5 All Group 1 5 5 100.0 7 4 57.1 5 5 100.0 4 3 75.0 Murder/Attempt Murder - - x - - x - - x - - x Serious Assault 1 1 100.0 4 1 25.0 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0 Robbery - - x - - x 1 1 100.0 - - x Common Assault 11 9 81.8 33 26 78.8 17 13 76.5 38 31 81.6 Knives/Offensive Weapons - - x 5 5 100.0 2 2 100.0 1 0 0.0 Drugs Supply/Production 3 3 100.0 5 6 120.0 15 7 46.7 9 8 88.9 All Group 2 9 3 33.3 19 9 47.4 4 2 50.0 7 4 57.1 Housebreaking 6 2 33.3 1 1 100.0 9 2 22.2 10 1 10.0 Shoplifting 4 5 125.0 23 18 78.3 1 - 0.0 5 2 40.0 Kinross-shire Perth City Centre Rec Det % Rec Det % Rec Det % Rec Det % Groups 1-5 107 46 43.0 777 502 64.6 226 132 58.4 160 98 61.3 Overall Violent Crime 25 23 92.0 190 154 81.1 45 34 75.6 50 38 76.0 All Group 1 11 1 100.0 31 23 74.2 2 2 100.0 17 16 94.1

Murder/Attempt Murder - - x - - x - - x - - x Serious Assault 1 1 100.0 19 15 78.9 1 1 100.0 5 4 80.0 Robbery - - X 7 6 85.7 1 1 100.0 1 2 200.0 Common Assault 24 22 91.7 163 132 81.0 43 32 74.4 44 32 72.7 Knives/Offensive Weapons 1 1 100.0 48 44 91.7 4 4 100.0 5 5 100.0 Drugs Supply/Production 5 3 60.0 138 107 77.5 38 28 73.7 16 12 75.0 All Group 2 9 6 66.7 62 23 37.1 13 8 61.5 8 5 62.5 Housebreaking 14 4 28.6 25 7 28.0 5 - 0.0 4 - x Shoplifting 16 12 75.0 202 156 77.2 59 46 78.0 23 20 87.0 Rec Det % Rec Det % Rec Det % Rec Det % Groups 1-5 110 44 40.0 95 39 41.1 124 70 56.5 84 28 33.3 Overall Violent Crime 26 19 73.1 38 26 68.4 43 31 72.1 20 9 45.0 All Group 1 3 2 66.7 5 3 60.0 5 5 100.0 4 2 50.0

Murder/Attempt Murder 1 1 100.0 - - x - - x - - x Serious Assault - - x 3 2 66.7 2 2 100.0 3 1 33.3 Robbery 1 1 100.0 1 - 0.0 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0 Common Assault 24 17 70.8 33 23 69.7 40 28 70.0 16 7 43.8 Knives/Offensive Weapons 3 3 100.0 4 4 100.0 - - x 1 1 100.0 Drugs Supply/Production 8 7 87.5 2 2 100.0 11 11 100.0 3 2 66.7 All Group 2 17 9 52.9 4 3 75.0 14 19 135.7 15 7 46.7 Housebreaking 9 1 11.1 8 2 25.0 7 3 42.9 12 - 0.0 Shoplifting - - x 3 4 133.3 2 4 200.0 5 - 0.0

Contact Details Divisional Commander - Chief Superintendent Andrew Todd D Division HQ West Bell Street, Dundee

Area Commander - Chief Inspector Ian Scott Perth & Kinross Local Policing Area (LPA) HQ Barrack Street, Perth NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED

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Housing and Communities Committee

31 October 2018

Perth and Kinross Community Justice Partnership Annual Report 2017/18

Report by Executive Director (Housing & Environment) (Report No. 18/345)

This report introduces the Perth and Kinross Community Justice Partnership Annual Report 2017-18.


1.1 The Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 was passed by the Scottish Parliament in 2017 and established a new model for the governance and delivery of Community Justice in Scotland. The Act dissolved the Community Justice Authorities (CJAs) with effect from 1 April 2017 and replaced them with Community Justice Partnerships in each of the 32 local authority areas in Scotland. The partnerhsips are made up of statutory community justice partners, with representation from the third sector.

1.2 On 1 April 2017, the partnership in Perth and Kinross launched their first Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan (CJOIP). The partnership is required to report on progress in delivering the outcomes in the CJOIP to Community Justice Scotland (CJS). This organisation was also established under the Act to work closely with statutory community justice partners, the third sector and a range of other partners to provide support and leadership for the delivery of community justice.

1.3 The national strategy for Community Justice was also published in 2017. It takes a holistic approach to help people make positive changes in their lives and tackle the underlying causes of their offending. Rather than invest resources in interventions which have been shown to be ineffective, the strategy promotes the use of effective, evidence based community interventions to support the rehabilitation of those who offend. This approach reflects the evidence that the use of short term prison sentences has the propensity to exacerbate, rather than reduce, offending and reoffending.

1.4 There is a requirement in the Act for the statutory partners to work together to deliver the CJOIP for their area. During the preceding year in Perth and Kinross, this has been achieved through consultation with relevant stakeholders and the third sector via the Perth and Kinross Community Justice Third Sector Forum, on which Perth and Kinross Association of Voluntary Service (PKAVS) is their representative.

1.5 The local Community Justice Partnership has monitored progress of the Perth and Kinross CJOIP throughout the year. In preparing the Annual Report, the evidence for progress has come from a number of sources. This has included the participation of all statutory stakeholders as well as organisations from the third sector in an annual report development day which was hosted by

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PKAVS. In addition there were regular updates at partnership meetings along with stakeholder feedback on the draft report.

1.6 Views have also been sought from community sources and specifically those who have lived experience of the criminal justice system. In particular, and in utilising ‘Positive prison? Positive futures…’ which is a national charity, the views of those serving short term custodial sentences in HMP Perth were sought to inform salient outcomes for the CJOIP. In addition, regular feedback was gathered from those who are subject to Unpaid Work Community Payback Orders and women who attend the One-stop Women’s Learning Service (OWLS). OWLS covers all women subject to statutory Court mandated supervision including those released from a custodial sentence. Feedback is sought on a regular basis from women with the total number of attendees at OWLS totalling approximately 58 women at any given time.

1.7 The partnership is cognisant of the need to broaden their engagement with communities in Perth and Kinross. It is, therefore, the partnership’s intention to develop a local communication plan. Community Justice Scotland, in line with its remit as a leadership organisation, is launching a national campaign to promote community justice. This has been as a result of running a national survey on the public’s understanding of community justice which produced mixed results. It is therefore, their intention to utilise a range of media sources to promote and improve their message. The Perth and Kinross Community Justice Partnership are keen to be involved in this activity and will work with CJS in developing the local communication plan and community engagement.


2.1 The Act requires all Community Justice Partnerships to prepare an annual report which is based on their CJOIP and should be submitted to Community Justice Scotland by 21 September 2018. The Perth and Kinross Community Justice Partnership Annual Report for 2017/18 was submitted by the due date and is attached at Appendix 1.

2.2 The 2017/18 Annual Report indicates that the partnership has made good progress under all seven of the national outcomes and a number of the local priorities which meet these outcomes. For example, good progress has been achieved in respect of the following:

 Women who offend: This aims to address the needs of women in the criminal justice system by providing a service that is designed by women, for women, to meet their needs. Clients who attend OWLS are actively encouraged and supported to be involved in both the running of the centre and many of the activities that take place there. For example, management meetings are held monthly and are run by the women; the mission statement of the centre was created by the OWLS women and the design of the centre, from layouts to decorating and furnishings is done in joint planning and consultation with the women from conception to completion. The involvement of women in all aspects of OWLS has a number of benefits, from improved service responsiveness to increased feelings of inclusion and ownership. This has enabled the service to

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develop to meet the needs of women who access it, transforming and enhancing their experiences of support services.

 Employment: This aims to improve the employment chances of those who are involved in the criminal justice system. The Community Payback Unpaid Work Team, in partnership with St Johnstone Community Trust, has developed the “Onside” project to help maximise the future employability prospects of participants in addition to improving their general health and wellbeing. Participants are required to undertake vocational training and physical exercise as part of the project. Among the topics covered are: building a CV; presentation at job interviews and conducting job searches. The pilot course initially consisted of 6 participants of whom 4 achieved Scottish Vocational Qualifications in Manual Handling and Food Safety and Hygiene. Comments from the participants noted an improvement in their confidence and self-esteem as well as their physical and mental health. In addition and following the vocational training, participants considered the courses were helpful in equipping them to gain employment. Given the success of the pilot, the project has been continued for 2018/19 and currently has 12 participants who have engaged well with the project.


3.1 The Perth and Kinross Community Justice Partnership Annual Report 2017/18 illustrates the positive work being undertaken by both the statutory stakeholders and third sector groups. This is the first annual report and given the progress which has been noted, it evidences the partners’ collaborative approach and the strength of these relationships. The stakeholders and third sector are committed in the shared aim, echoed in the CJOIP, to work in partnership by reducing re-offending and supporting those who have committed offences. It is the intention of the partnership to build on this progress, and promote and engage with communities beyond those with lived experience, thereby ensuring the communities in Perth and Kinross remain safe places to live.

3.2 It is recommended that the Committee:

(i) Endorses the work being undertaken by the Perth and Kinross Community Justice Partnership and the Annual Report.

Author Name Designation Contact Details Charlie Cranmer Team Leader, 01738 475000 Criminal Justice [email protected] Services

Approved Name Designation Date Barbara Renton Executive Director 18 October 2018 (Housing & Environment)

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Strategic Implications Yes / None Community Plan / Single Outcome Agreement Yes Corporate Plan Yes Resource Implications Financial None Workforce None Asset Management (land, property, IST) None Assessments Equality Impact Assessment None Strategic Environmental Assessment None Sustainability (community, economic, environmental) None Legal and Governance None Risk None Consultation Internal None External None Communication Communications Plan None

1. Strategic Implications

Community Plan / Single Outcome Agreement

1.1 This recommendation in this report will assist in the delivery of the Perth and Kinross Community Plan / Single Outcome Agreement in terms of the following priorities:

(i) Giving every child the best start in life (ii) Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens (iii) Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy (iv) Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives (v) Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations

1.2 This report relates to Objective Nos (ii); (iii); (iv) and (v).

Corporate Plan

1.3 The Perth and Kinross Community Plan 2013-2023 and Perth and Kinross Council Corporate Plan set out five strategic objectives: (i) Giving every child the best start in life; (ii) Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens; (iii) Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy; (iv) Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives; and (v) Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations.

1.4 This report relates to Objective Nos (ii); (iii); (iv) and (v).

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1.5 The report also links to the Education & Children’s Services Policy Framework in respect of the following key policy area:

 Learning: Developing Communities

2. Resource Implications


2.1 This report contains no proposals which would have financial impact on the Council.


2.2 There are no workforce implications arising from this report.

Asset Management (land, property, IT)

2.3 There are no asset management implications arising from this report.

3. Assessments

Equality Impact Assessment

3.1 Under the Equality Act 2010, the Council is required to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between equality groups. Carrying out Equality Impact Assessments for plans and policies allows the Council to demonstrate that it is meeting these duties.

3.2 This section should reflect that the proposals have been considered under the Corporate Equalities Impact Assessment process (EqIA) with the following outcome:

(i) Assessed as not relevant for the purposes of EqIA

Strategic Environmental Assessment

3.3 The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 places a duty on the Council to identify and assess the environmental consequences of its proposals. However, no action is required as the Act does not apply to the matters presented in this report. This is because the Committee are requested to note the contents of the report only and the Committee are not being requested to approve, adopt or agree to an action or to set the framework for future decisions.

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3.4 Under the provisions of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 the Council has to discharge its duties in a way which contributes to the achievement of sustainable development. In terms of the Climate Change Act, the Council has a general duty to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and the community, environmental and economic impacts of its actions.

3.5 This section should reflect the steps that have been taken to assess the proposals.

Legal and Governance

3.6 This report contains no proposals which would have a legal or governance impact on the Council.


3.7 There are no issues in respect of risk from the proposals in this report.

4. Consultation


4.1 None.


4.2 None.

5. Communication

5.1 There are no communication issues in respect of the proposals in this report.


2.1 No background papers, as defined by Section 50D of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (other than any containing confidential or exempt information) were relied on to any material extent in preparing the above report.


3.1 Appendix 1 – Perth and Kinross Community Justice Partnership Annual Report 2017

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Community Justice Scotland Ceartas Coimhearsnachd Alba

Annual Report Template Community Justice activity for period 1 April 2017 – 31 March 2018

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Community Justice Partnership / Group Perth & Kinross Community Justice Partnership / Group Chair Councillor Chris Ahern Community Justice Partnership / Group Coordinator Charlie Cranmer Publication date of Community Justice Outcome Improvement Plan (CJOIP) 1 April 2017

Governance Statement The content of this Annual Report on community justice outcomes and improvements in our area has been agreed as accurate by the Community Justice Partnership / Group and has been shared with our Community Planning Partnership through our local accountability arrangements.

Signature of Community Justice Partnership / Group Chair: Date:



Please outline below your current governance structure for the community justice arrangements in your area

The Community Planning Partnership works locally with each other and with our communities. The Community Planning Partnership Board provides the strategic leadership and direction of Community Planning across Perth and Kinross and monitors how well the Partnership is working. It is made up of Elected Members and senior officers from each partner, and reports to communities in Perth and Kinross. It consists of members of the following organisations: Perth & Kinross Council; PKAVS; Job Centre Plus; NHS Tayside; Scottish Fire and Rescue Service; Police Scotland; University of Highlands and Islands – Perth College;

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Scottish Enterprise; Skills Development Scotland.

The Community Planning Partnership Executive Officer Group is a group of senior staff from community planning partners who meet regularly to take forward issues which affect the organisation of the partnership. This group advises the CPP Board.

The Community Empowerment Working Group advises the CPP Board on involving and engaging with communities. The Outcome Delivery Groups are tasked with delivering their respective part of the Community Plan. Each group is made up of representatives from community planning partners, elected members as well as 3rd sector representation. The Outcome Delivery Groups are:

Children, Young People & Families Strategic Partnership; Economy & Lifelong Learning Group; Integrated Joint Board (Health & Social Care Partnership); Community Safety Partnership; Community Justice Partnership; Public Realm and Environment Partnership.

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SECTION A - National Outcomes Describe the progress you made in respect of the seven national outcomes, your use of the common indicators and any comments you want to highlight, National Outcome Progress Reporting Common Indicators used Comments 1 Communities improve their understanding and participation in community justice

1.1 Develop and implement Work in the community undertaken by the Ind1.1 Activities carried out to A communication plan has still a communications plan Community Payback Unpaid Work Team is engage with ‘communities’ as to be developed. A small group to better inform all now highlighted using a variety of media well as other relevant will be required to take this communities about the channels. These include the Perth and Kinross constituencies forward. As part of the group’s work being carried out Council Facebook page, Perth and Kinross remit, they will review the as part of community Council Twitter feed, the Scottish Government communication plans of justice reform and Justice Twitter feed and the local press partners. receive their views and including the Perthshire Advertiser. ideas. This will include the use of stakeholder

events and social media

options to access all

areas of our


The Forum continues to meet 1.2 Engage with voluntary Perth and Kinross Association of Voluntary Ind1.2 Consultation with regularly to advance the and community groups Service (PKAVS) conducted a survey with communities as part of Community Justice Outcomes on a regular basis to members of the Community Justice Third community justice planning Improvement Plan. ensure the continual Sector Forum and also spoke to them and service provision exchange of information individually to look at the extent to which their and views sectors’ outcomes were aligned with Community Justice outcomes. Basic information about each member’s organisation was also gathered.

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1.3 Encourage communities Focus group work undertaken with “Positive Ind1.3 Participation in CJSW plan to explore and to be more involved in Prison…Positive Futures?” gathered the views community justice, such as develop a support group where community justice by of short-term prisoners on issues of concern at co-production and joint volunteers are working with engaging with them and, release. The recommendations will be delivery CJSW clients, raising with the help of the incorporated into the updated Outcomes awareness that they can get voluntary sector, Improvement Plan and discussed at the involved in different activities develop the potential for forthcoming Tayside and Fife Throughcare which enhances relationships, volunteers to be part of Network meeting. This includes organisations social skills, work experience, our service delivery working in the area of throughcare, both improve health and wellbeing prison-based and community. (prosocial modelling) – to be implemented by Sept 2018

The One Stop Women’s Learning Service (OWLS) is planning to train a former service user to be a support worker.

1.4 Survey those who The Community Payback Unpaid Work Team Ind1.4 Level of community A survey for members of request and receive regularly receives extremely positive feedback awareness of/satisfaction communities who request a input from the unpaid from community members who have requested with work undertaken as part service from the UPW team will work teams to establish work to be carried out. For example – “It was of a CPO be launched in April 2018. its value to communities good to meet up in October and put a face to Analysis to take place once the name. Could you convey my and the Ind1.5 Evidence from survey closes on 31 March thanks of the Congregational Board to [Project questions to be used in local 2019. officer’s name removed] and his team for the surveys/citizens panels etc sterling work done in the Church garden, much

appreciated. The painter did an excellent job on the cross it is looking really good. Regards,” (Kinross Parish, Church of Scotland)

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1.5 Work with communities Perth and Kinross Community Watch is part of Ind1.2 Consultation with to understand the reality the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland network communities as part of of crime in their areas by and operates specifically to support local community justice planning developing engagement residents, businesses and farms from Monday and service provision opportunities and to Friday, during office hours. Community communication routes Watch partners are Perth and Kinross

with them Community Safety Partnership, encompassing Ind1.6 Perceptions of the Perth and Kinross Council, Police Scotland local crime rate and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service along

with several other partner agencies - Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA),

National Farmers Union (NFU), Scottish Gamekeepers Association and Pitlochry

Neighbourhood Watch Association. One of the main aims of the scheme is to improve communications between the local community,

police and other Community Safety

Partnership agencies working in the area. The

Police Scotland Local Area Commander’s

Bulletin is published on Community Watch.

Police Scotland and Community Wardens are also actively engaging with the newly formed Local Action Partnerships to help communities

understand the realities of crime.

1.6 Recognising that there Ind1.1 Activities carried out to The Partnership will actively are issues within the engage with ‘communities’ as engage with victim and survivor criminal justice system well as other relevant groups to progress this action. which have a significant constituencies impact on the victims of crime. We will work with 1.2 Consultation with them and organisations communities as part of

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supporting them to community justice planning improve their journey and service provision through the criminal justice system

1.7 Support the continued Women are actively encouraged and Ind1.3 Participation in strengthening of client supported to be involved in all aspects of community justice, such as involvement in the OWLS. This involvement includes – co-production and joint management of the One- management meetings run by the women; delivery stop Women’s Learning development of the centre’s Mission Service (OWLS) by actively Statement; informal client focus groups; encouraging and supporting physical development of the centre which is them to take part. carried out in conjunction, and following consultation, with the women; and development of a groupwork programme with the content determined by the women.

2 Partners plan and deliver services in a more strategic and collaborative way

2.1 Arrange further self- A development day was held on 2 February Ind2.3 Development of Further development day to be evaluation/development with Community Justice partners and third community justice workforce planned days to ensure that partners sector organisations with an interest in to work effectively across understand their role in the Community Justice to identify sources of organisational/professional/ new Community Justice evidence for the annual report and discuss geographical boundaries system progress to date.

2.2 Ensure that partners and Regular COFPS Community Justice meetings Ind2.3 Development of The Partnership will continue to third sector colleagues have are now held by the Tayside, Central and Fife community justice workforce explore opportunities for joint a good understanding of group in which issues of common of interest to work effectively across briefing sessions and each other’s businesses and such as diversion, case marking and available organisational/professional/ collaborative working clarity around their roles and community interventions are discussed. The geographical boundaries opportunities available resources by group will consider new, innovative ways of organising opportunities for partnership working to advance the National joint training/briefing Community Justice Strategy.

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2.3 Ensure clear lines of Outcome Delivery Group lead meetings are Ind2.3 Development of communication and now regularly held to ensure clear lines of community justice workforce development of joint working communication between the Community to work effectively across between the Community Justice Partnership and other community organisational/professional/ Justice Partnership and planning groups. These are organised by geographical boundaries other Community Planning Community Planning. Groups by organising joint meetings/briefing sessions

2.4 Continue to develop the Originally established in 2015, the Community Ind2.2 Partners have A Police Scotland report Police Scotland/Perth and Safety Hub is a partnership between Police leveraged resource for highlighted the value of the Hub. Kinross Council Community Scotland, Perth and Kinross Criminal Justice community justice PKC will carry out their own Hub Safety Hub based within the Social Work (CJSW) and Action for Children - evaluation during 2018. Criminal Justice Office so Tayside Arrest Referral Service (TARS). Hub that the opportunities for workers from the different partners are co- cross service working can located in St Martins House with CJSW. The continue to be improved Hub identifies individuals at risk of reoffending and utilises a partnership approach to reduce these risks.

The Tayside and Fife Throughcare Network Ind2.1 Services are planned The first meeting of the Network 2.5 Review and ensure the will be re-established to consider all pertinent for and delivered in a will be held in May 2018 and the implementation of the Short throughcare issues including short-term strategic and collaborative next is scheduled for September Term Prisoner Protocol to prisoner issues. The group will comprise of way 2018. The plan is to review and improve the outcomes for representatives from the Angus, Dundee, Fife revise the original protocols to people released from prison meet the needs to the current and Perth and Kinross Community Justice Partnerships; SPS, NHS and colleagues from local prison population. other organisations who have a throughcare

remit. Ind2.2 Partners have An amended option which will 2.6 Position Police Scotland leveraged resource for see Offender Management Unit local Offender Management community justice officers have access to hotdesk

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Unit within the Council’s within the Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Office to Social Work Office will be improve direct lines of implemented during 2018 communication and partnership working in respect of the management of serious and violent offenders

2.7 Explore the potential for CJSW continue to work with a range of Ind2.1 Services are planned further partnership partners to deliver a person-centred service to for and delivered in a engagement between the all community-based clients. During 2017-18, strategic and collaborative Public Protection Team and OWLS have partnered with a wide range of way other support networks services and organisations. These have (employability, mental included: Citizens Advice Bureau; Barnardo’s health, and health (Domestic Abuse); Rape and Sexual Assault improvement substance (RASAC); Independent Advocacy misuse) to deliver better ADHD; Drug & Alcohol ADP; Tayside Council services for clients. & Alcohol (TCA); SHINE (now part of Barnardo’s); Churches Action for the Homeless (CATH) Action for Homeless; Soroptomists; APEX (until March this year); PKC Housing; PKC Education & Childrens Services; PKC Safer Communities Team; and NHS training and support.

In addition, the Public Protection Team have also partnered with - TCA mentoring; NHS Craigowl Centre; Number 3 One Stop Shop; Venture Trust; Tayside Substance Misuse Service (TSMS); Police Scotland; PKC Safer Communities Team Community Wardens; Hillcrest Housing; Skinnergate Lifehouse; Anchor House; CATH day centre; PKC Access

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Team; Dundee CJSW Tay Project; NHS Central Healthcare; SSAFA – The Armed Forces Charity and the PKC Employability Hub.

The Community Payback Order Unpaid Work 2.8 Explore the potential for Team has also continued to partner with a Ind2.2 Partners have further partnership variety of organisations. As the range of other leveraged resource for engagement between the activities options expands, so too will the community justice Unpaid Work Team, other variety of different organisations that the team support networks will partner with. During 2017-18, the Team (employability, mental have partnered with NHS, PKC Education & health, and health Children’s Services (ECS); Developing Young improvement substance Workforce; Balhousie Care; Youth Support misuse) and the existing Services, St. Johnstone Football Club; Skills social enterprises at the Development Scotland (SDS); Perth Westbank Site, Perth to Community Farm and Remploy. deliver better services for clients

2.9 Ensure that there is a The MAPPA Annual Report for 2016-17 Ind2.1 Services are planned This will be reviewed in 2018-19 robust monitoring and indicates that the partnership process for for and delivered in a evaluation process for all assessing and managing high risk of harm strategic and collaborative projects and activities offenders continues to work well within Tayside way delivered by the Partnership evidenced by the high rate of offender to ensure the best outcomes compliance. On 31 March 2016, MAPPA for clients and communities. arrangements became available to support the management of offenders on statutory orders who are deemed to pose a risk of serious Ind2.4 Partners illustrate harm, but who are not Registered Sex effective engagement and Offenders nor Restricted Patients. Since collaborative partnership implementation of this MAPPA extension, six working with the authorities Tayside offenders have been responsible for the delivery of successfully managed through MAPPA who MAPPA

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would not otherwise have been subject to these arrangements. 3 Effective interventions are delivered to prevent and reduce the risk of further offending

3.1 Review information Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are in place Ind3.2 Existence of joint- Ongoing following introduction sharing and protocols and at both HMP Perth and HMP Castle Huntly to working arrangements such of GDPR on 25 May 2018 processes in light of GDPR determine the social work service provision at as processes/protocols to between partners to identify these sites. All SLAs for prison based social ensure access to services to and remove barriers for work have been under review for the preceding address underlying needs

people accessing all the 3 years and extensions have been agreed on services they require. the existing arrangements pending the development and a new agreement for this service. Performance is monitored through an agreed template and reviewed monthly.

An SLA also exists with Tayside Arrest Referral Service (TARS) who are part of the partnership. They work out of the Community Safety Hub at St Martins House to identify and

intervene with people who have committed lower level crime but whose behaviour is giving

cause for concern and an early intervention

may reduce the likelihood of further offending. Progress is monitored via 6 monthly review meetings in tandem with colleagues from Angus and Dundee.

An SLA exists between PKC CJSW and NHS for delivery of Drug Treatment and Testing Orders (DTTO). This ensures coherent partnership working between agencies in the

testing and management of those subject to DTTO.

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3.2 Ensure the provision of a Women presenting at OWLS have complex Ind3.3 Initiatives to facilitate nurse at One-stop Women’s needs including substance misuse, mental access to services Learning Service (OWLS) and/or physical health problems. Having for women who have access to a community-based NHS nurse has offended to increase their enabled the women to access a variety of ability to access medical services including: initial health screenings; services. sexual health; wound dressings; and blood pressure/ weight checks. This has enabled both physical and mental well-being issues to be identified at an early stage with follow-up easier for women trying to contact their GP or specialist services. Other benefits have included fewer appointments missed; fewer

hospitalisations and well-being improvements for the women involved.

Ind3.5 % of people released 3.3 Examine the issues Focus group work with short-term prisoners in Data is currently not available to from a custodial sentence caused through the Perth Prison highlighted that the introduction of measure these indicators. It is - registered with a GP introduction of Universal Universal Credit and the move to monthly hoped that this can be provided - have suitable Credit in Perth and Kinross payments was viewed as unmanageable. This for 2018-19. accommodation and where possible was perceived as being an extra burden on top - have had a benefits determine actions to of the problems already caused by the length The Partnership will work with eligibility check. mitigate these concerns of time to process benefit claims and the the PKC Welfare Rights Team

perceived inadequacy of the liberation grant. to examine the issues caused

by the introduction of Universal

Credit and where possible

determine actions to mitigate

these concerns.

Ind3.5 % of people released 3.4 Research the barriers Focus group work with short-term prisoners in Data is currently not available to which reduce the ability of Perth Prison highlighted the positive impact from a custodial sentence - registered with a GP measure these indicators. It is people with convictions to having a place to call home can have on hoped that this can be provided access appropriate prisoners once released. The difficulties - have suitable accommodation for 2018-19. accommodation in the public caused by losing your place on the housing list

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or private sector and due to imprisonment were also highlighted - have had a benefits The Partnership will work with determine actions to during the focus group work as were views eligibility check. PKC Housing colleagues to mitigate these issues concerning hostel accommodation. research the barriers which reduce the ability of people with convictions to access appropriate accommodation in the public or private sector and determine actions to mitigate these issues

3.5 Research the barriers Focus group work with short-term prisoners at Ind3.4 Speed of access to Data is currently not available to which reduce the ability of Perth Prison highlighted the difficulties in mental health services measure this indicator. It is people with convictions to accessing support or treatment for mental hoped that this can be provided access appropriate mental health problems. for 2018-19. health care and drug and alcohol services and work The Partnership will work with with partners and the third the IJB to progress this action. sector to address any issues found

3.6 Develop opportunities Focus group work with short-term prisoners at Ind3.1 Partners have This will be progressed in 2018- for work experience Perth Prison highlighted examples of identified and are overcoming 19. placements for people with employers “letting people go” on disclosure or structural barriers for people convictions by changing discovery of a previous conviction. accessing services attitudes amongst employers

3.7 Promote existing Focus group work with short-term prisoners at Ind3.1 Partners have This will be progressed in 2018- employment support Perth Prison highlighted the view that a lack of identified and are overcoming 19 services to service users a job is seen as a path to reoffending. Training structural barriers for people on the Construction Skills Certification Scheme accessing services (CSCS) Card is seen as a positive but a lack of access to the card application whilst in prison was seen a barrier to finding a job in

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construction after liberation.

3.8 Review the processes The success of the UPW team in Perth and Ind3.2 Existence of joint- PKC will carry out a review of between Youth Justice and Kinross has led to the broadening of the working arrangements such Right Track. Youth justice link to Criminal Justice services to definition of unpaid work to include those who as processes/protocols to be strengthened and clearer ensure that the Whole attend “Right Track” which is a Structured ensure access to services to links established in the working System Approach is Deferred Sentence for 18 to 26 year olds. This address underlying needs relationship between youth continued into the adult has seen Right Track clients delivering unpaid services and criminal justice system work activities for community projects on a social work. voluntary basis. The Right Track programme was increased from 3 months to 6 months to give young people the opportunity to engage in unpaid work as preparation for potential future

CPOs. In the previous reporting year, 39 young people have gone through this process. Activities have included graffiti removal, litter picking and gardening. The hours ‘volunteered’ by Right Track clients is reported to the Sheriff which has a two-fold benefit as it allows the Sheriff to consider UPW as a sentencing option and give consideration to a reduction in future hours if a CPO is imposed. The experience gained by the young people subject to Right Track also makes it more likely they will be able to cope with the demands of

UPW once they have been sentenced. Young

people who have experienced this approach

are reported as having gained a sense of

achievement and notable pride in their work


Ind3.1 Partners have 3.9 Review the services for The Tayside and Fife Throughcare Network The first meeting of the Network identified and are overcoming people coming out of prison will be re-established to consider all pertinent was held in May 2018 and the structural barriers for people to ensure that they meet issues including short-term prison issues to next is scheduled for September

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their needs and are ensure that the services for people coming out accessing services 2018. The plan is to review and delivered timeously of prison are delivered timeously and meets revise the original protocols to their needs. meet the needs to the current local prison population.

3.10 Develop links with CJSW and Children & Families have Ind3.2 Existence of joint- providers of parenting developed closer links when working with working arrangements such services to enable people families which include fathers who have as processes/protocols to who are subject to the sexually abused but remain in the home. This ensure access to services to criminal justice system to has led to a shared understanding of risk and address underlying needs build and develop strong, positive progress in respect of the child’s and positive family relationships perpetrator’s interest. This joint working has and engage with parenting enabled staff to discuss different perspectives support, both in the and jointly share the safeguarding roles which community and secure has resulted in quicker actions based on establishments evidence rather than suspicion.

3.11 Work with partners to The Scottish Government have reviewed their Ind3.5 % of people released The policy will be circulated in examine the possibility of policy on GP registration which will make it from a custodial sentence 2018-19. not deregistering people easier and help support prisoners to get - registered with a GP sentenced to short periods registered with GP on liberation - have suitable of imprisonment with their accommodation GP’s therefore removing the - have had a benefits need to reregister on eligibility check. release

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4 People have better access to the services they require, including welfare, health and well-being, housing and employability

4.1 Develop and expand the Originally established in 2015, the Community Ind4.1 Targeted interventions work being carried out by A Police Scotland report Safety Hub is a partnership between Police have been tailored for and highlighted the value of the Hub. the joint Community Safety Scotland, Perth and Kinross Criminal Justice with an individual and had a Hub staff who identify PKC will carry their own Hub Social Work (CJSW) and Action for Children - successful impact on their evaluation during 2018 individuals at risk of Tayside Arrest Referral Service (TARS). Hub risk of further offending reoffending and work with workers from the different partners are co- partners to reduce these located in St Martins House with CJSW. The

risks Hub identifies individuals at risk of reoffending and utilises a partnership approach to reduce these risks.

4.2 Carry out an evaluation Ind4.1 Targeted interventions PKC will carry out their own of the One-stop Women’s have been tailored for and evaluation of OWLS in 2018. Learning Service (OWLS) to with an individual and had a ensure that it is meeting the successful impact on their needs of its client group and risk of further offending use this information to

determine its future activities

and opening hours

4.3 Expand the “other The Unpaid Work Team has endeavoured to Ind4.2 Use of "other activities Onside will be evaluated in Activities” part of CPO’s in adopt an approach which improves the all- requirement" in Community 2018. partnership with the third round health and wellbeing of individuals Payback Orders (CPOs) sector to deliver training to through education and working in partnership improve the employment with other organisations. This was piloted chances of clients. Training through the “Onside” Project which was will include health and developed as a pilot in partnership with the St safety, manual handling, Johnstone Community Trust and took place at food hygiene, fire McDiarmid Park. It combined elements of

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awareness, first aid/CPR vocational training with physical exercise with a and building and writing a qualified coach. CV. In addition (not included in the CPO hours) The project topics were designed to satisfy the the ability to take part in a project outcomes and to help maximise the health related fitness activity participant’s future employability prospects and will be offered were grouped as follows:

Improve Health and Wellbeing and Social Inclusion

Home Fire Awareness Workshop (education around the fire risks within the home which recognised the sometimes chaotic lives of the participants)

First Aid and training on the basics of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and life support.

Improve Employability Prospects

Education and overview of the current labour market.

How to build a Curriculum Vitae.

How to conduct internet Job searches.

Proactive and different methods in job searching.

Top ten interview questions and appropriate answers.

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Initial impact and presentation at job interviews.

Role play interview sessions.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Approved Basic Manual Handling Course.

RoSPA Approved: Food Safety and Hygiene for Catering Level 2 Course.

Health and Safety in the Workplace Level 2 Course

4.4 Explore the possibility of Ind4.1 Targeted interventions Tayside Council on Alcohol (TCA), in Funding options are currently developing with the third have been tailored for and partnership with Perth and Kinross Council being considered in order to sector a mentoring service with an individual and had a CJS delivers the Mentoring for Men (MfM) continue the mentoring service for men that would continue successful impact on their service. This targets males, 16 years old and with the process scheduled to to provide support for clients risk of further offending over, who are subject to community disposals be reviewed. after the completion of the or have been released from prison on licence. CPO to reduce the risk of Mentors work with individuals to address areas reoffending that impact on criminogenic risk such as

employment, substance misuse, housing,

education and engagement with health


4.5 Explore the possibility of Ind4.4 Quality of CPOs and As a result the resource is no longer available The Partnership will continue to providing health checks for DTTOs via NHS/CJS joint collaboration. explore possible options to male clients engaging with deliver this service. the Public Protection Team and others participating in The introduction of GPS tagging has not gone

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unpaid work in an effort to yet ahead, due to the delay in tabling the increase their all-round Bill. However the Public Protection Team has health and wellbeing a nominated champion and the team remain committed to innovatively using tagging as a viable community disposal and as part of licence conditions.

4.6 To ensure the best value Ind4.3 Effective risk This will be actioned when from the expansion of management for public electronic monitoring is electronic monitoring, protection introduced. develop a group to explore the opportunities that come from it

4.7 Carry out a review of the When compared with data from 2015-16, Ind4.4 Quality of CPOs and PKC will carry this out in 2018 delivery of unpaid work as 2016-17 saw fewer convictions for people from DTTOs part of a CPO to ensure that Perth & Kinross (7224 v 6028). However, when it delivers best value considering the type of sentence imposed, the percentages receiving a custodial sentence or a community sentence were similar in both Ind4.5 Reduced use of Data for these indicators will be 2015-16 and 2016-17 (custodial 15.6% in custodial sentences and updated when 2017-18 data is 2015-16 and 17.1% in 2016-17; community remand made available 20.2% in 2015-16 and 21.9% in 2016-17). - Balance between community sentences Of those receiving a custodial sentence, the relative to short number of short-term sentences of between 0 custodial sentences and 6 months fell (up to 3 months – 2015-16 under 1 year 67 and 2016-17 46. 3 – 6 months 2015-16 124 - Proportion of people and 2016-17 119). In contrast the number of appearing from sentences of 6 months to 1 year increased custody who are over the same time period (from 40 to 50). remanded However, the number of sentences of between Ind4.8 Number of short-term 1 and 2 years fell from 32 to 18 over the same sentences under 1 year

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time period.

Concerning remands, data from SPS for 2017- 18 shows that the average number of males on remand for a given month was 22. During the year, this number varied from 14 to 30 each month. For females, numbers each month were far fewer with an average of 2 per month, ranging from 0 to 5 per month.

Perth and Kinross CJSW run a Drink Driving Group for clients with a Community Payback Order who have committed a drink driving offence. This is an 8 week groupwork programme for people convicted of drink driving offences. Topics covered include the impact of disqualification, alcohol and driving Ind4.6 The delivery of skills, problem solving, decision making, risk interventions targeted at taking behaviours, alternative thinking problem drug and alcohol use strategies and victim impact/awareness.

Overall, the number of non-custodial disposals increased between 2015-16 and 2016-17. Number of Police recorded warnings: These showed a large increase from 55 in 2015-16 to 211 in 2016-17. Fiscal measures: These increased from 536 in 2015-16 to 645 in 2016-17. The biggest Ind4.7 Numbers of police increases were seen with Fiscal Fines (329 to recorded warnings, police 382) and Fiscal Fixed Penalties (144 to 194). diversion, fiscal measures, Diversion: There was an increase in the fiscal diversion, supervised number of diversion cases commenced from bail, community sentences 16 (2015-16) to 36 (2016-17). There was also (including CPOs, DTTOs and an increase in the number of Fiscal Work RLOs)

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Orders issued from 15 (2015-16) to 23 (2016- 17). Community Sentences: The number of Community Payback Orders issued increased from 419 (2015-16) to 455 (2016-17). DTTOs: The number of DTTOs remained the

same over the 2 years with 2 new orders issued each year.

5 Life chances are improved through needs, including health, financial inclusion, housing and safety being addressed

5.1 The Criminal Justice The CJSW Public Protection Team developed Ind5.1 Individuals have made Questionnaire data will continue Social Work Public and implemented a questionnaire designed to progress against the outcome to be collated and analysed to Protection Team will assess and measure client readiness to assess client progress develop and implement a change and their support needs during the new recording system which time that they were undertaking their will indicate a client’s Community Payback Order. Results indicate progress in respect of issues that the majority of clients demonstrated an including education, improvement in a number of identifiable needs. employment and attitude to The largest positive changes were found offending concerning physical health, sexual health, accommodation and finance. Smaller positive changes were found concerning mental health and substance misuse.

5.2 Encourage partners to Ongoing following introduction of GDPR on 25 Ind5.1 Individuals have made Ongoing following introduction record and where May 2018 progress against the outcome of GDPR on 25 May 2018. appropriate share information about clients in relation to needs, including

health, financial inclusion, housing and safety

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5.3 Develop a process to Ind5.1 Individuals have made Monitoring framework to be bring this information progress against the outcome developed together for analysis

6 People develop positive relationships and more opportunities to participate and contribute through education, employment and leisure activities

6.1 Encourage partners to The CJSW Public Protection Team developed Ind6.1 Individuals have made Questionnaire data will continue record and where and implemented a questionnaire designed to progress against the outcome to be collated and analysed to appropriate share assess and measure client readiness to assess client progress. information about clients in change and their support needs during the relation to needs, including time that they were undertaking their health, financial inclusion, Community Payback Order. Results indicate housing and safety that a number of clients demonstrated an

improvement in their relationships and had

more opportunities to participate and contribute

through education, employment and leisure

activities. Improvements were found for a

number of clients in their family/social

relationships, the number of leisure activities

that they participated in and the opportunities

they had for work, education and training.

Monitoring framework to be Ind6.1 Individuals have made 6.2 Develop a process to developed progress against the outcome bring this information together for analysis

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7 Individuals resilience and capacity for change and self-management are enhanced

7.1 Encourage partners to Ongoing following introduction of GDPR on 25 Ind7.1 Individuals have made Questionnaire data will continue record and where May 2018 progress against the outcome to be collated and analysed to appropriate share assess client progress. information about clients in The CJSW Public Protection Team developed relation to their clients and implemented a questionnaire designed to resilience and capacity for assess and measure client readiness to change and self- change and their support needs during the management time that they were undertaking their

Community Payback Order. Results indicated that the majority of clients evidenced enhanced resilience and an enhanced capacity of change and self-management. Client views on offending, attitude to desistance, readiness to work on problems, problem solving skills and engagement with services all showed

improvements over time.

Ind7.1 Individuals have made Monitoring framework to be 7.2 Develop a process to developed bring this information progress against the outcome together for analysis

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SECTION B - Local Priorities 1. Local Priorities: What were your local priorities for 2017/18? (please list below) 1. Employment 2. Housing 3. Health (including mental health and substance misuse) 4. Victims 5. Women who offend 6. Family relationships 7. Males who offend

2. Local Priorities: How did you identify each of your priorities? (500 words max) The local priorities were identified using three sources of evidence. These were:

Self Evaluation Day: Members of the Shadow Partnership met and utilising the Community Justice Self Evaluation template and identified a number of areas of shared interest that were felt to be suitable priorities for the new 3 year Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan.

Data analysis: Analysis of the data used to compile the Perth and Kinross Community Justice Area Profile highlighted a number of priorities that were suitable for inclusion in the Outcomes Improvement plan.

Views of those involved with the criminal justice system: Feedback from those involved in the criminal justice system, either in prison or in the community were analysed and this analysis was used to inform the development of the local priorities.

3. Local Priorities: How did you measure each priority? Priority 1. Employment: The main outcome is to improve the employment chances of those who are involved in the criminal justice system, including those who are serving a prison sentence and those who have a community order.

Questionnaires issued to clients throughout the different stages of their Community Payback Orders (commencement, review and completion) to identify needs and readiness to change and progress made.

Participation in Onside and evaluation of the project by both the clients who took part and those who delivered the project.

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Prisoner feedback from focus groups held at Perth Prison.

Priority 3. Health (including mental health and substance misuse): The main outcome is to improve the health of people involved in the criminal justice system, whether in prison or in the community.

Questionnaires issued to clients throughout the different stages of their Community Payback Orders (commencement, review and completion) to identify needs and readiness to change and progress made.

Prisoner feedback from focus groups held at Perth Prison.

Feedback from community-based clients

Feedback from workers and other colleagues.

Priority 5. Women who offend: The main outcome is to address the needs of women in the criminal justice system by providing a service that is designed by women, for women to meet their needs.

Questionnaires issued to women throughout the different stages of their Community Payback Orders (commencement, review and completion) to identify needs and readiness to change and progress made.

Data recorded for all female clients who attend OWLS concerning the type of activities undertaken and how often the women participated.

Information concerning client participation from OWLS Centre management meetings.

Evidence from case managers and other OWLS staff.

Evidence from informal focus groups attended by OWLS clients

Priority 7. Males who offend: The main outcome is to better address the needs of males in the criminal justice system by providing additional tailored services.

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Group feedback from Service Users

Individual feedback from Service Users

Referrer Feedback

4. Local Priorities: What progress did you make in relation to each priority? Priority 1. Employment The Unpaid Work Team has endeavoured to adopt an approach which improves the all-round health and wellbeing of individuals through education and working in partnership with other organisations. This was piloted through the “Onside” Project which was developed as a pilot in partnership with the St Johnstone Community Trust and took place at McDiarmid Park. It combined elements of vocational training with physical exercise with a qualified coach.

The project topics were designed to satisfy the project outcomes and to help maximise the participant’s future employability prospects and were grouped as follows:

 Improve Health and Wellbeing and Social Inclusion

Home Fire Awareness Workshop (education around the fire risks within the home which recognised the sometimes chaotic lives of the participants) First Aid and training on the basics of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and life support.

 Improve Employability Prospects

Education and overview of the current labour market. How to build a Curriculum Vitae. How to conduct Internet Job searches. Proactive and different methods in job searching. Top ten interview questions and appropriate answers. Initial impact and presentation at job interviews. Role played interview sessions. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Approved Basic Manual Handling Course.

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RoSPA Approved: Food Safety and Hygiene for Catering Level 2 Course. Health and Safety in the Workplace Level 2 Course

Client feedback has been positive. For example: “I have thoroughly enjoyed going to McDiarmid Park every Friday for the past few weeks. To gain a positive from what started out as a very negative experience in needing to go to court and getting 250hrs community service is not something I ever imagined would have happened. I have gained vital qualifications which I can add to my CV and hopefully help towards finding future employment. I have also gained great knowledge in interview techniques and how to job search which I haven’t done before.”

Priority 3. Health (including mental health and substance misuse): OWLS nurse - Women presenting at OWLS have complex needs including substance misuse, mental and/or physical health problems. Having access to a community-based NHS nurse has enabled the women to access a variety of services including: initial health screenings; sexual health; wound dressings; and blood pressure/ weight checks. This has enabled both physical and mental well-being issues to be identified at an early stage with follow-up easier for women trying to contact their GP or specialist services. Other benefits have included fewer appointments missed; fewer hospitalisations and well-being improvements for the women involved.

Counselling - Counselling Therapy continues is provided within the Public Protection Team from a qualified Counsellor thus enabling a smoother transition for clients who wish to engage with counselling either during or after addressing their offending behaviour. This therapeutic work is based on a collaborative pluralistic practice framework and encompasses a number of therapeutic models including Person Centred, Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioural, Compassion Focused, Solution Focused and Narrative Therapies and within the context of a Mindfulness approach. This counselling service continues to afford fast tracked counselling to eight clients per week offering a minimum of eight sessions and extended if required for complex and multi-faceted issues, e.g. those experiencing trauma.

This service continues to be an essential component within the Public Protection Team as, in some cases, it is not possible for clients to access mental health services. This is either due to waiting times or their diagnosis which does not meet the NHS criteria for treatment.

Client feedback is sought through reviews of the Counsellor’s practice to ensure efficacy of this work. One of the questions asked is “Do you think that you are benefiting from counselling, what’s working and what’s not working?” Feedback is extremely positive, with clients reporting that they feel more able, have greater understanding of their behaviours, actions and developing better ways of coping. For example:

“The counselling is helping me deal with general tension and particular anxieties arising from my offence and other sources. Mindfulness work is very helpful dealing with general worry and is helping to bring about new, more optimistic views. It’s difficult to think of any negatives, sorry.”

“I feel as though I have benefited from counselling. I am not a very open person but counselling has helped me to open up about things that are

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playing on my mind which has helped me.”

Priority 5. Women who offend: An engaging and respectful relationship between women and staff of OWLS services underpins effective client involvement. Women are actively encouraged and supported to be involved in OWLS, and are assured that their participation is voluntary and will not affect their access to any part of the service or opportunities to be involved in. All women are encouraged and supported to take up opportunities to provide feedback on their individual experience of the service.

Effective client involvement has a number of benefits, from improved service responsiveness to increased feelings of inclusion and ownership amongst women which is evident at OWLS. The level of participation that is currently available to women at OWLS ranges from receiving information that encourages involvement to acting in partnership with other services. There are opportunities for the services and individual staff to increase the extent and effectiveness of client involvement. A variety of approaches have been utilised to involve women in all levels of service provision in OWLS. This has enabled the service to develop to meet the needs of women who access it and transform and enhance women’s experiences of support services.

Management meetings: These are held monthly and run by the women. The minutes are then available for all women to read and give feedback or attend the next meeting. Women can give their peers or staff suggestions which can also to be put on the agenda to be discussed or highlighted. These can involve suggestions or issues which they would like raised. If actions come from the meeting, these are followed through and actioned if appropriate or clarified in feedback to the women at the earliest, most suitable time for them.

Informal client focus groups: These have suggested that whilst women at OWLS are keen to be involved in decisions affecting them, they have taken time to adapt to recognise that opportunities are made for them to participate in service development within the centre. These focus groups are far more relaxed for women who are not at the stage of attending more structured groups such as management meetings. For women who are in crisis or feel overwhelmed, informal or instant feedback mechanisms are used, such as comment books, suggestion boxes and exit questionnaires.

Questionnaires: Women were asked what they wanted through questionnaires regarding group work, then sessions were formed around these findings.

Mission Statement: Women created their own Mission Statement for the centre, which is displayed throughout the centre.

Literature: All literature for OWLS has been done in conjunction with women and staff to ensure views/ideas were listened to and acted on.

Centre design: The centre transformation, from layouts to decorating and furnishings, is done in joint planning and consultation with the women from

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conception to completion.

Women at all stages of involvement within OWLS take a lead role in showing other women/services around the centre and giving their own version of how the service is beneficial to them.

Priority 7. Males who offend: Tayside Council on Alcohol (TCA), in partnership with Perth and Kinross Council CJS delivers the Mentoring for Men (MfM) service. This targets males, 16 years old and over, who are subject to community disposals or have been released from prison on licence. Mentors work with individuals to address areas that impact on criminogenic risk such as employment, substance misuse, housing, education and engagement with health services.

The target population for this project are vulnerable individuals struggling to fit in with mainstream society because of their offending behaviour and associated consequences; stigma, discrimination, lack of mutual understanding/respect and breakdown in relationships. This results in social isolation and inequality as individuals become increasingly disconnected and marginalised from their communities. The project addresses this by offering support to attend appointments and activities, using pro-social modelling where service users learn how to manage challenging situations, such as conflict with professional workers or community members more effectively. Mentors will also advocate for individuals and groups where discrimination is experienced.

Feedback from both referrers and clients has been extremely positive. Comments made by clients have included:

“It (mentoring) gives me a reason to keep busy, it gives me things to do; ‘normal’ things. I also like that it encourages me to reflect on what I’ve done that day and throughout mentoring”.

“Mentor suggested suitable activities that helped me to develop pro-social skills. I always looked forward to meeting my mentor”.

The work the project has been able to do with those who are registered sex offenders is also particularly noteworthy in that project staff have adapted well to the task of identifying suitable activities in accordance with licence conditions as well as challenging the stigma this group typically experience. Perth CJS have fully recognised the value that mentoring offers in terms of the support it offers registered sex offenders. This is perhaps best evidenced by the number of individuals referred to 16+ mentoring who have committed an offence of a sexual nature and the positive feedback referrers have provided.

An example of the work of the project in this area and the successes it has achieved is highlighted in the following case study. The name utilised in the case study has been changed to maintain anonymity.

Frank was referred to 16+ mentoring having committed a non-contact sexual offence which occurred after the breakdown of his marriage. He

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reported fearing being physically or verbally attacked by others in his rural community due to the coverage his offence garnered in the local press. He further had concerns about encountering his former wife and her associates for similar reasons. It was apparent that Frank felt that all people in his locality were likely to be discussing his offence and would react negatively to him. This had led to him isolating himself and only leaving his home primarily to attend appointments at Perth CJS or to drive long distances to pick up groceries in stores which were away from his hometown.

In early meetings, Frank noted that while he planned on continuing to reside in his current locality, he would carry out all necessary social functions away from it. He believed that this was the most appropriate way of averting the risk he believed others presented. This led to many of his initial appointments taking place in social settings away from Frank’s hometown and these were typically not well populated. However, as the mentoring relationship developed, Frank became more confident in busier settings and was more willing to accept guidance from his mentor; guidance that would ensure his safety while allowing him to live a similar lifestyle to that of the one had had been living before his offence had taken place. As part of this process, Frank made links with local police who reassured him that he could contact them at any time should he feel threatened. He also became willing to meet with his mentor in his locality at quieter times to gauge how community members would react to him. This in turn led to meetings occurring at busier times such as lunchtime hours or late afternoon. Indeed, Frank’s mentor encouraged him to venture from his home out with their meetings which he did while being apprehensive. However, the positive experiences he had while leaving the house alone motivated him to move further out of his comfort zone. Although he would initially visit a local convenience store around 50 metres from his home, Frank’s increased confidence led him to begin visiting his town’s centre and beyond. He also began to participate in various activities that were of interest to him.

While mentoring undoubtedly supported Frank to become more socially active in a risk averse manner, the confidence he gained also supported his improved engagement with other services. This was certainly the case with employment services where he became more comfortable in disclosing his offence in an open manner which allowed these services to work in an informed manner to identify suitable opportunities while liaising with Perth CJS. The result of Frank’s improved engagement was gaining employment which he had maintained at the point of mentoring coming to its mutually agreed close.

5. Local Priorities: What are the areas you need to make progress on going forward? In addition to continuing the progress made with Priorities 1, 3, 5 and 7 the following priorities will be progressed.

Priority 2. Housing - The Partnership will work with PKC Housing colleagues to research the barriers which reduce the ability of people with convictions to access appropriate accommodation in the public or private sector and determine actions to mitigate these issues.

Priority 4. Victims - Recognising that there are issues within the criminal justice system which have a significant impact on the victims of crime. We will work with them and organisations supporting them to improve their journey through the criminal justice system.

Priority 6. Family relationships - Develop links with providers of parenting services to enable people who are subject to the criminal justice system to build and develop strong, positive family relationships and engage with parenting support, both in the community and secure establishments.

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SECTION C - Good Practice Please outline what went well for you in terms of community justice in your area (500 words max) Development Day - The purpose of the day was to bring the Community Justice Partners and members of the third sector forum together to review the Outcomes Improvement Plan, gather evidence for the Annual Report and consider priorities and actions for 2018-19. The Community Justice Co- ordinator received extremely positive feedback about the day and it is intended to repeat the exercise at least once a year with the option to run similar events that focus on specific outcomes.

Third Sector Forum - PKAVS facilitates the Community Justice Third Sector Forum as a means of co-ordinating the strategic involvement of the Third Sector within local Community Justice planning. The Community Justice Third Sector Forum has been meeting since July 2016 and currently includes approximately 14 different member organisations. The group is self-governing and has agreed a remit and terms of reference based on the requirement of a coherent voice that speaks for the sector as a whole. The Forum is currently connected to the Partnership by a representative that attends both meetings; bringing comment from the Forum to the Partnership and reporting back. Examples of areas of discussion held at previous Forum meetings include family support services, experience of the court system, mental health nursing and GP registration on release from custody. These discussions were fed into the development of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan. Part of the work of the Forum in the past year has been to focus on developing a better understanding amongst themselves of the reach of each other’s work, with recognition that there are currently gaps in knowledge around the individual remits amongst the sector and Statutory Partners.

Partnership working – Positive Prisons project: “Positive Prison? Positive Futures…” partnered with local Community Justice Partnerships in order to facilitate engagement with short term prisoners in HMP Perth. The engagement took the form of focus groups with those who have offended from Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross. Four focus groups were to be held and considered four key themes: Housing, Health, Welfare Rights/ Financial Services and Employability. The focus groups were co-facilitated by the National Co-ordinator of Positive Prison? Positive Futures… and the Community Justice Co-ordinators from Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross, in partnership with SPS prison management.

The focus groups followed on from focus groups carried out previously in HMP Perth with remand, short and long term prisoners to inform initial Community Justice Outcome Improvement Plans. The purpose of the new focus group work was to update on the current issues for short term prisoners in HMP Perth. The focus groups comprised 28 prisoners in total, all but one who was serving a short term sentence and all of whom were within 6 months of liberation.

The full report will be used to inform Community Justice Partnership Outcome Improvement Plans they will be presented to the Tayside and Fife Throughcare Network for consideration and further discussion. It is the intention of the group to repeat the focus group work on an annual basis or as required to gauge progress on issues raised.

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SECTION D - Challenges Please outline what were the challenges for your partnership/group in terms of community justice in your area and identify any you see going forward 2 key challenges have been:

1. One year funding of the Community Justice Co-ordinator post introduces a challenge for the Partnership as the Outcomes Improvement Plan is a 3 year one. This makes it difficult to plan tasks for the Co-ordinator to take forward in the medium to longer-term. The importance of the Co-ordinator role was highlighted when there was a sudden change in post-holder. This resulted in a significant delay in progressing the Community Justice agenda while a new postholder was appointed and assumed responsibility for the role.

2. Determining the best way to enable each partner to play an active role in the Partnership without overburdening them, given the number of other Partnerships and groups they are members of. This is a particular challenge for national organisations who now find themselves as key partners in 32 Community Justice Partnerships, rather than partners in 8 Community Justice Authorities. The development day was a success. However, this in itself was time-consuming and not something that all partners can commit regularly to. Options are continuing to be explored to develop a solution to this challenge.

SECTION E - Additional Information Please add any additional information that you think appropriate in the context of your annual report

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First published March 2018

(Document Version 1.2 (02.03.2018))

Community Justice Scotland Y1 Spur Saughton House Broomhouse Drive Edinburgh EH11 3DX

Tel:0300 244 8420

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Housing and Communities Committee

31 OCTOBER 2018


Report by Depute Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer


To provide an update on the activities of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) since the last update to the Housing and Communities Committee on 22 August 2018.


1.1 Local Action Partnerships (LAPs) provide regular updates to CPP Board on progress with delivery of their Action Plans progress over the year. Perth city LAP was the second Action Partnership to update the Board, on 14 September 2018. The LAP has set five local priorities which it is tackling through its Local Action Plan:

1. Enable young people to influence key issues that affect them and become involved in their local community. 2. Provide support and information to families/children affected by inequalities/social exclusion. 3. Work to reduce social isolation faced by many people. 4. Support people excluded due to lack of literacy skills. 5. Support training and employment initiatives to help people on low incomes, workless households.

Perth city is currently the only Action Partnership to be chaired by a community representative.

Perth city LAP reported:  It intends to run a ‘mini-public’ for young people in November to find out more about what it is like to grow up in Perth and how outcomes can improve.  How some of the participatory budgeting funding has enabled local groups to tackle inequalities within Perth, including the Syrian Refugee Project and holiday activities for families in Tulloch.  They had surveyed 800 people in the city centre to understand what people thought about living there and what could be improved. This information helped inform the Local Action Plan produced in October 2017.  They are exploring supporting the introduction of a ‘community fridge’ in Letham in winter 2019.


2.1 On 13 June 2018 the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreed a process for distributing the Community Investment Fund (CIF). [Report 18/196 refers]. The CIF is intended to strengthen local decision making by giving communities the opportunity to influence how funding will be spent in their ward. The fund is £600,000 per year for two years and is to be allocated on a ward basis (£50,000 per ward) under the umbrella of the seven Local Action Partnerships. The 2018/19 monies will be distributed in two tranches – November 2018 and February 2019.

2.2 Most LAPs have decided to focus on the second tranche to allow time to raise community awareness of the CIF and to set up grant panels. However 8 expressions of interest have already been received and 8 applications to the first tranche submitted.

2.3 SP&R Committee has instructed an evaluation of the first year of the CIF to be completed by March 2019 and this will inform and improve how year two is rolled out.


3.1 An independent report on LAPs commissioned from What Works Scotland, ‘What Works in Local Decision Making’ was discussed at CPP Board on 14 September 2018. An Improvement Plan based on the findings of the report is being developed with input from LAPs and will be submitted to CPP Board for comment and approval on 7 December.

3.2 A key issue highlighted in the report was the desire of some LAPs to divide into smaller areas, to better reflect local needs.

 Kinross-shire, Almond and Earn Action Partnership and Highland and Strathtay LAP resolved to formally divide into two separate LAPs, based on the two wards which currently comprise the LAPs. This was agreed by CPP Board on 14 September.  CPP Board was asked to consider how community planning partners can make a further contribution to supporting the increased number of LAPs. The Stronger Communities Team and Community Planning Policy Team will support 10 meetings per year for each of the 5 original LAP areas and there is an expectation that further support will come from wider partners where it is required.


4.1 The Community Planning Executive Officer Group (CPPEOG) has been tasked with delivering on the recommendations of the Fairness Commission Fairer Futures report, under the leadership of Councillor Peter Barrett. CPPEOG has identified Lead Officers from each of the Community Planning partners to co-ordinate work across all partner agencies, to address the Fairness Commission’s recommendations.

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4.2 The Former Fairness Commissioners were invited to attend the CPPEOG meeting on 31 August to discuss delivery progress with the Lead Officers. The Lead Officers highlighted some of the key achievements made with their workstreams. Commissioners were impressed by the progress made so far and offered advice as well as continued support to the Partnership on delivering on better outcomes.

4.3 The Commissioners were shown two case studies which highlighted the ethos of the recommendations:

o Co-production: Learning from experience in improving breast- feeding rates (NHS Tayside). This approach has led to a significant increase in new mothers choosing to breast-feed their children in Perth and Kinross and has been recognised by a Golden award from UNICEF for breast-feeding standards.

o Empowering Service Users: Rent restructuring in Perth and Kinross Housing Services (Perth and Kinross Council). A programme of giving responsibility to tenants to decide how to update and simplify the rent structure system for Council houses in Perth and Kinross. The programme was service user led and was seen as a positive process by tenants

4.4 CPP Board received an update item on Universal Credit rollout in Perth and Kinross and an overview of the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017. The Child Poverty Act places new duties on the Council and NHS to report on child poverty outcomes on an annual basis.


5.1 The Scottish Government announced their Programme for Government on 4 September for this parliamentary session. The Programme highlighted the recently updated National Performance Framework which provides a common framework for Community Planning Partners and other public services.

5.2 The Scottish Government reaffirmed its commitment to the Local Governance Review with COSLA. The findings from the review will inform proposals to strengthen democratic decision making at all levels in Scotland, to be set out in a proposed Local Democracy Bill for introduction in mid 2019. All public bodies are asked to contribute their reform proposals by mid December 2018. The Council is contributing to the Review through the Member Officer Working Group for Modernising Government and members’ workshops which are being scheduled for November.


6.1 It is recommended that the Housing and Communities Committee notes the progress made in relation to Community Planning.

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Author Name Designation Contact Details Christopher Holgate Community Planning [email protected] Policy & Research Ext 77834 Officer

Approved Name Designation Date Fiona Robertson Head of Culture and 18 October 2018 Communities Services

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Strategic Implications Community Plan (Local Outcomes Improvement Plan) Yes Corporate Plan None Resource Implications Financial None Workforce None Asset Management (land, property, IST) None Assessments Equality Impact Assessment None Strategic Environmental Assessment None Sustainability (community, economic, environmental) None Legal and Governance None Risk None Consultation Internal None External None Communication Communications Plan None

1. Strategic Implications

Community Plan (Local Outcomes Improvement Plan) and Corporate Plan

1.2 The Community Plan (Local Outcomes Improvement Plan) 2017-2027 has five strategic objectives, all of which apply to this report.

2. Resource Implications


2.1 None.


2.2 None.

Asset Management (land, property, IT)

2.3 None.

3. Assessments

Equality Impact Assessment

3.1 Under the Equality Act 2010, the Council is required to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between equality groups. Carrying out Equality Impact Assessments for plans and policies allows the Council to demonstrate that it is meeting these duties.

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3.2 None.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

3.3 The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 places a duty on the Council to identify and assess the environmental consequences of its proposals.

3.4 None.


3.5 Under the provisions of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 the Council has to discharge its duties in a way which contributes to the achievement of sustainable development. In terms of the Climate Change Act, the Council has a general duty to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and the community, environmental and economic impacts of its actions.

3.6 None.

Legal and Governance

3.7 None.


3.8 None.

4. Consultation


4.1 None.


4.2 None.

5. Communication

5.1 None.


Perth City Action Partnership - Local Action Plan. Strategic Policy and Resources Committee Report 18/196. What Works Scotland, ‘What Works in Local Decision Making.’ Fairness Commission Fairer Futures report.



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Housing and Communities Committee 31 October 2018

Environment and Infrastructure Committee 7 November 2018

Scrutiny Committee 28 November 2018

Housing and Environment Six Month Performance Summary 2018/19 – Exception Report

Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (Report No. 18/346)

This report reviews the performance of Housing and Environment against its Business Management and Improvement Plan (BMIP) for the period 1 April to 30 September 2018.


1.1 The Executive Officer Team, Housing and Environment Management Team and themed Committees consider performance against the Service Business Management and Improvement Plan (BMIP) twice a year through the Service six month and annual performance reports.

1.2 The six month performance summary highlights exceptions, either as a result of performance exceeding the BMIP target or being unlikely to meet the target.


2.1 The purpose of the six month performance summary in Appendix 1 is to review the performance of Housing and Environment during the first six months of 2018/19 against the targets contained in the 2018/19 BMIP. This was approved and scrutinised earlier in the year by the appropriate committees.

2.2 The exceptions in the report have been included following consideration of all BMIP performance management information. They relate to performance that is deemed to be significant. Where these exceptions are targets that have not been met, explanations and details of improvement actions to be taken are provided.

2.3 A full annual report with detailed progress against all targets and actions within Housing and Environment BMIP will be produced at the end of 2018/19.


3.1 The six monthly monitoring of BMIP performance information by Housing and Environment Senior Management Team has identified that progress in line with BMIP targets has been made in most areas, where this information is available.

3.2 It is recommended that:

(i) The Housing and Communities Committee and Environment and Infrastructure Committee consider and approve the Housing and Environment six month performance summary attached at Appendix 1 in the report.

(ii) The Scrutiny Committee scrutinises and comments, as appropriate, on the Housing and Environment six month performance summary attached at Appendix 1 in the report.

Authors Name Designation Contact Details Connor Wilson Performance and [email protected] Support Team Leader 01738 475000 Carole Hendry Team Leader – Business Improvement

Approved Name Designation Date Barbara Renton Executive Director 18 October 2018 (Housing and Environment)

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Strategic Implications Community Plan / Single Outcome Agreement Yes Corporate Plan Yes Resource Implications Financial None Workforce None Asset Management (land, property, IST) None Assessments Equality Impact Assessment Yes Strategic Environmental Assessment Yes Sustainability (community, economic, environmental) None Legal and Governance None Risk None Consultation Internal Yes External None Communication Communications Plan None

1. Strategic Implications

1.1 This report supports the delivery of the following Strategic Objectives within the Community Plan and the Council’s Corporate Plan:

i) Giving every child the best start in life ii) Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens iii) Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy iv) Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives v) Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations

2. Resource Implications


2.1 There are no implications arising from this report.


2.2 There are no implications arising from this report.

Asset Management (land, property, IST)

2.3 There are no implications arising from this report.

Page 101 of 156 3. Assessments

Equalities Assessment

3.1 The Council’s Corporate Equalities Assessment Framework requires an assessment of functions, policies, procedures or strategies in relation to race, gender and disability and other relevant equality categories. This supports the Council’s legal requirements to comply with the duty to assess and consult on relevant new policies to ensure there is no adverse impact on any community group or employees.

3.2 The function, policy, procedure or strategy presented in this report was considered under the Corporate Equalities Impact Assessment Framework and was assessed as not relevant for the purposes of Equalities Impact Assessment.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

3.3 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a legal requirement under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 that applies to all plans, programmes and strategies, including policies (PPS).

3.4 The matters represented in this report were considered under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 and it was assessed that no further action is required as it does not qualify as a PPS as defined by the Act and is therefore exempt.

Sustainability (community, economic, environmental)

3.5 There are no implications arising from this report.

Legal and Governance

3.6 There are no implications arising from this report.


3.7 There are no implications arising from this report.

4. Consultation


4.1 The Housing and Environment Senior Management Team has been consulted in the development of this report.


4.2 The Service User Review and Evalutation (SURE) Team were consulted in relation to the Housing activity and performance.

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5. Communication

5.1 There are no implications arising from this report.


2.1 No background papers, as defined by Section 50D of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (other than any containing confidential or exempt information) were relied on to any material extent in preparing the above report.


3.1 Appendix 1: The Housing and Environment Six Month Performance Summary 1 April to 30 September 2018.

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Housing and Environment

Six Month Performance Summary

1 April 2018 to 30 September 2018


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Introduction by Barbara Renton (Executive Director) 2

Service performance summary 3

How do we compare with others? 7

What are our customers saying? 7

Progress against Performance Indicators and Improvement Plan 9

Performance Indicators exceptions Where we are exceeding our target 10

Where we are not on target 11

Improvement Plan exceptions 11


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Welcome to Housing and Environment six monthly performance summary 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2018

Welcome to the 6 month exception report for Housing and Environment. This is an exception report to provide assurance that the actions and targets set out within our Business Management and Improvement Plan (BMIP) are being addressed. It also serves to report back on where we anticipate exceeding these targets and to help understand why we are predicting some may not be met.

Housing and Environment was formed on 1 April 2018 and we continue to work very hard in delivering in a wide range of areas with a responsive customer and community focus. This includes services which impact on residents and visitors on a daily basis – such as social housing, school transport, roads, bin collection, and street sweeping. Our work also delivers for those which people may only use on occasion, including homelessness, planning, business services, trading standards, dealing with emergencies and support to help find a job, for example.

As outlined in our BMIP, going forward there will be a continuing need to understand how best to use the resources available to us and to communicate what our services are. In the meantime, we will also seek out all opportunities to work collaboratively both within the council and with a range of different partners. Added to this, we are committed to our transformation programme, looking to further modernise the way services are delivered and producing further efficiencies, where any further opportunities arise.

Across the whole service, there are committed and dedicated staff who work hard to deliver the best services possible within the resources available. Without them, we could not take forward the outlined work within our BMIP, as we strive to improve the outcomes we set out within that document.

Barbara Renton Keith McNamara Executive Director Depute


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Service Performance Summary


The new build programme is having a positive impact in tackling both overcrowding and improving outcomes for families. An example of these outcomes can be demonstrated within the Blackthorn development in Blairgowrie which was developed following extensive community engagement. (Housing and Communities)

We participated in the Scottish Housing Day to raise awareness of the latest developments in housing and give people the resources they need to make informed decisions about their housing options. The focus this year was on supporting young people. (Housing and Communities)


In partnership with SSE we were successful in bidding for funding from the Warm Homes Fund (£1.2m). This forms part of a total investment of over £2m to replace central heating systems and support people who live in more remote areas to heat their homes. Work has begun to deliver these projects by December 2019. (Housing and Communities)

Perth-based company Miconex and technology partner Stampeet, were supported by the City Development Team to introduce the popular Mi Rewards Scheme in addition to the Perth Giftcard. Mi Rewards is free to use and registered customers are given a point for every pound they spend with local businesses. They can then redeem those points as gift cards which can be spent in local participating businesses. (Environment and Infrastructure)

Tourism is a key driver in the economy of Perth and Kinross – with an estimated value of £500m annually to the area. A significant strength of tourism locally is the events sector with an established and diverse calendar covering sport, arts, music and culture, food and drink, and more. The BBC's “The Biggest Weekend” over 26-27 May 2018, attracted crowds of over 20,000 across the two days. It showcased the beauty of Scone Palace, Perth and the surrounding area nationwide on BBC television, radio and online channels. Feedback from the BBC on audience comments were very positive, with some people describing it as the 'best organised festival of its size' that they had been to. (Environment and Infrastructure)

The Employment HUB is achieving notable success including the Skills Academies funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). These programmes have had a direct impact on moving clients into work within the hospitality sector. The IWISH programmes (Into Work in Scottish Hospitality) have


Page 108 of 156 supported a total of 24 clients directly into work within the region. The industry visits and introduction of clients to employers creates direct employment opportunities. (Environment and Infrastructure)

An investment pitch extolling the many advantages of doing business from Perth and Kinross was made at the recently opened Victoria and Albert museum on the Tay waterfront. (Environment and Infrastructure)


Progress is being made on building on our success in the delivery of our Home First Transformation project and we are currently developing our “Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan” which is to be submitted to the Scottish Government by December 2018. We have undertaken a detailed analysis of the current demand, gaps and future supply and type of temporary accommodation and have events planned for staff and our partners in October and November 2018 to help inform the plan. (Housing and Communities)

As at September 2018, we have assisted 74 households through our Personal Homeless Budgeting approach. This enables staff to respond quickly to people who are faced with a homeless or crisis situation which could impact on their abilitity to have, or keep, a roof over their head. (Housing and Communities)

We became only the second Council to sign up to the Chartered Institute of Housing’s “Make a Stand Pledge” to support people experiencing domestic abuse. (Housing and Communities)

We have completed a programme of improvement in two of our sheltered housing complexes at Strathmore Street and Carpenter Court. This included updating communal areas, new gas central heating, assisted bathing facilities, improved laundry facilities and outside seating areas. (Housing and Communities)

Between April and June 2018, glass recycling increased by 126 tonnes (approx. 22%) compared to the same period last year. The Waste Team were able to give a £600 donation to a local charity, Cornhill Macmillan Centre, as part of the 'Give Your Glass for Cornhill' glass recycling campaign. (Environment and Infrastructure)

On the strength of our bid, the Council's Perth City Region Cycle Network project has been chosen to advance to the next stage of Sustrans Scotland’s “Community Links PLUS” competition 2018. This aims to inspire local authorities to design better places and spaces for people to live, walk and cycle in for everyday journeys. (Environment and Infrastructure)


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We have completed 25 high quality social housing homes in Scone and Milnathort. These properties are of the highest quality, with triple glazing and fitted with state-of-the-art insulation as standard to help reduce household bills. The homes also meet the “housing for varying needs” standard so that they can be easily adapted to meet changing household needs (for example wheelchair accessible standards). (Housing and Communities)

Through the Buyback Scheme, we have also purchased 20 ex-Council properties in areas of high housing demand. (Housing and Communities)

Our multi-million pound Capital Investment Programme continues to improve the quality of our existing housing stock, including external fabric works and environmental improvement programmes. (Housing and Communities)

We have introduced new Pre-Tenancy Information Packs which offer information on moving house, furnishing and decorating new homes, paying rent, being a good tenant, budgeting and health and wellbeing. (Housing and Communities)

We have developed a new Tenant Welcome Pack which will give tenants a positive start in their home and support them to sustain their tenancy longer. (Housing and Communities)

As part of the expansion of MyPKC, we have introduced reporting repairs on line which offers a convenient 24/7 access to report non-emergency repairs. (Housing and Communities)

In partnership with tenants and elected members, we continue to develop Estate Based Initiative programmes across Perth and Kinross ranging from car parking, redesign of paths, drying areas and communal spaces. (Housing and Communities)

A 60 week programme of work to transform the B-listed former St Paul's Church on Perth's Old High Street has been agreed and will get underway in October 2018. This is a major milestone which will see one of the City's most high profile empty buildings brought back into use as a public arts and events space. (Environment and Infrastructure)

In September 2018, representatives of the 48 In Bloom committees from across Perth and Kinross gathered to hear the results of the annual “Take a Pride in Perth and Kinross Award Competition”. (Environment and Infrastructure)


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The judges commented:

“we continue to be struck by the enthusiasm, energy, skill and commitment from all the places we visited. The immense contribution really makes a difference our towns and villages. It was a great privilege to be welcomed to the communities and they have all done exceptionally well."

The winner of the Large Village category was Brig’ In Bloom. The winner of the Small Country Town Category was Coupar Angus, Pride of Place. Best Community Involvement was awarded to Coupar Angus, Pride of Place. Kinnesswood In Bloom was awarded Best Involvement with Schools. The Most Improved Community title went to Dunkeld and Birnam In Bloom. A special award was given to Keith Lawrence of Ardoch In Bloom for his Outstanding Contribution. Kinross In Bloom was presented with the Endeavour Award. The Best New Entrant was awarded to Luncarty and Redgorton In Bloom. (Environment and Infrastructure)

The Kinross-shire and Glenfarg Zero Waste Challenge, which helps communities to reduce household waste and stimulates recycling, took place during April and May 2018 and engaged 5,080 householders. The six week challenge included ‘Dads & Lads’ cooking workshops; soup, smoothie and juice making workshops; a recipe competition; school talks at three local primaries; a stall at the local community market and information displays in the community and at the local Sainsbury’s in Kinross. (Environment and Infrastructure)

On 26 June 2018, the new link road to Bertha Park was completed as part of the first phase of the Perth Transport Futures Project. The Project aims to alleviate current and future traffic congestion, provide essential roads infrastructure to support economic growth and improve air quality in the city centre. The A9 southbound offslip also opened, giving southbound drivers an easy link to the A85. (Environment and Infrastructure)

At the Blackford Community Park and Play Area, partnership working took place with the local community who were proactive and keen to improve their local play park. The Community Greenspace Team were able to allocate £50,000 of capital funding for play area upgrades. With the support of Elected Members, the Blackford Improvement Group was formed to help design the park upgrade and raise funding. The additional £78,000 of funding they raised enabled an additional zipwire and a more exciting rope climbing unit to be included in the works. (Environment and Infrastructure)


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How do we compare to others?

We measure our performance against Local Authorities and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) through the Scottish Housing Best Value Network (SHBVN) and Housemark.

The results of the 2017/18 Scottish Annual Return on the Charter were published on 31st August 2018. Some highlights are:-

. Our compliance with the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS) in 2017/18 was 96.15% which compares favourably with the Scottish average of 94.2%. . 100% of our housing stock received an annual gas certification by the anniversary date - the Scottish national average in 2017/18 was 99.8%. . Our reliance on the use of bed and breakfast accommodation in 2017/18 was 1.58 days, whereas the Scottish national figure is 35.9 days. . Our handling of first stage complaints was 93.10% in 2017/18, whereas nationally the average was 98.2%. For second stage complaints our performance in 2017/18 was 96.97% against a Scottish national average of 94.2%. (Housing and Communities)

In April 2018, we introduced a chargeable garden waste collection service. After benchmarking with other Local Authorities including Angus Council and Highland Council, we have introduced the service with a 54% participation rate. We have exceeded the income target. (Environment and Infrastructure)

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Benchmarking return evidenced that we were one of the leading Councils for energy performance. Currently, the overall energy consumption from Council properties for 2018/19 is showing a 3% reduction compared to the same period in 2017/18, achieving the Councils energy reduction target. (Environment and Infrastructure)

What are our customers saying?

Customer Feedback

Our Tenant Conference, held on 27 June 2018, included four workshops which looked at the format of the conference, our performance targets, sustaining tenancies and rent setting. Tenants told us they wanted local events and road shows, drop-in surgeries, encouraging attendance at events by offering free travel and childcare and surveys/questionnaires included within “On The House”. (Housing and Communities)


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During March and April 2018 we carried out our bi-annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey. A summary of which:

Performance Indicator (%) PKC`s Comparison with Scottish Local Authorities

st Overall Service Provided – tenant satisfaction (94.77%) 1

nd st Being Kept Informed about decisions (96.8%) 2 (South Ayrshire were 1 with 97.4) st Opportunities for tenants to Participate (98.74%) 1 st Management of Neighbourhood (94.57%) 1 st Quality of Home (95.83%) 1 rd Value for Money (88.18%) 3 (Clackmannanshire and East st nd Lothian 1 /2 with 93.23% and 88.63%)

Our performance has been scrutinised by the SURE Team and their overall assessment of our performance in 2017/18 was on the whole extremely positive with most of the themes being rated as “green”. Good progress made in 2017/18 and 2018/19 action plans continue to show how further improvement can be achieved. (Housing and Communities)

Employment Hub client feedback:

. “I would recommend the programme. Not only have I got a job I also have two new best friends.” . “I would recommend this course to anybody who wants to learn about the hospitality industry and wants to get back to work. This course is a must!” . “The course and support was great. Sam and her team were very knowledgeable, approachable and friendly.” (Environment and Infrastructure)

Our April 2018 to June 2018 customer satisfaction survey evidences:

. 86% of people had no problems when dealing with Housing and Environment. . 78% of people were very satisfied or fairly satisfied with their overall experience of dealing with Housing and Environment.

In September 2018 SGS, the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company found that the Council’s Building Standards Team continues to meet the international Customer Service Excellence Standard. (Environment and Infrastructure)


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Our Food Safety Team has also received Customer Service Excellence accreditation for the last 20 years. This was recognised by the Environment and Infrastructure Committee in September 2018. (Environment and Infrastructure)

Progress against Performance Indicators and Improvement Plan

Over the six months from 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2018, Housing and Environment has made significant progress in delivering the services and actions identified in the Business Management Improvement Plan agreed by Housing and Communities Committee on 22 August 2018 and Environment and Infrastructure Committee on 5 September 2018.

Of the 42 key performance indicators and improvement tasks contained within the BMIP: 7% are exceeding target; 45% are on target; 7% are not on target; and 41% are not measurable at this six month point. Below is a summary of the progress against the targets within the BMIP:

Exceeding On Not on Information Performance Indicators Total Target Target Target not Available GIVING EVERY CHILD THE BEST START IN LIFE AND DEVELOPING, RESPONSIBLE AND INFORMED CITIZENS




17 1 7 3 6 Exceeding On Not on Information Improvement Plan Total Target Target Target not Available Improvement Plan 29 0 29 0 0

The following sections provide an update on Service performance where targets have been exceeded and where the Service is not on track to meet the target in the BMIP. Where performance is currently not on target, improvement actions have been identified, where appropriate, to ensure the Service reaches the target by March 2018


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Performance Indicator Exceptions

Where we are exceeding our target

Performance Target Indicators exceeding 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Sept 18 2018/19 targets SUPPORTING PEOPLE TO LIVE INDEPENDENT, HEALTHY AND ACTIVE LIVES

Average days in temporary 74.4 131.58 131.98 81.53 80 accommodation (all (Aug) types) Comments Through our Home First approach, we are continuing to reduce the number of days people are in temporary accommodation and we are significantly below the Scottish national average of 103.2 days.

(Housing and Communities) Average time taken in days to complete approved applications 57.6 73.75 95.53 52.93 80 for medical (Aug) adaptations in the reporting year Comments We are currently showing a significant improvement over the 2017/18 position and this continues to be a key area of focus for the Housing Service. (Scottish national average 51.3 days)


Tonnes of CO2 3,522 emissions from Council 18,065 16,387 15,055 14,000 (Aug) properties Comments Less energy use to date along with using cleaner sources e.g. biomass (which affects the conversion rate*) has led to an increase in performance. This may change dependant on the severity of the winter season.

*Each kWh consumption is converted into tonnes of CO2 using conversion factors (usually kWh/kg of CO2). Gas and oil are primary fuels so direct emissions as they are burnt on site to produce heat, electricity is a secondary fuel as it is created elsewhere and delivered to site. Therefore the emissions for electricity are dependent on the mixture of fuels used to generate it, and it changes depending on the mix, more renewables reduces the conversion factor.

(Environment and Infrastructure)


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Where we are not yet on target

Indicators not yet on Performance Target target 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Sept 18 2018/19 CREATING A SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE PLACE FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS

Average length of time in days taken to 9.37 8 13.26 13.42 8.59 complete non- (July) emergency repairs % of tenants satisfied 91.4 90.06 90.24 90.42 95 by the repairs service (Aug) Comments Although there has been an increase of 9% in the time taken to complete non- emergency repairs, there has been a 12% increase in demand. We continue to prioritise emergency repairs to ensure our properties are safe, wind and water tight and that, together with our focus on reletting void properties, impacts on our performance in this area.

(Scottish national averages – non emergency repairs 6.4 days; satisfaction with Repairs Service 92.1%)

(Housing and Communities) % of ASB complaints 85 resolved within locally 94.57 96.68 81.23 90 (July) agreed targets Comments We are experiencing more complex complaints which are taking longer to resolve as they require multi-agency involvement and therefore exceeding our target of 20 working days. However, our initial response rate for serious complaints (2 working days) is 91% and for more routine complaints 96% (5 working days).

We have introduced a robust case recording system which is providing greater validation of the data.

(Scottish national average 87.9%)

(Housing and Communities)

Improvement Plan Exceptions



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Housing and Communities Committee

31 October 2018

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan

Report by Executive Director (Housing & Environment) (Report No. 18/347)

All Scottish Local Authorities are required to submit Rapid Re-housing Transition Plans (RRTP) to the Scottish Government by 31 December 2018. This report provides a background to RRTPs and the current work that is underway to develop the plan for Perth & Kinross Council.


1.1 The Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) was established by the Scottish Government in October 2017. The remit of the group was to make recommendations to Ministers on ways to end homelessness, rough sleeping, and transform the use of temporary accommodation in Scotland.

1.2 One of the key HARSAG recommendations, accepted by the Scottish Government, is for a swift transition to a ‘Rapid Rehousing’ approach. This requires all local authorities to develop and submit a Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan by 31 December 2018.

1.3 The HARSAG recommendations emphasise the need for prevention of homelessness whenever possible. They also recognise that, in some cases, it cannot be avoided and there will always be a need for some temporary accommodation. Rapid Rehousing should, however, be the default position for all households that do become homeless and have low, or no, support needs.

1.4 Rapid Rehousing means:

 a settled, mainstream housing outcome as quickly as possible;  time spent in any form of temporary accommodation reduced to a minimum, with the fewer transitions the better; and  when temporary accommodation is needed, the optimum type is mainstream, furnished and within a community.

1.5 Local authorities are required to develop a costed RRTP in collaboration with partners, to be delivered over a period of five years (2019/20 – 2023/24) by 31 December 2018. It is expected that the RRTP will then become an integral part of the Local Housing Strategy and the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP). It will be also reviewed annually.

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1.6 The Scottish Government has committed £21M from the £50M ‘Ending Homelessness Together’ Fund to support the move towards Rapid Rehousing over the next two years. All Local Authorities received a letter from the Scottish Government in September outlining its intention to distribute £2M of the £21M during the current year (2018-19), to assist in the development of Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans. The remaining £19M will be available for implementation of the plans and it is anticipated that we will receive information about how this funding will be allocated in the near future.

Home First

1.7 In July 2015, the Council approved a report “Building Ambition: The Council’s Transformation Strategy 2015 – 2020 and Organisational Development Framework” (Report No. 15/292 refers) which included a transformation strategy and a programme of major reviews. One of these reviews was the Home First transformation project. In August 2016, the Council also approved “Home First – Rio and Tayview House Review” (Report No. 16/359 refers) which underpinned the implementation and rollout of Home First. Home First was identified as a new model of service for homeless people which was being recommended following a comprehensive review of the current delivery and management of all temporary accommodation. The aim of Home First is to introduce a direct route for homeless people into settled accommodation, reducing the need for temporary accommodation. This minimises the duration, impact, stigma and cost of homelessness, as well as ensuring the best outcome for homeless households.

1.8 Home First was fully implemented in April 2017 after an extensive period of development involving colleagues from across the Housing service, other Council services and external partners. The new approach has been extremely successful, delivering on all project objectives and improved best outcomes for homeless people across a range of indicators. The approach has also been recognised locally and nationally as a sector-leading example of good practice, as highlighted by the Scottish Government and major homelessness charities Shelter Scotland and Crisis -homelessness-and- rough-sleeping-action-group. The improvements in Housing’s performance can be highlighted from the indicators below:

Indicator 2016 / 2017 2017 / 2018 Length of time spent in temporary 131.98 days 81.53 days accommodation Number of days between presenting as 441 days 91 days homeless and waiting for an offer of permanent housing Number of homeless people waiting for 550 218 an offer of permanent housing Number of new tenancies created 175 180 through the Rent Bond Guarantee Scheme

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1.9 Implementation of Home First has placed us in a strong position compared to most local authorities. This is evident from the RRTP Guidance which recommends many aspects of our current approach including:

 our integrated homeless / allocations team  the Common Allocations Policy / Register and our unique approach to matching our Registered Social Landlords (RSL) partners’ vacancies  the proportion of properties we allocate to homeless households  our approach to increasing housing supply through new-builds, shared equity, buy-backs, vacancy chains and empty homes initiative  our well established and award winning suite of private-sector access initiatives.

1.10 Home First is a rapid rehousing model and is working effectively as outlined above. The guidance issued to local authorities for the development of Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans has been broadly based on Perth & Kinross Council’s Home First model. Nonetheless, there is scope for further development and enhancement of the Home First model. The Council has the same requirement as other local authorities to submit a Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan.


2.1 The timescale for the development and submission of the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan has been relatively short, with the announcement of the requirement to develop the plan in late June 2018 and the submission required by 31 December 2018. To ensure the plan reflects the wider needs of homeless people, consultation and engagement events are being held with key stakeholders and agencies such as Health & Social Care colleagues, homeless people, housing providers, voluntary sector and frontline workers. As such, this report does not contain detailed proposals but provides an overview of our intention of the areas where we will further develop and enhance the Home First model.

2.2 Significant progress has been made towards the development of our plan. A draft vision has been developed which focuses on delivering a homeless service that works towards preventing and minimising the impact of homelessness. Appendix 1 provides further detail on the vision and objectives.

2.3 Through this vision, the following outcomes will be achieved:

 no-one sleeps rough in Perth & Kinross  for people at risk, homelessness is prevented before it arises  when homelessness does occur; o people are provided with a range of information and advice regarding their options

Page 119 of 156 o people with support needs are provided with the right support to support them through their homeless journey and to help sustain them in their tenancy o people are moved directly into alternative accommodation, whenever possible o people that require temporary accommodation will be provided with accommodation that is of a high standard, short term and meets the household’s needs in full.

2.4 To help with the development of the plan, the following actions have been achieved to date:

 a project team has been established to oversee the development of the Plan  a Team Leader has been seconded to work full time on the development of the Plan  detailed analysis on the current demand and the future supply of temporary accommodation has been undertaken to help identify what forms of temporary accommodation and support models are required to support rapid rehousing  staff workshop events held with further events planned for Council staff and external partners in October and November 2018  arrangements are in place to undertake an Equality Impact Assessment of the plan  a first meeting has been held with the Chief Officer of the Health & Social Care Partnership to discuss its contribution and how health can make homelessness a public health priority  a meeting with the Director of the largest housing association in Perth & Kinross to enhance joint working arrangements

2.5 Due to the success of Home First, our RRTP is likely to differ from those submitted by other local authorities. It will include proposals to further enhance our Home First model including:

 a further reduction in our temporary accommodation portfolio  a full review of third sector accommodation provision with an emphasis on supported rather than temporary accommodation  the provision of furnished tenancies through the enhancement of the Personalised Budget/Homelessness Prevention Fund. This would be person-centred rather than property specific, thereby avoiding the need for service charges  enhanced support provision to assist with tenancy sustainment, particularly in relation to transitional support to assist people to settle in their new home and intensive, wraparound support for people with multiple and complex needs  further development of the private-sector access initiatives to create opportunities to discharge our homelessness duty into the sector, following the introduction of the Private Residential Tenancy.

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2.6 There will be financial implications associated with some of the proposals outlined above, along with some potential savings associated with the further reduction of our temporary accommodation portfolio. The Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan will include fully detailed and costed proposals with a view to securing funding from the £19M outlined in paragraph 1.6. The application process for accessing this funding has still to be provided by the Scottish Government.

2.7 It is proposed that the service continue to work on developing the plan, in consultation with key stakeholders and service users. The draft plan will be submitted to the Scottish Government in December 2018. It will be submitted to Housing and Communities Committee in January 2019 for final approval.


3.1 Perth and Kinross Council is already operating a successful, effective and nationally recognised rapid rehousing model through Home First. Through this transformational approach, we are seeing the best ever outcomes for homeless people across a range of indicators. It is proposed that this initiative is further enhanced and developed to form the basis of our Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan.

3.2 It is recommended that the Committee:-

I. endorses the work currently underway to develop a Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan II. agrees that the draft Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan is submitted to the Scottish Government before the deadline of 31 December 2018, with final approval by Committee in January 2019. III. requests the Executive Director to circulate the draft plan to all members of the Committee on its submission to the Scottish Government.

Author Name Designation Contact Details Clare Mailer Head of Housing Tel. 01738 474531 Elaine Ritchie Service Manager Tel: 01738 474556

Approved Name Designation Date Barbara Renton Executive Director (Housing 3 October 2018 and Environment)

Page 121 of 156 ANNEX


Strategic Implications Yes / None Community Plan / Single Outcome Agreement None Corporate Plan None Resource Implications Financial None Workforce None Asset Management (land, property, IST) None Assessments Equality Impact Assessment Yes – in progress Strategic Environmental Assessment None Sustainability (community, economic, environmental) None Legal and Governance None Risk None Consultation Internal Yes External Yes Communication Communications Plan Yes

1. Strategic Implications

Community Plan/Single Outcome Agreement

1.1 This report supports the following outcomes of the Perth and Kinross Community Plan/Single Outcome Agreement in terms of the following priorities:

(i) Giving every child the best start in life (ii) Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens (iii) Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy (iv) Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives (v) Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations

Corporate Plan

1.2 This report supports the achievement of the Council’s Corporate Plan Priorities:

(i) Giving every child the best start in life; (ii) Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens; (iii) Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy; (iv) Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives; and (v) Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations.

Page 122 of 156 2. Resource Implications


2.1 There are likely to be financial implications associated with this report but there is going to be some funding available from the Scottish Government for the development and implementation of Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans so the extent of any financial implications for existing Council budgets is not clear at this stage.


2.2 There are no workforce implications associated with this report.

Asset Management (land, property, IT)

2.3 There are no asset management implications associated with this report.

3. Assessments

3.1 Under the Equality Act 2010, the Council is required to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between equality groups. Carrying out Equality Impact Assessments for plans and policies allows the Council to demonstrate that it is meeting these duties.

This report has been considered under the Corporate Equalities Impact Assessment process (EqIA) with the following outcome:

(i) An EqIA is required and is in progress.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

3.2 The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 places a duty on the Council to identify and assess the environmental consequences of its proposals.

This report has been considered under the Act and no action is required as the Act does not apply to the matters presented in this report.


3.3 There are no issues in the report in respect of sustainability.

Legal and Governance

3.4 The report contains no issues which would have a legal or governance impact on the Council.

Page 123 of 156 Risk

3.5 There are no issues of risk arising from the recommendations of this report.

4. Consultation


4.1 Housing staff and colleagues within other services have been involved in the process of developing the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan through a series of workshops. Regular briefings are being prepared and circulated to advise staff of progress.


4.2 Partners and stakeholders have been involved in the process of developing the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan through a series of workshops. Regular briefings are being prepared and circulated to advise external partners and stakeholders of progress.

4.3 The Tenant Committee Report Panel were consulted on this report and they commented that “they found the report to be informative, well detailed and a great initiative.”

5. Communication

5.1 A detailed communication plan will be developed to raise awareness of the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan and to advise on progress.


No background papers were relied upon during the preparation of this report.


Appendix 1 – High Level Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan Overview

Page 124 of 156 8 Home First -Minimising Homelessness - Improving Outcomes for Homeless People in Perth & Kinross To deliver a homeless service that works towards preventing and minimising the impact of homelessness and continues to: • intervene early and prevent homeless through enhanced advice, assistance and support • offers and provides a route for homeless people to move directly to settled accommodation • reduces the need for temporary accommodation and minimises the length of time people spend in temporary accommodation when it cannot be avoided

Outcomes Project Brief Early Intervention, For people at risk, homelessness is To work in partnership to review our Prevention and prevented before it arises approach to the delivery of the Advice and homeless servicesto: Information When homelessness does occur; Staff and • Achieve our ambition of minimising Partner Access to Settled -> People are provided with a range of homelessness in Perth & Kinross development & Accommodation training information and advice regarding their options • Continue to deliver and improve Home First so that whenever possible Rapid -> People with support needs are homeless households move directly provided with the right support to into settled accommodation Rehousing support them through their homeless journey and to help sustain them in • Implement Home First - wraparound Transition their tenancy support Plan -> If alternative accommodation is • End rough sleeping in Perth & Kinross required, people are moved directly into settled accommodation • Maintain a high standard of Temporary & Communication whenever possible temporary accommodation that is Supported & Engagement Accommodation short term and meets the needs and -> Temporary accommodation is of a choices of homeless households high standard, short term and meets Health & the households needs in full Wellbeing -> No-one sleeps rough in Perth &

Workstreams August 2018 - December 2018 January 2019-December 2019 January 2020 - August 2023 1. Early Intervention , Prevention and Advice and Information

Preparation of RRTP Seek Committee approval on RRTP Evaluation of RRTP 2. Access to settled accommodation Set out Local Housing Market and Implement small tests of change Evaluation of small tests of change / pilots and tenancy sustainment homelessness context Continued Partner engagement (RSL, HSCP) Staff, partner, service user and stakeholder Baseline assessment feedback 3. Temporary and supported Continued staff and stakeholder accommodation Undertake modelling exercise engagement Agree 5 year vision with partners Continued engagement events with service 4. Health and wellbeing Long Term Long

Short Term Short Financial analysis users 5. Communications and Engagement Staff, partner, service user and stakeholder Submission of bids to fund projects and initiatives

engagement Term Medium 6. Staff and Partner development & Provide overview to Committee on RRTP Provide update on the progress of RRTP training Submit RRTP to Scottish Government

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Housing & Communities Committee

31 October 2018

Strategic Housing Investment Plan

Report by Executive Director (Housing & Environment)

This report seeks Committee approval of the revised Perth and Kinross Council Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) for the period 2019/20 to 2024/25.


1.1 The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) sets out how Scottish Government funding for the development of affordable housing will be invested to support the delivery of the Local Housing Strategy outcomes.

1.2 The Local Housing Strategy (2016-21), approved by Housing and Health Committee in May 2016 (Report No.16/234 refers), identified a number of key priorities, including:-

 more affordable homes and well managed stock to ensure homes are the right size, type and location, with access to suitable services and facilities  safe and secure communities for residents of Perth and Kinross with access to good quality, affordable accommodation with the necessary support in place to sustain them in their homes and prevent them from becoming homeless  people living independently at home for as long as possible with help from the community and local support networks  warm, energy efficient and low carbon homes for Perth and Kinross residents which they can afford to heat.

1.3 An up-date on this strategy was reported to Housing and Communities Committee on 22 August 2018 (Report No 18/255 refers).

1.4 There is a high demand for housing in Perth and Kinross, which is set to continue given the projected increase in population over the next 15-20 years, including a significant increase in the older population. It is, therefore, essential that more new homes are built to meet these needs.

1.5 The target for social housing completions in the Local Housing Strategy is 150 houses per year. During 2017/18, a total of 161 additional social rented homes were completed between the Council and Registered Social Landlords (RSL) partners. This figure excludes 41 buybacks (ex Council stock) purchased by Perth and Kinross Council.

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2.1 The Scottish Government requires Strategic Housing Investment Plans to be submitted annually. The previous Strategic Housing Investment Plan was submitted to the Scottish Government following approval at Housing and Communities Committee on 1 November 2017 (Report No. 17/364 refers)

2.2 The SHIP sets out how Perth and Kinross Council will use the funding available to invest in the programme of council build as well as direct investment into housing developments to be progressed by Housing Associations and other partner agencies. Investing in housing developments which meet the needs of the most vulnerable people within our community is a central aim of the SHIP. The SHIP, therefore, reinforces the position of the Council as the strategic housing authority, along with the importance of the outcomes and targets set in its Local Housing Strategy.

2.3 The Council and partners identify and prioritise new build and development projects in the SHIP using the following criteria:-

 contribution to the Community Plan and the Local Housing Strategy (LHS) objectives  contribution to meeting significant local housing need  deliverability – likelihood that the project can be delivered within the timescale set out in the programme  inclusion, equality and meeting specific needs  impact on communities and regeneration  contribution to the balance of the programme and meeting strategic needs identified by the Housing Needs and Demand Assessment.

2.4 Due to a number of factors and influences, such as land acquisition and planning processes, it is necessary to review and re-prioritise the SHIP on an ongoing basis. As part of the SHIP approval process, the Scottish Government advises that local authority officials should, where possible, seek delegated authority to assign other projects into the programme, replacing those which fail to progress within the anticipated timescale. Any potential replacement projects are prioritised under the system set out in the SHIP and agreed through the New Build Project Board.

2.5 The Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2019/20-2024/25 is attached as Appendix 1. The estimated required level of new housing build is shown in Appendix 2.

Page 128 of 156 2.6 The Scottish Government’s guidance on Resource Planning Assumptions (RPAs) to plan our housing supply for 2018/19 to 2020/21 was made available on 30 April 2018. At this stage the Scottish Government has recommended that we continue to plan in terms of the level of funding to be available in 2021/22, although there is likely to be a change in the level of funding available to local authority areas for affordable housing after 2021. The confirmed funding for the next two years, with estimates from 2021/22, is detailed in the table below:-

Table 1 Financial Year Resource Planning Assumption 2019/20 £16.2M 2020/21 £17.3M 2021/22 £17.3M est 2022/23 £17.3M est 2023/24 £17.3M est 2024/25 £17.3M est

2.7 This funding has been allocated to new build projects detailed in Appendix 3. Additional projects are included in the event that projects fail to progress in the anticipated timescale.

2.8 The plan is for 1433 affordable houses to be started on site for the Council and its partners until April 2025 (buy backs are included in this figure). This does not include 183 houses which are either currently on site, or will start on site before April 2019. Following the guidance given by the Scottish Government, plans are made to take forward at least 20-25% more housing than will actually progress within the timescale of the plan. Therefore, it is emphasised that not all of the projects detailed will be developed in the timescale outlined. This advice is put forward in view of the number of issues which often crop up in developing housing and result in projects not progressing as anticipated. At present, the planned housing starts each year are summarised in the SHIP and are attached in Appendix 3 to this report.

Table 2

Financial Year Houses on site or to be started on site 2019/20 538 2020/21 314 2021/22 222 Later Years 359 Total 1433

Page 129 of 156 2.9 While some projects in earlier years will undoubtedly experience slippage, work is ongoing to identify additional developments to be inserted into later years in the programme. A list of projects which may be brought into the programme if slippage occurs, sometimes termed a ‘shadow programme’, is being developed. Any projects brought into the programme will be prioritised using the methodology outlined above in paragraph 2.3.

2.10 As set out in the Local Housing Strategy, the Council aims to build 400 houses in total over the five year period from April 2017 until March 2021. Sites for many of these houses have been identified but the search for additional sites will continue to ensure that the target is met. Progress towards the target has been slower than anticipated in the early years. However, the appointment of a Strategic Development Partner during 2018/19, through the Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) framework, will increase the pace of the new build programme moving forward.

2.11 In addition, the Council intends to continue its programme of buying back former Council properties to increase its stock. It is anticipated that grant assistance from the Scottish Government will support at least 24 properties to be bought back each year.


3.1 This report outlines the Perth and Kinross Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2019/20-2024/25 (Appendix 1).

3.2 It is recommended that the Committee:-

(i) approves the Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2019/20 – 2024/25

(ii) gives delegated authority to the Executive Director (Housing & Environment) to ensure that where projects fall out of the plan, alternative projects, prioritised in the same way, are substituted for them. Author Name Designation Contact details Clare Mailer Head of Housing [email protected] 01738 475000

Approved Name Designation Date Barbara Renton Executive Director (Housing & 18 October 2018 Environment)

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Page 131 of 156 ANNEX


Strategic Implications Yes / None Community Plan / Single Outcome Agreement Yes Corporate Plan Yes Resource Implications Financial Yes Workforce None Asset Management (land, property, IST) Yes Assessments Equality Impact Assessment None Strategic Environmental Assessment None Sustainability (community, economic, environmental) None Legal and Governance None Risk None Consultation Internal Yes External Yes Communication Communications Plan None

1. Strategic Implications

Community Plan

1.1 The Perth and Kinross Community Plan and Perth and Kinross Council Corporate Plan have five concurrent outcomes which provide clear strategic direction, inform decisions at a corporate and service level and shape resources allocation. The following are relevant to this report:

 Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy  Supporting people to lead independent, healthy and active lives  Creating a safe and sustainable place for future generations

2. Resource Implications


2.1 Resource implications arising directly from this report emanate from the proposed local authority new build housing programme (as detailed in the SHIP appended). In addition to the Scottish Government Grant, the second home Council Tax fund and developer’s contributions for affordable housing will be used to support the delivery of the programme. Detailed resource assumptions on the use of these funds will be reported to respective Council Committees when final details are known.

Page 132 of 156 2.2 The Head of Finance was consulted on these proposals as part of the Capital Budget and HRA Capital Plan budget setting process.


2.3 There are no direct workforce implications regarding this report.

Asset Management (land, property, IT)

2.4 There are no asset management implications arising from this report.

3. Assessments

Equality Impact Assessment

3.1 Under the Equality Act 2010, the Council is required to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between equality groups. Carrying out Equality Impact Assessments for plans and policies allows the Council to demonstrate that it is meeting these duties.

3.2 The proposals have been considered under the Corporate Equalities Impact Assessment process (EqIA) with the following outcome:

(i) Assessed as not relevant for the purposes of EqIA

Strategic Environmental Assessment

3.3 The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 places a duty on the Council to identify and assess the environmental consequences of its proposals. However, no action is required as it does not qualify as a PPS as defined by the Act and is therefore exempt.


3.4 These proposals meet the following sustainability criteria:-

 Where possible, using materials from sustainable sources  Energy conservation through improved insulation measures  More efficient heating systems  More efficient lighting systems

Legal and Governance

3.5 The Head of Legal and Governance has been consulted and there are no direct legal implications of this report.

Page 133 of 156 Risk

3.5 The Housing and Community Care Senior Management Team regularly review capital monitoring reports that highlight individual project progress and risks.

4. Consultation


4.1 The Head of Finance and the Head of Legal and Governance were consulted on this report.


4.3 The SHIP has been developed through joint work with individual Registered Social Landlords and the Scottish Government. They have been consulted on this report.

4.4 The Tenant Committee Report Panel are pleased to support this paper, especially noting the development of social housing in rural areas across Perth and Kinross.

5. Communication

5.1 There are no direct communication issues with regard to this report.


2.1 None


3.1 The appendices to this report is the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) which sets out affordable housing investment priorities to achieve the outcomes set out in the Local Housing Strategy.

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Perth and Kinross Council

Strategic Housing Investment Plan

2019/20 – 2024/25

October 2018

Page 135 of 156 2

1. Introduction

1.1 Good quality housing and the surrounding local environment make a significant contribution to the Council’s wider aim of creating safe and sustainable communities where people want to live. Good quality housing also helps tackle poverty and health inequalities, and gives children the best start in life.

1.2 Demand for housing in Perth and Kinross is high, particularly given the projected population increase within the next 15-20 years, including a significant increase in the older population. It is, therefore, essential that more new homes are built to address these issues. The programme within this Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) details proposals with the potential to deliver over 1000 additional affordable houses (including buybacks) over the next five years. This over planning approach ensures that we can be confident of meeting, or exceeding, our target of 750 affordable houses over this period. Equally important is the regeneration of areas of deprivation, and supporting communities to grow and develop, taking more ownership of their local area.

1.3 It is essential that the programme of additional affordable housing is maximised.

1.4 The geography of the area presents some specific challenges. Around half of the population is spread over a large rural area, and there are issues in relation to the availability of land, particularly in North Perthshire. This requires a strong focus on collaboration with the national park authorities, private landowners and other key partners to develop new housing.

1.5 The Local Housing Strategy (2016-21) identifies a number of key priorities, including:-

 More affordable homes and well managed stock to make sure homes are the right size, type and location, with access to suitable services and facilities  Safe and secure communities for residents of Perth and Kinross with access to good quality, affordable accommodation with the necessary support in place to sustain them in their homes and prevent them from becoming homeless  People living independently at home for as long as possible with help from the community and local support networks  Warm, energy efficient and low carbon homes for Perth and Kinross residents which they can afford to heat.

1.6 The core purpose of the SHIP 2019/20 – 2024/25 is to set out the investment priorities for affordable housing over a five year period to achieve the outcomes set out in the Perth and Kinross Local Housing Strategy (LHS) 2016 – 2021. The SHIP has been developed in partnership with Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), the wider Housing and Environment Service (including the

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Community Safety Team) as well as the local Health and Social Care Partnership.

1.7 Delivering high quality affordable housing in safe and secure neighbourhoods is a key priority for Perth and Kinross. The LHS provides the strategic framework to help us achieve that, setting out our vision, key objectives and outcomes.

2 Our vision

‘We want to make Perth and Kinross a place where everyone will have access to good quality, energy efficient housing which they can afford, that is in a safe and pleasant environment. People will have access to services that will enable them to live independently and participate in their communities’

2.1 The LHS 2016-21 sets out how the Council and partners will continue to deliver our vision. This vision will be achieved through a set of outcomes which reflect local priorities, national policy objectives and provide a clear direction for the LHS. The 4 outcomes are:-

1 Supply of housing and sustainable communities We are going to deliver more affordable homes and well managed stock to ensure that homes are the right size, type and location that people want to live in with access to suitable services and facilities. 2 Housing and homelessness We will support communities to be safe and secure, through providing good quality, affordable accommodation with the necessary support in place to sustain people in their homes and prevent them from becoming homeless. 3 Independent living We will support people to live independently at home for as long as possible with help from the community and local support networks. 4 House condition, fuel poverty and climate change We will enable residents of Perth and Kinross to live in warm, dry, energy efficient and low carbon homes which they can afford to heat.

3 Planning for Housing

3.1 The SHIP sets out how Scottish Government funding for the development of affordable housing will be used to support the objectives of the LHS. It, therefore, reinforces the Council as the strategic housing authority, as well as the importance of the outcomes and targets set out in the LHS.

3.2 The LHS sets out how the SHIP links with other national and regional policies and priorities within a local strategic context. Both documents are aligned to the Perth and Kinross Community Plan, Perth and Kinross Council Corporate Plan and related plans of partner agencies.

Page 137 of 156 4

3.3 The focus of this SHIP is the use of the Scottish Government’s Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP). Other funding streams, such as developers’ contributions (collected through the implementation of the Affordable Housing Policy) and Council Tax funding for affordable housing, are also used to complement the funding available from the Scottish Government. These funds help provide additional housing and are useful when development costs are higher than usual. High development costs are often experienced where housing is being provided through renovating a redundant building or where land servicing costs (often for rural sites) are higher than usual.

3.4 The SHIP covers a five year period and is designed to be a working tool which:-

 improves longer-term strategic planning  provides a practical plan, detailing how investment in affordable housing will be directed over a five year period.  provides an opportunity for local authorities to set out key investment priorities for affordable housing, demonstrates how these will be delivered, and identifies resources which will help deliver these priorities  forms the basis for more detailed programme planning  provides a focus for partnership working  informs, and is informed by, the preparation of RSL development funding plans  informs the allocation of resources from a national to a local authority level.

3.5 The SHIP includes affordable housing supply through new build, replacement, renovation and re-modelling. It also includes details of the programme of house building planned by the Council. Appendix 3 to the SHIP sets out projects to be taken forward on a site-by-site basis. This information will be used by the Scottish Government to draft Strategic Local Programme Agreements (SLPAs). Once agreed, SLPAs will form the basis of individual RSL and local authority programme agreements.

4 Partnership Working

4.1 The SHIP is developed and implemented through close partnership working with the Scottish Government, Registered Social Landlords and other key services, such as health services. A number of mechanisms are in place to ensure a range of partners are involved in the ongoing delivery of the SHIP such as:-

 seminars and consultation events for the development and implementation of the Local Housing Strategy, themed on the four main outcomes of the Strategy

Page 138 of 156 5

 Affordable housing project liaison arrangements bring together all partners quarterly to discuss the wider programme and strategic issues, including updates from the Scottish Government, the SHIP and site prioritisation. In these meetings, a proactive approach is taken in addressing project progress and specific project issues are highlighted, including those related to planning, public utilities and project costs. Any possible slippage of projects is reviewed on an ongoing basis to reduce the impact on investment of funding in the programme.

 a new Build Programme Board oversees progress on Council build projects on a monthly basis.

4.2 In developing the SHIP, RSLs were invited to submit project proposals and meetings were held with each partner to discuss the projects put forward. All projects proposed (including the Council projects) are prioritised in terms of the contribution they will make to the Local Housing Strategy outcomes prior to inclusion in the programme. Details of the framework of prioritisation are included later in this plan.

5. Monitoring

5.1 The SHIP is closely monitored and funding is claimed as promptly as possible to promote and maximize the funding invested in Perth and Kinross. Annual reviews of progress in increasing the supply of housing is reported to the Council’s Housing and Communities Committee, as part of the review of progress in implementing the Local Housing Strategy.

6. Equalities

6.1 Perth and Kinross Council is fully committed to equalities and diversity. The General Equality Duty has three main aspects:-

 eliminate discrimination  advance equality of opportunity  foster good relations between communities

6.2 The Council will respond to the different needs and service requirements of people regardless of sex, race, colour, disability, age, nationality, marital status, ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender re- assignment. The planning and delivery of good quality housing and appropriate information, advice and support services in Perth and Kinross embraces the principle of equal opportunities and the equality outcomes.

6.3 In September, waiting list information detailed that there were 429 applicants who had been awarded some degree of medical priority for a move to alternative housing. The majority of these applicants require ground floor housing due to mobility related issues. In some cases (at least 14 applicants who also have a learning disability), individuals also require support to live independently.

Page 139 of 156 6

6.4 The SHIP plays a significant role in promoting this agenda. People with specialist needs should have, wherever possible, the opportunity to live independently in their own homes and community. The aim is for all housing to be built to ‘housing for varying needs’ standard and a small number of fully wheelchair standard units will be incorporated where needed. Where a site is located, the need for specialist accommodation in the area is considered and included as required. 6.5 The details of many of the developments in the programme have not yet been finalised and the potential of many developments to meet specialist provision still needs to be fully assessed. It is anticipated that the proportion of housing for people with specialist needs including housing suitable for wheelchair users will increase once specific development details are finalised. The aim is that at least 12% of the total programme will be dedicated towards meeting the specialist needs of equalities groups. This exceeds the level of special needs accommodation set out by the Scottish Government of a minimum of 10% of all housing built.

6.6 The SHIP, as part of the Local Housing Strategy, has undergone an equality impact assessment. While it was found that there would be no significant adverse impact in terms of equalities, it is anticipated that further housing provision for those with specific needs should be identified and incorporated as the details of developments progress.

7. Strategic Environmental Assessment

7.1 The Strategic Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires that all qualifying plans, programmes and strategies, including policies, are screened to assess the potential environmental impact of the plan. A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) ensures that environmental issues are considered by decision makers alongside social and economic issues.

7.2 The SHIP, as part of the LHS, was considered under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 and pre-screening identified that the plan will have no, or minimal, environmental effects. It is, therefore, exempt and the SEA Gateway has been notified.

8. Scottish Government’s National Housing Priorities

8.1 The Scottish Government is committed to securing a strong and prosperous future for Scotland, economically, socially and constitutionally and wants people to live in affordable quality homes that meet their needs. In March 2016, Ministers announced More Homes Scotland (MHS), an overarching approach to support the increase in supply of homes across all tenures which will incorporate a variety of existing and new initiatives including:-

 a commitment of over £3 billion until 2021 to fund the delivery of 50,000 affordable homes accompanied by 3 year Resource Planning Assumptions, increased subsidy levels, a new Rural Housing Fund and support for City Deals

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 delivering more homes at below market rent, building on existing successful initiatives using guarantees and loans  supporting Home Ownership through the Open Market Shared Equity Scheme and the new Help to Buy (Scotland) Scheme  establishing a new Housing Infrastructure Fund which will provide loans and grants to allow partners to unlock strategically important housing sites and increase the scale of housing delivery  reviewing the planning system with a focus on improving planning processes to support the delivery of good quality housing

8.2 Ministers are committed to ending homelessness in Scotland and the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) was set up to bring forward recommendations to address this. One key recommendation is that local authorities are required to develop a Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP) in collaboration with partners over a planned and costed phase of five years (2019/20 – 2023/24) by 31 December 2018.

8.3 It is envisaged that the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan will include proposals for the further development of work taken forward over the past years on our Perth and Kinross ‘Home First’ model including:

 a further reduction in our temporary accommodation portfolio  a full review of third sector accommodation provision with an emphasis on supported rather than temporary accommodation  the provision of furnished tenancies through the enhancement of the Personalised Budget/Homelessness Prevention Fund. This would be person-centred rather than property specific, thereby avoiding the need for service charges  enhanced support provision to assist with tenancy sustainment, particularly in relation to transitional support to assist people to settle in their new home and intensive, wraparound support for people with multiple and complex needs  further development of the private-sector access initiatives to create opportunities to discharge our homelessness duty into the sector, following the introduction of the Private Residential Tenancy.

8.4 The RRTP will then be an integral part of the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) in future years.

9. Local Housing Market Areas (LHMAs)

9.1 Perth and Kinross Council covers an area of 5,286 square kilometres. While around one third of the population lives in Perth, 60% live either within Perth or within ‘commuter villages’ just outside Perth. Throughout the rural area, there are a number of sizeable settlements with a historical status of being the former ‘county towns’.

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9.2 The assessment of housing need and related targets to deliver affordable housing is divided into five Local Housing Market Areas (LHMA). The SHIP identifies investment programmes at Local Housing Market Area level and efforts will be made in future years to address any imbalances occurring in the investment programme. These arise where there is a lack of opportunities for investment in areas assessed as having high levels of housing need.

Table 1: Local Housing Market Areas (LHMAs) in Perth and Kinross LHMA in Annexes LHMA Greater Perth Area Perth and the surrounding villages Eastern Blairgowrie, Alyth, Coupar Angus, Eastern Perthshire Highland Pitlochry, Aberfeldy, Dunkeld, Highland Perthshire area Strathearn Crieff, Auchterarder, Strathearn area Kinross Kinross and Kinross-shire Source: Perth and Kinross Council

9.3 Perth and Kinross is a diverse area with a number of different housing priorities, even within the same LHMA. The plan to meet these priorities is outlined in the appendices to this report. High levels of housing need exist across all tenures. The LHS outlines how the Council, acting in partnership with other providers and policy makers, influences the housing system to maximise the supply of housing in the area.

9.4 The targets for affordable housing take account of the level of housing need in the area, acknowledging the level of funding which could be reasonably expected to deliver this. An assessment of the housing needs was carried out by the strategic planning authority (TAYplan) in 2013 and updated by the Council in 2015 (a summary of the findings is included in the appendices).

9.5 The Housing Needs and Demand Assessment (HNDA) found that housing need (for all tenures) is heavily concentrated in the Greater Perth area (56%), with the rest spread across the other four LHMAs:-  Greater Perth area - 56%  Eastern - 14%  Highland - 9%  Kinross - 7%  Strathearn - 14%

9.6 The proportion of housing need for affordable housing in each of the Local Housing Market Areas is very similar to the pattern of need for housing across all tenures. Investment priorities are derived through reference to the housing needs throughout the area. This is assessed by the Housing Needs and Demand Assessment, together with information on housing waiting lists and vacancies in the social rented stock, which allows for more detailed settlement level information to be considered. The pattern of investment underway at present is also taken into account in ensuring that the investment profile across Perth and Kinross addresses priority housing needs.

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9.7 In some rural areas, we experience difficulty securing opportunities for investment in more affordable houses. To help address this, we work with agencies such as Community Housing Scotland and the Rural Scotland Housing service to progress the detailed and intensive work required to take forward housing projects in these areas. The Scottish Government recognise the difficulties in rural areas. As such, additional funding is available through funds such like the Rural Housing Fund and the Self Build Fund to add to the range of potential housing solutions. We have projects working towards using these funding streams on a number of rural sites. These projects remain at an early feasibility stage at present.

10. Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP)

10.1 The projects detailed in the appendices are based upon an Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP) resource planning assumptions for Perth and Kinross. These are:

Table 1 Financial Year Resource Planning Assumption 2019/20 £16.2M 2020/21 £17.3M 2021/22 £17.3M est 2022/23 £17.3M est 2023/24 £17.3M est 2024/25 £17.3M est

10.2 To date, no funding assumptions have been given for years after 2021. However, as the Council intends to deliver a rolling programme of housing investment, projects have been identified with funding requirements closer to the average RPA over the 3 year period.

11. The Affordable Housing Supply Programme beyond March 2019

11.1 The focus of the SHIP is the use of the AHSP resources, but other funding streams used to support LHS priorities for affordable housing or complement the AHSP resources, are also utilised. The SHIP will ensure AHSP funding is allocated to support the Local Housing Strategy and that the Council has a realistic and practical plan for delivering investment priorities.

12. Additional Resources to Support and Complement the Affordable Housing Supply Programme

12.1 The Council, in consultation with the Scottish Government, will continue to manage the AHSP. This will be in conjunction with its Housing Capital Expenditure plan, along with the following investment options to support and maximise the delivery of affordable housing in priority sites during the life of the SHIP. The following resources may be used to deliver the SHIP:-

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 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Using its own resources to fund additional borrowing, the Council has plans to develop 400 houses for rent over the SHIP period. This will be funded through council tax funding, prudential borrowing and grant assistance from the Scottish Government. The programme of Council build is included in the figures above.

 Affordable Housing Policy (AHP) and Developer Contributions The level of funding available through this source is difficult to predict in that there are many variable factors which will influence this. These include the level of development being undertaken by developers and the number of sites being brought forward where the payment of a commuted sum, in place of onsite provision of Affordable Housing, is considered to be appropriate.

 Council Tax Reserve Income from the Reduction of Discount for Empty and Second Homes

In 2012, the Council Tax (Variation for Unoccupied Dwellings) (Scotland) Act gave Councils new powers aimed at reducing the number of empty dwellings. In June 2013, Perth and Kinross Council agreed to adopt a new policy with effect from April 2014 which awarded the minimum discount of 10% for dwellings empty for between 6-12 months. The Council Tax Charge for unoccupied dwellings is now 200% of the rate of charge for an occupied property.

Properties that are being actively marketed for sale or let will retain discount of 10% for two years from the date they became unoccupied. Purpose built holiday homes, job related dwellings and unfurnished properties where major work is ongoing or is required to render it habitable, will continue to receive the 50% protected discount as long as they meet the appropriate criteria.

Through these measures, the Council currently raises approximately £1.9m per annum for investment in affordable housing, although the main aim of the policy is to reduce the number of empty properties and to encourage owners to bring them back into use.

 Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF)

The Scottish Government have established a flexible grant and loan fund to help tackle infrastructure blockages and to accelerate the delivery of primarily affordable housing across Scotland. Support will consist of three main elements:

o infrastructure grant available to local authorities and RSLs (to cover costs which are not currently funded from the AHSP) o infrastructure loans to non-public organisations o resources to accelerate site development.

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Local Authorities are requested to identify priority sites which could be unlocked or taken forward earlier through this fund. Consideration has been given to how HIF can support SHIP projects and a few projects have been identified as potentially meeting the criteria. However, while there has been initial interest from developers, it has not been possible to obtain the information required to form more detailed project proposals. Reasons may include that the terms of the HIF may not be markedly different to finance available in the market or developers are not in a position to commit to programmes beyond the initial early delivery stages.

13. Affordable Housing Supply Programme Assumptions

13.1 The assumptions supporting the SHIP to calculate funding requirements include:

 Scottish Government Grant levels are based on average grant levels available to RSLs – actual grant levels will reflect the mix of house sizes on each site, once the project details have been finalised  grant funding levels put against projects are at the level for greener building standards being met – this can be adjusted if it is not going to be possible to meet greener standards within the individual developments as the projects become more fully developed  no allowance has been made for inflation.

14. Affordable Housing Supply Profile by Year

14.1 In addition, the Council intends to continue its programme of buying back former Council houses to increase the social rented sector. It is anticipated that grant assistance from the Scottish Government will be continue, supporting at least 24 properties each year. This would mean that a total of at least 120 houses will be brought back into the social rented sector through this means over the next five years.

14.2 This amounts to a potential programme of 1433 house starts in total (including the buyback properties).

14.3 There will be many changes in the timing of projects, even to those included in this programme. However, it is important to be ambitious and identify as many opportunities as possible to address the clear and pressing need for affordable housing throughout Perth and Kinross. If projects identified to come forward during the earlier years of the project fail to progress, it may be possible to accelerate some of the projects listed for later years. If the funding available is less than anticipated, projects will be prioritised according to the programme detailed.

15. Housing Support/Social Care

15.1 The Council is committed to funding the revenue cost of the housing support/social care services for the respective housing developments currently in development. Any future particular needs developments requiring

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revenue funding for housing support services will be discussed in advance by Perth and Kinross Council, the Scottish Government, support providers and respective RSLs.

16. Risk Management and Constraints

16.1 Risk management is the process of identifying, gauging and responding to risks in a particular programme or project, for example project cost, schedule or quality. Risk management planning establishes a consistent approach to programme and project risk management. There are three elements, risk identification, risk assessment and risk control. As with any long term financial plan, including those of RSLs, there is a need to keep the projections and assumptions used under constant review to ensure that the level of investment that has been assumed can actually be delivered. The main risks, or variables, that have to be managed include:-

 development constraints  financial assumptions  land supply  infrastructure constraints  planning constraints  legal procedural constraints.

16.2 Securing sites for the AHSP is challenging, particularly in the most pressured areas where land values are highest. Equally, while developing on brown field sites is a key regeneration priority, these sites often present their own challenges, in terms of ground condition problems and site access etc.

16.3 Any known site constraints are identified against individual sites. However, the most common constraints are summarised below, as well as the action that is taken to mitigate these problems.

Table 2: Identified AHSP Programme Constraints and Possible Mitigating Actions

Constraint Mitigating Actions Funding – lack of certainty  Effective liaison with Scottish regarding future investment Government to prioritise projects and levels progress site acquisitions to enable projects to be pulled forward if required

Funding – reduction in Housing  Work with Scottish Government to Grant levels progress efficiency agenda  Work with Scottish Government to ensure sufficient flexibility in system to recognise higher development costs in certain areas and/or house types Availability of land in pressured  Continuation of Affordable Housing areas Policy.

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Constraint Mitigating Actions  Identification of additional land supply through Local Plan process Ground condition problems/  Site investigation at early stage abnormal costs  Use of Infrastructure Fund  Ensure land values reflect remediation costs Scottish Water connections  Early discussions with Scottish Water to identify constraints  Use of Infrastructure Fund Access/Planning issues  Early discussions with planning services regarding road layouts/school catchment areas etc.  Effective internal liaison arrangements within the Council  Ensure Affordable Housing Policy procedures are robust Affordable Housing is part of  Carefully consider the timing and possible larger development reducing phasing of developments to make ability to bring forward site realistic assumptions on when affordable housing will proceed Difficulties in gaining  Identify any issues as early as possible in agreement of owners of the development process so that adjacent land if wayleaves etc negotiations can get underway as early are required through their land as possible  Have a sufficient supply of sites in the system to accommodate unforeseen slippage in the timing of projects coming forward Difficulty in linking site to  Where possible abnormal costs should be services at reasonable cost deducted from the land purchase price  Unforeseen costs may be met through either the Council Tax Fund or developer contributions  Use of Infrastructure Fund

17. Procurement and Joint Working

17.1 There is a strong history of a partnership working between Perth and Kinross Council and RSLs to deliver the housing programme. This ranges from identification and sale of sites, securing planning permission, a joint housing waiting list and liaison on nominations when the houses are ready for let. The Council will continue to work closely with the Scottish Government to support them in reviewing procurement arrangements to deliver increased efficiency in the delivery of the AHSP in Perth and Kinross.

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17.2 Increasing the supply of sites for affordable housing is agreed as fundamental to reducing the impact of the issues identified above. It is recognised that the potential supply of sites for affordable housing must be far greater than would be possible to develop within the funding available to allow for slippage in projects coming forward. Work is, therefore, continuing by the Affordable Housing Enablers to focus on the search for sites for affordable housing.

17.3 The Affordable Housing Project Liaison Group and the New Build Housing Board consider the most effective use of resources available through the SHIP, alongside the potential use of the Council Tax Fund and developer contributions to increase the supply of land for affordable housing. These funds can be used either for the purchase of a site to bring forward additional housing, or developers contributions can be used to enable an RSL to purchase a site on the open market by bridging the gap between the affordable value and the open market value. These funds can also be drawn upon to meet exceptional unforeseen costs of a development which would otherwise mean that the development would not progress.

18. Project Priority Options Appraisal Criteria

18.1 Projects in the SHIP have been prioritised using following criteria:-

(1) contribution to Community Plan and LHS objectives (2) contribution to meeting significant local housing need (3) deliverability (4) inclusion, equality and meeting particular needs (5) impact on communities and regeneration (6) contribution to meeting the strategic housing needs profile defined by the Housing Needs and Demand Assessment

18.2 These are explained below:-

(1) Contribution to Community Plan and LHS Objectives

Each project was assessed in terms of the overall contribution it would make to the strategic objectives of the Community Plan and the LHS. All projects were assessed to make either a medium or high contribution to objectives depending upon how many objectives, the specific project was assessed as making a contribution towards.

(2) Contribution to Meeting Significant Local Housing Need

Information on the level of housing need throughout the council area from the Housing Needs Demands Assessment (HNDA) together with administrative information from waiting lists, turnover and vacancy trends within the affordable housing stock provides a detailed view of housing need throughout Perth and Kinross. Projects were assessed according to whether the area was one with a very high level of local need for additional social rented housing.

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(3) Deliverability

In assessing whether or not a project is likely to be deliverable within Plan timescales, a number of factors were considered. These include the planning status for the project, whether or not the site is in the ownership of the Council or RSL, and the progress anticipated to be achievable by the Council or RSL. These crucial factors were taken into account in scoring the likelihood of the project coming forward on time.

(4) Inclusion, Equality and Meeting Specialist Needs

Most projects are anticipated to make a contribution towards meeting the housing needs of households with specialist needs. If a project is planned to make an additional provision to meet specialist needs, this factor was taken into account in prioritising the project.

(5) Impact on Communities and Regeneration

In some cases, a project was assessed as holding potential to make a significant contribution to the regeneration of an area. A project which is likely to achieve this as well as meeting the housing need in an area was awarded additional points to give the project a higher priority within the programme.

(6) Contribution to Meeting Strategic Housing Need Profile Defined by Housing Needs and Demand Assessment

The Perth and Kinross HNDA, in accordance with guidance circulated by the Scottish Government, was undertaken during 2015. This is used to inform the balance in the investment programme for affordable housing.

Projects were, therefore, assessed in terms of the contribution they would make to ensuring that the programme addresses the balance of housing need identified for the various LHMAs across Perth and Kinross. In assessing the relative contribution specific projects would make to the balance of the programme, consideration was also given to the developments underway at present.

19. Options Appraisal Results

19.1 The projects put forward by RSLs for inclusion in the AHSP have been prioritised with reference to these factors.

19.2 It should be noted that prioritisation is an ongoing process dependent upon a number of factors such as development constraints, financial assumptions, land supply, and legal and procedural issues. Priorities will be reviewed at least annually through the SHIP process.

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Appendix 2 – Estimated required level of new build housing (PKC HNDA 2015/16), used to inform Housing Supply Targets set in the LHS (CHMA HNDA Tool Refresh 23.12.2015)

Strathmore & Greater Greater Total Perth & Year Housing Tenure Strathearn Highland Kinross Glens Perth Dundee Kinross Social Rent 44 47 30 174 9 21 326 Below Market Rent 20 22 14 87 5 8 156 2016/17 Private Rented Sector 42 49 32 147 12 24 306 Buyers 21 36 20 162 10 27 296 Total 148 155 95 570 35 80 1084 Social Rent 44 47 30 174 9 21 325 Below Market Rent 21 22 14 87 5 8 158 2017/18 Private Rented Sector 42 49 31 149 12 24 307 Buyers 20 35 20 159 10 27 291 Total 147 154 95 569 35 80 1081 Social Rent 44 46 29 171 9 21 319 Below Market Rent 20 23 14 89 5 8 159 2018/19 Private Rented Sector 40 46 30 139 12 23 291 Buyers 39 34 19 154 9 26 282 Total 143 150 93 553 34 78 1052 Social Rent 23 26 16 95 5 11 177 Below Market Rent 17 19 12 75 4 7 133 2019/20 Private Rented Sector 34 39 25 118 10 19 244 Buyers 33 29 16 126 8 22 233 Total 107 112 69 414 26 59 787 Social Rent 23 26 16 98 5 11 179 Below Market Rent 18 19 12 70 4 7 128 2020/21 Private Rented Sector 33 38 24 117 10 18 240 Buyers 32 28 16 125 8 21 229 Total 105 111 68 409 26 58 777 5 Year HMA Total 650 682 420 2516 156 355 4781 5 Year Social Rent Total 1326 Units 5 Year Below Market Rent Total 734 Units 5 Year Private Rented Sector 1388 Units Total 5 Year Buyers Total 1331 Units

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Appendix 3 Pre 19/20 start projects Project Address Developer General Needs Specialist Total Units Site Start Pre Completion 18/19 Subsidy 2019/20 Subsidy 2019/20 Year

Blackthorn Place, Blairgowrie (SR) PKC 13 0 13 13 2019/20 Bertha Park, Ph1, Perth KHA 54 0 54 54 2019/20 Invergowrie PKC 0 5 5 5 2019/20 Blackthorn Place, Blairgowrie HHA 14 0 14 14 2019/20 Linn Road, Stanley (Ph2) PKC 10 0 10 10 2019/20 Atholl Road, Pitlochry CHA 12 0 12 12 2019/20 £200,000.00 £664,000.00 Glenalmond Road, Rattray KHA 50 0 50 50 2019/20 Burrelton CHA 12 0 12 12 2019/20 Pigeon Row, Crieff (Acquisition only) HHA - - - - 2020/21 £270,000.00 See 19/20 Auchterarder, Castlemains (Ph1) KHA 13 0 13 13 2019/20 £300,000.00 £714,000.00 178 5 183 183

PKC – Perth & Kinross Council KHA – Kingdom Housing Association HHA – Hillcrest Housing Association CHA – Caledonia Housing Association PFP - Places For People FHA - Fairfield Housing Association HAN - Hanover Housing Association

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2019/20 – 2020/21 Project Address Developer General Specialist Total Site Site Completion SG Funding SG Funding 20/21 SG Funding 21/22 Needs Units Start Start Year 19/20 19/20 20/21

2019/20 & See 21/22+ Buybacks PKC 48 0 48 24 24 2020/21 £840,000.00 £840,000.00 Thimble Row, Perth HHA 61 0 61 61 0 2021/22 £2,000,000.00 £1,976,000.00 £0.00 Glebe, Scone PKC 65 0 65 30 35 2020/21 £2,835,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Bertha Park, Perth (Ph1) KHA 54 0 54 54 0 2020/21 £2,090,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Gilsay Place, Perth PKC 20 0 20 20 0 2019/20 £1,180,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Inchture (Moncur Road) PKC 18 0 18 18 0 2020/21 £1,062,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Glenalmond Road, Rattray KHA 50 0 50 0 0 2019/20 £1,118,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Abernethy (Newburgh Road) PKC 8 0 8 8 0 2019/20 £472,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Crieff (Old Primary Site) PKC 30 0 30 30 0 2020/21 £885,000.00 £885,000.00 £0.00 Iona Court, Perth PKC 20 0 20 20 0 2020/21 £590,000.00 £590,000.00 £0.00 Guildtown (SR) CHA 20 0 20 20 0 2020/21 £1,440,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Goodlyburn HHA 39 TBC 39 39 0 2020/21 £2,909,088.00 £0.00 £0.00 Pigeon Row, Crieff HHA 27 TBC 27 27 0 2021/22 £949,752.00 £949,752.00 £0.00 Ardler Road, Meigle PKC 8 0 8 8 0 2019/20 £472,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Newhouse Road, Perth CHA 12 0 12 12 0 2020/21 £794,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Castlemains (Ph2), Aucthterarder KHA 16 TBC 16 16 0 2020/21 £300,000.00 £808,000.00 £0.00 Broich Road, Crieff (Ph1) KHA 50 TBC 50 50 0 2021/22 250,000.00 £2,500,000.00 £850,000.00 Craigie Road, Perth PKC 8 0 8 8 0 2019/20 £472,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Milne Street, Perth PKC 8 0 8 8 0 2019/20 £472,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Huntingtower, Perth PFP 67 TBC 67 67 0 2020/21 £1,600,000.00 £2,400,00.00 £0.00 Coupar Angus, Grueur Farm PKC 10 0 10 10 0 2020/21 £0.00 £590,000.00 £0.00 Windlestrae Hotel, Kinross HAN 8 0 8 8 0 2020/21 £576,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Guildtown (SE) CHA 21 0 0 0 21 2020/21 £0.00 £840,000.00 £0.00 Bertha Park, Perth (Ph2) PKC 60 0 60 0 60 2021/22 £0.00 £1,000,000.00 £2,540,000.00 Scone North CHA 10 0 10 0 10 2020/21 £0.00 £400,000.00 £0.00 Charles Street, Perth PKC 16 0 16 0 16 2020/21 £0.00 £944,000.00 £0.00 Borlick, Aberfeldy, East (Ph1) PKC 30 TBC 30 0 30 2020/21 £0.00 £1,770,000.00 £0.00 Hawarden Tce, Perth PKC 21 TBC 21 0 21 2020/21 £0.00 £1,239,000.00 £0.00 Pace Hill, Milnathort CHA 6 TBC 6 0 6 2021/22 £0.00 £432,000.00 £0.00 Gillespie Crescent (Hillyland), Perth PKC 20 TBC 20 0 20 2020/21 £0.00 £1,180,000.00 £0.00 Rossie Place, Auchterarder (Ph1) PKC 20 TBC 20 0 20 2020/21 £0.00 £1,180,000.00 £0.00 Wester Tomaknock, Crieff PKC 16 TBC 16 0 16 2021/22 £0.00 £160,000.00 £784,000.00 Stanley (H30) PKC PKC 15 TBC 15 0 15 2021/22 £0.00 £600,000.00 £0.00 Stanley (H30) KHA KHA 20 TBC 20 0 20 2021/22 £0.00 £560,000.00 £1,000,000.00

902* TBC 881 538 314 £23,306,840.00 £14,092,752.000 £5,174,000.00 *including shared equity

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2021/22 – 2024/25

Project Address Developer General Specialist Total Site Site Site Site Completion SG Funding SG Funding SG Funding SG Funding Needs Units Start Start Start Start Date 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 Buybacks PKC 96 0 96 24 24 24 24 2021/22- £840,000.00 £840,000.00 £840,000.00 £840,000.00 2024/25 Luncarty CHA 20 TBC 20 20 0 0 0 2021/22 £1,440,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Broich Road, Crieff KHA 50 TBC 50 50 0 0 0 2023/24 £250,000.00 £2,500,000.00 £850,000.00 £0.00 (Ph2) Bertha Park, Perth (Ph3) KHA 60 TBC 60 60 0 0 0 2022/23 £500,000.00 £3,820,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Newton Farm, Perth HHA 20 TBC 20 20 0 0 0 2021/22 £1,560,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Rossie Place, PKC 20 TBC 20 20 0 0 0 2021/22 £1,180,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Auchterarder (Ph2) Bolrick, Aberfeldy (Ph2) PKC 20 TBC 20 20 0 0 0 2022/23 £1,180,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Beechgrove PKC 8 TBC 8 8 0 0 0 2021/22 £472,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Bertha Park, Perth (Ph4) KHA 60 TBC 60 0 60 0 0 2023/24 £0.00 £500,000.00 £3,820,000.00 £0.00 Oudenarde HHA 30 TBC 30 0 30 0 0 2023/24 £0.00 £1,000,000.00 £1,160,000.00 £0.00 Burrelton (Ph3) CHA 12 TBC 12 0 12 0 0 2022/23 £0.00 £480,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Balhousie PS, Perth PKC 30 TBC 30 0 30 0 0 2024/25 £0.00 £855,000.00 £855,000.00 £0.00 Bowerswell, Perth CHA 3 TBC 3 0 3 0 0 2022/23 £0.00 £229,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Rossie Place, PKC 20 TBC 20 0 20 0 0 2022/23 £0.00 £1,180,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Auchterarder (Ph3) Borlick, Aberfeldy (Ph3) PKC 13 TBC 13 0 20 0 0 2023/24 £0.00 £767,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Bertha Park, Perth (Ph5) KHA 60 TBC 60 0 0 60 0 2024/25 £0.00 £0.00 £500,000.00 £3,820,000.00 GlenIsla Golf Club CHA 12 TBC 12 0 0 12 0 2024/25 £0.00 £0.00 £864,000.00 £0.00 (Alyth) Rossie Place, PKC 40 TBC 20 0 0 20 20 2023/24 & £0.00 £0.00 £1,180,000.00 £1,180,000.00 Auchterarder (Ph4&5) 2024/25

574 TBC 554 222 199 116 44 £7,422,000.00 £12,171,000.00 £10,069,000.00 £5,840,000.00

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