Securing the future… Improving services Enhancing quality of life Making the best use of public resources Council Building 2 High Street Perth PH1 5PH 23 October 2018 A Meeting of the Housing and Communities Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, 2 High Street, Perth, PH1 5PH on Wednesday, 31 October 2018 at 10:00. Note: The Convener will ask the Committee to agree to vary the order of business to take Items P1 and P2 (exempt business) following Item 3 on the agenda at the commencement of the meeting. If you have any queries please contact Committee Services on (01738) 475000 or email [email protected]. KAREN REID Chief Executive Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are in silent mode. Please note that the meeting will be recorded and will be publicly available on the Council’s website following the meeting. Members: Councillor Peter Barrett (Convener) Councillor Richard Watters Councillor Bob Brawn (Vice-Convener) Councillor Chris Ahern Councillor Alasdair Bailey Councillor Harry Coates Councillor Eric Drysdale Councillor Tom Gray Councillor David Illingworth Councillor Sheila McCole Councillor Tom McEwan Councillor Crawford Reid Councillor Caroline Shiers Page 1 of 156 Page 2 of 156 Housing and Communities Committee Wednesday, 31 October 2018 AGENDA MEMBERS ARE REMINDED OF THEIR OBLIGATION TO DECLARE ANY FINANCIAL OR NON-FINANCIAL INTEREST WHICH THEY MAY HAVE IN ANY ITEM ON THIS AGENDA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCILLORS’ CODE OF CONDUCT. 1 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES/SUBSTITUTES 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3 MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITIES 5 - 10 COMMITTEE OF 22 AUGUST 2018 FOR APPROVAL AND SIGNATURE (copy herewith) 4 POLICE AND FIRE REFORM: LOCAL SCRUTINY AND ENGAGEMENT 4(i) SCOTTISH FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE QUARTERLY 11 - 34 PERFORMANCE REPORT - 1 JULY 2018 TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 Report by Area Manager G Pryde, Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (copy herewith 18/343) 4(ii) PERTH AND KINROSS LOCAL POLICING AREA - 35 - 50 PERFORMANCE RESULTS - 1 JULY 2018 TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 Report by Chief Superintendent A Todd, Police Scotland 'D' Division (Tayside) (copy herewith 18/344) 5 PERTH AND KINROSS COMMUNITY JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP 51 - 92 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (copy herewith 18/345) 6 COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP UPDATE 93 - 98 Report by Depute Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer (copy herewith 18/342) 7 HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENT SIX MONTH PERFORMANCE 99 - 116 SUMMARY 2018/19 - EXCEPTION REPORT Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (copy herewith 18/346) Page 3 of 156 Note: The above report will also be submitted to the meetings of the Environment and Infrastructure Committee on 7 November 2018 and to the Scrutiny Committee on 28 November 2018. 8 RAPID REHOUSING TRANSITION PLAN 117 - 126 Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (copy herewith 18/347) 9 STRATEGIC HOUSING INVESTMENT PLAN 127 - 156 Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (copy herewith 18/348) IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE PUBLIC AND PRESS SHOULD BE EXCLUDED DURING CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM(S) IN ORDER TO AVOID THE DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION WHICH IS EXEMPT IN TERMS OF SCHEDULE 7A TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1973 P1 SCOTTISH FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - OPERATIONAL UPDATE FOR PERTH AND KINROSS P2 POLICE SCOTLAND - OPERATIONAL UPDATE FOR PERTH AND KINROSS Page 4 of 156 3 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL HOUSING AND COMMUNITIES COMMITTEE 22 AUGUST 2018 HOUSING AND COMMUNITIES COMMITTEE Meeting of the Minute of the Housing and Communities Committee held in the Council Chambers, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 22 August 2018 at 10.00am. Present: Councillors P Barrett, B Brawn, K Baird (substituting for Councillor C Shiers), C Ahern, A Bailey, E Drysdale, T Gray, D Illingworth, S McCole, T McEwan, R Watters and W Wilson (substituting for Councillor H Coates). In Attendance: B Renton, Executive Director (Housing and Environment Service); C Mailer, J McCall, G Conway, N Robson, N Rogerson, C Hendry, E Ritchie, M Dow, D McPhee and P Turner (all Housing and Community Safety); C Flynn, S Richards, and A Taylor (all Corporate and Democratic Services). Also in Attendance: Chief Superintendent G Murdoch and Inspector K Chase (both Police Scotland); Area Manager G Pryde (Scottish Fire and Rescue Service); C Stewart and T Bremner (both Tenants’ Representatives). Apologies: Councillor H Coates, C Shiers and C Reid. Councillor Barrett, Convener, Presiding. Prior to the commencement of business: (i) Liz Dewar The Convener paid tribute to former Tenants’ and Residents’ Representative Liz Dewar, who sadly passed away last month. 436. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES The Convener welcomed all those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence and substitutes were noted as above. 437. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest made in terms of the Councillors Code of Conduct. 438. MINUTE OF THE MEETING OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITIES COMMITTEE OF 16 MAY 2018 FOR APPROVAL AND SIGNATURE The minute of the meeting of the Housing and Communities Committee of 16 May 2018 (Art. 257-266) was submitted and approved as a correct record and authorised for signature. IN TERMS OF STANDING ORDER 34 THE COMMITTEE AGREED TO VARY THE ORDER OF BUSINESS TO CONSIDER ITEMS P1 & P2 AT THIS POINT AND TO Page 5 of 156 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL HOUSING AND COMMUNITIES COMMITTEE 22 AUGUST 2018 RECOMMENCE THE PUBLIC SESSION WITH POLICE AND FIRE: LOCAL SCRUTINY AND ENGAGEMENT FOLLOWED BY THE COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP UPDATE. IT WAS RECOMMENDED THAT THE PUBLIC AND PRESS SHOULD BE EXCLUDED DURING CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN ORDER TO AVOID THE DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION WHICH IS EXEMPT IN TERMS OF SCHEDULED 7A TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1973. 439. SCOTTISH FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE – OPERATIONAL UPDATE FOR PERTH AND KINROSS The Committee received and noted a verbal report from Area Manager G Pryde of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) on information which was not to be made publically available. 440. POLICE SCOTLAND – OPERATIONAL UPDATE FROM PERTH AND KINROSS Police Scotland had no operational update to report. THE PUBLIC AND PRESS WERE RE-ADMITTED TO THE MEETING AT THIS POINT 441. POLICE AND FIRE REFORM: LOCAL SCRUTINY AND ENGAGEMENT (i) Fire and Rescue Quarterly Performance Report – 1 April to 30 June 2018 There was submitted a report by Area Manager G Pryde, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (18/251) on the performance of the SFRS against the priorities, performance indicators and targets detailed within the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Perth and Kinross 2017-20, for the first quarter, 1 April to 30 June 2018. Councillor Drysdale made reference to the issue of road traffic collision casualties, fatal and non-fatal, and that targets are set by SFRS without any clear way of directly influencing the number of causalities, he queried to what extent this was an appropriate measure of the effectiveness of the service, Area Manager Pryde advised that this was a key risk within Perth and Kinross, SFRS as part of a multi agency group were focussing activity on providing support through educational work with schools and through the Road Safety Group to try and continue to drive the figures down further. Councillor Drysdale further stated that although he noted the number of casualties had improved he further queried to what extent were the injuries/casualties to drivers and passengers of vehicles and what extent were to pedestrians/cyclists. In response, Area Manager Pryde Page 6 of 156 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL HOUSING AND COMMUNITIES COMMITTEE 22 AUGUST 2018 advised that any road traffic collision they attend will come in via the Ambulance Service or Police Scotland. He advised that they only respond to incidents where people require to be extricated from a vehicle, if the incident involved a pedestrian or a cyclist then the Fire Service would not normally attend. Councillor Wilson made reference to the number of fire safety visits that were being carried out and queried whether there was a targeting strategy for these visits. In response Area Manager Pryde advised that SFRS have a risk rating profile for every premise which is completed prior to carrying out the fire safety visit and reviewed after the visit and will record any significant improvements made. Councillor McCole made reference to unwanted fire alarm systems and the fact that a significant number of the accidental fire alarms set off were due to equipment failure, she queried whether there were any statistics which would help identify any make or model of file alarm systems or repeat offenders or locations where the fire alarms go off persistently. In response Area Manager Pryde confirmed that every time SFRS attend an unwanted fire alarm call operational crews implement the unwanted fire alarm signal policy. The crew will record information from engagement with, the owner/occupier of the premises and will offer support and advice to identify the cause and put in place any remedial actions identified in order to prevent repeat calls. Area Manager Pryde further advised that SFRS have the figures for the whole Tayside area and if any specific issues arise these will be targeted, however there is the ability to feed the local information into the National Fire and Rescue Service to identify any national trends. Councillor Brawn queried our readiness to deal with the potential threat caused by wildfires in rural areas, Area Manager Pryde advised that there is a national lead for wildfires, and there is a wildfire strategy for Scotland, he assured members that SFRS have the correct resources to deal with wildfires in this area. Resolved: The performance of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in Perth and Kinross area for the first quarter, 1 April to 30 June 2018, as detailed in Report 18/251, be noted.
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