Yankees Are Loaded with Pitchers — Everywhere I Whalers’ Ties to Cancer Fund Run Deep
M — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Feb. 7, 1986 U.S./WORLD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 General Dynamics Proficient Blake State Bank posts is eligible again unique individual record earnings MISCELLANEOUS ICARS/TRUCKS APARTMENTS For Sale I ... page 13 ... page 20 FOR RENT I FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ... page 9 3 Room Apartment for Hay for Sale by the Bale. HOUSEHOLD Cash and carry. Pella rent. Prefer professlon- GOODS________ ollv worKIne couple with Brothers, Bldwell Street. I^PMNTIND/ 643- 7405. 1979 C h e v r o le t CIO ISERVICEG ■^SERVICES FLDDRINB no children, coll 627-S905 OFFERED IgZJpAPEBIND otter 7pm. Used Refrigerators, Pickup. Low mileage, ex OFFERED |51J Hendv Lathe, 6 foot bed, cellent condition. $4,200. Washers, Ranges — Floorsondlno — Floors Manchester — 2 bedroom clean, guaranteed, parts 10" swing, 2 chucks hard After 5pm, 647-8902. Child Core. Certified ele- Nome your owtj price — and saft, complete colic Odd lobs. Trucklno- Father and son. Fast, like new. Speclolliing In apartment, appliances, and service. Law prices. Homt rtpolrt. You name nientory tedcher will core older floors, natural ond heat, $500 a month, two B.D. Pearl 8, San, 649 and attachments, best 1979 Ford Thunderbird. 2 for your child while you dependable service. offer. After 5pm, 647-8120. door hardtop. Excellent It, w t do It. Fro* eotl- Painting. Paperhonging stained. No woxlng onv- months security & refer Main Street, 643-2171. mofet. Iniured. 643-0304. In my Hebron home- more. John Vertollle. Call ences. Close to 84 and condition. V-8, automatic, (neor Gay City Pork). S. Removol.
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