The International Academy for SYSTEMS and CYBERNETIC SCIENCES photos by alphabetic order 2019/12/31 IASCYS 2020 yearbook The International Academy for SYSTEMS and CYBERNETIC SCIENCES photos by alphabetic order 2019/12/31 IASCYS 2020 yearbook "Robert TRAPPL"
[email protected] , Honorary President “Wolfgang HOFKIRCHNER“ <
[email protected]>, "Matjaz MULEJ"
[email protected] , Honorary founding President “Raymond ISON“ <
[email protected]>, IFSR President "Stuart UMPLEBY"
[email protected] , IASCYS President “Michael C. JACKSON“ <
[email protected]>, "Jifa GU"
[email protected] , Vice-President “Louis KAUFFMAN“ <
[email protected]>, "Ockert J. H. BOSCH"
[email protected] , Vice-President “Kyoichi Jim KIJIMA“ <
[email protected]>, "Karl Heinrich MÜLLER"
[email protected] , Vice-President “Klaus KRIPPENDORFF“ <
[email protected]>, “Pierre BRICAGE"
[email protected] , Secretary General “Kin Keung LAI“ <
[email protected]>, "Helena KNYAZEVA"
[email protected] , Deputy Secretary General “Ervin LASZLO“ <
[email protected]>, “Vladimir LEFEBVRE“ <
[email protected]>, "Xiaoqiang CAI"
[email protected] , Deputy Vice-President “Loet LEYDESDORFF“ <
[email protected]>, “Charles FRANÇOIS“ † “Michael LISSACK“ <
[email protected]>, “Ranulph GLANVILLE“ † , late founding Vice-President “Humberto MATURANA“ <
[email protected]>, “Enrique HERRSCHER“ † “Gerald MIDGLEY“ <
[email protected]>, “Robert VALLÉE” † “Roberto MORENO-DIAZ“ <
[email protected]>, “Ernst Von GLASERSFELD“ † “Edgar MORIN“ <
[email protected]>, “Yoshiteru NAKAMORI“ <
[email protected]>, “Mary Catherine BATESON“ <
[email protected]>, “Nebojsa NAKICENOVIC“ <
[email protected]>, “Paul BOURGINE“ <
[email protected]>, “Constantin Virgil NEGOITA“ <
[email protected]>, “Sören BRIER“ <
[email protected]>, “Francisco PARRA-LUNA“ <
[email protected]>, “Pille BUNNELL“ <
[email protected]>, “José PEREZ-RIOS“ <
[email protected]>, “Tom R.