Page 1 of 7 Pan Peninsula Leaseholders and Residents Association c/o Richard Horwood, Flat 4203, 3 Pan Peninsula Square, South Quay, London E14 9HR Email:
[email protected] Jerry Bell Applications (Team Leader) Development & Renewal, Town Planning London Borough of Tower Hamlets Town Hall Mulberry Place 5 Clove Crescent London E14 2BG Application Number: PA/14/00944 5th October 2014 Dear Jerry South Quay Plaza planning application by Berkeley Homes I am writing to you on behalf of the Pan Peninsula Leaseholders and Residents Association, of which I am Chairman. Pan Peninsula is the largest residential building in the Isle of Dogs, comprising some 760 privately owned flats and home to well over 1,000 residents. We are the largest single group of local home owners and residents who would be materially and directly affected by the proposed South Quay Plaza development. This letter is supplementary to, and should be read in conjunction with, our related letter of 5th June 2014. As such, we will not expressly repeat here the points made in our earlier letter, but those points are strongly reaffirmed. We also repeat our request that I be allowed to speak at the Strategic Planning Committee hearing at which this application is considered. We are not in the least opposed to further residential development on the Isle of Dogs. Indeed we strongly support it as long as it is in proportion to the infrastructure needed and available to sustain it, and does not detract from the quality of life for those of us already living here or the value of our homes.