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ALPHABETICAL INDEX. TO TH]~ PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [The fossils referred to are described, and those of which the names are printed in italics are also figured.] Adams, Dr. A. Leith, on the death of Appleby, section of the" cliff" at Red- Fishes on the coast of the Bay of ding'sWood, two miles east of, 177. Fundy, 303; on the discovery of Aptien, Etage, 228. the Asiatic Elephant in the fossil Argile plastique and Caleaire grossier state, 496. m a clay-pit at Vaugirard, Paris, Affinities of .Rhinoceros ~truscu~, section of the, 372. Falc., 214 ; Thylacoleo carnifex, Argyll, Duke of, on the physical Owen, 307; West-Indian fossil geography of Argyllshire, in con- Corals, 26. nexion with its geological struc- Age of the Pennine Chain, 329. ture, 253. Ages of the leading physical features Argyllshire, physical geography and and lines of elevation of the Carbo- geology of, 255. niferous districts of Lancashire and Arve, sections in the valley of the, Yorkshire, Mr. E. Hull on the, 118, 119. 323. Ashdown Sands, Hastings, section of Albrighton, Shropshire, section of red variegated yellow sandstone in the, surface-loam between Codsall and, 390 ; Wealden, 392. 374. Ashley Down, section of quarry on, Aldborough, section from the river 200 ; to Cotham, section from, 200. Trent to the sea-cliff beyond, 160. Asiatic Elephant in a fossil state, 496. Alps and the Himalayas, Mr. H. B. Asterosmilia anomala, 16. Medlieott on the, a geological com- cornuta, 16. parison, 34. exarata, 16. Amiens Gravel, Mr. A. Tyler on the, Astrma grandis, 18, 20. 1, 103.
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