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Back Matter (PDF) ALPHABETICAL INDEX. TO TH]~ PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [The fossils referred to are described, and those of which the names are printed in italics are also figured.] Adams, Dr. A. Leith, on the death of Appleby, section of the" cliff" at Red- Fishes on the coast of the Bay of ding'sWood, two miles east of, 177. Fundy, 303; on the discovery of Aptien, Etage, 228. the Asiatic Elephant in the fossil Argile plastique and Caleaire grossier state, 496. m a clay-pit at Vaugirard, Paris, Affinities of .Rhinoceros ~truscu~, section of the, 372. Falc., 214 ; Thylacoleo carnifex, Argyll, Duke of, on the physical Owen, 307; West-Indian fossil geography of Argyllshire, in con- Corals, 26. nexion with its geological struc- Age of the Pennine Chain, 329. ture, 253. Ages of the leading physical features Argyllshire, physical geography and and lines of elevation of the Carbo- geology of, 255. niferous districts of Lancashire and Arve, sections in the valley of the, Yorkshire, Mr. E. Hull on the, 118, 119. 323. Ashdown Sands, Hastings, section of Albrighton, Shropshire, section of red variegated yellow sandstone in the, surface-loam between Codsall and, 390 ; Wealden, 392. 374. Ashley Down, section of quarry on, Aldborough, section from the river 200 ; to Cotham, section from, 200. Trent to the sea-cliff beyond, 160. Asiatic Elephant in a fossil state, 496. Alps and the Himalayas, Mr. H. B. Asterosmilia anomala, 16. Medlieott on the, a geological com- cornuta, 16. parison, 34. exarata, 16. Amiens Gravel, Mr. A. Tyler on the, Astrma grandis, 18, 20. 1, 103. Pariana, 14. Ammonites Astierianus, zone of, 234. Atkin, Rev. J., on Volcanoes in the , Noricus, zone of, 234. New Hebrides and Banks's Island, Spcetonensis, zone of, 234. 305. Analyses of rocks containing iron, Australian Marsupial, Thylacoleo car- 356 ; manganese, 899. nifex, Owen, airmities and probable Anatina Cothamensis, 206. habits of the extinct, 307. Andirovitho, Island of, Sea of Mar- Avicul~ Sandersi, 206. mora, 58. Award of the balance of the proceeds Angle of repose, 90. of the Wollaston donation-fund, Anniversary Address of the President, xxviii ; Wollaston Medal, xxvii. xxix-lxxxviii. See also Smyth, W. Babbage, C., Esq., on the Parallel W., Esq. Roads of Glen Roy, 273. Annual Report, i. Bain and the Steeping, section across Antigua, fossil corals from, 18. the valleys of the, 161. VOL. XXIV. INDEX TO THE PROCEEDII~'GS. Baker, Captain T., note accompanying Camera, section in a railway-cutting some fossilsfrom Port Santa Cruz, west of, 473 ; section through, 474. Patagonia, 509. Cagny, in the valley of the Arve, sec- Banded rocks, sections of, 389-393. tion near, 118. Banks's Islands,volcanoes in the New Calcaire grossier and krgile plastique Hebrides and, 305. in a clay-pit at Vaugirard, Paris, Basalt of Saxon Switzerland, 557. section of the, 372. Bas-Boulonnais, Lower Cretaceous Calcareous strata, sections showing beds of the, 472. the relations of grey beds to, 383. Bay of Fundy, death of fishes on the Cambrian slates, variegated, 379. coast of the, 303. Camelford granite, 440. Bedminster, Lower Lias beds at, 204. Camps-Hill Briekfield, Herts, section Benthall, near Broseley, section of in, 287. yellow-banded Carboniferous sand- Carbonaceous rocks of Devon and stone at, 393. Cornwall, 401. Bisulphide of Iron, variegation due to Carboniferous Corals, Mr. J. Thomson the decomposition of, 378. on some, 463; districts of Lanca- Bleaching connected with joints, 366 ; shire and Yorkshire, physical fea- of red beds, 359. tures and lines of elevation of the, Boulder-clay at Heasle, 251 ; of Lin- 323 ; grit and sandstone, Winey colnshire and South-east Yorkshire, Park, Shropshire, section of, B99. 147. Carboniferous rocks, denudation of Boulonnais, Lower Cretaceous beds the, 327 ; of Lancashire, Mr. E. of the, 472. Hull, on the thickness of the, 319. JBraehypltyllia Eekeli, 13. Carboniferous sandstone, Benthall, irre#ulari,, 1~. near Broseley, section of yellow- Brander Pass, section across the, banded, 393 ; coast south of White- 268. haven, section of, 391, 392. Brentwood, section from Brickenden Carrickfergus and Lame, worked flint Green to near, 469. flakes from, 495. Briekenden Green to near Brentwood, CaryophyUia afllnis, 17. section from, 469 ; to Bright's Hill Cement-bed at Speeton, 249. Wood, Hertfordshire, section from, Cephalaspidian Fishes in Devonshire 28& and Cornwall, 546. Bridgnorth, section of Bunter Sand- Chalk, of Amiens, 110; Whiteeliff stone at Linley, near, 367. Bay, 519 ; section showing decom- Bristol Channel, Mr. D. Mackintosh posed, 111, 113. on the encroachment of the sea on Chalki, Island of, Sea of Marmora, some parts of the shores of the, 60. 279. Chloride of sodium, pseudomorphous Bristol, Mr. C. O. Groom-Napier on Crystals of, 546. the Lower Lias beds near, 204; Clmd Brook, through Waddon Barton Mr. W. W. Stoddart on the Lower to Higher Duncombe, section from Lias beds of, 199. the, 409. British species of Grapt~)lites, 521. Clacton, fossil deer from, 511; pro- Broseley, section of yellow-banded bable age of the freshwater strata Carboniferous sandstone, Bentha]l, at, 515. near, 293. Clark, J., Esq., on the geological pc- Brown Willy granite, 440. culiarities of that part of Central Buckton cliffs, coast section from Germany known as the Saxon Kilnsea Beacon to the Speeton and, Switzerland, 548. 148. Clevedon, Posttertiary submergences Bunter sandstone, Linley, near Bridg- near, 283. north, section of, 367; near Shift- Cliff-section at Specton, 229. hall, Shropshire, section of, 363. Clive Hill, Shropshire, section of Burnley district, thickness of the Keuper Sandstone at, 376. Carboniferous rocks of the, 321. Clim~eograpsus teretiusculus, 528. Busk, G., Esq., on the discovery of Coal in the Eastern Hemisphere, Dr. the Asiatic Elephant in a fossil state, C. Collingwood on some sources of, 496. 98. INDEX TO THE PROCEEDII~O8, Coal-mines of Iwanai, Japan, 511. Cretaceous corals from the West In- Coal-plant from Sinai, Mr. J. W. dies, 22. Salter on a true, 509. Crummuch-Water beck, section of Coast-section at Speeton, 220; from Coniston Grits at the head of, 368. Kilnsea Beacon to the Speeton and Crustaeea from the Upper Silurian Buckton cliffs, 148. rocks of Lanarkshire, Mr. H. Wood- Codrington, T., Esq., on a section of ward on some, 289. the strata from the Chalk to the Culm-measures of Devon and Corn- Bembridge Limestone at ~Vhite- wall, 401. cliffe Bay, Isle of Wight, 519. Cumberland, section of Carboniferous CodsaU and ~lbrighton, Shropshire, sandstone at Workington, 389. section of red surface-loam between, Dartmoor granite, 440. 374. Dasyurus ursinus, 313. Collingwood, Dr. C., on some sources Dawkins, W. Boyd, Esq., on a new of Coal in the Eastern Hemisphere, species of Fossil Deer from Claeton, 98; on the geological features of 511 ; from the Norwich Crag, 516 ; the northern part of Formosa, and on the Dentition of Rhinoceros of the adjacent islands, 94. Etruscus, Falc, 207. Columnastrcea JEyrei, 17. Death of Fishes on the coast of the Combination of iron in stratified Bay of Fundy, 303. rocks, states of, 354. Decomposition of bisulphide of iron, Concretions of hydrous sesquioxide of variegation due to the, 378. iron, 375. Deer from Clacton, Mr. W. Boyd Coniston Flags, Dr. H. A. Nieholson Dawkins on a new species of fossil, on the Graptolites of the, 521; 511; the Nor~4ch Crag, Mr. W. Grits, Austwiek, Clapham, York- Boyd Dawkins on a new species of, shire, section of, 368; group, Pro- 516. fessor R. Harkness and Dr. H. A. Dendrograpsus tYallianus, 142. Nicholson on the, 296. Dentition of Rhinoceros ~trus~s, Contortion of the Miocene strata in Fale., 207. the AIps and the Himalayas, 48. Denudation in Lancashire and York- Copper-ores, sections illustrating the shire, periods of, 332 ; of the Car- " Kernel-roasting" of, 398. bonifcrous rocks, 327 ; Yorkshire Coprolite bed at Speeton, 250. and Lincolnshire, 175. Coralline Crag, Mr. J. Prestwieh on Depleted areas of red and purple beds, the, 288. 386. Corals of the West-IndianIslands, Dr. Desvres, section east 05 475. P. Martin Duncan on the fossil, 9. Devonshire and Cornwall, Cephalas- ~, Mr. J. Thomson on some Car- pidian fishes in, 546. boniferous, 463. Devon and East Cornwall, Dr. H. ]3. Cornwall, Cephalaspidian fishes in HoU on the older rocks of South, Devonshire and, 546; Dr. H. B. 400. Hell on the older rocks of South Devonian rocks of Devon and Corn- Devon and East, 400. wan, 414. Correlation of the Coniston Flags with Diagram of flexures in Mid-Lanca- foreign deposits, 542. shire, 326. Cotham, Lower Lias beds at, 200, Dichograpsus Logani, 128. 204 ; s~etion from Ashley Down to, --~ multiplex, 129. 200; quarry, section of, 203. -- oetobraeMatus, 129. Crag, Mr. W. Boyd Dawkins on a reticulalus, 143. new species of Deer from the ~or- Didymograpsus bifidus, 136. with, 516. caduceus, 133. Crag-beds of Norfolk and Suffolk, Mr. -- geminas, 134. J. Prestwich on the structure of the, mtidus, 135. 288, 460. -- patulus, 135. Crag-pit, Suffolk, section in the Wang- -- serratalus, 136. ford, 377. - sextanss 134. Cretaceous beds of the Bas-Boulon- - V-fraetus, 134. nais, lift. W. ~s on the Lowers Dimlington Cliff, section from Rand 472. to, 169. INDEX TO THE PROCEEDII~G8~ DiTloeosnla monitor, 21. JEurypteru* obe~ms, 293. ~iTlogra~sus angustifoligs, 525. - (Pterygotus) punetatus, 290. antennarius, 139. -- #~, 292. confertus, 526. Exe, supposed glacial markh~ in the ~ folium, 524. valley of the, 3. #em~us, 134. Faults in Lancashire and Yorkshire, -- mucronatus, 139. system of north-west, 332. ---- Tabneus, 523. Favoidea Junghuhni, 20. Tristiniformis, 140. Ferruginous accumulation in banded pristis, 527. ellow sandstones, section showing .. Tutillus, 527. ion of line of, 394 ; bands in tama~iscus, 526. Carboniferous sandstone, 389. teretiusculus, 139. Ffley Bay, section of the beds exposed vesiculosus, 527. in, 227.
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