Wild Cards

Sons of the Gun

Table of Contents

The Legend… … pg. 03 About W ild Cards ... …pg. 04 Attaining, Owning, and Passing the Cards… ...pg. 05 Playing W ild Cards… ...pg. 06 Story: T he Last Stand At Tombstone… … pg. 09 History of the Wild Cards World… … pg. 15 The Fifty Four Cards… …pg. 20 The … ...pg. 21 The … ...pg. 27 The … ...pg. 33 The … ...pg. 39 The Jokers… ...pg. 45 Acknowledgements… … pg. 47

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: Y ou are free to share and adapt this material for any purpose, including commercially, as long as you give attribution.

Rules by Sean "Mac" McClellan. All lore text was created by a variety of folks and I make no claim of ownership of it - please see the “Acknowledgements” section for a list of contributors I’ve managed to chronicle thus far.

2 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

The Legend...

There are whispers. Half truths and tall tales. To be honest no man knows where the Cards came from. No mortal man, kennit? All that is agreed upon is one day they started to appear, and the world changed.

To hear it told, there are only so many true Guns in the world. Guns with a capital G. The Fabled Fifty Four. Sure you can find the odd shooting iron, crafted by some smith of supreme skill. Maybe even purchase a genuine Smythe, not the mass produced crap, but one the old man made himself. More common a slugthrower, those bastard children of inspiration that many a would-be 'Slinger claims is a weapon true. The real deal, blessed steel, they are the only ones worthy of being called true Guns. They are the Cards, and they are the weapons of the ‘Slingers. To wield a Card is to be blessed and cursed. To carry one is to be a God on Earth, and a demon of the cruelest nature. The stories hint that those who carry the Cards don't truly wield them, but are instead used by them. There are tales of ‘Slingers who would thank their murderers for freeing them from the curse in one breath, and bemoan their damned souls in the next.

Many a man will argue on the nature of the Cards. Whether they were the work of one man or many. Some even speculate that Ol' Scratch Himself made them. What no man will argue is their power. Fifty four Guns, thirteen of each Suit and the two Wilds. to , that's how their power is reckoned. Such thinking is for the jaw waggers and the boilbacks. Any man who has seen a Gunslinger will tell you, the strength of the Gun will only get you so far, the rest is the man or woman who the Card rides.

The Cards are marked with the image of their namesake, usually on the handle. Stories follow those that carry them, right into the grave. A clever ‘Slinger may make it to old age with a Gun, but none will make it there unscathed. Beyond that, there's not much that a fella can say about the Cards. Or rather, there's too much. Scuttlebutt. Gossip. Stories you can never really confirm.

The suits do seem to mean something. They say that a Club can punch through steel, that you never beat a Diamond at the quick-draw, that a Heart can shoot the wings off a fly, and that a Spade can shoot around corners if he really wants to. The Jokers, now them everyone can agree on. The Black , the Dead Man's Gun. No one who carries it ever dies in a gunfight, but they all die soon enough... and the Red Joker, which might as well be a myth. No one can ever remember anything about the fella who carries it. Just the gun. And even that's foggy.

3 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

About W ild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Let me be upfront - I didn’t invent W ild Cards. I was involved in some of the initial threads on 4chan’s Traditional Games (/tg/) channel and I was part of one of the initial playtest groups, so I’ve been involved in this game n early from the beginning. I never oered much in the way of mechanics (it would still be years before I started down the path of homebrew mechanics and building systems), I jumped into the project as best I could - joining W ild Cards threads and providing commentary on suggestions on how to run the game.

I found myself falling in love with the supernatural Wild West setting of W ild Cards a nd wanted to explore it further. Unfortunately the initial mechanics didn’t ow as smoothly as people would have liked and the project started to fall apart. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, it was a bunch of anonymous gamers using a message board to build a game. Life got in the way and people had other things to do with their time. W ild Cards was moved over to 1d4chan (in fact, check them out here: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Wild_Cards) and expanded upon further by all kinds of folk. Lore was written, new attempts at rules were drafted again and again (including a less-than-stellar attempt by yours truly). Ultimately, however, it seemed like the sun had set on the savage world of Wild Cards.

I want to get this out right away because I don’t want anyone thinking I’m trying to take credit for the hard work by the dierent people who helped build the world of W ild Cards. This was a group eort - I’m merely doing my best to compile all the information in one place and wanted to oer up my own rules set - B ullets & Bourbon - as a potential way for people to play Wild Cards again. I claim no ownership to any of the lore found within this document and will do my best to attribute it to the original creators whenever possible. The rules found in here are an expansion of B ullets & Bourbon a nd will require a copy of the rulebook to play.

Welcome, ‘Slingers, to W ild Cards: Sons of the Gun. Watch out for the Dealer, I hear he’s a right bastard.

- Mac

4 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

On the Attainment, Ownership, and Passing of the Cards

The true origin of The Cards is as mysterious as the origins of the Dealer. We don't know whether they share an origin or if one came first and brought about the other. We do know that these two things are immutably involved in W ild Cards. Together, they recruit new ‘Slingers from every land west of the Mississippi. Most of the ‘Slingers are of a profession that brought them in close contact with guns on a regular basis. Others ain't. And even fewer of us have never even seen a gun up real close, let alone hold one. But that's how it is.

There is some speculation as to whether the Dealer gives a man his Gun for a reason, or if it is all random. I'm partial to the former, myself. Others speculate that the Dealer has no choice in the matter at all, that the cards themselves guide him and the ‘Slinger into their meeting; the Cards create the matching between the gunslinger and his Card.

One thing is for certain; there is a certain mysticism about the whole ordeal. Men who witness the pairing of a ‘Slinger and Card often report strong feelings of uplifting elation or terrible dread, depending on the character of the man and the circumstances that bring about the pairing.

In spite of this, there are no known or discernible qualities that the ‘Slingers possess, universally, that would unite them. They arrive at this crossroads in life, coming from all types of backgrounds. ‘Slinger "Solemn John" was a slave, Casey "The Fool" Clement was a gold hunter, and "Johnny Boy" was a cowman. Clarkson was a goddamn banker at the time he obtained the Five of Clubs.

All of the Cards hold great power, this is true. One would have to be a great gunsman to outmatch even the lowliest ‘Slinger. Yes, I do imply that it is possible to beat a ‘Slinger with nothing but one's own skill. Though the Guns greatly magnify the capabilities of its holder, they do not always make the holder invincible and many manifest detrimental effects on the man who pulls the trigger. The Card known as the Black Joker, for instance, sets its holder's life to end one year and one day after their first meeting. Before that time, though, the ‘Slinger that wields the Black Joker is impervious to Death. Other Cards only imbue minor blessings on their wielder, for example, the Three of Spades, ' Loss', only allows for the gunman to have an infinite supply of ammunition as it fires the gunman's thoughts and memories, rather than bullets.

What, then, happens when a ‘Slinger dies? We know that if the Card is picked up by a non-chosen bystander, it disappears in a few days. If it is left alone it disappears within the next twenty-four hours. And most disturbingly of all, if it is picked up by another ‘Slinger, it hangs around, at least until that ‘Slinger dies. Where do the Cards go when they disappear? Some say they

5 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun go straight back to the Dealer. Others say they are lost forever. The first seems more rational, since there are instances of a gun appearing twice with two different people, with no way to link those two together.

Another interesting event occurs when the total value of any ‘Slinger Cards are higher than twenty one. The ‘Slinger begins to suffer highly detrimental psychosis and fever. He also refuses food and water until the value is lowered beyond twenty one and the weapon is brought far away from him.

If this is not done, the ‘Slinger will eventually, and most certainly, die.

Playing in the World of W ild Cards: Sons of the Gun

You’ll need a copy of the B ullets & Bourbon r ules in order to play W ild Cards: Sons of the Gun. As the Dealer, you can write up your adventures and run sessions in much the same way, infusing the Jeerson Territory with the supernatural lore and larger-than-life legends of the W ild Cards world. As Cowpokes, you’ll be taking on the roles of ‘Slingers, men and women chosen by the Cards themselves to walk the earth and dispense… well justice doesn’t quite t the bill, does it?

Anyway, there are only a few mechanical dierences between a regular game of B ullets & Bourbon and a game of W ild Cards, as listed below:

Dealing Out the Cards

In B ullets & Bourbon each player takes on the role of a C owpoke - a capable, but ultimately ordinary individual who has come to the Jeerson Territory for some reason or another. Some seek fame and fortune, others just want a fresh start. In W ild Cards, the players are ‘ Slingers, carriers of one of the legendary Cards. Whatever they were in the past no longer matters - simply by carrying a Card the ‘Slinger has become something of a legend. Each ‘Slinger should be ready to spin the yarn as to their interaction with the Dealer and what went down when they rst drew their Card - after all, the dealing of a Card is an extraordinary aair.

Once each player has nalized their Cowpokes, the Dealer shues up their decks and reveals one card per Cowpoke - discarding and replacing any revealed or Jokers. Each Cowpoke takes their Card and ocially becomes a ‘Slinger. The ‘Slingers then increase their Limits based on their Card and gain access to their Card’s Sleights of Hand. Each player should take a

6 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun moment or two and explain how they acquired their Card and the Dealer should feel free to ll in the blanks.

The Dealer shues all cards back into their deck and the game can ocially begin!

Joker’s Wild

The Joker remains the de facto for the Dealer and the ‘Slingers, but carrying a Card comes with some extra perks. When using the W ild Cards: Sons of the Gun rules, anytime a ‘Slinger reveals one of their Cards (yes, some ‘Slingers carry multiple Cards) during a hand they can treat it as a card of their choice . They follow all the same rules as Jokers do in a standard game of B ullets & Bourbon.

For example, if a ‘Slinger carrying D eceiver (the Six of Spades) draws and plays the 6 of Spades and a 10 of Diamonds, they can choose to treat the 6 as an Ace, hitting B lackjack and letting them activate one of their Sleights of Hand.

Sleights of Hand

All ‘Slingers have a B ackground, which is determined using the character creation rules of B ullets & Bourbon. Additionally, each Card has its own pair of Sleights (except the Joker, but that hardly makes them less powerful). One is determined by the Card's Suit (Spade, Diamond, Club, and Heart) and the other determined by the Value (2-10, J, Q, K, A). Whenever a 'Slinger gets Blackjack during a hand, they may choose o ne Sleight - either their Background’s Sleight of Hand, or a Sleight of Hand from their Card(s) they’re currently wielding and apply its eects - unless they manage to get their hands on a Joker…

Carrying More Than One Card

It's rare, but when it happens history gets changed. From time to time a 'Slinger might nd themselves carrying multiple Cards - meaning two 'Slingers met and settled their dierences in lead. A 'Slinger can carry a number of Cards whose total Values are no more than 21. Numbered Cards have a value matching their Number, Jacks, Queens, and Kings have a value of 10, Aces have a Value of 11, and Jokers have a Value of 0.

7 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

If a 'Slinger ever carries enough Cards to push their combined Values beyond 21 they begin to suer - the power of the Cards is too great for a mortal, even a ' Slinger, to handle for long. The 'Slinger loses the drive to eat, sleep, or drink water and suers vivid hallucinations that push them to seek out violence, preferably at the hands of another 'Slinger. They have three days to give up one of their Cards and reduce the combined value of what they hold below 21 once more - lest they risk insanity or death.

Now a 'Slinger can always choose to leave a Card behind- they are not beholden to any kind of oath. That being said, a Card rarely nds itself in the hands one willing to forsake the power it provides. And legend has it that if one ‘Slinger ever managed to hold all 54 Cards at once they’d be akin to the Lord Almighty Himself in power.

Dueling Other 'Slingers

The Cards seem to have a will of their own. No one knows if it's the Dealer's doing or maybe the Red and Black Jokers, but the Cards want to be t ogether. 'Slingers are drawn to one another like moths to a ame - a woman can see forty before she earns her Card and then encounter six more in as many months! When 'Slingers cross paths one of two things happen: they form a posse and build a legend for themselves, or there's a showdown.

In the case of the latter, the Dealer (Game Master) should use the L egend rules from B ullets & Bourbon and update them based on the NPC 'Slinger's Card. The showdown itself is always an all-or-nothing hand. Only one person walks away from a 'Slinger duel alive.

8 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Last Stand at Tombstone

Written by Silva.

"What'll it be, stranger?" The barkeeper asks. It's a lonely little saloon in downtown Philadelphia, a little too early for business. With only one customer, she had the barkeeper's full attention. A twenty-two year old lady walked in and sat at the counter. A certain short-haired, well-dressed young woman with a mangled face - a bandage over one eye and a mess of scarred esh that made her look like she was grinning at all hours. The barkeep couldn't help from doing a double take, but adjusted to the stranger's odd appearance quickly enough.

The young woman makes an expression the barkeep can't interpret anymore than a smile. "Whiskey, please."

"All right then, got a shot for you coming up." The barkeep prepares the shot of whiskey on the counter, setting down the glass and pouring from the bottle. "So where you come from?" he asks in curiosity.

"Tombstone," the woman replies dryly, before downing the whole shot.

The barkeeper frowns. He sets the whiskey bottle on the bar within the woman's reach and continues to make conversation, "I heard that town got completely destroyed about a month ago. They're saying a bunch of those Cards were involved in a huge shoot-out. Hear anything about that?"

A soft chuckle escapes the young woman's lips, "I was there. Do ya really wanna know what happened?" she asks.

"Heh, why not? Tell me everything that happened there," the barkeeper conrms.

"I'll tell ya how it all ended," the woman says, then pulls out her Card - a large gun bearing the Spade and a 9. She sets the gun on the counter and begins her story, while the barkeeper's brow raises at the Gun.

♠♢ ♣ ♡

Couple months ago, everyone with a Card was in Tombstone. Like one of those celestial events you only see once in a thousand years, then a man in black used trickery an' schemes, luring in everyone. He called it the 'Fifty-Two Card Pick-up, an' that set the stage for the biggest shoot-out of my life. Lots of people died that day, lots of innocent people not involved too. We gured out his scheme eventually, but by then there was only a few of us left. Reuben, a school teacher with the Six of

9 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Diamonds. Solemn John, a colored man with the Eight of Clubs. Jake, a wannabe lawman with the Ten of Spades. An' then myself, with my Nine of Spades - we were the last ones alive or so it seemed. He took out all the guys with Face Cards rst, then turned on the rest of us, executing us one by one.

He had the Black Joker. And y'know what the Black Joker's power is? 'Cause all I know is that you can't kill the man holding it in a ght. When it was down to just the four of us, that man was hunting us down, already shot down the guys with the , Ace of Clubs an' the . I shot at the man slaughtering all of us, an' even though I hit 'im, it only slowed him down a bit I think. But no one could hit 'im during his panic anyway, so we ran our butts o. It was enough time to take up solace in the remains of the ol' inn. Reuben showed us the way inside. An' once he gets us inside, he puts us in a circle and starts babblin', and we're all so desperate we listen.

"L-listen," the teacher stuttered at rst, "I know a way we can beat that fella."

Buzzin' with hope, Jake asked the obvious, "what do we need to do?"

"I-I know there's one more alive. You two," Reuben pointed at Solemn John and Jake, "When that man in black comes here, do everything you can to hold him o!" The two looked kinda stunned at the order, but Solemn John just nodded quietly an' that was that.

"What 'bout me?" I spoke up.

"You... y-you gonna help me," Reuben continued, "It's better if you just come with me!"

Reuben grabbed my hand and began to drag me from the lobby, around the desk an' into a back room there. Before we go, Solemn John brings his Gun to waist level an' aims it at the entrance to the inn, an' then commands Jake to take position, barkin', "Guard the window!" 'Course, Jake obediently rushes to the window an' reloads his Gun, watchin' for that man in black.

In the back room, Reuben showed me a corner where there was a lot of debris piled up, almost like a li'l hideout. The two of us start pulling back pieces of debris, an' I didn't even know why yet. 'Least, not until we were done, an' exposed the shivering form of a li'l girl. Well, she was 'bout seventeen years old an' with a lost, pitiful look in her eyes... clutchin' a silver six-shooter with an ivory handle an' a dove engraved on the barrel to her chest, but I think she was too far out of it to notice us. I don't know why I did what I did, but I moved closer an' tried to snap the girl out of it. It wouldn't be unlike any other li'l girl in Tombstone if not for the Gun, which had a Heart an' 7 on the butt of it. Come to think of it, I saw this girl a li'l while ago tryin' to usher people away from the violence, but I didn't know she had a Card then. "Wake up, wake up!" I nudged her, but it was no use.

10 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Reuben an' I here are tryin' everythin' to snap her out of it, but nothing works for 'bout a whole minute. By now, Solemn John's Cannon goes o with a tremendous bang, an' so does Jake's shotgun, several times.

"L-listen, I'm gonna help the others," Reuben sits up, brandishin' his ol' beat up gun an' headin' out the door back to the lobby, "Just try anything!"

"Easier said than done," I muttered, shakin' the poor girl. I can hear multiple gunshots of all kinds now, an' here I am tryin' to wake the girl. Don't even know what's gonna happen when she snaps out of it, but I keep tryin'. Frustrated, I yell to the li'l girl, "We're gonna die here! Don't you have somethin' you need to do, somewhere you gotta go? I'm not quite done on this Earth, that's for sure!"

Finally, the girl's still shiverin', but she looks up at me, respondin' for the rst time, "I'm scared. E-everyone's... everyone's..." Tears were wellin' up in her eyes, an' instinctively I hugged the poor girl.

"No, we're still alive. You got somethin' to do, though. No one else can beat that man in black, an' I guess he thinks you can," I explained to her.

The girl starts wipin' tears out of her eyes an' nods slowly, sayin', "I can't kill him... I can't kill anyone, the 'Peacemaker' won't do it."

"That's ne, that's just ne... he can't be killed by any gun," I assured her. She didn't say anything to that, she just nodded to me. She got to business fast, loadin' the barrel of her Gun with bullets. When she was done she cocked it an' together we stood up. 'Bout that time, Solemn John's gun red again an' knocked the whole buildin' o of its foundation this time. I took the li'l girl by the hand an' dragged her out the back door with me, as the inn began to collapse from the damage.

The two of us, we escaped just in time but I lost the girl in the smoke. I couldn't see much 'til it cleared, an' by that time it was a li'l too late for me to do anythin'. Solemn John an' Reuben hid behind a few crates across the street, but Jake an' that man in black were in the inn when the ceiling fell in. Only one man came out of the wreckage, an' that was the Black Joker who'd been chasin' us. It was a little surreal at this point, 'cause now that killer is out in the street with that li'l girl, who's standin' there. I could still see a few tears, but she wasn't sobbin' an' didn't seem to be all that afraid anymore. The three of us watched in awe at the two.

See, this man an' li'l girl were pretty unique themselves. Old Scratch, as I've heard him called, was a tall man in a black hat an' long coat. He had hisself a simple but powerful all black gun in his hand an' a menacing smile. Must'a been about sixty years old, an' was showin' the signs of agin', with dead eyes locked on the girl. That girl, on the other hand, was just a li'l thing, 'bout seventeen years old.

11 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

She had an odd appearance about her too - white hair an' pinkish-red eyes, like some kind of angel walkin' on Earth. I think I didn't even notice it 'til they faced o against each other.

"You killed everyone!" the girl cried out. I could hear some anger in her voice, an' her eyes were all indignant. "What kind of monster are you!?" she asked 'im.

The man in black grinned, "Did I kill your poor family, little girl?"

"W-why," the li'l girl stammered, "did you do this?"

"What does it matter? You're all gonna die anyway, little girl," the man said coldly as he tipped his hat down. "That is, of course, except for me. Didja know? I cheated death itself. So no matter what you do, little girl, I ain't dyin'. And I don't give a shit 'bout you enough to tell ya all 'bout what I'm doin' here." The man raised his Gun at the girl an' cocked it, grinnin' this sickenin' smile of his. "Just lay down like a good bitch an' die."

The girl herself sighed. "No one's dying anymore," she muttered, an' raised her own gun.

The rst two shots red, one bullet from each gun. But neither gets shot, the bullets hit each other dead on an' by then the two are takin' cover. The old man in black can tell she's got a Heart I'm sure, an' she's not stupid. I decide to help her out though, divin' in behind the wreckage she's using as a shield as he's shootin' at her. The two are raising over their covers, exchangin' shots every few seconds, an' even with a Heart she ain't hittin' him. Not surprisin', 'cause even the Ace of Hearts itself was helpless to hit 'im, that's how tough he was. While she's reloadin', I decided to help her out by rin' my Terror, but this time when I shoot 'im it doesn't phase 'im this time. The girl beside me then reaches out, holdin' my free hand with hers an' smilin' sweetly, tryin' to assure me an' sayin', "No one else is going to die today, I promise."

The girl then rised up over the wreckage again, rin' o four repeated shots almost like a Diamond, then divin' back down. From the wreckage, it looked like she was rin' randomly into the buildin' over Old Scratch, but then I see why. The four shots are one in a million each, hittin' the roof just enough to cause a rain of debris on the 'im. Predictably, he jumps out of the way an' out into the open. An' that li'l girl with the Seven of Hearts jumps right out, rin' her last two shots. that man in black ain't givin' her an inch though, but only shoots once.

The li'l girl hits the ground an' slides, screamin'. Old Scratch's Gun is shot right outta his hand, an' the second bullet hits it again to knock it away. 'Course, the man starts to freak out, searching for where the it went, but it's too late for that. Solemn John nally comes out from hidin' an' jumps at the opportunity, ring not on the man hisself, but the Gun. The Cannon res that last bullet of Solemn

12 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

John's an' it blasts the Dead Man's Gun into a million pieces, an' here all I can do is breathe a sigh of relief. That is, 'til I realize that li'l girl ain't gettin' up, an' is layin' in a pool of red. Me an' Reuben both ran to her while Solemn John steps in for the girl, but he ain't got no more bullets. So he starts usin' his cannon to beat Old Scratch, 'cept John can't even hit him, still.

'Bout this time, an injured Jake comes runnin' out of the debris an' rushes at Old Scratch, rin' three shots at 'im. But the man, even preoccupied with Solemn John's attempt to use his cannon as a true club, ain't hit at all. Dodgin' every bullet like he's the devil hisself, he strikes Solemn John so hard he falls an' even breaks some bones. Ignorin' Jake, who's reloading now, the man grabs John by the neck an' starts to choke him. Meanwhile, Reuben presses a cloth down on the li'l girl's chest, where she got shot, an' here I am holdin' her hands, tryin' to comfort her.

What came next is a li'l hazy to me. See, we all saw a man we couldn't remember a single thing about later. Couldn't tell you anythin' about him except for that blood red rie of his, bearin' the mark of the Red Joker. The barrel was pointed straight at the Old Scratch's head, an' everythin' after that is a li'l fuzzy. All I can tell ya is that it scared Old Scratch shitless, an' he lets go of Solemn John an' starts backin' up, an' eventually backs over some debris, trippin' him. That's when it happens - the fangs of a rattler punched into that man's neck, an' the next thing we know he's writhin' on the ground, dyin' quick.

I know the man with the red rie turned to us after that, walkin' to the li'l girl an' kneeling beside her. Pretty sure he stroked her hair an' said somethin', but I don't even remember what it was. Just that it made the li'l girl, in her delirium, smile so peacefully.

The man we remember nothin' about left us behind an' we managed to take the girl to another part of town, one not completely destroyed. We get ourselves to a doctor there, who's able to patch up John an' Jake well enough, but that girl... well, he did her best for her. Reuben an' I all stayed at her bed-side, occasionally checkin' on John an' Jake but mostly watchin' the poor girl die. An' the last thing she said to us was... "I'm scared. I don't want to die... I have to get to Philadelphia, so..."

An' all I could do was hold her hand an' assure her she'd get there, even though we all knew what was gonna happen. The poor girl didn't even make it to dawn, an' that was that. When they got better, we all parted ways, 'cept the teacher, an' we were the last to leave. We've been travelin' ever since, y'know, since we wanted to respect her nal wishes. Reuben's compassion for her I understand, bein' a teacher, but me... I don't know why I felt the need to. S'pose I'm still soft somewhere.

♠♢ ♣ ♡

13 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

The scarred woman frowned, downing a last shot of whiskey. "Since then, 'bout a month now, we've been carryin' this con all the way here, an' that's how I got here. Today, we just buried her in the Old Mason Cemetery, next to her mother," she explained to the barkeeper. By now, the barkeeper had a concerned look on his face and was speechless from the story just told to him. The gunslinger took her Nine of Spades, Terror, and returned it to its holster before reaching reaching for a second one, and another item.

On the bar counter now laid a silver heart locket and the Seven of Hearts, the Gun used to defeat the Black Joker. The barkeeper stared down at the pair of items, and eventually picked up the locket by its chain, muttering in disbelief, "This is..."

The young woman nodded solemnly, sliding o the stool and heading out of the Saloon. Stopping short of her exit, she turned back to him and gave him a sad smile, though it was hard to make out any expression on account of the mess of scars on her face. "Your daughter went really brave, an' she saved us all," she added, "You should be proud of her."

And then the woman left the Saloon, as the barkeeper clutched both the Gun and the locket, dropping to his knees and sobbing.

14 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

History of the W ild Cards World

The world of W ild Cards takes place in an alternate history of the American West (not to mention the rest of the world), with the divergence starting sometime in the 1860s - with the rst obvious shift (to us, mind you) happening on July 3rd, 1863 during the nal day of the Battle of Gettysburg. Generals Lee and Grant were both killed, throwing the leadership of both armies into chaos and allowing foreign powers to get involved. This caused the Civil War to continue for several more years, weakening both the Union and Confederacy as European powers ooded in to “reclaim” their stolen lands.

This resulted in the collapse of both the Union and the Confederacy on American soil as well as an increase in global conict. European powers were unable to maintain control of their reclaimed territories as riots back home forced changes in governmental structures. Before long, the American continent is little more than a collection of xenophobic city-states, reminding the higher-educated folks in the world of Ancient Greece. The greatest of these city-states is Tombstone (no relation to the smaller town in the Jeerson Territory).

On July 4th, 1880, the city of Tombstone was destroyed in a single day - completely wiped o the map. Buildings reduced to rubble, citizens turned to ash. The only thing left in the blasted earth is a four-sided stone pillar roughly six feet tall, and on each side is a familiar marking.

On the northern side is the marking of a Spade - pointing to the north and its icy winters.

To the east faces the Diamond - looking back on the wealth of the old world.

A Club stares south - standing vigil over warmth and barbarism.

Finally, facing west is the Heart - gazing into the setting sun of a lost age.

With no survivors, no one was able to determine the cause of this devastation. All that remains are legends. But the event changed the course of history forever.

The Dealer had arrived, bringing with him his Fated Deck.

15 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun


● 1861 ○ American Civil War begins. ● 1863 ○ Generals Lee and Grant are killed in the Battle of Gettysburg. ○ Britain, followed shortly thereafter by France, entered the war on the side of the Confederacy in search of prot and lucrative trade agreements. ● 1864 ○ The Union hires Austrian mercenaries to bolster their thinning ranks. ○ Britain begins to bring in auxiliary troops from around their empire to aid in their campaign. ○ Spain begins an independent war of conquest from Louisiana to Florida, forcing France’s hand and stripping the Confederacy of a key ally. ● 1865 ○ Nearly every European country, as well as several others from across the globe, sends troops to the Americas. Few actually take sides in the original conict and independently attempt to claim as much of the continents’ riches for themselves. ○ Many countries take their wars a step further and attack their neighbors’ weakened lands back across the ocean in Europe and the Mediterranean. ● 1866 ○ Rebellions are across the globe as European colonies attempt to take advantage of their distant masters’ weakness to gain independence. ○ Auxiliary troops from across the British Empire ghting in North America betray their ocers and begin ghting for their own prot. ○ Putting aside long held rivalries, Japan and Korea enact a joint attack on China, who is still reeling from costly battles to expel the British. Small skirmishes erupt along the borders of many of the smaller Asian countries. ○ War breaks out between Muslims and Hindus in India. ● 1868 ○ Washington D.C. and Richmond Virginia, the capitals of the Union and Confederacy respectively, are sacked and razed within three days of each other. ○ With the United States completely destroyed, the armies of Europe begin ghting one another directly, ravaging the North American continent in the process. Nearly every town and city in the former United States sees terrible violence, with most major cities being sacked and razed.

16 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

○ American refugees ow westward in an attempt to ee the carnage, causing the populations of edgling towns and settlements to explode overnight. ○ Diseases from across the globe perpetuate amongst the armies and civilians. ○ The frantic battles for land spill into South America and Canada. ○ The wars in Europe and Asia escalate. ○ Centers of production are destroyed in the conict, limiting the resources of war. ● 1873 ○ The European powers disintegrate into small conglomerates of nearby cities. The lands are devastated but the wars rapidly lose momentum. ○ Individual cities across Europe, South America, and the North American East Coast are occupied by various armies from every country that took part in the wars. New Orleans alone changes hands eight times before being abandoned for being too dicult to supply and hold. ○ Without support from their homelands, occupation forces rally behind their leaders and create independent city states from the ashes of war. They develop xenophobic governments in the fashion of Ancient Greece or their homelands. ○ Any lands that cannot be immediately controlled are abandoned to bandits and thieves. ○ Surviving ocean vessels forswear allegiance to their homelands and become freebooters, pirates, or worse. ● 1874 ○ Cities without ready access to farmlands or other food sources slowly starve to death and are abandoned. This occurs worldwide. ○ The cities of western North America, populated mainly by “American” refugees, develop independent governments, often referring to their lands as “Territories.” They live in relative peace with their Native neighbors (commonly called Indians), although there are occasional are ups and skirmishes. ● 1879 ○ The relative peace of the previous few years is broken as scattered cities battle for scarce resources. ○ Rumors begin to proliferate in the West of gunslingers with amazing skills. These men and women become known for their cavalier attitudes and willingness to settle disputes at the barrel of their smoking guns. ○ As the rst ‘Slingers are killed and new ones take their weapons, allowing the world to nally learn of the Cards, although they remain largely shrouded in myth and rumor.

17 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

● 1880 ○ The city of Tombstone is levelled on July 4th at noon, leaving nothing but rubble and the single stone pillar. Stories of a gure known only as “the Dealer” begin to circulate. ○ The Legend of the Four Aces is born and the world scrambles for the Cards. ○ Copies and copies of copies surface in markets across the globe. ● 1882 ○ Two companies, Smythe and Company and the Regal Chess Corporation, gain center stage across the world for being the only ones with international inuence. ○ Regal C. recruits scientists and inventors from around the world and begins to sell their steam based technologies to the highest bidders. They reopen mining towns worldwide and have oces in every major city. ○ Railroads begin criss-crossing the West and the rst successful airship is built and completes its maiden voyage from New Chicago all the way to San Francisco. The technology is still experimental and there are many accidents, but overall the idea becomes greatly popular and the means to produce them have become the company’s closest guarded secrets. ○ Smythe & Co. quickly becomes known as the greatest gun manufacturer on the planet. Their Shooting Irons become the standard for skilled (and/or wealthy) gunmen aspiring to become true ‘Slingers. They produce weapons in small numbers but in great quality. ○ Trade between cities ow steadily enough for the markets of the world to become ooded with “slugtossers,” poor quality rip-rearms produced quickly and in vast quantities. ● 1883 ○ Last documented report of a Card thought to be authentic. ○ Relative peace spreads across the globe as tensions lax and the people tire of war. Control of the Wild Lands in between the controlled lands of the cities is still virtually nonexistent, Regal C.’s advancements in transportation and the improved armament of caravan guards allows for relatively safe, if expensive, travel and trade between cities. ○ The average civilian can live in relative peace and prosperity with a little hard work and some good luck. ● 1890 ○ The Cards return with a vengeance.

18 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

○ In a blaze of glory the Guns, almost universally wielded by the lawless, see the rise of infamous Gunslingers across the North American continent. Empires built o stolen capitol are born and crumble almost daily. ○ The cities struggle to deal with the violence. ○ No means of travel is entirely safe and even blimps are shot out of the sky with breathtaking displays of unholy repower. ● 1891 ○ The cities once again gear up for war as they begin to suspect their neighbors of treachery under the guise of robbers and pirates. Fingers point in every direction as the states try to lay the blame for raids and destruction on anyone and everyone in sight. ○ City gates and security begin to tighten as the people start to pick up their discarded xenophobia once again.

19 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

The Fifty Four Cards

The Cards are the stuff of legend, Excalibers to the modern-day Knights of the Round Table. A man or woman with a Card is a ‘Slinger - a wielder of dangerous and terrifying power. Carrying a Card makes someone a target, as there are always folk looking to steal the power offered by one of these legendary Guns.

Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun leans heavily into the supernatural, putting the equivalent of magical weapons in the hands of the Cowpokes and elevating them to the status of ‘Slingers - the stu of legend. The lore of Wild Cards makes it seem like the Fabled Fifty Four are the nest Guns to ever grace God’s green earth, and they are! However, for gameplay purposes, the Cards are toned down somewhat to give “normal folk” a ghting chance against the ‘Slingers.

In addition to the mechanics listed below, each of the Cards has a brief description which not only explains what the Card looks like, but some of the supernatural eects it may possess. These descriptors don’t provide any sort of mechanical benet, but as ‘Slingers, feel free to sprinkle in these descriptions to add to scenes and as the Dealer implement these descriptors and provide the ‘Slingers with opportunities that wouldn’t be available if they didn’t carry one of the Fabled Fifty Four.

Limit: Each of the Fifty Four Cards increases at least one of their ‘Slinger’s Limits. Make sure to adjust your Vim or Vigor accordingly.

Risk: Each of the Fifty Four Cards is a right-and-proper Gun, capable of outshooting any similar class of rearm. Increase your Risk by the appropriate amount for any challenge that involves using the Card.

Sleights of Hand: All Cards have a Sleight of Hand ability based on their Suit and a second Sleight of Hand ability based on the Card’s Value (2-10, J, Q, K, A, or Joker).

Integrity: A ll Cards have an Integrity of 7, making them damn-near indestructible! At the beginning of each day, all Cards have their Integrity restored back to 7, no matter how dinged up they may have gotten the previous day.

There are conicting descriptions of the Fifty Four throughout the wiki and the various threads that made up the early W ild Cards discussion. In most cases, I tried to combine aspects of each idea - after all, legends and tall tales get muddied up all the time. When in doubt, I relied on the wiki entries as they were more consistently eshed out. Where possible, I included a link to the original article so that ‘Slingers can learn the history of their Cards.

20 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun


“Fancy shootin’ there, kid.” Spades are the Cards best known for trick shooting (some might even say they’re “gimmicky,” but them folk typically wind up dead afore long). Bouncing bullets o of barrels, shooting around corners, killing two men with one bullet. That kind of thing. Most Spades tend to favor the appearance of revolvers and pistols.

Two of Spades - The Last Word

A brass Derringer concealed within an elegant, ebony walking stick. Known for its brawlin’ capabilities as much as its gunslingin’ abilities.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 2. Risk: The T wo of Spades adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: R aise Hell - D uring your next challenge, whenever you raise, you can look at the top 2 cards of your deck and play the card of your choice. Discard the other card.

Link: b it.ly/TwoofSpades

Three of Spades - Loss

A massive Dragoon revolver with golden filigree shaped like dragons. Legend has it the gun makes no noise and, instead o’ bullets, shoots little streaks of blue fire.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 2. Risk: The T hree of Spades adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: F old 'Em - T he Dealer discards the top 3 cards of their Deck. You gain 1 Fortune for each card that matches your Card's Suit. If you carry more than one Card, you gain 1 Fortune for each card that matches any of your Cards’ Suits.

21 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Link: b it.ly/ThreeofSpades

Four of Spades - Karma

A small, worn, and slightly rusty revolver said to only fire on folks what have committed grave sins in their past and bless those who are deservin’ of a turn of fortune.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 2. Risk: The F our of Spades adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: O n the House - U ntil you reshue your deck, the Dealer puts 1 Fortune into the betting pool each time someone cashes in.

Link: b it.ly/FourofSpades

Five of Spades - Devotion

A lever-action carbine with a cut down barrel and worn wooden furniture. Always seems to make the shot no matter how impossible it might be.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 3. Risk: The F ive of Spades adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: C lose to the Chest - U ntil you reshue your deck, if a lost challenge would result in your Vim or Vigor being reduced to 0, you instead recover 1 Vim or Vigor from the betting pool. This Sleight has no eect on All-In challenges.

Link: b it.ly/FiveofSpades

22 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Six of Spades - Deceiver

A strange Card that seems to change its form based on the personality of its ‘Slinger. In its past it has ranged from revolver to sawed-off shotgun to a claw hammer.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 2. Risk: The S ix of Spades adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: K eep 'em Coming- Y our next raise doesn't cost you any Vim or Vigor.

Link: b it.ly/SixofSpades

Seven of Spades - Golden Horizon

An ornate revolver with a polished wooden handle that shines like sunlight, a blackened steel barrel, and an ornate hammer shaped like a stylized “7”. Chambered to hold seven rounds, of course.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 2. Risk: The S even of Spades adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: G old Rush - When you Cash in, you can freely exchange Vim or Vigor for Fortune and vice-versa.

Link: b it.ly/SevenofSpades

Eight of Spades - Ocho

A silver-plated six-shooter that never seems to hit its target directly. It’s said the bullets always ricochet or end up causing something e lse t o deal the killing blow.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 2. Risk: The E ight of Spades adds 3 Risk.

23 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: L ead Justice - I ncrease your Risk by 2 until you reshue your deck. You can do this a maximum of four times, to a total Risk increase of 8.

Link: b it.ly/EightofSpades

Nine of Spades - Terror

A worn and dirty sawed-off shotgun with the markings of a 9 and Spade scratched on the wooden furniture. It's said the gun screams when you fire it, and that it doesn’t leave no physical trace of harm - all the slugs seemingly go through the target’s m ind.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 3. Risk: The N ine of Spades adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: F istful of Cards - Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck and place them in front of you. You must select and play one card at the beginning of each hand before drawing and playing the top card of your deck to start your hand.

Link: b it.ly/NineofSpades

Ten of Spades - Atonement

A fine, nickel-plated gun with the words ‘S ic Semper Tyrannis’ i nscribed on one side of the barrel and ‘Lex Et Ordo’ on the other. It fills its wield with a righteous fury and is said to force them to seek out and punish any wrongdoers in the world.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 2. Risk: The T en of Spades adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

24 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Value’s Sleight of Hand: W ell-Prepared - U ntil you reshue your deck, whenever you start a challenge you can look at the top 3 cards of your deck and play 2 of your choice. Discard the third card.

Link: b it.ly/TenofSpades

Jack of Spades - Ill Wind

An all-black revolver rumored to force the ‘Slinger to commit terrible crimes. It’s said that Ill Wind’s bullets ignite anything they touch and that the fires burn so hot that nothing can extinguish them.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 3. Risk: The J ack of Spades adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: U p the Sleeve - Search your deck for a card of your choice and set it aside facedown, then shue your deck. Until you reshue your deck, you can wager 1 additional Vim or Vigor during a hand and play that card during a raise.

Link: b it.ly/WCJackofSpades

Queen of Spades - Hawk’s Eye

A plain-enough revolver with a long barrel and a removable stock. This weathered Gun is said to be more accurate than even the finest Sharps rifle - capable of putting a bullet through the head of a buzzard from 500 yards.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 3. Risk: The Q ueen of Spades adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: D ealer' s Own Luck - The next time you would lose Vim or Vigor, you can instead discard that many cards from the top of your deck.

25 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Link: b it.ly/WCQueenofSpades

King of Spades - Godhand

A shotgun cleverly disguised as a prosthetic metal arm - the Godhand is perhaps the greatest marvel of modern engineering to ever exist. Some say the arm portion works better than a real flesh-and- blood limb.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 3. Risk: The K ing of Spades adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: M anifest Destiny - Increase your Finesse by 2 until you reshue your deck. Recalculate your Vigor accordingly.

Link: b it.ly/WCKingofSpades

Ace of Spades - The Hangman

A .36 caliber Navy Colt Revolver with no fancy adornments save a K and Spade on the wooden grip. It’s said The Hangman’s ‘Slinger never even has to fire the gun - anyone that disobeys a direct command winds up dead with rope burns around their neck.

Limit: Increase your Finesse by 4. Risk: The A ce of Spades adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: F ancy Shootin' - When you discard your hand at the end of a challenge, you can instead place one card of your choice on the top of your deck and another on the bottom of your deck. Discard the rest as normal.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: A ce’s Wild - You can use the Sleight of Hand of any Spades Card so long as a card you played matches the Value of that Card’s Sleight of Hand. For example, if you played a and an Ace, you can use the Sleight of Hand of the King of Clubs.

Link: b it.ly/WCAceofSpades

26 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun


“The bodies hadn’t even hit the ground afore the ‘Slinger has her gun holstered agin.” Diamonds are renowned for their speed - no one can outdraw a ‘Slinger carrying one of these Cards. Quickdraws, hailstorms of lead, or even a reload in the blink of an eye. Most Diamonds are revolvers, but a fair number of carbines and shotguns make up their number.

Two of Diamonds - Lupara

A shotgun with steel polished to gleam like silver and a leather-wrapped wooden handle. It’s said Lupara is always hungry, and its ‘Slinger becomes almost wolf-like in their hunting ability.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 2. Risk: The T wo of Diamonds adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: R aise Hell - D uring your next challenge, whenever you raise, you can look at the top 2 cards of your deck and play the card of your choice. Discard the other card.

Link: b it.ly/TwoofDiamonds

Three of Diamonds - The Piece

An old revolver, rugged and reliable. There aren’t many rumors about The Piece, to be honest, with most folks who’ve met its ‘Slinger only learning that the thing never jams and always shoots true.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 2. Risk: The T hree of Diamonds adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: F old 'Em - T he Dealer discards the top 3 cards of their Deck. You gain 1 Fortune for each card that matches your Card's Suit. If you carry more than one Card, you gain 1 Fortune for each card that matches any of your Cards’ Suits.

27 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Link: b it.ly/ThreeofDiamonds

Four of Diamonds - Prisoner

A lever-action repeater with furniture appeared to be made of singed bone bearing the 4 and Diamond. Legend has it the Card controls the ‘Slinger, trapping their mind in a prison of its own design.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 2. Risk: The F our of Diamonds adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: O n the House - U ntil you reshue your deck, the Dealer puts 1 Fortune into the betting pool each time someone cashes in.

Link: b it.ly/FourofDiamonds

Five of Diamonds - Pedro

A humble repeater that f eels more like a Card than lookin’ like one. They say when the barrel is pointed at someone, their whole body freezes and they feel the judgement of God Almighty Himself upon them.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 2. Risk: The F ive of Diamonds adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: C lose to the Chest - U ntil you reshue your deck, if a lost challenge would result in your Vim or Vigor being reduced to 0, you instead recover 1 Vim or Vigor from the betting pool. This Sleight has no eect on All-In challenges.

Link: b it.ly/FiveofDiamonds

28 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Six of Diamonds - The Answer

A scratched up six-shooter with the words ‘K nowing is Not Enough’ carved on the dull barrel in fine cursive writing. The cracked and worn grip always seems to settle p erfectly in the ‘Slinger’s hands.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 2. Risk: The S ix of Diamonds adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: K eep 'em Coming- Y our next raise doesn't cost you any Vim or Vigor.

Link: b it.ly/SixofDiamonds

Seven of Diamonds - Jackpot

An opulent pistol said to be made of pure gold with seven diamonds encrusted on the barrel and a gen-u-ine ivory grip. It’s ‘Slinger only ever needs to fire off one shot in a gunfight, on account of the bullet ricocheting all around until everyone else is dead.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 2. Risk: The S even of Diamonds adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: G old Rush - When you Cash in, you can freely exchange Vim or Vigor for Fortune and vice-versa.

Link: b it.ly/SevenofDiamonds

Eight of Diamonds - Inheritance

An ancient, eight-cylinder matchlock revolver in excellent condition and the name “Lucy” along the barrel. Wouldn’t you know, it fires just as well as a more modern revolver! Word is, Inheritance can never be found or stolen - only bequeathed.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 2. Risk: The E ight of Diamonds adds 3 Risk.

29 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: L ead Justice - I ncrease your Risk by 2 until you reshue your deck. You can do this a maximum of four times, to a total Risk increase of 8.

Link: b it.ly/EightofDiamonds

Nine of Diamonds - Macbeth

Most call it the ‘Scottish Card,’ as invoking its true name runs the risk of getting one’s self kilt. A large and cumbersome Lemat-style revolver whose ‘Slinger cannae be kilt by one o’ the womanborn.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 2. Risk: The N ine of Diamonds adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: F istful of Cards - Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck and place them in front of you. You must select and play one card at the beginning of each hand before drawing and playing the top card of your deck to start your hand.

Link: b it.ly/NineofDiamonds

Ten of Diamonds - Vagabond

A worn and traveled Colt Single Action Army revolver that reeks of gun oil. Its ‘Slinger must constantly be on the move - traveling no fewer than ten miles a day - lest they risk the wrath of the Card.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 2. Risk: The T en of Diamonds adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

30 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Value’s Sleight of Hand: W ell-Prepared - U ntil you reshue your deck, whenever you start a challenge you can look at the top 3 cards of your deck and play 2 of your choice. Discard the third card.

Link: b it.ly/TenofDiamonds

Jack of Diamonds - Tick Tock

A brass and copper revolver bedecked in filigree and boasting a hammer shaped like an ornate gear. Its action is not only quiet, but the s ilence of the Card can be felt by anyone within ten paces.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 3. Risk: The J ack of Diamonds adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: U p the Sleeve - Search your deck for a card of your choice and set it aside facedown, then shue your deck. Until you reshue your deck, you can wager 1 additional Vim or Vigor during a hand and play that card during a raise.

Link: b it.ly/WCJackofDiamonds

Queen of Diamonds - The Sorrow

A plain enough revolver with crown etched on the grip and a line of diamonds running down the barrel. Stories say that only a woman can rely on this Card in a fight - a man’s touch makes it rotten.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 3. Risk: The Q ueen of Diamonds adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: D ealer' s Own Luck - The next time you would lose Vim or Vigor, you can instead discard that many cards from the top of your deck.

Link: b it.ly/WCQueenofDiamonds

31 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

King of Diamonds - Caesar

An elegant revolver cast from bronze with a blood-red cherry grip. It’s said this Card commands a Legion like ol’ Julius himself, letting the ‘Slinger direct the fire of folks in their posse.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 3. Risk: The K ing of Diamonds adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: M anifest Destiny - Increase your Wits by 2 until you reshue your deck. Recalculate your Vim accordingly.

Link: b it.ly/WCKingofDiamonds

Ace of Diamonds - Silver Lining

A cast iron piece that looks all the world like a child’s liquid pistol. To hear tell of it, Silver Lining don’t shoot a single bullet, instead turning the guns of the ‘Slinger’s attackers back on their owners.

Limit: Increase your Wits by 4. Risk: The A ce of Diamonds adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Guts, No Glory - Until you reshue your deck, you may always wager a Vim or Vigor to discard one of the cards you play during any hand - including in response to a bust. This wager does not count toward your Limit.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: A ce’s Wild - You can use the Sleight of Hand of any Diamonds Card so long as a card you played matches the Value of that Card’s Sleight of Hand. For example, if you played a Jack and an Ace, you can use the Sleight of Hand of the Jack of Diamonds.

Link: b it.ly/WCAceofDiamonds

32 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun


“You’d think the steel plates he was wearing were made out of lace or paper or somethin’. The Card blasted clean through it like it were nuthin’!” C lubs boast raw, unbridled power unparalleled by any other Cards saves the Jokers themselves. Anything short of six inches of stone won’t stop a bullet, slug, or handful of shot propelled out of one of these guns. Most Clubs take the form of ries and shotguns, although there’s rumor of a Gatling gun out there...

Two of Clubs - Blue Moon

A sawed-off shotgun with a blued steel double barrel and an appearance that would lead most to believe it’s held together by spit and prayers. Some say it’s an unreliable Card, but when it comes through it makes the ‘Slinger unstoppable.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 2. Risk: The T wo of Clubs adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: R aise Hell - D uring your next challenge, whenever you raise, you can look at the top 2 cards of your deck and play the card of your choice. Discard the other card.

Link: b it.ly/TwoofClubs

Three of Clubs - The Limiter

A bleak-looking revolver chambered to only hold three rounds at a time. The stories say the Limiter reloads automatically when it runs dry, refilling itself with pieces of the ‘Slinger’s soul.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 2. Risk: The T hree of Clubs adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: F old 'Em - T he Dealer discards the top 3 cards of their Deck. You gain 1 Fortune for each card that matches your Card's Suit. If you carry more than one Card, you gain 1 Fortune for each card that matches any of your Cards’ Suits.

33 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Link: b it.ly/ThreeofClubs

Four of Clubs - Fool’s Gold

A fancy, if not rather unusual-looking rifle with four silver barrels and a stock of pure ivory inlaid with images of jade clovers. Stories tell that instead of gunsmoke, the barrels leak liquid gold.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 2. Risk: The F our of Clubs adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: O n the House - U ntil you reshue your deck, the Dealer puts 1 Fortune into the betting pool each time someone cashes in.

Link: b it.ly/FourofClubs

Five of Clubs - Moment’s Respite

A pump-action shotgun with a cut down barrel made of gleaming silver and a stock and grip made from a black-lacquered wood. Each blast from this Gun is said to make Time go real slow, drawing out the moment of impact.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 2. Risk: The F ive of Clubs adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: C lose to the Chest - U ntil you reshue your deck, if a lost challenge would result in your Vim or Vigor being reduced to 0, you instead recover 1 Vim or Vigor from the betting pool. This Sleight has no eect on All-In challenges.

Link: b it.ly/FiveofClubs

34 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Six of Clubs - Anguish

A heavy buffalo rifle nearly long enough to reach a tall man’s shoulder. The barrel and furniture are so black as to seemingly absorb the light around them. Legend claims the ‘Slinger’s own misery is used as ammunition.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 2. Risk: The S ix of Clubs adds 5 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: K eep 'em Coming- Y our next raise doesn't cost you any Vim or Vigor.

Link: b it.ly/SixofClubs

Seven of Clubs - Relentless

A gleaming mass of steel and iron taking on the form of a single-barreled sawed-off with a lever-action. It’s ‘Slinger only stays hale and healthy so long as the Card stays loaded.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 2. Risk: The S even of Clubs adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: G old Rush - When you Cash in, you can freely exchange Vim or Vigor for Fortune and vice-versa.

Link: b it.ly/SevenofClubs

Eight of Clubs - The Cannon

A colossal, single-shot rifle with a blackened barrel and dark brown wooden furniture. The Cannon’s boom dwarfs even the loudest peal of thunder and has been known to knock nearby folks off their feet when it sounds.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 2. Risk: The E ight of Clubs adds 5 Risk.

35 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: L ead Justice - I ncrease your Risk by 2 until you reshue your deck. You can do this a maximum of four times, to a total Risk increase of 8.

Link: b it.ly/EightofClubs

Nine of Clubs - Sweet Justice

A single-barreled shotgun with a weathered silvered barrel long since turned black. It goes off with the force of a bundle o’ dynamite, leaving behind a mess just as large.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 2. Risk: The N ine of Clubs adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: F istful of Cards - Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck and place them in front of you. You must select and play one card at the beginning of each hand before drawing and playing the top card of your deck to start your hand.

Link: b it.ly/NineofClubs

Ten of Clubs - Dogs of War

A dark lever-action shotgun with a carving of a wolf on the stock next to the 10 and Club. Wolves, coyotes, and hounds in abundance always seem to follow the ‘Slinger, cleaning up the destruction left in the Card’s wake.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 2. Risk: The T en of Clubs adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: W ell-Prepared - U ntil you reshue your deck, whenever you start a challenge you can look at the top 3 cards of your deck and play 2 of your choice. Discard the third card.

36 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Link: b it.ly/TenofClubs

Jack of Clubs - Grandfather

An elegant pistol chambered in .38. Its handle is pure ebony and rich silver plating covers the metal work. The machinery sounds like the ticking of an old clock and the pull of the trigger is accompanied with the ringing of a bell.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 3. Risk: The J ack of Clubs adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: U p the Sleeve - Search your deck for a card of your choice and set it aside facedown, then shue your deck. Until you reshue your deck, you can wager 1 additional Vim or Vigor during a hand and play that card during a raise.

Link: b it.ly/WCJackofClubs

Queen of Clubs - Widowmaker

Perhaps the most fearsome Card save the Jokers themselves, the Widowmaker is a Gatling gun of iron and brass boasting eight barrels that never seem to stop spinning.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 3. Risk: The Q ueen of Clubs adds 7 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: D ealer' s Own Luck - The next time you would lose Vim or Vigor, you can instead discard that many cards from the top of your deck.

Link: b it.ly/WCQueenofClubs

37 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

King of Clubs - Chief Thunder

A beaten and weathered double-barrel shotgun that clearly used to be a marvel. The dull reflection of roiling clouds can be seen beneath the spots of rust and the rapport is the sound of a thunderclap.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 3. Risk: The K ing of Clubs adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: M anifest Destiny - Increase your Toughness by 2 until you reshue your deck. Recalculate your Vigor accordingly.

Link: b it.ly/WCKingofClubs

Ace of Clubs - Abaddon

An all black lever-action pistol small enough to hide in the palm of one’s hand. The sound of gunfire is akin to the tearing of steel plates and it’s rumored the bullet can go a half mile before it loses momentum.

Limit: Increase your Toughness by 4. Risk: The A ce of Clubs adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: N o Half Measures - Until you reshue your deck, double your Risk for all challenges.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: A ce’s Wild - You can use the Sleight of Hand of any Clubs Card so long as a card you played matches the Value of that Card’s Sleight of Hand. For example, if you played a 10 and an Ace, you can use the Sleight of Hand of the 10 of Clubs.

Link: b it.ly/WCAceofClubs

38 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun


“Don’t seem to mattle how difficult the shot, the bullet always hits its mark.” T he most accurate Cards out there, a Heart can make any shot no matter the situation. Putting a bullet through someone’s chest or eye, blowing the wings o a y, hitting a bullet out of the air while riding a wild bronco. Don’t matter. The majority of Hearts are revolvers or pistols, but there are a few long arms among their number.

Two of Hearts - Death Row

A derringer that looks to have been through the fires of Hell itself. The Card never fires a shot, but instead searing burns that cut through its victims.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 2. Risk: The T wo of Hearts adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: R aise Hell - D uring your next challenge, whenever you raise, you can look at the top 2 cards of your deck and play the card of your choice. Discard the other card.

Link: b it.ly/TwoofHearts

Three of Hearts - Cerberus

A strange-looking pistol with three barrels stacked one atop the other. A pull of the trigger fires all three shots that never miss their marks.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 2. Risk: The T hree of Hearts adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: F old 'Em - T he Dealer discards the top 3 cards of their Deck. You gain 1 Fortune for each card that matches your Card's Suit. If you carry more than one Card, you gain 1 Fortune for each card that matches any of your Cards’ Suits.

39 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Link: b it.ly/ThreeofHearts

Four of Hearts - Thirteen Cursed

Not a Gun, but instead a set of thirteen bullets each with a heart carved into the tip. So long as the ‘Slinger carries a single bullet they can’t be killed, but the last bullet has the ‘Slinger’s name on it. Last seen paired with a lever-action repeater.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 2. Risk: The F our of Hearts adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: O n the House - U ntil you reshue your deck, the Dealer puts 1 Fortune into the betting pool each time someone cashes in.

Link: b it.ly/FourofHearts

Five of Hearts - Nightmare

An ancient looking blue-black revolver with rich silver engravings, an eight-inch barrel, and a glossy ebony grip. It turns its ‘Slinger’s eyes silver to match the flash from the end of the barrel.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 2. Risk: The F ive of Hearts adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: C lose to the Chest - U ntil you reshue your deck, if a lost challenge would result in your Vim or Vigor being reduced to 0, you instead recover 1 Vim or Vigor from the betting pool. This Sleight has no eect on All-In challenges.

Link: b it.ly/FiveofHearts

40 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Six of Hearts - Memory

By all accounts it’s a plain-looking single-action revolver, but folks that seen it always find it hard to remember or properly describe. The same goes for the ‘Slinger what carries the Card.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 2. Risk: The S ix of Hearts adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: K eep 'em Coming- Y our next raise doesn't cost you any Vim or Vigor.

Link: b it.ly/SixofHearts

Seven of Hearts - Peacemaker

A fine silver-plated revolver with a dove carved into the pearl grip and “Pax” etched along the barrel. The Card has never struck a killing blow, instead choosing to leave its targets disarmed or maimed so they can’t cause no more trouble.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 2. Risk: The S even of Hearts adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: G old Rush - When you Cash in, you can freely exchange Vim or Vigor for Fortune and vice-versa.

Link: b it.ly/SevenofHearts

Eight of Hearts - Equalizer

A well-crafted shotgun with a rich wooden stock and gleaming barrels stacked one over the other. The ‘Slinger makes their moves not by pointing at their targets, but instead at their own body.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 2. Risk: The E ight of Hearts adds 4 Risk.

41 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: L ead Justice - I ncrease your Risk by 2 until you reshue your deck. You can do this a maximum of four times, to a total Risk increase of 8.

Link: b it.ly/EightofHearts

Nine of Hearts - Stray Cat

An ordinary enough lookin’ revolver that could be mistaken for a slugtosser if it weren’t for the Heart-shaped diamond on the grip and the coal-black 9 on the barrel. Its ‘Slinger is said to have nine lives while they carry this Card.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 2. Risk: The N ine of Hearts adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: F istful of Cards - Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck and place them in front of you. You must select and play one card at the beginning of each handbefore drawing and playing the top card of your deck to start your hand.

Link: b it.ly/NineofHearts

Ten of Hearts - Velvet Nightshade

A long rifle polished to a blinding shine with red-enamel vines carved along the scope and barrel. Its shots are quieter than the grave and its bullets always strike their target betwixt the eyes.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 2. Risk: The T en of Hearts adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

42 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Value’s Sleight of Hand: W ell-Prepared - U ntil you reshue your deck, whenever you start a challenge you can look at the top 3 cards of your deck and play 2 of your choice. Discard the third card.

Link: b it.ly/TenofHearts

Jack of Hearts - Stranger

A seven-chambered revolver with gleaming blue steel and shining maple grips. Rumor has it the ‘Slinger don’t even need to draw the Card to kill so long as they carry it on ‘em.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 3. Risk: The J ack of Hearts adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: U p the Sleeve - Search your deck for a card of your choice and set it aside facedown, then shue your deck. Until you reshue your deck, you can wager 1 additional Vim or Vigor during a hand and play that card during a raise.

Link: b it.ly/WCJackofHearts

Queen of Hearts - Bloody Mary

A handsome, red-handled pistol with the name “Bloody Mary” etched lovingly along the barrel. It’s said the ‘Slinger can’t holster this Card once it’s been drawn… not until every living thing in sight has been killed.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 3. Risk: The Q ueen of Hearts adds 3 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: D ealer' s Own Luck - The next time you would lose Vim or Vigor, you can instead discard that many cards from the top of your deck.

43 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun

Link: b it.ly/WCQueenofHearts

King of Hearts - Suicide King

A Card rumored to change its form between ‘Slingers, although last anyone heard it was a simple six-shooter. Each shot fired is said to sap away the ‘Slinger’s will to live, slowly leaving them little more than a hollowed-out husk.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 3. Risk: The K ing of Hearts adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: M anifest Destiny - Increase your Mettle by 2 until you reshue your deck. Recalculate your Vim accordingly.

Link: b it.ly/WCKingofHearts

Ace of Hearts - Deadeye

A rare sight in these parts - a revolving carbine with a stock made from pure ivory and a silver-plated barrel nearly two feet long. It boasts a pair of flip-up iron sights that rival the finest of scopes.

Limit: Increase your Mettle by 4. Risk: The A ce of Hearts adds 4 Risk.

Suit’s Sleight of Hand: J ust Lucky I Reckon - When you Cash In, you regain all Vim and Vigor you’ve lost, as if you had received proper medical treatment. If you are already at maximum Vim and Vigor, instead double the Fortune you won.

Value’s Sleight of Hand: A ce’s Wild - You can use the Sleight of Hand of any Hearts Card so long as a card you played matches the Value of that Card’s Sleight of Hand. For example, if you played a Queen and an Ace, you can use the Sleight of Hand of the Queen of Hearts.

Link: b it.ly/WCAceofHearts

44 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun


“The Fifty Two Cards - the Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, and Hearts - they’re all legends. But the Jokers? The simple Red and Black? They’re something else entirely. Legend don’t do it justice. Neither does Myth. The First Card and the Last Card. The Alpha and the Omega. Forever destined to duel.” Possessing a power to dwarf even the Four Aces. A power that for most folks is unthinkable. Unimaginable. The Jokers are the greatest of the Cards, said to belong to Gabriel and the Devil Themselves.

The Red Joker boasts all the speed and accuracy of the Diamonds and Hearts. It nds itself in the hands of protectors and guardians. The Black Joker claims the uncanniness and raw power of Spades and Clubs. It nds itself in the hands of harbingers and destroyers. It’s said the two Jokers will meet when the other Fifty Two Cards return to a single deck. Then the fun begins.

Red Joker - The Clown

An archaic weapon boasting a flintlock mechanism, a gleaming bronze barrel, and a bright cherry red stock. Rumored to be the very first Card ever dealt by the Dealer. There are words and whispers that the Red Joker’s only got one bullet, a single golden ball meant for Old Scratch and the Dead Man’s Gun. It’s said when the Red and Black Jokers meet, all Hell will break loose before the Cards disappear from the world forever.

Limit: Increase your Wits and Mettle by 4. Risk: The Red Joker adds 6 Risk.

Sleight of Hand: A nything Goes - When you score 21, choose any Diamonds or Hearts Card (ex. Queen of Hearts). You may then use b oth Sleights of Hand from that card, plus your Background’s Sleight of Hand.

Passive Eect: T he House Has Gone Bust - You win ties against the Dealer, including if the Dealer hits Blackjack (if they do, instead of automatically losing, you play your hand as normal to determine if you win the hand or not).

Link: b it.ly/WCRedJoker

Black Joker - Dead Man’s Gun

The piece belonging to Old Scratch Himself: A black Volcanic covered in a jumble of etchings that give a man a headache just looking at them. The black ivory grip boasts an image of a jester’s head,

45 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun upside with bulging eyes and a red tongue flopping out of his mouth - a scion of madness. What’s more, the Dead Man’s Gun boasts the finesse of a Spade, the speed of a Diamond, the power of a Club, and the accuracy of a Heart. Death and destruction follow in its wake.

Limit: Increase your Finesse and Toughness by 4. Risk: The Black Joker adds 6 Risk.

Sleight of Hand: A nything Goes - When you score 21, choose any Spades or Clubs Card (ex. Ace of Spades). You may then use b oth Sleights of Hand from that card, plus your Background’s Sleight of Hand.

Passive Eect: T he House Has Gone Bust - You win ties against the Dealer, including if the Dealer hits Blackjack (if they do, instead of automatically losing, you play your hand as normal to determine if you win the hand or not).

Link: b it.ly/WCBlackJoker

46 Wild Cards: Sons of the Gun


As I mentioned before, W ild Cards i sn’t entirely my own creation, I’m merely its current steward. Other folks, far more creative than myself, are the ones who really brought this product to life. Special thanks goes out to: Annis, AnonVIII, Aozaki Aoko, Bill Murray (I don’t think it’s t hat B ill Murray), Blood and Dust, Bob, BROther Laughing Man, Christmas Ape, Cruxador, Conquistadore, Contorted Axis, CoolGuy99, Corgi, Cú Chulainn, Cw3040, Dealer, Dealer Lawrence, DerpStar, Deschain, DMRakdos, Dr. Baron von Evilsatan, TheEternalCity101, Evilexecutive, Firstquest, Freis, Gamblin’ Man, GlassCrescent, Gloquenteentleman, GloriousGidofter, Gnollbard, Grunge Meadbeard, Guild Pawn, Half the Battle, Hiddenkrypt, Indonesian Gentleman, Ithry, JDude51, JSCervini, LaBambaMan, Ladnav, LDT-A, TheLionHearted, longyear, Lukash, Lumancer, Markov, Mathias Silva, monotreeme, Mordegald, NF, Nilstrong, NotOP, random.randit(nightmare), Pink, Rogue Kitty, Rumba, Scrawl, Shinysheep, Sommunist, Supachibi, Tech Priest Naile, ThatOneBruvva, Thou Dog, Ursus Rex, ValkyrieSkies, Warboss Krumpashredda, TheWizened, and of course countless Anonymous users who provided inspiration, lore, and feedback during the earliest days of W ild Cards: Sons of the Gun.

If you contributed to W ild Cards: Sons of the Gun in any way, rst of all: Thank you! Secondl: Please let me know so I can correct this attribution page!