1 ne JDiiiDoaru January 31, 1925 American Concert Field ^.’ii American Achievements in the World ofMusic Fcieaut^ Iietta May MfHenrv Cla$SiC Dancing

(CotBtnanicationM to 149} BroaJway, Srw York, S. Y.J

Orchestra Situation Four American Compositions Civic Unchanged Awaiting Meeting Accepted by Josiah Zuro With Federation Committee Moves to Boston Joslah Zuro, conductor of the Sunday Symphonic Society, of New York, has - Many and varied are the rumors con- accepted four new orchestral composi- OO cernmg the symphony orchestra situation rions submitted In hlj contest for Ameri¬ 99 1 eriOrmanceS CjlNCn LJuring fn New York Citv as the result of the can cojnposers. Three of these manu¬ Run of 1 1 14 Weeks at Audi- Remand by the As.sociated Musicians of scripts will be performed publicly at the . ' . . New lork that the New \ork Symphony free concerta given bi-weekly in the tOriUm in Ohicago and the Philharmonic increase the waees Criterion Theater in New York City, and of its memljers employed by those or- one Mill be given at an invitation re¬ , TO-™.,. .. chestras. The demand is that the men hears^ for the composer and his friends. Chicago, Jan, 2i>,—The swan song of pe paid $25 more a week, and when the The first selections to be presented are the 1»24- _j season of the Chicago Civic formal notice was served on the directors announced as two songs by Evelyn Opera was sung at the Auditorium last these orchestras their representatives Be-ckman, a native of Philadelphia but night with as the fare- poinwd out that the cost of any such Tales of Hoffman now residing in New York, and these well opera until the next regular season, increase must necessarily further add to will be sung on February 1 by Mme. Two hours before daybreak this morn- the present enormous deficits each or- Itaymonde Delaunois of the Metroptolitan ing the entire company of artishs, or- chestra had at the close of every season, Cpera Company, and at the following chestra, chorus ballet and technical and and that if the demand was insisted concert, February 15, an Orchestral executive staffs boarded two social upon it would mean the personnel of Suite by Frederick Stahlberg, conductor trains to Boston, where a fortnight of the orchestra would have to be decreased and composer, will be performed. opera will be sung in the Boston Opera or fewer concerts given, or perhaps both House. . of these measures of reducing expenses During the weeks in Chicago at would need to be utillBed. Prominent Concert Artists the Auditorium 99 perforrnances were Committees were appointed to represent given out of a repertoire that included each orchestra, also the American Fed- To Broadcast From New York j French and eration of Musicians, and George Hamer English. V erdi led in the number of per- and Paul Sharrow were chosen for the While the argument pro and con as i « ^rmances sung, being five in number, York Svmphony with R. M. Willson. to the effect radio has on concert bust- v were given, a. Edison snd Morris Tartas as the three nesa .continues merrily, each week sees ^ while Rossini, Flotow, W agner, Gounod, representatives for the Philharmonic Or- .nouncements^ of prominent artists to Charpentier, Dehbes. Bizet, Massenet, chestra, and these men will, with James/'.P'’?8Tani8.1:: Gustave 't Mouesorgsky and Saint-Saens all had Lawnhan, Sam Finkelstein and Edward; Langenus, famous clarinetist, a member - presented In varying number, Canavan of the American Federation o/ of tne Philharmonic Orchestra, also the ^ . _ _ New York Cftiicber Music Society, was Margaret Sittig, vlolin^lst, is a young The past opera season was replete with Musicians, meet with Mr. Damrosch, ArA exceptional social splendor, marked by thur Judson and D, E. Porter. No dale luxurious stege settings and investitures has as yet been set for the discussion ol_ In which the I avly-Oukrainsky ballet the contemplated contract as several of big part. . , the managers are on tour with their or- and instructor is scheduled to give a ® ® 2/ Toti Dal Monte, Olga Forrai, Helen chestras. but at the American Federation most interesting program of piano music, rifL Vn Freund and Elvira Hidalgo were the so- pf Musicians’ headquarters it was In- and on'tbat'same evening the Philhar- ,1" pranoB who made their debut with the t'mated to The Billboard representative monic Orchestra of New York will broad- xvvv^^^rif critl^sms^ on this recital— civic opera this season. sopranos that it would likely take place within the