SRI KANCHI KAMAKOTI PEETHAM FIFTY RECENT OUTSTANDING INITIATIVES Released on the occasion of 51st Jayanthi of Jagadguru Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Swamigal 30 March 2019 Page 1 of 70 ॐ श्रीगु셁땍यो नमः SRI KANCHI KAMAKOTI PEETHAM FIFTY RECENT OUTSTANDING INITIATIVES Released on the occasion of 51st Jayanthi of Jagadguru Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Swamigal 30 March 2019 Page 2 of 70 P. R. Kannan, M.Tech. Navi Mumbai M 9860750020
[email protected] Page 3 of 70 Preface The religious, educational, cultural and social activities of the venerated Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham are so innumerable and multipronged that they defy coverage in a single slim volume. Is it possible for a lame person to climb the Himalayas? All the activities of the Peetham are hinged on the Acharyas‘ deep concern for the deteriorating application and practice of values of Sanatana Dharma in today‘s world. That is the reason why the Acharyas evince such keen interest in delving into the day to day workings of the present day men, women, children, institutions and society, studying the problems, and evolving platforms to find solutions. Their vision covers not just any particular section of humanity, but extends beyond all boundaries of religion, region, persuasion, walks of life and country. In order to provide an insight to the reader, an attempt is made here to choose and present, on the occasion of the fiftyfirst Jayanthi of Jagadguru Pujyasri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya Swamigal, fifty outstanding initiatives of the Peetham of recent years to serve purely as a guide and an illustration. Page 4 of 70 Contents 1 Acharyas 6 2 Vedas 10 3 Sastras 16 4 Samskrit 21 5 Viswa Santi Maha Yagnas 23 6 Kumbhabhishekams 30 7 Pushkarams and Religious Festivals 37 8 Books and Magazines 45 9 Computerisation 47 10 Cultural Outreaches 47 11 Cultural and Educational Initiatives for the 55 Youth 12 Health Care 62 13 Flood Relief 65 14 Initiatives for NRIs 66 Page 5 of 70 SRI KANCHI KAMAKOTI PEETHAM FIFTY RECENT OUTSTANDING INITIATIVES ACHARYAS 1.