Built FGrroomuned Up The First 50 Yea Engineering at Old Dominion University BRENDAN O’H ALLARN Author OUTER BANKS PRESS Publisher www.outerbankspress.com Built Ground Up Built FGrroomuned Up The First 50 Yea ENGINEERING AT OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY BRENDAN O’H ALLARN OUTER BANKS PRESS Built From the Ground Up THE FIRST 50 Y EARS OF ENGINEERING AT OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY Published in 2012 by Outer Banks Press for Old Dominion University Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology ALL RIGHTS RESERVED . No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without express written permission from the publisher. Printed in China All images and text © Old Dominion University ISBN: 978-0-9778924-7-1 Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication data available upon request MISSION STATEMENT TEXT : Brendan O’Hallarn DESIGN : Linda L. Lauby, Outer Banks Press In accordance with the mission of Old Dominion University, PHOTOGRAPHY : Linda L. Lauby, Crystal Street, Chuck Thomas the Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology ADDITIONAL PHOTOS : Old Dominion University Archives promotes the advancement of engineering knowledge, Copies of this book are available from the Old Dominion University Bookstore and from the both in creation and dissemination, by providing office of the Dean of Engineering. successful graduates and a continuously improving learning envoronment to its constituents, while maintaining high ethical, multicultural and global standards. FRANK BATTEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 102 Kaufman Hall | Norfolk, Virginia 23529 | 757.683.3789
[email protected] | www.eng.odu.edu OKTAY BAYSAL , Dean OSMAN AKAN , Associate Dean LINDA VAHALA , Associate Dean OUTER BANKS PRESS BERNDT BOHM , Assistant Dean 75 East Dogwood Trail | Kitty Hawk, North Carolina 27949 | 252.261.0612
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