Topology Proceedings Web: Mail: Topology Proceedings Department of Mathematics & Statistics Auburn University, Alabama 36849, USA E-mail:
[email protected] ISSN: 0146-4124 COPYRIGHT °c by Topology Proceedings. All rights reserved. TOPOLOGY PROCEEDINGS Volume 28, No. 1, 2004 Pages 301-326 SPRING TOPOLOGY AND DYNAMICS CONFERENCE 2004 REPORT1 The 2004 Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference was held March 25–27 at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Seven plenary talks, twelve semi-plenary talks, and four parallel special sessions were held. In this issue, we will report on the areas of Continuum Theory, General/Set-Theoretic Topology, and Dynam- ical Systems, in which well-attended special sessions were held. A report on the Special Session in Geometric Topology/Geometric Group Theory will be combined with the report of the 2005 con- ference in a subsequent issue. Continuum Theory The Special Session in Continuum Theory attracted a broad spectrum of researchers from the United States and Mexico and included speakers from Canada and Poland. As was the case in previous years, many strong results were pre- sented in the intersection of continuum theory and dynamical sys- tems. Indecomposable continua play a pivotal role in this area. On one hand, continua with no indecomposable subcontinua (such as dendrites, dendroids, ¸-dendroids, hereditarily decomposable con- tinua) frequently have dynamics similar to real numbers (including behavior of periodic and recurrent points, the Sarkovskii ordering, etc.). On the other hand, interesting dynamics often lead to inde- composable continua in such diverse contexts as Julia sets, positive entropy homeomorphisms, inverse limits, and even area preserving 1Beginning with this issue, the Problems Section will report on the annual Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference by publishing a survey of research in the areas represented at the conference.