Abstract. We prove the entropy conjecture of M. Barge from 1989: for every r ∈ [0, ∞] there exists a pseudo-arc homeomorphism h, whose topological entropy is r. Until now all pseudo-arc homeomorphisms with known entropy have had entropy 0 or ∞.

1. Introduction

1.1. Main result. The present paper concerns a long-standing open problem on the dynamics and the homeomorphism group of a one-dimensional fractal-like planar object called the pseudo-arc. The pseudo-arc was originally described in 1922 by Knaster [62], as the first example of a hereditarily indecomposable . Recall that a continuum is a compact and connected nondegenerate space. Indecomposability of the pseudo-arc means that it is not the union of two distinct proper subcontinua, and hereditarility of this property means that every subcontinuum is also indecomposable. The last 100 years have seen a very intensive research on the pseudo-arc, culminating in 2016 in the spectacular achievement of classification of topologically homogeneous plane compacta by Hoehn and Oversteegen [51], in which the pseudo-arc played the central role: any such compactum is topologically a point, pseudo-arc, circle, circle of pseudo-arcs, or a Cartesian product of one of these three with either a finite set, or Cantor set. In an even more recent major breakthrough, in 2019, Hoehn and Oversteegen [52] showed that the pseudo-arc is the only, other than the arc, hereditarily equivalent planar continuum, addressing a question of Mazurkiewicz from 1921 [73]. In the present paper, we answer the following long-standing question in the affirmative. Question 1. (M. Barge, 1989 [69]) Is every positive real number the entropy of some homeomor- phism of the pseudo-arc?

Theorem 1.1. For every r ∈ [0, ∞] there exists a pseudo-arc homeomorphism Hr such that htop(Hr) = r.

Our proof of Theorem 1.1 is obtained by a combination of a variant of Mary Rees’ technique, developed recently by Beguin, Crovisier and Le Roux [11], with several techniques developed for the purpose of Theorem 1.1. The homeomorphisms Hr are obtained as perturbations of a pseudo-arc homeomorphism Rˆ∞ that exhibits Cantor fan-like dynamics; i.e. Rˆ∞ possesses a unique

arXiv:2105.11133v1 [math.DS] 24 May 2021 fixed point and every other point lies in a Cantor set that is the closure of the orbit of that point with odometer acting on it. In fact we obtain even stronger result from Theorem 1.1, since we adapt the approach from [11] which is very flexible. It allows to “replace” Haar measure on the odometer by a joining of Haar measure with any other probability measure. Making such replacements recursively, we can introduce any countable sequence of invariant measures in the pseudo-arc, provided that all of them are extensions of an odometer. So in fact, we can get much richer structure of invariant measures than what is sufficient for solving Question 1 (e.g. we can obtain an example without a measure of maximal entropy). In turn, we also answer three other open questions from around the same time.

Key words and phrases. Pseudo-arc, topological entropy, homeomorphism. J. B. was supported in part by the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN), grant no. 2019/34/E/ST1/00237. J. Č. was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Schrödinger Fellowship stand-alone project J 4276-N35. P. O. was supported by National Science Centre, Poland (NCN), grant no. 2019/35/B/ST1/02239. 1 2 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

Question 2. (M. Barge, 1989 [69]) Does every homeomorphism of the pseudo-arc of positive entropy have periodic points of infinitely many different periods? Answer 2 No, a unique fixed point may be the only periodic point.1 Question 3. (W. Lewis, 1989 [70]) What periodic structure does positive entropy of the pseudo-arc homeomorphism f : P → P imply? Answer 3 None. Question 4. (W. Lewis, 1989 [70]) If the homeomorphism f : P → P of the pseudo-arc P has positive entropy, does f have homoclinic orbits? Answer 4 No. In the next section we provide a historic overview of the pseudo-arc and its appearance across various branches of mathematics. In Section 1.3 we discuss results from entropy theory, that provide background for Question 1. In Section 1.4 we review prior work on Question 1 and recall various partial results obtained until now. In Section 1.5 we describe the main ingredients of our proof of the main result, and give an outline of the present paper.

1.2. Pseudo-arc: historic overview, characterizations and its appearance across various branches of mathematics. First let us recall some more historic highlights about the origin and current charactarizations of the pseudo-arc. Answering a question of Mazurkiewicz [73] in the negative, whether the arc is the only continuum homeomorphic to all of its non-degenerate subcontinua, in 1948 Moise [76] constructed a “new” example of a space with the same self-similarity property, which he named a pseudo-arc. The same year Bing [12] constructed a “new” example of a homogenous indecomposable continuum. Ten years later Bing [14] published a paper where he proved that all three spaces constructed independently by Knaster, Moise and himself are homeomorphic. Bing [13] showed that in the Baire category sense the pseudo-arc is a generic continuum. Namely, he showed that for any manifold M of dimension at least 2, the set of subcontinua homeomorphic to the pseudo-arc is a dense Gδ subset of the hyperspace of all subcontinua of M. This phenomenon resembles the one of irrational numbers in R: seemingly atypical objects in the space are in fact generic. We say that a space is arc-like if it can be represented as an inverse limit of arcs, or equivalently if for any  > 0 there exists a mapping from the space to the unit interval, with all fibers smaller than . In the view of the properties mentioned above, the pseudo-arc can be characterized as the unique:

• homogeneous arc-like continuum (Bing [15]), • planar homogeneous continuum different from the circle and from the circle of pseudo-arcs (Hoehn, Oversteegen [51]), • planar continuum homeomorphic to all of its subcontinua which is not an arc (Hoehn, Oversteegen [52]), • hereditarily indecomposable arc-like continuum (Bing [13]).

A closely related object is the pseudo-circle. The pseudo-circle was first described by Bing [14] in 1951. All its proper subcontinua are pseudo-arcs, but in contrast to the pseudo-arc, the pseudo-circle is not homogenous [45, 83]. It is characterized in [44, 84] as the unique planar hereditarily indecomposable circle-like continuum which separates the plane into two components. Besides being interesting from the topological perspective, the pseudo-arc and pseudo-circle appear also in other branches of mathematics. To review it chronologically, they first made their appear- ance in smooth dynamical systems through a construction of Handel [48], where he obtained the pseudo-circle as a minimal set of a C∞ area-preserving diffeomorphism of the plane. This line of work was continued by Kennedy and Yorke [58], who constructed a C∞ map on a 3-manifold with an invariant set consisting of uncountably many pseudo-circle components. Their example is interesting also due to its stability under any small C1 perturbation which suggests that it could arise naturally in physical simulations. Kennedy and Yorke pushed their result even further and provided in [59, 60]

1This is optimal, since the pseudo-arc has the fixed point property [47]. BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 3 a construction of a diffeomorphism with the same properties as above on an arbitrary 7-manifold. Recently the methods from [48] were applied to construct various planar homeomorphisms whose stable sets consists of unions of translation pseudo-arcs [85]. In [19] the first and the last author constructed a homeomorphism on the 2-torus with the pseudo-circle as a Birkhoff-like attractor. Furthermore, in this context a decomposition of the 2-torus into pseudo-circles was given by Béguin, Crovisier and Jäger [10], which is invariant under a torus homeomorphism semi-conjugate to an irrational rotation. Also, Boroński, Clark and Oprocha [21] constructed a family of minimal sets of torus homeomorphisms, each of which does not admit a minimal homeomorphism on its Cartesian square. These spaces were obtained by blowing up an orbit on a Denjoy exceptional minimal set on the torus and inserting a null sequence of pseudo-arcs. The pseudo-arc also surfaced in the field of complex dynamics. The origins of work in this direction come from a paper of Herman [50], who extended Handel’s construction [48] and provided a C∞- smooth diffeomorphism of the complex plane with an invariant open topological disk bounded by the pseudo-circle, on which the diffeomorphism is complex analytic and complex analytically conjugate to an irrational rotation, and on the complement the diffeomorphism is smoothly conjugate to such a rotation. Later, this result was further improved by Chéritat [35], who showed that the pseudo-circle can appear as the boundary of a Siegel disk. Recently, Rempe-Gillen [82] considered pseudo-arc (and other arc-like continua) in the context of Eremenko’s conjecture [43], proving that pseudo-arcs appear as one-point compactifications of connected components of Julia sets of transcendental entire functions. Apart from dynamics the pseudo-arc appears also in isometric theory of Banach spaces, as a coun- terexample [79, 54] to Wood’s Conjecture [93], which asserted that there exists no non-degenerate almost transitive space. A closely related result was obtained by Irwin and Solecki in a seminal paper [53], where using tools from model theory they developed a dualization of the classical Fraïssé limit construction, and obtained surjective universality and projective homogeneity of the pseudo-arc in the class of arc-like continua. This result gave a new characterization of the pseudo-arc and initiated a new research direction. One of the most notable results that followed is the result of Kwiatkowska [64], who proved that the automorphisms group of the pseudo-arc has a residual conjugacy class. A difficult open problem that arose in this direction of research asks to describe the universal minimal flow of the homeomorphism group of the pseudo-arc, see e.g. [6]. This problem is only one of the many present in the literature that aim at improving the understanding of the homeomorphism group of the pseudo-arc. Other open questions include those asking about covering dimension of that group [2], or whether it contains the Erdös space2.

1.3. Topological rigidity and flexibility. Topological entropy is a measure of complexity of maps on topological spaces and was originally defined by Adler, Konheim and McAndrew [1] as a topological analogue of metric entropy from ergodic theory. Bowen [23] characterized it as the exponential growth rate of the number of orbits which can be distinguished to an increasing number of iterates using measurements of fixed accuracy. Another characterization which will prove useful to us is through the variational principal, as the supremum of the measure-theoretical entropies of regular invariant probability measures [41]. The question of entropy rigidity and flexibility within a given class of maps on an underlying topological space is one of the mainstream questions in the modern theory of Dynamical Systems. For example, Herman’s Positive Entropy Conjecture, recently resolved by Berger and Turaev [7] is one of the instances of this line of research. Shub and Williams [86] related topological entropy of maps to the underlying space and this work was continued by a seminal paper of Manning [72], where connections between the structure of a compact Riemannian manifold and the topological entropy of the geodesic flow on its unit tangent bundle were given. In such a great generality let us also mention the most recent important work [39] by De Simoi, Leguil, Vinhage, and Yang, who studied in detail entropy rigidity and flexibility for Anosov flows on a compact 3-manifold preserving a smooth volume. All the works mentioned above concentrated on more trackable systems, where foliations of the space

2This question was raised by Logan Hoehn at Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference in 2019. The Erdös space consists of all vectors in the real Hilbert space `2 that have only rational coordinates. 4 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA exist at least to some extent. The topological structure of many relevant one-dimensional spaces, such as various hyperbolic attractors, including those derived from Anosov, is very different from manifolds, and that feature has proven to be a challenging aspect of questions concerning entropy of homeomorphisms of those spaces. For example, the pseudo-arc that we are dealing with in the present paper is as far from being a foliated space as possible, since all its arc-components are degenerate to a point. Perhaps a better paradigm example of one-dimensional continua to start with in this aspect are solenoids, which are inverse limits of the unit circle with finite-sheeted covering maps, and which were used as one of the first examples of hyperbolic attractors. Let Σα denote the obtained as the inverse limit of covering maps of degree α = (p1, p2,...), where one can assume without loss of generality that the powers pi are prime numbers (Bing [16] and McCord [74]). Each homeomorphism h of a solenoid Σα has the same topological entropy as a certain automorphism from its automorphism group associated uniquely with h. This result was proven by Kwapisz [63]. There is also a way to obtain planar arc-like one-dimensional continua from solenoids by taking appropriate quotient maps. Namely, generalized Knaster continua Kα can be defined using sequences of primes α = (p1, p2,...) and are isomorphic to Σα/ ∼ where the equivalence relation identifies points from Σα with their inverses. The corresponding quotient mapping is exactly two-to-one except at one or two points. These generalized Knaster continua can also be represented as inverse limits K = lim(I, f ). α ←− pi k k Kwapisz [63] proved that the mapping class group of Kα is isomorphic to either ⊗n=1Z or ⊗n=1Z ⊗ Z, depending on whether 2 does or does not occur infinitely often in the sequence α. Apart from generalized Knaster continua, another well-studied family of arc-like continua is the family of tent inverse limit spaces, that arise as attractors of some planar homeomorphisms [33, 25, 26]. It was shown that in this family typical parameters give intrinsically complicated continua that are locally far from being a product of Cantor set and open arc [4]. However, it turns out that these typical parameters do not give rise to homeomorphic spaces. In fact much more is true. A conjecture due to Ingram, which attracted much attention√ in the last three decades, asserted that inverse limit spaces of tent maps with different slopes s ∈ ( 2, 2] are non-homeomorphic. It was proven in [5] by Barge, Bruin and Štimac. As a somewhat surprising by-product of its solution (but in agreement with the results described above), it was shown in [8] that the mapping class group of X is Z. This in turn was used to characterize possible values of the topological entropy of homeomorphisms on these spaces [9]. According to it, the entropy is always a non-negative integer multiple of the logarithm of the slope of the tent map.

1.4. Work leading to the solution of Barge’s entropy conjecture. In this subsection we will review the important historical steps towards the answer to Question 1. A natural approach to construct a homeomorphism on the pseudo-arc is to use the inverse limit technique using a single bonding map; such approach provided several new interesting results in the past which we review later in this section. If one can determine the topological entropy of the bonding map, the result of Bowen [24] shows that the natural extension homeomorphism on the inverse limit will attain the same value. Henderson [49] gave the first example of an interval map that gives pseudo-arc in the inverse limit. His map is very simple from the dynamical perspective; all points but one repelling fixed point are attracted to the attracting fixed point and there are no other recurrent points. Therefore, the topological entropy of this map and subsequently the topological entropy of the natural extension on the pseudo-arc is 0. Lewis [71] provided a way to lift dynamics from the interval to pseudo-arc; namely he showed that every interval map is semi-conjugate to a pseudo-arc homeomorphism and underlined the richness of its homeomoprhism group, however giving no additional information on topological entropies of these extensions. Shortly after Question 1 was asked, Kennedy [57] proved that if C is a Cantor set that intersects each composant of a pseudo-arc P in at most one point, then each homeomorphism of C extends to a homeomorphism of P onto P . As a consequence she obtained first known homeomorphisms of the pseudo-arc with positive topological entropy. However, she did not establish the control of the dynamics for such homeomorphisms and subsequently could not assure that the topological entropy of her constructed homeomorphisms is finite. Also, Cook [36] has shown, that no Cantor set C from her construction can intersect every composant of P . Kennedy [56] also provided the first example of a transitive homeomorphism of the pseudo-arc, as an extension of the full tent map from the interval. In the same year Minc and Transue [75] provided a more general BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 5 construction of transitive maps on the pseudo-arc as shifts from inverse limits of intervals. First step to show that construction through inverse limits with single bonding maps will not suffice to solve the conjecture was done by Block, Keesling and Uspenskij [17] who proved that the homeomorphisms on the pseudo-arc, that are conjugate to shifts on inverse limit of intervals, have topological entropy greater than log(2)/2, if positive. Subsequently, Mouron [78] proved that natural extensions on pseudo-arc through inverse limits have topological entropy either 0 or ∞. The last result meant that, in order to construct finite non-zero topological entropy homeomorphism on the pseudo-arc, one needs a novel approach. As a corollary he also obtained that homeomorphisms on the pseudo-arc that are semi-conjugate to interval maps have topological entropy either 0 or ∞; this in particular has a consequence that the topological entropy of the transitive examples of Kennedy, extensions by Lewis and shift homeomorphism of Minc and Transue are ∞. Motivated by this results and lack of other examples, Mouron asked in [78] if a homeomorphism of a hereditarily indecomposable continuum must have entropy 0 or ∞? Addressing this question, Boroński and Oprocha showed in [20] that if G is a topological graph, then provided ←−lim(G, f) is hereditarily indecomposable and htop(f) > 0 the entropy must be infinite. For circle maps of non-zero degree it was proven that htop(f) = ∞. In particular it means, that in contrast to pseudo-arc homeomorphisms, zero entropy homeomorphisms of the pseudo-circle are never conjugate to shift homeomorphisms on the inverse limit of circles (in particular, this includes the diffeomorphism of Handel). Later Boroński, Clark and Oprocha [22] provided for any β ∈ [0, ∞] a construction of a hereditarily indecomposable continuum admitting a minimal homeomorphism with topological entropy β and thus answering Mouron’s question in the negative. The present work answers Question 1 in full generality; as a consequence we also obtain answers on Questions 2-4.

1.5. Description of the main ingredients of the proof. Now let us address the structure of the proof of our main theorem. Our starting point are the following two theorems.

Theorem 1.2. (Lewis, [68]) For any n ∈ N there exists an arc-like continuum P, that admits an n-periodic homeomorphism g with a unique fixed point, and all other points of least period n.

Theorem 1.3. (Lewis, [66]) For any sequence of prime numbers P there exists an arc-like continuum P that admits a P-adic Cantor group action.

In both [68] and [66] it is stated without proof that modifications of the constructions presented therein can be made to ensure that P is a pseudo-arc, and that the homeomorphism g in Theorem 1.2 extends to a period n rotation of D2. Even though it is widely accepted that these results admit such modifications indeed, a formal proof has not appeared in the literature, and since the main result of the present paper resolves a long-standing problem, we have decided that a formal proof with the desired modifications should be supplied. The following result is also a more detailed description of the dynamical properties of Lewis’ maps. By ω(f, x) we denote ω-limit set of x with respect to a map f, and by Per(f) the set of periodic points of f.

Theorem 1.4. Let P = (qn : n ∈ N) be a sequence of primes and φP :Λ → Λ be the P-adic odometer. There exists a pseudo-arc homeomorphism Rˆ∞ : P∞ → P∞ and 0∞ ∈ P∞ such that

(1) Per(Rˆ∞) = {0∞}, (2) Rˆ | is conjugate to φ for every x ∈ P \{0 }, and ∞ ω(Rˆ∞,x) P ∞ ∞ (3) x ∈ ω(Rˆ∞, x) for every x ∈ P∞, where P = lim(P , ϕ ) is an inverse limit of pseudo-arcs, with the bonding maps ϕ : S → ∞ ←− n ∞,n ∞,n n+1 Sn being branched qn-to-1 covers of 2-disks Sn, with one branch point 0n.

The main difficulty in obtaining homeomorphisms on pseudo-arc with finite non-zero entropy is sufficient control of their dynamics. Theorem 1.4 serves as our starting point for constructing a more complicated homeomorphism with richer dynamics and to obtain the main result it is important that such starting homeomorphism carries no topological entropy. A very useful procedure that helps us in this direction is called the Denjoy-Rees technique and was described in [11]. There, the authors used 6 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA the technique to get the following result: any compact manifold of dimension at least two admitting a minimal uniquely ergodic homeomorphism also admits a uniquely ergodic homeomorphism with positive topological entropy. The Denjoy-Rees technique can be viewed as an ingenious generalization of the famous Denjoy example [40] (a periodic point free homeomorphism of the unit circle which is not conjugate to a rotation) and subsequently more involved Rees’ construction [81] (homeomorphism of the two-torus which is minimal and has positive topological entropy) with the additional new technique which allows to control how rich the dynamics of these homeomorphisms is. We follow the Denjoy-Rees technique described above, however, several new difficulties arise in our setting. The first of them is that we are working on a one-dimensional space, unlike in [11]. We solve this by providing an inverse limit version of the Denjoy-Ress technique; namely we construct our pseudo-arc as the inverse limit of pseudo-arcs and we are applying the technique on the coordinate spaces of the inverse limit. The other difficulty is that, after this enrichment, we want to get back to the space homeomorphic to the original one-dimensional space, the pseudo-arc. Here we use several properties of the pseudo-arc, namely it is important that the space is homogeneous so that we can find homeomorphism between neighbourhoods of different sets and points. Also, crookedness of the pseudo-arc is used in a sense that the deformations we perform on the space throughout our construction cannot make it even more crooked. The argument would fail in the case of many other arc-like continua (e.g. for the arc or the Knaster continuum). In [11] the authors state a collection of conditions A1-A3, B1-B6 and C1-C8 which allow them to obtain their main result. They state the conditions for rectangles which are in their context closed unit balls in Rd where d > 1 is the dimension of a given compact topological manifold. For us, the rectangles from their setting will 3 be pre-images of natural projections from the inverse limit of closed cubes tamely embedded in D4, where D4 denotes the four dimensional unit cube. Therefore, our rectangles will be of the form of closed cubes from D4 times a Cantor set. Despite this change in the setting, basic tools from [11] still hold true and we will be able to perform an adaptation of the Denjoy-Rees technique through inverse limits. Our basic starting point is to construct a Cantor set K ⊂ P∞ ⊂ D∞ of positive Haar measure. Then the orbits of K are “blown-up” similarly as in Rees’ construction and the Denjoy-Rees technique will in addition allow us to completely control the orbits of points from K so that no measure escapes to an uncontrolled parts of P∞ \ K. Therefore we will be able to control invariant measures on P∞, subsequently also metric entropy as required and use the variational principle to determine explicit values of topological entropy as well. The paper is organized as follows. In Sections 2 and 3, we present some standard notation and state several results on crookedness that we will use in later sections. In Section 4, we will prove Theorem 1.4. In Section 5, we will introduce conditions for the Denjoy-Rees technique in our setting. Section 6 is the core part of the paper; in this section we will prove Lemma 6.6, i.e., show how to realize conditions given in Section 5. Later in Subsection 6.1 we prove the crucial properties of constructed maps on the pseudo-arc. In Appendix A, written by George Kozlowski, a proof of Theorem 6.3 that we use in our proof of the main result is included, as we could not find any reference for it in the literature.

2. Preliminaries

In this section we introduce some preliminary notation needed through the rest of the paper. Let N := {0, 1, 2,... }. Let Z be a compact and f : Z → Z a continuous map. For the main technical tool we use the inverse limit spaces. For a collection of continuous maps fi : Zi+1 → Zi where Zi are compact metric spaces for all i ≥ 1 we define  (1) ←−lim(Zi, fi) := { z1, z2,... ∈ Z1 × Z2,... zi ∈ Zi, zi = fi(zi+1), for any i ≥ 1}. We equip ←−lim(Zi, fi) with the subspace metric induced from the product metric in Z1 × Z2 × ..., where fi are called the bonding maps. In general we start the enumeration for the inverse limit with

3 d d A d-dimensional cube B ⊂ R is tamely embedded in the interior of X if B is the image of the unit ball of R d under a continuous one-to-one map from R into X. BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 7

1, however it will sometimes be convenient to start with 0 (e.g. in Section 4). If Zi = Z and fi = f for all i ≥ 1, the inverse limit space ←−lim(Zi, fi) also comes with a natural homeomorphism, called the ˆ natural extension of f (or the shift homeomorphism) f : ←−lim(Z, f) → ←−lim(Z, f), defined as follows.  For any z = z1, z2,... ∈ ←−lim(Z, f), ˆ  (2) f(z) := f(z1), z1, z2,... .

By πi we shall denote the i-th projection from ←−lim(Z, f) to the i-th coordinate. Now let us give preliminaries on the topological and metric entropy. In this paper topological entropy of f will be denoted htop and if µ is an f-invariant probability measure, then associated metric entropy is denoted hµ(f). For definitions and basic facts on invariant measures and entropy we refer the reader to standard textbooks, e.g. [91]. Below we briefly recall a few most important facts used in this paper. e If Mf (Z) denotes the collection of all f-invariant and ergodic Borel probability measures of Z, then the variational principal connects the topological and metric entropies: e htop(f) = sup{hµ(f): µ ∈ Mf (Z)}.

Finally, let us introduce the notion that will be used in the very end of the paper. A measurable dynamical system (Z, B,S) is a bijective bi-measurable map S on a set Z with σ-algebra B.

An S-invariant set Z0 ⊂ Z is universally full, if it has full measure for any S-invariant probability measure on (Z, B).

Two measurable systems (Z, B1,S) and (Y, B2,T ) are called universally isomorphic if there exist:

(1) S-invariant universally full set Z0 ⊂ Z, (2) T -invariant universally full set Y0 ⊂ Y , and (3) bijective bi-measurable map θ : Z0 → Y0 a such that θ ◦ S = T ◦ θ. It is well known that universally isomorphic systems have the same topological entropy.

3. Crookedness Revisited

In what follows we will recall known results that will help us proving Theorem 1.4. Definition 3.1. A metric d on a finite (topological) tree T is called an arc-length metric, if for each pair of points x and y in T , there is an isometry β : [0, d(x, y)] → T such that β(0) = x and β(d(x, y)) = y. For a subset A ⊂ T , diam(A) denotes the supremum of distances between two points from A with respect to d. For f, g : T → T , d(f, g) will denote supx∈T d(f(x), g(x)). Definition 3.2. Let κ : T → T be a continuous function, where T is a finite tree and let n > 0 be an integer. A path α : [0, 1] → T is (κ, ε)-crooked, if there exist 0 ≤ s < t ≤ 1 from T such that d(κ ◦ α(0), κ ◦ α(t)) ≤ ε and d(κ ◦ α(s), κ ◦ α(1)) ≤ ε. The map κ is called ε-crooked if every path α : [0, 1] → T is (κ, ε)-crooked.

Fix ε > 0. Let f : T → T be a continuous map on a finite tree T . We define L(ε, f) = sup{δ > 0; if d(x, y) < δ then d(f(x), f(y)) < ε}. The following result follows from Lemma 2 in [28].

Lemma 3.3. For each i ≥ 1 let Ti be of the diameter di. Suppose that for all m ≥ 1, fm : Tm+1 → T is ε -crooked with ε < min L(2−md , f ◦ ... ◦ f ). Then lim(T , f ) is hereditarily m m m i

We will also need the following definition from [55]. In the context of topological graphs it is in fact equivalent to the standard definition on open sets. 8 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

Definition 3.4. We say a map f : T → T is topologically exact (or locally eventually onto) if for each nondegenerate subcontinuum A of T , there is a positive integer N such that f N (A) = T .

Let us recall Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3 from [55]. Both furthermore parts follow by the constructions in these proofs (c.f. Remark. 1) on page 203 and page 205 in [55]). Note that the proofs of these two lemmas are constructive. Lemma 3.5. Let f : T → T be a piecewise linear and topologically exact map. Then, for each real number δ with 0 < δ < 1, there exists a piecewise linear map f˜: T → T and a positive real number ξ < δ such that

(1) d(f,˜ f) < δ. (2) For each subcontinuum A in T with diam(A) < ξ/5, diam(f˜(A)) ≥ 2diam(A). (3) The map f˜ is topologically exact.

Furthermore, f˜ = f ◦ h for some map h: T → T . Lemma 3.6. Let f˜: T → T be a topologically exact and piecewise linear map which satisfies the following condition: there exists a real number 0 < β < 1 such that ˜ (+)β for each subcontinuum A with diam(A) ≤ β, diam(f(A)) ≥ 2 diam(A). Then, for each real number δ with 0 < δ < 1, there exist a piecewise linear and topologically exact map F : T → T , a positive real number ξ < δ, and an integer n > 0 such that

(1) d(F, f˜) < δ. (2) F n(A) = T for every subcontinuum A of T with diam(A) ≥ ξ/5. (3) The map F satisfies condition (+)ξ/5. (4) Each map ω : [0, 1] → T is (F n, δ)-crooked.

Furthermore, F = f˜◦ g for some map g : T → T . Remark 3.7. If we start with a piecewise linear and topologically exact map f, we can apply Lemma 3.6. Simply, we must first apply Lemma 3.5 and then Lemma 3.6. This way we obtain the map F = f ◦ h ◦ g, where h comes from Lemma 3.5 and g from Lemma 3.6 applied to f ◦ h. In the next section we will be concerned with maps on 2n-ods, i.e. spaces homeomorphic to unions n n of 2 arcs, all meeting at exactly one of their vertices. Therefore, if T = Tn is an 2 -odd, by the construction, we may additionally require that h, g commute with rotations of Tn, and thus if the same holds also for the map f that we started with, it follows that F commutes with rotations of Tn as well.

4. Proof of Theorem 1.4

Proof of Theorem 1.4. For clarity of exposition we shall carry out our construction for the 2-adic odometer; i.e. qn = 2 for all n ∈ N. The construction for other odometers is analogous. Let D2 := {z ∈ C, |z| ≤ 2}. We let ϕ : D2 → D2 be the branched 2-fold covering given by ϕ(r cos(θ), r sin(θ)) = (r cos(2θ), r sin(2θ)). √ 2n n n Let 0¯ be the complex zero, 1 = {wj : j = 0,..., 2 − 1} be the complex 2 -th roots of 1, and l2π l2π ¯ n `l := {(r cos( 2n ), r sin( 2n ))|r ∈ [0, 1]} be the chords from 0 to wl, for l = 0,..., 2 − 1. We set 2n−1 [ Tn := `i i=0 2 2 and note that Tn is invariant under rotation Rn : D → D defined by −n+1 −n+1 Rn(r cos(θ), r sin(θ)) = (r cos(θ + 2 π), r sin(θ + 2 π)).

The following claim is implicitly contained in the proof of [66, Theorem, p.336, k = 1]. BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 9

Claim 4.1. For any integer n > 0 and any γ > 0, there exist map qγ,n : Tn → [0, 1], and family ˆ ˆ of maps (fγ,n : Tn → Tn : n ∈ N) so that fγ,n is piecewise linear and topologically exact, invariant ˆ ˆ under rigid rotation of branches of Tn, and such that fγ,n−1 ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ fγ,n and if qγ,n(x) = qγ,n(y) ˆ ˆ then d(fγ,n(x), fγ,n(y)) < γ.

Now we will prove the core claim of this proof, which uses also the claim above. ˆ Claim 4.2. There exists a family of maps gi,n : Tn → Tn such that if we set fi,n = fi,n ◦ gi,n then P = lim(T , f ) is a pseudo-arc for each n. n ←− n i,n

∞ Proof of Claim 4.2. The construction will be “diagonal”. Let {εk}k=0 be any sequence of real numbers decreasing to 0. Later, while constructing maps fk,n, we will speed up convergence of the sequence ˆ ˆ εk to satisfy assumptions of Lemma 3.3. Set γ0 = ε0. Let f0,1 = fγ0,1 and q0,1 = qγ0,1 be provided ˆ by Lemma 4.1 for γ = γ0. Since f0,1 is topologically exact we can find an integer s0 > 0 such that ˆs0 ˆs0 ˆs0 f0,1(`0) = f0,1(`1) = T1. Next, applying Remark 3.7 to f0,1 we can find a map h0,1 and a positive ˆs0 j0 integer j0 such that if we denote F0,1 = f0,1 ◦ h0,1, then each map ω : [0, 1] → Tn is (F0,1, ε0)-crooked. j0 ˆ ˆs0−1 j0−1 Denote f0,1 = F0,1 and observe that we have f0,1 = f0,1 ◦ g0,1, where g0,1 = f0,1 ◦ h0,1 ◦ F0,1 .

Next, assume that the maps fi,n, qi,n, hi,n, gi,n have already been defined for n = 1, . . . , k and 0 ≤ i ≤ k − 1. We adjust εk+1, if necessary, to be so small that −k−1 εk+1 < min L(2 diam(Tn), fi,n ◦ fi+1,n ◦ ... ◦ fk−1,n). n≤k;i

For each 0 ≤ j ≤ k we let fj,k+1 be a lift of fj,k through the branched cover ϕ and similarly we define maps gj,k+1, hj,k+1.

Let γk+1 < εk+1 be such that, for each n = 1, . . . , k + 1, if x, y ∈ Tn are such that d(x, y) < γk+1, then for each 0 ≤ j < k we have

(3) d(fj,n ◦ ... ◦ fk−1,n(x), fj,n ◦ ... ◦ fk−1,n(y)) < εk+1 and

(4) d(gj,n ◦ fj+1,n ◦ ... ◦ fk−1,n(x), gj,n ◦ fj+1,n ◦ ... ◦ fk−1,n(y)) < εk+1. ˆ ˆ Apply Lemma 4.1 to γk+1 to get maps fk,n = fγk+1,n and qk,n = qγk+1,n for n = 1, . . . , k + 1. By ˆsk topological exactness, we select a positive integer sk such that fk,n(`i) = Tn for i = 0, . . . , n − 1. Repeating the argument from above, by Remark 3.7 we can find a map hk,k+1 and a positive integer ˆsk jk+1 jk+1 such that for the map Fk,k+1 = fk,k+1 ◦hk,k+1 each map ω : [0, 1] → T1 is (Fk,k+1, εk+1)-crooked. For each j = 0, 1, . . . , k we let hk,k−j to be a projection of hk,k+1−j through the branched cover ϕ, which is well defined since hk,k+1 is invariant under rotation of branches of Tk+1 (see Remark 3.7). ˆsk ˆ Denote Fk,n = fk,n ◦ hk,n for n ≤ k + 1 and observe that we can represent fk,n = fk,n ◦ gk,n, ˆsk−1 jk+1−1 where gk,n = fk,n ◦ hk,n ◦ Fk,n . Since ϕ does not increase distance, and for every n ≤ k each 0 0 ω : [0, 1] → Tn can be represented as ω = ϕ ◦ ω for some ω : [0, 1] → Tn+1, we see that each such jk+1 map ω is (Fk,n , εk+1)-crooked.

By the construction, Lemma 3.3 ensures that each Pn := lim(Tn, fi,n) is hereditarily indecomposable. n ←− n We also have an 2 -periodic homeomorphism H : Pn → Pn induced by 2 -periodic rotations of Tn on each coordinate, where P = lim(T , f ). n ←− n i,n It remains to prove that each P is arc-like. In order to prove it we note that P = lim(T , r ) n n ←− n j,n ˆ where r2j,n = fj,n and r2j+1,n = gj,n for j = 1, 2,.... But then, if πj,n denotes the j-th coordinate projection from Pn to Tn, we have a well defined projection pj,n = qj,n ◦ π2j,n : Pn → [0, 1] with the property that if pk,n(ˆx) = pk,n(ˆy) for some k and x,ˆ yˆ ∈ Pn, then ˆ ˆ d(r2k,n(π2k,n(ˆx)), r2k,n(π2k,n(ˆy))) = d(fk,n(π2k,n(ˆx)), fk,n(π2k,n(ˆy))) < γk which by (3) and (4) implies that for j = 0,..., 2k − 1 we have

d(πj,n(ˆx), πj,n(ˆy)) < εk. 10 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

But then 2k−1 ∞ X −j X −j −2k+1 d(ˆx, yˆ) ≤ εk 2 + 2 ≤ 2εk + 2 . j=0 j=2k

Therefore, for every ε > 0 there exists a natural number k so that pk,n is an ε-map. This shows that for all n ≥ 1 the space Pn is arc-like and thus Pn is the pseudo-arc, which proves the claim. 

For what follows we refer the reader to the Diagram 1. Since T1 is an arc, by [3] the maps (fi,1 : i ∈ N) ¯ 2 extend to near-homeomorphisms (fi,1 : i ∈ N) of the topological disk D (see also [89]). Then, since fi,n ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ fi,n+1 for all i ∈ N and n ≥ 1, all the maps (fi,n : i ∈ N, n ≥ 1) extend to ¯ 2 2 near-homeomorphisms (fi,n : i ∈ N, n ≥ 1) of D . Consequently each Pn is embedded in D by Brown’s theorem [27]. Now let the homeomorphisms Rˆ : S → S , where S = lim( 2, f ) ⊃ P for each n ≥ 1, and n n n n ←− D i,n n ˆ R∞ : D∞ → D∞, where D∞ = (S1,S2,S3,...), be given as follows

Rˆn = (Rn,Rn,Rn,...),

(5) Rˆ∞ = (Rˆ1, Rˆ2, Rˆ3,...).

For every n ≥ 1 we define ϕ∞ : Sn+1 → Sn by ϕ∞ = (ϕ, ϕ, ϕ, . . .) and observe that by definition ϕ∞(Pn+1) = Pn. Let for each n ≥ 1, 0n ∈ Pn denotes inverse sequence formed by ramification points n of n-ods Tn. Clearly, each point x ∈ Sn \{0n} is 2 -periodic for Rˆn. We also let 0∞ = (0n : n ≥ 1).

Claim 4.3. For every ε > 0 there exists an ε-cover W of Pn by topological disks such that if Z ⊂ Pn 0 is a continuum and if dH (Z, 0n) > ε then there exists a chain subcover W ⊂ W of Z.

Proof of Claim 4.3. It is enough to show that the lemma holds for P1 and then use the fact that ϕ is a branched cover.

Fix ε > 0. Let us cover the arc T1 = {(x, y): x ∈ [−1, 1], y = 0} with a chain of disks {D0,...Dj} in 2 D so that T1 ∈ int(D0 ∪ ... ∪ Dj). For example we can set " # 1 1 D = − 1 − , −1 + × [2−j, −2−j], 0 j − 1 j − 1 " # 1 3 D = − 1 + , −1 + × [2−j, −2−j], 1 j − 1 j − 1 . . " # 2j − 5 2j − 3 D = − 1 + , −1 + × [2−j, −2−j], j−1 j − 1 j − 1 " # 2j − 3 2j − 1 D = − 1 + , −1 + × [2−j, −2−j]. j j − 1 j − 1 ← −1 ¯ ¯ ¯ Now fix k ∈ {0, ..., j} and i ∈ N and consider Dk = πi,1 (Dk). Since the bonding maps f1,1, f2,1, ..., fi,1 are near-homeomorphisms by [37, Chapter II, Theorem 6 and Proposition 11] they are also monotone. ¯−1 ¯−1 2 Hence, since Dk is acyclic, the pre-image fi,1 ◦ ... ◦ f1,1 (Dk) is acyclic as well. Indeed, since D \ Dk ¯−1 ¯−1 2 ← is connected so is fi,1 ◦ ... ◦ f1,1 (D \ Dk). Consequently Dk is also an acyclic continuum, since ← otherwise there would need to exist an i such that πi,1(Dk ) is not acyclic, leading to a contradiction. ¯ ← Since fi,1 is a near-homeomorphism, choosing i and j large enough we can ensure that Dk has diameter less than ε/2 for each k ∈ {0, . . . , j}. By Zoretti’s Theorem [92, p. 109], for any δ < ε/2 ← there exists a simple closed curve Ck around Dk , each point of which is not farther away than δ from ← ˆ ← Dk . Let Ck be the union of Ck with its complementary domain containing Dk . If δ is chosen small ˆ ˆ ← ← 0 enough then Ck ∩ Ck0 =6 ∅ if and only if Dk ∩ Dk0 6= ∅ for any k 6= k . This completes the proof.  BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 11

ˆ Claim 4.4. R∞|P∞ has a unique fixed point 0∞, and for every z ∈ P∞ \{0∞} we have that Rˆ | is a 2-adic odometer. ∞ ω(Rˆ∞,z)

Proof of Claim 4.4. By definition 0∞ is a fixed point of Rˆ∞. If z ∈ P∞ and z 6= 0∞ then zn is in a n ˆ 2 -periodic orbit On of Rn, so z is clearly a point in 2-adic odometer. 

Claim 4.5. P = lim(P , ϕ | } is a pseudo-arc. ∞ ←− n ∞ Pn

Proof of Claim 4.5. Since each Pn is a pseudo-arc, the inverse limit of them P∞ is also a pseudo-arc, as it must be both arc-like and hereditarily indecomposable, see [80]. 

The proof of Theorem 1.4 is now complete. 

Remark 4.6. Rˆ extends to 4 := lim(S4, ϕ ) by extending from S = 2 to S4 = 2 × 2 ∞ D∞ ←− n on n D n D D 4 4 2 and letting ϕon := ϕ∞ × idD . To simplify notation we shall still use D∞, Sn and ϕ∞ for D∞, Sn and ϕon respectively. This fact will be used later in Section 6. Also, for every n ≥ 1 we shall let 2 Fn := {0n} × D to be the set of points where ϕon is not a local homeomorphism.

P∞ ˆ = R∞|P∞ } P∞

ϕ|T4 ϕ|T4 ϕ|T4


ϕ∞| ϕ|T4 P4  f0,3  f1,3  f2,3  T3 o T3 o T3 o P3 > > < ˆ = R3 R3 R3 R3|P3

ϕ∞|P3  ~ f0,3  ~ f1,3  | f2,3  } T3 o T3 o T3 o P3

ϕ|T3 ϕ∞|P3    f2,2  ϕ|T3 T2 o T2 o T2 o P2 ? ? = ˆ = R2 R2 R2 R2|P2

ϕ∞|P2   f0,2   f1,2  } f2,2  } T2 o T2 o T2 o P2

ϕ|T2 ϕ∞|P2    f2,1  ϕ|T2 T1 o T1 o T1 o P1 ? f0,1 ? f1,1 = = ˆ R1|P1

R1 R1 R1   f0,1   f1,1  } f2,1  } T1 o T1 o T1 o P1

Diagram 1. Diagram explaining the construction from the proof of Theorem 1.4. 12 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

5. The Denjoy-Rees technique

In this section we will give conditions we want to have fulfilled in our construction of pseudo-arc homeomorphismsms with arbitrary positive topological entropy. Namely, we will implement the conditions given in [11] in the inverse limit technique. All the conditions that we state in this section will be realized through an inductive construction later in the following section. We encourage the reader to familiarize with basic ideas from [11] before going into this and the subsequent section. To be in the correspondence with [11] and avoid potential confusion we will keep the notation for analogous conditions identical as in [11].

Rˆ k0 Rˆ∞ D∞ Sk0

P k0

πk P∞ K 0

k −k Rˆ 1 0 k1 ϕ∞

Sk1 πk1 P k1

Ψ πk2

k2−k1 Rˆ ϕ k2 ∞ D∞ C

G Sk2

P P K × C k2 σ C ← K × C

k3−k2 ϕ∞

Figure 1. The Denjoy-Rees-like enrichment on the pseudo-arc.

For a family E of closed sets of D∞ define

(6) mesh(E) = max{diam(X) X ∈ E}. For the family E denote by s(E) the union of all the elements of E, called the realization of E. Definition 5.1. For an integer q ≥ 1, a finite family E is q-iterable if for any X,Y ∈ E and integers ˆk ˆs ˆk ˆs −q ≤ k, s ≤ q, either R∞(X) = R∞(Y ) or R∞(X) ∩ R∞(Y ) = ∅.

For any q-iterable family E0 and any 0 ≤ n ≤ q, we denote n [ ˆk 0 (7) E = R∞(E ), |k|≤n ˆ 0 ˆ 0 n where R∞(E ) = {R∞(X) X ∈ E }. For any 0 ≤ n < q, define an oriented graph G(E ), where the n vertices are elements of E , and there is an edge from X to Y if and only if Rˆ∞(X) = Y . BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 13

Furthermore, we say that En has no cycle if the graph G(En) has no cycle. Definition 5.2. Let E, F be two finite families defined above. We say F refines E if the following conditions hold.

(1) every element of E contains at least one element of F. (2) for any X ∈ E, Y ∈ F, either X ∩ Y = ∅ or Y ⊂ int(X). Definition 5.3. Let E, F be two families as above. For an integer q ≥ 0, we say F is compatible with E for q iterates, if the following conditions hold.

(1) E is q-iterable. (2) F is (q + 1)-iterable. (3) s(F) ⊂ s(E), and F q+1 refines Eq. (4) For every k with |k| ≤ q, q+1 ˆk ˆk (8) s(F ) ∩ R∞(s(E)) = R∞(s(F)).

Let an increasing sequence of non-negative integers {kn}n≥0 be given (we will specify it after Lemma 5.4) and let πn : D∞ → Sn denote the projection onto n-th coordinate of D∞. In what follows 0 {E(n)}n≥0 denotes a sequence with the following properties:

(1) Each X ∈ E0 is defined by π−1(D) where D is a closed cube tamely embedded in S \ . (n) kn kn Fkn 0 (2) Each E(n) is finite.

Because we are using 2-to-1 branch coverings, note that topologically we can view each π−1(D) as kn D × C where C is the Cantor set. The following list of hypotheses is an extension of analogous ones in [11] stated for families of closed discs.

A1. The following assertions hold: 0 n (a) For every n ≥ 0 the family E(n) is (n + 1)-iterable and the graph G(E(n)) has no cycle. n+1 m+1 (b) For every n > 0 the family E(n) refines E(m) for any 0 ≤ m < n. 0 0 (c) For every n > 0 the family E(n) is compatible with E(n−1) for n iterates. 0 0 A2. For every n ≥ 0 and every element X ∈ E(n) there are at least two distinct elements of E(n+1) contained in X. A3. The following holds: (9) lim mesh(En ) = 0. n→∞ (n)

Let (Λ, Rˆ∞) be the 2-adic odometer provided by Theorem 1.4. From now on we shall identify Λ Q∞ i and i=0{0, ..., 2 − 1}. The following fact is true for any minimal system by proper application of Kakutani-Rohlin partitions (see Proposition 2.10 in [11]). Since we deal with odometers, the situation is simpler, because we know exactly the structure of our map. The choice of the point p ∈ Λ below is crucial to our construction.

Lemma 5.4. Let (Λ, Rˆ∞) be the 2-adic odometer provided by Theorem 1.4, and let µ be the Haar ˆ measure on Λ. For any sequence {kn}n≥0, there exists a subsequence {kn}n≥0, sequence {sn}n≥0, and Cantor set K ⊂ Λ with µ(K) > 0 such that:

(1) K ∩ Rˆ∞(K) = ∅, (2) if W0,...,W2kn −1 is a periodic decomposition of Λ given by cylinder sets, with the minimum Ssn ˆi of K with respect to the lexicographic order p ∈ W0, then K ⊂ i=0 R∞(W0), kn kn (3) kn+1 > 2 + 3n and sn + 2n + 2 < 2 for each n, and

(4) the set {a ∈ N : there is y ∈ K, ykn+1 = a, ykn = xkn } has at least two elements for each n and each x ∈ K. 14 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

Proof. Since (Λ, Rˆ∞) is 2-adic, we may forget for a moment about the condition K ∩ Rˆ∞(K) = ∅, ˆ2 because we can always provide the construction for one of the odometers in (Λ, R∞).

Since µ gives the same mass to each cylinder defined by element of Z2n , removing k consecutive (in n the sense of addition +1 in n-th coordinate) cylinders subtracts the mass of k/2 . Let Λ0 = {x ∈ Λ: xk0 6= 0} and for n ≥ 1

kn−1 kn−1 kn−1 kn−1 (10) Λn = {x ∈ Λ \ Λn−1 : 2 − 4(n + 1)2 ≤ xkn ≤ 2 + 4(n + 1)2 } S and K = Λ \ n≥0 Λn. By the structure of Λn we obtain a useful accumulation of holes, see Fig. 2.



K K2


Figure 2. The idea of the construction of sets Λn in Lemma 5.

Then for sufficiently fast increasing sequence kn we obtain that X 4(n + 1)2kn−1 µ(K) ≥ 1 − > 0. 2kn n≥1 

Let us fix now, once and for all, the sequences {kn}n≥0, {sn}n≥0, Cantor set K, and p the minimum n of K with respect to the lexicographic order provided by Lemma 5.4 for the sequence {2 }n≥0. Now we proceed to the part where we blow up the orbit of K.

By the definition we have that π1(K) = {p1} is a singleton. Fix a Cantor set p1 ∈ C ⊂ P1. We −n i,n will later require that C is a subset of some subcontinuum of P1. Note that ϕ∞ (C) = {C ⊂ n n i,n n Pn : i = 1,..., 2 }, such that ϕ∞(C ) = C and ϕ∞|Ci,n is a homeomorphism for each i. Let n n S2 i,n i,n T −1 n C := {C : C ∩ πn(K) 6= ∅}. Therefore the set π (C ) is a Cantor set in ∞. K i=1 n∈N n K D Note that each point x ∈ K defines a unique point in the finite set πn(K). This allows us to −1 i homeomorphically identify the above intersection with K × C. If we intersect K × C with πn (Cn), −1 ˆi i then obtained set can be identified with (πn ({Rn(pn)}) ∩ K) × Cn which is homeomorphic with −1 ˆi (πn ({Rn(pn)}) ∩ K) × C. In other words, we have natural representation of splitting of K × C over cylinder sets in K. 0 Here and later we denote by KX := K ∩ X for some X ∈ E(n). Proof of the following fact is the same as Lemma 2.5 in [11]. 0 ˆq Lemma 5.5. Assume that A1 holds and let X → ... → X = R∞(X) for some q ≥ 0 be a path in n 0 0 ˆq the graph G(E(n)) with X,X ∈ E(n). Then R∞(KX ) = KX0 .

Now we will introduce basic ingredients of the construction, which are inspired by [11]. Instead of working on manifolds as in [11] we will work on inverse limits of cubes. The main difference in the approach is depicted in Figure 1.

First we set ψ0 = id and G0 = Rˆ∞. Next, we want to choose a sequences of homeomorphisms {Hn : D∞ → D∞}n≥1, {hn : D∞ → D∞}n≥1, such that the following axioms B1,2,3,5,6,7, C1,2,5,6,7,8 hold for every n ≥ 1 and furthermore: BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 15

ˆ ˆ (1) each hn (resp. Hn) is an extension of a homeomorphism hn : Skn → Skn (resp. Hn) through branched covers ϕ∞ to the whole inverse limit D∞.

Whenever we have such sequences of homeomorphisms hn,Hn, for any n ≥ 1, we define the homeomorphisms ψn, gn,Gn : D∞ → D∞ as follows.

(11) ψn = Hn ◦ hn ◦ ... ◦ H1 ◦ h1. −1 (12) gn = (hn ◦ ψn−1) ◦ Rˆ∞ ◦ hn ◦ ψn−1. −1 ˆ (13) Gn = ψn ◦ R∞ ◦ ψn.

The following conditions are based on those given in [11], with the exception that we skip condition

B4, but add condition B7a,b,c instead. Namely, we do not need that fibers are nowhere dense in D∞, −1 but rather we need to control carefully the structure of ψ (P ) (which will be nowhere dense in D∞ by the definition). Note also that our condition B3 is a combination of conditions B3 and C3 from [11]. We also assume that we are given a minimal aperiodic dynamical system (C, σ). In practice, we will restrict out attention only to minimal subshifts with positive entropy, so it is natural to write σ when denoting acting homeomorphism.

n−1 B1. For n > 0 the closure {x : hn(x) 6= x} is contained in the set s(E(n−1)). ˆ n−1 B2. For n > 0 maps hn and R∞ commute along edges of the graph G(E(n−1)). B3. The following holds:

(14) lim mesh ψ−1 (En+1\En−1) = 0. n→∞ n−1 (n) (n) 0 −1 B5. For n ≥ 0 and every X ∈ E(n) we have KX × C ⊂ ψn (int X). 0 ˆq n B6. For n > 0 let γ : X → ... → X = R∞(X) be a path in the graph G(E(n)), such that 0 0 0 X,X ∈ E(n) and intermediate vertices of γ are not in E(n). Then n−1 q q ˆq q (a) if the path is fully contained in E(n) then gn(x, c) = Gn−1(x, c) = (R∞(x), σ (c)) for every (x, c) ∈ KX × C. n n−1 q ˆq q (b) if the path contains an element from E(n) \E(n) then gn(x, c) = (R∞(x), σ (c)) for every (x, c) ∈ KX × C. T∞ B7. For n ≥ 0 there is a sequence of chains Cn ⊂ D∞ such that s(Cn+1) ⊂ s(Cn) and n=0 s(Cn) = P∞, and −1  −n (a) mesh ψn (Cn) < 2 . −1 −1 −1 (b) If n > 0 then for every k < n we have ψn (s(Cn)) ⊂ ψk (s(Ck)) and ψn (Cn) is crooked −1 inside ψn−1(Cn−1). n (c) s(E(n)) ⊂ s(Cn). Under the stated conditions we have the following two lemmas.

Lemma 5.6. Assume that hypotheses A1,2,3 and B1,2,3 hold. Then:

(1) Sequence of homeomorphisms ψn converges uniformly to a continuous surjection ψ : D∞ → D∞. −1 −1 (2) Sequences of homeomorphisms gn and gn (resp. Gn and Gn ) converge uniformly to homeomorphism g and g−1, respectively (resp. G and G−1). (3) The homeomorphism G is a topological extension of Rˆ∞; i.e. Rˆ∞ ◦ ψ = ψ ◦ G.

Proof. Proof is analogous to the proof of Proposition 3.1 in [11] so we do not repeat it here. 

Lemma 5.7. Assume that hypotheses A1,2,3 and B1,2,3,7 hold. Then: 16 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

ˆk k (1) Let x ∈ R∞(K) for some integer k ∈ Z and let Xn ∈ E(n), n ≥ |k| be a nested sequence of sets such that x ∈ Xn for each n. Then

−1 \ −1 ψ (x) = ψn (Xn) n≥|k| and ψ−1(x) is a connected set. S i −1 (2) For every y ∈ ∞ \ Rˆ (K) the set ψ (y) is a singleton. D i∈Z ∞ In particular, ψ is a monotone map.

Proof. Proof follows the same lines as the proof of Proposition 3.4 in [11]. Only the fact that −1 ψ (x) is connected needs an additional argument, since sets Xn are not discs but matchboxes X = π−1(D ) ≈ D × C (where ≈ denotes that the spaces are homeomorphic) for some cube n kn n n n Dn ⊂ D4 and Cantor set Cn. However by definition hn and Hn (therefore also ψn) are lifts of ˆ ˆ homeomorphisms hn, Hn acting on Skn , so −1 ˆ−1 ˆ −1 ψn (Xn) ≈ hn ◦ Hn (Dn) × Cn. But then for each s and n > s we have that

−1 kn−s ˆ−1 ˆ −1 πs(ψn (Xn)) = ϕ∞ (hn ◦ Hn (Dn)) ˆ−1 ˆ −1 −1 is a connected set, and the sequence πs(hn ◦ Hn (Dn) × Cn) is nested, since sequence ψn (Xn) is −1 −1 nested. But then πs(ψ (x)) is connected for every s, thus ψ (x) is connected. 

The following conditions are also based on those given in [11], with the exception that we skip conditions C3 and C4. Similarly as above we do not need that fibers are nowhere dense in D∞.

n−1 C1. For n > 0 the closure {x : Hn(x) 6= x} is contained in the set s(E(n) ). ˆ n−1 C2. For n > 0 maps Hn and R∞ commute along edges of the graph G(E(n) ). C5. For n ≥ 0 and every x ∈ K the map Hn preserves hn ◦ ψn({x} × C). 0 ˆq n 0 0 C6. For n ≥ 0 if X → ... → X = R∞(X) is a path in the graph G(E(n)) with X,X ∈ E(n) then q ˆq q Gn(x, c) = (R∞(x), σ (c)) for every (x, c) ∈ KX × C. Before we go deeper in tightening our construction let us briefly describe the main idea of what follows (see also [11]). In order to control the dynamics of constructed homeomorphisms we will construct “waste bins” and perform “waste collection”. We construct the “waste bins” in order to control possible invariant measures on the pseudo-arc; without that control we up to now only have homeomorphisms with rich dynamics but we do not know how rich this dynamics exactly is. For all the dynamics that we do not need we will perform the “waste collection” and “recycle” by sending them back to the “waste bins”. Therefore, the following conditions will be given to ensure that any −1 invariant measure for Rˆ∞ will give measure 0 to the set Φ (K) \ K × C. To this end we will study −1 the first return map of Rˆ∞ back in Φ (K) and our conditions C7, C8 will force the omega limit set of any point x ∈ Φ−1(K) will be included in K × C with respect to this first return map. Next we define sequences of closed cube (P (n)) ⊂ defined by π−1(D), where D ⊂ S \ i i∈N D∞ kn kn Fkn that will play the role of “waste bins”. The idea is very similar to the one in [11], however, we work on (n) levels Skn . First, we require that (Pi )i∈N ⊂ D∞ is disjoint from K × C. Assume that the following conditions are satisfied:

(n) (n) 0 (a) Pi ∩ Pi0 = ∅ for i 6= i , (n+1) (b) For every n and every i the set Pi is a cylinder defined by cubes in Skn+1 and there is j such (n+1) (n) that Pi ⊂ Pj , (n+1) (n) (n+1) (n) 0 0 (c) If i < j and Pi ⊂ Pi0 and Pj ⊂ Pj0 then i ≤ j , BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 17

(n) (n) (d) If we denote P = lim supi→∞ Pi then (n) (15) lim dH (P ,K × C) = 0. n→∞

We introduce a decreasing sequence (Ok)k∈N of neighbourhoods of the Cantor set K × C ⊂ D∞ such that \ Ok = K × C. k∈N

The neighbourhoods (Ok)k∈N will be used to perform the “waste collection”. Roughly speaking, at the k-th step of the construction, we will make sure that the orbit of any point that is not in Ok falls in some waste bin after some time.

0 ˆq n C7. For n > 0 let X → ... → X = R∞(X) for some q ≥ 0 be a path in the graph G(E(n)) with 0 0 n−1 X,X ∈ E(n), which is not a path in the graph G(E(n) ). Then

q −1 0 [ (n) Gn(ψn+1(s(E(n+1)) ∩ X) \ On) ⊂ Pi . i∈N 0 ˆq n C8. For n > 0 let X → ... → X = R∞(X) for some q ≥ 0 be a path in the graph G(E(n)) with 0 0 X,X ∈ E(n). Then for every i ∈ N,

q −1 0 (n) [ (n) Gn(ψn+1(s(E(n+1)) ∩ X) ∩ Pi ) ⊂ Pi0 . i0>i

6. Proof of Theorem 1.1

In this section we will provide a construction of maps satisfying the conditions from Section 5. Before we can start we shall need the following two lemmas. The first of them is [11, Lemma 9.6] and the second one is [11, Corollary A.3].

Lemma 6.1. Let W1 and U1 be finite unions of pairwise disjoint closed topological balls tamely d d embedded in R . Assume that every connected component of U1 meets R \ W1. Let Z be a compact 0 set inside the interior of U1. Then there exists a set W1 which is again a finite union of pairwise d disjoint closed topological balls tamely embedded in R , which contains W1 \ U1 and which does not intersect Z. Lemma 6.2. Let X,X0 be two copies of the unit cube [0, 1]d, and α a homeomorphism between X and X0. Let Σ, Σ0 be two totally disconnected tamely embedded compact sets in int(X) and int(X0) 0 0 respectively, and β be a homeomorphism between Σ and Σ . Let also (Bj)j≥0 and (Bi)i≥0 be two sequences of pairwise disjoint topological closed balls, respectively in int(X), int(X0) such that

0 0 (1) the Bj’s are disjoint from Σ, the Bi’s are disjoint from Σ ; (2) lim supj→∞ Bj ⊂ Σ; 0 0 (3) lim supi→∞ Bi = Σ ; (4) each Bj is tamely embedded in X.

Let ϕ : N → N be any function. Then there exists a homeomorphism γ between X and X0, which coincides with β on Σ and with α on the boundary of X, and for every j ≥ 0 there exists an i > ϕ(j) 0 such that γ(Bj) ⊂ Bi.

We shall also need the following theorem that seems similar to Lemma 6.2 at first sight. However, the main difference is that we want to control the exact way in which the cubes are transformed, not only their proper embeddings. The reason for this requirement is that we have to control images of some pseudo-arcs inside of these cubes, making sure that they are sent into selected ones, which we use as a kind of markers. This makes the construction much more difficult, and requiring the use of more advanced techniques. The technical, however folklore proof is contained in the Appendix. 18 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

Theorem 6.3. Let X,Y be two d-dimensional cubes and α an orientation preserving homeomorphism from X onto Y . For i = 1, . . . , n let Bi be pairwise disjoint tamely embedded d-dimensional cubes in int(X), let Ci be pairwise disjoint tamely embedded d-dimensional cubes in int(Y ), and let βi be orientation preserving homeomorphisms from Bi onto Ci. Then there is a homeomorphism γ from X onto Y which coincides with each βi on Bi and with α on the boundary of X.

Let us explain the difference in the terminology used in Theorem 6.3 and Theorem A.1. Even though the formulations are not identical, they are equivalent. The slight change in terminology between the main text of the paper and the appendix shouldn’t cause many problems, but will allow easier navigation through the literature supporting statements in the appendix. The definition of a flat cell in Euclidean space may be found in [38], although the definition had been known for many years. A k-cell or a (k − 1)-sphere X in Rn is flat if there is a homeomorphism h of Rn such that h(X) is the unit sphere of its type. Note that the definition of a tamely embedded cube is the same as the definition of a flat cell. To stay in consistency with [11] we decided to keep the terminology from there. The standard definition of locally flat goes back to the summary paper [31]. Let M n be a connected topological manifold of dimension n and Dn an n-dimensional cube. An n−1-dimensional topological n−1 n n−1 sphere Σ ⊂ S is said to be locally flat if for each point x ∈ Σ there is a neighbourhood Ux of n n n−1 n n x in S and a homeomorphism f of Ux into S so that f(Ux) ⊂ Σ . An embedding f : D → M is said to be locally flat if f(∂Dn) is locally flat. For an Σn−1 ⊂ Rn it follows from [30] that locally flat =⇒ collared, and from [29] that collared =⇒ flat. The flattening homeomorphism carries the source n-cell into the standard n-cell. Note also that flat implies locally flat so in fact all three notions are equivalent (see [30]). We will also use the following result from [34]. Recall that a homeomorphism h is an ε-push of (R4,X) if some isotopy of h to the identity reduces to the identity outside the ε-neighborhood of X, and moves each point of R along a path of diameter less than ε.

Theorem 6.4. Suppose that P is a 1-dimensional compactum in a 3-dimensional hyperplane R3 in R4, that ε > 0, and that f : P → R3 is an embedding such that d(x, f(x)) < ε for each x ∈ P . Then 4 there exists an ε-push h of (R ,P ) such that h|P = f.

Since the result is topological, by appropriate conjugation we can reformulate it as follows.

Theorem 6.5. Suppose that P is a 1-dimensional compactum in a 3-dimensional hyperplane R3 in R4, that U is a neighborhood of P in R4, and that f : P → R3 is an embedding such that f(P ) ⊆ U. 4 4 Then there exists a homeomorphism h : R → R such that h|P = f and h(x) = x for all x∈ / U.

From now on we will deal with the Diagram 2, derived from the proof of Theorem 1.4, which represents the “solenoidal cube” D∞ as the inverse limit = lim(S , ϕ ), D∞ ←− n ∞ with the map Rˆ∞ arising as the limit map in (5) in that proof. The pseudo-arc P∞ is represented here as the inverse limit of a subsystem

P = lim(P , ϕ | ), ∞ ←− n ∞ Pn where Pn ⊂ Sn, for each n = 1, 2, 3, ....

P1 ⊂ S1 o P2 ⊂ S2 o P3 ⊂ S3 o P∞ ⊂ ∞ 8 ϕ∞ 8 ϕ∞ 8 7 D Rˆ1 Rˆ2 Rˆ3 Rˆ∞

x ϕ∞ x ϕ∞ x w P1 ⊂ S1 o P2 ⊂ S2 o P3 ⊂ S3 o P∞ ⊂ D∞

Diagram 2. General setting from Lemma 6.6. BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 19

Let p ∈ P∞ be as in Lemma 5.4 and let P ⊂ P∞ \{0∞} be a pseduo-arc such that p ∈ P . Then there is a natural homeomorphism [ ˆj (16) ρ :Λ × P → cl( R∞(P )) j∈N such that for any closed set Λ0 ⊂ Λ we have (17) ρ(Λ0 × {p}) = Λ0.

Let Pn := πn(P ).

Lemma 6.6. Let the sets K ⊂ Λ ⊂ P∞, p ∈ P , and {kn}n≥0 be as chosen after the proof of 0 ∞ Lemma 5.4. Let also C ⊂ P be a Cantor set, such that p ∈ C. Then there exist sequences {E(n)}n=1, ∞ ∞ {hn}n=1 and {Hn}n=1 satisfying conditions A1,2,3, B1,2,3,5,6,7 and C1,2,3,5,6,7,8.

0 Proof. We will prove the lemma by induction. First we construct E(0), h0 and H0.

Let H0 = h0 = ψ0 = id and C0 be a chain cover of P∞ with mesh(C0) < 1. We set Z = P and E0 = {π−1(D)} for a sufficiently small cube D ⊂ S containing P in its k0 k0 (0) k0 k0 k0 j 2k0 −1 interior, so that the sets Rˆ (D) are pairwise disjoint for j = 0,..., 2k0 −1 and S Rˆj (π−1(D)) ⊂ k0 j=0 ∞ k0 s(C0). S n −1 0 Recall that cl( Rˆ (P )) = π (P1 ∪ Rˆ1(P1)). For every (in fact unique) Y ∈ E we have n∈N ∞ 1 (0) p ∈ Y and by the definition of Λ in Lemma 5.4 we have K ⊂ K ⊂ π−1(p ) and therefore 0 Y k0 k0 K × C ⊂ π−1(P ). If we put i = 0 then we have Y k0 k0 Y

(18) ψ (K × C) = K × C ⊂ π−1(RˆiY (Z )) ⊂ intY. 0 Y Y k0 k0 k0 0 By definition of k0 the graph G(E(0)) has no cycle. In fact it has no edge by the definition of Λ0 in Lemma 5.4. Observe that conditions A1,2,3, B1,2 and C1,2 are trivially satisfied for n = 0 (with 0 exception of A1(a), but as we mentioned, the graph G(E(0)) has no cycle). Condition B3 is important for large n, so we can ignore it at this point, and B5,7, C5 are satisfied directly by the definition. 0 Since there is no edge in the graph G(E(0)), B6 and C6,7,8 are also trivially satisfied. Finally, we may view the identity maps H0, h0 as extensions of identity on the space Sk0 onto D∞ via maps ϕ∞. 0 Fix n ≥ 0 and assume that we have sets E(i) satisfying A1,2,3, B1,2,3,5,6,7 and C1,2,3,5,6,7,8 for i = 0, . . . , n and that there exists a pseudo-arc Zkn ⊂ Pkn that contains pkn , such that for every 0 X ∈ E(n) if KX 6= ∅ then there is an iX such that (19) ψ (K × C) ⊂ π−1(RˆiX (Z )) ⊂ X n X kn kn kn j and Rˆ (Z ) are pairwise disjoint for j = 0, ..., 2kn − 1. kn kn + + We additionally assume that for each j < n + 1 there is a closed set V ⊂ Skj such that pkj ∈ V and for each X∗ ∈ E0 there exists a 0 ≤ t < 2kj such that X∗ = π−1(Rˆt (V +)). We also assume (j) kj kj that ψn : D∞ → D∞ is defined by a homeomorphism of Skn , which is then extended to D∞ by recursive applications of maps ϕ∞. 2 For any i ∈ N recall the definition of the set Fi = {0i} × D ⊂ Si from Remark 4.6, which is the set of all points in Si on which ϕ∞ is not a local homeomorphism. Let m = k and set Z ⊂ S to be the connected component of π (π−1(Z )) = ϕkn−m(Z ) n+1 m m m kn kn ∞ kn m−kn that contains pm. Note that Zkn = ϕ∞ (Zm) and Zm are pseudo-arcs, which holds by the fact 4 that any pseudo-arc is an acyclic continuum and Fkn ∩ Zkn = ∅, hence the defining intersection of topological balls lifts to homeomorphic copies in the pre-image of ϕ∞.

4A set is said to be acyclic if it is the intersection of a descending family of tamely embeded topological balls. 20 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

0 ˆ Fix X ∈ E(n) such that p ∈ X. Note that by definition πkn (X) ∩ Fkn = ∅, and since Rkn is a homeomorphism also Rˆj (π (X)) ∩ = ∅ for all j. Recall that π (X) is a cube containing Z kn kn Fkn kn kn j kn in its interior and intersecting Rˆ (Z ) if and only if j = 0(mod 2kn ), with Rˆ2 (Z ) = Z . Let kn kn kn kn kn −1 Xm be a connected component of πm(X) and set Y := πm (Xm). By the construction of Zm, the fact that ψn is defined coordinate-wise, and (19) we get

−1 ˆiY (20) ψn(KY × C) ⊂ πm (Rm (Zm)) ⊂ int Y.

ε 0 2 2 By Lemma 4.3, let Wi be a finite ε-cover of Pi by closed cubes of the form QW × Q ⊂ D × D ⊂ Si, 0 S ε where both QW and Q are closed discs, Pi ⊂ ε int W , and mesh W < ε. We use the same W ∈Wi i 0 2 2 2 disc Q each time, since Pi was defined in D and then embedded in D × D ; see Remark 4.6. We ε assume that there is a unique element Wpi ∈ Wi such that pi ∈ Wpi . Set ε −1 ε W (i) := {πi (W ): W ∈ Wi }. ε i Clearly, for each ε and i, W (i) is a (λi(ε)ε + 1/2 )−cover of P∞, where λi(ε) is a constant provided i by uniform continuity of ϕ∞ and so clearly limε→0 λi(ε) = 0. In particular, if ε is sufficiently small, then every element W ∈ Wε(m) satisfies diam W < 2−m+1. Denote by Z the unique connected component of π−1(Z ) containing p. Clearly Z is a pseudo-arc kn kn ε ε and πm(Z) = Zm. Let Qm = {W ∈ W (m): Z ∩ W 6= ∅} and select [ ε Z ⊂ U ⊂ Qm. ε ε Set Um = πm(U). If ε is sufficiently small then the elements of Wm defining Qm are a chain cover of 0 Zm consisting of cubes QW × Q , so by Zoretti’s Theorem [92, p. 109] we may require that Um is a tamely embedded cube. If we take sufficiently small ε > 0 then

ˆi ˆj m (21) Rm(Um) ∩ Rm(Um) = ∅ for any 0 ≤ i < j < 2 ,

ε By the assumption on the sets Wpi , there is a unique element V ∈ Qm that contains the point p. There exists a pseudo-arc A ⊂ Z ∩int V ⊂ P∞ such that p ∈ A. By [65] (see also [18, Proposition 3.1]) 2 the connected components of Vm ∩ Um ∩ (D × {(0, 0)}) are topological disks, and so the component p Vm of Vm ∩ Um that contains p is a tamely embedded cube. For simplicity of notation we shall let −1 p V = πm (Vm). 0 0 Let Q × Q ⊂ int πm(V ) be a product of discs such that πm(A) ⊂ Q × Q . Set 0 −1 0 (22) V = πm (Q × Q ) and observe that p ∈ A ⊂ V 0. Note that by definition p ∈ int V and so we may also assume that p ∈ int V 0. We will specify later some of its additional properties.

Let Vj := πj(V ) for each j and observe that Vj is a cube, for j ≤ m. Since πkn (Z) = Zkn ⊂ int πkn (X), we may assume that V ⊂ π (X), and that each of the disjoint sets Rˆi (V ) for i = −n−1, . . . , s + kn kn kn kn n n + 1 either is contained in int(π (J)), for some J ∈ En+1, or Rˆi (V ) ∩ π (s(En+1)) = ∅. kn (n) kn kn kn (n) Let ˜0 ˆi ˆi E(n+1) = {R∞(V ): R∞(V ) ∩ K 6= ∅, i = 0, ..., sn+1}, and 0 ˆi 0 ˆi (23) E(n+1) = {R∞(V ): R∞(V ) ∩ K 6= ∅, i = 0, ..., sn+1}. 0 By the definition of sn+1 and (23), we obtain that K ⊂ s(E(n+1)).

Note that A3 will be satisfied in the limit if ε is chosen small enough, and A2 is satisfied by the choice of the set K (see Lemma 5.4(4)). Condition A1.b follows from the following observation. Fix 0 j < n + 1 and let D ∈ E(j) be a neighborhood of p. It follows that V ⊂ int(D), provided that ε was BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 21

ˆi ˆi chosen small enough. For each i ∈ Z we have R∞(V ) ⊂ int R∞(D). By induction hypothesis, each j+1 0 ˆi element of E(j) is an iterate of E(j) defined by (23), hence it is of the form R∞(D) for some i. 0 0 0 0 Note that if Y ∈ E(j) then Y ∩ K 6= ∅, and there is Y ∈ E(n+1) such that Y ∩ Y ∩ K 6= ∅, since 0 i 0 i0 0 E(n+1) covers K. By definition we have Y = R∞(D) and Y = R∞(V ) for some i ≤ sj, i ≤ sn+1, 0 and Rˆi (V ) ⊂ int(π (J)), for some J ∈ E0 such that J ⊂ Y . Consequently, if Rˆi (D) ∈ Ej+1 kn kn kn (n) ∞ (j) ˆi 0 j+1 j+1 n+2 then R∞(V ) ∈ E(n+1), and so each element from E(j) contains at least one element from E(n+1). Since p is 2m periodic under Rˆ , and for each X∗ ∈ Ej+1 we have |π (X∗) ∩ O (p )| = 1, taking m m (j) j Rˆj j ∗ j+1 ∗ n+2 ∗ ∗ ε small enough we easily obtain that for every X ∈ E(j) and Y ∈ E(n+1) either X ∩ Y = ∅, or ∗ ∗ X ⊂ int(Y ). Indeed A1.b holds. 0 ˆi 0 Condition A1.a is clear because elements of E(n+1) are defined by R∞(V ) and these iterates are m ˆi 0 0 disjoint for i = 0,..., 2 − 1, and furthermore R∞(V ) ∈/ E(n+1) for i = sn+1 + 1, . . . , sn+1 + n + 2 0 n+1 and i = −n − 2,..., −1. So E(n+1) is (n + 2)-iterable, and G(E(n+1)) has no cycle. 0 0 By conditions A1.a, A1.b, and since it is clear from the definition that s(E(n+1)) ⊂ s(E(n)), to check A1.c we only need to check that n+2 k 0 k 0 s(E(n+1)) ∩ R∞(s(E(n))) = R∞(s(E(n+1))), for all |k| ≤ n + 1.

n+2 k 0 Condition s(E(n+1))∩R∞(s(E(n))) 6= ∅ means that there is an 0 ≤ i ≤ sn+1, |j| ≤ n+2 and |k| ≤ n+1 ˆi 0 0 ˆi+j 0 ˆk 0 ˆk 0 such that R∞(V ) ∈ E(n+1) and R∞ (V ) ∩ R∞(s(E(n)) 6= ∅. By the fact that R∞(s(E(n))) ⊂ n+1 n+2 n+1 ∗ 0 ˆi+j−k 0 ∗ s(E(n) ) and E(n+1) refines E(n) , there exists X ∈ E(n) such that R∞ (V ) ⊂ X . There are ˆi+j−k 0 0 ˆi+j 0 ˆk 0 two possibilities. If R∞ (V ) ∈ E(n+1) then R∞ (V ) ⊂ R∞(s(E(n+1))) and we are done. If ˆi+j−k 0 0 ˆi+j−k 0 R∞ (V ) ∈/ E(n+1) then by the fact that |j − k| ≤ 2n + 3 we obtain R∞ (V ) ∩ K = ∅. But ˆi+j−k 0 ∗ ˆi+j−k 0 πkn (R∞ (V )∩Λ) ⊂ πkn (X ∩Λ) ⊂ πkn (K) by the construction in Lemma 5.4, so R∞ (V )∩Λ ⊂ S i≥n+1 Λi. Observe that if x ∈ Λn+i \ Λn then by (10) from Lemma 5.4

kn+i−1 kn+i−1 kn+i−1 kn+i−1 2 − 4(n + 1 + i)2 ≤ xkn+i ≤ 2 + 4(n + 1 + i)2 while kn kn−1 xkn+i (mod 2 ) > 4(n + 1)2 and kn kn−1 kn−1 xkn+i (mod 2 ) < 2 − 4(n + 1)2 . Therefore

kn+i−1 kn+i−1 kn−1 kn+i−1 kn+i−1 kn−1 2 − 4(n + 1 + i)2 + 4(n + 1)2 ≤ xkn+i ≤ 2 + 4(n + 1 + i)2 − 4(n + 1)2 S ˆr while still x ∈ Λn+i. This shows that if x ∈ i≥n+1 Λi then R∞(x) ∈/ K for |r| ≤ 4n + 1. ˆi 0 This implies R∞(V ) ∩ K = ∅, which contradicts the choice of i. We have just verified that conditions 0 A1 − A3 hold for E(n+1). ˆ Now, we are going to define a homeomorphism h: Sm → Sm, from which we will obtain h: D∞ → D∞.

First, both Um and Vm are by the construction tamely embedded cubes, in particular are home- omorphic. By Theorem 6.5 we can compose this homeomorphism with a self-homeomorphism of ˆ ˆ ˆ Vm to obtain a homeomorphism h: Um → Vm such that h(pm) = pm, and h(Zm) = Am. Note that {pm} = Um ∩ πm(Λ), provided that ε is small enough. ˆ−1 ˆi m ˆi We extend h onto pairwise disjoint sets Rm(Vm) for each i = 1,..., 2 − 1, such that R∞(V ) ∈ ˜0 E(n+1), by the formula ˆ−1 ˆi ˆ−1 ˆ−i (24) h | ˆi = R ◦ h |Vm ◦ ζχ ◦ R Rm(Vm) m m 22 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

˜n where ζχ : Vm → Vm is a homeomorphism fixed for the connected component χ of E(n+1) containing ˆi R∞(V ). We will specify this homeomorphism later. At this point we only say that it is obtained by Theorem 6.5 as extension of some homeomorphism between tamely embedded Cantor sets to the whole Vm. The proper definition of hˆ is supported by condition (21). Note that, for ε small enough, from (20) we get ˆi ∗ ∗ 0 ˆi ˜0 ˆi ∗ (25) if Rm(Vm) ⊂ πm(X ), for some X ∈ E(n), and R∞(V ) ∈ E(n+1) then Rm(Um) ⊂ πm(X ).

We perform additional extension of the above, when necessary, as follows. Assume that we have ˆ n ˆ−1 ˆi ˆi+1 an edge X → R∞(X) in graph G(E(n)) and h was defined on Rm(Vm) but not on Rm (Vm) −1 ˆi ˆ−1 or vice-versa, where πm (Rm(Vm)) ⊂ X. Then we use (24) to define h also on the other set. n We repeat this procedure several times, until there is no edge in graph G(E(n)) with the above problem. We have to justify that this procedure does not depend on the order of consecutive m ˆi extensions. If i ∈ {0,..., 2 − 1} is such that R∞(V ) ∩ K 6= ∅ and q > 0 is the smallest number ˆi+q such that R∞ (V ) ∩ K 6= ∅, then by 3. from Lemma 5.4 and the fact that q ≤ 2n + 2 we see that m 0 ˜0 0 n i + q ∈ {0,..., 2 − 1}. Therefore, if X,X ∈ E(n+1) and there is a path from X to X in G(E(n+1)) then extending hˆ forward from X to X0 or backward from X0 to X, the result will be the same, ˆi 0 ˆi+q because X = R∞(V ) and X = R∞ (V ). ˆi ˜n By a computation similar to the one verifying A1.c, we know that if R∞(V ) ∈ E(n+1) then there n ˆi ˆi is X ∈ E(n) such that R∞(V ) ⊂ int X. In particular Rm(Vm) ⊂ int πm(X). Note that connected ˆi ˆi components of both πm(X) and Rm(Vm) are cubes. In particular, Rm(Vm) must be a subset of ˆi one of the connected components of πm(X), and by (25) the cube Rm(Um) is a subset of the same component. We also see that hˆ−1 defined so far is injective. Now we are going to extend hˆ−1 to n n cubes E(n). For every maximal path in the graph G(E(n)) we use directly Theorem 6.3 only on the n first element X ∈ E(n) of the path, and then copy it on further elements of the path ˆ ˆ2 (26) X → R∞(X) → R∞(X) → ... ˆ−1 ˆi ˆ−1 ˆ−i ˆ ˆ by the procedure analogous to (24), i.e. h | ˆi = R ◦ h |X ◦ R . This way h and R∞ will Rm(X) m m n ˆ commute along edges of G(E(n)). When applying Theorem 6.3 to define h: X → X we require that hˆ is the identity on the boundary. Our procedure is consistent with previous construction in (24), ˆ ˆi n ˆ namely h defined up to now commutes with Rm already along edges of G(E(n+1)). So far h is defined on disjoint cubes tamely embedded in Sm and is identity on their boundary, so it extends to Sm as ˆ n the identity on the complement of these cubes. By definition of h, and since 0m 6∈ πm(s(E(n))), we ˆ ˆ ˆ have that h(pm) = pm and h(0m) = 0m. Lifting inductively h to Sm+k through ϕ∞, for each k, we obtain a homeomorphism hn+1 : D∞ → D∞ such that hn+1(p) = p. 0 Now it is the moment to specify V from (22). Note that directly from the construction B1, B2 are 0 satisfied, because V ⊂ V . Since hn+1 is already defined, and Cn is a cover of P∞ by definition, we can find a chain cover Dn+1 of P∞ refining Cn such that

−1  −n−1 (27) mesh (hn+1 ◦ ψn) (Dn+1) < 2 .

Observe that supp hn+1 ⊂ s(Cn) (where supp hn+1 denotes the support of hn+1) which holds by B7(c) from step n and the way we constructed hn+1; see (26). Furthermore −1 −1 −1 (hn+1 ◦ ψn) (s(Dn+1)) ⊂ ψn (s(Dn+1) ∪ supp hn+1) ⊂ ψn (s(Cn)) and therefore by B7(b), for every k < n + 1 we have −1 −1 (28) (hn+1 ◦ ψn) (s(Dn+1)) ⊂ ψk (s(Ck)) BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 23

−1 −1 and (hn+1 ◦ ψn) (Dn+1) is crooked inside ψn (Cn). Since A ⊂ Z ⊂ P∞ and P∞ contains all 0 inverse sequences passing through πm(A) = Am, we can find a set V as defined before, with the 0 ˆi 0 kn+1 additional property that A ⊂ V ⊂ V ∩ s(Dn+1) and R∞(V ) ⊂ s(Dn+1) for all |i| < 2 + 3(n + 1). n+1 In particular, it implies that s(E(n+1)) ⊂ s(Dn+1). If additionally Hn+1 is constructed in such a way that C1 holds for n + 1, then B7(a) − B7(c) are satisfied for the chain cover of P∞ given by Cn+1 = Hn+1(Dn+1). n+2 n n Next, let X ∈ E(n+1) \E(n+1). By the properties of A1.c we obtain that X ∩ s(E(n)) = ∅. Combining this with the definition of hn+1 around (26) it follows that −1 −1 −1 ψn ◦ hn+1(X) = ψn (X).

This ensures that B3 holds, provided that ε was small enough. 0 If C1 holds, then B5 holds as well by (20), definition of V and provided that ε was chosen to be small enough. 0 0 n+1 0 ˆq To check B6, take any X,X ∈ E(n+1) such that there is a path in G(E(n+1)) from X to X = R∞(X). 0 0 0 0 Recall that E(n+1) is compatible with E(n) for n + 1 iterates and E(n+1) refines E(n), so path in n+1 n+1 0 0 0 0 G(E(n+1)) induces a path on G(E(n) ) between some Y,Y ∈ E(n) such that X ⊂ Y and X ⊂ Y . By q −1 −1 ˆq definition of gn+1 in (12) we have gn+1 = ψn ◦ hn+1 ◦ R∞ ◦ hn+1 ◦ ψn. For (x, c) ∈ KX × C by (20) 0 we have that ψn(x, c) ∈ X and hn+1(X) ⊂ X, therefore hn+1 ◦ ψn(x, c) ∈ s(E(n+1)) (cf. definition of ˆ n n h in (26)). If the whole path is contained in G(E(n+1)), and so induced path is contained in G(E(n)), then we can apply commutativity provided by B2 and then −1 −1 ˆq −1 −1 ˆq ψn ◦ hn+1 ◦ R∞ ◦ hn+1 ◦ ψn = ψn ◦ hn+1 ◦ hn+1 ◦ R∞ ◦ ψn which gives by C6 on KY × C ⊃ KX × C in the step n that q q ˆq q gn+1(x, c) = Gn(x, c) = (R∞(x), σ (c)).

This proves that B6(a) holds. Now we will check B6(b). It is the first place where definition of ζ in (24) becomes important. It is the place where we will finally specify the precise conditions it must ˜n+1 n+1 satisfy. Clearly, there is an isomorphism between G(E(n+1)) and G(E(n+1)) identifying the vertex ˆi ˆi 0 m ˆi ˜n+1 0 R∞(V ) with R∞(V ), for each i ∈ {0,..., 2 − 1}, such that R∞(V ) ∈ E(n+1). Note that if X,X 0 0 n+1 are consecutive elements of X,X ∈ E(n+1) on the path in G(E(n+1)), and it is not proper path in n 0 n −1 G(E(n+1)) then we have two different components χ, χ of G(E(n+1)) such that hn+1 on X is defined by −1 ˆi −1 ˆ ˆ−i hn+1|X = R∞ ◦ hn+1|V ◦ ζχ ◦ R∞ while on X0 it is defined by −1 ˆi+q −1 ˆ ˆ−i−q hn+1|X0 = R∞ ◦ hn+1|V ◦ ζχ0 ◦ R∞ ˆ ˆ where ζχ, ζχ0 are extensions to D∞ of homeomorphisms ζχ, ζχ0 defined coordinate-wise by commutative 0 ∗ −1 diagrams involving ϕ∞. Let Y ∈ E(n) be such that X ⊂ Y . Then X = hn+1(X) ⊂ Y and by B5 and provided that additionally Hn+1 is constructed in such a way that C1 holds, for any (x, c) ∈ KX × C ∗ we have ψn+1(x, c) ∈ X and Hn+1(X) = X, thus ψn(x, c) ∈ X . Then by definition q −1 −1 ˆq gn+1(x, c) = ψn ◦ hn+1 ◦ R∞ ◦ hn+1 ◦ ψn(x, c) −1 −1 ˆq = ψn ◦ hn+1|X0 ◦ R∞ ◦ hn+1|X∗ ◦ ψn(x, c) But for the middle term we have −1 ˆq ˆi+q −1 ˆ ˆ−i−q ˆq ˆi ˆ−1 −1 −1 ˆ−i hn+1|X0 ◦ R∞ ◦ hn+1|X∗ = R∞ ◦ hn+1|V ◦ ζχ0 ◦ R∞ ◦ R∞ ◦ R∞ ◦ ζχ ◦ (hn+1|V ) ◦ R∞ ˆi+q −1 ˆ ˆ−1 −1 −1 ˆ−i = R∞ ◦ hn+1|V ◦ ζχ0 ◦ ζχ ◦ (hn+1|V ) ◦ R∞ ˆi −1 Homeomorphisms ψn ◦ R∞ are known (and fixed) in step n, hn+1|V is defined as the first element of ˆ the inductive construction in step n + 1, however homeomorphisms ζχ can be defined recursively, 24 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

n n+1 depending on (linear) order of connected components of E(n+1) within components of E(n+1), and n+1 such order is well defined by the fact that G(E(n+1)) has no cycle. In particular, the form of ζχ0 can be decided after ζχ was chosen. To see this, observe that

−1 −1 ˆ−i−q q ˆ ˆ−1 −1 −1 ˆ−i (hn+1|V ) ◦ R∞ ◦ ψn ◦ Gn(x, c) = ζχ0 ◦ ζχ ◦ (hn+1|V ) ◦ R∞ ◦ ψn(x, c) ˆ ˆ−1 −1 −1 ˆ−i so we have to specify the image of ζχ0 between Cantor sets ζχ ◦ (hn+1|V ) ◦ R∞ ◦ ψn(KX × C) ˆ−i−q q and hn+1|V ◦ R∞ ◦ ψn ◦ Gn(KX × C) provided by the above formula, and then extend it to the set V , while the construction is done at the level of the cube Vm for ζχ and ζχ0 . Note that the acyclic structure of the graph ensures that for the components χ and χ0 the iteration q is uniquely determined. This way we ensure that also B6(b) holds.

The conditions C1 − C6 are shown similarly as in the proof of Proposition 8.4. from [11], the only difference is that we are working on levels Skn but arguments remain valid also in this setting. n+1 n+1 Note that E(n+1) is a subset of s(Dn+1) so if Hn+1 is identity outside s(E(n+1)) then its composition with ψn will not violate condition B7 and other conditions proven under the assumption that C1 holds. (n) Additionally observe that conditions C7, C8 are on sets Pi which are cylinders over cubes in Sn. At 0 the moment, we have not defined sets in E(n+2) which are necessary ingredient in conditions C7, C8. However, we already know how they will be constructed. Namely, they will come from neighborhoods of the set Zkn+1 in condition (19) together with the deformation as in (24), and this does not involve 0 the definition of Ψn+1. We also have sets On+1 ⊂ D∞ and so the sets On+1 = hn+1 ◦ Ψn(On+1) are known. Therefore, to repeat the argument in [11] we do the following. We fix small neighborhood U1 0 of set KX × C, where X ∈ E(n+1) is a properly chosen element (see the discussion before Lemma

9.6 in [11]). But πkn+1 (hn+1 ◦ Ψn(KX × C)) ⊂ X ∩ Akn+1 so we can choose as W1 the pullback by hn+1 ◦ Ψn of a sufficiently small neighborhood of Akn+1 , which enables us to apply Lemma 6.1. Therefore, with respect to these cubes obtained by the pullback of hn+1 ◦ Ψn, we can repeat construction from Section 9 of [11], and then extend obtained homeomorphism of Skn+1 → Skn+1 to a homeomorphism of D∞. We leave the details to the reader as only slight changes comparing to [11] are needed. On the other hand the whole proof in [11] is long and involved, therefore we decided not to reiterate it here. 

6.1. Crucial properties. Let Cn be a sequence of chains such that s(Cn+1) ⊂ s(Cn), P∞ = ∩ns(Cn) and supp hn ⊂ s(Cn). Let ψ denote the semi-conjugacy map ψ : D∞ → D∞ obtained by the ˜ −1 construction in Lemma 6.6 and denote P := ψ (P∞).

Lemma 6.7. The continuum P˜ is a pseudo-arc.

∞ T∞ Proof. Recall that by B7 there is a nested sequence of chains {Cn}n=0, such that n=0 s(Cn) = P∞, −1  −n (29) mesh ψn (Cn) < 2 and

−1 −1 (30) ψn (Cn) is crooked inside ψn−1(Cn−1). Set ∞ 0 \ −1 (31) P = ψn (s(Cn)). n=0

We are going to show that P˜ = P0. Recall that for every k < n we have −1 −1 (32) ψn (s(Cn)) ⊂ ψk (s(Ck)) so P0 is a continuum and by (29) and (30) P0 is a pseudo-arc. BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 25

0 ∞ Choose any x ∈ P . By the choice, ψn(x) ∈ s(Cn) for all n ≥ 0. Since {s(Cn)}n=0 is a nested sequence, it follows that ψ(x) ∈ s(Cn) for each n ≥ 0. Thus, ∞ \  (33) ψ(x) ∈ s Cn = P∞. n=0 −1 −1 ˜ 0 ˜ Then x ∈ ψ ◦ ψ(x) ⊂ ψ (P∞) = P and so P ⊆ P. Next, by contradiction, suppose that P0 is a proper subcontinuum of P˜. Choose y ∈ P˜ \ P0. Then there exists an n such that −1 (34) y∈ / ψn (s(Cn))

Then ψn(y) ∈/ s(Cn) and so ψn+1(y) ∈/ s(Cn+1). But hn+1 is identity outside of s(Cn) by B7(c) and B1, so ψn+1(y) = hn+1(ψn(y)) = ψn(y). Therefore ψn(y) = ψm(y) for each m > n. It follows that 0 ˜ ψ(y) = ψn(y) and by (34) we get that ψ(y) = ψn(y) ∈/ P∞. This contradiction shows that P = P. 

Recall that we modified conditions C7,8 compared to respective conditions in [11]. We have to prove that this change does not influence statements about invariant measures in the extension. Let χ: K × C → K × C be the first return map induced by G and ν some ergodic invariant measure of G such that ν(K × C) > 0. By Poincaré recurrence theorem χ is defined on a set K˜ ⊂ K × C such that ν(K˜ ) = ν(K × C) and χ(K˜ ) ⊂ K˜ . Therefore in what follows, we assume that χ is defined on a set K˜ containing all points that return infinitely many times to K × C. This way χ is defined ν-almost everywhere on K × C.

Lemma 6.8. Assume hypotheses C1,2,5,6,7,8 are satisfied. If x ∈ K × C and y = χ(x) then x ∈ T P (n) and there are indices j ≥ i , with j > i for some n, such that y ∈ T P (n). n in n n n n n jn

Proof. Let q be such that Gq(x) = y. Now all works analogously as in Lemma 9.3 in [11] with the only difference that first, using C we show for each n that if x ∈ P (n) then there is j > i such that 8 in n n y ∈ P (n). Then the result follows by the fact that for each n, i there is j such that P (n) ⊂ P (n−1) jn i j and j is uniquely defined.  n −1 Lemma 6.9. Assume hypotheses C1,2,5,6,7,8 are satisfied and x ∈ K×C is such that G (x) ∈ ψ (K) for infinitely many n. Then ωχ(x) ⊂ K × C.

Proof. The proof is the same as Proposition 9.2 in [11] with the following modification. Working (n) (n) on coordinate spaces Sn, by C8 we obtain that ωχ(x) ⊂ P = lim supi→∞ Pi . Then (15) gives ωχ(x) ⊂ K × C. 

With the above two lemmas proved we now prove a version of Corollary 9.4 in [11] which is our final goal.

Corollary 6.10. Assume that hypotheses C1,2,5,6,7,8 are satisfied and let ν be a G-invariant proba- bility measure on P˜ (an extension of the Haar measure µ on C). Then [ ν Gj(ψ−1(K) \ (K × C) = 0. j∈Z In particular, G is universally isomorphic to the disjoint union [ ˆj ˆ  G ˜ [ ˆj ˆ  R∞(K) × C, R∞ × σ P \ R∞(K), R∞ . j∈Z j∈Z

Proof. First note that the restriction of ν to ψ−1(K) is χ-invariant. Therefore, using Lemma 6.9 and Poincaré recurrence theorem we obtain that ν(ψ−1(K) \ (K × C)) = 0, which shows the first part of the corollary. 26 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA

To prove the second part, one defines a bi-measurable map ˜ [ j −1  G [ j  ˜ [ ˆj −1  G [ ˆj  Θ: P \ G (ψ (K)) G (K × C) → P \ R∞(ψ (K)) R∞(K) × C j∈Z j∈Z j∈Z j∈Z ˜ j −1 j given by ψ on the set P \ ∪j∈ZG (ψ (K))) and by C6 on the set ∪j∈ZG (K × C)) (cf. Proposition 8.2 in [11]). By the first part of the present proof, for the set ˜ −1 [ j −1  P0 := ψ (Λ) \ G (ψ (K)) j∈Z ˜ it holds that ν(P0) = 0 for every invariant probability measure ν. By Lemma 5.6 and Lemma 5.7 ˜ j −1 we have that ψ is one-to-one on the set (P \ Λ) ∪ (Λ \ ∪j∈ZG (ψ (K))), so Θ is one-to-one as well. j Using Lemma 5.6 and C6 on the set ∪j∈ZG (K × C)) we see that the map Θ is a conjugacy which shows the second part of the corollary. 

Proof of Theorem 1.1. Fix any r ∈ [0, ∞]. The case of r = 0, ∞ is already known (see [78]), so we may assume that r ∈ (0, ∞). Next step can be done the same way as in [11] since Rˆ∞|Λ is strictly ergodic (i.e. minimal and uniquely ergodic) with zero topological entropy. Simply we take as σ : C → C a strictly ergodic model of Bernoulli system with entropy r (e.g. by the application of celebrated Jewett-Krieger theorem). Then we know that Rˆ∞ × σ is uniquely ergodic, since zero entropy systems and K-systems are measure-theoretically disjoint (see [11] for more details; cf. [88, Proposition 4.6]). This ensures that if we apply the construction, then by Corollary 6.10 any measure S j  supported on Rˆ (K) × C, Rˆ∞ × σ is in fact the unique measure of (Λ × C, Rˆ∞ × σ). Since j∈Z ∞ ˜ ˆ this is the only invariant measure of (P,G) not isomorphic to an invariant measure of (P∞, R∞), we obtain by the Variational Principle that htop(G) = htop(σ) = r completing the proof. 

Appendix A. (by George Kozlowski5)

This section contains a proof of the following theorem, which undoubtedly already exists in folklore. Details are included here for the convenience of those who may not be familiar with the history of the crucial results stated below on which the proof is based. Theorem A.1. Let X,Y be two d-dimensional disks and α an orientation preserving homeomorphism from X onto Y . For i = 1, . . . , n let Bi be pairwise disjoint locally flat d-dimensional disks in int(X), let Ci be pairwise disjoint locally flat d-dimensional disks in int(Y ), and let βi be orientation preserving homeomorphisms from Bi onto Ci. Then there is a homeomorphism γ from X onto Y which coincides with each βi on Bi and with α on the boundary of X.

References for the basic material used here are papers [29] and [30] of Morton Brown. It follows from results of those papers that a locally flat embedding of a disk is the same as a tame embedding of that disk in the sense that the latter phrase (which e.g. is found in [46]) is used elsewhere in this paper. His collaboration [32] (summarized in [31]) with Herman Gluck forged the link which stimulated the interest in the deep results on which the theorem above depends. The statements involve two definitions found in [32] and also [31]. Consider a homeomorphism h of Euclidean space Rd (or the unit sphere Sd in Rd+1) onto itself. If there is a nonempty open set U which h maps identically, then h is said to be somewhere the identity. If h is the composition of a finite number of homeomorphisms each of which is somewhere the identity, then h is said to be stable. Theorem A.2 (Stable Homeomorphism). Every orientation preserving homeomorphism of Rd (or Sd) onto itself is stable.

In dimension 2 (i.e. d = 2) the result is said to be classical, and in dimension 3 it is attributed to Moise. In dimension 4 it is due to Quinn [87]. In dimensions 5 and greater it is due to Kirby [61],

5Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University, AL 36849, USA BEYOND 0 AND ∞: A SOLUTION TO THE BARGE ENTROPY CONJECTURE 27 although for dimension 5 Kirby uses a result of C. T. C. Wall which appeared in [90]. A useful succinct discussion of these matters is found in Section 8 of [42]. With the Stable Homeomorphism Theorem as a basis the crucial results then follow from [32]. Theorem A.3 (Annulus). Let f, g : Sd−1 → Rd be disjoint, locally flat imbeddings with f(Sd−1) inside the bounded component of Rd − g(Sd−1). Then the closed region A bounded by f(Sd−1) and g(Sd−1) is homeomorphic to Sd−1 × [0, 1]. Theorem A.4 (Isotopy). Every orientation preserving homeomorphism of Rd (or Sd) onto itself is isotopic to the identity.

Throughout the remainder of this section certain assumptions are in force: (1) all homeomorphisms preserve orientation, (2) all embeddings and embedded objects are locally flat, and (3) everything occurs in some Euclidean space of fixed dimension with norm |x| denoting the distance from the point x to the origin. It will be convenient to work with disks D[r], spheres S[r], and annuli A[r, s], where D[r] = x: |x| ≤ r ,S[r] = x: |x| = r ,A[r, s] = x: r ≤ |x| ≤ s . A homeomorphic image of one of these objects will be referred to as a disk, sphere, or annulus as appropriate. The homeomorphisms S[1] ≈ S[r] and S[1] × [r, s] ≈ A[r, s] defined by x 7→ rx and (x, t) 7→ tx (x ∈ S[1], r ≤ t ≤ s) occur implicitly below. The boundary of the disk D is denoted ∂D. Lemma A.5. Let B, C, and D be disks with B ∪ C ⊂ int(D) and suppose there is given a homeomorphism β : B ≈ C. Then there is a homeomorphism γ : D ≈ D such that ( x for all x ∈ ∂D and γ(x) = β(x) for all x ∈ B.

Proof. By the Annulus Theorem there are homeomorphisms ϕ: D − int(B) ≈ A[1, 2] and ψ : D − int(C) ≈ A[1, 2], and these can be chosen so that ϕ(∂D) = ψ(∂D) = S[2]. From the Isotopy Theorem the homeomorphism of S[2] onto itself defined by ψ ◦ ϕ−1, considered as a map of S[1] onto itself, and the homeomorphism of S[1] onto itself defined by ψ ◦ β ◦ ϕ−1 are isotopic to the identity map and hence are isotopic. Thus there is a homeomorphism θ : A[1, 2] ≈ A[1, 2] which is ψ ◦ β ◦ ϕ−1 on S[1] and ψ ◦ ϕ−1 on S[2]. The desired homeomorphism is defined by ( ψ−1 ◦ θ ◦ ϕ(x) for all x ∈ D − int(B) and γ(x) = β(x) for all x ∈ B, which completes the proof of the lemma. 

Proof of Theorem A.1. The indices i and j will satisfy 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n. Choose real numbers 0 < r < s < t < u < 1.

Let ϕ: X ≈ D[2] and ψ : Y ≈ D[2] be homeomorphisms satisfying ϕ(Bi) ⊂ A[r, s] and ψ(Cj) ⊂ A[t, u] for all i, j, which can be achieved by radial homeomorphisms of D[2]. One then finds disjoint disks E1,...,En in int(D[1]) such that ϕ(Bi) ∪ ψ(Ci) ⊂ int(Ei). By the lemma there are homeomorphisms εi : Ei ≈ Ei such that ( x for all x ∈ ∂Ei and εi(x) = −1 ψ ◦ βi ◦ ϕ (x) for all x ∈ ϕBi.

Define ε: D[1] ≈ D[1] by ε(x) = εi(x) for all x in Ei and ε(x) = x for all x ∈ D[1] − ∪i Ei. The homeomorphism ψ ◦ α ◦ ϕ−1 defines a homeomorphism of S[2] onto itself and hence is isotopic to the identity. Thus there is a homeomorphism δ : A[1, 2] ≈ A[1, 2] which agrees with this map on S[2] and which is the identity on S[1]. Define homeomorphisms (1) θ : D[2] ≈ D[2] by extending δ −1 over D[1] by ε and (2) γ : X ≈ Y by γ = ψ ◦ θ ◦ ϕ, which completes the proof of the theorem.  28 J. P. BOROŃSKI, J. ČINČ, AND P. OPROCHA


We are grateful to W. Lewis for his comments on [67] and [68], and to X.-C. Liu who made us familiar with [11]. We are also very grateful to S. Crovisier, H. Bruin and L. Hoehn for helpful comments on the final version of the paper.

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(J. P. Boroński) AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland – and – National Supercomputing Centre IT4Innovations, University of Ostrava, IRAFM, 30. dubna 22, 70103 Ostrava, Czech Republic Email address: [email protected]

(J. Činč) Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, A-1090 Vienna, Austria – and – National Supercomputing Centre IT4Innovations, University of Ostrava, IRAFM, 30. dubna 22, 70103 Ostrava, Czech Republic Email address: [email protected]

(P. Oprocha) AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, al. Mick- iewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland – and – National Supercomputing Centre IT4Innovations, University of Ostrava, IRAFM, 30. dubna 22, 70103 Ostrava, Czech Republic Email address: [email protected]