Temporal Markets and an Architecture of Time - Inclusion Legitimacy and Emergence- Part 1

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Temporal Markets and an Architecture of Time - Inclusion Legitimacy and Emergence- Part 1 Syracuse University SURFACE School of Architecture Dissertations and Architecture Senior Theses Theses Spring 2014 Temporal Markets and an Architecture of Time - Inclusion Legitimacy and Emergence- Part 1 Ariel Minelli Follow this and additional works at: https://surface.syr.edu/architecture_theses Part of the Architecture Commons Recommended Citation Minelli, Ariel, "Temporal Markets and an Architecture of Time - Inclusion Legitimacy and Emergence- Part 1" (2014). Architecture Senior Theses. 202. https://surface.syr.edu/architecture_theses/202 This Thesis, Senior is brought to you for free and open access by the School of Architecture Dissertations and Theses at SURFACE. It has been accepted for inclusion in Architecture Senior Theses by an authorized administrator of SURFACE. For more information, please contact [email protected]. $ULHO 0LQHOOL 7HPSRUDO 0DUNHWV DQG DQ $UFKLWHFWXUH RI 7LPH ,QFOXVLRQ /HJLWLPDF\ DQG (PHUJHQFH &RQWHQWLRQ 7KH VWUXFWXUH LV D IRUPDO UHVSRQVH WR WKH HPHUJHQW RFFXSDWLRQ RI VSDFH DW WKH .DGLNR\ 6DOL 3D]DUL 7KH SURMHFW JHQHUDWHV D SHUPDQHQFH IRU D WKUHDWHQHG WHPSRUDO HQWLW\ ZKLOH FUHDWLQJ D V\VWHP RI WHPSRUDO RFFXSDWLRQ WKDW UHSURJUDPV WKH XQEXLOGDEOH VSDFH RI WKH H[LVWLQJ VLWH 7KH WDFWLFV DQG V\VWHPV HPSOR\HG DUH ODUJHO\ GUDZQ IURP WKH HPEHGGHG LQWHOOLJHQFH RI ,VWDQEXO¶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¶V 7KH IDQQHG URRI VWUXFWXUHV DOORZ IRU LQGLYLGXDO YHQGRUV WR FRQWURO WKH DUFKLWHFWXUDO IRUP RI WKH SURMHFW DV ZHOO DV GHILQH DSSURSULDWLRQ RI SXEOLF VSDFH WR UHDFW WR PXOWLSOH VFHQDULRV 7KHVH IDQV ERWK HPEHGGHG ZLWKLQ DQG WHPSRUDULO\ VWRUHG LQ WKH IUDPH JHQHUDWH D YDULHW\ RI GLIIHUHQW RQ VLWH FRQILJXUDWLRQV 7KLV WHPSRUDO QDWXUH RI WKH RFFXSDWLRQ VNLUWV WKH LOOHJDOLW\ RI µPDUNHW ]RQH¶ RFFXSDWLRQ DQG LQIRUPDOO\ UHSURJUDPV DQ LQDFFHVVLEOH VSDFH ZLWK D PXOWLSOLFLW\ RI QHZ IXQFWLRQV 7KLV GXDOLW\ SURYLGHV D IXQFWLRQDO IUDPH ZLWK D OHJDO IRRWLQJ WKDW SURYLGHV SHUPDQHQFH WR D WHPSRUDO SURJUDP ZKLOH VLPXOWDQHRXVO\ FUHDWLQJ D V\VWHP WKDW WHPSRUDULO\ SURJUDPV D SUHYLRXVO\ LQDFFHVVLEOH VSDFH LQ RUGHU WR OD\ FODLP WR D SXEOLF VSDFH .H\ :RUGV 7HPSRUDOLW\ (PHUJHQFH 3HUPDQHQFH +\EULGLW\ ,VWDQEXO 3D]DUL /HJLWLPDF\ TEMPORAL MARKETS AND AN ARCHITECTURE OF TIME Ari Minelli TEMPORAL MARKETS AND AN ARCHITECTURE OF TIME Ari Minelli TEMPORAL MARKETS AND AN ARCHITECTURE OF TIME LEGITIMACY, URBAN NETWORKS, AND GROWTH ARI MINELLI THESIS RESEARCH STUDIO: INFORMAL REDUX PRIMARY: SAROSH ANKESARIA SECONDARY: JULIE LARSEN, SUSAN HENDERSON 1. Urban Market 2. Temporality 3. Networked Urbanism 4. Istanbul 5. Kadikoy Sali Pazari 35()$&( The hum and bustle of the urban market is a vibrancy that is rarely matched in our cities, and yet is easily glazed over as simply mundane. Each market is an intense battle of commerce, where thousands of exchanges and conversations buzz in an ad-hoc setting. Vendors hawk their goods, locals purchase their weekly vegetables, and a variety of knockoffs are sold at competing prices. These urban armatures take over the fabric of the city, sliding through streets and passages, overtaking squares, and drawing massive crowds. They transform the streetscape around them, drawing in business, and bustle. And then the the day slows down, UIFTVOTFUT BOEUIFSFTJEFOUTXBLFVQUIFOFYUNPSOJOHUPmOEUIJTNBTTPGDJUZMJGFHPOF The market, perhaps more than any other program, is an architecture dependant on time. The temporal nature of these markets leaves the city with a programmatic and built vacuum. A nFFUJOHNFNPSZPGBUIJOHUIBUXBTRVFTUJPOBCMZUIFSF3FUVSOUPUIFTBNFOFJHICPSIPPEPO UIFEBZXJUIBOEXJUIPVUUIFNBSLFU BOEZPVXJMMmOEBEJGGFSFOUXPSME*UQPTFTCPUIUIFDJUZ and the market as a community institution with an interesting dilemma. For the city, the trans- formation often leaves behind what seems like the dead shell of itself, and for the market, that transformation produces a shadow image, something that is easily forgotten when the day is over. Istanbul, has a long, and powerful community history tied to the market. Thousands of years of grand bazaars, spice markets, and neighborhood weekly pazaris have cemented their presence into the cultural landscape. However, the city embodying many of the worlds FNFSHJOHDJUJFT IBTFOUFSFEJOUPBOFSBPGFYQBOTJPO DPOnJDU BOEDPOUFTUBUJPO0WFSBUIJSUZ year period the population of the city has nearly quintupled, expanding from 2.7 million in 1980, to over 13 million in 2010.{1] This astronomical growth, coupled with favorable govern- ment policies towards development has driven a second era of urban renewal policies in the city. Developer and state driven projects have resulted in the clearing of low income areas, informal settlements, public space, to make way for a luxury apartments and shopping malls. This restructuring have resulted in a severing of long held community functions to give way to growth. The temporal markets and public spaces of the city have proven to be some of the most vulnerable points for forced relocation. The Pazari’s of Istanbul are the heart of commerce for the community, with weekly markets in each of the 39 districts of the city. Kadikoy is emblematic of the city as a whole, combining a rich local history colliding with a wave of renewal projects. It hosts the cities most popular market, the Kadikoy Sali Pazari {2]. The market had for its 37 year history been located at the districts heart, on the edge of downtown. With the renovation and expansion of the adjacent ̃àLSà4BSBDP˘MV4UBEJVNJOIPNFUPUIFDJUJFTDMVCTPDDFSUFBNUIFNBSLFUTDVSSFOU location was deemed prime real estate. With a supportive government, it was not long before UIFQSPmUBCMF EFGBDUPUFNQMBUFPG*TUBOCVMTSFOFXBMXBTQSPQPTFEMVYVSZTIPQQJOHNBMM upscale housing, and greenspace. 1.André Sorensen, and Junichiro Okata, Megacities: Urban Form, Governance, and Sustainability (Tokyo: Springer, 2011). 2. Sevim Songun. “New Tuesday Market a stranger to its regulars.” Hurriyet Daily News, 29th of July, 2009, www.hurriyetdailynews.com/new- tuesday-market-a-stranger-to-its-regulars.aspx?pageID=438&n=new-tuesday-market-is-stranger-to-its-frequenters-2009-07-29. 0.1 5IFQSPQPTBMXBTNFUXJUImFSDFMPDBMPQQPTJUJPOCommunity groups, marched through the streets, hung awareness posters, and even wrote a children’s book about the loss of a com- munity market.{3] 5IFDPOmTDBUJPOPGQVCMJDTQBDFXBTOPUUIFmSTUPSMBTUUPDPNFJOUIFDJUZ The Kadikoy movement were merely a prelude to the nationwide turmoil that arose six years later as the populace reacted to a government threat to Taksim Square. While the Kadikoy community groups succeeded in stalling the development, they failed to save the old market. The state relocated the market to a newly designated zone, ‘with modern amenities, services, and organization’. Echoing the classic urban renewal buzzwords, the city looked to sway public opinion away from the current site, and in the mean time push through UIFQSPQPTBM"VUIPSJUJFTEFTDSJCFEUIFFTUBCMJTIFEMPDBUJPOBTBUSBGmDQSPCMFN QPMMVUJPO generator, and a haven for the sale of counterfeit goods. The targeting of this informal market doomed it to a speedy bureaucratic process. The ques- tion is why was it targeted*DPOUFOEUIBUBTJHOJmDBOUTFHNFOUPGUIFSFBTPOHPFTCBDLUP UIFQSFWJPVTNFOUJPOPGBQSPHSBNNFEUFNQPSBMJUZ*UJTBnFFUJOHJNBHF
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