PIERCEFIELD WOOD Chepstow, Monmouthshire 81.65 Hectares / 201.75 Acres FREEHOLD FOR SALE AS A WHOLE John Clegg & Co CHARTERED SURVEYORS & FORESTRY AGENTS Suite 8, Rectory House N Thame Road Not To Haddenham, Bucks Scale HP17 8DA www.johnclegg.co.uk This plan is only for the guidance of intending purchasers. Although believed to be correct, its accuracy is not guaranteed and does not form part of any contract. Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office, Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence No. 100023148 Produced by Pear Technology Services Ltd. www.peartechnlogy.co.uk
[email protected] PIERCEFIELD WOOD Chepstow 2 miles Monmouth 16 miles Bristol 19 miles (All distances are approximate) SOLE SELLING AGENTS John Clegg & Co Suite 8, Rectory House Thame Road, Haddenham Buckinghamshire HP17 8DA Tel: 01844 291384
[email protected] Notable for its influence at the birth of modern tourism in Great Britain, Piercefield Wood is a spectacular broadleaf wood on the banks of the Wye Valley. As a Whole Offers Around £575,000 DIRECTIONS A further century on, the outbreak of war and a change in the The topography of the wood is extremely varied with some sheer From the town of Chepstow travel north on the A466 passing travelling British Public’s holiday preferences saw the estate fall points still producing breath-taking views. The land around the the Race Course on the right. Upon leaving the village of St into decline with the Manor becoming derelict in the 1920s. hill fort and to the eastern and western tips of the park is pleasant Arvans proceed up the hill and round a tight right hand bend.