Sent: 14 November 2018 08:24 To: BMSDC Planning Area Team Blue Subject: DC/18/04706

Re: DC/18/04706 - Land Opposite Magnolia House, Wilby Road, Stradbroke,

Stradbroke Parish Council met on Monday, 12th November 2018 and discussed the planning application above.

Councillors noted that the application form for DC/18/04706 was not available to view on line, therefore they referred to the original application form submitted for DC/18/02821 and make the following comments.

Councillors noted that this land is outside the settlement boundary.

Councillors voted to conditionally support this application. Policy SC3 states reasons should be given for non-connection to the main sewer, Councillors seek clarification why this application does not include a connection to the main sewer as none is given in the application documentation.


Regards Odile Wladon Clerk Stradbroke Parish Council From: Nathan Pittam Sent: 30 October 2018 08:22 To: Jack Wilkinson Cc: BMSDC Planning Area Team Blue Subject: DC/18/04706. Land Contamination

Dear Jack

EP Reference : 250707 DC/18/04706. Land Contamination Land Opposite Magnolia House, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, EYE, Suffolk. Erection of 1 No. dwelling and detached cart lodge.

Many thanks for your request for comments in relation to the above application. Having reviewed the application I can confirm that I have no objection to the proposed development from the perspective of land contamination. I would only request that we are contacted in the event of unexpected ground conditions being encountered during construction and that the developer is made aware that the responsibility for the safe development of the site lies with them.

Kind regards


Nathan Pittam BSc. (Hons.) PhD Senior Environmental Management Officer

Jack Wilkinson Planning Department District Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road , IP1 2BX

9th November 2018

Dear Jack,

RE: DC/18/04706 Erection of 1 No. dwelling and detached cart lodge. Land Opposite Magnolia House, Wilby Road, Stradbroke

Thank you for sending us details of this application, we have the following comments:

We have read the ecological survey report (JP Ecology, June 2018) and we are satisfied with the findings of the consultant. We request that the recommendations made within the report are implemented in full, via a condition of planning consent, should permission be granted.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require anything further.

Yours sincerely

Jill Crighton Conservation Planner

From: Consultations (NE) Sent: 05 November 2018 11:58 To: BMSDC Planning Area Team Blue Subject: Consultation Response 263049 - DC/18/04706

Application ref: DC/18/04706 Our ref: 263049

Natural has no comments to make on this application.

Natural England has not assessed this application for impacts on protected species. Natural England has published Standing Advice which you can use to assess impacts on protected species or you may wish to consult your own ecology services for advice.

Natural England and the Forestry Commission have also published standing advice on ancient woodland and veteran trees which you can use to assess any impacts on ancient woodland.

The lack of comment from Natural England does not imply that there are no impacts on the natural environment, but only that the application is not likely to result in significant impacts on statutory designated nature conservation sites or landscapes. It is for the local planning authority to determine whether or not this application is consistent with national and local policies on the natural environment. Other bodies and individuals may be able to provide information and advice on the environmental value of this site and the impacts of the proposal to assist the decision making process. We advise LPAs to obtain specialist ecological or other environmental advice when determining the environmental impacts of development.

We recommend referring to our SSSI Impact Risk Zones (available on Magic and as a downloadable dataset) prior to consultation with Natural England. Further guidance on when to consult Natural England on planning and development proposals is available on at

Yours faithfully

David Allinton Natural England Consultations Team Hornbeam House Crewe Business Park Electra Way, Crewe Cheshire, CW1 6GJ From: Karolien Yperman Sent: 05 November 2018 14:56 To: Jack Wilkinson Cc: BMSDC Planning Area Team Blue Subject: DC/18/04706 Land Opposite Magnolia House, Wilby Road, Stradbroke

Hi Jack,

The Heritage Team will not be providing comments for this application.

Thanks, Karolien

Karolien Yperman BA(Hons) MA Heritage and Design Officer Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils – Working Together

Your Ref:DC/18/04706 Our Ref: SCC/CON/4319/18 Date: 6 November 2018

All planning enquiries should be sent to the Local Planning Authority. Email: [email protected]

The Planning Department MidSuffolk District Council Planning Section 1st Floor, Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich Suffolk IP1 2BX

For the attention of: Jack Wilkinson

Dear Jack


PROPOSAL: Erection of 1 No. dwelling and detached cart lodge. LOCATION: Land opposite Magnolia House Wilby Road Stradbroke Eye IP21 5JN

Notice is hereby given that the County Council as Highway Authority recommends that any permission which that Planning Authority may give should include the conditions shown below:

Condition: No other part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced until the existing vehicular access has been improved, laid out and completed in all respects in accordance with DM01 and with an entrance width of 3m.

Thereafter the access shall be retained in the specified form.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety to ensure that the layout of the access is properly designed, constructed and provided before the development is commenced.

Condition: The areas to be provided for storage of Refuse/Recycling bins as shown on Drawing No. 1818 104 shall be provided in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter for no other purpose.

Reason: To ensure that refuse recycling bins are not stored on the highway causing obstruction and dangers for other users.

Condition: The use shall not commence until the area(s) within the site shown on Drawing No. 1818 104 for the purposes of manoeuvring and parking of vehicles has been provided and thereafter that area(s) shall be retained and used for no other purposes.

Reason: To ensure that sufficient space for the on site parking of vehicles is provided and maintained in order to ensure the provision of adequate on-site space for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles

Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk. IP 1 2BX www, where on-street parking and manoeuvring would be detrimental to highway safety to users of the highway.

Condition: Before the access is first used visibility splays shall be provided as shown on Drawing No. 1818 104 with an X dimension of 2.4m and a Y dimension of 85m (to the South) and 120m (to the North) and thereafter retained in the specified form. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 2 Class A of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no obstruction over 0.6 metres high shall be erected, constructed, planted or permitted to grow within the areas of the visibility splays.

Note: It is an OFFENCE to carry out works within the public highway, which includes a Public Right of Way, without the permission of the Highway Authority.

Any conditions which involve work within the limits of the public highway do not give the applicant permission to carry them out. Unless otherwise agreed in writing all works within the public highway shall be carried out by the County Council or its agents at the applicant's expense.

The County Council's Central Area Manager must be contacted on Telephone: 01473 341414. Further information go to:

A fee is payable to the Highway Authority for the assessment and inspection of both new vehicular crossing access works and improvements deemed necessary to existing vehicular crossings due to proposed development.

Yours sincerely,

Kyle Porter Development Management Technician Growth, Highways and Infrastructure