Sent: 14 November 2018 08:24 To: BMSDC Planning Area Team Blue <
[email protected]> Subject: DC/18/04706 Re: DC/18/04706 - Land Opposite Magnolia House, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk Stradbroke Parish Council met on Monday, 12th November 2018 and discussed the planning application above. Councillors noted that the application form for DC/18/04706 was not available to view on line, therefore they referred to the original application form submitted for DC/18/02821 and make the following comments. Councillors noted that this land is outside the settlement boundary. Councillors voted to conditionally support this application. Policy SC3 states reasons should be given for non-connection to the main sewer, Councillors seek clarification why this application does not include a connection to the main sewer as none is given in the application documentation. ____________________________ Regards Odile Wladon Clerk Stradbroke Parish Council From: Nathan Pittam Sent: 30 October 2018 08:22 To: Jack Wilkinson <
[email protected]> Cc: BMSDC Planning Area Team Blue <
[email protected]> Subject: DC/18/04706. Land Contamination Dear Jack EP Reference : 250707 DC/18/04706. Land Contamination Land Opposite Magnolia House, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, EYE, Suffolk. Erection of 1 No. dwelling and detached cart lodge. Many thanks for your request for comments in relation to the above application. Having reviewed the application I can confirm that I have no objection to the proposed development from the perspective of land contamination. I would only request that we are contacted in the event of unexpected ground conditions being encountered during construction and that the developer is made aware that the responsibility for the safe development of the site lies with them.