

(12) Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,383,154 B2 Bar-Shalom et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 26, 2013 (54) SWELLABLE DOSAGE FORM COMPRISING W W 2.3. A. 3. 2. GELLAN GUMI WO WOO1,76610 10, 2001 WO WOO2,46571 A2 6, 2002 (75) Inventors: Daniel Bar-Shalom, Kokkedal (DK); WO WO O2/49571 A2 6, 2002 Lillian Slot, Virum (DK); Gina Fischer, WO WO 03/043638 A1 5, 2003 yerlosea (DK), Pernille Heyrup WO WO 2004/096906 A1 11, 2004 Hemmingsen, Bagsvaerd (DK) WO WO 2005/007074 1, 2005 WO WO 2005/007074 A 1, 2005 (73) Assignee: Egalet A/S, Vaerlose (DK) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 JECFA, “Gellangum”. FNP 52 Addendum 4 (1996).* U.S.C. 154(b) by 1259 days. JECFA, “Talc”, FNP 52 Addendum 1 (1992).* Alterna LLC, “ElixSure, Formula', description and label (21) Appl. No.: 111596,123 directions, online (Feb. 6, 2007). Hagerström, H., “Polymer gels as pharmaceutical dosage forms'. (22) PCT Filed: May 11, 2005 comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the faculty of pharmacy, vol. 293 Uppsala (2003). (86). PCT No.: PCT/DK2OOS/OOO317 Lin, “Gellan Gum', U.S. Food and Administration, www. inchem.org, online (Jan. 17, 2005). S371 (c)(1), Miyazaki, S., et al., “In situ-gelling gellan formulations as vehicles (2), (4) Date: Aug. 14, 2007 for oral drug delivery”. J. Control Release, vol. 60, pp. 287-295 (1999). (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2005/107713 Rowe, Raymond C. et al., “Handbook of Pharmaceutical PCT Pub. Date: Nov. 17, 2005 '. Pharmaceutical Press, Fourth Edition, 2003, pp. 257 258. (65) Prior Publication Data “Gellan Gum Wins IFT's Food Technology Industrial Achievement US 2008/O299.199 A1 Dec. 4, 2008 Award.” Food Technology, Institute of Food Technologists, vol. 47. No. 9, Sep. 1, 1993, pp. 94-96. (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Monsanto, “Kelcogel Gellan Gum.” Kelcogel, 1998. Bar-Shalom et al., “Opportunities and obstacles in Pediatric Oral May 11, 2004 (DK) ...... 2004 OO755 Controlled Release Dosage Forms.” Parvulet Poster, Online, Oct. 28. 2004. (51) Int. Cl. A6 IK 47/36 (2006.01) * cited by examiner A6 IK 47/38 (2006.01) A6 IK 47/32 (2006.01) A6 IK 47/02 (2006.01) Primary Examiner – Walter Webb A6 IK9/00 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Foley & Lardner LLP (52) U.S. Cl...... 424/485; 426/573 (58) Field of Classification Search ...... 424/464, 424/473 (57) ABSTRACT See application file for complete search history. A novel dosage form. The dosage form is presented in par ticulate form and before oral ingestion the particulate mate (56) References Cited rial is subjected to an aqueous medium, whereby it is con Verted to a semi-solid form by Swelling or gelling of one or U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS more of the components, especially of a gellan gum, of the 4,590,075 A 5, 1986 Wei et al. 4,824,681 A 4, 1989 Schobel et al. particulate matter. The invention also relates to a vehicle for 4,882,169 A 11, 1989 Ventouras oral administration of one or more active Substances, the 4,994.260 A 2f1991 Kallstrand et al. vehicle comprising a gellan gum arranged in a configuration 5,126,151 A 6, 1992 Bodor et al. allowing optimal water diffusion so that upon addition of a 6,102.254. A 8, 2000 ROSS predetermined amount of an aqueous medium, without the 6,395.298 B1* 5/2002 Flanagan et al...... 424/479 6,488.962 B1 12/2002 Berner et al. necessity of applying shear forces or other mixing forces, 6,709,678 B2 3, 2004 Gruber within a time period of 5 minutes or less swells and/or gels 2003/0232082 A1* 12/2003 Li et al...... 424/473 and the texture of the swelled vehicle being similar to that of 2004/O247675 A1 12, 2004 Gruber et al. a soft pudding and having a viscosity of at least about 10,000 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS cps as measured by a Brookfield Viscometer with a #4 LV spindle at 6 rpm and at 20-25°C. In one embodiment of the EP O272220 6, 1993 EP 1371 360 B1 12/2003 invention, the particulate matter can be molded into a desired JP 11-187827 7, 1999 shape or pressed onto a dispensing unit such as a spoon. JP 2004-97114 4/2004 WO WO92f1 1084 7, 1992 WO WO97/38679 A2 10, 1997 106 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Feb. 26, 2013 Sheet 1 of 10 US 8,383,154 B2

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Dissolution of 200 mg parvulet

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Fig. 2 U.S. Patent Feb. 26, 2013 Sheet 3 of 10 US 8,383,154 B2

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Fig. 4 U.S. Patent Feb. 26, 2013 Sheet 5 of 10 US 8,383,154 B2

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Fig. 7 U.S. Patent Feb. 26, 2013 Sheet 8 of 10 US 8,383,154 B2

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Fig. 8 U.S. Patent Feb. 26, 2013 Sheet 9 of 10 US 8,383,154 B2

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Fig. 9 U.S. Patent Feb. 26, 2013 Sheet 10 of 10 US 8,383,154 B2 T (O) (1) \-7 (1a) - N-27 (1b) CIT O) (2) - Sey (28) II (O) (C) / Y&27 Fig. 10 US 8,383,154 B2 1. 2 SWELLABLE DOSAGE FORM COMPRISING then be formulated into tablets or capsules meant to be swal GELLAN GUMI lowed whole. Those tablets and capsules as Such are inappro priate for patients with Swallowing difficulties. Patients (or FIELD OF THE INVENTION they providers in the case of children) are often instructed to open the capsules (or crush the tablets) and to sprinkle the The present application relates to a novel dosage form. The powder on syrup or pudding or applesauce or similar and then dosage form is presented in particulate form and before oral administered. This approach has limitations. The carrier ingestion the particulate material is subjected to an aqueous (syrup, pudding, applesauce) is not a well defined entity and medium, whereby it is converted to a semi-solid form by different carriers might interact differently with the multi Swelling or gelling of one or more of the components, espe 10 particles and/or drug and thereby compromise the treatment. cially of a gellan gum, of the particulate matter. The invention Also, children might object to the grittiness in the material. also relates to a vehicle for oral administration of one or more Syrups do not necessarily resemble types of food or bever active Substances, the vehicle comprising a gellan gum ages that children are used to consume. arranged in a configuration allowing optimal water diffusion Alternatively the powder can be formulated into efferves so that upon addition of a predetermined amount of an aque 15 cent granules or tablets. These granules or tablets are intended ous medium, without the necessity of applying shear forces or to be dissolved in an aqueous liquid requiring the provision of other mixing forces, within a time period of 5 minutes or less a glass of liquid and a waiting period Sufficient to allow the swells and/or gels and the texture of the swelled vehicle being tablet to completely dissolve and the resulting Volume might similar to that of a soft pudding and having a viscosity of at be considerable. Often, these dosage forms leave an objec least about 10,000 cps as measured by a Brookfield Viscom tionable deposit in the glass, which may represent a non eter with a #4 LV spindle at 6 rpm and at 20-25°C. ingested part of the drug. Effervescent formulations are, in In one embodiment of the invention, the particulate matter general more appropriate for adults although some commer can be moulded into a desired shape or pressed onto a dis cial vitamin preparations for children use this approach. pensing unit Such as a spoon. Another category is the fast-melting tablets meant to be put 25 on the tongue and disintegrate upon contact with Saliva. The BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION might be effervescent or non-effervescent. Yet another solu tion is to dispense the multi-particles in lozenges, chewable A recurring problem in the treatment of patients, in par tablets and chewing gum. ticular children and the elderly, is their inability or unwilling One example of these approaches was described in ness to Swallow solid oral dosage forms such as tablets or 30 Wehling et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,178.878, which relates to capsules. The problem is, however, not uncommon in healthy certain effervescent dosage forms including microparticles. adults as well. This problem is not trivial, the inability or The effervescent dosage forms of Wehling et al. provide a unwillingness of some people to take Solid oral dosage forms significant advance over the art in that they provide an effer can severely compromise the patient's compliance with a Vescent dosage form for direct oral administration. The dos prescribed treatment protocol. Moreover, due to embarrass 35 age form is designed to disintegrate rapidly in the mouth ment, many patients are unwilling to tell their doctor of their releasing its microparticles as a slurry for ingestion. The problem so that the doctor can consider other and/or dosage forms produced in accordance with Wehling et al. can alternate dosage forms. Such a lack of compliance can com be placed in the patient’s mouth and the effervescence con promise treatment or cure. tained therein will be activated by contact with the patients If an orally administered drug has such a that is 40 saliva. The tablet will then disintegrate in a number of sec acceptable to the patient and the pharmacokinetic character onds. However, the effervescence on the tongue may be istics allow reasonable administration regimens, such as once unpleasant to Some adults and to many children. or twice daily, the drug might beformulated in a syrup, elixir, Kallstrand, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,994.260 relates to a phar Suspension or other liquid dosage forms. Unfortunately, in maceutical mixture. The mixture is used for the controlled many cases the native taste of the drug is unpleasant and not 45 release of a Substance. According to Kallstrand et al., a liquid amenable to taste-masking by the addition of Sweeteners of dosage form is produced using either a dry powder or micro flavours. Also, many drugs have such pharmacokinetic capsules, which are suspended in a solution of a release parameters that demand administration at short intervals, dis controlling Substance, also referred to as a "sink. Alterna rupting sleep and other activities. The taste and/or pharma tively, it is possible to encapsulate the release-controlling cokinetic deficiencies can be corrected by the use of various 50 Substance, together with a drug, within an encapsulating coating and/or matrices and/or by modifying the crystalline shell. The release-controlling Substance may include, inter structure, etcetera. U.S. Pat. No. 6,589,955 illustrates such an alia, carbohydrates and carbohydrate-related compounds, approach. The resulting material after micro-encapsulation or disaccharides, monosaccharides, , glycol, glycosides crystallization or other strategies might be a monolithical of monosaccharides and Substances derived from ethyleneg unit, one unit containing the whole dose, or multi-particles, 55 lycol. each particle containing a fraction of the total dosage. The Boder et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,126,151 relates to an encap monolithical units are often unacceptable to people having sulation mixture. Boder et al. refers to the construction of the swallowing problems described above. The multi-par gums and candies in oral dosage forms. According to Boderet ticles must be further processed into finished dosage forms al., microcapsules are produced including a core material Such as tablets and capsules with the same limitation as the 60 which can be selected from a wide variety of materials includ monolithical units or other forms specifically designed for ing Sweeteners, medicaments, drugs, flavoring agents and the children and/or adults unable to swallow oral solid dosage like. These materials can be used, either singularly or in forms. Finally, some substances are administered in Such high combination, in either a single or multiple part delivery sys doses that the resulting tablets or capsules are either very tems. That is, one or more of these materials may be present large or that many tablets or capsules must be administered 65 within one coating matrix or maybe separately coated by the simultaneously, in either case, causing discomfort. The multi matrix and employed alone or in combination in the final particles may be presented as a powder. This powder might product. The resulting formulations are said to be able to US 8,383,154 B2 3 4 provide a masking of unpleasant tasting drugs such as potas and having a viscosity of at least about 10,000 cps as mea sium chloride and the like, making consumption of the drug sured by a Brookfield Viscometer with a #4 LV spindle at 6 more appealing to the public. The dosage forms may be rpm and at 20-25°C. prepared in chewable tablet form. Dispersing, wetting/hydrating, dissolving gelling agents in Schobel et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,824,681, and Wei et al., U.S. water to form colloidal dispersions is a notoriously difficult Pat. No. 4,590,075. Encapsulated Sweeteners have also been procedure A discussion of the general properties of colloidal used to provide an extended release of Sweetening in, for dispersions and their preparation can be foundin: Remington; example, chewing gum, see for example European patent The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 20" Edition, A. R. application EPO 87-810747 to Schobel et al. and in bakery Gennaro et al editors, published in 2000 by Lippincott Will 10 iams and Wilkins (Chapter 21). Diverse techniques are products such as disclosed in WO91-US9434 filed Dec. 17, involved, among them stirring, shaking, heating/cooling, 1991 to Redding et al. slow and gradual addition of the gelling agent to the liquid, et Further, in WO 01/76610 Simeketal describe a pharma cetera. This explains why the in the directions of use of the so ceutical composition containing or mixture of cal called “Instant Puddings” or “Instant Creams' or “Instant cium and or mixture of calcium and 15 Sauces instructions such as “add the powder slowly to the and adjuvants, presented in the form of soluble powder, which boiling water or “stir vigorously” or “let it stand for 30 by addition of liquids and mechanical mixing, forms a gelati minutes' are often found. nous Suspension resembling a pudding. In another aspect, the invention relates to a pharmaceutical U.S. Pat. No. 6,709,678 discloses an oral pharmaceutical composition for oral administration comprising one or more composition to be dispersed in an aqueous carrier prior to active Substances and a gellan gum arranged in a configura administration comprising a multiplicity of particles consist tion allowing optimal water diffusion so that upon addition of ing of a drug core individually coated with one or more layers a predetermined amount of an aqueous medium, without the with a hydratable polymer. The preferred hydratable poly necessity of applying shear forces or other mixing forces, mers are preferably alginates, carboxymethylcellulose, within a time period of 5 minutes or less, the composition hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and . 25 swells and/or gels and the texture of the swelled composition The coating is applied by conventional coating methods with being similar to that of a soft pudding and having a viscosity a powder mixture in a spheronizer or by spraying on a solu of at least about 10,000 cps as measured by a Brookfield tion or Suspension of the coating materials to the core. The Viscometer with a #4 LV spindle at 6 rpm and at 20-25°C. aim of the hydrated formulation is to obtain a formulation in In a still further aspect, the invention relates to a dispensing a single, slippery, non disintegrating mouldable coherent vis 30 unit comprising a pharmaceutical composition for oral cous plastic mass, which does not adhere to the mucosa. administration comprising one or more active Substances and WO2004/096906 A1 discloses a thickenable composition a gellan gum arranged in a configuration allowing optimal in water-containing liquid form which upon addition of water diffusion so that upon addition of a predetermined ther water increases in viscosity. The composition comprises amount of an aqueous medium, without the necessity of different anionic polymers such as Xanthan together with 35 applying shear forces or other mixing forces, within a time alginate, carboxymethyl cellulose, carrageenan, an acrylate period of 5 minutes or less, the composition Swells and/or gels polymer or pectin. and the texture of the swelled composition being similar to WO 2005/007074 A2 published on 27 Jan. 2005 discloses that of a soft pudding and having a viscosity of at least about a gellan gum based oral controlled release dosage form for 10,000 cps as measured by a Brookfield Viscometer with a #4 gastric retention. The formulation is Swallowed in a non 40 LV spindle at 6 rpm and at 20-25°C. hydrated form such as a tablet and it is expected that the The pharmaceutical composition and the dispensing unit formulation when reaching the aqueous environment of the according to the invention are intended to be contacted with a stomach would form a strong gel. small amount of water before administration and the water The present invention proposes an improvement over the induces the Swelling of the gellan gum, which makes the art by providing a Substantially water free dosage form, con 45 composition easy to ingest and at the same time provides an taining particulate material Such as, e.g., particulate units, that acceptable mouth-feel. is/are designed for the purpose of masking the taste of drug In the context of the present invention relatively small Substance(s) and/or to provide controlled release of a drug Volumes are contemplated for the ready-to-administer unit Substance or drug Substances. In turn the particulate material (meaning after exposure to water), typically in the range of 1 may be coated and/or mixed with components that, upon 50 to 100 mL, in particular 1 to 20 mL. Stirring/shaking or any exposure to water will Swell into a soft pudding-like, type of mixing would be difficult and often result in loss of like or Souffle-like semisolid mass that has a sensory-accept material thus compromising the accuracy of dosing. There able mouth-feel and taste as determined and judged by a fore it is desirable to have a composition, which, upon expo professional taste panel. Further, the invention provides a sure to water, will swell without shaking. It was found that if vehicle to be combined prior to administration with particu 55 steps are taken to ensure rapid diffusion of water into the bulk, late matter Such as microencapsulated drugs. then the desired result is achieved. The steps include: (1) Addition of very soluble Substances such as soluble Sugars. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION (2) Using gelling agents presenting as fine powders (3) Granulating the ingredients with Small amounts of binding In one aspect, the invention relates to a vehicle for oral 60 Solutions and (4) Packing the granulate (if desired) loosely. administration of one or more active Substances, the vehicle Other possible techniques are forming the components, comprising agellangum arranged in a configuration allowing typically either the gelling agents and/or the Sugars into optimal water diffusion so that upon addition of a predeter threads which can be subsequently formed into non-woven mined amount of an aqueous medium, without the necessity tissues or forming the gelling agents into films where readily of applying shear forces or other mixing forces, within a time 65 soluble substance are embedded to ensure channel of diffu period of 5 minutes or less swells and/or gels and the texture sion for the water. The last mentioned techniques might, in of the swelled vehicle being similar to that of a soft pudding turn, be combined with granulated matter. US 8,383,154 B2 5 6 In accordance with the present invention, a pharmaceutical preparation in order to intake the composition is easy and unit dosage form is provided that is dispensed as a solid, but convenient for the patient and do not require specific equip which upon contact with a measured amount of water and ment. without application of a shear force such as mixing quickly As it will appear from the description herein, the ready-to Swells to provide a semi-solid mass that easily can be orally use composition is intended to adhere to the dispensing unit ingested by a patient, in particular patients with Swallowing Such as e.g. a spoon. Furthermore, it is advantageous that the difficulties. ready-to-use composition does not fall off the dispensing unit The unit dosage form includes a plurality of particles or a and accordingly, the vehicle and/or the pharmaceutical com plurality of units. In the following the drug-containing par position must have a certain viscosity as mentioned above. In 10 specific embodiments, a vehicle and/or composition of the ticle or unit is commonly denoted "drug-containing micro invention has a viscosity in a range from about 10,000 to particle'. The drug-containing micro-particle carries at least about 99,000 cps. The viscosity can be measured using a one therapeutically, prophylactically and/or diagnostically Brookfield Viscometer with a #4 LV spindle at 6 RPM and at active Substance and, optionally, components providing taste 20-25 degrees C., or equivalent. Viscosity decreases slightly masking and/or controlled release functionality. Further, the 15 with increasing temperature. dosage form contains one or more substances that are able to The inventive formulations may also have a Brookfield swell upon contact with water. Yet further the dosage form viscosity within the range of about 10,000 cps to about 99,000 may contain taste modifiers such as Sweeteners, , pre cps at room temperature. Below about 20,000 cps, formula serving Substances, texture modifiers, color modifiers and tions tend to spill but formulations less viscous might be other additives such as binders. Importantly, the dosage form appropriate in some instances, such as reclining patients. according to the invention has properties that are acceptable Formulations exhibit desirable spill-resistant properties at a to the patient from a sensory aspect, i.e. wheningested, it does viscosity greater than about 20,000 cps. not have an unpleasant mouth-feel and/or a bad taste or odor. The ready-to-use compositions are non-Newtonian and These properties are tested by a professional taste panel con time independent fluids. Non-Newtonian refers to a fluid sisting of at least 6 persons that have been specifically 25 whose behaviour departs from that of an ideal Newtonian selected due to their tasting ability as well as to children age fluid. These fluids have different viscosities at different shear 5-6 years to evaluate whether the children would have any rates and fall under two groups: time independent and time objections to a repetitive placebo dosage according to the dependent. In contrast, for a Newtonian fluid the rate of shear present invention. in the fluid under isothermal conditions is proportional to the The drug-containing micro-particles can be prepared fol 30 corresponding stress at the point under consideration. (McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, lowing any of the conventional methods used e.g. in micro 6seaweed, locust gum, guar gelling agents mentioned herein may be used together with gum, tragacanth, acacia gum, Xanthan gum, karayagum, tara gellan gum as well. Furthermore, it is important that the 60 gum, konjac, pectins, cellulose derivatives such as: methyl Swelling takes place rapidly and without the necessity of cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methyl stirring, shaking or using any other mechanical means. This cellulose, ethyl methyl cellulose, carboxy methyl cellulose, characteristic of the vehicle (and the composition of the Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, crosslinked sodium car invention based on the vehicle) ensures that a pharmaceutical boxy methyl cellulose, enzymatically hydrolysed carboxy composition of the invention is easily transformed into a 65 methyl cellulose, gelatine, or mixtures thereof. ready-to-use composition without any other means that addi However, in a particularly preferred aspect of the inven tion of a small amount of water. Accordingly, the last-minute tion, the vehicle or composition according to the present US 8,383,154 B2 7 8 invention comprises a gellangum arranged in a configuration mine the carbohydrates preferred conformation(s). There is a allowing optimal water diffusion in order for the formulation high entropic cost (up to about 20.8 kJ mol-1 at 25°C. for a to gel and Swell within a short time and obtaining a texture totally frozen molecule) when water is bound and this must like a soft pudding or mousse and which is easy to disperse. be reclaimed, for example, by the formation of stronger or The present invention also relates to a vehicle for oral 5 extra hydrogen bonds. An additional approach to explain the administration of one or more active Substances, the vehicle adsorption of water in hydrophilic polymers in general is the comprising a Swelling and/or gelling agent selected from the theory of clusters. In this approach, the polymers are said to group consisting of hydrocolloids, gums and cellulose deriva provide adsorption sites rather than an adsorption Surface. tives, at least a part of the Swelling and/or gelling agent Certain adsorptions sites can adsorb one, two and in some arranged in a configuration allowing optimal water diffusion 10 cases more water molecules before other sites, less energeti so that upon addition of a predetermined amount of an aque cally attractive to new water molecules, adsorb their first ous medium, without the necessity of applying shear forces or water molecule. As the water content increases, the tendency other mixing forces, within a time period of 5 minutes or less for water molecules to cluster also increases, and thus grows swells and/or gels and the texture of the swelled vehicle being in size. similar to that of pudding and having a viscosity of at least 15 When the number of water molecules in a cluster reaches about 10,000 cps as measured by a Brookfield Viscometer about four, the interactive forces between the adsorption site with a #4 LV spindle at 6 rpm and at 20-25°C. and the water molecules are no longer large enough to hold In a further aspect, the invention relates to a solid dosage the cluster, and whole clusters may move from one site to form comprising an active Substance and a vehicle according another. In an free aqueous medium, Gellan gum forms to the invention. The solid dosage form may be in the form of 20 double helices at room temperature. The helices are only a unit dosage form or a dosage kit comprising a dispensing weakly associated with each other (by van der walls attrac unit incorporating the solid dosage form. Typically the dis tion). pensing unit is a spoon and the Solid dosage form may be Dynamics of Swelling: glued to the concave part of the spoon. The Swelling kinetics of hydrogels can be classified as Hydrogels—Gellan Gum 25 diffusion controlled (Fickian) and relaxation-controlled In order to swell the gel needs to absorb water and this is (non-Fickian) Swelling. associated with dimensional changes and it is necessary for Mechanical Properties: the water molecules to gain access to the inner structure of the The mechanical properties of the hydrogels are relevant for materials. The small size of the water molecule and the fact the pharmaceutical application; in the present case where it is that the material is Substantially amorphous in general offer 30 desirable that the gel formed will not slip the delivery device good possibilities of hydrogen bonding, enabling the water before applied. molecules to penetrate, and thus swell. The primary mecha Changing the degree of cross-linking by adding e.g. nism of absorption of water and desorption of drugs from will until a saturation point result in a stronger gel. Hence, hydrogels is diffusion, occurring through the space available there is an optimum degree of cross-linking to achieve a between macromolecular chains. This space is often regarded 35 relatively strong and yet elastic hydrogel, e.g. at high ionic as the "pore'. Depending on the size of these pores, hydrogels content the polysaccharides will form insoluble aggregates can be conveniently classified as (1) macro-porous; (2) which can interconnect and form a weakened gel network. micro-porous; and (3), non-porous. The meaning of the term The plurality of drug-containing micro-particles described "pore' can sometimes be confusing, as it is only a reflection above may be mixed with one or more pharmaceutically of the radius of gyration of a probe molecule, which like water 40 acceptable excipients or additives. A measured amount of may be sorbed in the system. The smallest pore (smaller in 4 Such a mixture in powder form is designed to interact with a A in radius) represents areas between the polymer chains specified amount of water to form a semisolid mass meant to where mainly bound, or inaccessible water is being held. resemble in appearance, mouthfeel, taste, texture and color, a Other areas in the gels form a polymer network (e.g. amor form of food of daily occurrence, Such as pudding, apple phous), which holds water in pores (about 10 A in radius) 45 sauce, custard, puree, etc. The interaction should lead to the within the gel structure. Bound water directly adsorbed to the desired semisolid mass in as short a period as possible and polar groups and free water fills all available space created by without the necessity to apply any external force like e.g. a Swelling within the gel. Larger pores (larger than about 10-15 shear force like mixing. In the case where the active Substance A in radius) can be cracks, voids etc, and formed due to is in the form of microencapsule, i.e. the active Substance is various treatments. The larger pores contain mainly free 50 incorporated in Small particles that e.g. is coated by a con water present in Smaller or larger quantities depending on the trolled release or taste-masking coating, a long period would size of the pore. result in release of the active Substances trapped in the par Hydration is a general term concerning the amount of ticles, thereby compromising the controlled release of the bound water but it is poorly defined. Even what is meant by drug and/or negatively affect the taste of the composition bound is very difficult to explain (or investigate) exactly and 55 and/or compromise the stability of the active substances. The has been defined as non-bulk water. Using a simplistic desirable range for the Swelling is less than 5 minutes, pref approach to polysaccharide hydration, water can be divided erably less than 3 minutes and most preferred, less than a into bound water, Subcategorized as being capable of freez minute. In particular for children, a period less than 30 sec ing or not, and unbound water, Subcategorized as being onds is further preferred as the administering adult has to trapped or not. Unbound water freezes at the same tempera- 60 control the child at the same time. Suitable excipients are any ture as normal water (<0° C. dependent on cooling rate). gelling agentoragents capable of forming a semisolid mass in In practical experience, the effects of water on polysaccha a short time when in contact with water in a temperature range ride and polysaccharide on water are complex and become from cold (ice water) to tepid (50 degrees celcius). Typically, even more complex in the presence of other materials, such as the gelling agent or agents or mixtures of gelling agents are . Water competes for hydrogen bonding sites with intra- 65 selected from the group consisting hydrocolloids such as of molecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding, certainly gellan (native, or in high acyl form or low acyl form, agar, will determine the carbohydrate's flexibility and may deter alginate, modified alginates Such as propylene glycol algi US 8,383,154 B2 10 nate, pectin, iota-carrageenan, kappa-carrageenan and furcel each other with the acetate residues on the periphery and leran, agar, processed eucheuma seaweed, locust bean gum, glyceryl groups stabilizing the interchain associations. guar gum, tragacanth, acacia gum, Xanthan gum, karayagum, Hydrogen-bonds are formed between the hydroxy methyl of tara gum, konjac, pectins, cellulose derivatives such as: 4-linked glucosyl units of one chain and the carboxylate methyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, Hydroxypropyl 5 group of other. There are ion-binding sites by both carboxy methyl cellulose, Ethyl methyl cellulose, Carboxy methyl late oxygenatoms and a hydroxyl group in one chain and two cellulose, Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, Crosslinked hydroxyl groups in the other plus one strongly bound water sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, Enzymatically hydrolysed molecule. Pairs of helices may form antiparallel junction carboxy methyl cellulose, native or modified starches, gelling Zones with Ca2+. proteins including whey proteins and caseinates, gelatine etc. 10 Functionality: A preferred gelling agent is Gellan having the following The functionality depends on the degree of acylation and chemical structure, show in low acyl form: the present. If low acylated, gellan forms Soft, elastic,


HO OH H O OH OH OH Low Acyl form

25 Comparison of Physical Properties of High Acyl and Low transparent and flexible gels but once de-acylated it forms Acyl Gellan Gum hard, non-elastic brittle gels. An important feature is the irre Vasible gelling properties where gellan gum may form an irrevasible film after dehydration, which will prevent gelling 30 Kelcogel LT100 Kelcogel F on rehydration. A gel sol transition occurs at about 50° C. (High Acyl) (Low acyl) dependent on concentration. Thermoreversible gels form on cooling in the presence of cations even at low (0.1% w/w) to Molecular Weight 1-2 x 106 Daltons 2-3 x 105 Daltons Solubility Hot water Hot or cold water very low (0.005% w/w) concentrations. Set temperature 70-80° C. 30°-50 Gellan is unique in that it forms gels with allions, including Thermo reversibility Thermo-reversible Heat stable 35 hydrogen. Gellan is compatible with a number of other gums (Xanthan, locust bean), starches and gelatin to manipulate the The molecular structure of gellan gum is straight chain type of gel, elasticity and stability. Gellan may be combined based on repeating , rhamose and glucuronic acid in mixtures producing synergistic properties which mixtures units. In its native or high acyl form, two acyl Substituents— may also include natural , natural seed gums, natu acetate and glycerate—are present. Both Substituents are 40 ral plant exudates, natural , bio-synthetic gums, located on the same glucose residue, and on average, there is bio-synthetic processed starch or cellulosic materials. More one glycerate per repeat and one acetate per every two specifically, the mixture may include alginates, agar gum, repeats. In low acylgellan gum, the acyl groups are removed guar gum, locust bean gum (carob), carrageenan, tara gum, completely. The acyl groups have a profound influence on gel , ghatti gum, Khaya grandifolia gum, tragacanth characteristics. The high acyl form produces soft, elastic, 45 gum, karaya gum, pectin, arabian (araban), Xanthan, starch, non-brittle gels, whereas the low acyl form produces firm, konjak mannan, galactomannan, funoran. non-elastics, and brittle gels. The acylated form is shown Another preferred Swelling and Swelling improving agent below. is konjak. Konjak contains 50%-60% glucomannan, 20-30%

65 Gellan gum forms a coaxial triangular 3-fold double helix starch, 2-5% fiber, 5-10% crude protein, 3-5% soluble sugars ( 56.4 A) from two left-handed chains coiled around (monosaccharide and oligosaccharide) and 3-5% ash (miner US 8,383,154 B2 11 12 als). Chemical Structure of Konjac Glucomannan (KGM) is which may be formed by addition or by condensation poly shown below. The molecular weight of KGM varied from merization, the components of which may comprise hydro 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 daltons according to konjac species or philic and hydrophobic monomers. Preferred polymers for variety, processing method and storage time of the raw mate use at the water-swellable hydrophilic polymers include rial. 5 PEO, PEG, PVP HPMC and polyacrylic acid. In a preferred embodiment, the gellan gum has a mean By “osmotically effective solutes' is meant any water particle size within 25 mesh to 300 mesh in order to allow a soluble compound that is commonly referred to in the phar suitable distribution of water into the vehicle. maceutical arts as an “osmogen' or an "oSmagent'. Typically Furthermore, in a specific embodiment, the gellan gum is classes of Suitable osmogens are water-soluble organic acids, acylated within a degree of 0 to 4 per every two repeats of the 10 salts and Sugars that are capable of imbibing water to thereby glucose-rhamnose-glucose-glucuronic acid unit of the poly affect an osmotic pressure gradient across the barrier of the mer. The vehicle or composition may contain a mixture of Surrounding matrix. Typical useful osmogens include mag gellan gums having different degrees of acylation and/or dif nesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, ferent mean particle sizes. Sodium chloride, lithium chloride, potassium Sulfate, sodium In a specific embodiment, the gellan gum has a degree of 15 carbonate, Sodium sulfite, lithium Sulfate, potassium chlo acylation of one glycerate per repeat and one acetate per every ride, Sodium sulfate, mannitol, Xylitol, urea, Sorbitol, , two repeats. raffinose, , glucose, , lactose, inulin, instant As mentioned above, the presence of gellan gum in a Sugar, citric acid, Succinic acid, tartaric acid, and mixtures vehicle or a composition according to the invention may lead thereof. Particularly preferred osmogens are glucose, lactose, to a porous hydrogel when contacted with water Such as, e.g., 20 Sucrose, mannitol, Xylitol and sodium chloride. a micro-porous hydrogel havingapore size of at the most 4A Electrolytes or a macro-porous hydrogel having a pore size of from about The electrolyte’s greater hydrophilicity than the other for 4 to about 15 A. mulation components allows it to hydrate preferentially in



Mannose Mannose Glucose Glucose

Some of the factors there can effect the swelling include comparison to the Surrounding polymers and the drug mol pH, ionic strengths, and temperature. The behaviours of the ecules. This peripheral matrix-hardening creates a control different hydrogels as drug carrier, is well known. The behav 40 lable micro-environment within the hydrated layer, and make iour of e.g. Gellangum is quite different from that of PVP and the formulation robust again variable ion strengths from PEO, respectively. In fact, although the gel Gellan Gum with added water to the matrix. cations shows a very well ordered and regular structure both The use of e.g. alkalizing agents to preserve internal dosage in the Solid state and in Solution, when it is tested as a matrix 45 form pH though the acid regions of the upper gastrointestinal it Swells up and it is rapidly dispersed, leading to a quite fast tract is well established. release of the API (active substance). One advantage of maintaining a constant internal pH is that As mentioned above, a vehicle or a composition according a very soluble drug in 0.1M HCl may be made less soluble if to the invention may further comprise an agent that improves the environmental pH is above the pKa-value of the drugs. Swelling of the gellan gum. Such an agent may be a hydro 50 Through the application of colloidal chemistry principles, it is philic agent selected from the group consisting of electro possible to provide pH-control via a formulation component lytes, organic acids and osmotic agents, and mixtures thereof. that is also active as a release controlling within a Osmotic Agents hydrophilic matrix. By the term "osmotic agent' is meant any agent which A vehicle or composition according to the invention may creates a driving force for transport of water or media (aq) 55 also comprise a pH-adjusting agent selected from the group from the environment of use into the matrix. Exemplary consisting of any material which is suitable to adjust the pH of osmotic agents are water swell able or water soluble. The an aqueous gel Such as, e.g., sodium bicarbonate, Sodium vehicle or composition according to the invention may phosphate, Sodium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, include water-swell able hydrophilic polymers, both ionic Sodium stannate, triethanolamine, citric acid, hydrochloric and non-ionic, often refers to as “osmopolymers' and hydro 60 acid, Sodium citrate, and combinations thereof. Generally, if gels. Exemplary materials include hydrophilic vinyl and acryl present, the pH adjusting agent is present in an amount So as polymers, poly saccharides, PEO, PEG, PPG, poly(2-hy to adjust the pH of the gel formed upon addition of an aqueous droxyethyl methacrylate), poly(acrylic)acid, poly(meth medium to about 4.5 to about 11, preferably from about 5 to acrylic)acid, PVP, PVA, PVA/PVP copolymers, HEC, HPC, about 9, and more preferably from about 5 to about 8. A HPMC, CMC, CEC, sodium alginate, polycarbophil, gelatine 65 Suitable amount is normally in an amount of from about and Sodium starch glycolate. Other materials include hydro 0.01% to about 15% w/w such as, e.g., from about 0.05% to gels comprising interpenetrating networks of polymers, about 5% w/w. US 8,383,154 B2 13 14 Upon ingestion, gastric fluid enter into the dosage form, hydrophobic groups. Hydrophobic groups collapse in the causing the composition to hydrate and activates the pH and presence of water, thus minimizing their exposed to the water release-controlling characteristics of the excipients. molecule. A suitable electrolyte for use according to the invention is pH-Sensitive Hydro Gels a ionizable Substance that is selected from the group consist The hydrogels which exhibiting pH dependent swelling ing of monovalent, divalent, or multivalent ionizable salts. behaviour will in aqueous media of appropriate pH and ionic More specifically, the Salt is selected from inorganic salts, strengths be ionized. As a result in of the electrostatic repul including various alkali metal and/or alkaline earth metal sions, the uptake of water in the network is increased. Ionic Sulfates, chlorides, borates, bromides, etc., and ionizable hydrogels are Swollen polymer networks containing pendant alkaline earth organic salts such as citrates, acetates, lactates, 10 groups, such as carboxylic acid, which show Sudden or etc. gradual changes in their dynamic and equilibrium behaviour In specific embodiments, the salt is selected from calcium as a result of changing the external pH. In these gels, ioniza Sulfate, sodium chloride, potassium sulfate, sodium carbon tion occurs when the ph of the environment is above the pKa ate, lithium chloride, tripotassium phosphate, Sodium borate, of the ionisable group. As degree of ionization increases the potassium bromide, potassium fluoride, Sodium bicarbonate, 15 number offixed charges increases resulting in increased elec calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, Sodium citrate, trostatic repulsions between the chains. This in turn, results in Sodium acetate, calcium lactate, magnesium sulfate, alkali an increased hydrophilicity of the network, and greater Swell metal chlorides, sodium fluoride, organic acids such S citric, ing ratio. The Swelling of polyelectrolyte gels is significantly Succinic, fumaric, malic, maleic, glutaric, lactic and the like; affected by the ionic strengths of the Swelling agent. As the alkali metal Sulfates such as sodium sulfate; dihydrogen ionic strengths of the Swelling agent increases, the concen Sodium phosphate, monohydrogen Sodium phosphate, diso tration of ions within the gel must increase in order to satisfy dium hydrogen phosphate, and mixtures thereof, and multi the Donnan equilibrium. valent metal cations. Notably, the salt is calcium sulfate or A vehicle or composition according to the invention may sodium chloride. also comprise one or more pharmaceutically acceptable Organic Acids 25 excipients or additive. The present formulations may also contain organic acids to Excipients delay dissolution rate in the acid media and/or to increase the A wetting agent may be used such as one or more selected dissolution rate in buffer at pH 6.8 or to ensure drug stability from the group consisting of pharmaceutically acceptable with time and provide a substantially pH independent disso anionic Surfactants, cationic Surfactants, amphoteric (amphi lution profile. 30 pathic/amphophilic) surfactants, and non-ionic Surfactants The organic acids are chosen to cover a solubility and including poloxamer, PEG, and PEO; alkane metal sulfates, pKa-values range, in order to cover a range of pH and to help wherein the alkyl group is from 1 to 14 carbon atoms, such as controlling the release mechanism. The aim is to obtain the sodium methylsulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate and the like as same release time in both buffer 6.8 and in 0.1M HCl. Phar well as dioctyl sodium sulfoSuccinate. maceutically acceptable organic acids are e.g. Benzoic acid, 35 In a specific embodiment of the invention, a vehicle or Succinic acid, Citric acid and Adipic acid but can include composition further comprises glycerol, cf. the examples other pharmaceutically approved organic acids. herein. Ionic Strengths Suitable excipients and/or additives may be selected from An increase in electrostatic repulsion, by adding e.g. the group consisting of Surfactants, coloring agents, Sweeten monovalent or/and divalent metal ions (natively present or 40 ing agents, taste-masking agents, antioxidants, polysaccha introduced in the formulation) also promotes a Swelling until rides, Sugars, wetting agents, UV-absorbers, Suspending a saturation point. The driving force necessary to expand the agents, stabilizers, solubilizers, preservatives, processing material during Swelling is the electrostatic repulsion aids, pH controlling agents, plasticizers, odor masking between different ionic groups with the same charges. The agents, nutrients, flavouring agents, flavour masking agents, nature of the counter ions is thus of extremely importance for 45 emulsifiers, thickening agents, dispersing agents, crystal the degree of Swelling of Such charged gel-like systems. grow inhibitors, crystallization promoters, chelating agents, Changing the ionic content in the formulation will affect the buffers, bases, and , and mixtures thereof. water uptake. The nature of the ions (ion pair) has a profound In order to ensure an effective interaction of the water with effect on the characteristics of the water adsorption due to the the gelling agent or agents, the addition of a cation and/or different ability of the ion pair to dissociate. 50 sequestering agent to the mixture might be desirable and is The ion pairs will compete with the hydrogel about the generally depending on the Swelling agent or mixtures hereof. water molecules, and can thereby increase the hydration and Examples of Suitable cations and sequestering agents which decrease the solubility of the hydrogel, respectively, which may be added to cause this gelling agent to gel are well known can stabilise the gel formation. to persons skilled in the art and include Na+, Ca", K" and H", Physical and Chemical Properties of Hydrogels 55 Sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, The cross linking ratio is one of the most important factors EDTA, citric acid, sodium citrate and other citric acid salts, that effects the swelling of hydrogels. It is defined as the ratio phosphoric acid, dicalcium phosphate and tetrasodium pyro of moles of cross linking agent to the moles of polymer phosphate. repeating units. The higher the cross linking ratio, the more An excipient for use in a dosage form according to the cross linking agent is incorporated in the hydrogel structure. 60 present invention may also include one or more other com Highly cross linked hydrogels have a tighter structure, and ponents generally known for use in food products, such as will swell less compared to the same hydrogel with lower flavourings, colourings, Sugar and/or other Sweeteners, pre cross linking ratios. Cross linking hinders the mobility of the servatives, buffering agents, texturing agents, , colloids, polymer chains, hence lowering the Swelling ratio. The Suspended solids, etc., to give the a desired texture and/or chemical structure of the polymer may also affect the swell 65 appearance. The amounts of such components are not critical ing ratio of the hydrogels. Hydrogel contains hydrophilic to the invention and may be adjusted according to taste and groups Swell to a higher degree compare to those containing according to the flavour/texture characteristics desired of the US 8,383,154 B2 15 16 mixture of the invention. The pH of the mixture might be the composition Swells and/or gels and the texture of the adjusted to the requirements of the active Substance(s). Swelled composition being similar to that of a soft pudding Excipients Used to Change the Hydration and Diffusion of and having a viscosity of at least about 10,000 cps as mea Water into the Matrix System sured by a Brookfield Viscometer with a #4 LV spindle at 6 While the slow swelling property is the one that also made rpm and at 20-25°C. hydrogels useful in controlled drug delivery, many applica All the details and particulars mentioned hereinbefore tions required fast Swelling (i.e. Swelling in a matter of min relating to other aspects of the invention apply mutatis mutan utes or seconds rather than hours) of dried hydrogels. dis to this aspect. Being a water soluble polysaccharide e.g. Gellan gum can The pharmaceutical composition or the dosage form of the be difficult to disperse in water due to the formation of a film 10 layer around each Gellan gum particle. This leads to the invention includes a plurality of drug-containing micro-par formation of large agglomerates (lumps), which, due to the ticles. Each micro-particle carries at least one active Sub protective film layer, are very difficult for the water molecules stance and, optionally, components providing taste masking to penetrate. and/or controlled release functionality. The micro-particles The less soluble the Gellangum is the easier the dispersion, 15 can be produced using know micro-encapsulation or by inte other factors which decrease the solubility of Gelangum will gration into a matrix or by crystallization. The particles may improve the dispersibility. be further fragmented to reduce the particle size. The pre Different formulation initiative, by e.g. incorporation of ferred embodiments are those where the particles are small so hydrophilic excipients, can change the hydration, and Swell as to be imperceptible or nearly imperceptible to the patient, ing rate: visually and/or tactilely, in particular on the tongue. The Fast Swelling is usually done by making very Small par preferred embodiments are those where the particle size is ticles of dried hydrogels. The extremely short diffusion path less than 500 micrometers and best less than 200 microme length of micro particles makes it possible to complete Swell ters. However, if the retention in the mouth of even a few ing in a matter of seconds or minutes. particles after a few minutes is not desired (because, for By creating pores that are interconnected to each other 25 example, the taste being masked leaks), the particles should throughout the hydrogel matrix. The interconnected pores not be smaller than 100 micrometers so they are not retained allow for fast absorption of water by capillary force. A simple in crevices in the pouth or between papillae on the tongue, method of making porous hydrogel includes, produce gas unless the cohesiveness of the semisolid vehicle ensures that bubbles by adding sodium bicarbonate to generate carbon all particles are swallowed with the vehicle. dioxide bubbles, and generation of gas bubbles makes the 30 In another aspect of this invention, the active substances do foam rise. not require controlled release or taste masking but, because of Another approach is to separate the hydrogel particles stability problems, in particular they can not be from each other before contact with water. If the hydrogel formulated in water containing dosage forms; also the particles are right next to each other then they all try to swell approach may be useful if very large doses are to be admin at the same time, and weld themselves together into one large, 35 istered. Accordingly, in one aspect of the invention a dosage slow to hydrate lump. If the pectin particles are all slightly form is provided having a water content of at the most about separated from each other when they contact the water, then 5% w/w such as, e.g., at the most about 4% w/w, at the most they all have enough room to go through their initial expan about 3% w/w, at the most about 2% w/w, at the most about sion. To achieve a fast hydration, and thereby swelling for the 1% w/w or at the most about 0.5% w/w. matrix system it is preferable to added hydrophilic or/and ion 40 The dosage form may be dispensed as a granulate in bulk or pair formation excipients. further processed into discrete units. The discrete units may Hydrophilic Excipients: be capsules or cachets or filled with a measured Known excipients can be blended with the molecular or amount of granulate meant to be opened and the contents dispersed dosage form to provide a controllable water diffu poured onto a measured amount of water. However, the cap sion/drug release mechanism. 45 Sules or cachets or Sachets may be made from fast dissolving Vehicle Form materials such as water Soluble polymer films, woven or A vehicle according to the invention may have any Suitable non-woven fabrics made of water soluble materials such as form such as, e.g., in the form of a powder blend, in the form candy floss. Further, the capsules or cachets or Sachets might of granules, beads, oblates or pellets, or in the form of a be made of gelling polymers such as those described for the granulate. Any additive or excipient, if present, may be incor 50 mixture. porated e.g. in the granules etc, or it may be loosely added e.g. The discrete units may also be tablets meant to be put into after formation of a granulate. As mentioned hereinbefore, a measured amount of water. In producing the tables, atten the vehicle may be admixed with one or more active sub tion must be paid to the fact that, the more the material is stances, i.e. the active Substance may be incorporated in the compacted, the more difficult the penetration of water into the granules etc., or it may be added after formation e.g. of a 55 unit will be. Therefore, the production method for the tablets granulate. The active Substance may also be present in a must be adapted. Production methods might include low coated and/or microencapsulated form or embedded in a pressure compression, extruding, molding and calendaring. matrix, or in a form that allows for controlled release of the In a specific embodiment of interest, the discrete units may active Substance. be in the form of a disposable spoon where the granulated is Compositions 60 fastened, typically by using a hydrocolloid solution as a As mentioned above, the present invention also relates to a binder and drying. Such a unit is illustrated in FIG.1. To this pharmaceutical composition for oral administration compris end, it is extremely important that the dosage form of the ing one or more active Substances and a gellan gum arranged drug-containing micro-particles is designed so that a Suitable in a configuration allowing optimal water diffusion so that texture of the dosage form is obtained after addition of a upon addition of a predetermined amount of an aqueous 65 predetermined amount of an aqueous medium Such as water medium, without the necessity of applying shear forces or without the necessity of employing any shear force Such as other mixing forces, within a time period of 5 minutes or less, e.g. mechanical mixing or stirring. US 8,383,154 B2 17 18 The dosage form might also be formed into a tape or Release Mechanisms for API Incorporated in a Primary laminate, with or without the help of water soluble polymer Based Hydro Gels: films, woven or non-woven fabrics made of water soluble In development of an a delivery system, three significant materials such as candy floss. This laminate can then be cut phenomena (simplified) must be taken into account simulta into discrete portions or dispensed as such, so the user can cut neously, it to the required dose/size. Diffusion of water, drug, excipients and disentangled poly In some cases, where the purity of the water is an important merchains, factor. Such as when presence or absence of given ions might Polymer hydration and swelling, interfere with the gelling process, it might be desirable to Drug, excipient and polymer dissolution. 10 Furthermore, in a formulation containing an API, dispense the water alongside the granulate. In the case of a polymer(s), and excipients, three different kinds of interac Satchet it might be dispensed as a two compartment plastic tion may affect the release of the API: (i) the API may interact bag, one compartment containing the granulate, the other the with the polymer, (ii) the drug may interact with the excipi water. In the case of the spoon, a reservoir might be built-into ents, and (iii) the excipients may interact with the polymer(s) the handle of the spoon. 15 matrix. The rate of API release can be successfully controlled Conventional coating procedures and equipment may then by controlling these interactions. be used to coat or embed the drug-containing micro-particles, The dissolution rate is often influenced by a) composition i.e., the drug-containing beads or particles. For example, a and level of drugs and other additives within the matrix, and delayed release coating composition may be applied using a b) composition and ionic strengths of electrolytes in the dis coating pan, an airless spray technique, fluidized bed coating Solution medium. equipment, or the like. For detailed information concerning It is possible to control or/and change the release rate of the materials, equipment and processes for preparing beads, drug drug from the polymer by varying e.g. the physical-chemical particles, and delayed release dosage forms, reference may be properties of the active drug, excipients or/and the polymer made to Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Tablets, eds. Lieber system. Extremely simplified, by adding more soluble excipi man et al. (New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1989), and to 25 ents compared to the API solubility, will to some extent Ansel et al., Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Deliv increase the release rate of the matrix system, and opposite for ery Systems, 6' Ed. (Media, Pa.; Williams & Wilkins, 1995). more hydrophobic excipients the release rate will be slowed Drug Delivery (Release) from the Composition down. When e.g. adding very soluble excipients, the network Swelling-Controlled System: becomes more and more porous upon drug depletion. Con 30 sequently, the free Volume increases, and thus polymer dis Formulations consisting of hydrophilic matrixes, and from entanglement increases giving rise to higher diffusion con which the drug release is controlled by the inward flux of stants and thus faster dissolution. Solvent molecules and consequent Swelling of the polymer The physical-chemical properties of the matrix (composi matrix, are often referred to as a Swelling-controlled systems. tion) components will alter the intermolecular forces, free In these systems, the drug are initially dissolved or dispersed 35 Volume, glass transition temperature, and consequently, can in the glassy polymers. Upon contact with fluids (pre-hydra alter the transport mechanisms. tion with water or/and biological fluids), the polymer matrix In general, Solubility of drug molecule itself crucially gov begins to swell and two distinct phases can be observed in the erns the rate and extent of diffusion release in both the matrix polymer: the inner glassy phase and the Swollen rubbery system, and the delivery sites. For diffusion to occur, the first phase. The drug molecule are able to diffuse out of the out of 40 step is wetting of the drug by water, followed by its dissolu the rubbery phase of the polymer. Clearly, the drug release is tion to enable the drug molecule to be available in molecular. controlled by the velocity and position of the glass-rubbery Hence, the net release rate observed is a cumulative effect of interface. A very important phenomenon of macromolecular drug solubility (influence by its structure, molecular weight, relaxation takes place at the glass-rubbery interface, and sig pKa), polymer property (hydrophilicity/lipophilicity, nificant affects the drug release. 45 molecular weight, tortuosity), excipients (structure, molecu This is due to the fact that the matrix is exposed to continu lar weight, solubility, pKa) and the relative ratio of drug/ ous changes in its structure and thickness. The gel layer is a polymer, and excipient/polymer in the unit. hydrophilic barrier that can controls water penetration and Initial Load/Dissolution Profiles drug diffusion. It begins when the polymer becomes hydrated Various factors contribute to the overall control of drug and Swells. Here, the polymer chains are strongly entangled 50 release, such as the solubility of the drug within the bulk fluid, in a network, and the gel layer is highly resistant. However, drug load, the size of the drug molecule, and its mobility moving away from this Swelling position, the gel layer within the swollen polymeric network. becomes progressively more hydrated and, when Sufficient In the case of poorly water-soluble drugs (solubility <1 g water has accumulated, the chains disentangle and the poly drug/100 mL solution) or high initial loadings of moderately mer dissolves. 55 water soluble drugs (1 g drug/10 mL Solution), dissolved and In matrix systems, which are also diffusion-controlled, the non-dissolved drug coexist within the composition. If the drug can be either dissolved or dispersed in throughout the total amount of drug exceeds the amount, which is soluble network of the hydrogel. under the actual conditions, it exceeds the amount Soluble There are different approaches to controlling the release under the actual conditions, the excess is considered to be rate from the matrix system. Some of the major formulation 60 non-dissolved and thus not available for diffusion. parameters, which can be varied to adjust the resulting release With decreasing drug solubility the concentration differ patterns to designing a new oral controlled release system can ence during drug release (matrix position vs. bulk fluid) include: decreases, and thus the driving force for drug diffusion out of The initial drug loading the matrix decreases. Under theses conditions a decrease of The API solubility 65 the porosity of the matrix upon drug depletion (due to an Type of matrix forming polymers increase initial drug loading) has probably a more pro Type and load of hydrophilic/hydrophobic excipients nounced effect on the resulting absolute drug release rate than US 8,383,154 B2 19 20 in the case of e.g. freely soluble drugs, and thus higher diffu The composition of the invention may be dispensed in any sion driving forces. Consequently, the critical initial drug suitable device. Preferably the device is made of a suitable loading increases with decreasing drug solubility. material Such as a plastic based material or glass or metal, The effect of the initial drug loading of the tablet on the preferable a disposable material. In order to adhere to the resulting release kinetic is more complex in the case of poorly 5 device it is preferred that the device has a concave surface. soluble drugs compared to freely water soluble drugs. Spoons or devices having similar shape and function are With decreasing drug solubility the concentration differ Suitable in the present context. ence during drug release (matrix position vs. bulk fluid) Active Substances decreases, and thus the driving force for drug diffusion out of In a specific embodiment the vehicle according to the the matrix decreases. Under these conditions, decrease of the 10 invention comprises one or more active Substances. The porosity of the matrix upon depletion (due to an increased active Substance may be present in admixture with the initial drug loading) has probably a more pronounced effect vehicle, it may be present in the granulate comprising the on the resulting drug release rate than in the case of higher Swelling and/or gelling agent, it may be present in microen drug solubility. Consequently, the critical initial drug loading capsulated form or embedded in a matrix, and/or it may be (above which the relative release rate increases) increases 15 present in a form that allows for controlled release of the with decreasing drug solubility. These phenomena are not active Substance. straightforward and have to be taken into account when “Drug substances” or “active substances' in accordance designing the new formulation. with the present invention include systematically distribut With respect to the blending of the vehicle according to the able therapeutically, prophylactically and/or diagnostically present invention it should be noticed whether any of the active Substances, vitamins, minerals, dietary Supplements, desires excipients or active drugs have a solubility consider as well as non-systemically distributable active Substances. able below that of gellangum as the Substance may decrease Therapeutically, prophylactically and/or diagnostically the hydration of the gellan gum. In Such cases the Substance active Substances may include, without limitation, antacids, should be added to a premixture of other ingredients, which , anti-inflammatories, , laxatives, anor pre mixture or blend preferable is granulated before adding 25 exics, , antiasthmatics, antidiuretics, antiflatu the substance with lower solubility. In cases where one of the ents, antimigraine agents, antispaspodics, sedatives, antihy ingredients is capable of Solubilizing the gellan gum, the peractives, antihypertensives, tranquilizers, decongestants, same procedure is to be used in order to prevent any solubi beta blockers and combinations thereof. Also encompassed lizing of the gellan gum which will otherwise result in by the terms “drug substances” and “active substances are decreased gelling capacity. 30 the drugs and pharmaceutical active ingredients described in Particle and Granular Sizes: Mantelle U.S. Pat. No. 5,234,957 includes 18 through 21. Although it is not required, it is preferred that the API, This text is hereby incorporated by reference. gellan gum, hydro gel(s), and excipients is in particulate With respect to the individual dosages of the active to be form. The particles should, as a general rule, be of a size. Such incorporated in the novel dosage form this will follow the that, the matrix can hydrate Sufficiently, and equally through 35 general recommendations known to the skilled person and are out the matrix. To prevent segregation, and consequently generally calculated based on the body weight or body Sur inhomogen products it would be preferable to formulate with face, especially for children, and the daily dosage may natu uniform particle sizes, with exception of PVP wherein it can rally be divided in several dosages according to conventional also be an advantage to have Smaller particles. A Suitable treatment regimens for the active Substance in question. granular size should be between 350-500 um. Furthermore it 40 Depending of the actual amount, a dosage may be present in is an advantage to seal the material after fastened the discrete a single spoon or similar dosing device or in several spoons to units on a delivering device. The fastening is easily done by be ingested. Alternatively, the actual dosage can be measured spraying the device with a glue to adhere the discrete unit to based the content per Volume of a pre-prepared product simi the device. Such glue may be produced by mixing a volatile lar with dosing from bottles of mixtures generally employed liquid with a binder until a clear solution is achieved, and the 45 with liquid formulations. formulation is transferred to e.g. by use of an aerosol can to The active Substance administered may be any compound the device. Such as a spoon the Volatile liquid is evaporated that is suitable for oral drug administration; examples of the from the spoon in an oven, and thus the device Surface is various classes of active Substances that can be administered Sticky. using the present dosage forms include, but are not limited to: The layer thickness of the applied mixtures varies greatly 50 agents; agents; antiarthritic agents; res and depends on the processing method or the quantity of piratory drugs; anticancer agents; anticholinergics; anticon additional Substances. The thickness ranges from 1-100 um, Vulsants; ; antidiabetic agents; antidiarrheals; preferably from 10-50 um. This corresponds to a binder appli antihelminthics; antihistamines; antihyperlipidemic agents; cation of 0.1-5 wt.%. antihypertensive agents; anti-infective agents such as antibi The desired dose of the formulation to be applied to the 55 otics and antiviral agents; antiinflammatory agents; antimi device is weight out separately and distributed by pressing the graine preparations; antinauseants; antineoplastic agents; granules against the spoon with a stopper to a thin layer. The antiparkinsonism drugs; antipruritics; antipsychotics; anti layer thickness will dependent on the formulation, but pref pyretics; ; antitubercular agents; antiulcer erable approximately 2 mm in height in the bottom, and sides agents and other gastrointestinally active agents; antiviral of the spoon. The glue attaches the material to the device. 60 agents; anxiolytics; appetite Suppressants; attention deficit When the composition is applied to the device, the glue may disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder be in liquid form or in Solution selected from the group (ADHD) drugs; cardiovascular preparations including cal consisting of Sugar , Sugars, polyvinylpyrrolidone cium channel blockers, CNS agents, and vasodilators; beta (PVP), gums. Other binders may be employed. Normally, the blockers and antiarrhythmic agents; central nervous system binder is dissolved in a volatile solvent. As it appears from the 65 ; cough and cold preparations, including deconges examples herein, an especially suitable glue or adhesive agent tants; diuretics; genetic materials; herbal remedies; hor comprises a mixture of PVP and glycerol. monolytics; hypnotics; hypoglycemic agents; immunosup US 8,383,154 B2 21 22 pressive agents; leukotriene inhibitors; mitotic inhibitors; trifluridine, Valacyclovir, Vidarabine, didanosine, stavudine, muscle relaxants; antagonists; nutritional agents, Zalcitabine, , , interferon alpha, ribavi Such as vitamins, essential amino acids and fatty acids; para rin and ; and miscellaneous agents sympatholytics; peptide drugs; psychoStimulants; sedatives; Such as , , B ; sympathomimetics; and tranquilizers. (), , , methenamine mandelate Several known drugs are substantially insoluble or only and methenamine hippurate. slightly soluble in water and accordingly difficult to formu Anti-diabetic agents. These include, by way of example, late in Solutions and Suspensions for administration to chil , , , , dren, elderly or other subjects having difficulties in Swallow , glucagon, glyburide, , , tolaza ing and Such drugs are therefore of particular interest 10 mide, , triampterine, and . according to the present invention and include, by way of Analgesics. Non- analgesic agents include apaZone, example, the following: , difenpiramide, indomethacin, meclofenamate, Gastrointestinally active substances. Gastrointestinally , , phenylbutaZone, , and active Substances are particularly preferred drugs that can be , opioid analgesics include , buprenor administered using the present dosage forms. These types of 15 phine, , , drocode, , hydroc drugs include agents for inhibiting gastric acid secretion, Such odone, , , meperidine, metha as the H. Sub.2 antagonists , , done, , nalbuphine, , , , and , the H. Sup.+, K. Sup.+-ATPase , propoxyphene, , and . inhibitors (also referred to as “proton pump inhibitors') ome Anti-inflammatory agents. Anti-inflammatory agents prazole and lanSoprazole, and antacids such as calcium car include the anti-inflammatory agents, e.g., the bonate, aluminum hydroxide, and magnesium hydroxide. propionic acid derivatives as , , ibu Also included within this general group are agents for treating profen, , , , indoprofen, with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), such as met pirprofen, carprofen, oxaprozin, pranoprofen, , ronidazole, , , , tetracy alminoprofen, butibufen, and fenbufen, apaZone; ; cline, , and bismuth compounds (e.g., bismuth 25 difenpiramide; ; etodolac; indomethacin; , subcitrate and bismuth subsalicylate). Other gastrointesti meclofenamate: ; phenylbutaZone, piroxicam, nally active Substances administrable using the present dos ; and tolmetin. Steroidal anti-inflammatory agents age forms include, but are not limited to, pentagastrin, car include hydrocortisone, hydrocortisone-21-monoesters (e.g., benoXolone, Sulfated polysaccharides such as Sucralfate, hydrocortisone-21-acetate, hydrocortisone-21-butyrate, prostaglandins such as misoprostol, and muscarinic antago 30 hydrocortisone-21-propionate, hydrocortisone-21-valerate, nists such as pirenzepine and telenzepine. Additionally etc.), hydrocortisone-17,21-diesters (e.g., hydrocortisone included are antidiarrheal agents, antiemetic agents and pro 17,21-diacetate, hydrocortisone-17-acetate-21-butyrate, kinetic agents such as ondansetron, granisetron, metoclopra hydrocortisone-17,21-dibutyrate, etc.), alclometasone, dex mide, , , , amethasone, flumethasone, , and methylpred , thiethylperazine, , domperi 35 nisolone. done, trimethobenzamide, , motilin, , Anti-convulsantagents. Suitable anti-convulsant (anti-Sei , and . Zure) drugs include, by way of example, aZetazolamide, car Anti-microbial agents. These include: quinolone antibiot bamazepine, clonazepam, cloraZepate, , etho ics Such as , and particularly fluorinated qui toin, , , mephenyloin, mephobarbital, nolone antibiotics such as , , 40 phenyloin, , , , , , , , lom vigabatrin, , and the . BenZodiaz efloxacin, , , , , epines, as is well known, are useful for a number of indica , and , antibiotics and tions, including , insomnia, and . related compounds (, , CNS and respiratory stimulants. CNS and respiratory , methacycline, , , 45 stimulants also encompass a number of active agents. These ); macrollide antibiotics such as , stimulants include, but are not limited to, the following: Xan clarithromycin, and ; antibiotics thines Such as and ; Such Such as quinupristin and dalfopristin; beta-lactamantibiotics, as , hydrochloride, dextroam including (e.g., G, penicillin VK), anti phetamine, Sulfate, levamphetamine, staphylococcal penicillins (e.g., , , 50 levamphetamine hydrochloride, , and , and ), extended spectrum penicillins (e.g., methamphetamine hydrochloride; and miscellaneous stimu such as amplicillin and amoxicillin, and the lants such as , methylphenidate hydrochlo antipseudomonal penicillins such as ), and ride, , , , and Sibutramine (e.g., , , cephalexin, cefa hydrochloride. Zolin, , , , , ceftazi 55 Neuroleptic agents. Neuroleptic drugs include antidepres dime, and ), and such as , Sant drugs, antimanic drugs, and antipsychotic agents, and ; antibiotics Such wherein drugs include (a) the tricyclic antide as , , , , and neo pressants such as , , , mycin; glycopeptide antibiotics such as ; Sulfona , , , , nortrip mide antibiotics Such as , Sulfabenzamide, Sul 60 tyline, , and , (b) the serotonin fadiazine, , , Sulfamethazine, reuptake inhibitors , , , par , and ; anti-mycobacterials oxetine, , and , (c) monoamine oxidase Such as , rifampin, , , pyraZina inhibitors such as phenelzine, , and (-)-sel mide, , aminosalicylic, and ; sys egiline, and (d) other, "atypical antidepressants such as temic agents such as itraconazole, , 65 Zodone, and Venlafaxine, and wherein antimanic fluconazole, and ; antiviral agents such as and antipsychotic agents include (a) Such as acyclovir, famcicylovir, ganciclovir, idoxuridine, Sorivudine, , acetophenazine maleate, chlorpromazine, US 8,383,154 B2 23 24 chlorpromazine hydrochloride, fluiphenazine, fluiphenazine protective agents such as dexraZOxane and leucovorin; and hydrochloride, fluiphenazine enanthate, fluiphenazine vasodilators such as nitroglycerin; and diuretic agents such as decanoate, , mesoridazine besylate, perphena , , , ethacrynic zine, , thioridazine hydrochloride, trifluopera acid, torsemide, azosemide, muZolimine, , and tri zine, and hydrochloride, (b) pamide. Such as , thiothixene, and thiothixene hydro Anti-viral agents. Antiviral agents that can be delivered chloride, and (c) other heterocyclic drugs such as carbam using the present dosage forms include the antiherpes agents azepine, , , , haloperidol acyclovir, famciclovir, foscamet, ganciclovir, idoxuridine, decanoate, Succinate, , molindone hydro sorivudine, trifluridine, Valacyclovir, and vidarabine; the anti chloride, , , , , and 10 retroviral agents didanosine, stavudine, Zalcitabine, and . Zidovudine; and other antiviral agents such as amantadine, Hypnotic agents and sedatives include clomethiazole, ethi interferon alpha, ribavirin and rimantadine. namate, etomidate, glutethimide, , methypry Sex steroids. The sex steroids include, first of all, progesto lon, Zolpidem, and (e.g., amobarbital, apropbar gens such as acetoxypregnenolone, , anagestone bital, butabarbital, butalbital, mephobarbital, methohexital, 15 acetate, acetate, , cyproterone , phenobarbital, secobarbital, thiopental). acetate, , dihydrogesterone, , ethis Anxiolytics and tranquilizers include benzodiazepines terone (17.alpha.-ethinyltestoster-one), ethynodiol diacetate, (e.g., alprazolam, brotizolam, chlordiazepoxide, clobazam, fluorogestone acetate, gestadene, hydroxyprogesterone, clonazepam, clorazepate, demoxepam, diazepam, estazolam, hydroxyprogesterone acetate, hydroxyprogesterone flumazenil, flurazepam, halazepam, , midazolam, caproate, hydroxymethylprogesterone, hydroxymethyl nitrazepam, nordazepam, oxazepam, prazepam, quaZepam, acetate, 3-ketodesogestrel, , temazepam, triazolam), , chlordiazepoxide, and , , acetate, droperidol. , , acetate, norethin Anticancer agents, including antineoplastic agents: Pacli drone, norethindrone acetate, , norethisterone taxel, , camptothecin and its analogues and deriva 25 acetate, norethynodrel, , , norg tives (e.g., 9-aminocamptothecin, 9-nitrocamptothecin, estrienone, normethisterone, and progesterone. Also included 10-hydroxy-camptothecin, irinotecan, topotecan, within this general class are , e.g.: (i.e., 20-O-beta.-glucopyranosyl camptothecin), taxanes (bacc 1.3.5-estratriene-3,17.beta.-diol, or “ 17.beta.-estradiol) and atins, cephalomannine and their derivatives), carboplatin, cis its esters, including , Valerate, cypionate, platin, interferon-alpha. Sub.2A, interferon-alpha. Sub.2B, 30 heptanoate, decanoate, acetate and diacetate; 17.alpha.-estra interferon-alpha. Sub.N3 and other agents of the interferon diol; (i.e., 17.alpha.-ethinylestradiol) and family, levamisole, altretamine, cladribine, tretinoin, procar esters and ethers thereof, including ethinylestradiol 3-acetate bazine, dacarbazine, gemcitabine, mitotane, asparaginase, and ethinylestradiol 3-benzoate; and : porfimer, mesna, amifostine, mitotic inhibitors including polyestrol phosphate; and its esters and derivatives, podophyllotoxin derivatives such as teniposide and etoposide 35 including , , and and Vinca alkaloids Such as vinorelbine, Vincristine and Vin estrone Sulfate; ; ; and conjugated equine blastine. estrogens. Androgenic agents, also included within the gen Antihyperlipidemic agents. Lipid-lowering agents, or eral class of sex steroids, are drugs such as the naturally “hyperlipidemic' agents, include HMG-CoA reductase occurring , androsterone acetate, inhibitors such as atorvastatin, , pravastatin, lov 40 androsterone propionate, androsterone benzoate, androstene astatin and cerivastatin, and other lipid-lowering agents such diol, -3-acetate, androstenediol-17-acetate, as , , and tacrine. androstenediol-3,17-diacetate, androstenediol-17-benzoate, Anti-hypertensive agents. These include , androstenediol-3-acetate-17-benzoate, , benazepril, , dilitaZem, , , (DHEA; also termed “'), enalapril, epoSartan, losartan, Valsartan, , 45 Sodium dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate, 4-dihydrotestoster fenoldopam, fosinopril, , guanadrel, guanethidine, one (DHT; also termed “stanolone'), 5.alpha.-dihydrotest , hydralazine, metyrosine, , , osterone, dromostanolone, dromostanolone propionate, eth , , , , ylestrenol, phenpropionate, nandrolone quinapril, , and . decanoate, nandrolone furylpropionate, nandrolone cyclo Cardiovascular preparations. Cardiovascular preparations 50 hexanepropionate, nandrolone benzoate, nandrolone cyclo include, by way of example, angiotensin converting hexanecarboxylate, , and testoster (ACE) inhibitors such as enalapril, 1-carboxymethyl-3-1-car one; pharmaceutically acceptable esters of and boxy-3-phenyl-(1S)-propylamino-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H 4-, typically esters formed from the (3S)-1--2-one, amino-1-carboxy-1S-pentyl) hydroxyl group present at the C-17 position, including, but amino-2,-3,4,5-tetrahydro-2-oxo-3S-1H-1-benzazepine-1- 55 not limited to, the enanthate, propionate, cypionate, pheny or 3-(1-ethoxycarbonyl-3-phenyl-(1S)- lacetate, acetate, isobutyrate, buciclate, heptanoate, propylamino)-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-2-oxo-(-3S)-benzazepine decanoate, undecanoate, caprate and isocaprate esters; and 1-acetic acid monohydrochloride; cardiac glycosides Such as pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives of testosterone Such digoxin and ; inotropes such as aminone and mil as methyl testosterone, , and flu rinone; blockers such as , nife 60 . dipine, nicardipene, felodipine, , , Muscarinic receptor agonists and antagonists. Muscarinic , amlodipine and ; beta-blockers such as receptor agonists include, by way of example: choline esters , ; , , . Such as , methacholine, , bethanechol esmolol, , , and ; antiarrhythmics (carbamylmethylcholine), bethanechol chloride, cholinomi Such as moricizine, , , , dis 65 metic natural alkaloids and synthetic analogs thereof, includ opyramide, , phenyloin, tocamide, , fle ing pilocarpine, muscarine, McN-A-343, and oxotremorine. camide, encamide, and ; and cardio Muscarinic receptor antagonists are generally belladonna US 8,383,154 B2 25 26 alkaloids or semisynthetic or synthetic analogs thereof. Such In a preferred embodiment for a pediatric product and use as , , homatropine, homatropine methyl according to the invention, the active drug is selected from bromide, ipratropium, methantheline, methScopolamine and Abacavir, Acetazolamide; Adefovir; Albuterol; Albuterol; tiotropium. Alendronate; Almotriptan; Alosetron; Alprazolam; Amio Peptide drugs. Peptidyl drugs include the peptidyl hor darone; Amlexanox, Amlodipine; the combination Amlo mones activin, , angiotensin, atrial natriuretic peptide dipine/Benazepril; Ammonium Lactate; Amphetamine (in (ANP), calcitonin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, calcitonin cluding mixed salts); Amprenavir, Anagrelide; Anastrozole; N-terminal flanking peptide, ciliary neurotrophic factor Argatroban; ; Atazanavir, ; AtorV (CNTF), corticotropin (adrenocorticotropin hormone, astatin; the mixture /; ; 10 ; ; Beclomethasone; Beclomethasone; ACTH), corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF or CRH), epi Benazepril; ; ; Betaxolol; Bicaluta dermal growth factor (EGF), follicle-stimulating hormone mide: ; ; Brinzolamide: ; (FSH), gastrin, gastrin inhibitory peptide (GIP), gastrin-re Buproprion; Buspirone; Busulfan; C-Urea; : Can leasing peptide, gonadotropin-releasing factor (GnRF or desartan; Carboplatin: , ; Caspofungin: GNRH), growth hormone releasing factor (GRF, GRH), 15 Cerivastatin; ; ; Cimetidine; human chorionic gonadotropin (hCH), inhibin A, inhibin B, Ciprofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin; Cisatracurium; Citalopram; , luteinizing hormone (LH), luteinizing hormone-re ; Colesevelam; Cromolyn; Cromolyn; Cytara leasing hormone (LHRH), alpha.-melanocyte-stimulating bine; ; ; Dexrazoxane; Dichlorphe hormone..beta.-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, gamma.- namide: Didanosine; Dorzolamide, ; Eletriptan; melanocyte-stimulating hormone, melatonin, motilin, oxyto Emtricitabine: Enalapril; Enfluvirtide (T-20); Enoxaparin; cin (pitocin), pancreatic polypeptide, parathyroid hormone Epirubicin; Eplerenone; , Esmolol; Esomepra (PTH), placental lactogen, prolactin (PRL), prolactin-release Zole; Etodolac. Famciclovir, Famotidine: Felodipine; inhibiting factor (PIF), prolactin-releasing factor (PRF), Fenoldopam; Fentanyl: Fentanyl; : Flucona secretin, Somatotropin (growth hormone, GH). Somatostatin Zole: Fludarabine, Iuocinolone; Fluoxetine: Fluticasone; Flu (SIF, growth hormone-release inhibiting factor, GIF), thy 25 vastatin: Fluvoxamine; ; Fosinopril; Fospheny rotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH), thyrotropin loin; ; ; Gatifloxacin; Gatifloxacin: releasing factor (TRH or TRF), thyroxine, vasoactive intesti Gemcitabine; Gemtuzumab; Gentamicin; Glatiramer; nal peptide (VIP), and vasopressin. Other peptidyl drugs are ; Glipizide/; Glyburide/Metformin; the cytokines, e.g., colony stimulating factor 4, heparin Granisetron: Hydrocortisone, Hydroxyurea; ; Ibu binding neurotrophic factor (HBNF), interferon-a, 30 profen/: Imatinib. Imiquimod, , interferon alpha-2a. interferon ..alpha.-2b. ; Irbesartan; Irinotecan; Isotretinoin, Itra interferon alpha.-n3, interferon-beta., etc., interleukin-1, conazole; Ketoconazole, Ketorolac; ; Lamivudine, interleukin-2, interleukin-3, interleukin-4, interleukin-5, Lamotrigine; Lansoprazole; Leflunomide; Levalbuterol; interleukin-6, etc., tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis fac ; ; ; Levofloxacin; tor-alpha., granuloycte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), 35 Levofloxacin; ; Lisinopril; Lisinopril; Lopinavir/ granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM , ; Losartan; : Mesalamine; CSF), macrophage colony-stimulating factor, midkine (MD), Metformin; Methazolamide; Methylphenidate; Metipra and thymopoietin. Still other peptidyl drugs that can be nolol; Metoprolol; Midazolam; Milrinone; Minoxidil; Mir advantageously delivered using the present systems include tazapine: Modafinil; Moexipril; ; Montelukast; endorphins (e.g., , , alpha.-endor 40 Morphine; Moxifloxacin; Nabumetone; ; Nefaz phin, beta.-endorphin, gamma.-endorphin, ..sigma.-endor odone; Nelfinavir, ; ; Nizatidine; Nor phin, Leu. Sup.5enkephalin, Met. Sup.5enkephalin, Sub floxacin; Norgestimate/ethinyl estradiol; Octreotide; Ofloxa stance P), kinins (e.g., , potentiator B. bradykinin cin; Olanzapine; Olmesartan; , Ondansetron; potentiator C. kallidin), LHRH analogues (e.g., buserelin, ; Oseltamivir; Oxaprozin; ; Oxybuty deslorelin, fertirelin, goserelin, histrelin, leuprolide, lutrelin, 45 nin: . Oxycodone; Pantoprazole; Paricalcitol; nafarelin, tryptorelin), and the coagulation factors. Such Paroxetine; Pegvisomant; Pemirolast; Pimecrolimus; Piogli as alpha. Sub.1-antitrypsin, alpha. Sub.2-macroglobulin, anti taZone; Pravastatin: Propofol; Quetiapine Fumerate; thrombin III, factor I (fibrinogen), factor II (prothrombin), Quinapril; Rabeprazole; Ramipril; Ranitidine: , factor III (tissue prothrombin), factor V (proaccelerin), factor ; Ribavirin/Interferon alfa-2B, recombinant, VII (proconvertin), factor VIII (antihemophilic globulin or 50 : Risedronate; Risperidone; Ritonavir, Rocuro AHG), factor IX (Christmas factor, plasma thromboplastin nium; ; ; ; Rosiglita component or PTC), factor X (Stuart-Power factor), factor XI Zone: : Saquinavir; Sertraline: Sevelamer; Sevof (plasma thromboplastin antecedent or PTA), factor XII lurane; Sibutramine; Sildenafil; Simvastatin; : (Hageman factor), heparin cofactor II, kallikrein, plasmin, Sodium ferric gluconate complex: Sotalol; Stavudine: plasminogen, prekallikrein, protein C, protein S, and throm 55 Sumatriptan; ; ; Temozolomide; Teno bomodulin and combinations thereof. fovir, Terbinafine; Testosterone; Timolol; ; Topi Genetic material may also be delivered using the present ramate; Topotecan; Tramadol; Valacyclovir, Valganciclovir, dosage forms, e.g., nucleic acids, RNA, DNA, recombinant ; Valsartan; Venlafaxine, Verapamil: Vinorelbine; RNA, recombinant DNA, antisense RNA, antisense DNA, Voriconazole; ; Zanamivir; ; ribozymes, ribooligonucleotides, deoxyribonucleotides, 60 Zoledronic acid; Zolmitriptan; . antisense ribooligonucleotides, and antisense deoxyribooli As incorporated be reference according to Mantelle U.S. gonucleotides. Representative genes include those encoding Pat. No. F,234,957: for vascular endothelial growth factor, fibroblast growth fac 1. Analgesic anti-inflammatory agents such as, acetami tor, Bcl-2, cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator, nerve nophen, , , , choline Sali growth factor, human growth factor, erythropoietin, tumor 65 cylate, glycol salicylate, 1-, , mefenamic necrosis factor, and interleukin-2, as well as histocompatibil acid, fluiphenamic acid, indomethacin, diclofenac, alclofenac, ity genes such as HLA-B7. ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxene, pranoprofen, fenoprofen, US 8,383,154 B2 27 28 Sulindac, fenbufen, clidanac, flurbiprofen, indoprofen, pro 12. Cardiotonics such as, , ubidecarenone, , tizidic acid, fentiazac, tolmetin, , bendazac, and the like; bufexamac, piroxicam, phenylbutaZone, oxyphenbutaZone, 13. Coronary vasodilators such as, organic nitrates Such as, clofeZone, pentazocine, mepirizole, and the like; nitroglycerine, isosorbitol dinitrate, erythritol tetranitrate, 2. Drugs having an action on the central nervous system, for and pentaerythritol tetranitrate, , dilaZep, trapi example sedatives, hypnotics, antianxiety agents, analgesics dil, trimetazidine, and the like; and , such as, chloral, , , 14. Vasoconstrictors such as, , dihydroer haloperidol, , pentobarbital, phenobarbital, gotoxine, and the like; secobarbital, amobarbital, cyclobarbital, codeine, lidocaine, 15...beta.-blockers or antiarrhythmic agents such as, timolol , , dibucaine, , , mepiv 10 pindolol, propranolol, and the like; acaine, , , , , fen 16. Calcium antagonists and other circulatory organ agents, tanyl, nicotine, and the like; Such as, aptopril, diltiazem, nifedipine, nicardipine, Vera 3. Antihistaminics or antiallergic agents such as, diphenhy pamil, , tartarate, , cloni dramine, , perphenazine, , pyril dine, prazosin, and the like; amine, , promethazine, , tripe 15 17. Anti-convulstants such as, nitrazepam, meprobamate, lennamine, , hydroxy Zine, , phenyloin, and the like; , clorprenaline, , chlorpheniramine, and 18. Agents for such as, , , the like: Scopolamine, and the like; 4. Acetonide anti-inflammatory agents, such as hydrocorti 19. Tranquilizers such as, reserprine, chlorpromazine, and Sone, , , fluocinolone, triamcino antianxiety benzodiazepines Such as, alprazolam, chlordiaz lone, medrysone, prednisolone, flurandrenolide, , epoxide, cloraZeptate, halazepam, oxazepam, prazepam, halcinonide, , fludrocortisone, corticos clonazepam, flurazepam, triazolam, lorazepam, diazepam, terone, paramethasone, betamethasone, ibuprophen, and the like; naproxen, fenoprofen, fenbufen, flurbiprofen, indoprofen, 20. Antipsychotics such as, phenothiazines including thio ketoprofen, Suprofen, indomethacin, piroXicam, aspirin, Sali 25 propazate, chlorpromazine, triflupromazine, mesoridazine, cylic acid, diflunisal, methyl salicylate, phenylbutaZone, piperracetazine, thioridazine, acetophenazine, fluiphenazine, Sulindac, mefenamic acid, meclofenamate Sodium, tolmetin, perphenazine, trifluoperazine, and other major tranquilizers and the like; Such as, chlorprathixene, thiothixene, haloperidol, bromperi 5. Steroids such as, androgenic steroids, Such as, testosterone, dol, loxapine, and molindone, as well as, those agents used at , , estrogens such as, con 30 lowerdoses in the treatment of nausea, , and the like; jugated estrogens, , , 17-be 21. Muscle relaxants such as, , baclofen, dant ta.estradiol, 17-beta., , mestranol, rolene sodium, ; estrone, estriol, 17-beta.ethinyl estradiol, , 22. Drugs for Parkinson's disease, spasticity, and acute progestational agents, such as, progesterone, 19-norprogest muscle spasms such as levodopa, carbidopa, amantadine, erone, norethindrone, norethindrone acetate, melengestrol, 35 , , (deprenyl), trihex chlormadinone, , medroxyprogesterone acetate, yphenidyl hydrochloride, benztropine mesylate, hydroxyprogesterone caproate, ethynodiol diacetate, nor hydrochloride, baclofen, diazepam, dantrolene, and the like; ethynodrel, 17-.alpha.hydroxyprogesterone, , 23. Respiratory agents such as, codeine, , isoprot dimethisterone, ethinylestrenol, norgestrel, , erenol, , , ipratropium bro , megestrol acetate, and the like; 40 mide, cromglycic acid, and the like; 6. Respiratory agents such as, theophilline and beta. Sub.2- 24 Non-steroidal hormones or antihormones such as, corti adrenergic agonists, such as, albuterol, , metapro cotropin, oxytocin, vasopressin, salivary hormone, thyroid terenol, , , , quinterenol, rimit hormone, adrenal hormone, kallikrein, insulin, , erol, Solmefamol, Soterenol, tetroquinol, and the like; and the like; 7. Sympathomimetics Such as, dopamine, , 45 25. Vitamins such as, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K and , , pseudoephedrine, derivatives thereof, calciferols, mecobalamin, and the like for amphetamine, , , and the like; dermatologically use: 8. local anesthetics such as, benzocaine, procaine, dibucaine, 26. Antitumor agents such as, 5-fluorouracil and derivatives lidocaine, and the like; thereof, krestin, picibanil, ancitabine, cytarabine, and the 9. Antimicrobial agents including antibacterial agents, anti 50 like: fungal agents, antimycotic agents and antiviral agents; tetra 27. Such as, , urokinaze, and the like; cyclines such as, oxytetracycline, penicillins, such as, ampi 28. medicines or crude extracts such as, glycyrrhiza, cillin, cephalosporins such as, , , aloe, Sikon (Lithospermi Radix), and the like: Such as, kanamycin, macrollides such as, erythromycin, 29. Miotics such as pilocarpine, and the like; lo 30. Cholin chloramphenicol, iodides, nitrofrantoin, , amphoteri 55 ergic agonists such as, choline, acetylcholine, methacholine, cin, fradiomycin, Sulfonamides, purrolnitrin, , carbachol, bethanechol, pilocarpine, muscarine, arecoline, chloramphenicol, Sulfacetamide, SulfamethaZ and the like; ine, , Sulfamerazine, Sulfamethizole and Sulfisox 31. Antimuscarinic or muscarinic cholinergic blocking azole; antivirals, including idoxuridine, clarithromycin; and agents such as, atropine, Scopolamine, homatropine, meth other anti-infectives including , and the like; 60 Scopolamine, homatropine methylbromide, methantheline, 10. Antihypertensive agents such as, , alpha.-meth cyclopentolate, tropicamide, propantheline, anisotropine, yldopa, reserpine, Syrosingopine, rescinnamine, , dicyclomine, eucatropine, and the like; hydrazine, praZosin, and the like; 32. Mydriatics Such as, atropine, cyclopentolate, homatro 11. Antihypertensive diuretics such as, chlorothiazide, hydro pine, Scopolamine, tropicamide, eucatropine, hydroxyam chlorothrazide, bendoflumethazide, trichlormethiazide, furo 65 phetamine, and the like; semide, tripamide, methylclothiazide, penfluzide, hydrothi 33. Psychic energizers such as 3-(2-aminopropy)indole, 3-(2- azide, , metolaZone, and the like; aminobutyl)indole, and the like: US 8,383,154 B2 29 30 34. Humoral agents such as, the prostaglandins, natural and Cephalosporins and Related Beta Lactams synthetic, for example PGE. Sub.1, PGE. Sub.2.alpha., and Drug Groups: Cephalosporins, related Beta Lactams or PGF sub.2.alpha., and the PGE. Sub.1 analog misoprostol. antibiotics Aztreonam, Betamipron, , 35. Antispasmodics Such as, atropine, methantheline, papav , , Cefadroxil, , , erine, , methScopolamine, and the like; Cefaloridine, Cefalotin, , , , 36. Antidepressant drugs such as, isocarboxazid, phenelzine, , , , , Cefepime, tranylcypromine, imipramine, amitriptyline, trimipramine, , , , Cefnmenoxime, Cefneta doxepin, desipramine, , protriptyline, amoxap Zole, Cefninox, , , , ine, maprotiline, traZodone, and the like; Ceforamide, , Cefotaxime, Cefotetan, , 37. Anti-diabetics such as, insulin, and anticancer drugs such 10 Cefoxitin, , Ce?piramide, Ce?pirome, Ce?po as, tamoxifen, , and the like; doxime, , Cefauinome, , , 38. Anorectic drugs such as, dextroamphetamine, metham Cefiteram, , , , , phetamine, phenylpropanolamine, , diethylpro Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime, , Cilastatin, , pion, , , and the like; . Imipenem, , , Meropenem, 39. Anti-allergenics Such as, , , chlo 15 , rpheniramine, pyrilamine, , and the like; Chloramphenicols 40. Decongestants such as, phenylephrine, ephedrine, nap , Chloramphenicol, . Thiam hazoline, tetrahydrozoline, and the like: phenicol, Avoparcin, , Teicoplanin, , 41. Antipyretics such as, aspirin, , and the like; 42. Antimigrane agents such as, dihydroergotamine, pizoty , , , line, and the like; Macrollides 43. Anti-malarials such as, the 4-aminoquinolines, alphami Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, , Erythro noquinolines, , , and the like; mycin, , , , Mideca 44. Anti-ulcerative agents such as, misoprostol, omeprazole, 25 mycin, , , Quinupristin/Dalfo enprostil, and the like; pristin, , , , 45. Peptides such as, growth releasing factor, and the like; Tilmicosin, , , , 46. Anti- or anti-hormone agents such as, tamoxifen Penicillins or human chorionic gonadotropin, and the like; The beta-lactamase inhibitors , , 30 and are used to extend the antimicrobial range of 47. Antiulcer agents such as, allantoin, aldioxa, alcloxa, certain beta-lactam antibiotics. Amoxicillin, , N-methylscopolamine methylsuflate, and the like: Aspoxicillin, , , , Beneth 48. Antidiabetics, and the like. amine Penicillin, Benzathine , Benzathine The drugs mentioned above can be used in combination as , Benzylpenicillin, Carbenicillin, required. Moreover, the above drugs may be used either in the 35 , , , Clavulanic Acid, free form or, if capable of forming salts, in the form of a salt Clemizole Penicillin, Clometocillin, Cloxacillin, Dicloxacil with a suitable acid or base. If the drugs have a carboxyl lin, , , , Meticillin, group, their esters can be employed. Meziocillin, Nafcillin, Oxacillin, Penethamate, , The acid mentioned above may be an organic acid, for Phenoxymethylpenicillin, , , Piv example, methanesulfonic acid, , tartaric acid, 40 mecillinam, Procaine Penicillin Procaine Benzylpenicillin, fumaric acid, maleic acid, acetic acid, oran inorganic acid, for , Sulbactam, , , Tazobac example, hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, phosphoric tam, , , acid or Sulfuric acid. The base may be an organic base, for Quinolones example, ammonia, triethylamine, or an inorganic base, for Acrosoxacin , , , example, sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. The 45 , Ciprofloxacin, Clinafloxacin, , esters mentioned above may be alkyl esters, aryl esters, , Enoxacin, , , Flume aralkyl esters, and the like. quine, Gatifloxacin , Grepafloxacin, Levof In one embodiment of the invention, the active substance is loxacin, , , Moxifloxacin, Nadi selected from the following: floxacin, Nalidixic Acid, Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Antibacterials Including 50 , , Pefloxacin, , Although antibiotics and other antibacterials are a very , , , , diverse class of compounds they are often classified and dis Sparfloxacin, , , Trovafloxacin, cussed in groups. They may be classified according to their Sulfonamides and Diaminopyrimidines mode of action or spectrum of antimicrobial activity, but Baquiloprim, , Calcium Sulfaloxate, generally those with similar chemical structures are grouped 55 Co-tetroxazine, Co-trifamole, Co-trimazine, Co-trimox together. azole, Formosulfathiazole , Ormetoprim, Phthalyl Aminoglycosides . , Sulfabenzamide, Sulfa Amikacin, , , , Bekana clozine, Sulfachrysoidine, , Sulfadoxine, mycin, , , Framycetin, Gen Sulfamerazine, Sulfamethylthiazole, Sulfametopyrazine, tamicin, , Kanamycin, , , 60 , Sulfamonomethoxine, Sulfaquinoxaline, Sul , , Streptomycin, Tobramycin. fasuccinamide, Sulfatroxazole, Sulfacetamide, Sulfachlorpy Drug Groups: Antimycobacterials ridazine, Sulfadiazine, Sulfadiazine , Sulfadimethox Aminosalicylic Acid, , , Cyclos ine, , , , erine, , Ethambutol, Ethionamide, Isoniazid, Meth Sulfamethizole, Sulfamethoxazole, Sulfamethoxypy aniazide, Morinamide, Protionamide, , Rifabu 65 ridazine, , , , Sulfi tin, , , Rifapentine, , somidine, Sulfathiazole, Sulfacarbamide, , Tri . methoprim, US 8,383,154 B2 31 32 present invention, the term vitamin(s) include, without limi Chlortetracycline, Demeclocycline, Doxycycline, Lyme tation, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, cycline, , Methacycline, Minocycline, Oxytet pyrdoxine, biotin, folic acid, Vitamin B.Sub.12, , racycline, Rolitetracycline, Tetracycline, ascorbic acid, VitaminA, Vitamin D. Vitamin E and vitamin K. Miscellaneous Antibacterials Also included within the term vitamin are the coenzymes Acediasulfone, Arsanilic Acid, Avilamycin, Bacitracin, thereof. Coenzymes are specific chemical forms of vitamins. Bambermycin, Carbadox, , , Clo Coenzymes include thiamine pyrophosphates (TPP), flavin foctol, Colistin, , Evernimicin, , mononucleotide (FMM), flavin dinucleotive (FAD), Furaltadone, , , , adenine dinucleotide (NAD), Nicotinamide Halduinol, Methenamine, Linezolid, Magainins, Mandelic 10 adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) Coenzyme A (CoA) Acid, Mupirocin, , , , pyridoxal phosphate, biocytin, tetrahydrofolic acid, coen Nisin, Nitrofurantoin, Nitrofurazone, Nitroxoline, Novobio Zyme B.Sub.12, lipoyllysine, 11-cis-retinal, and 1,25-dihy cin, . Spectinomycin, , Tauroli droxycholecalciferol. The term vitamin(s) also includes cho dine, , . Thenoic Acid, Thiostrepton, line, carnitine, and alpha, beta, and gamma carotenes. , Trospectomycin, , , 15 As used in this disclosure, the term “mineral' refers to Xibornol, inorganic Substances, metals, and the like required in the human diet. Thus, the term “mineral as used herein includes, , Diethylcarbamazine, , Levami without limitation, calcium, iron, , Selenium, copper, sole, Mebendazole, Niclosamide, Oxamniquine, piperazine, , magnesium, phosphorus, chromium and the like, and Praziquantel, Pyrantel. Thiabendazole. mixtures thereof. Antimalarial Drugs The term "dietary supplement’ as used herein means a 4-methanolduinoline derivatives such as the cinchona Substance, which has an appreciable nutritional effect when alkaloids and . The 4-aminoquinolines, such as administered in Small amounts. Dietary Supplements include, chloroquine, , and . The without limitation, such ingredients as bee pollen, bran, 8-aminoquinolines such as and . The 25 wheat germ, kelp, cod oil, , and fish oils, amino , such as proguaniland . The diami acids, proteins and mixtures thereof. As will be appreciated, nopyrimidines such as pyrimethamine. The dichlorobenzyli dietary Supplements may incorporate vitamins and minerals. dine . The hydroxynaphthoduinones, such as In general, the amount of the active Substance incorporated atovaquone. The 9-phenanthrenemethanols such as halofan in the dosage form according to the invention may be selected trine. The lactones such as and its 30 according to known principles of pharmacy. An effective derivatives. The sulfonamides sulfadoxine and sulfametopy amount of pharmaceutical ingredient is specifically contem razine. The tetracyclines, such as doxycycline and tetracy plated. By the term effective amount, it is understood that, cline. The lincosamide, clindamycin. The Sulfones such as with respect to for example pharmaceuticals, a therapeuti dapsone. cally, prophylactically and/or diagnostically effective amount 35 is contemplated. An effective amount is the amount or quan The antimony compounds including meglumine anti tity of a drug substance, which is sufficient to elicit the monate and , the aromatic diamidines required or desired therapeutic response, or in other words, including , the arsenicals including the pentava the amount, which is sufficient to elicit an appreciable bio lent compounds and tryparsamide, and logical response when administered to a patient. As used which is trivalent, the dichloroacetamides including dilox 40 herein the term “effective amount’ means an amount at least anide, the halogenated hydroxyquinolines including about 10% of the United States Recommended Daily Allow , the including furazoli ance (“RDA) of that particular ingredient for a patient. For done, , and , and the 5- example, if an intended ingredient is , then an including metronidazole, , , secnida effective amount of vitamin C would include an amount of Zole, and tinidazole. Other drugs include atovaquone, ben 45 vitamin C sufficient to provide 10% or more of the RDA. Znidazole, , , , and Typically, where the tablet includes a mineral or vitamin, it . will incorporate higher amounts, preferably about 100% or Antivirals more of the applicable RDA. The amount of active agent used Anti-Asthma Drug Groups can vary widely from a few milligrams to 100,000 milligrams Antimuscarinics and Beta Agonists. 50 O. O. Such as the quaternary ammonium compounds ipratropium Preparation of a Pharmaceutical Composition bromide and oxitropium bromide, Salmeterol, Albuterol, A pharmaceutical composition according to the invention , Isoetharine, Metaproterenol, , Terbuta may be prepared by blending of at least: line, Isoproterenol, Ephedrine, Epinephrine . 1) One or more active substances as particulate matter. Either . 55 as pure material (crystals or amorphous, in powder form) or Beclomethasone dipropionate, Budesonide Turbuhaler, encapsulated by a coat or trapped in a matrix or bound to an Flunisolide, Fluticasone, . ion-exchange . Leukotriene Inhibitors and Antagonists. 2) One or more Swelling/gelling materials Zafirlukast, Montelukast. and, optionally: Mast Cell Stabilisers. 60 3) Sweetening agents Sodium cromoglicate and Nedocromil Sodium. 4) Flavours . 5) Colorants Theophylline and its derivatives. In one embodiment it is possible to use the gelling agent in Solution as a binder in granulating and as a glue for giving the Flucytosine, , Ketoconazole, Miconazole. 65 formulation the desired shape, however once the gelling agent As used herein, the term vitamin refers to trace organic has been hydrated, the gelling properties may be reduced, substances that are required in the diet. For the purposes of the accordingly sometimes the gelling agent used in solution as a US 8,383,154 B2 33 34 binder is identical with the bulk gelling agent (example FIG. 5 shows the complete dispersion of the formulation Kelcogel(R) LT100), sometimes it is a different grade of the according to Example 19 and as shown in FIG. 4. same gelling agent (Kelcogel(R) LT 100 bulk, Kelcogel(R) Fas FIG. 6 shows the dissolution at low pH of the formulation binder) and sometimes a different binder altogether (Kelco according to Example 24 demonstrating disintegration into gel(R) LT 100 as bulk, Keltrol as binder). The desired shape material with individual flakes varying in size from approxi mentioned could be, for example, granulating the mixture of mately 1 to 5 mm. active Substances, gelling agent, Sweetener and flavour and FIG. 7 demonstrates the dissolution similar to FIG. 6 in a Subsequently moulding and gluing the granules to the con media at pH 4.8 demonstrating complete disintegration of the cave surface of a spoon, preferable in a relative thin layer of material 10 FIG. 8 demonstrates the dissolution similar to FIG. 6 in a 0.5 to 5 mm thick. This strategy contributes to that the pow media at pH 6.8 demonstrating complete disintegration of the der/particulate material obtained as the novel dosage form material into very small and fluffy material representing the can be converted into a pudding-like mass without applica non soluble material of the formulation. tion of any shear force and within the desired time period. FIG. 9 shows the dissolution of the formulation according This feature is very advantageous in that it is possible to use 15 to Example 24 resulting in a fast dissolution rate of the parac the novel dosage form also for very Small amounts of active etamol at different pH values. Similar effect is also obtained substances as there is no risk that active substance will be lost with simulated gastric fluid. e.g. on a spoon or stirrer during stirring or mechanical mixing. FIG. 10 shows 3 different spoons for use as delivery In other words, the dose form presents the active substance in devices according to the present invention. All spoons are a form that ensures the right dose to be ingested. To the best of prepared in order to be able to be left on a table or similar the inventors knowledge this is the first comparable semi place without tilting and at the same time easy to pick up liquid alternative in this respect to a tablet or dosage providing an easy handling during administration. The means form. for preventing the spoons for tilting when left is self-explana More specifically, the invention relates to a method for tory from the drawings in that either the shaft is bend or more preparing a pharmaceutical composition according to the 25 times and or the “floor of the spoon is flattened. The latter invention, the method comprising blending the dry compo may further be provided with an ordinary concave inner lin nents to a homogeneous mixture and optionally granulating ing of the spoon to avoid material to be left on the spoon after the mixture with a binder. application to the mouth. In a specific embodiment, the invention relates to a method for preparing a pharmaceutical composition according to the 30 MATERIALS AND METHODS invention comprising one or more excipients and/or active ingredients which have a solubility substantiallower than the Several of the below Examples have been produced with solubility of the gellan gum, wherein the method comprises out an active ingredient and used for demonstrating different i) granulating a first blend comprising gellan gum but essen compositions to which an active can be added (i.e. they are tially not containing the one or more excipients and/or active 35 vehicles). Several of these formulations have been used for ingredients which have a solubility substantial lower than the consumer testing. The term Parvuletas used herein represents solubility of the gellan gum, any formulation according to the invention and is a trademark ii) adding the one or more excipients and/or active ingredients for the products. which have a solubility substantiallower than the solubility of The following materials have been employed: the gellan gum to the granulated first blend. 40 Absolute 99.9%, De danske spritfabrikker, pharma In a Subsequent step, the one or more excipients and/or ceutical grade active ingredients which have a solubility substantial lower Aerosil, Unikem, pharmaceutical grade than the solubility of the gellangum is added to the granulated Caramel flavour, Frutarom first blend as a blend or granulate with additional excipients. CefuximeAxetil, Stragen Nordic The foregoing will be better understood with reference to 45 flavour, Kiranto food the following examples which detail certain procedures for Ferrous fumarate coated, Ferrosan, pharmaceutical grade manufacture of tablets in accordance to the present invention. Gellan, Kelcogel LT 100, CpKelco ApS, pharmaceutical All references made to these examples are for the purposes of grade illustration. They are not to be considered limiting as to the Gellan, Kelcogel F. CpKelco ApS, pharmaceutical grade Scope and nature of the present invention. 50 Glycerol, Uniqema, pharmaceutical grade Ibuprofen Coated, Nycomed DK, pharmaceutical grade FIGURES Instant Sugar, Danisco Oy, pharmaceutical grade Inulin instant, Fibruline FIG. 1 shows a (A) spoon with the dryg composition adher Ispaghulae Husks, Vi-siblin, ing to it and covered with a "peel off film which in (B) is 55 Maize Starch Ultrasprese HV. National Starch & Chemical remove and water (C) is added where upon gelling (D) takes Medium Chain Triglyceride EP (Labrafac cc), Gattefossé place with expansion of the material which do no not slip the SAS, pharmaceutical grade spoon (E) when this is tipped the other way round. PVP (Plastdone(R) K-25, ISP (Switzerland) AG FIG. 2 shows the dissolution curve according to the formu Pyridoxine Coated, Ferrosan, pharmaceutical grade lation of Example 17 of a Paracetamol dosage unit in simu 60 Sodium Citrate, Unikem, pharmaceutical grade lated gastric fluid demonstrating a very fast release of at least Sodium hydrogen carbonate, Unikem, pharmaceutical grade 96% within 5 minutes. Sodium starch glycolate, Explotab, JRS Pharma FIG. 3 shows the stomach recorded by in vivo ultrasonic Strawberry flavour, Kiranto food measures after ingestion of water and before ingestion of the Tutti-frutti flavour, Frutarom formulation according to Example 19. 65 flavour, Keranto food A/S FIG. 4 shows the subsequent ultrasonic pictures just after Xanthan gum, Keltrol CpKelco ApS. pharmaceutical grade ingestion of the formulation according to Example 19. Xylitol, Danisco Sweeteners LtD US 8,383,154 B2 35 36 Coat: Philips Food processor, Electronic type HR 2377/D, ingredi Eudragite EPO, Rohm ent 5 is added and mixed for about /2 min (depending on the Lauryl Sulphate, Sigma amount of powder) at speed 4. The ingredients from blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about /2 min (depending on the Altalc 500V. Luzenac America amount of powder). Eudragit NE30D, Rohm In this example, Explotab is used as a gelling agent that is Granulation granulated with glycerol. Performed by hand mixing until homogenous slightly The granules are divided into 570 mg/dose. The dose is Sticky relative Small particles are present Suitable equipment weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently includes High Shear mixer such as in a Zanchetta Roto P100 pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to 100 liter capacity or a MTI mixer. 10 a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. Drop Down Test The water is evaporated at ambient temperature. The drop down test apparatus is a medical plastic spoon Drop Down Test: obtained from Nomeco (DBI Plastic type 115022) with mark To the above dosage form, 4 ml tapped water is added. ings for 2/2 and 5 ml liquid) see FIG. 1, e.g. drawing E. After about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned Test Method 15 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did In a test spoon 0.5 g-0.7 g test material is accurately not fall out and passed the test. weighed. 3 ml-5 ml tapped water is added. Wait /2 min, turn the spoon around, and if the test material does not drop down Example 2 (fall off the spoon) within 2 min, the material has passed the teSt. A Composition According to the Invention Viscosity Test Containing 250 mg Coated Cefuxime in the Dosage Apparatus: Unit Brookfield Viscometer Model LVF, Serie 56779 A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 con Spindel No. #4 diameter 3.2 mm, length 33.96 mm 25 taining CefuXime as active Substance, was prepared as fol Beaker 500 ml low form (approximately 90 mm internal lows (given as % w/w): diameter) Termometer Parameter: Speed: 6 rpm % Wiw 9. Spindle: The Viscometer spindle is centered in the test sample 30 container. The spindle is properly immersed to the mid Blend 1: point of the shafts narrow portion. Explotab 46.3 O.87 Test Method Instant Sugar 46.3? O.87 Aerosil 0.53 O.OO94 Into a 500 ml beaker 22-88 g test material is accurately 35 Vanilla flavour 4.6 O.O86 weighed, 500 ml tapped water is added. Mix until all the Glycerol 2.35 O.043 material is dispersed/dissolved, and after about 5 min the Blend 2: Viscosity and the temperature are measured. Blend 1 S3.6 1.87 Sensory Test Coated Cefuxime 35.7 1.25 Tapped water is added to the formulation and when all the Vi-siblin 10.7 O.38 liquid is absorbed (visually confirmed), the test can start. 40 Taste the formulation and rank the taste from 1-10, where 10 is the most pleasant taste. The ingredients (1-4) of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depend ing on the amount of powder) in a mortar transferred to a Example 1 Philips Food processor Electronic type HR 2377/D, ingredi 45 ent 5 is added and mixed for about /2 min (depending on the A Composition According to the Invention amount of powder) at speed 4. The ingredients from blend 2 Containing 250 mg Coated Cefuxime Dosage Unit are mixed in a mortar for about /2 min (depending on the amount of powder). A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 con The granules are divided into 700 mg/dose. The dose is 50 weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently taining cefuXime as active Substance was prepared as follows: pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is evaporated at ambient temperature. % Wiw 9. Drop Down Test: 55 To the above dosage form 4 ml tapped water is added. After Blend 1: about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned Explotab 46.3 0.97 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did Instant Sugar 46.3? 0.97 not fall out and passed the test. Aerosil 0.53 O.O11 Vanilla 4.6 O.096 Glycerol 2.3 (binder) O.048 60 Example 3 Blend 2: A Composition According to the Invention Blend 1 60 2.1 Containing 250 mg Coated Cefuxime Dosage Unit Coated Cefuxime 40 1.4 65 A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 con The ingredients (1-4) of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depend taining cefuXime as active Substance was prepared as ing on the amount of powder) in a mortar, transferred to a follows% w/w: US 8,383,154 B2 38 The granules are divided to 700 mg/dose. The dose is weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently % Wiw 9. pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to Blend 1: a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is evaporated at ambient temperature. Kelcogel LT100 23.1 O.S2 Xylitol 69.12 1.55 Drop Down Test: Aerosil O.53 O.O11 To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After Vanilla flavour 54 O112 about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned Glycerol 2.35 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did Blend 2: 10 not fall out and pass the test. Blend 1 64.3 2.25 Coated Cefuxime 35.7 1.24 Example 5

The ingredients (1-4) of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depend 15 A Composition According to the Invention ing on the amount of powder) in a mortar transferred to a Containing 150 mg Coated Ferro Fumarate in the Philips Food processor Electronic type HR 2377/D, ingredi Dosage Unit ent 5 is added and mixed for about /2 min (The granules are made by adding in this case glycerol to the dry mixed powder, A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 con i.e. Kelcogel LT 100 is pre-swelled in glycerol) at speed 4. The taining coated Ferro fumarate as active Substance was pre ingredients from blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about /2 pared as follows: min (depending on the amount of powder). The granules are divided to 700 mg/dose. The dose is weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to 25 % Wiw 9. a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. Blend 1: The water is evaporated at ambient temperature. Kelcogel LT100 5O1 O.938 Drop Down Test: Xylitol 47.52 O.89 To the above dosage form 4 ml tapped water is added. After Vanilla flavour 2.53 O.O47 about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned 30 Blend 2: around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did Blend 1 75 1875 not fall out and passed the test. Ferro fumarate 25 O.625 Example 4 Blend 3: 35 Blend 2 71.4 2.50 A Composition According to the Invention Kelcogel F 14.32 O.S Containing 150 mg Coated Pyridoxine in the Dosage Water 14.33 O.S Unit The ingredients (1-3) of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depend A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 con 40 ing on the amount of powder) in a mortar. The ingredients taining coated pyridoxine as active Substance was prepared as from blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about/2 min (depend follows: ing on the amount of powder). The ingredients (2-3) from blend 3 are mixed /2 min and 45 ingredient 1 is added to the blend and mixed for about/2 min % Wiw 9. (depending on the amount of powder). The granules are divided into 700 mg/dose. The dose is Blend 1: weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently Kelcogel LT100 5O1 O.938 pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to Xylitol 47.52 O.89 a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. Vanilla flavour 2.53 O.O47 50 Blend 2: The water is evaporated at ambient temperature. Drop Down Test: Blend 1 75 1875 Pyridoxine coated 25 O.625 To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After Blend 3: about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned 55 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did Blend 2 71.4 2.50 not fall out and pass the test. Kelcogel F 14.32 O.S Water 14.3 O.S Example 6 The ingredients (1-3) of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depend 60 ing on the amount of powder) in a mortar. The ingredients A Composition According to the Invention from blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about/2 min (depend Containing 125 mg Coated Ibuprofen in the Dosage ing on the amount of powder). Unit The ingredients (2-3 (binding solution) from blend 3 are mixed/2 min and ingredient 1 is added to the blendand mixed 65 A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 con for about 9% min (depending on the amount of powder) and taining coated ibuprofen as active Substance was prepared as forming the granules. follows: US 8,383,154 B2 40 The ingredients (2-3) from blend 3 are mixed /2 min and ingredient 1 is added to the blend and mixed for about% min % Wiw 9. (depending on the amount of powder). The granules are divided into 700 mg/dose. The dose is Blend 1: weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently Kelcogel LT100 52.6 O.87 pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to Xylitol 47.42 0.79 a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. Blend 2: Drop Down Test: Blend 1 64.1 1.66 To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After Ibuprofen 20.9 O.S4 10 about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned Vanilla flavour 15 O.39 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did Blend 3: not fall out and pass the test. Blend 2 742 2.59 Example 8 Kelcogel F 12.92 O.45 Water 12.93 O.45 A Composition According to the Invention 15 Containing 125 mg Coated Ibuprofen in the Dosage The ingredients of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depending on Unit the amount of powder) in a mortar. The ingredients from A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 con blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about% min (depending on taining coated ibuprofen as active Substance was prepared as the amount of powder). follows: The ingredients (2-3) from blend 3 are mixed '% min and ingredient 1 is added to the blend and mixed for about/2 min (depending on the amount of powder). % ww 9. The granules are divided to 700 mg/dose. The dose is 25 weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently Blend 1: pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to Kelcogel LT100 52.6 a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. Xylitol 47.42 The water is evaporated at ambient temperature, or moulded Blend 2: to a sphere or stripe. The water is evaporated in an oven at 70° 30 Blend 1 71 1.83 C. to constant temperature. Ibuprofen coated 23.2 O.6 Drop Down Test: Caramel flavour 5.8 0.15 To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After Blend 3: about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned Blend 2 74.21 2.59 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did 35 Kelcogel F 12.92 O.45 not fall out and pass the test. Water 12.93 O.45 Example 7 The ingredients of Blend 1 are mixed/2 min (depending on the amount of powder) in a mortar. The ingredients from A Composition According to the Invention 40 blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about/2 min (depending on Containing 125 mg Coated Ibuprofen in the Dosage the amount of powder). Unit The ingredients (2-3) from blend 3 are mixed /2 min and ingredient 1 is added to the blend and mixed for about/2 min A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 con (depending on the amount of powder). taining coated ibuprofen dosage as active Substance was pre 45 The granules are divided into 700 mg/dose. The dose is pared as follows: weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is evaporated at ambient temperature to a final % Wiw 9. 50 amount of approximately 575 mg/dose Drop Down Test: Blend 1: To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After Kelcogel LT100 52.6 O.9S about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned Xylitol 47.42 O.86 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did Blend 2: 55 not fall out and pass the test. The average absorption rate of Blend 1 69.7 1.81 water by the dosage per second measured in gram water Ibuprofen coated 22.7 O.S8 absorb per gram dosage per second is 3 g/0.575 g/30 sec Tutti-frutti flavour 7.6 O.20 corresponding to a water absorption rate of 0.1739 g/g/s Blend 3: Example 9 Blend 2 742 2.59 60 Kelcogel F 12.92 O.45 A Composition According to the Invention Water 12.93 O.45 Containing 125 mg Coated Ferro Fumarate in the Dosage Unit The ingredients of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depending on the amount of powder) in a mortar. The ingredients from 65 A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 con blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about% min (depending on taining coated ferro fumarate dosage as active Substance was the amount of powder). prepared as follows: US 8,383,154 B2 42 The ingredients (2-3) from blend 3 are mixed /2 min and ingredient 1 is added to the blend and mixed for about/2 min % Wiw 9. (depending on the amount of powder). The granules are divided into 550 mg/dose. The dose is Blend 1: weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently Kelcogel LT100 52.6 O.91 pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to Xylitol 47.42 O.83 a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. Blend 2: The water is evaporated at ambient temperature to a final Blend 1 67.2 1.74 amount of approximately 502 mg/dose. Ferro fumerate coated 21.9 O.S6 10 Drop Down Test: Chocolate flavour 10.9 O.29 To the above dosage form 3.5 ml tapped water is added. Blend 3: After about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did Blend 2 742 2.59 not fall out and pass the test. Kelcogel F 12.92 O.45 The average absorption rate of water by the dosage per Water 12.93 O.45 15 second measured in gram water absorb per gram dosage per second is 3.5 g/0.502 g/120 sec corresponding to a water The ingredients of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depending on absorption rate of 0.0581 g/g/s the amount of powder) in a mortar. The ingredients from blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about/2 min (depending on Example 11 the amount of powder). The ingredients (2-3) from blend 3 are mixed /2 min and A Placebo Composition According to the Invention ingredient 1 is added to the blend and mixed for about/2 min A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was (depending on the amount of powder). prepared as follows: The granules are divided into 700 mg/dose. The dose is weight out into a medical spoon and moulded By gently 25 pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. % Wiw 9. The water is evaporated at ambient temperature to a final Blend 1: amount of approximately 575 mg/dose. 30 Kelcogel LT100 251 O.65 Drop Down Test: Xylitol 752 1.94 To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After Blend 2: about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned Blend 1 80.3 2.59 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did Inulin 13.1 O42 not fall out and pass the test. 35 Caramel flavour 6.6 O.21 The average absorption rate of water by the dosage per Blend 3: second measured in gram water absorb per gram dosage per second is 3 g/0.575 g/120 sec corresponding to a water Blend 2 92 3.22 absorption rate of 0.0435 g/g/s Water 8 O.28 40 Example 10 The ingredients of Blend 1 are mixed/2 min (depending on the amount of powder) in a mortar. The ingredients from A Placebo Composition According to the Invention blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about/2 min (depending on the amount of powder). A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was 45 Blend 3 is mixed for about /2 min (depending on the prepared as follows: amount of powder). The granules are divided into 550 mg/dose. The dose is weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. % Wiw 9. 50 The water is evaporated at ambient temperature to a final Blend 1: dosage of 506 mg. Kelcogel LT100 22.51 0.675 Drop Down Test: Xylitol 67.52 2.025 To the above dosage form 3.5 ml tapped water is added. Ultrasperse HV 10.0 O.3 After about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned Blend 2: 55 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did not fall out and pass the test. Blend 1 94.0 3.0 Strawberry flavour 6.O O.2 The average absorption rate of water by the dosage per Blend 3: second measured in gram water absorb per gram dosage per second is 3.5 g/0.506 g/120 sec corresponding to a water Blend 2 91.4 3.2O 60 absorption rate of 0.0576 g/g/s Sodium citrate 122 O.042 Water 8.43 O.294 Example 12 The ingredients of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depending on A Placebo Composition According to the Invention the amount of powder) in a mortar. The ingredients from 65 blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about/2 min (depending on A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was the amount of powder). prepared as follows: US 8,383,154 B2 44 Blend 1: the ingredient 1 is dissolved in ingredient 2. Blend 2: the ingredient 2 is dissolved in ingredient 1. The ingredient % Wiw 9. from blend 3 is mixed in a mortar with a scraper or a card until Blend 1: all is blend. Kelcogel LT100 5O1 1.2 The ingredient from blend 4 is mixed in a mortar with a Xylitol 502 1.2 scraper or a card until all is blend. Blend 2: The granules are divided to 600 mg/dose. The dose is Blend 1 8O 2.4 weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by pressing the Keltrol 2O O6 10 granules against the spoon with a stopper to a thin layer about Blend 3: 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is Blend 2 71.4 3.0 evaporated at ambient temperature. Caramel flavour 14.32 O.S Drop Down Test: Water 14.33 O.S To the above dosage form 4 ml tapped water (temp. 15 between 15-20°C.) is added. After about 15 sec the liquid is The ingredients (1-2) of Blend 1 are mixed /2 min (depend absorbed. The spoon is turned around and held upside down ing on the amount of powder) in a mortar. The ingredients for 2 min. The test material did not fall out and pass the test. from blend 2 are mixed in a mortar for about/2 min (depend ing on the amount of powder). The ingredients (2-3) from blend 3 are mixed /2 min and Example 14 ingredient 1 is added to the blend and mixed for about/2 min (depending on the amount of powder). A Composition According to the Invention The granules are divided into 500 mg/dose. The dose is Containing 120 mg Coated Cefuxime in the Dosage weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by gently Unit pressing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to 25 a thin layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is evaporated at ambient temperature to a final A composition in percentage having a shape as outlined in dosage of 429 mg FIG. 1 containing cefuXime as active substance was prepared Drop Down Test: as follow: To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After 30 about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did % Wiw 9. not fall out and pass the test. Blend 1: 35 Example 13 Kelcogel LT100 40 1.195 Xylitol 40 1.195 A Composition According to the Invention Ketrol 2O O.6O Containing 120 mg Coated Cefuxime in the Dosage Blend 2: Unit 40 Sodium citrate 251 O.128 Dem. water 733 0.372 A composition in percentage having a shape as outlined in Keltrol 22 O.O11 FIG. 1 containing cefuXime as active substance was prepared Blend 3 as follow: Blend 1 85.4 2.99 Blend 2 14.6 O.S1 45 % ww 9. The ingredients Blend 1 are mixed in a Braun electronic Blend 1 mixer type 4202 for about 1 min. The ingredients (1-2) blend 2 are dissolved in ingredient 3. Blend 3 is mixed to granules Sodium citrate 251 0.157 50 Dem. Water 752 O.470 in a Braun electronic mixer type 4202 with a dough shaft. Blend 2: The granules are divided to 600 mg/dose. The dose is weight out into a medical spoon and moulded by pressing the Blend 1 98.04 O. 627 Keltrol 1962 O.O13 granules against the spoon with a stopper to a thin layer about Blend 3: 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is 55 evaporated at ambient temperature. Blend 2 60 O.64 Microencapsulated Cefuxime 40 O42 Drop Down Test: Blend 4: To the dosage form 4 ml tapped water (temp. between Kelcogel LT100 5O1 O.98 15-20°C.) is added. After about 15 sec the liquid is absorbed. Xylitol 502 O.98 60 The spoon is turned around and held upside down for 2 min. Blend 5 The test material did not fall out and pass the test. Blend 4 56.1 1.96 Viscosity Test: Blend 3 30.3 1.06 Transfer 43.75 g test materials Accurately weighed into a Ketrol 9.1 O.32 Apple fruit 4.5 O16 65 500 ml beaker, and disperse/dissolve with 500 ml tapped Water. The viscosity is measured to 60500 cps. US 8,383,154 B2 45 Example 15 -continued A Composition According to the Invention Blend 3: Containing 50 mg Coated Paracetamol in the Dosage Kelcogel LT100 42.86 Unit Xylitol 42.86 Keltrol 14.28 A composition in percentage having a shape as outlined in Blend 4: FIG. 1 containing paracetamol as active Substance was pre Blend 2 8OSO pared as follow: Blend 3 19.50 10 Blend 5: Blend 4 90.00 Microencapsulated paracetamol 10.00 (61% pure paracetamol)

Blend 1 Blend 1: Sodium citrate is dissolved dem. water. Blend 2: Sodium citrate 25 Dem. water 75 15 The ingredient is mixed. Blend 2: Blend 3: the ingredient is mixed in a mortar with a scraper or a card until all is blend. Kelcogel LT100 50 Xylitol 50 The ingredient from blend 4 is mixed in a mortar with a Blend 3: scraper or a card until all is blend. Blend 5: The ingredient from blend 5 is mixed in a mortar with a scraper or a card until Blend 2 75 homogeneous blend is obtained. Keltrol 12.5 Apple fruit 12.5 Blend 4:

Blend 3 74.22 25 Blend 6: Blend 1 12.13 Microencapsulated paracetamol 13.65 (61% pure paracetamol) PVP (kollidon 25k) 9.52 99.9% 85.72 Glycerol 4.76 Blend 1: Sodium citrate is dissolved in dem. water. Blend 2: The ingredient from blend 2 is mixed in a mortar with a 30 Blend 6: PVP (kollidon 25k) is dissolved in Ethanol 99.9%, scraper or a card until all is blend. Blend 3: The ingredient when dissolved Glycerol is added and blend. Blend 6 is from blend 3 is mixed in a mortar with a scraper or a card until poured in a 50 ml spray flask with a nozzle. all is blend. The ingredient from blend 4 is mixed in a mortar Prepared spoon: The concave side of the spoons are with a scraper or a card until a homogeneous blend is sprayed twice with blend 4. The EtOH is evaporated in an obtained. 35 oven at 45° C. for one hour. The blend 4 is divided to 600 mg/dose. The dose is weight The blend 5 is divided to 820 mg/dose. The dose is weight out into a medical spoon and molded by pressing the granules out into a prepared medical spoon and moulded by pressing against the spoon with a stopper to a thin layer about 1-3 mm the granules against the spoon with a stopper to a thin layer in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is evaporated at about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is ambient temperature. 40 evaporated at ambient temperature. Drop Down Test: Drop Down Test: To the above dosage form 4 ml tapped water (temp. To the above dosage form 4 ml tapped water (temp. between 15-20°C.) is added. After about 15 sec the liquid is between 15-20°C.) is added. After about 15 sec the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned around and held upside down absorbed. The spoon is turned around and held upside down 45 for 2 min. The test material did not fall out and pass the test. for 2 min. The test material did not fall out and pass the test. Example 16 Example 17 A Composition According to the Invention A Composition According to the Invention 50 Containing 200 mg Coated Paracetamol in the Containing 50 mg Coated Paracetamol in the Dosage Dosage Unit Unit A composition in percentage having a shape as outlined in A composition in percentage having a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 containing paracetamol as active Substance was pre FIG. 1 containing paracetamol as active Substance was pre 55 pared as follow: pared as follow:

Blend 1: Blend 1: 60 Gellan gum (Kelcogel LT100) SO.OO Sodium citrate 25 Xylitol SO.OO Dem. water 75 Blend 2: Blend 2: Blend 1 37.5 Blend 1 50 Microencapsulated paracetamol 52 (61% pure paracetamol) Sodium citrate 11 65 Glycerin 1O.S PEG 200 39 US 8,383,154 B2 47 Blend 2: The ingredients from blend 1 are mixed in a -continued mortar with a pestle, Scraping as needed until homogeneous blend. Blend 3: Blend 1 42.7 Blend 2 9.8 Microencapsulated paracetamol 38.7 Blend 3: (61% pure paracetamol) Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 2.9 Povidone (kollidon 25k) 9.52 Strawberry flavour 5.8 Ethanol 99.9% 85.72 Glycerol 4.76 10 Blend 1: Sodium citrate is dissolved Dem. water. Blend 2: The ingredients from blend are mixed in a mortar Blend 3: Povidone (kollidon 25k) is dissolved Ethanol with a pestle, Scraping as needed until homogeneous blend. 99.9% and then Glycerol is added and dissolved. Blend 4 is poured in a 50 ml spray flask with nozzle. Blend 3: The ingredients from blend are mixed in a mortar Prepared spoon: The concave side of the spoons are 15 with a pestle, Scraping as needed until homogeneous blend. sprayed twice with blend 4. The EtOH is evaporated in an oven at 45° C. for one hour. The blend 2 is divided to 630 mg/dose. The dose is weight Blend 4: out into a prepared medical spoon and moulded by pressing Povidone (kollidon 25k) 9.52 the granules against the spoon with a stopper to a thin layer Ethanol 99.9% 85.72 about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is Glycerol 4.76 evaporated at ambient temperature. Drop Down Test: Blend 4: Povidone (kollidon 25k) is dissolved Ethanol To the above dosage form 4 ml tapped water (temp. 25 99.9% and then Glycerol is added and dissolved. Blend 4 is between 15-20°C.) is added. After about 15 sec the liquid is poured in a 50 ml spray flask with nozzle. absorbed. The spoon is turned around and held upside down Prepared spoon: The concave side of the spoons are for 2 min. The test material did not fall out and pass the test. sprayed twice with blend 4. The EtOH is evaporated in an Dissolution oven at 45° C. for one hour. Material and Methods 30 The blend 3 is divided to 880 mg/dose. The dose is weight Simulated gastric Fluid. For 1 L: 0.1H HCl out into a prepared medical spoon and moulded by pressing Dissolution system consists of online system model the granules against the spoon with a stopper to a thin layer SOTAX AT7 and UV detector Model PE lambda 2 using about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The water is Disslab version 1.1. 35 evaporated at ambient temperature. The dissolutions curve was obtain with Temp37°C., Speed Drop Down Test: 120 rpm, 280 nm and a factor of 108 over a period of 1 h. To the above dosage form 4 ml tapped water (temp. Results and Discussion between 15-20°C.) is added. After about 15 sec the liquid is FIG. 2 illustrates the dissolutions profile of a Paracetamol absorbed. The spoon is turned around and held upside down dosage unit in simulated gastric fluid. After 5 minat least 96% 40 for 2 min. The test material did not fall out and pass the test. of the Paracetamol is released. The curve with the dot-line is pure coated paracetamol used Example 19 in the dosage form; After 5 min at least 96% of the Paraceta mol is released. A Placebo Composition According to the Invention Comparing pure coated paracetamol and the Paracetamol 45 dosage unit no differences between the release profiles are A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was See. prepared as follows (given as % w/w): Example 18 50 A Composition According to the Invention Blend 1: Containing 250 mg Coated Paracetamol in the Sodium citrate 25 Dosage Unit Demineralized water 75 Blend 2:

A composition in percentage having a shape as outlined in 55 Kelcogel LT100 50 FIG. 1 containing paracetamol as active Substance was pre Xylitol 50 pared as follow: Blend 3: Blend 1 11.2 Blend 2 8O 60 Sodium hydrogen carbonates 3 Blend 1: Strawberry flavoribanana flavor 5.8 Sodium citrate 25 Demineralized water 75 Blend 1: Sodium citrate is dissolved dem. Water. Blend 2, Blend 2: The ingredients from blend are mixed in a mortar Gellan gum (Kelcogel LT100) SO.OO 65 with a pestle, Scraping as needed until homogeneous blend. Xylitol SO.OO Blend 3: The ingredients from blend are mixed in a mortar with a pestle, Scraping as needed until homogeneous blend. US 8,383,154 B2 49 The blend 3 is divided into 250 mg/dose. The dose is weight out into a medical spoon and molded by gently press ing the granules against the spoon with a mortarpistil to a thin Blend 4: layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The Povidone (kollidon 25k) 9.52 water is evaporated at ambient temperature. Ethanol 99.9% 85.72 Drop Down Test: Glycerol 4.76 To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After about 96 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned Blend 4: Povidone is dissolved in Ethanol and then Glyc around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did erol is added and dissolved. not fall out and pass the test. 10 Blend 4 is poured in a 50 ml spray flask with nozzle. In-Vivo Ultra Sound Scanning Test Prepared spoon: The concave side of the spoons are In vivo properties of the above placebo formulations were sprayed twice with blend 4. The EtOH is evaporated in an determined in a subject who had fasted for 8-12 hours prior to oven at 45° C. for one hour. ingesting 250 mL of water and 5 min after havingingested the 15 The granules are divided to 300 mg/dose. The dose is prepared dosages form. Ultrasound imaging was performed weight out into a prepared medical spoon and moulded by in sitting position throughout the procedure. pressing the granules against the spoon with a stopperto a thin B-mode ultrasound imaging of the layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The was done with a LOGIO (4-10 MHz) linear transducer (Lin water is evaporated at ambient temperature. ear 10L H40412LG) coupled to a LOGIQ 9 Ultrasound Drop Down Test: instrument with software version R3.0.11 abdominal pro To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After gram (8 MHz). Images were videotaped before ingestion of about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned water and immediately prior to ingestion of the dosage form around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did (time 0) and at five minutes intervals thereafter. not fall out and pass the test. FIG. 3 demonstrates that the ingested water appeared 25 “black” in the ultrasonic image. Example 21 FIG. 4 demonstrates that the ingested dosages form appeared “white' in the ultrasonic image. A Placebo Composition for Use According to the Shortly after ingestion of the water the stomach lumen Invention became Sonolucent and non-echogenic and thus appeared 30 “black” in the ultrasonic image and after ingestion of the A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was dosage form the stomach lumen became Sonolucent and prepared as follows (given as % w/w): echogenic and thus appeared “white' in the ultrasonic image. As seen from the picture FIG. 5 the dosage form is spread through out the stomach, which indicate that the dosage form 35 is totally disintegrated when reaching the stomach. Blend 1: Kelcogel LT100 50 Example 20 Xylitol 50 Blend 2: 40 A Placebo Composition for Use According to the Blend 1 83.3 Invention Medium Chain Triglyceride EP S.6 (Labrafiac cc) A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was Povidone (kollidon 25k) S.6 prepared as follows (given as % w/w): Vanilla flavour S.6 45 Blend 1: The ingredients from blend are mixed in a mortar with a pestle, Scraping as needed until homogeneous blend. Blend 1: Blend 2: blend 1 is mixed with Medium Chain Triglyceride Kelcogel LT100 50 EP (Labrafiac cc) in a mortar with a pestle, Scraping as needed Xylitol 50 50 until homogeneous blend and Povidone (kollidon 25k) is Blend 2: added mixed to a homogeneous blend, Vanilla flavour is Blend 1 92.4 added to the mixture and blend to a homogeneous mass. Povidone (kollidon 25k) O.S Strawberry flavoribanana?vanilla flavor 7.1 Blend 3: 55 Blend 3: Blend 1 93.8 Ethanol 99.9% 6.2 Povidone (kollidon 25k) 9.52 Ethanol 99.9% 85.72 Glycerol 4.76 Blend 1: Kelcogel LT 100 and Xylitol are mixed in a mortar 60 with a pestle, Scraping as needed until homogeneous blend. Blend 2: The ingredients from blend 2 are mixed in a Blend 3: Povidone (kollidon 25k) is dissolved in Ethanol mortar with a pestle, Scraping as needed until homogeneous 99.9% and Glycerol is added to the mixture and dissolved. blend. Blend 4 is poured in a 50 ml spray flask with nozzle. Blend 3: The ingredients from blend 3 are mixed in a 65 Prepared spoon: The concave side of the spoons are mortar with a pestle, Scraping as needed until homogeneous sprayed twice with blend 3. The EtOH is evaporated in an blend. oven at 45° C. for one hour. US 8,383,154 B2 51 The granules are divided to 250 mg/dose. The dose is -continued weight out into a prepared medical spoon and moulded by pressing the granules against the spoon with a stopperto a thin % ww 9. layer about 1-3 mm in high in the bottom of the spoon. The Blend 4 water is evaporated at ambient temperature. PVPK25 9.5 4.OO Drop Down Test: Glycerol 4.8 2.00 To the above dosage form 3 ml tapped water is added. After Ethanol 99.9% 85.7 36.O1 about /2 min the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did 10 Blend 1: Kelcogel LT 100 and Xylitol is mixed in a mortar not fall out and pass the test. until a homogeneous blend is formed. Blend 2: The vanilla flavour is grinded in a mortar and the Example 22 PVP K25 is added stepwise under mixing to form a homoge neous blend. Oral Hygiene Composition for Use Directly in the 15 Blend 3: Blend 1 is volumetrically mixed stepwise into Mouth Cavity with or without Prehydration Blend 2 with a dough scraper or mixing card. The Glycerol is added stepwise under continuous slow mixing and a uniform granulate is formed. A composition in percentage having a shape as outlined in Blend 4: Ethanol and PVP K25 is mixed and stirred until a FIG. 1 was prepared as follow: clear mixture is obtained. The Glycerol is added and stirred until a clear mixture is obtained. Blend 4 is poured into a 50 ml spray flask with nozzle. Medical spoon preparation: The concave side of a medical Blend 1: spoon is sprayed twice with Blend 4 (approximately 60 mg) Xylitol 86.6 and placed in an oven at 45° C. for 30 minutes. Glycerol 13.4 25 335-17.5 mg/dose of Blend 3 is weight into a prepared Blend 2: medicine spoon and distributed by pressing the granules against the spoon with a stopper. The final layer of granules Blend 1 S3.6 lay in the bottom of the spoon and is approximately 2 mm in Kelcogel LT100 46.4 height. The spoon is sprayed twice with blend 4 (approxi 30 mately 60 mg) and placed in an oven at 45° C. for 30 minutes, Blend 1: Xylitol is mixed with glycerol in a Braun elec evaporating the ethanol. tronic kitchen mixer at level 4, for 2 min. Blend 2: The Drop Down Test: ingredient from blend 2 is mixed in the Braun Electronic To the above dosage form 5 M1 tapped water is added. After kitchen mixer until all is blend. Sieved through a sieve mesh. about 30 seconds the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned The two blends are mixed and pressed into plates with a 35 around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did thickness of approximately 2 mm and cut into pieces of 1x2 not fall out and pass the test. cm. The flakes are dried in an oven (Electrolux) at 45° C. for Example 24 /2 h. The flakes are placed in the oral cavity where the formula A Composition According to the Invention tion will be hydrated by the saliva and any local active 40 Containing 250 mg Paracetamol released or the formulation can be added conventional toot paste components and dried on tooth brushes or on other A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was devices for mechanical cleaning within the oral cavity. prepared as follows: Example 23 45 % Wiw 9. A Placebo Composition According to the Invention Blend 1:

50 Kelcogel LT100 50 18.78 A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was Xylitol 50 18.78 prepared as follows: Blend 2:

Vanilla Flavour 92.2 2.25 PVPK2 7.8 O.19 % Wiw 9. 55 end 3: Blend 1 Blend 1 42.8 6.24 Blend 2 2.76 O4O2 Kelcogel LT100 50 18.78 Glycerol 3.42 O499 Xylitol 50 18.78 Paracetamol 40.6 S.92 Blend 2 Glycerol 1O.S 1.53 60 Blend 4: Vanilla Flavour 92.2 2.25 PVP K25 7.8 O.19 PVPK25 9.5 4.OO Blend 3 Glycerol 4.8 2.00 Ethanol 99.9% 85.7 36.O1 Blend 1 88.89 37.56 Blend 2 5.78 2.44 65 Glycerol 5.33 2.25 Blend 1: Kelcogel LT 100 and Xylitol is mixed in a mortar until a homogeneous blend is formed. US 8,383,154 B2 53 54 Blend 2: The vanilla flavour is grinded in a mortar and the Blend 4: Ethanol and PVP K25 is mixed and stirred until a PVP K25 is added stepwise under mixing to form a homoge clear mixture is obtained. The Glycerol is added and stirred neous blend. until a clear mixture is obtained. Blend 4 is poured into a 50 Blend 3: Blend 1 is volumetrically mixed stepwise into ml spray flask with nozzle. Blend 2 with a dough scraper or mixing card. Glycerol is Medical spoon preparation: The concave side of a medical added stepwise under continuous slow mixing and a uniform spoon is sprayed twice with Blend 4 (approximately 60 mg) granulate is formed. Paracetamol is added under continuous and placed in an oven at 45° C. for 30 minutes. slow mixing and the final part of Glycerol is added to form a 720t20 mg/dose is weight into a prepared medicine spoon uniform granulate. and distributed by pressing the granules against the spoon Blend 4: Ethanol and PVP K25 is mixed and stirred until a 10 with a stopper. The final layer of granules lay in the bottom of clear mixture is obtained. The Glycerol is added and stirred the spoon and is approximately 2 mm in height. until a clear mixture is obtained. Blend 4 is poured into a 50 Drop Down Test: ml spray flask with nozzle. To the above dosage form 5 M1 tapped water is added. After Medical spoon preparation: The concave side of a medical spoon is sprayed twice with Blend 4 (approximately 60 mg) 15 about 30 seconds the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned and placed in an oven at 45° C. for 30 minutes. around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did 616t20 mg/dose is weight into a prepared medicine spoon not fall out and pass the test. and distributed by pressing the granules against the spoon Dissolution Testing: with a stopper. The final layer of granules lay in the bottom of For dissolution spoons prepared as described above was the spoon and is approximately 2 mm in height. topspray places in a dissolution medium after removal of the handle Drop Down Test: and aided by a sinker glued to the outer concave bottom To the above dosage form 5 ml tapped water is added. After whereby the spoons were located in the bottom of each of the about 30 seconds the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned dissolution vessels comprising 900 ml medium and equipped around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did with a paddle rotating at 50 rpm. not fall out and pass the test. 25 Media: 0.1 NHC1 -pH 1 (test media 1.): Vessel 5 and 6 Example 25 Ad 1000 ml of purified water into a 5000 ml blue cap flask. Add carefully 25.5 ml 37 w/w %HClinto the 5000 ml blue A Composition According to the Invention cap flask. Containing 415 mg Coated Paracetamol 30 Add purified water until 3000 ml is reached. (Corresponding to 250 mg Paracetamol) Measure the pH of the Solution 0.05M Phosphate solution pH 4.5 (test media 2):Vessels 3 A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was and 4 prepared as follows: 35 Add 750 ml of a 0.2 M KH2PO4 solution (prepare accord ing to QCF026) in to a 5000 ml blue cap flask. Add 2250 ml Elix water. % Wiw 9. Measure the pH of the solution. The pH changed to 4.8 after addition of sample. Blend 1: 40 0.05M Phosphate standard solution pH 6.8 (test media 3) Kelcogel LT100 50 18.78 Vessel 1 and 2 Xylitol 50 18.78 Dissolution Procedure: Blend 2: Place 895 g of degassed dissolution medium in vessel 1 to Vanilla Flavour 92.2 2.25 6. PVPK2 7.8 O.19 45 Vessel 1 and 2: Phosphate buffer pH 6.8. end 3: Vessel 3 and 4: Phosphate solution pH 4.5. Vessel 5 and 6: 0.1N HC1. Blend 1 33.2 1O.S Blend 2 2.15 O.678 Place 200 ml of Diluent buffer in the Standard vessel. Glycerol 2.66 O840 After cell diagnostics, replace Diluent buffer from the Coated Paracetamol 57.1 18.06 50 Standard vessel with 250 ml of standard solution (0.2 mg Glycerol 4.81 1.52 paracetamol/ml). Blend 4:

PVPK25 9.5 4.OO Glycerol 4.8 2.OO Ethanol 99.9% 85.7 36.01 Analytical principle Online UW 55 API Paracetamol Method USP2 (paddle) Degassing Vacuum filtration at 41° C. Blend 1: Kelcogel LT 100 and Xylitol is mixed in a mortar Temperature 37°C. O.S. C. until a homogeneous blend is formed. Volume 900 + 0.2% (895 ml + 4 ml) Blend 2: The vanilla flavour is grinded in a mortar and the Detection 280 nm. PVP K25 is added stepwise under mixing to form a homoge 60 Rotation speed 50 rpm neous blend. Filters 0.7 Full Flow Filter Blend 3: Blend 1 is volumetrically mixed stepwise into Detection frequency every 5 min. in 60 minutes Blend 2 with a dough scraper or mixing card. Glycerol is added stepwise under continuous slow mixing and a uniform Sample Preparation: granulate is formed. Coated Paracetamol is added under con 65 Carefully remove the shaft from the spoon using a pair of tinuous slow mixing and the final part of Glycerol is added to Scissors. form a uniform granulate. Place sinker on outer bottom of the spoon unit. US 8,383,154 B2 55 Add 4 ml of tapped water (room temperature) to the test unit. Results: % ww 9. Blend 1: TABLE 1. Kelcogel LT100 50 18.72 Release Time and 90 dissolved material as a function of pH. Xylitol 50 18.76 Blend 2: Release time where less than 0.5% Vanilla Flavour 92.2 2.24 increase from last 10 PVPK2 7.8 O.19 measurement % Dissolved, end 3: Solution pH (A-0.5% absolute) 60 min. Blend 1 50.7 5.67 O.1 NHCI 1 35 93.9 Blend 2 3.29 O.33 50 90.4 Glycerol 6.OO O.60 O.OSM 4.5 15 90.8 15 Coated Ibuprofen 40.O 4.OO Phosphate 10 90.8 Blend 4: O.OSM 6.8 15 85.4 Phosphate 10 86.8 PVPK25 9.5 4.OO Glycerol 4.8 2.00 Ethanol 99.9% 85.7 36.O1

CONCLUSIONS Blend 1: Kelcogel LT 100 and Xylitol is mixed in a mortar until a homogeneous blend is formed. The results demonstrate a fast dissolution rate of the parac Blend 2: The vanilla flavour is grinded in a mortar and the etamol from the test product. However, at low pH the release PVP K25 is added stepwise under mixing to form a homoge is relatively slower compared to pH 4.5 and 6.8. Note that the 25 neous blend. gellangum does not dissolve once gelled hence all dissolution Blend 3: Blend 1 is volumetrically mixed stepwise into vessels contain a high amount of non-dissolving Substances. Blend 2 with a dough scraper or mixing card. Glycerol is Besides the pH difference of the media the difference in ionic added stepwise under continuous slow mixing and a uniform composition should be noted as this possibly could affect granulate is formed. Ibuprofen is added stepwise under con drug release. Furthermore, it is noted that drug release is 30 tinuous slow mixing. approx. 91-94%at pH 1 and 4.5 and 85-87% at pH 6.8. As this Blend 4: Ethanol and PVP K25 is mixed and stirred until a test was done on n=2 it is not possible to conclude if this is clear mixture is obtained. Glycerol is added and stirred until significant and it could be related to the specific coating of the a clear mixture is obtained. Blend 4 is poured into a 50 ml paracetamol. spray flask with nozzle. During dissolution it is seen that the formulation disinte 35 Medical spoon preparation: The concave side of a medical grates in all 3 media as illustrated in the photographs pre spoon is sprayed twice with Blend 4 (approximately 60 mg) sented in FIGS. 6, 7, and 8 with fine homogeneous material and placed in an oven at 45° C. for 30 minutes. most prominent in buffer solution pH 6.8 (FIG. 8). Slightly 500+20 mg/dose is weight into a prepared medicine spoon bigger, however still homogeneous fluffy flakes of material and distributed by pressing the granules against the spoon are seen at pH 4.8 (FIG. 7). At low pH, the formulation still 40 with a stopper. The final layer of granules lay in the bottom of completely disintegrates into more inhomogeneous material the spoon and is approximately 2 mm in height. The spoon is with individual flakes varying in size from approximately 1 to sprayed twice with blend 4 (approximately 60mg) and placed 5 mm (FIG. 6). in an oven at 45° C. for 30 minutes, evaporating the ethanol. The dissolution result appears from FIG. 9 Drop Down Test: 45 To the above dosage form 5 M1 tapped water is added. After A similar result has been obtained with the following about 30 seconds the liquid is absorbed. The spoon is turned media: around and held upside down for 2 min. The test material did Simulated Gastric Fluid, (0.072M cation)-modified SGF not fall out and pass the test. USP as without enzymes and with 2.1x cations in 6 vessels: Add 5000 ml of purified water into a 25L plastic container. 50 Example 27 Add carefully 70 ml 37 w/w %, HCl in to the plastic con tainer. Guideline Regarding Effective Ratio Between Gellan Weigh 42.07 g.0.1 g NaCl and add it to the plastic con Gum Granulated with Xylitol with Respect to tainer. Gelling Time and Amount of Water Necessary for 55 Obtaining an Efficient Gel (300 mg of Mixture) Dissolve the salt and add purified water until 10000 ml is reached. Xylitol enables waterpenetration in the granula and secure Measure the pH of the solution. a fast and efficient hydration of the gum. Binder used is glycerol 7.0% weight of total formulation. Granulating pro Example 26 60 cedure identical with placebo formulation of Example 23. As appears from the Table 2 Xylitol decreases the gelling time and increases the range of water resulting necessary for A Composition According to the Invention obtaining a sufficient gelling as the 50%/50% mixture is less Containing 200 mg Coated Ibuprofen sensitive to the amount of water added than the mixture com 65 prising 20% Xylitol. Clearly the less gellan gum present, the A composition that has a shape as outlined in FIG. 1 was less water shall be added to avoid inconvenient presence of prepared as follows: excess water in the formulation. US 8,383,154 B2 57 58 TABLE 2

A. B C D E (blind) Gellan Gum 9.6 1OO 8O 50 2O O Xylitol % O 2O 50 8O 1OO Water 3, 4, 5 ml 4 and 5 ml 4 and 5 ml 3 ml 3 ml added to spoon(s) Gelling Insufficient Sufficient Sufficient Good No gelling quality and gelling for all gelling with gelling with gelling, time 3 spoons as 5 ml only. 4 ml as well however dry granule Gelling time as 5 ml (XCESS is still between 10-12 sec. water added Water present in and present the spoons completed after 30 within 10 Seconds. Seconds.

The invention claimed is: of hydrophilic vinyl and acryl polymers, poly Saccharides, 1. A swellable vehicle for oral administration of one or PEO, PEG, PPG, poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), poly more active substances, the vehicle comprising 20-80% by (acrylic)acid, poly(methacrylic)acid, PVP, PVA, PVA/PVP weight of a swellable gellan gum, or swellable mixture of copolymers, HEC, HPC, HPMC, CMC, CEC, sodium algi gellan gums, arranged in a configuration allowing optimal nate, polycarbophil, gelatine and Sodium starch glycolate, water diffusion so that upon addition of a predetermined and mixtures thereof. amount of an aqueous medium, without the necessity of 10. A vehicle according to claim 9, wherein the hydrophilic applying shear forces or other mixing forces, within a time 25 agent is an osmotic agent selected from the group consisting period of 5 minutes or less Swells and/or gels; of PEO, PEG, PVP. HPMC and polyacrylic acid, and mix wherein the gellangum is acylated within a degree of up to tures thereof. 4 per every two repeats of the glucose-rhamnose-glu 11. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the hydrophilic cose-glucoronic acid unit of the polymer, and the vehicle agent is an osmotic agent selected from the group consisting further comprises a hydrophilic agent selected from the 30 of magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, calcium chlo group consisting of electrolytes, organic acids and ride, Sodium chloride, lithium chloride, potassium sulfate, osmotic agents, and mixtures thereof, that improves sodium carbonate, sodium sulfite, lithium sulfate, potassium Swelling of the gellan gum; and chloride, Sodium Sulfate, mannitol. Xylitol, urea, Sorbitol, the texture of the swelled vehicle being similar to that of a inositol, raffinose. Sucrose, glucose, fructose, lactose, inulin, Soft pudding and having a viscosity of at least about 35 instant Sugar, citric acid, Succinic acid, tartaric acid, and mix 10,000 cps as measured by a BrookfieldViscometer with tures thereof. a #4 LV spindle at 6 rpm and at 20-25°C.; the Viscom 12. A vehicle according to claim 11, wherein the hydro eter spindle is centered in the test sample container, the philic agent is an osmotic agent selected from the group spindle is properly immersed to the mid-point of the consisting of glucose, lactose, Sucrose, mannitol. Xylitol and shafts narrow portion; test method: Into a 500 ml beaker 40 sodium chloride, and mixtures thereof. 22-88 g test material is accurately weighed, 500 ml 13. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the hydrophilic tapped water is added, mix until all the material is dis agent is an electrolyte is a ionizable Substance that is selected persed/dissolved, and after about 5 min the viscosity and from the group consisting of monovalent, divalent, or multi the temperature are measured. valent ionizable salts. 2. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the Viscosity is 45 14. A vehicle according to claim 13, wherein the salt is in a range from about 10,000 to about 99,000 cps. selected from the group consisting of alkali metal salts, alka 3. A vehicle according to claim 1 further comprising a line earth metal salts ionizable alkaline earth metal salts and Swelling and/or gelling agent selected from hydrocolloids organic salts. and hydrogelling agents, and cellulose derivatives or mix 15. A vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the salt is tures thereof. 50 selected from the group consisting of calcium Sulfate, sodium 4. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the gellan gum chloride, potassium sulfate, sodium carbonate, lithium chlo has a mean particle size within 25 mesh to 300 mesh. ride, tripotassium phosphate, sodium borate, potassium bro 5. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the gellan gum mide, potassium fluoride, Sodium bicarbonate, calcium chlo is acylated within a degree of 0 to 4 per every two repeats of ride, magnesium chloride, Sodium citrate, Sodium acetate, the glucose-rhamnose-glucose-glucuronic acid unit of the 55 calcium lactate, magnesium sulfate, alkali metal chlorides, polymer. Sodium fluoride, organic acids, Sodium Sulfate, dihydrogen 6. A vehicle according to claim 5, wherein the gellan gum Sodium phosphate, monohydrogen Sodium phosphate, diso has a degree of acylation of one glycerate per repeat and one dium hydrogen phosphate, and mixtures thereof, and multi acetate per every two repeats. Valent metal cations. 7. A vehicle according to claim 1, which when contacted 60 16. A vehicle according to claim 15, wherein the salt is with water forms a micro-porous hydrogel having a pore calcium Sulfate or sodium chloride. size of at the most 4 A. 17. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the hydrophilic 8. A vehicle according to claim 1, which when contacted agent is an organic acid selected from the group consisting of with water—forms a macro-porous hydrogel having a pore benzoic acid, Succinic acid, citric acid and adipic acid and size of from about 4 to about 15 A. 65 other pharmaceutically approved organic acids. 9. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the hydrophilic 18. A vehicle according to claim 1 further comprising one agent is an osmotic agent selected from the group consisting or more additives selected from the group consisting of Sur US 8,383,154 B2 59 60 factants, coloring agents, Sweetening agents, taste-masking so that upon addition of a predetermined amount of an aque agents, antioxidants, polysaccharides, Sugars, Wetting agents, ous medium, without the necessity of applying shear forces or UV-absorbers, Suspending agents, stabilizers, solubilizers, other mixing forces, within a time period of 5 minutes or less, preservatives, processing aids, pH controlling agents, plasti the composition Swells and/or gels; cizers, odor masking agents, nutrients, flavouring agents, fla wherein the gellangum is acylated within a degree of up to Vour masking agents, emulsifiers, thickening agents, dispers 4 per every two repeats of the glucose-rhamnose-glu ing agents, crystal grow inhibitors, crystallization promoters, cose-glucoronic acid unit of the polymer, and the vehicle chelating agents, buffers, bases, and antimicrobials, and mix further comprises a hydrophilic agent selected from the tures thereof. group consisting of electrolytes, organic acids and 19. A vehicle according to claim 1 further comprising 10 glycerol. osmotic agents, and mixtures thereof, that improves 20. A vehicle according to claim 1 further comprising a Swelling of the gellan gum; and pH-adjusting agent. the texture of the swelled composition being similar to that 21. A vehicle according to claim 20, wherein the pH adjust of a soft pudding and having a viscosity of at least about ing agent is present in an amount So as to adjust the pH of the 15 10,000 cps as measured by a BrookfieldViscometer with gel formed upon addition of an aqueous medium to about 4.5 a #4 LV spindle at 6 rpm and at 20-25°C.; the Viscom to about 11. eter spindle is centered in the test sample container, the 22. A vehicle according to claim 20, wherein the pH adjust spindle is properly immersed to the mid-point of the ing agent is present in an amount of from about 0.01% to shafts narrow portion; test method: Into a 500 ml beaker about 15% w/w. 22-88 g test material is accurately weighed, 500 ml 23. A vehicle according to claim 1 comprising a wetting tapped water is added, mix until all the material is dis agent selected from the group consisting of pharmaceutically persed/dissolved, and after about 5 min the viscosity and acceptable anionic Surfactants, cationic Surfactants, amphot the temperature are measured. eric (amphipathic/amphophilic) Surfactants, and non-ionic 35. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, Surfactants; and alkane metal Sulfates, wherein the alkyl 25 wherein the viscosity is in a range from about 10,000 to about group is from 1 to 14 carbon atoms. 99,000 cps. 24. A vehicle according to claim 1 in the form of a powder 36. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, blend. further comprising a Swelling and/or gelling agent selected 25. A vehicle according to claim 1 in the form of granules, from hydrocolloids and hydrogelling agents, and cellulose beads, oblates or pellets. 30 derivatives, or mixtures thereof. 26. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein at least one of 37. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, the additives selected from the group consisting of surfac wherein the gellan gum has a mean particle size within 25 tants, coloring agents, Sweetening agents, taste-masking mesh to 300 mesh. agents, antioxidants, polysaccharides, Sugars, Wetting agents, 38. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, UV-absorbers, Suspending agents, stabilizers, solubilizers, 35 wherein the gellan gum is acylated within a degree of 0 to 4 preservatives, processing aids, pH controlling agents, plasti per every two repeats of the glucose-rhamnose-glucose-glu cizers, odor masking agents, nutrients, flavouring agents, fla curonic acid unit of the polymer. Vour masking agents, emulsifiers, thickening agents, dispers 39. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, ing agents, crystal grow inhibitors, crystallization promoters, wherein the gellan gum has a degree of acylation of one chelating agents, buffers, bases, and antimicrobials, and mix 40 glycerate per repeat and one acetate per every two repeats. tures thereof, and/or the hydrophilic agent and/or the swelling 40. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, and/or gelling agent is added to a granulate material. which—when contacted with water—forms a micro-porous 27. A vehicle according to claim 1 in the form of a granu hydrogel having a pore size of at the most 4 A. late. 41. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, 28. A vehicle according to claim 1 further comprising one 45 which—when contacted with water—forms a macro-porous or more active Substances. hydrogel having a pore size of from about 4 to about 15 A. 29. A vehicle according to claim 28, wherein an active 42. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, substance is present in admixture with the vehicle. wherein the hydrophilic agent is an osmotic agent selected 30. A vehicle according to claim 26, wherein an active from the group consisting of hydrophilic vinyl and acryl Substance is present in the granulate material. 50 polymers, poly saccharides, PEO, PEG, PPG, poly(2-hy 31. A vehicle according to claim 28, wherein the active droxyethyl methacrylate), poly(acrylic)acid, poly(meth Substance is present in a coated and/or microencapsulated acrylic)acid, PVP, PVA, PVA/PVP copolymers, HEC, HPC, form or embedded in a matrix. HPMC, CMC, CEC, sodium alginate, polycarbophil, gelatine 32. A vehicle according to claim 28, wherein the active and sodium starch glycolate, and mixtures thereof. substance is present in a form that allows for controlled 55 43. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, release of the active substance. wherein the hydrophilic agent is an osmotic agent selected 33. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the vehicle from the group consisting of PEO, PEG, PVP. HPMC and passes the drop down test: in a test spoon 0.5 g-0.7 g test polyacrylic acid, and mixtures thereof. material is accurately weighed; 3 ml-5 ml tapped water is 44. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, added; wait /2 min, turn the spoon around, and if the test 60 wherein the hydrophilic agent is an osmotic agent selected material does not drop down (fall off the spoon) within2 min, from the group consisting of magnesium Sulfate, magnesium the material has passed the test. chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, lithium chlo 34. A swellable pharmaceutical composition for oral ride, potassium Sulfate, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfite, administration comprising one or more active Substances and lithium sulfate, potassium chloride, Sodium sulfate, mannitol, a swellable vehicle comprising 20-80% by weight of a 65 Xylitol, urea, Sorbitol, inositol, raffinose, Sucrose, glucose, Swellable gellan gum, or Swellable mixture of gellan gums, fructose, lactose, inulin, instant Sugar, citric acid, Succinic arranged in a configuration allowing optimal water diffusion acid, tartaric acid, and mixtures thereof. US 8,383,154 B2 61 62 45. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, ing agents, flavour masking agents, emulsifiers, thickening wherein the hydrophilic agent is an osmotic agent selected agents, dispersing agents, crystal grow inhibitors, crystalliza from the group consisting of glucose, lactose, Sucrose, man tion promoters, chelating agents, buffers, bases, and antimi nitol, xylitol and sodium chloride, and mixtures thereof. crobials, and mixtures thereof, and/or the hydrophilic agent 46. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, 5 and/or the Swelling and/or gelling agent is added to a granu wherein the hydrophilic agent is an electrolyte is a ionizable late material. Substance that is selected from the group consisting of 59. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, monovalent, divalent, or multivalent ionizable salts. wherein the active Substance is present in a coated and/or 47. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 46, microencapsulated form or embedded in a matrix. wherein the salt is selected from the group consisting of alkali 10 60. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, metal salts, alkaline earth metal salts, ionizable alkaline earth wherein the active substance is present in a form that allows metal salts and organic salts. for controlled release of the active substance. 48. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 47. 61. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, wherein the salt is selected from the group consisting of wherein the active substance is in admixture with the vehicle. calcium sulfate, Sodium chloride, potassium Sulfate, sodium 15 carbonate, lithium chloride, tripotassium phosphate, sodium 62. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, borate, potassium bromide, potassium fluoride, Sodium bicar wherein the active substance and the vehicle is in the form of bonate, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, Sodium cit granules, beads, oblates or pellets. rate, Sodium acetate, calcium lactate, magnesium Sulfate, 63. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, alkali metal chlorides, sodium fluoride, organic acids, sodium wherein the active substance and the vehicle is in the form of Sulfate, dihydrogen Sodium phosphate, monohydrogen a granulate. Sodium phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, and mix 64. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, tures thereof, and multivalent metal cations. which passes the drop down test: in a test spoon 0.5 g-0.7 g 49. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 48, test material is accurately weighed; 3 ml-5 ml tapped water is wherein the salt is calcium sulfate or sodium chloride. 25 added; wait /2 min, turn the spoon around, and if the test 50. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, material does not drop down (fall off the spoon) within2 min, wherein the hydrophilic agent is an organic acid selected from the material has passed the test. the group consisting of benzoic acid, Succinic acid, citric acid 65. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, and adipic acid and other pharmaceutically approved organic in the form of a solid dosage form. acids. 30 51. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, 66. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 65 in further comprising one or more additives selected from the the form of a unit dosage form. group consisting of Surfactants, coloring agents, Sweetening 67. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 65 in agents, taste-masking agents, antioxidants, polysaccharides, the form of a dosage kit comprising a dispensing unit incor Sugars, wetting agents, UV-absorbers, Suspending agents, 35 porating the solid dosage form. stabilizers, solubilizers, preservatives, processing aids, pH 68. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 67. controlling agents, plasticizers, odor masking agents, nutri wherein the dispensing unit is a spoon. ents, flavouring agents, flavour masking agents, emulsifiers, 69. A dispensing unit comprising a Swellable pharmaceu thickening agents, dispersing agents, crystal grow inhibitors, tical composition for oral administration comprising one or crystallization promoters, chelating agents, buffers, bases, 40 more active Substances and a Swellable vehicle comprising and antimicrobials, and mixtures thereof. 20-80% by weight of a swellable gellan gum, or swellable 52. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, mixture of gellan gums, arranged in a configuration allowing further comprising glycerol. optimal water diffusion so that upon addition of a predeter 53. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, mined amount of an aqueous medium, without the necessity further comprising a pH-adjusting agent. 45 of applying shear forces or other mixing forces, within a time 54. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 53, period of 5 minutes or less, the composition Swells and/or wherein the pH adjusting agent is present in an amount so as gels; to adjust the pH of the gel formed upon addition of an aqueous wherein the gellangum is acylated within a degree of up to medium to about 4.5 to about 11. 4 per every two repeats of the glucose-rhamnose-glu 55. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 53, 50 cose-glucoronic acid unit of the polymer, and the vehicle wherein the pH adjusting agent is present in an amount of further comprises a hydrophilic agent selected from the from about 0.01% to about 15% w/w. group consisting of electrolytes, organic acids and 56. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, osmotic agents, and mixtures thereof, that improves comprising a wetting agent selected from the group consist Swelling of the gellan gum; and ing of pharmaceutically acceptable anionic Surfactants, cat 55 the texture of the swelled composition being similar to that ionic Surfactants, amphoteric (amphipathic/amphophilic) of a soft pudding and having a viscosity of at least about Surfactants, and non-ionic Surfactants and alkane metal Sul 10,000 cps as measured by a BrookfieldViscometer with fates, wherein the alkyl group is from 1 to 14 carbon atoms. a #4 LV spindle at 6 rpm and at 20-25°C.; the Viscom 57. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, eter spindle is centered in the test sample container, the in the form of a powder blend. 60 spindle is properly immersed to the mid-point of the 58. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, shafts narrow portion; test method: Into a 500 ml beaker wherein at least one of the additives selected from the group 22-88 g test material is accurately weighed, 500 ml consisting of Surfactants, coloring agents, Sweetening agents, tapped water is added, mix until all the material is dis taste-masking agents, antioxidants, polysaccharides, Sugars, persed/dissolved, and after about 5 min the viscosity and wetting agents, UV-absorbers, Suspending agents, stabilizers, 65 the temperature are measured. solubilizers, preservatives, processing aids, pH controlling 70. A dispensing unit according to claim 69 in unit dosage agents, plasticizers, odor masking agents, nutrients, flavour form. US 8,383,154 B2 63 64 71. A dispensing unit according to claim 69, wherein the 85. A vehicle according to claim 21, wherein the pH adjust pharmaceutical composition is adhered or glued to a Surface ing agent is present in an amount So as to adjust the pH of the of the dispensing unit. gel formed upon addition of an aqueous medium to about 5 to 72. A dispensing unit according to claim 69 having a con about 8. cave Surface. 5 86. A vehicle according to claim 22, wherein the pH adjust 73. A dispensing unit according to claim 69 in the form of ing agent is present in an amount of from about 0.05% to a Spoon. about 5% w/w. 74. A dispensing unit according to claim 73 in which the 87. A vehicle according to claim 23, wherein the wetting pharmaceutical composition is adhered or glued to the con agent selected from the group consisting of poloxamer, PEG, cave part of the spoon. 10 PEO, sodium methyl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate and dio 75. A dispensing unit according to any of claim 71 or 74, ctyl sodium sulfoSuccinate. wherein the glue comprises one or more components in liquid 88. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 36, form or in Solution selected from the group consisting of wherein the hydrogelling agent is selected from the group Sugar alcohols, Sugars, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), gums. 15 consisting of alginic acid, sodium alginate, potassium algi 76. A dispensing unit according to any of claim 71 or 74, nate, ammonium alginate, calcium alginate, propane-1,2-diol wherein the glue comprises a mixture of PVP and glycerol. alginate, agar, carrageenan, processed eucheuma Seaweed, 77. A method for preparing a pharmaceutical composition locust bean gum, guar gum, tragacanth, acacia gum, Xanthan according to claim 34, the method comprising blending the gum, karaya gum, tara gum, konjac, pectins, methyl cellu dry components and optionally granulating the mixture with lose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methyl cellu a binder. lose, ethyl methyl cellulose, carboxy methyl cellulose, 78. A method according to claim 77, wherein the pharma Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, crosslinked sodium car ceutical composition further comprises one or more excipi boxy methyl cellulose, enzymatically hydrolysed carboxy ents and/or active ingredients which have an aqueous solu methyl cellulose, gelatin, and mixtures thereof. bility substantially lower than the aqueous solubility of the 25 89. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 47. gellan gum. wherein the salt is a salt of an organic acid selected from the 79. A method according to claim 78 comprising group consisting of citric, Succinic, fumaric, malic, maleic, (i) granulating a first blend comprising Swellable gellan glutaric, and lactic acid. gum but essentially not containing the one or more 90. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 53, excipients and/or active ingredients which have an aque 30 wherein the pH-adjusting agent is selected from the group ous solubility Substantially lower than the aqueous solu consisting of sodium bicarbonate, sodium phosphate, Sodium bility of the gellan gum, hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, sodium stannate, trietha (ii) adding the one or more excipients and/or active ingre nolamine, citric acid, hydrochloric acid, Sodium citrate, and dients which have an aqueous solubility Substantially combinations thereof. lower than the aqueous solubility of the gellan gum to 35 91. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 54. the granulated first blend. wherein the pH adjusting agent is present in an amount so as 80. A method according to claim 79 wherein the one or to adjust the pH of the gel formed upon addition of an aqueous more excipients and/or active ingredients which have an medium to about 5 to about 9. aqueous solubility Substantially lower than the aqueous solu 92. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 54. bility of the gellan gum is added to the granulated first blend 40 wherein the pH adjusting agent is present in an amount so as as a blend or granulate with additional excipients. to adjust the pH of the gel formed upon addition of an aqueous 81. A vehicle according to claim 3, wherein the swelling medium to about 5 to about 8. and/or gelling agent is selected from the group consisting of 93. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 55, alginic acid, Sodium alginate, potassium alginate, ammonium wherein the pH adjusting agent is present in an amount of alginate, calcium alginate, propane-1,2-diol alginate, agar, 45 from about 0.05% to about 5% w/w. carrageenan, processed eucheuma seaweed, locust bean gum, 94. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 56. guar gum, tragacanth, acacia gum, Xanthan gum, karayagum, wherein the wetting agent is selected from the group consist tara gum, konjac, pectins, methyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl ing of poloxamer, PEG. PEO, sodium methylsulfate, sodium cellulose, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, ethyl methyl cel lauryl Sulfate and dioctyl sodium SulfoSuccinate. lulose, carboxy methyl cellulose, sodium carboxy methyl 50 95. A vehicle according to claim 1, comprising at least cellulose, crosslinked sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, 22.5% by weight of the swellable gellan gum, or swellable enzymatically hydrolysed carboxy methyl cellulose, gelatin, mixture of gellan gums. and mixtures thereof. 96. A vehicle according to claim 1, comprising from 22.5% 82. A vehicle according to claim 15, wherein the salt is a to about 53% by weight of the swellable gellan gum, or salt of an organic acid selected from the group consisting of 55 Swellable mixture of gellan gums. citric, Succinic, fumaric, malic, maleic, glutaric, and lactic 97. A vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the Swellable acid. gellan gum, or Swellable mixture of gellan gums is in an 83. A vehicle according to claim 20, wherein the pH amount by weight selected from the group consisting of adjusting agent is selected from the group consisting of 22.5%, 23.1%, 25%, 40%, 42.86%, 46.4%, 50%, and 52.6%. Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium phosphate, Sodium hydroxide, 60 98. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, ammonium hydroxide, Sodium stannate, triethanolamine, cit wherein the swellable vehicle comprises at least 22.5% by ric acid, hydrochloric acid, Sodium citrate, and combinations weight of the swellable gellan gum, or swellable mixture of thereof. gellan gums. 84. A vehicle according to claim 21, wherein the pH adjust 99. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, ing agent is present in an amount So as to adjust the pH of the 65 wherein the swellable vehicle comprises from 22.5% to about gel formed upon addition of an aqueous medium to about 5 to 53% by weight of the swellable gellan gum, or swellable about 9. mixture of gellan gums. US 8,383,154 B2 65 66 100. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34. about 18%, about 19%, about 20%, about 21%, about 25%, wherein the swellable vehicle comprises the swellable gellan about 26%, about 27% about 28%, about 34%, about 40%, gum, or Swellable mixture of gellan gums in an amount by about 42%, about 44%, and about 46%. weight selected from the group consisting of 22.5%, 23.1%, 104. A dispensing unit according to claim 69, wherein the 25%, 40%, 42.86%, 46.4%, 50%, and 52.6%. swellable vehicle comprises at least 22.5% by weight of the 101. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34. Swellable gellan gum, or Swellable mixture of gellan gums. wherein the composition comprises at least about 15% by 105. A dispensing unit according to claim 69, wherein the weight of the swellable gellan gum, or swellable mixture of swellable vehicle comprises from 22.5% to about 53% by gellan gums. weight of the swellable gellan gum, or swellable mixture of 102. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34, 10 gellan gums. wherein the composition comprises from about 15% to about 106. A dispensing unit according to claim 69, wherein the 46% by weight of the swellable gellan gum, or swellable swellable vehicle comprises the swellable gellan gum, or mixture of gellan gums. Swellable mixture of gellan gums in an amount by weight 103. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 34. selected from the group consisting of 22.5%, 23.1%, 25%, wherein the composition comprises the Swellable gellangum, 15 40%, 42.86%, 46.4%, 50%, and 52.6%. or Swellable mixture of gellan gums in an amount by weight selected from the group consisting of about 15%, about 17%, k k k k k UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT NO. : 8,383,154 B2 Page 1 of 1 APPLICATIONNO. : 1 1/596123 DATED : February 26, 2013 INVENTOR(S) : Daniel Bar-Shalom et al. It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:

On the title page item (73) change: “EGALET A/S to:-- EGALET LTD. --.

Signed and Sealed this Seventeenth Day of September, 2013

Teresa Stanek Rea Deputy Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office