CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

Cobbinshaw ANGLING Association Ltd Hon Secretary: A W Anderson 9 Thomson Grove Edinburgh EH14 5HZ Tel: 0131-449-2339 Email: [email protected]

2021 Postal AGM Paper 1.1

9 December 2020

2021 Annual General Meeting of Cobbinshaw Angling Association Ltd


Dear Member,

In the light of current and anticipated COVID restrictions and related risks, the Board of Directors has reluctantly taken the decision to postpone the 115th Annual General Meeting of the Association that was due to be held on 31 January 2021. This was a difficult but necessary decision to help safeguard the health and welfare of our members; and is in compliance with current government guidelines on meetings and travel. Given current uncertainties, there is no guarantee that a meeting can be held soon after the planned date, or even later in 2021.

In these circumstances, the Board has been looking at alternative means by which it can keep members informed regarding the activities of the Association over the past year, especially in relation to financial matters. Also, there is some key business decisions that need to be made to ensure the continuing smooth running of the Association until a normal AGM can be held. The Board has therefore decided that the best course of action is to effectively conduct the 2021 AGM on a postal basis. This means that the usual AGM papers will be issued as normal per the attached booklet, and that the key areas where decisions are needed will be provided for through a postal voting process. The current Board membership will therefore continue to the extent possible until a formal AGM or similar can be held.

Under the above arrangements the current officials and directors will, with one exception, remain on the Board until such time as an AGM or similar can be convened: this includes Frank Jackson and Vaughan Ruckley, both of whom were co-opted earlier this year (following early resignations of I Bailey and K Cairns). The exception relates to the Treasurer post which will need to be filled from 1 February 2021 but for which there has been no suitable applicants to date. Any member with relevant experience who is interested in this post should contact the Chair, Secretary or Treasurer as soon as possible. In the absence of a suitable volunteer to take over as Treasurer, the Board has agreed contingency arrangements that will allow the financial affairs of the Association to continue to operate without interruption.

An important function of an AGM is that it allows members to have their say on how the Association is being run. This can still be achieved despite the absence of a formal meeting. Members are therefore encouraged to write to the Secretary with any comments, concerns or suggestions for improvement on any aspect of the running of the Association. All feedback will be considered by the Board and a formal reply given; if there is a particularly complex matter, the Secretary and Chair is happy to meet with a member(s) at the loch to discuss the issue in more detail. More generally, the Board regard feedback as an essential part of its accountability and transparency responsibilities, and would encourage its use so that members can be more proactive in helping to run the fishery.

Approving the 2020 accounts

The 2020 Accounts are included in the AGM pack at Paper 4.2. The Board met on 6 December and formally approved the accounts for issue to members following receipt of a clean examiner’s opinion and satisfactory enquiries of the Treasurer (both at the meeting and in previous meetings) in performance of their financial monitoring responsibilities. Normally the accounts would be presented to members for their approval but this 1 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154 is not feasible given current circumstances. Nevertheless the Board feel that members should be given the opportunity to ask questions on the accounts at this time should they wish to do so. Any enquiries from members on the accounts should therefore be addressed to the Secretary who will co-ordinate a reply from the Treasurer as quickly as possible. When circumstances allow the Accounts will be presented to members for formal approval as normal.

Postal Voting Process 2021

The postal voting arrangement will be on an exceptions basis i.e. if a member approves the proposal they need do nothing; if they object, they should complete the voting form included in the AGM papers and send it to the Secretary so that it arrives before the closing date of 31 January 2021, either by email or by ordinary mail. A postal voting form is included in the pack at Paper 6.2; the form includes further instructions on completion and relevant contact details. The results of the vote will be posted on the Association’s website and any decision taken forward accordingly.

Those areas of business that need to be voted upon are explained in Paper 6.1 and summarised below;

(a) Setting a spending, single signature limit for the Treasurer

This approval is required annually per the Articles of Association. The current limit is £5000. The Board’s proposal is to retain it at that level.

(b) Subscription increases

Flat rate increase of £10 on all subscription categories.

(c) Reducing the Entrance Fee to £150 for a trial 2 year period

The current Entrance Fee of £450 is regarded by many members as a deterrent to attracting new members. The need to reduce it has been discussed in recent AGM’s as part of wider proposals to attract new members. In response to these discussions the Board has unanimously agreed to propose a temporary reduction in the EF to £150 for a period of 2 years commencing season 2021, following which the matter will be put to members again for a decision on its future level. The Board hope this will help bring new members into the Association, and recommend it to members for approval.

Subscription requests 2021

The subscriptions requests for 2021 will be sent out in early February 2021. Members should note that it is no longer possible to down grade membership category but for those in the Week Day-Day Only and Week Day categories it is possible to upgrade to Ordinary Membership.

In Memoriam

The following members / past members have sadly passed away since our last AGM:

Rev R Waters; J Coutts; McCann; J Inglis; E Smith

Appointment to Board of Directors

As referred above, due to COVID issues and with the exception of the Honorary Treasurer position, the following directors will remain in post until a general meeting can be convened: D Moon (Honorary Chair), AW Anderson (Honorary Secretary), Vacancy (Honorary Treasurer), J Glynn, I Prentice, J Kelly, R Rudkin, F Jackson, V Ruckley.

Season 2021

The 2021 season will commence on Saturday 20 March 2021 and close on Sunday 7 November 2021.

Andrew W Anderson, Honorary Secretary, On behalf of the Board of Directors 2 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154






1. Cover letter explaining 2021 special circumstances (Paper 1.1)

2. Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Sunday, 28 January 2019 (Paper 2.1)

(A) Matters arising - see Appendix to minutes of that meeting

3. Honorary Secretary’s Annual Report (Paper 3.1)

4. Honorary Treasurer’s Annual Report and Accounts for year ended 31 October 2019 (Paper 4.1 and Paper 4.2)

5. Honorary Chairman’s Annual Report (Paper 5.1)

6. Proposed Amendments to Articles of Association and associated Regulations (Paper 6.1)

(A) A Postal Voting Form (Paper 6.2) is included separately with this AGM pack to facilitate voting on the motions proposed above; any comments can be added on the face or the rear of the form, or on a separate sheet, as needed.

7. Election of Office Bearers and appointment of Directors

(A) Due to COVID risks and consequent cancellation of the AGM, the current Officials and Directors will remain in office until a formal AGM can be convened, except for the position of Honorary Treasurer for which a volunteer with relevant experience is required. See covering letter to this AGM pack for additional information.

8. Appointment of Honorary Auditor

(A) A volunteer to replace our existing auditor is required for next year’s accounts. See the Annual Report at Paper 3.1 for additional information.

9. AOB - There are no AOB items this year.

10. Presentation of Trophies

(A) Trophy for the heaviest rainbow of the season: won by J MacDowall for a rainbow of 8lbs 5ozs. (B) Malcolm Thomson Trophy for the heaviest brown trout of the season - none killed so not awarded. (C) Cobbinshaw Challenge was cancelled this year due to COVID restrictions.

A W Anderson Honorary Secretary 9 December 2020

3 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

2021 Postal AGM Paper 2.1

Minutes of 2020 AGM of Cobbinshaw Angling Association Ltd

Held at Uphall Golf Club on Sunday 26th January 2020

Order of business

1. As detailed in the Agenda.


2. The Chairman informed the meeting that there were 70 Members present, and he thanked Frank Jackson for volunteering as teller and managing the sign-in. He also thanked those present for attending the AGM.


3. C McIsaac; S Maxwell; I Bailey; D Blackwood; J Pyper; P Hardie; A Nelson; A Wright; D Gribble; T McGarvie; M Makison; C Turnbull; C Hardie; A Fry; K Cairns

In Memoriam

4. A minute’s silence was held in memory of the following Members / ex-Members who the Chairman advised had sadly passed away since the last AGM:

P O’Farrell; M Mennim; J Brown; I Hutcheson; L Marchall; G Stott; DJ Fillingham; EJ Baynham G Dickson; GK Allan; J Elliot; S Stewart;; P Russell; H Goldie.

Minutes of 2019 AGM

5. Bill Woods proposed an amendment to para 32 of the minutes of the 2019 AGM by adding after ‘programme’ - “per the proposal of roughly 1 per year”. The Secretary agreed to note the minutes accordingly.

6. Fred Joynes raised a point of order regarding compliance with A79 of the Articles of Association - that each AGM should approve by ordinary resolution a threshold amount above which all accounts must be certified and cheques signed by at least two Office bearers. He asked if that had been approved at the last AGM but omitted from the minutes. The Secretary thanked FJ for bringing this to attention. He advised that the minutes were accurate as no such approval had been raised or given; indeed that had been the case for many years, and the Treasurer was working on a previously approved threshold of £5,000. The Secretary also advised that this omission would be addressed under AOB at this meeting. [Addendum: Unfortunately, the matter was again omitted under AOB. Instead, the Secretary has included under the Action Plan so that Board approval will be sought at its meeting in February for the same amount, and the need for a decision by the membership will be included in future under AOB as a standing item.] ACTION PLAN, POINT 1

7. The revised Minutes of the AGM held on 27 January 2019 were then moved as a correct record of the meeting by E Fox and seconded by I Whyte.

Annual Report

6. The Secretary referred to his annual report that had already been circulated to Members with the AGM papers, and advised that rather than go through it in detail, he would instead like to highlight a few specific points.


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7. The Secretary reminded Members that recruitment of new Members was the biggest challenge facing the Association, and asked that they be pro-active in encouraging new Members to join.

2019 Fishing

8. On fishing matters he drew attention to a few specific areas;

9. 2019 was a good year for Cobbinshaw with a rod average of just under 3 fish per angler, and that all the key statistics (rod numbers, total fish caught, total fish killed and total fish returned) had improved compared to the previous year.

10. The kill rate remains comparatively low at around 68% compared to 80% plus in the years before the loch was drained in 2013. The change no doubt reflects an increasing preference for catch and release amongst Member and guests, which is a consistent trend across anglers generally. Nevertheless, the Board would like to see an improvement in the kill rate and would encourage those that do not normally kill fish to consider taking one or two for the pot when the opportunity arises. We already know that most fish die off over the winter months, regardless of the size stocked, and it would be good for the ecology of the loch if more fish were killed and removed.

11. We had a problem last year with some Members effectively anchoring their boat in the calm water in Duffers Bay because there was a concentration of fish there, and refused to move out. This behaviour is not good angling etiquette and was highlighted in a Newsletter. The Board is not asking Members not to fish over these areas but to exercise some common sense in terms of allowing other Members to fish over these areas too. Members were therefore reminded that they should not drop the drogue in calm water (wait until the boat is in the wind), and should allow their boat to drift below the harbour area before restarting their drift. That way, other Members will have a chance to fish over the area. A similar problem sometimes applies at the dam, and Members were asked to apply a similar approach, and to drift approximately 100 yards below the cut on the railway shore before returning to the dam.

12. The 2019 Open Day had been a disaster due to very wet and windy weather, with no one turning up. Nevertheless, the Board considers this a useful event to try and increase the profile of Cobbinshaw and hopefully attract new Members, and it plans to run it again in 2020 on Sunday 5 July. Volunteers wishing to help out on the day are very welcome and should contact the Secretary.

13. The inaugural Cobbinshaw Challenge was also fished in difficult windy conditions and was won by Frank Jackson. The competition will be run again in 2020 on Sunday 7 June, with details posted on the notice Board opposite the Office. The Secretary emphasised that it was a friendly competition aimed at: increasing use of the loch by Members; facilitating more interaction and communication between Members; and providing an opportunity for transfer of skills and knowledge on fishing techniques etc both at Cobbinshaw and generally. The Board therefore encouraged Members to participate.

Health and safety

14. The Association has installed a new anemometer at the loch to accurately measure wind speed. It will allow the Keepers to make informed decisions on whether to allow the boats out. If the sustained wind speeds are in excess of 20mph there will be no boat fishing allowed but Members can fish from the bank. If boats are out and the wind speed increases, the Keepers will sound a klaxon and all boats must return to harbour. The restriction is to be formalised in the Fishing Regulations later in the Agenda.


15. The Secretary concluded by offering a personal thanks to the Keepers and other Board Member for their help and support throughout his year as Secretary. On behalf of the Association, he also thanked those Members who volunteered their time and resources to help the Association in a range of activities: their help saved the Association a lot of time and money, and the membership is extremely grateful.

Questions from the floor

16. Craig Campbell asked that a vote be taken on whether competitions should be held at Cobbinshaw. The Secretary again explained the background and purpose of the competition, and emphasised that it did not 5 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

affect other Members or restrict their ability to fish at the loch. In particular, he did not understand why some Members objected to such an event: it was their choice to participate or not, and if they did not want to participate, why should their preference be imposed on those that did want to take part? The Chair added that the event took place at the weekend when the loch was least used, and had resulted in an additional 6 boats fishing that might not otherwise have done so. The Secretary added that Cobbinshaw needed to recognise that membership was a broad kirk and that these type of events allowed Members with different interests to make maximum use of our facilities. Ian Prentice added that we have already been running two competitions at Cobbinshaw for many tears - for the heaviest brown and rainbow - without any complaints.

17. Tom Galbraith supported the Boards efforts to increase the profile of the Association and suggested we needed to go further, for example by allocating a couple of boats for use by non-Members, partly as a means of increasing income but also as a trial prior to some of them hopefully becoming a Member. The Secretary advised that by dispensation from HMRC we do not currently pay any corporation tax because all our income is derived from Members: if we started hiring out boats to the public that dispensation would be rescinded and we would become liable for tax and vat on all our activities, which would be problematic and very expensive.

18. Douglas Galbraith asked if Members could use their own drogues as a means of resolving problems with damage to the Association’s drogues. The Secretary replied that the issue is more about the principle of supplying drogues and nets or not supplying them. He felt that as a private fishery there was a reasonable expectation from Members that it should supply these, and the Board agreed. It was therefore unlikely that allowing Members to use their own drogues and nets would resolve the problem. In addition, a further reason for supplying drogues and nets was to protect other fisheries from the argulus issue that affects Cobbinshaw. In these circumstances the Board would continue to try and educate Members on how to better take care of nets and drogues.

19. BW asked whether the winners of the Cobbinshaw Challenge would be subsidised to fish in wider national competitions representing Cobbinshaw. The Secretary advised that this was not currently the case. However, he added that when the competition was first discussed the Board accepted that this was an option to help increase the profile of Cobbinshaw across the wider angling community. If interest in the competition increased, the Board would consider taking this option forward, most likely through a more expansive competition, such as a league set-up, but in any event the Cobbinshaw Challenge would continue and remain in its current “friendly” basis.

20. Ian Whyte asked why little progress appears to have been made in reviewing the pricing structure operated within Cobbinshaw, particularly in relation to differential pricing between those killing fish and those fishing catch and release. The Chair replied that this aspect, along with a range of other options, was being considered by the Board as part of a Modernisation Paper prepared in response to last years AGM comments. He added that this was a major exercise that would take a few years to complete. The Secretary referred Mr Whyte to related comments in his report under ‘Membership matters’. He advised that the Board would be bringing a range of options to Member once this exercise had been completed, but it was not a simple exercise and would take time.

Treasurers report

21. The Treasurer began by reminding Members that after 20 years in the job this was his last year as Treasurer, and that the Board was actively seeking a volunteer to take over from the next AGM. His preferred option would be for any volunteer to be co-opted onto the Board now so that they can shadow him over the coming months and become familiar with the systems and procedures in use, thereby ensuring a smooth transition. A job description setting out the range of duties had been prepared and was available on the website or from the Treasurer direct. He asked that anyone interested and wishing more information should contact him or any of the other Officials.

22. The Treasurer referred to his written report and supporting audited accounts that were included in the AGM pack, and asked for any questions. There being none, he proceeded with an overhead presentation on estimates of future capital expenditure and related funding. The Treasurer noted that the presentation figures would be difficult to see around the hall, and advised that they would be available on the web site [ACTION PLAN, POINT 2] or can be sent on to any one that wants to consider them in more detail; he would also be available at the end of the meeting to provide further explanations if required. 6 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

23. The Treasurer highlighted the main items of equipment that regularly needed replaced - boats, engines, cage nets and various equipment. He referred to the current boat replacement programme which was under way and involved selling on 5 of the oldest boats and replacing with new boats. He advised that we had sold three boats in 2019 (including the Irish boat) and a further two were being sold in 2020. We had also purchased 2 new boats in 2019 and had ordered a further 2 for delivery soon. A new wheelie boat had also been purchased with the assistance of the Wheelie Boat Trust and would also be delivered soon. He summarised by explaining the need to replace key items on a regular basis in order to maintain the operating effectiveness of the fishery, and concluded by asking for any questions.

24. John Garnett asked whether we would have sufficient funds to meet the projected expenditures. The Treasurer advised that there should be sufficient income based on current membership and activity levels: if these fell or rose significantly over coming years then the projections would need to be adjusted accordingly. He explained that the main risk was a reduction in membership numbers, in which case there would likely be a commensurate reduction in our capital requirements going forward. Overall, he felt the Association was well placed to respond appropriately to these type of risks.

25. Donald Macleod asked to what extent capital replacements, and especially boat replacements, were influenced by insurance requirements. The Treasurer explained that we met with our insurers annually in February to discuss in detail our insurance requirements going forward. In recent years a key aspect of their enquiries centred around health and safety matters, particularly in relation to maintenance of equipment, and especially the boats and motors. The Board therefore attaches considerable importance to these issues, both to help reduce insurance costs and to protect our keepers and Members, and has spent considerable time and effort over recent years to update our health and safety arrangements. The boat replacement programme partly reflects these concerns as it takes into account the results of a condition survey carried out a couple of years ago and the fact that they are now approaching 20 years old (which was their expected useful life when purchased), both of which have significant insurance implications.

26. Bob Brough asked whether we now had an investment account in place, and what interest had we received over the past year. The Treasurer replied that he has encountered considerable difficulty in opening a high interest investment account as the mainstream banks simply did not want to do business with us, primarily on grounds of risk. He had opened a business investment account with Santander at a rate of approx 0.8%, which was considerably higher than normal savings accounts but less than other advertised rates in other banks. He also advised that the policy of the Association was to restrict investments to low risk categories with mainstream banks which by definition would result in lower interest rates. BB asked what interest sum had been received this year. The Treasurer estimated it to be around £1000. BB felt that the Association had lost out on possible interest on its cash reserves over many years, and that the Board needed to do better in this regard. FJ concurred. The Treasurer advised that he would look at this further to see if a better rate could be obtained. ACTION PLAN, POINT 3.

27. FJ asked whether the reporting of directors as employees in the notes to the accounts conflicted with the Articles of Association that prohibited directors (Treasurer and Secretary - both of whom received taxable honoraria) from being employees. The Treasurer replied that he had been advised by HMRC to report the directors in this way. The Secretary added that the distinction between honoraria and salary and how it should be reported was a recognised grey area, and the present approach was adopted because the Board felt that it was more transparent to Members. The Treasurer added that the simplest solution would be to alter the Articles, but the cost / benefit would be negligible.

28. The Chair brought discussions to a close and asked for any final questions. IW commented that the Treasurer should be commended for his 20 year stint in the job - not just doing the work but putting up with the regular heckles at each AGM. The meeting concurred with a round of applause.

29. The accounts were approved on a proposal by Eric Fox seconded by Bob Perrett.

Chairman’s Report

30. The Chairman referred Members to his written report, which he would not repeat in detail.

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31. He thanked Member for their continued support of the Board and the Association over the past year. He confirmed the Board’s commitment to modernising the Association to make it better fir the needs of anglers today, and in so doing help secure its long term future.

32. He also wished to record his personal thanks to other directors over the past year for their work in keeping the Association running, and a particular thank you to the Head Keeper and the Assistant Head Keeper for their continuing efforts and patience in running our day to day affairs.

Proposed changes to Articles and Regulations

33. Before proceeding with this item, FJ asked if it was acceptable for Members to put forward amendments to the proposals; he also asked if the Board would subsequently implement any proposals that were rejected by the meeting, or over turn any amendments thereto. The Secretary advised that amendments were permissible, and that the Board would not subsequently implement proposals that had been rejected. The Chair however clarified that the Board would have to implement any measures required by legislation, regardless of the views of the Membership.

34. The Chair referred to the details contained in the AGM pack and advised that all the proposed changes related to Regulations and required a simple majority to pass.

Introduction of an investment policy in the Operating Regulations

35. The motion was unanimously approved.

Proposed deletion of the late payment penalty charges in the Operating Regulations

36. The motion was unanimously approved.

Proposed increase in subscription charges of £10 across all membership categories for 2020 in the Operating Regulations

37. With one dissenting vote the motion was overwhelmingly approved.

Proposed addition to Fishing Regulations of a formal wind speed limit of 20mph above which boat fishing would not be allowed

38. FJ opposed the motion on the grounds that the existing Regulation which left that decision to the discretion of the Keeper without specifying a formal limit, was sufficient. He felt that there was always some areas of the loch that offered shelter in high winds and were therefore fishable provided Member s exercised due care. He also felt that it would result in a loss of income. Another Member voiced similar views.

39. The Secretary explained the rationale for this decision: a wind speed max of 20mph is the norm across most fisheries in the UK; there had always been a limit of “around” 20 mph placed on boat fishing at Cobbinshaw but it had never been formally set down and instead it was left to the judgement of the Keepers; the boats had a safety rating of 20mph max, therefore for insurance purposes we could not exceed that; to leave such decisions to the judgement of the Keeper was unacceptable as it put responsibility and potential legal liability on them to answer for any accidents; the Board in the first instance and Members generally might also be considered liable in the event of an accident; there has been instances of Members ignoring instruction from the Keepers not to fish beyond the cages in high winds, which puts the lives of the Keepers at risk if they are called upon to rescue them; there is reliable and accurate technology available to measure wind speed for this purpose.

40. DM explained the legal consequences of a fatality in high wind. There would be a fatal accident enquiry in the Sheriff Court presided over by a judge who would take into account, amongst other things, the applicable boat safety limits and best practice applied elsewhere. He added that it would be difficult if not impossible for Cobbinshaw to defend its position if it were in breach of either of these aspects, with the potential for significant civil and criminal liability.

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41. Ian Drummond confirmed that a 20mph limit was applied across all the main fisheries in and down south. John Garnett felt that the the proposal was a “no brainer’ to protect both the Association and Members (the latter, often from themselves).

42. The Chair called for a vote and the motion was overwhelmingly passed with one dissent.

Proposal amendment of the Fishing Regulations to allow pike fishing from boat in the main loch in certain circumstances

43. The motion was unanimously approved.

Proposed amendment of fishing times in the Fishing Regulations

44. The motion was unanimously approved.

And Finally

45. The Chair thanked Members for their input to discussions on these changes, and instructed the secretary to make the necessary amendments to the relevant Regulations. ACTION PLAN, POINT 4.

Stocking policy 2020

46. The Secretary referred to the stocking proposal set out in the AGM pack, which had been reached via a split decision on the Board. He highlighted that it differed from the past 2 years in one significant respect: all the lorry fish are to be stocked first and the cage fish thereafter, with the last two stockings from the cages taking place on 4 October and 14 October. He summarised the previous approach, which was that all the caged fish were to be stocked by around 19 September with 2 further stockings of 400 each from the lorry, the final stocking taking place around 4 October. The intention of this approach was to bring the larger fish - cage stockings and resident fish under the cages - available to anglers sooner. He advised Members that they needed to decide on whether to go ahead with the proposed stocking strategy or opt for a different one, whether the status quo or an alternative approach.

47. IW commented that it was ridiculous to stock our best fish at such a late time in the season when there was only a couple of weeks left to fish for them. He referred to recent catch returns that showed that we already had a relatively poor return on the bigger cage fish, killing less than half of them despite having longer to fish for them: if we adopted the proposed approach we would kill / catch even less, and most of those left would die off over the winter anyway. He also commented on the high risk of poor weather at that time of year, which could further restrict the number of fishing days available. He therefore proposed that we stick with the status quo, which he felt could still be improved upon but was better than the current proposal. His proposal was seconded by Bob Perret.

48. JG supported IW’s comments by adding that it was preposterous to consider stocking these bigger fish at such a late time in the season.

49. MG commented that the lorry fish were our dearest fish so stocking them earlier meant that we got a better return on our investment. The Secretary disagreed. He had costed the cage fish recently for the Board, which showed that the average cost was around £6.18 per fish - less for smaller fish and more for larger fish. However he accepted that it was clearly cheaper to grow on bigger fish than buy them in but that aspect was unrelated to the timing of stockings.

50. Sandy Fairgrieve commented that the decline in the number of bigger, overwintered fish being caught was likely due to less big fish being stocked at the back end of the season. The Secretary agreed that that was a possibility, but if so Members needed to consider whether the cost of so many large fish dying off over the winter justified a small increase in the number that survived.

51. The Chair closed discussions by stating that a vote was required on the proposal put forward in the AGM pack. If that failed, there would be a vote on IW’s proposal to remain with the status quo. Ian Prentice and John Kelly acted as tellers.

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52. The Chair first asked for a show of hands by those that were against the proposal set out in the AGM pack; if this was passed there would be no need for a vote on IW’s proposal. 59 Members voted against, therefore the proposal failed.

53. The chair then asked for a show of hands by those that were against the proposal by IW to retain the status quo. Only 5 hands were raised in dissent, therefore the motion passed. The stocking plan for 2020 would be the status quo. ACTION PLAN, POINT 5.

Election of Officials

54. The Chair reminded Members that, as explained earlier, the Treasurer would be standing down next year and asked that anyone interested in that role should contact the Treasurer or one of the other Officials or directors.

55. The Chair then informed the meeting that all three Officials - Chair (David Mood, Secretary (Andrew Anderson and Treasurer (Ian Coutts) were prepared to stand again for the coming year and asked for any nominations from the floor for any of these posts. There being no nominations, the current Chair, Secretary and Treasurer were unanimously re-elected.

Election of Board Member

56. The Chairman informed the meeting that there were two nominations to replace M Gordon and V Ruckley as part of the normal 3-year cycle for Member to be elected to the Board of Directors, and asked for any other nominations from the floor. There were no other nominations.

57. In these circumstances the following Members were elected to the Board of Directors for a three year term;

(a) Dick Rudkin - Proposed GD Phillips, Seconded J Gilchrist

(b) J Glynn - Proposed C Campbell, Seconded I Coutts

Appointment of Honorary Auditor

58. The Chair asked for any volunteers for the role of Honorary Auditor, explaining that it was preferable to have a Member in that role. The Treasurer advised that the existing auditor had intimated that he would be stepping down after the 2020 accounts. There were no volunteers and the Chair informed the meeting that the matter would be referred back to the Board for further consideration. ACTION PLAN, POINT 6.


59. The Chairman opened the meeting for AOB, beginning with the items proposed by the Board and referred in the Agenda.

60. The Secretary summarised each issue:

61. Regarding proposal 14(A) - Introduce a ‘Recommend a friend” scheme to try and incentivise Members to get friends or associates to join Cobbinshaw by offering a one-off discount of £100 on their annual subscription if a friend joins. Such a scheme had been operated successfully in other similar environments, such as the sale of season tickets at Livingston FC, and had the potential to do the same at Cobbinshaw. The Chair asked for any disagreement to such a scheme being introduced. There being none the proposal was passed.

62. Regarding proposal 14(B) - Amend winter boat fishing charges to a flat rate amount of £12 and £15 for Member and visitors respectively as a means of encouraging more people to fish the loch. This might also help encourage recruitment, maintain income and result in more fish being killed which would help the ecology of the loch. The Chair asked for any disagreement to such a scheme being introduced. There being none the proposal was passed.

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63. BW advised that in his opinion the Association was not complying with the EqualityAct in relation to changes last year to the honorary membership criteria, and to legislation in relation to disability access. He read out a statement he had obtained from an informed source to support his view. Several Members voiced their disagreement, citing the fact that the 30 year qualifying period for HM was a time period criteria that had nothing to do with age, and was therefore not covered by the Equality Act. Another Member pointed out that the disability legislation was phrased in a general context and required “reasonable access having regard to local circumstances”. BW agreed to pass a copy of the relevant advice to the Secretary who it was agreed would investigate. ACTION PLAN, POINT 7.

Presentation of Trophies

64. The Trophy for the heaviest rainbow of the season caught by a Member - a fish of 10lbs 11ozs - was awarded to Mr A Thomson.

65. The Malcolm Thomson Trophy for the heaviest brown trout was not awarded as there were no recorded catches of brown trout in 2017.

Close - 16:25

66. The Chairman concluded by thanking Members for their attendance.

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No. Item Action by: Action taken (Reported next meeting) 1 To correct an omission at the AGM: Board Board / Secty This item has now been included as a standing to approve threshold limit for accounts and item in the AGM Agenda to ensure it is not payments above which 2 signatories are overlooked in the future. required as an interim measure: this item to be placed on the Agenda for all future AGM’s 2 Secty to post Trsr’s financial presentation Secty Completed. on web site. 3 Trsr to investigate improved investment Trsr The Association has an investment account with account. its current bankers. Enquiries to find a better rate have been delayed by COVID issues. 4 Secty to amend relevant Regulations per Secty Completed 10 Feb 2020. the decision of Members. 5 Secty to amend stocking plan for 2020 per Secty Completed. Timing options discussed and decision of the meeting, and to advise agreed with HK; and notified to supplier. relevant parties accordingly. 6 Board to discuss options for the Board This item to be covered at the 2021 AGM. appointment of a new auditor at the 2021 AGM. 7 Secty to investigate claim by BW that Secty / Board The Board has replied to the member advising Association is not complying with relevant that in its view current policies do not legislation icw HM criteria and disability contravene current legislation. access.

12 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

2021 Postal AGM Paper 3.1


115th AGM - POSTAL - JANUARY 2021


Dear Member,

I hope this annual report summarising our activities for 2020 finds you in good health and gearing up for the new season commencing 20 March 2021.

The past year has been difficult and challenging on many fronts, from managing the impact of COVID to investigating the reasons for very difficult fishing conditions later in the season. In between those key issues, our Head Keeper retires this year after 18 years of distinguished service and will be replaced by the current Assistant Head Keeper for whom we are currently recruiting a replacement; and this is also the last year for our Treasurer who has been in that post for 20 years, and for whom we are also seeking a replacement.

Despite the challenges of 2020, members have given tremendous support to the Association by continuing to fish the loch through thick and thin - and later fishing has indeed been thin - and it is only fitting that I record here the sincere thanks of the Board and the Keepers for your support during this time.

COVID update and 2021 AGM cancelled

The arrival of COVID 19 in February 2020 brought a raft of travel and other restrictions on people’s movements and livelihoods that eventually forced the closure of many businesses, including Cobbinshaw, for several months. These restrictions were relaxed from late May, but the absence of a vaccine has meant that a return to normal was not likely to happen in the short term, and for the remainder of the year the situation has been volatile with restrictions still being enforced albeit varying locally according to circumstances.

At time of writing, the infection rate has begun to rise to unacceptable levels and stronger restrictions are now being introduced on a targeted basis to try and bring it under control. Unless there is some real progress on reducing the infection rate, a further lockdown period is likely over coming months, either locally or nationally, as is currently happening in England. There are high hopes of a safe vaccine being announced towards the end of this year, but even if that happened, the best estimates are that it would be mid to late 2021 before it could be successfully rolled out across the population. In these circumstances, it looks like we will all have to learn to live with COVID for at least the next 6 months or so, probably longer, and that means continuing to adhere to any applicable government restrictions and guidelines that are in force at the time.

Due to current travel and meeting restrictions plus the continuing uncertainties associated with COVID, the Board of Directors has decided to cancel / postpone the 2021 AGM planned for 31 January 2021. This was a difficult decision taken by the Board but in the circumstances there was no other option without jeopardising the health and well being of members. Further information on how the Board intend to progress some essential business in the absence of a formal AGM is set out in the covering letter to this AGM pack.

Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Auditor vacancies

We are still seeking a suitable volunteer to take over as Treasurer from 1 February 2021. Any member with relevant financial experience who is interested in taking on the role, or requires additional information on what is involved, should contact the current Honorary Treasurer to register their interest. This is a key post that carries an Honorarium of circa £5500 per annum and ideally should be filled as quickly as possible. In the absence of a suitable volunteer, the Board has contingency arrangements that it can put in place to ensure the smooth running of the Association until the vacancy can be filled, but these are temporary arrangements and the Board is keen to get a replacement sooner rather than later.

The Association also needs to appoint a new auditor / financial examiner for next year. The work normally takes 3 days or so around late November each year and ideally it should be carried out by a member. There 13 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154 is no formal Honorarium involved but the role assumes the rights of an Honorary Member in which case there is no requirement to pay an annual subscription. If the position cannot be filled internally we will have to look elsewhere, which will be expensive. Any member interested in the role should contact the Secretary or Chair for further information.

Membership matters

Our Membership total is 340 members, down 21 on last year. This includes 5 suspended memberships for health reasons and 5 deceased members in year. We admitted 15 new members in 2020 (PY 10) including 2 that were ex-members. We also have 2 applications on the waiting list for 2021. The table below shows the current membership split across the various categories.

Membership for year ending 31 October 2020

Number Percentage 2019 2018

Ordinary 250 74% 253 257

Weekday 52 15% 66 74

Weekday 12 3% 15 19 DO

Honorary 26 8% 27 31

Total 340 361 381

As previously reported, maintaining our membership numbers is the biggest single challenge facing the Association. The downward trend in membership numbers has been steady over the past 10 years or so, and is likely to continue given the age profile of many of our current members. In these circumstances the Board has implemented a number of measures that will hopefully help improve recruitment: these include; holding an Open Day; advertising locally and nationally; simplifying the application process; starting a friendly competition; introducing winter fishing; extending bank fishing access; and extending pike fishing access. Whilst the Board can take steps to increase our profile and maintain the high quality of our facilities and the fishing, we still need existing members to be pro-active in recruiting new members and I would therefore urge you to help the Association in this regard. The Board is also keen to hear member’s views and suggestions on measures that could be implemented to further help this process. Feedback is also very welcome on any aspect of the running of the Association.

Over half our members have agreed to receive communications by email rather than by mail, thus saving the Association a substantial sum over the year in postage and packaging. I would encourage as many other members to do the same, and advise me accordingly. Not only does it save money, it’s also a much faster means of communication as it circumvents any printing or postage delays. However, for those members that have not yet joined the world wide web, be assured that we will continue to use normal mail to keep you informed of key developments affecting the Association.

Lastly, a reminder that members need to advise me of any change of address or email to ensure that you receive all relevant communications on a timely basis, especially the AGM and subscription notifications.


Our website contains a variety of information useful to members, including weekly fishing reports and monthly catch summaries. The i.d. and password are both currently “fishing”, in lower case, and will continue as such until further notice.

Over time the website will become the main communication route with members, saving both time and money for all concerned. I would therefore encourage members to access the site regularly as a means of keeping up-to-date with fishing and other matters affecting Cobbinshaw.

Proposed changes to Articles of Association and subservient Regulations

14 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

There are no changes proposed to the Articles of Association. However, there are three proposals that require to be voted on by the membership;

(a) Agreement to a threshold limit for payments made solely by the Treasurer; (b) A flat rate increase in subscriptions of £10; and (c) A proposal by the Board that the Entrance Fee is reduced to £150 for a two-year trial period.

Details of the proposed changes are set out in Paper 6.1. Note that there are no proposed increases in fishing charges this year.

Stocking summary 2020

The 2020 stocking plan was thrown into disarray due to the fishery being closed for 10 weeks from 23 March to 31 May following the introduction of travel and other restrictions introduced by government to combat the spread of COVID 19. We managed to stock 1200 fish prior to the season opening on 14 March, but stocking from then on was cancelled, including the delivery of 5000 cage fish. When the fishery re-opened on 31 May we resumed normal weekly lorry stockings from our supplier, initially in varying amounts from 400 to 800 fish, and then settled on 400 fish per week up till 6 October, at which time we had stocked 10,000 fish in total this season. Despite this being 3200 less than originally planned, the overall stocking density was slightly better than it would have been. The summer and autumn stockings’ included almost 2000 fish of around 3 pounds plus, which was the maximum number of bigger fish we could get from our supplier.

The absence of the cages was a major disappointment for all concerned, especially the Keepers who take great pride in bringing on high quality fish up to 5 pounds plus over the summer months. The Board can assure members that the cages will be used next year provided there are no similar COVID restrictions in place.

Catch summary 2020

A monthly summary of catch returns and rod numbers is set out at Appendix A attached. Overall, it has not been a good year due to a combination of COVID interruptions and difficult fishing conditions over the later months of the season, neither of which we have been able to control or influence.

The loch had only opened for 10 days when it was forced to close on 23 March as part of nationwide COVID restrictions. During the closure period there were healthy hatches of buzzers and terrestrials which the fish fed hard on. By the time we re-opened on 31 May, those fish that had been stocked in March had put on a pound or more in weight and a lot of fish in the 3 pound bracket were being caught, resulting in some heavy bags akin to the back end. In early July it seemed a switch had been turned off and things started to slow down quickly, and apart from the odd week, it remained like that for the rest of the season.

The Board has been investigating why the fish should have suddenly turned off in July. The most likely cause is a combination of consistently high water temperatures over the season (the loch did not freeze over at all last winter and we had an unusually sunny spring) and the absence of any acclimatised cage fish later in the season (ie the lorry fish came from spring fed cold water ponds). Even so, it is still something of a conundrum that the fishing did not significantly improve when the water temperature started to fall in mid September. The Board is still investigating and has taken samples for analysis to see if there has been an issue with water quality, but this is likely to be a long shot as SEPA takes monthly samples and has not reported any issue so far.

Whatever the cause, the catch returns for 2020 were relatively poor, with only 6994 fish caught, comprising 4418 fish killed and 2756 returned, compared to 10,000 fish stocked. Ignoring predation (less than normal because of a shorter season and less fish being stocked), there will have been 5000 plus fish in the loch at the end of the season, which is around double what we might normally expect. An examination of fish mortality levels in Cobbinshaw was recently carried out by the Board. It concluded that most of the fish in the loch at the end of a normal season will die off over the winter due to a combination of predation and natural causes (the paper supporting this conclusion is available under latest news on the website or can be emailed by the Secretary on request). This is a significant loss to the Association and to members. In these circumstances the Board unanimously agreed to allow any method fishing from the close of the season up to mid December so that some of these fish could be caught and put to better use rather than rot at the bottom of the loch. Details of the rules applying to any method fishing (including a kill limit of 10; no catch and release’ and all 15 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154 fish above 6 pounds to be returned) were emailed to members and posted on the website. The kill limit for fly fishing was also increased to 10 over the same period.

Some members have expressed their disagreement both with the conclusion that most fish die off over the winter and allowing any method fishing (even if most fish do indeed die off). The Board’s evidence to support the conclusion that most fish die off stems from an analysis of Cobbinshaw catch returns and historical events, plus supporting scientific evidence on fish mortality. Whilst actual numbers will vary year on year according to specific circumstances, and allowing for debate on some of the estimating procedures used, the general direction of travel is very clear ie most of the fish in the loch at the end of the season simply disappear and do not turn up in subsequent year’s catches in the numbers they should given the base numbers involved: this is especially the case with the bigger, cage fish stocked later in the season. Members that have continuing concerns on this issue should examine the catch returns, focussing on the numbers of 2 pound fish stocked and killed, and the numbers of 3 pound plus fish stocked and killed. The Secretary is also happy to answer any queries on this matter and, if requested, participate in small group discussions with members to explain the rationale used in the investigation and how it supports the conclusions reached.

Insect hatches, both aquatic and terrestrial, continues to decline which has probably been a contributing factor to low catches later in the season. This seems to be an international problem affecting most of Europe and beyond which relevant authorities are investigating, without much success at the moment despite some significant impacts on farming and other related businesses such as fisheries. There is nothing we can do about this except monitor the situation for any sign of a potential problem (we are taking water samples for testing locally) and report it to the relevant authority.

Winter fishing

All boats are now in but bank fishing on both lochs for trout and pike is still available over the winter months up until Sunday 28 February 2021. However, members should note the following temporary changes in opening times effective from 1 November 2020:

(a) The fishery will be closed completely from Sunday 20 December to Sunday 24 January inclusive; (b) The fishery will be closed on Fridays and Saturdays from 1 November 2020 to 1 February 2021.

Stocking proposals and season dates 2021

A primary objective of the Board of Directors is to provide the best quality fishing to members within the resources available. The most important factor in achieving that goal is our stocking policy, not only because it is core to our activities, but also because it is critical to the relationship between catch returns and rod numbers: in short, the better the fishing, the more rods that fish. Under our present pricing structure the finances of the Association is dependent on a stocking policy that can maximise rod numbers whilst retaining a balance in the various preferences between members regarding the size, timing and numbers of fish stocked.

In the light of continuing COVID uncertainties and the cancellation of the 2021 AGM, the Board plan to roll forward to 2021 the same stocking plan that was approved by members at the 2020 AGM. The detailed proposals are;

(a) A total of 13,200 fish to be stocked; (i) 8,200 fish at circa 2 pounds each to be stocked direct from the lorry during the period March to July (ii) 5,000 fish of 1 pound to be stocked into the cages and grown on for stocking between July and September.

(b) Regarding timing of stocking: (i) 1200 lorry fish to be stocked a few days before the season opens, with another 600 lorry fish stocked circa 10 days after opening; (ii) 400 lorry fish to be stocked weekly thereafter up to mid July (iii) the cage fish will be stocked in batches of 500 from mid July, with stockings taking place every 9 days or so; (iv) the final cage stocking will take place on 15 September (v) there will be two final lorry stockings of 400 each on 29 September and 6 October

16 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

Following the AGM, a detailed stocking plan will be agreed between the Honorary Secretary, Fishery Manager and our supplier. It will be posted on the website before the 2021 season commences.

2021 Season dates

The 2021 season will commence on Saturday 20 March 2021 and close on Sunday 7 November 2021. A limited number of boats will be kept in the water to allow winter boat fishing in the main loch until mid December 2021. Bank fishing is also available all through the winter in both the main and small loch.

Fishing awards 2020

Heaviest fish

The heaviest fish of the year was caught by J MacDowall on a cormorant fly on 15 June, and weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces. There were no brown trout killed this year that we are aware of so the Malcolm W. Thomson Trophy for the heaviest brown trout of the year is not awarded. Congratulations to everyone who caught a big fish that went on the Board, especially if it was a personal best, and particular congratulations to Mr MacDowall.

The 2020 / 2021 Cobbinshaw Challenge

The 2020 Cobbinshaw Challenge was cancelled due to COVID 19 risks.

The 2021 Cobbinshaw Challenge will be fished on Sunday 6 June 2021 starting at 9:00 am. Further details will be available on the Notice Board opposite the Office at the loch and in Newsletters. As previously explained, this is intended as a friendly competition that will enable members to meet and fish with other members that they might not otherwise meet, and to share knowledge and experience on fishing at Cobbinshaw. The Board would therefore encourage members to take part and support the event.

Open Day 2020 and 2021

The 2020 Open Day was held on Sunday 5 July from 11am until 5pm. Despite unseasonably windy weather, which prohibited any boat fishing on the day, 11 people turned up to view the facilities with 5 subsequently joining. The Board would like to thank those members that volunteered to help out on the day.

The 2021 Open Day will be held on Sunday 3 July 2021. The purpose of the event is to attract new members to the Association by giving them a chance to see our facilities and try out the fishing on a catch and release basis. Any volunteers to help run the event should contact the Secretary.

National advertising

The Board has also agreed to continue with a national advertising strategy to attract new members, and will be placing adverts in at least one fishing magazine in early spring 2021. Last year’s advert in Fly Fishing & Fly tying resulted in several new applications and it is hoped that we will get a similar response this time. We also expect an article on Cobbinshaw to be published in Trout and Salmon around that time, following a couple of outings to the loch by one of their angling journalists in the summer.

Thank you to Members who volunteer their time and resources

This report and the AGM provides an opportunity for the Management Committee to formally record their thanks on behalf of the Association to those members that regularly volunteer their time and resources, either free or at minimum cost, to help out with our stocking, building and maintenance activities. Their efforts save the Association several thousand pounds per annum. It would be impolite to name the individuals concerned, but they know who they are, and they should be aware that their support for the Association is very much appreciated by all members, and especially by the Board of Directors.

Thank you to the Keepers

I would like to record my personal thanks, and the Board’s thanks on behalf of members, to the Head Keeper and Assistant Head Keeper for their continuing commitment to the work of the Association in maintaining 17 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154 the high quality of facilities and fishing at Cobbinshaw. Whilst many fishing matters are generally out with our direct control, there is no doubt that the harbour, boats and other facilities at Cobbinshaw are amongst the best in Scotland, and a lot of the credit for this is down to the initiative and commitment of the Keepers.

By the time this report reaches members, Jock will have retired form his role as Head Keeper on 30 November, with his Assistant, Ian McCusker taking over the role from 1 December under the new title of Fishery Manager. On behalf of the Board and members, I would like to record our thanks to Jock for his excellent service to the Association over many years. He will continue to support the Association when staff cover is needed, but he will now be able to focus more on his own fishing instead of worrying about how others are doing. On behalf of everyone at Cobbinshaw I wish him a long and happy retirement.

Appointment of Assistant Fishery Manager

I can also advise members that we have completed the recruitment of a new Assistant Fishery Manager. We received 10 strong applications for the post and interviewed three candidates before finalising on the appointment of Andrew Fry, who is currently a member of the Association and lives within close proximity to the fishery. Andrew will be taking up his appointment on 1 February 2021.

Thank you to the Treasurer

As members will know, Ian Coutts is retiring from his role as Treasurer after 20 years in the job. On behalf of the Association as a whole, the board would like to record its sincere thanks to Ian for all his hard work and commitment during that time, which has guided the Association through some difficult events. The past couple of years have been difficult for him due to a recurring health issue, despite which he has continued to diligently carry out his role as Treasurer and support the wider management of the Association. I am sure I speak for all our members by wishing him a long and healthy retirement in which he can deservedly relax and simply enjoy his fishing.

And finally

I will finish this report with the usual pleas: please take care of the nets and drogues; please get advice from the Keepers if you have problems starting the outboard motors, and please heed it; please understand and apply the basic boat etiquette rules when out on the loch, details of which are on the website or available from the Keepers; please do not run the boat with the drogue dragging behind; please accurately record your catches, especially any returned fish; please remember that all anglers must wear lifejackets when afloat; please remember to check that your lifejackets are still fully serviceable, especially the firing mechanisms; and lastly, please remember to use barbless hooks when you are fishing catch and release.

All that said, tight lines for the 2021 season in all your fishing endeavours.

A W ANDERSON Honorary Secretary On behalf of the Board of Directors December 2020

18 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

CAA Annual Report 2020 - cont’d APPENDIX A 2020 Monthly catch and stocking analysis

Rods Fish Fish Total Fish Rod % Caught to % Killed to Killed Ret’d Stocked Ave Stocked stocked (Cumulative) (Cumulative

March 156 191 32 223 1200 1.43 18.58 15.91

April 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

May 88 221 169 390 600 4.43 34.06 22.89 30 & 31

June 890 1195 802 1994 1600 2.47 76.68 47.26

July 907 1043 691 1734 2600 1.91 72.35 44.17

August 745 778 549 1327 1600 1.78 74.57 45.11

Sept 652 593 295 889 2000 1.36 68.30 41.88

October 469 397 218 617 400 1.32 71.74 44.18


Totals 3907 4418 2756 7174 10000 1.84

Winter 20


2019 Monthly catch and stocking analysis

No. Fish Fish Total Fish Rod Ave % Caught to % Killed to Rods Killed Ret’d Stocked Fish Stocked stocked (Cumulative) (Cumulative March 294 646 482 1128 2200 3.84 51.27 29.36

April 625 1119 752 1871 1400 3.00 83.30 49.03

May 685 1288 1134 2422 2200 3.54 93.47 52.64

June 718 1255 957 2212 1600 3.08 103.15 58.22

July 786 1227 882 2109 2000 2.69 103.64 58.88

August 738 1059 650 1709 1500 2.32 105.06 60.50

Sept 700 1284 619 1903 1900 2.72 104.33 61.55

October 636 1085 383 1468 400 2.31 112.29 67.90

November 43 85 11 96 0 2.23 113.02 68.55

Totals 5225 9048 5870 14918 13200 2.86

Winter 19 83 69 0 69 0

Total 5308 9117 5870 14987 0 2.82

19 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

2021 AGM Paper 4.1



115th AGM - POSTAL - JANUARY 2021

Dear Member

This is my last Treasurers report after some 20 years of change and strife. Much has been accomplished but we still have a long way to go in the ongoing endeavour to ensure that Cobbinshaw Angling Association continues securely into the future.

In my time as Treasurer the loch has been dewatered twice and the recent lockdown has had its own challenges. One thing that is readily apparent is that we must maintain our income and provide fund levels to more than cover our expenditures including all necessary capital expenditures not merely cover our running costs, this must of necessity provide a “contingencies fund” to cover unseen problems (lockdown etc). This is a concept that has been challenging for members over the years but we have all seen the benefits.

The accounts for the year ending 31 October 2020 are attached after this report. You will note that they are declared as unaudited. This is because the company is entitled to exemption from audit under Section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies. However we do have our accounts subjected to financial examination on behalf of the members, and have therefore changed the terminology in line with the Act to “Financial examination”. The board unanimously approved the accounts for issue to members at its meeting on 6 December.

HMRC have advised that we have been recognised as a company which is “mutually trading”; therefore we are not required to submit accounts for a period of another three years as long as we do not change our manner of trading. In effect this means that as long as our income is derived from our members we will be considered of no interest to HMRC with regard to Corporation Tax. At the end of the aforementioned period, we will again apply to be considered “Mutually Trading”, and provided we have not changed our approach and the Laws regarding Corporation Tax have not changed we hope that we will be again granted the current status.

Our keepers continue to work to their usual high standards of fish husbandry, maintenance and general improvements, for which they receive my heartfelt thanks. It is also appropriate to thank members who give so generously of their time in the interests of the Company.

I consider that at this time I should explain revenue and capital expenditure as it will aid the reading of this report. Revenue expenditure is the catch all for all expenses incurred in the ordinary conduct of business, such as rent, salaries, wages, charges, insurance, salaries, and postage expenses. A capital expenditure is an amount spent to acquire or significantly improve the capacity or capabilities of a long-term asset such as equipment or buildings. Capital expenditure is analysed in Fixed Asset Table which forms part of our annual accounts.

I would draw attention to the following analysis of key figures / elements in the accounts (amounts rounded) which should provide members with more insight on the results for the year:

(a) The surplus of circa £16000 is due almost entirely to one-off grants totalling £28000 received in the year, comprising £21000 in revenue grants relating to covid support measures and £7000 in capital grants towards the purchase of the new Wheelyboat (£5000 from the Wheelyboat Trust and £2000 from WATIF). Without these grants we would have reported a deficit of £12000. This situation underpins the need for subscription rises next year.

(b) We also received £3100 from the sale of boats which is recorded in income.

(c) Fishing income dropped by circa £16000 compared to last year due to closure and covid. Note that this is less than the government COVID assistance we received.

20 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

(d) Fish costs were an overall £3000 less than last year. This reflects the net saving from the increased cost of stocking solely from the lorry this year, and the savings on fish feed as there were no cages.

(e) Cottages expenses of £4700 relate to a new kitchen which was purchased by the Association but installed without charge by the Assistant Keeper.

(f) General expenses comprise: gravel for car park £2400; advertising £1300; HK gratuity £1000; PPE £500; Secretary expenses £650; timber etc for cages £1000 and misc supplies and equip £850.

(g) Loch petty cash expenses are shown separately this year to improve transparency; previously they were disclosed under General Expenses.

(h) Van and equipment costs have been combined into a single disclosure which in future will be called Equipment costs.

The board has discussed long and hard about the ongoing costs and income generators and has proposed that the increases next year be £10 increase on subscriptions for all classes of membership.

Ian Coutts Honorary Treasurer

21 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

2021 Postal AGM Paper 4.2



Year ended 31 October 2020

22 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154



Officers 24

Directors Report 25

Examiners Report 26

Income and Expenditure Account 27

Balance Sheet 28

Notes to Financial Statements 29-32

The following pages do not form part of the financial statements

Detailed Income and Expenditure Account 33-34

23 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

COBBINSHAW ANGLING ASSOCIATION LTD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Officers and Professional Advisers Year ended 31 October 2020

Directors Mr David Moon - Chair Mr Ian Coutts - Treasurer Mr Andrew Anderson - Secretary Mr Frank Jackson - Co-opted Mr John Kelly Mr Ian Prentice Mr Vaughan Ruckley - Co-opted Mr John Glynn Mr Richard Rudkin Mr Ian Bailey - Resigned in year Mr Kenneth Cairns - Resigned in year

Registered Office Cobbinshaw Angling Association Ltd Cobbinshaw Reservoir By EH55 8LQ

Banks Royal Bank of Scotland Bruntsfield Edinburgh EH10 4DF

Santander 356 Morningside Road Edinburgh EH10 4TE

24 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154


The directors present their report and the unaudited financial statements of the company for the year ended 31 October 2020.


The company was incorporated on 1 June 2017. It is a Company limited by guarantee with each member liable to the extent of one pound sterling.


Cobbinshaw Angling Association Ltd is a not for profit organisation providing angling facilities for its members on Cobbinshaw Reservoir, by West Calder, West Lothian. All income is subscribed by members of the Company. The Company’s Articles do not permit any distribution of funds to members.


The directors who served the company during the year were as follows:

Mr David Moon - Chair Mr Ian Coutts - Honorary Treasurer Mr Andrew Anderson - Honorary Secretary Mr Frank Jackson (Co-opted) Mr John Kelly Mr Ian Prentice Mr Vaughan Ruckley (Co-opted) Mr John Glynn Mr Richard Rudkin Mr Ian Bailey (Resigned in year) Mr Kennet Cairns (Resigned in year)


This report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies entitled to the small companies exemption.

This report was approved by the board of directors on 6 December 2020 and signed on behalf of the board by:

Ian Coutts:

Director and Honorary Treasurer

6 December 2020

25 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154


Examination Certificate

I have examined the Accounts of Cobbinshaw Angling Association Ltd for the year ending 31 October 2020 and have found them to be fairly stated and in accordance with the books and records of the Association.

Leslie Dalgleish: Financial Examiner Date: 5 December 2020

26 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

COBBINSHAW ANGLING ASSOCIATION LTD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Income and Expenditure Statement Year ended 31 October 2020

2020 2019

Note £ £


Membership income 93433 94821

Fishing income 57982 73832

Other income 31963 3962

Total 183378 172615


Fish stocking costs 46292 49107

Staff costs 7 70747 68728

Depreciation 8 8660 8349

Other charges 41928 31612

Total 167627 157796

Operating surplus / (deficit) 15751 14819

27 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154


Note £ £

Fixed assets:

Tangible assets 8 196181 182200

Current assets:

Debtors and prepayments 3 406 1264

Cash at bank and in hand 123393 120698

123799 121962

Creditors: within one year 4 67 0

Net current assets 123732 121962

Net assets 319913 304162

Capital and reserves

General fund 5 192072 176321

Revaluation reserve 110641 110641

Levy on Members 17200 17200

319913 304162

Directors responsibilities:

• The members have not required the company to obtain an audit of its financial statements for the year in question in accordance with section 476;

• The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Act with respect to accounting records and the preparation of financial statements.

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime and with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2015).

These financial statements were approved by the board of directors and authorised for issue on 6 December 2020, and are signed on behalf of the board by:

Ian Coutts:

Director and Honorary Treasurer: Company registration number SC560154

28 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

COBBINSHAW ANGLING ASSOCIATION LTD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Notes to the Financial Statements Year ended 31 October 2020

1 General information

The company is a private company limited by guarantee to the extent of one pound sterling per Member, and is registered in Scotland. The address of the registered office is Cobbinshaw Angling Association Ltd, Cobbinshaw Reservoir, By West Calder, West Lothian, EH55 8LQ.

The company is a non-profit making entity whereby all income is derived from Members subscriptions and member’s fees in respect of fishing charges; any surplus is reinvested in the company to enhance facilities and replace capital assets. The Articles of Association do not permit the distribution of any surplus to Members.

2 Accounting policies

(a) Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 102, Section 1A in relation to Smaller Entities (effective January 2015).

(b) Income from Members

Subscription and related income is accounted for when received.

(c) Grant income

Grants are accounted for as income in the period in which they are received.

(d) Tangible assets

Tangible assets are initially recorded at cost, and are subsequently stated at cost less any accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. The threshold for capitalisation is £1000.

Depreciation is calculated so as to write off the cost of an asset, less its estimated residual value, over the useful economic life of that asset as follows:

Cottage building Nil Workshop 5% straight line

Rearing equipment 7% straight line General equipment 33.3% straight line

Motor vehicles 25% straight line

Outboard motors 33.3% straight line Boats 5% straight line

Pontoons 10% straight line

Cabin 5% straight line

Note 8 showing the movements on tangible assets excludes those assets that are fully depreciated and no longer have any value. Assets that are fully depreciated but have value in use are retained in the table for information.

29 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

(e) Provision for liabilities

Provisions are recognised when it is probable that a present obligation exists, as a result of a past event, and a transfer of economic benefits is required in settlement that can be estimated reliably.

(f) Taxation

HMRC has advised that the Association is considered to be a mutually trading entity whereby it will be exempt from submitting accounts and paying corporation tax for a period of five years provided our circumstances do not change in that period, following which our situation will be reviewed. The accounts do not therefore include any charges in respect of corporation tax.

(g) Operating leases

Leases are classified as operating leases where substantially all the benefits of ownerships remain with the lessor. Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the profit and loss account on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

3 Debtors

2020 2019

£ £ Trade debtors 0 1264 Other debtors 406 0 Prepayments 0 0 406 1264

4 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

2020 2019

£ £ Bank loans and overdrafts 0 0 Operating creditors 0 0 Taxation and social security 0 0 Other creditors 67 0 67 0

5 Reserves - General Fund

2020 2019

£ £ Opening balance 176321 161502 Surplus / (Deficit) for year 15751 14819 Closing balance 192072 176321

30 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

COBBINSHAW ANGLING ASSOCIATION LTD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Notes to the Financial Statements (Cont’d) Year ended 31 October 2020

6 Operating leases

During the year the company has committed to make the following lease payments:

2020 2019

£ £ Expiry within one year 11400 11400 Expiry between two to five years 45600 34128 Expiry after five years 69846 92718 126846 138246

7 Employees

The average number of employees during the year was four, including two Directors who acted in the role of Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary respectively for which an Honoraria is paid.

31 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

COBBINSHAW ANGLING ASSOCIATION LTD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Notes to the Financial Statements - Cont’d Year ended 31 October 2020

8 Tangible fixed assets

Cottage and Work Shop Motor Outboard Boats Cabin Total Land vehicle motors *

£ £ £ £ £ £ £


At 31/10/2019 140000 25557 6641 15846 87577 23407 299028

Revaluation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Additions 0 0 0 0 22641 0 22641

Disposals 0 0 0 0 -6638 0 -6638

At 31/10/2020 140000 25557 6641 15846 103580 23407 315031


At 31/10/2019 0 25557 6641 11746 68174 4710 116828

Disposals 0 0 0 0 -6638 0 -6638

Charge for year 0 0 0 2800 4690 1170 8660

At 31/10/2020 140000 25557 6641 14546 66226 5880 118850

NBV @ 31/10/20 140000 0 0 1300 37354 17527 196181

NBV@ 31/10/19 140000 0 0 4100 19403 18697 182200

* Outboard motors: Opening balances for cost and depreciation have both reduced by £14201 to reflect assets that were previously disposed of. There is no impact on the NBVs. This correction is not considered material therefore a prior year adjustment disclosure is not required.

32 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

COBBINSHAW ANGLING ASSOCIATION LTD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Detailed Income and Expenditure Account Year ended 31 October 2020

2020 2019

£ £


Membership income

Subscriptions 84374 87131

Entrance fees 5825 4450

Donations 3234 3240

Total 93433 94821

Fishing income

Member boat income 45817 57815

Member guest income 12165 16017

Pike fishing 0 0

Total 57982 73832

Other income

Grants 31384 0

Miscellaneous 579 3962

Total 31963 3962

TOTAL INCOME 183378 172615

33 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

COBBINSHAW ANGLING ASSOCIATION LTD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Detailed Income and Expenditure Account (Cont’d) Year ended 31 October 2020 2020 2019


Stocking costs

Cost of fish 46292 43257

Feed costs 0 5850

Total 46292 49107

Staff costs

Salaries 54155 51617

Employers NI and pension costs 4831 5515

Directors honoraria 11761 11596

Total 70747 68728

Other charges

Rent, rates and insurance 18803 19337

Utilities: heat, light, water and phone * 4779 3078

Outboard motor expenses 2430 2940

Maintenance and equipment*** 2440 725

Petty cash expenses at loch ** 1100 0

Cottage expenses 4685 0

General expenses 7691 4776

Total 41928 30856

Depreciation (Note 8) 8660 8349



* Utilities: Phone charges were previously shown separately under Postage but are now shown under Utilities.

* * Petty cash expenses at loch: These were previously included in General Expenses but are now shown separately to improve transparency.

* ** Maintenance and equipment: Van and machinery costs are now combined under this heading.

34 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

2021 Postal AGM Paper 5.1



115th AGM - POSTAL - JANUARY 2020

Dear Member, 2020 has been an extremely difficult year for The Association with continued challenges for Board and Officials from the earliest weeks of the season until now. Many unpalatable decisions were required in order to comply with imposed Government Covid-19 guidelines in the early months and this has impacted on the finances of CAA. Due to the good offices of our Treasurer, Secretary and Directors we have managed to take full advantage of the various Government schemes available for businesses in order to mitigate the impact of lockdown restrictions. These have contributed in no small way to the continued solvency of The Association. On behalf of members, I have placed on record our thanks for their sterling work throughout the year.

May I also place on record my sincere thanks to two stalwarts of CAA, Ian Coutts and Jock Gilchrist, who have decided to retire from their respective positions this year. We wish them continued good health and look forward to their ongoing support in years to come. Both have committed many years to the continuing success of CAA.

The loch has not fished particularly well this season for whatever reason. I’m sure everyone will have a specific theory on this, however the weather, as always, has played a big part no doubt. Even though catches were down, members continued to diligently support the Association with rod numbers breaking records some weeks which is very pleasing. Your attendance has also contributed to a successful financial outturn for us.

Going forward the primary focus of The Board over the next few years will remain on retention and recruitment of members as diminishing numbers continue to severely impact on our financial wellbeing and survival as an Association. I would therefore request your continued support and understanding in what is a particularly difficult challenge for us. Can I just remind all members again that organised recruitment events are for the benefit of all in the Association.

Unfortunately we are unable to hold an AGM this year and require to conduct the Association business in a slightly different format. I trust members will be understanding of the restrictions and guidelines imposed that prohibit large gatherings of this nature.

Hopefully 2021 will be a more prosperous year for the Association and we can resume some kind of normality.

David Moon Chairman CAA Ltd December 2020

35 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

2021 Postal AGM Paper 6.1


A postal Voting Form explaining how to vote on the following issues is attached at Paper 6.2.

Proposed changes to the Articles of Association (Special Resolutions requiring a two thirds majority vote)

There are no changes proposed. However, the threshold amount above which two signatories are required to make payments or order goods, requires to be confirmed annually by members in accordance with A79 of the Articles of Association. The Board is not proposing any changes to the current limit of £5000 which has been in place for many years.

Proposed changes to Regulations (Ordinary Resolutions requiring a simple majority vote)

The following revisions to Regulations were approved by Directors during the year under paragraph 58 of the Articles of Association and require to be formally ratified at the 2019 AGM. The revisions are highlighted in italics with additional explanatory information where appropriate.

Proposed changes to Operating Regulations

The following changes to Operating Regulations are proposed;

(a) A flat rate increase of £10 is proposed across all membership subscription categories commencing 2021.

The current Regulations’ provides discretion to the Board to propose increases to subscriptions and other fees on an annual basis. Members will note that the accounts show a surplus of £15,751. However, this is due to substantial one-off receipts (furlough payments, revenue and capital grants and sale of boats) which have significantly distorted the income and expenditure statement for this year. The underlying financial position continues to improve but there remains ongoing membership volatilities and economic uncertainties associated with COVID and Brexit that will persist for the next few years. Having regard to these circumstances, the Board propose that a flat rate increase of £10 is applied across all subscription categories. This increase is smaller than might have been the case had we not received government support through the furlough and small business grant regimes, but is considered necessary to meet anticipated cost increases. No increases in fishing charges are proposed this year.

(a) Proposed decrease in the Entrance Fee from £450 to £150 for trial period of 2 years commencing 2021

The current Entrance Fee of £450 is regarded by many members as a deterrent to attracting new members. Several members have highlighted this during discussions at recent AGM’s as part of wider proposals to modernise the Association and attract new members. In response to these discussions the Board has unanimously agreed to propose a temporary reduction in the EF to £150 for a period of 2 years commencing season 2021, following which the matter will be put to members again for a decision on its future level. The Board hope this will help bring new members into the Association and recommend it to members for approval.

AW Anderson Honorary Secretary On behalf of the Board of Directors December 2019

36 CAA LTD AGM 2021 Company No. SC 560154

2021 Postal AGM Paper 6.2




There are 3 motions to be considered, as set out in Paper 6.1 and summarised in the Table below. Further information explaining why a postal voting procedure is being used this year is contained in the cover letter to the AGM Pack.

Instructions on completing this form

Please complete the form as follows;

(a) If you support all of the motions set out below, you need do nothing - no response is required

(b) If you wish to vote against any motion:

(i) Please place a cross - X - in the box alongside the motion(s) concerned (ii) Add any comments you wish to make (iii)Sign and date the form in the boxes provided below (iv) Return the signed form to the Secretary, either by email or by normal post, using the relevant contact details at the foot of the form.

Motion Disagreement Comments Column 1 Annual Threshold Limit

Per A79 of the Articles of Association, a threshold amount of £5000 is agreed, above which all accounts must be certified and all cheques signed by two Office Bearers.

2 Annual Subscriptions

A flat rate increase of £10 across all membership categories.

3 Entrance Fee

A reduction to £150 for a trial period of 2 years.


If necessary, please return completed form to Secretary by AW Anderson, 9 Thomson Grove, Edinburgh, EH145HZ 31 January 2021 at the following address: or by email: [email protected]