1 2 1 2 3 4 as much as you can". its problems, helpwherever and sorrows anditsjoys, understand with your imagination, share its "Embrace thewholeworld Stochastis Publications, 1995 "To MyBeloved Grandchildren" John S. Latsis,

5 6 Contents 110 08 38 58 10 12


Museum Neraida Floating Floating Neraida Development Development Community Community Social Welfare & Social Welfare Arts & Culture Arts & Culture Science Education & Education Numbers Numbers The Year 2017 in 2017 Year The Preface Preface 8 I A Preface enhance creativity. that promote thespiritofcollaboration and in innovative andexperiential activities students from allover toparticipate programme has a nationalreach, enabling to date. From the school year 2017 - 2018, the of97participation schoolsand4,081 pupils 5 years withthe ofimplementation, schools,whichnowand primary marks programmes thatwillserve needs. these in order todevelop targeted actionsand reality andthetrends thatare developing concernistounderstand thesocialconstant modern andopensociety. OurFoundation's nonprofit contributingtoafair, activities, 169 organisations, active inawiderange of n 2017, we tosupport hadtheopportunity Together," aimedatpublicpreschools education programme "Learning n indicative initiative, isourcreative A T that willbeabletoenrichtheirteaching. from allover Greece toacquire new skills to 49 physicsgiving the opportunity teachers Organization for Research Nuclear (CERN), training course organised by theEuropean forsupported, thesecond-year-running, the education,weIn thefieldofsecondary to highereducationinGreece andabroad. received for financialsupport theiraccess students ofLesbos in the whoparticipated Equally promising was theimage ofthe741 musicians toberecognised by awards. was young touchingtoseethese especially education andtodevelop andit theirtalents tocultivatefinancial difficulties, theirmusical to30childrenopportunity offamilies facing Conservatory, we offer every theyear collaboration withtheAthens scholarship programme, in hrough the"LittleMusicians" scholarship programme, 146 students undergraduate andpostgraduate dditionally, through ourannual 9 he following pages present pages present he following full the highlights from grantmaking in the work of our Foundation’s range fields of education, science, culture, arts, arts, culture, fields of education, science, and community development. social welfare to all thanks our sincere wish to express We worked have we the civil society partners despite the social and economic with, who, challenges, continue to consistently innovate committed to their significant and remain work. Board the Executive On behalf of The President Kalantzis Peter Dr. with the aim of supporting Civil Society with the aim of supporting Civil Society to implement innovative, organisations a multiplier small-scale actions that have modern social on addressing effect have we this programme, challenges. Via on the social focusing supported initiatives of people with inclusion and integration disabilities. T

ur other initiative is the "Points of of is the "Points ur other initiative which was programme, Support" with the co- implemented in 2017 he cornerstone of our initiatives of our initiatives he cornerstone funding the in music was this year of the Greek and operation creation

Youth Symphony Orchestra, aimed at the aimed at the Orchestra, Symphony Youth and education identification, guidance, musicians of talented Greek promotion and operatic in the symphonic aged 18-30 repertoire. educational programme "The Music Key", "The Music Key", educational programme to as a follow-up implemented which was Music Festival, International Molyvos the 3rd last visitors than 5,000 more which attracted also supported we In the field of music, year. Opera" "Youth the newly-established National Opera, of the Greek programme which supports artists steps of in the first to develop in order careers their professional skills in the lyrical arts. valuable financing of 4 philanthropic foundations, foundations, financing of 4 philanthropic

T O 10 210 — 169 — in Numbers 2017 The Year students atallinstitutional levels scholarships awarded toyoung activities received grants for their nonprofit organisations educational activities educational activities indiversestudents participated 5,700 — Foundation initiatives fundedby the individuals benefitedfrom ~110,000 — 11 job positions in civil society funded were organisations the Foundation by individuals supported by social individuals supported by & inclusion programmes welfare — 12 — 7,300 individuals benefited from from individuals benefited health care and medical care programmes — 50,800

individuals visited the Neraida individuals visited the Neraida Floating Museum individuals received support with individuals received essentials (food, livelihood heating etc.)

~13,000 —

3,900 — 12 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Highlights Grantmaking & Science Education

13 EDUCATION & SCIENCE 01 — Social Sciences. scholars in the fields of Humanities in the fields of scholars and is to support the research of young Greek Greek of young is to support the research In the realm of science, the primary of science, goal In the realm and postgraduate studies. and postgraduate provision of scholarships for undergraduate undergraduate for of scholarships provision education, first and foremost via the via the and foremost education, first activities, as well as to support accessactivities, to as well education, at all levels, through targeted targeted through education, at all levels, The Foundation seeks to improve quality of to improve seeks The Foundation 14 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Programme "Learning Together" robotics, entrepreneurship, respect finearts, topics suchashistory, technology, literature, inside andoutsidetheclassroom, regarding and stimulatetheinterest ofthechildren, with totalk The teachershadtheopportunity Patisia, PlateiaAmerikis, andSalamis. , Koropi, NeosKosmos, Nikaia, Gerakas, Drosia, Elefsina, Kolonaki, Acropolis, , , Votanikos, in schoolsfrom different of parts : were18 educationalactivities completed January –June 2017 hands-on activities. self-esteem andself-confidence through and thepromotion andstrengthening of the pupil’s personality, self-development The ultimategoalisthestrengthening of for environment anopenlearning tobelaid. approach inorder tolearning for foundations of educationbasedonastudent-centred implement innovative andmodernmodels preschools schoolsto andprimary year seeks toencourage educators from The programme for consecutive thefifth activities begantobeimplemented. activities with theresult that,inDecember, 20 new preschools schools inGreece, andprimary for thefirst time, addressed toallpublic in the2017-2018 schoolyear. Thecallwas, funding for innovative educationalactivities The Foundation launchedapubliccallfor –December2017September closed inJune. wereAll activities concludedasschools pedagogy were tested. flexible-room andoutdoor-classroom students was developed andmodelsofa At thesametime, aweb-tool for dyslexic for diversity, democratic institutions, etc. programme: programme: the following participated in the In the 2016-2017 school year, — — — 923students. 33 teachers. inAttica. 18schools 15 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Students of the 5th Primary School of Salamina Students of the 5th Primary School of Salamina a handcraft of the CERN accelerator preparing A walk during the educational activity "CERN: into the deep".

Stella Protopapa “With the funding, a website “With a website the funding, students was dyslexic for a gap that filling created, in Greece. The existed enthusiastic students were offered about the possibilities can study they the site, as by not easily, more their lessons them but to only listening also reading them in a form eases the visual greatly that decoding and conceptual their school of the texts of books. realized In addition, they is not a disad- dyslexia that their vantage to compared other peers. pertains It a to partlarge population the of globally and is addressed finding alternative always by learning, of which it is ways incumbent on the education provide”. to system Primary Principal, 93rd Athens School of educational of Coordinator Websites activity “Creating Children with Dyslexia for Disabilities – and Learning readable.sch.gr” 16 EDUCATION & SCIENCE the beebotsrobotics andtheirprogramming. the activity"InaChangingClass..."were thrilledabout the University ofAthens -Maraslioin thatparticipated Schoolof Primary The studentsofthe1stExperimental activity “Playing Together” Coordinator of educational School of Nikaia Principal, 11thPrimary Archontia Mantzaridou positive”.were particularly children andtheircomments venue for expression to their that givesa theschoolreally activity. Finally, parents felt tion aboutthecontent of the it, soas to provide informa- was whocreated theteam Infrontposter of each part. the workinwhichthey took of thepupils inrelation to manifestation of theviews programme was thebest of theevent concluding the appreciate that thesuccess of period.We ateaching withintheframeworktically way. real very Notschema- their activeina participation Theylearning. experienced a more openaspect to their pated intheprogramme got - students whopartici “The

17 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Students of the Ralleia Experimental Schools of the Students of the Ralleia Experimental Schools of the arts and using tablets for are of Athens, University of the activity "Bringing history teaching in the context Activities". Reality with Augmented a Museum to Life 18 EDUCATION & SCIENCE 2. of Andrea Flouraki. 1. presentedmances were asfollows: schoolsandtheperforThe participating expression. the programme asanew form oftheatrical world oftheatre were chosen, whotreated account. Ingeneral, young peoplefrom the prior educationalexperience were taken into ity withnew practicesandtheir theatrical sition for bringing fresh theirfamiliar ideas, course, school,theirartistic each theirdispo- assumed therole ofmotivator-teacher for For theselectionofdirectors who organisation would ground. findsuitable in whichtheeducationalseedsofatheatrical would beequalrepresentation thereof, and spectrum ofgreater Piraeus, sothatthere reflected thewholesocio-economic Selection was madeofschoolswhich Piraeus. oftheMunicipalTheatrethe mainstage of ultimately puttheirschoolperformance on rehearsed, and andscenery made costumes great playwrights orwrote theirown works, professionals, choseandanalysedtexts by ofthetheatre’s school,withthesupport each theatre. From toMay, January thestudentsof in gymnasiumsandlyceums closetothe educationandbring studentsvide theatrical for the2ndconsecutive year, aimingtopro- In 2017, thisprogramme was implemented MUNICIPAL THEATRE OFPIRAEUS a Difference... or Theatre with The Third Bell 2ndGymnasium ofDrapetsona –“Bones”, IonidiosModel HighSchoolofPiraeus - - “Will”, awork ofthepupils. 7. of Giorgos Maniotis. 6. Night’s Dream”, ofWilliam Shakespeare. 5. and Raspberries”, ofDarioFo. 4. pupils basedontheepicofOdyssey. “Odyssea, where are you?”, awork ofthe 3. Ionesco, Seferis, Proust, Xenopoulos. pupils basedonexcerpts oftheworks of – “TheSecret oftheHotel”,awork ofthe school. the director were heldateach rehearsals inthepresence of sign. andcostume de- design stage the analysis(or writing) oftexts, more were thosewhohelpedin ofthetheatre,main stage butstill intotal.10 teachers with theactive involvement of intheprogramme,participated neighbouring municipalities lyceums) from Piraeus andthe — — — Zanneio Experimental Lyceum ZanneioExperimental ofPiraeus – 1stGymnasium ofPiraeus –“A Midsummer Professional HighSchoolofPiraeus – 3rd Gymnasium ofNikaia –“ThePolitics”, 1stGeneral Lyceum ofPerama –“Trumpets Onaverage, 20 meetingsand 7 schools (gymnasiumsand 7schools 119 went students uponthe 19 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Students of the Zanneio Experimental Lyceum of of Students of the Zanneio Experimental Lyceum that the theatrical play to present preparing Piraeus at the Municipal entitled "Will", themselves, wrote they 2017. May Piraeus, of Piraeus. Theatre 20 EDUCATION & SCIENCE for Engineers". July2017. Thessaloniki, preparing astructure for the course Principles "Design Participants inthe summer programmes atCTY, President, Anatolia College Dr. Panos Vlachos their financialsituation”. of Greece,regardlesspart of charismatic mindsfrom every to develop andinspire new CTY Greece as wecollaborate to thesuccess ofimportance Foundation are of critical Latsis PublicBenefit such aspartners theJohnS. “Strong andcommitted


50% of the students 50% 50% of participants50% were Over trained 900 teachers were students took the 7,050 and Greece students from 991 students646 participated in — — — — — — In the first 4 (2013-2017) years years 4 (2013-2017) In the first operation: of the Center's public schools. from with the Center’s and familiarized and programmes. philosophy exams. Cyprus participatedthe in of Athens summer programmes and Thessaloniki. programmes. weekend 2-day, received a full or partial or partial a full received based on their scholarship income. family

The Foundation has been supporting the has been supporting the The Foundation providing programme scholarship College’s outstanding to students with 6 scholarships the not able to cover who are performance supported are The scholars tuition fees. and Lyceum the Gymnasium throughout years. For Gymnasium and Lyceum students, students, and Lyceum Gymnasium For summer the Center runs a residential taking place at Anatolia College, programme university-level during which students follow Introduction such as, among others, courses, to Biomedical Sciences, Design Principles The Art the Science of Engineers, and for Cinema, Genetics, International Relations, students the same time, At and Prose. Poetry and sports participate in a leisure programme. The programme, aimed at primary school aimed at primary school The programme, students, enables them to enrich their fields, such as Biology, in various knowledge Mathematics and Writing. Robotics, The Foundation continued, for the third the third continued, for The Foundation to support the Center year, consecutive which implements Youth, Talented for facilities at programmes summer training and of the Anatolia College with innovative methods. pedagogical ground-breaking

Scholarships Scholarships Education Education COLLEGE ANATOLIA & Secondary Talented Youth Youth Talented Center for for Center 22 EDUCATION & SCIENCE FOUNDATION CERN &SOCIETY Teachers Education Secondary Training of laboratories. In addition, participants hadlaboratories. In addition,participants infrastructurenecessary andhigh-tech conducting the seminar, aswell asthe technical andadministrative for support Physics. CERNprovided allthescientific, aimed atreinforcing students’ interest in with theaimofconductingexperiments Physics andtogetinvolved inlaboratories developmentson thelatest inthefieldof toattendlectures,opportunity inGreek, During theseminar, teachershadthe Sciences. Egaleo Laboratory Centre ofNatural Greece isundertaken every year by the students. Thepreparation ofmissionsfrom scientists, teachersand,by extension, diffusion ofknowledge amongCERN Physicsmethods ofteaching aswell asthe of CERNandaimstopromote innovative Programmes, whichisastrategic priority within theframework oftheNationalTeacher 2017. Theseminars are beingimplemented Greece toCERN,inSwitzerland, inAugust schoolteachersfromsecondary allover year, theeducationalmissionof49 The Foundation for supported, thesecond is available online. in theirclasstherelevant material,which multipliers ofscientificknowledge, using seminar, theaimisfor teachers toactas thecompletionof themethods. After spiritandenrichclassroomteam teaching thatcultivate inactivities and participate tovisitthefacilitiesthe opportunity ofCERN useful tothem intheirclasses. skills thatwould, inthefuture, be their knowledge and acquire new or “to agreat extent” toimprove that theirseminarhelped “a lot” 32 different ofGreece. parts in theprogramme. school teacherstoparticipate were submittedby secondary — — — 80% oftheprofessors stated

Participants comefrom In 2017, 206 applications

23 EDUCATION & SCIENCE The Greek teachers attending the seminar at teachers attending the seminar at The Greek 2017. August CERN. Geneva, Participant teachers' teachers' Participant impressions “I am willing to enrich the the enrich willing to “I am with topics daily curriculum about elementary particles the ability to have and I will reports extensive do more thinking them. I am also for educational organising of regarding activities and talks during the topics discussed the CERN lectures”. to in a position “I am now my to respond better questions not only students’ CERN about the research at about the microcosm also but and the universe”. experience! a unique “It was every The dream of life Physics”. teacher who loves 24 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Universities ofAthens, attheGennadiusLibrary. recipients oftheFoundation, studyingat the Undergraduate andpostgraduate scholarship the University of Athens recipient, Schoolof Medical undergraduate scholarship Third year student– Charoun Chousein for free.” were previously distributed that are expensive and that to buy quite alotof books Also, inmy school,wehave the 2015-2016 year. academic allowance Iamentitledto for not yet received thehousing As example, Ihave atypical state isdeficient. support atespecially atime when groups,vulnerable belong to special and helps young peoplewho The scholarshipsignificantly study. keep itfor alltheyearsof ifonecan especially vitae, thecurriculumalso enriches the financialassistance, it besides Ofcourse, grades. therefore, to achieve higher more timeto studying,and motivates meto devote parents financiallyand makes iteasierfor my scholarshipcertainly “The 25 EDUCATION & SCIENCE

The Foundation, in 2017, in 2017, The Foundation, studies undergraduate for 87 studies postgraduate for 59 — — — 146 young supported a total young of 146 scholarships: people through in Greece. or abroad. in Greece The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Foundation Latsis Public Benefit The John S. that entities in Greece is one of the few both for annual scholarships provide studies and postgraduate undergraduate basis and on a nationwide level) (master’s scientific fields. all for are recipients scholarship Undergraduate throughout the Foundation supported by or six years, five their studies, whether four, their based on with annual renewals, scholarship Postgraduate progress. the Foundation supported by are recipients in both degree obtaining a master’s for of study. programmes two-year and one-year to the Foundation The fundamental aim is for undergraduate accessfacilitate to university people education to young and postgraduate but outstanding performance who have social groups. vulnerable come from its expanded the Foundation In 2017, recipients of scholarship family large 25 new granting announcing and by studies in undergraduate for scholarships postgraduate new and 20 universities Greek either study in universities for scholarships or abroad. in Greece Scholarship Scholarship Programme Nikos Tsoukalas Nikos Scholarship recipient, Studies Graduate the of Programme Department Philology, of focus, “Linguistics” Athens of University “Thanks to the scholarship the scholarship to “Thanks Foundation, the Latsis from the cover I managed to expenses, partgreater my of bills and basic rent, as such I did a result, As sustenance. full-time look for not need to work and so could concen- studies.” on my trate 26 EDUCATION & SCIENCE LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY OFTRENTO COGNITIVE ANDEXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS Summer School 18th Trento and theirgovernance, andthetransformation evolution ofalternative forms ofcompanies corporate governance, and thehistory ofeconomicorganisationin theories and the course oftheprogramme, developments legal ramifications. For this reason, during withorganisational,theory historicaland of thefirm,complementingpurely economic reopen thedebateconcerningnature The ambitionofthesummerschoolwas to the LatsisFoundation asthemainfunder. University of Trento was theorganiser, with of EconomicsandManagementthe from 5to16June2017. TheDepartment wasOrganization organised andHistory”, bringing togetherLaw, Economics, in Italy, titled“New thinkingonthefirm: Summer SchooloftheUniversity ofTrento, intensified. Occasionedby these,the18th at thelevel offirmorganisation hasalso argumentation thatthere isacrisisalso the functioningofmarkets. The functioning oftheinstitutionsthatdetermine on thedebateconcerningnature and The globalfinancialcrisishasspurred the development oftheirresearch. and receive guidancethatwillbeusefulfor around theworld, putforth theirconcerns academics, from distinguisheduniversities withprofessors,school, totalk accredited opportunity, ofthesummer attheperiphery academics. Participantsalsohadthe or are postdoctoral researchers oryoung of completingtheirdoctoral dissertations researchers whoare eitherintheprocess The summerschoolwas targeted atyoung and labourmarkets were presented. of relationships withcapital ofcompanies 13 university 2017 summerschool. inthe participated 16 countries — —

27 lectureswere heldby 27 young from researchers professors. 27 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Young researchers and lecturers that that and lecturers researchers Young Summer participated in the 18th Trento June 2017. School. Trento, Enrico Zaninotto Summer Trento Director, Economic School in Adaptive Dynamics 27 students, representing 16 students, 16 representing 27 had nationalities, different an the opportunity attend to and programme intensive - present their research pro academics grammes top to the around in their field from world. In the final evaluation, the participants described a School as the Summer as programme high-level useful an interesting, well as - experi and well-organised more rise to gives ence that searching. participant One gratitude great said: “I feel The weeks and appreciation. felt them but I difficult, were the spirit”. for a holiday like 28 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Examinations. Maroussi,Examinations. November 2017. Maroussi, whosucceededinthe2017 Panhellenic Patoulis, withthestudentsfrom theMunicipalityof Mr. D. Afendoulis, andtheMayor ofMaroussi, Mr. G. The Secretary oftheFoundation's Executive Board, 29 EDUCATION & SCIENCE

to Of the students from the 13Of the students from — Professional and Professional General of the Municipality Lyceums in succeeded 416 of Maroussi, being admitted to Universities 172 and the remaining Technological Educational Educational Technological Institutions in the country. MUNICIPALITY OF MAROUSSI MUNICIPALITY the Foundation the second year, For of the participated in the initiative to awards giving Municipality of Maroussi in students with outstanding performance Examinations,Panhellenic among the 2017 who obtained the student the which was all of Greece. across highest results state-of-the-art donated 40 The Foundation than those who obtained more laptops for their efforts. for points, as a reward 18,500 awarded, were In addition, 4 scholarships students based on social criteria, to first-year who succeeded in schools outside Attica. awarded The Municipality of Maroussi students, from to the 588 honours school, who public the municipality’s succeeded in being admitted to Universities Education Institutions. and Technological Awarding of Awarding to StudentsPrizes Greek Entering Universities 30 EDUCATION & SCIENCE CORALLIA Programme "Educational Trip" Twitter, Sony, Qualcomm,Splunk,etc. field, suchasApple, Facebook, Google, activecompanies inthehightechnology Salk Institute, aswell asworld-renowned San DiegoBioengineeringLab, andthe Institute, theNASA Centre, Ames theUC Media Lab, theGeorgia Tech Manufacturing international scope, suchas theMIT research centres andlaboratories of community.the business Finally, they visited oflinkingtheacademicandimportance in theirfieldsandtounderstandthe researchers andprofessionals whoexcel to have discussionswithprofessors, directly related totheirscientificinterests, to attendcourses andlectures thatwere 2017 hadtheopportunity participants first-hand, theirculture andorganisation. Princeton) for oneweek andlearn, MIT, Georgia Tech, UCSanDiegoand academic institutions(Stanford, UCBerkeley, Greek universities American tovisitleading The programme enabled24 studentsfrom universities”. want to seeinGreek ideas that wewouldreally full of inspiration and new organisations. We returned as Greek andEuropean education system as well perceptions of theGreek changed ourviews and experience that radically andeducationalacademic return: “Itwas aunique UC Berkeley saidupontheir Students whotravelled to future”. forwith goals ouracademic own as universities, wellas immediate future andour appetite andideas for the days, weare filledbothwith environment, even for afew healthy andvibrantacademic such a Experiencing people. lives andourdevelopment as and willbeamilestonefor our experiences wehave ever had “It isoneof themost beautiful experience of theprogramme: Stanford onthe reported Students whovisited 31 EDUCATION & SCIENCE - At MIT, the team of students students team the of MIT, At everythingsaid about it met Greeks “We away: took academically and who excel we toured professionally, companies and laboratories, the academic know we got to institu- top of environment all, we filled above tions but, our luggage with motivations education for and aspirations whole”. a as and Greece the students who Finally, reported: Princeton “It visited intense among the most was pedagogical in experiences we got out of our lives. What companies,our visit to our participation Princeton in courses and getting with student acquainted is the extent organisations which the industryto is tied oppor the the university, to students tunities to given their talents and develop to specifically entrepreneurship, teachers accessible are how lessons, and the interactive every that the fact well as as is scientific development students to made known the university”. through Educational Trip participants outside the central participantsoutside the central Trip Educational Berkeley. California, of University of the premises April 2017. Berkley, 32 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Athens, November 2017. ofthe(Post)Camps Civil-War Era inGreece (1947–1957)". in thecontext ofherresearch, entitled"MusicinthePrison which was carriedoutby theresearcher Dr. AnnaPapaeti Therapy: ASymposium ontheUse ofMusicinDetention", Snapshot from the symposium, entitled"Music, Torture, Dr. AnnaPapaeti conditions”. the useof music indetention organised onthematter of International Workshop successfulthe very of thiscommunication was Agreat exampleacademics. Greek andforeign abroad as wellas towith talk archives inGreece and to in conductresearch 2017 gave metheopportunity for in theHumanities Centre “Funding from theResearch 33 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Adding to the above, the RCH has designed has designed the RCH to the above, Adding “The project the research and coordinates Digital of 1821: Archive”. Revolution Greek a digital platform The main aim is to create Independence for War on the Greek focused taxonomy which will accommodate a uniform image, (text, kinds of material of different accessible database, sound). In the freely collections, archive one can find apart from such as: visual material historical evidence, usage, of art, objects of everyday (works monuments, buildings), and relics, material (music and songs, audiovisual content The entire documentaries, movies). international and Greek originates from private libraries, museums, archives, and research collections, universities centres.

In 2017, with the funding of the John S. Latsis Latsis with the funding of the John S. In 2017, the following Public Benefit Foundation, carried out: were projects research justice’: ‘food for social initiatives - Urban and social of solidarity networks forms new in Greece interaction - Music in the Prison Camps of the (Post) (1947–1957) in Greece Era Civil-War Joint Distribution of JOINT (Jewish - The role as JOINT) Committee - JDC widely known Greece in postwar - Mapping the Enlightenment: Intellectual in and the Making of Knowledge Networks Periphery the European Built Fossil THE MOUNTAINS. - HIGH ABOVE Landscapes on Mountainous from Uplands the Sky The primary objective of the Research of the Research The primary objective is to the Humanities (RCH) for Centre into the humanities through fund research young calls for of public a process stable not secured who have researchers entity in Greece. at a research work by evaluated are These proposals in each field working specialists from in Centres and Research Universities or other countries. Greece

Research FOR CENTRE RESEARCH THE HUMANITIES Funding Funding 34 EDUCATION & SCIENCE social inequalityandtherefugee issue. change, Europe’s relations with America, discussed,interalia,climateparticipants course oftheyear. Duringthe seminars, the organised, inLisbonandTallinn, duringthe year’s programme, 2seminars were are included.Within theframework ofthis representatives oftheEuropean Parliament Europeancountries, Commissioners and presidents andprimeministers ofEuropean Trustees ofFriends ofEurope, inwhich 2017 were chosenby members ofthe The European Young Leaders for theyear solutions. butalsotoseekandproposechallenges, concerning thefuture ofEurope andmodern 2011, withtheaimofengagingindebates in theprogramme, beingimplementedsince community, andscienceparticipate thearts world, civilsociety, theacademic to 40 years ofagefrom politics,thebusiness of Europe. Every year, 40 young leadersup Leaders, organised by thethink-tank Friends the programme oftheEuropean Young The Foundation for supported, athird year, FRIENDS OFEUROPE Programme Leaders Young European Friends of Europe community. and Europe think-tank. are madeby theFriends of organised and50 publications — —

More than5,000 participants Every year, 60 events are speakers belongtothe

35 EDUCATION & SCIENCE European Young Leaders meeting of the think-tank meeting of the think-tank Leaders Young European 2017. in Lisbon. March of Europe Friends 36 EDUCATION & SCIENCE Forum. October2017. Rhodes, De Villepin, duringhisspeechattheDOCRhodes Former PrimeMinister ofFrance, Mr. Dominique 37 EDUCATION & SCIENCE

and lectures and 15 books. 70 countries 70 people from Every year, approximately 300 approximately year, Every of operation, In its 15 years 3,000,000 people than 3,000,000 More

— — — to 600 participate in the Rhodes Forum. Institute has the DOC Research than 100 more organised conferences, and has discussionsroundtable and has published followed the Forum’s activities via activities via the Forum’s followed social media.

The annual event is a fundamental activity of is a fundamental activity of The annual event which, inter alia, organises the organisation, Asia and in Europe, year every conferences a platform provides America. Rhodes Forum of the distinguished representatives for business, political and academic communities to engage in debates on key international issues. During the two-day session, participants the had the opportunity on the impact of the views to exchange the Union, crisis on the European refugee and of technology development rapid of in the era of democracy the future globalization. For the second consecutive year, the the year, the second consecutive For of supported organisation the Foundation which took place the DOC Rhodes Forum, is The Forum in Rhodes October 2017. in of Civilizations the Dialogue by organised in founded which was Institute, Research of activities and has at its centre 2002 change as a means of effective dialogue, and social development. as economic as well

Forum 2017 Forum OF CIVILIZATIONS DIALOGUE INSTITUTE RESEARCH DOC RhodesDOC 38 ARTS & CULTURE Highlights Grantmaking &Culture Arts

39 ARTS & CULTURE 02 — projects as well as training. as training. well as projects managers by providing funding for their funding for providing by managers supports young artists and cultural artists and cultural supports young the Foundation’s main priorities, while it the Foundation’s Showcasing the Greek civilisation is among civilisation the Greek Showcasing 40 ARTS & CULTURE of thesurrounding outdoorspace. Foundation theremodeling alsoundertook School’s Administration Office. The space andthethird aspacehostingthe one ofwhichisadancehall,anotherlibrary for thecreation ofthree large classrooms, aswellthe financingofallstudies asworks More specifically, theFoundation undertook hosting new students. end ofthesamemonthsitehasbeen completed inOctober2017 andsincethe future Work art. students oftheatrical was to thecontemporaryneedsofcurrent and symbolism-filled space, which would respond of educationandcreativity inauniqueand The aimofthisinitiative was tocreate ahub same venue. ofTheatreDepartment Directing inthe ofthenewly-foundedestablishment School” at52Piraeus Street andthe multi-purpose facility Irene Papas “Athens relocation oftheDrama Schooltothe Mr. Livathinos, Stathis tofinancethe Director oftheNationalTheatre ofGreece, positively totherequest oftheArtistic Foundation. TheFoundation responded 2017 through theJohnS. LatsisPublicBenefit Theatre. Hermostrecent contributionwas in continuously helpedthework oftheNational Nikos Kourkoulos, Ms.MariannaLatsishas With various of donations,inmemory NATIONAL THEATRE OFGREECE the Irene Papas “Athens School” Relocation oftheDrama Schoolto was founded in1930 National Theatre ofGreece 3 years andare free ofcharge. lastforenter theSchool. Studies National Theatre has. operated aslongthe — —

The Drama Schoolofthe Every year, 8boys and8girls andhas

41 ARTS & CULTURE The dance hall within the new facility of the of the facility the new hall within The dance School. Drama Theatre National 42 ARTS & CULTURE the end of Phase II. Thessaloniki, Maythe endofPhaseII. Thessaloniki, 2017. Snapshot from thepitchingevent, whichmarked 43 ARTS & CULTURE The implementation of Phase III also began The implementation III also began of Phase Phase III consists of the awarding in 2017. to outstanding Scaling Grants of the START of their social impact, in terms initiatives These and sustainability. innovation cultural to continue the the winners allow awards in Greece, implementation of their projects the chance also given are while the winners counselling and training, to receive were Scaling Grants mentoring. The START Latsis Public Benefit the John S. by awarded Foundation. implemented through was The programme in cooperation Bosch Foundation the Robert with the Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki Association of Federal and the non-profit (Bundesvereinigung Centres Socio-Cultural eV), and is Zentren Soziokultureller Latsis Public the John S. supported by and the Bodossaki Benefit Foundation Foundation.

During Phase II, the 15 scholarship During Phase II, the 15 scholarship had the opportunity to participate recipients with workshops, in knowledge-exchange their business the aim of further developing as their problem thinking capacity as well to solving skills. The pitching of projects the marked institutions public and private end of Phase II. In 2017, Phases I and II were completed. completed. Phases I and II were In 2017, Phase I aimed at capacity building and the 30 offering took place in Germany, participants the opportunity to enhance their in international cultural applied knowledge training a weeklong management. Following internship in a a six-week as in Berlin as well Phase I was of Germany, centre socio-cultural week completed in Stuttgart with an extra and the selection of the fifteen of training to Phase II. participants that proceeded The START programme comprises a total of comprises a total of programme The START during and Greece, Phases in Germany three ideas into innovative which grantees convert acquiring at initiatives, independent cultural will skills which the same time professional the sustainability of these initiatives. ensure “START – Create Cultural Change” is a is a Change” Cultural – Create “START programme capacity building and fellowship Greece. from managers rising cultural for is to encourage The aim of the programme in the and development exchange as to enhance domain as well socio-cultural of local communities. the coherence Programme STIFTUNG BOSCH ROBERT Cultural Change” Change” Cultural “START - Create Create - “START 44 ARTS & CULTURE Founding Orchestra dialogue ofthe new generation. audience, thus enhancingthemusical for bothyoung musiciansandtheyouth a music-loving flow andagreat platform is intendedtocontributethe creation of for.this kindofmusicstands Inthis way, it generation thequalityandvaluesthat with theaimofpassingonto new as well asthefree toGYSO’s access concerts educational programmes for youth audience A mainfeature ofGYSO consistsalsointhe European orchestras. soloists andprincipalsofGreek andmajor is undertaken by internationallyrenowned youth are alsocovered. Guidance/education and subsistencecostsoftheparticipating audition andisfree ofcharge, andalltravel Participation intheorchestra isupon well asGreek musicianslivingabroad. musicians from ofGreece theterritory as promoting exclusively young talented guiding,educatingandaim ofidentifying, conductor Dionysis Grammenos withthe orchestra was by established theGreek will bringoutyoung Greek musicians. The which aimstobecometheseedbedthat Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra (GYSO), The Foundation isafounding donorofthe ORCHESTRA GREEK YOUTH SYMPHONY and free halls. useoftheconcert of thebackstage facilities for rehearsals National Opera through thefree provision Finally, GYSO by issupported theGreek Vienna, Graz, etc.) 18-30. ages Kerkyra, Florina,Berlin,Munich,Brussels, and abroad (Athens, Ioannina, Thessaloniki, core ofmusiciansselectedfrom Greece Orchestra consciously beganwithasmall In thefirstperiod,2017-2018, artistic the and Schubert. and included works by Mozart Greek NationalOpera atSNFCC 2017 inthecentral hall ofthe which was heldon11 December were atthefirstofGYSO, concert Youth Symphony Orchestra. the first smallcore oftheGreek all over Greece andabroad are — — 1,000 audiencemembers 35 young musiciansfrom

45 ARTS & CULTURE The first concert of the Greek Youth Symphony Symphony Youth concertThe first of the Greek carried out at the main stage of the Orchestra December 2017. Athens, National Opera. Greek 46 ARTS & CULTURE participating inthe"Youthparticipating Opera" programme. oftheGreekStage NationalOpera by theyoung artists King ofCrete", whichwas performed attheAlternative Snapshot from play the theatrical "Idomeneus, the 47 ARTS & CULTURE The educational programme is aimed at is aimed at The educational programme their completed artists have who young stages in the first of their education and are The ultimate goal of the career. professional artists in a real is to test young programme taking part in up to three environment work of The guidance and training productions. acclaimed artists artists by is made young of the Opera. of began in the summer The programme with the auditions of the candidates, 2017 October to December 2017, while from lessons detailed on acting, introductory visiting by seminars of roles, musical training lessons on technical professor-conductors, on a seminars interpretation vocabulary, kinesiology lessons repertoire, general more productions and stage trials of programmed to initiate the took place in order 2018 for artists of a the operation into young standards, with professional performance with the difficulties and challenges thus posed to the artist. to be put on in 2018 The performances young that the objective comprise the first will artist participants programme of the of the of an opera the roles attain in facing with demands of theatres, repertoire central The and quality. standards of professional Latsis Public Benefit Foundation John S. the partial of the funding has undertaken programme. “Youth Opera” Opera” “Youth Programme OPERA GREEK NATIONAL 48 ARTS & CULTURE BENAKI MUSEUM Exhibition Ordo abchao” Order inChaos/ “Opy Zouni – the materialworld tothespiritualand Opy Zouni asthedoorfrom usedgeometry endsandchess-floors. dead andrectangles,horizons,cubes passages, symmetrical interiors, columnswithribs, ascents andstreets, doubleand stoas andpyramids, arrows, markings, andresidences,openings, temples gates, three-dimensional environments, square while hersubjectmattercamefrom fantastic combining different materials inher works, herself visuallyinavariety ofways, half ofthe20th century. Sheexpressed neo-constructivist logicofthesecond geometric abstractandthe art representativesimportant ofpost-war Opy Zouni was oneofthemost course Opy Zouni took. thematically andchronologically, theartistic divided intotenseparate sections,following of theartist’s career (1960-2008) andwas representative from samples thewiderange Opy Zouni. Theexhibition consistedof the BenakiMuseumfeature exhibition on The Foundation was amongthefunders of fire, whichrunthrough hersubjectmatter. the four elements ofnature: air, earth, water, Columns-Shadows taken andimages from titledan eight-minutevideoinstallation The presentation was complementedby mathematical approach andspontaneity. logic andsensitivity, thescientific between dream, imaginationandreality, or more pointsofflight.Herwork balances Renaissance perspective freely, withone created reality, avirtual usingthe exhibition. the exhibition. installations were includedin trouvées,objets and collages constructions,sculptures, — — 6,500 peoplevisitedthe About 150 paintings, 49 ARTS & CULTURE Works of the artist Opy Zouni exhibited exhibited Zouni of the artist Opy Works St. at the Benaki Museum 138 Pireos 50 ARTS & CULTURE August, 2017. Molyvos during themusicfestival. Castle Classical musicperformance atthe 51 ARTS & CULTURE

5,000 5,000 attracted The festival the schools pupils from 741

— — visitors to the summer events. , Mytilini of Vrisas, in and participated in the 2017 educational programme “Music Key”. During the educational programme that that During the educational programme and December in took place in November distinguished artistsLesbos, visited the the history and schools and approached performing of music by basic building blocks Through of the classical repertoire. works their of the artists from narratives personal students engagement with music, the enthusiasm, passion experienced to and dedication to a goal, as an example themselves.

In addition, the Latsis Foundation financed financed In addition, the Latsis Foundation Key”, “Music the educational programme which is a continuation of the music festival - implemented in the schools of Les and was aimed was bos. The educational programme of Primary grades at students of the last two with the and Lyceum, School, Gymnasium them the stimulus that will serve goal to give their personal discovering as the trigger for and the importance of of expression ways cooperation. creative The Foundation funded the Molyvos funded the Molyvos The Foundation which took place International Music Festival, year, consecutive the third for this year, Earlier, of August. the 16th to the 19th from original the 9th to the 13th of August, from in organised activities were pre-festival parts such as the fossilized various of Lesbos, etc. Baths of Geras, in , the warm forest being festival this year’s the theme of With who musicians prominent 19 the “Catharsis”, the world all over on the island from arrived of music through healing the power explored performed. they works the exciting “Catharsis” Music Festival Festival Music INTERNATIONAL MOLYVOS MUSIC FESTIVAL International International 3rd Molyvos Molyvos 3rd 52 ARTS & CULTURE Athens Hall,etc. Concert the OdeonofHerodes Atticus, theMegaron atsuchvenues inconcerts participated as “Little Musicians”, which hasoccasionally inthechoir of participation and mandatory (formusical ensembles themore advanced) andtheorgan,ing theory in participation concern- The traininglessons comprises excellent performance record. the scholarship, thechildren musthave an made uponaudition,andfor therenewal of to 100%ofthetuitionfees. Theselection is vulnerability, covering for student50% each criteria thatcombineexcellence andsocial Scholarships are awarded onthebasisof inthisinitiative.wish toparticipate institutions andprivate individuals who bywhich willbefinanciallysupported afundforis togradually establish scholars already Theambition hadmusiclessons. or havebecause offinancialdifficulties beginners andare unabletocontinue 6-12 from allover Attica, whoare either The programme isaimedatchildren aged fees duetotheeconomiccrisis. are unabletocopewiththecostoftuition scholarships for children whosefamilies Greece by creating aspecialprogramme of The aimistoenhancemusiceducationin funder for itsfirst three years ofoperation. Latsis Foundation, whichwas theexclusive Conservatoire incollaboration withthe in2013designed by theAthens The “LittleMusicians” programme was ATHENS CONSERVATOIRE Musicians” “Little Programme Scholarship Musical Youth Orchestra). Junior, ElSistema,European major orchestras (Camerata inbeen selectedtoparticipate etc) and have(Jugend Musiziert, international competitions andprizes indomestic programme have beenawarded 1 percussion. 2 guitar, 1trombone and 1 violoncello, 2clarinet,1harp, 11 piano, 5violin,1trombone, scholarship-holding children: the schoolyear 2016-2017. scholarship programme during — — —

Students inthe5thyear ofthe Distribution of completedthe25 students 53 ARTS & CULTURE Scholarship student of the "Little student of the "Little Scholarship at the Athens programme Musicians" during violin lesson. Conservatoire

President of the Board of of the Board President of Directors Nikos Tsouchlos Nikos “At Athens Conservatoire Conservatoire Athens “At the "Little of proud we are scholarship Musicians" programme, a highly education music promising programme. The programme our to credit fully done has very and we are aspirations pleased with our children, their distinctions, their and their awards international spectacular development. however, The programme, existed would not have without the vision and the Foundation. of generosity strong were In this way it to for laid foundations being and we come into been it has that grateful are Foundation the supported by since”. ever indefatigably 54 ARTS & CULTURE Daria Koskorou of European standards”. scientific andculturalcentre dynamically, as amodern isnowStudies operating of Capodistrian – Centre Museumthe Capodistrias for everyone. Thus,services as wellas to develop our Museum’s activities various and visual network of the expand thecommunication to dramaticallyopportunity have been given theessential operation of theMuseum,we multifaceted assistance inthe theFoundation’s“With Director using theMuseum's audioguide. and thevisitors aboutthem canlistentostories mementos belonged totheGovernor's family Museum.TheexhibitedHall oftheCapodistrias 55 ARTS & CULTURE Following the funding for the creation the creation the funding for Following all the that gathers of a modern website to the Museum’s related information the Kapodistrias Digital and scientific work informed are so that the users Archive, about the Collection and the activities of the responded Museum, the Foundation of Capodistrias request to a new positively operations its general Museum to strengthen and 2018. 2017 the years for the visitor the opportunity The Museum gives such items of the Governor, to see personal maps, religious medals, books, as portraits, the period of from icons, historical evidence , his honours the States of the Seven I, Alexander near Tsar his career from documents concerning the precious State, furniture establishment of the Greek and also of the age belonging to his family of gathering evidence a rich digital archive of the visit The experience and work. his life is enriched with digital media, with acoustic the in languages and with a walk in four tours with a wonderful view. garden inaugurated Museum was The renovated the by 15 October 2017 on Saturday of the Hellenic Republic, President Pavlopoulos. Prokopis Mr. CAPODISTRIAS MUSEUM – MUSEUM – CAPODISTRIAS CENTRE OF CAPODISTRIAN STUDIES Support for the for Support of the Operation Capodistrias Museum 56 ARTS & CULTURE community. with multiplebenefitsfor thelocal axis ofthedevelopment ofcultural tourism pole ofattraction for visitors andacentral archaeological site, whichwillconstitutea building. Inthisway willemerge amodel understand thesize andshapeoftheancient third dimensionthatwillhelpvisitors fully restoring itsoriginalform andrendering the monumentsoftheCyclades,important ultimately atprotecting oneofthemost restoration work hasbegunaiming began in1997, andsince2014, alarge The systematic excavation atDespotiko times. prominence duringArchaic andClassical residence, ofgreat reputation andhigh functioned asaplaceofstorage and ceramic finds.Thecomplex allegedly sanctuary, madeupofmany buildingsand worship complex similartotheDelos finds whichconfirmthatitisanextensive brought tolightanumberofbuildingsand archaeologist Yiannos Kourayos, has out since2001 underthedirection ofthe discovered. Theexcavation work, carried B.C.),Apollo (6thcentury hasbeen oftheCyclades,sanctuaries dedicatedto where archaic oneof themostimportant Despotiko, theislandwest ofAntiparos, theexcavationsupporting work at The Foundation hasfor years been CYCLADES EPHORATE OFANTIQUITIES Antiparos at Despotiko of Excavation Work and their capitals wasand theircapitals completed. of two columnsoftherestaurant astheplacingcomplete success, 4 weeks andwas crowned with excavation thisyear. abroad, inthe participated universities inGreece and different from nationalities, — —

The restoration work lastedfor More of than45students 57 ARTS & CULTURE The restoration work at Mandra of of at Mandra work The restoration will help island of Antiparos Despotiko the archaic understand how the visitors sanctuary used to be. “The restoration work at “The work at restoration is Despotiko Mandra of the largest in currently the Cyclades. The ancient rare have monuments characteristics, some unique in the Aegean. In addition, is an ideal place Despotiko and redevelopment for preservation antiquities of with a it is uninhabited, as landscape natural virgin absolute of under a regime the same and at protection, time is easily accessible. the project The completion of the of and the promotion will have visitors for site consequences for positive while the local community, the participation dozens of students from volunteer of year the world every all over the gives in the excavation a significant project pedagogic nature”. Kourayos Yiannos of Ephorate Archaeologist, Antiquities Cyclades of 58 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Highlights Grantmaking Development & Community WelfareSocial

59 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT —03 supporting innovative civil society initiatives. supporting innovative frameworks building capacities of NGO's and building capacities of NGO's frameworks contribute to strengthening collaborative collaborative contribute to strengthening social challenges and, at the same time, social challenges time, and, at the same development, seeking to respond to urgent to urgent seeking to respond development, fields of social welfare and community and fields of social welfare The Foundation is active in numerous in numerous is active The Foundation 60 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT covers area atotal of​​ 6 floors, aground floorand3basements, discharged onthesameday. TheClinichas undergo chemotherapy orsurgery andare In thismodeloneday clinic, patients chines). equipment (surgical instrumentsandma- again through thepurchase ofmedical the Foundation theCliniconce supported "Nikos Kourkoulos" OneDay Clinic, in2017, donation in2015 for thecreation ofthe Following Ms.MariannaLatsis’ founding "AGIOS SAVVAS" ONCOLOGICAL One Day Clinic Kourkoulos" "Nikos for average of9operations perday). 72 perday). treatments hospital: procedures tookplaceatthe full operation, thefollowing In 2017, first year ofthe Clinic’s Department oftheUniversityDepartment ofAthens. ClinicandtheNursingAnesthesiology year, incooperation withthe2ndUniversity trained last andspecialisedatthehospital Moreover, 13residents and6nurses were to offer pain relieving care topatients. "Nikos Kourkoulos" OneDay Clinic, aiming mid-2017, aPain Centre operatesatthe operating rooms and45-bedcapacity. Since HOSPITAL, ATHENS — — — — —

5,300 sonograms. 12,000 mammograms. 5,410 radiotherapy sessions 2,129 surgicalprocedures (an 15,397 chemotherapy 283 patients. (an average of 4,000 m 2 andhas3

61 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ms. Marianna Latsis together with medical and nursing staff of staffMs. Marianna Latsis together with medical and nursing of Clinic during the tribute event One Day Kourkoulos” the “Nikos of full opeation. year dedicated to the first 62 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Athens, July2017. of Attica duringthedelivery ceremony ofthenew CT scanner. ofthe SismanogleioGeneral staff HospitalRadiology Department 63 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT a day are are 100 patients a day SISMANOGLEIO GENERAL GENERAL SISMANOGLEIO ATTICA OF HOSPITAL — estimated to be served by the the by estimated to be served about twice the machine, new number of patients than were today. until being examined In July 2017, the Foundation proceeded proceeded the Foundation In July 2017, scanner, CT 16-section to the donation of a to of effort set up after years which was functions that had a significant faulty cover of the functioning impact on the proper machine scientifically Hospital. The new the Sismanogleio Hospital,upgrades as single-section the obsolete it replaces now. scanner used until CT machine: Benefits of the new testa) It minimizes the time and upgrades of imaging diagnosis. Specifically, level minutes to complete tests several that took this With seconds. a few only last will now scan will be a CT list for the waiting feature, to zero. even reduced which scientific protocols b) It has new to organs enable a diagnostic approach in the body. and small vessels good functioning of warranty c) One year full technical has been obtained, with free parts, which means that support and spare the cost of the machine for the operating hospital during this period is zeroed. Purchase of Purchase Scanner CT 64 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT are provided free ofcharge to theindigent. ofthe Clinicand guidance. Alltheservices association ofKerkyra, free caseassessment cooperation withthespeechtherapists’ provided toparents andteenagers and,in association ofKerkyra, free counsellingis collaboration withthepsychologists’ At thesametimeinClinic, in carehealth helptothepopulationofKerkyra. operates daily, providing significantprimary The Kerkyra SocietySurgeons' Clinic 2017. oftheoperatingpart costsoftheClinicfor Foundation thesociety, supported covering social cliniccalled“Clinic ofKerkyra”. The same timeithasfounded andoperatesthe whileatthestudying endemicdiseases, promoting medicalscienceinKerkyra and inGreece.scientific societies Itaimsat in1897established andisoneoftheoldest The Kerkyra SocietyofSurgeons was the Clinic Operation of Support for the the Clinicisashigh12,000. to — Theannualnumberofvisits SURGEONS OFKERKYRA SOCIETY 65 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Medical staff of the Clinic that operates within the staffMedical the within Clinic that operates of the of free the provision for Surgeons Society of Kerkyra services to the indigent. health care 66 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT and Stavroupolis. the “Ygeia” ClinicoftheHolyMetropolis ofNeapolis The new ultrasound at machineuponitsinstallation 67 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT

9 organisations. 704 registered patients in registered 704 of operation, years In its three

— — the Clinic will have access to the access to the the Clinic will have machines. ultrasound This new to increase number is expected of the with the operation machines.ultrasound the Clinic has conducted over and has examinations 2,000 drugs 20,000 dispensed over to

HOLY METROPOLIS OF NEAPOLIS NEAPOLIS OF METROPOLIS HOLY STAVROUPOLIS AND The Foundation responded positively to to positively responded The Foundation Metropolitan Excellency of his the request of to the donation and proceeded Varnavas machines ultrasound to meet the needs two The first of the beneficiaries of the Clinic. the possibility machine affords ultrasound of the upper and examination of free vessels thyroid, abdomen, kidneys, lower the second ultrasound while and breasts, the conducting of for machine allows of the heart region. examinations The “Ygeia” Clinic offers free primary health primary health free Clinic offers The “Ygeia” facing people services to our fellow care to the indigent and uninsured, hardships, in medicines organisations to and offers by need. The Clinic has been staffed specialties, different of 19 doctors volunteer a a Paediatrician, including a Neurologist, and a Vascular a Gynaecologist Psychologist, the economic circumstances Given Surgeon. of the country and the cost of examinations, the by the number of needs to be served Clinic is continuously growing. Clinic for “Ygeia” “Ygeia” for equipment equipment Purchase of Purchase 68 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2017. for operations carriedoutinthespringof examinations, implantsandhospitalization coveragesecuring partial ofthecosts The Foundation thiseffort supported by giving themmore for chances anormallife. from vulnerable economicbackgrounds, thus outoperations carry inchildrenHospital at“Mitera” Diseases Heart Congenital ofdoctorsthe team ofthedepartment Thus, Professor Afksendyios Kalangosand diseases. heart childrensupport oracquired withcongenital of theorganisation’s activityinGreece isto Kalangos in1998 inGeneva. Themainaim Tous”, itselfformed by Professor Afksendyios the internationalfoundation “Coeurs Pour Hellas” organisation, whichisanaffiliateof consecutive year, the “Coeurs Pour Tous The Foundation for supported, thesecond Diseases Acquired Heart or Congenital Children with Support of 99 actions. medical invasive cardiology) in of operations, examinations, children supported for thetwo years of2016 and2017, activityduring itshumanitarian COEURS POUR TOUS HELLAS —

“Coeurs Pour Tous Hellas”, with heart disease (costs disease with heart 89 indigent 69 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Professor Afksendyios Kalangos, founder of the “Coeurs Pour Pour of the “Coeurs Kalangos, founder Afksendyios Professor during an operation. and his team of doctors organization, Tous” 70 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT scholarship recipient. ofPatras,Hospital andMr. Aggelos Sarantopoulos, the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit oftheGeneral University Mr.On theleft Alexandros Spyridonidis, ofthe head 71 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT

In 2017, the Unit operated at at operated the Unit In 2017, — BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT UNIT, UNIT, TRANSPLANT MARROW BONE HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY GENERAL PATRAS OF that is the maximum that is the maximum transplants, possible annual number of treatments. , enabling , enabling full capacity (6 beds) allogeneic than 50 more Following funding in 2014 for the complete the complete for funding in 2014 Following and modernization upgrading renovation, of the Unit Transplant of the Bone Marrow in Hospital of Patras, University General and efficiency, to triple its capacity order to a positively responded the Foundation funding for the University by request new to a special haematologist. of a scholarship the The haematologist who received in the has been trained scholarship university of transplantation subject highly specialized particularlywork in the important and offers daily hospitalization of patients. of the Unit Transplant The Bone Marrow units is one of the three of Patras University and serves Greece throughout that exist the country with an emphasis cases across and the Ionian Islands Greece on Western and Cyprus. as on Athens as well Grant of Grant University Scholarship 72 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Attica for thepast8years. topatientsinSoutheasthigh-quality services Galilee hasbeenoffering completely-free corporate andprivate funders. Latsis Foundation aswell asanumberof Foundationthe TIMACharitable andthe Foundation, theLilianVoudouri Foundation, with fundingfrom theStavros Niarchos 2016 andwas completedinDecember2017 accompany in them.Constructionstarted the sametimefor thosethat serving fordesigned increased patientcare andat of buildingtheHospice, whichisspecially The Foundation covered ofthecost part end-stage) cancerpatients. andcarehospitalization of(mainly andLavreotikiMesogaia for comprehensive Palliative Care Unit oftheHolyMetropolis of A modelhospicewas setupatthe“Galilee” “GALILEE” PALLIATIVE CARE UNIT - Care Unit Palliative team atGalilee.team comprise the interdisciplinary those accompanying them. infrastructure for patientsand with allthenecessary in a660-square-meter building served annuallyatthehospice. AND HOLY METROPOLIS OF MESOGAIA — — —

36 professionals health The hospiceisaccommodated 170 are tobe estimated cases

73 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Single patient room at the “Galilee” Palliative Care Unit Unit Care Palliative at the “Galilee” Single patient room The of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki. of the Holy Metropolis serving patients and is specially designed for room them. those accompanying 74 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT organised by the“Logou Paignion” organization. order toinvestigate thesignificanceofmusicintervention, Group withchildren session intheautismspectrum 75 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT

with and companies20 and

were interviews 1,100 were collected and more collected and more were 250 people than 250 More Altogether, more than 220 than more Altogether, mobilised were volunteers 53

— — — disabilities, participated participated organisations 24 Day. in the Career CVs than conducted. event. the for The Hellenic League against Rheumatism Rheumatism against The Hellenic League of (ELEANA) implemented a programme people with for empowerment professional was rheumatic diseases. The programme rights regarding awareness, aimed at raising among people with and entrepreneurship, either rheumatic diseases who are in inadequate or work unemployed them as at empowering conditions, as well and professional training with experiential 4 this framework, counselling. Within organised, were seminars informational while at the same time the beneficiaries were therapy group into psychodrama entered with the aim of their mobilisation and their identity. out of their professional working 2. ELEANA 2. Disabilities. The aim of the event was to fill to fill was Disabilities. The aim of the event people with disabilities the gap between The re-establishment. and their professional participants had the opportunity to attend as seminars interview and CV-preparation about rights issues as to get information well into the labour market. and their integration Companies and NGOs participated in the and collecting interviewing Day, Career with disabilities.biographies of people -

1. Ethelon Ethelon 1. the Fair.4all, Career Ethelon organised with People for Day second Career The Latsis Foundation’s funding was directed directed funding was The Latsis Foundation’s actions: to the following In total, the programme funded 19 funded 19 In total, the programme which support vulnerable organisations people in situations of illness, disability, Specifically, abuse. and marginalization Latsis Public Benefit Foundation the John S. in the field active funded 8 organisations of the of social inclusion and integration disabled, the TIMA Charitable Foundation on support focusing funded 8 organisations Hellenic Hope elderly people and the for funded 3 charitable organisation that deal with child protection. organisations through Foundation, the Bodossaki Finally, Social Dynamo, implemented the capacity-building the funded in which all programme, participated and which aimed organisations the participating at strengthening of learning, along the axes organisations support and networking. professional ation with TIMA Charitable Foundation, the the ation with TIMA Charitable Foundation, and Hellenic Hope charitable organisation main objec- Its the Bodossaki Foundation. to support original on one side, are, tives activities a of a small scale but with social maximum social impact on vulnerable to strengthen and, on the other side, groups of Greek and capacity-building frameworks further the for civil society organisations work. of their and effectiveness development For the second consecutive year, the “Points the “Points year, the second consecutive For implemented was of Support” programme organisations. social welfare small-scale for of the John S. is an initiative The programme cooper in Foundation Latsis Public Benefit Programme Programme “Points of Support” Support” of “Points 76 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT the results oftheresearch programme. teachers andpsychologists, was madeof Finally, apresentation, opentothepublic, evaluating theprogramme was prepared. psychologist, andareport presenting and were recorded by anda amusicteacher of children. At thesametime, thesessions developmentthe mental andsocialization aim oftheseminars was tocontribute great difficultywithcommunication.The withchildrenindividual sessions whohave group and musickineticslessons, ofamusicalinstrument,individual lessons autism, tookplace. comprised Thesessions which acceptschildren withpsychosis and General Children’s P.A. Hospital Kyriakou”, “To Litharaki –Day Centre for Children – and group inthepremises sessions of dren intheautismspectrum.Individual development andsocialintegration ofchil- function ofmusicasatoolfor themental The “Logou Paignion” studiedthe team 3. Logou Paignion Association recorded, beyond thetypical scope ofthisinitiative, socialworkers ofthe electronic platform created withinthe Rhodope andtheirneeds.Through an frompeople withdisabilities thePrefecture Rhodope “PERPATO” for themappingof Problems andFriends ofthePrefecture of of theAssociationfor People withKinetic The Foundation theinitiative supported 4. Perpato autism spectrumparticipated. took place. intheprogrammeparticipating meetings to allinterested parties. empowerment were held,open from theaction. benefitedrheumatic diseases — — — —

In total, 9childrenIn total, inthe 36 individualandgroup for4 seminars professional 30 patientswith

with thechildren

needs ofthetarget group. creation ofinitiatives aimedatmeetingthe make aninformative contributiontothe people inthePrefecture ofRhodope, will to providing picture astatistical for disabled might befacing. Thismapping,inaddition thattheydifficulties andtheir families awareness oftheirrightsaswell asthe personal ofindividuals,their details contribution of5volunteers. implemented withthe and theirfamilies were served. months of2018. was extended into thefirst initiative, whiletheprogramme needs were mapped through the Prefecture ofRhodopeandtheir frompeople withdisabilities the took place. withepilepticseizures)and adults,dealing preventive medicine(vaccinations inchildren Additionally, educationaltalks on by aphysician, neurologist andanurse. vaccines, prescription, etc.) were covered Needs (examinations, injections, diagnoses, careto primary for themandtheirfamilies. throughwith disabilities facilitating access to helpimprove thequalityoflife ofpeople Agkalia”. Thepurposeoftheinitiative was Friends ofPeople “Anikti withDisabilities Association ofParents, Guardians and tothemembersnursing ofthe services concerned theprovision care ofprimary implemented by theAssociation“Nosilia”, The “NosiliawithAniktiAgkalia” initiative, 5. Nosilia workshop for theproduction ofimproved The association created andoperated a Disabled “Movement for Change” 6. TheAssociationofFriends ofthe — — —

The programme was During theyear 2017, 114 65 people with disabilities

77 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal interview in the context of the of the context in the interview Personal for the Association supported by initiative of and Friends with Kinetic Problems People the for Rhodope “PERPATO” of the Prefecture with disabilities. mapping of people “The “Points of Support” “The Support” of “Points to enabled us has programme the first time for implement, a programme in our country, empowerment professional of rheumatic people with for a difficult diseases in such social juncture”. Aretaki Dafne External Psychologist, ELEANA Associate, 78 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Prefecture –Children ofSpring. Parents andGuardians ofPeople Imathia with Disabilities, discriminations”, organised by Associationof theCharitable action “Only alltogetherwe can! InNature, there are no awareness inthecontext ofpeoplewithdisabilities ofthe Outdoor activityaimedatenvironmental educationand “Movement for Change” of Friends of theDisabled President, TheAssociation Aristides Papoulides actions”. view to implementing similar other organisations witha pass on ourknowledge to educational material andto tunity to create upgraded “We were given theoppor - 79 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT

with disabilities 60 people 60 3 indoors and 6 outdoors

— — participated in the initiatives. activities were environmental of natural carried out in areas of of the Prefecture wealth Imathia. 8. Charitable Association of Parents and and of Parents Association Charitable 8. with Disabilities, of People Guardians of Spring Children – Prefecture Imathia the action The association implemented there In Nature, can! all together we “Only aimed at which was no discriminations”, are education and awareness environmental the of people with disabilities. Within and indoors framework, programme’s activities were environmental outdoors help of volunteers carried out with the organisation. the iSea environmental from of recording the observation and Through education activities, a the environmental that is aimed at activity developed guide was with people for centres and training the to approach disabilitieswho want education under the of special objectives prism of the basic principles of of features Education. Key Environmental has been and the guide that the programme active approach, the first-hand are created learning, participation, the use of personal the the environment, from daily experiences acquired activity on already building of new field study and opening up to knowledge, society.

140 people than 140 In total, more 60’-120’ sessions on 60’-120’ joined the 10 mentors joined the were A total of 3 Quiet Books 37 beneficiaries participated 37

— — — — — were involved. with disabilities were disability, socialization outlets socialization outlets disability, of experiences and the exchange took place. programme. created. 7. Tipping Point Tipping 7. in the workshop. in the workshop. implemented was Can Too” The action “You in collaboration Point” the NGO “Tipping by and aimed with the Association “PERPATO” role-models and showcasing at promoting an people with disabilities. Through for within created Community Page electronic people of the programme, the framework had the Greece all over with disabilities from opportunity to communicate with successful sports, fine arts, people with disabilities from and was the initiative The purpose of etc. the beneficiaries to actuate/mobilise remains and the de- and to enhance the extroversion with disabilities. of role-models velopment educational material (Quiet Books), in which, in which, material (Quiet Books), educational of special pedagogues, under the guidance participated. the beneficiaries themselves the of the workshop, the framework Within useful that are skills beneficiaries developed in a were while they in their daily lives educational and for position to use, purposes, the Quiet Books recreational a methodology Subsequently, produced. and operation the organisation manual for other by workshop of a corresponding and distributed. created was organisations 80 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Change Action and Venue for Multi-Purpose “Epikentro” it and learn abasic programmingit andlearn language. critical thinking, gainautonomy in handling dangers oftheinternetanduseitwith how tolearn opportunity toevaluate the through hadthe Thus,participants art. and theinternetonstrengthening skills children, bothonfamiliarity withcomputers implement educationalprogrammes for The Foundation’s fundingwas usedto and jobcounselling. counselling, empowerment ofwomen, psychosocial service, accountingandlegal adults. For example, for adults,there isa range children, ofages: and adolescents professionals andare targeted atthefull by organisations leading andspecialized The Centre’s programmes are implemented circumvent similarsituationsinthe future. marginalization to butalsotolearn thecyclenot onlytoescape ofpoverty and key problems brought onby thecrisisand acquire withthe skillstodeal the necessary havelocal communities to theopportunity Through theprogrammes, and participants and services. provision offree innovative programmes througheconomic communities the and empower vulnerable socialand Epikentro isacentre that aimstosupport ACTIONAID

expressed theirfeelings through art. knowledge and ofart aboutthehistory cultivated theirimagination,acquired basic materials, tools,colours andtechniques, withvarious cameincontact beneficiaries workshops the onmodernart, intheIn addition,withtheirparticipation Young Contemporary Art). by theorganisation VYCA (Very 6-12ages andwere carriedout were attendedby 35children of (Science For You). out by theorganisation SciFY computer labandwhere carried 9-15 years inthe participated services. in its5different advisory meetings withtheCentre’s staff of1,749with atotal individual through thedoorof Epikentro, operation, — — —

The workshops on modern art of During thefirst 8monthsof A total of33A total children ofages 197 passed adults 81 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Children of many different nationalities participate in nationalities participate in different of many Children in the computer labs and in modern art workshops in Kolonos. “Epikentro” Multi-Purpose Venue Actionaid’s 82 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Centre ofAMIMONI. Training room atthe“Iris” Directors President of the Board of Paraksevi Bellou next to us”. culture. Thanks for being ofreality highethos and tocomes bringusinto a the self-evident, thissupport strugglingacutely“When for 83 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ages 7-40 40 people of ages 7-40 a from 35 professionals

— — At the “Iris” centre the “Iris” At are being trained. are of specializations wide range employed. are AMIMONI - PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF OF ASSOCIATION AMIMONI - PANHELLENIC OF PEOPLE & FRIENDS GUARDIANS PARENTS, ADDITIONAL & IMPAIRMENTS WITH VISUAL DISABILITIES people with visual Amimoni is meant for vision) low impairments (blindness or very its and other disabilities Through helps and to, it ministers programmes, while children, than 200 educates more at the same time guides and supports way. in every their families funded the operation The Latsis Foundation centre care day the first centre, of the “Iris” services to people with to provide in Greece partial or total vision and multiple loss of operate main workshops disabilities. Three Handicraft, and Recycling, at the centre, and career- Canteen, as training as well group Apart from orientationgroups. an activities, follows each trainee educational-therapeutic individualized structured that is appropriately programme capabilities. The aim to his/her and tailored and improve is to develop of the programme to be as independent each in order individual as possible. Covering of of Covering Operating Expenses 84 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT families. which distribute600aday meals to250 kitchens oftheMetropolis (Centres ofLove), to cover mostofthefood needsfor soup Latsis Foundation, in2017, madeitpossible relieving thoseinneed.Thefundingofthe all theindividualwelfare needsofthearea, number oforganisations aimingtocover This network therunningofalarge includes and welfare ithasdeveloped. activities solidarity network ofcharitable,social economic andsocialgroups through the Philadelphia assiststhevulnerable The HolyMetropolis Ioniaand ofNea AND PHILADELPHIA HOLY METROPOLIS OFNEAIONIA of Food Purchase Tutoring. Stores. kitchens). Elderly. maintains: In particular, theMetropolis — — — — — — —

Centre for Free Private General CharitableFund. Shop.1 Thrift 2 Low-Income Convenience ofLove8 Centres (soup 3 Day careCentres. 2 Unitsfor theCareof 85 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Father Nektarios and volunteers in the kitchen of the of the in the kitchen Nektarios and volunteers Father in Nea Church Spyridon in the Aghios of Love Centre the biggestIonia. One of kitchens of the Holy soup place in of Nea and Philadelphia takes Ionia Metropolis a week. 6 days people per day, serving 200 the church, 86 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT personal hygiene items. foodmonthly basis,ofpackages thatincludestaple and criteria. Theprogramme totheprovision, pertains ona as evident from thepredetermined socialandincome familiessupporting thatlive indistressed conditions SYN-ENOSIS implementsafood-aid programme 87 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT of small of small of food supplies. 90 tonnes of food throughout Greece. 18 cities throughout The provision of assistance to of assistance to The provision support of The healthcare social 80 of The strengthening The distribution of 300,000

— — — — as well as the provision as the provision islands as well of medical equipment to public hospitals. It is estimated that in 2017, It is estimated that in 2017, the activities of through the shipping SYN-ENOSIS, community contributed to the following: conditions people facing 11,000 of material deprivation. inhabitants 2,000 based in Attica organizations and liters of heating oil and more than

The Greek Shipowners’ Social Welfare Welfare Social Shipowners’ The Greek the by founded was SYN-ENOSIS Company Shipowners of Greek of the Union members assistance to the with the aim of providing public benefit community through Greek activities supporting vulnerable programs, humanitarian and charitable social groups, and donations of wider interest. projects of assisted the work The Latsis Foundation which comprised during 2017, SYN-ENOSIS aid programmes, the implementation of food caring to support social organisations efforts of the population, groups vulnerable for public health activities at improving aimed areas, of remote residents for infrastructure as as well education programmes naval Marine Academy. the Merchant upgrading Programmes GREEK SHIPOWNERS’ SYN-ENOSIS, COMPANY WELFARE SOCIAL Public Benefit Benefit Public Reinforcing of of Reinforcing 88 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Programme Gives Warmth” “Desmos providing to851 heating people. distributed to 23organisations, 32,000 litresofoilwas and Drama. inter alia,Attica, Dodecanese Thessaloniki, educationalinstitutionsbasedin,charitable provision for socialwelfare institutionsand programme covered thecostsof operation The duringthewinterseason. institutions, thusfacilitating theirsmooth fuelsareheating provided tosocialwelfare Gives“Desmos Warmth”, through which Foundation Desmos’ supported programme For thefourth consecutive year, the andsocialneeds. humanitarian inorderof services, tomeetestablished aswellof surpluses, asinthefree provision 2012 andaimsattheexploitation ofallkinds wasThe associationDesmos founded in DESMOS —

In the2017-2018 winter, over

89 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Heating fuel provision in child welfare institution, in the institution, in the in child welfare Heating fuel provision programme. Warmth” of the “Desmos Gives context Ekavi Valleras Ekavi General Manager “We are particularly proud particularly are proud “We has the Foundation that been a solid partner the of the last over programme we have years. Together, four valuable provide been able to support child welfare to shelters institutions, hosting care centres that and day support people to provide with disabilities, orphanages and supported-living their shelters, ensuring smooth functioning and of hundreds up” “warming people in need. “Desmos in the six Warmth”, Gives been years it has offered has implemented, litres 537,000 of a total 324 oil to heating of and schools organisations Greece, across our fellow helping 16,832 people”. 90 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT the SciFy team. Memor-i platform thatwere games created by Children withvisionimpairmentare usingthe 91 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 30 games games 30 over Altogether, surpassed The games have

— — have been created by SciFy as as SciFy by been created have and in Greek users, as by well English. downloads. 11,000 sounds. On this basis, variants were were sounds. On this basis, variants pairs for searches player in which the created bridge” of sounds associated with a “small such as the name of a musical of knowledge, instrument and its sound, or an English word Greek. with the corresponding the also provided of the Foundation Funding the additional development opportunity for of Memori – Studio into Memori – Online. who online with others, play can now Players can be either sighted or blind. The benefits of the cooperation include of this release the help of special sighted and blind people, and the optimization education instructors, games. of existing the well-known the well-known

SCIENCE FOR YOU (SCIFY) YOU FOR SCIENCE memory game in which the player tries to tries to memory game in which the player different between of identical cards find pairs The game is originally cards. upside-down the needs of blind children, designed for are being that the cards with the difference similar is looking for acoustic and the player The games, which any user can create, are are user can create, The games, which any based on the idea of ​​ The aim of the project was to eliminate the to eliminate the was The aim of the project sighted and blind people, between barriers blind people and provide skills for develop The platform tools to instructors. related the also aimed to contribute to addressing and play from of blind children exclusion of digital skills. The the late development being used by is already platform benefiting institutions supporting blind special education and by people in Greece instructors. SciFy, with the support of the Foundation, with the support of the Foundation, SciFy, the Memor-i and developed has created which is comprised of a series of platform, memory games educational electronic that enable blind and sighted people to free. online or against the computer for play “Memor-i” of the platform platform of the Development Development 92 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Detainees Detainees of Female Empowerment to eliminate inertia duringtheirdetention. to eliminateinertia strengthen ofprisoners thecapacities and The purposeofthetwo workshops isto bedding workshop toemploy more people. and provided additionalequipmentfor the employment for thecomputer labteacher theFoundationThebes, covered thecostsof at theWomen’s DetentionCentre ofEleona, computer labandaworkshop for bedcovers Following thefinancingofcreation ofa prevent stigmaandsocialmarginalization. inclusion ofthetarget group aswell asto is toprovide for opportunities social and notphilanthropy. TheNetwork’s concern as theircore value equalityandsolidarity confinement inDetentionCentres, having are experiencing orhave experienced and Ex-Prisoners empowers women who NetworkThe Support for Women Prisoners PRISONERS AND EX-PRISONERS SUPPORT NETWORK FOR WOMEN Malandrinou, etc. Domokos, Kassaveta, as theprisonsofKorydallos, inKorydallos,Hospital aswell received by theDetainee The workshop’s products were pillowcases were made. 1,700 and sheets weredetainees registered. implemented and40 Lab, — —

In thebeddingworkshop, In 2017, intheComputer 4 programmes were 1,700 1,700 93 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Detainees during training in the Computer Lab that Detainees in the Computer Lab that during training operates within the Second Chance School of the of Eleona, Thebes. Detention Centre Klimis Pirounakis Klimis Pirounakis Coordinator “The benefits of the “The the benefits of multiple, as are programme prison are of the tribulations inertia, combatted: and dead self-destruction is filled time. The day the prisoners’ and creatively rises. Moreover, self-esteem work in the of one day to corresponds workshops prison (the less days three certificate is employment the court to presented as a change of of proof the same time, At lifestyle). the skills become resources finding work after release. for the pedagogical In this way, well as and prison framework the of the orientation as CentreDetention changes a good that and the view shifts prison is the one that its goals punishment from so employment, creative to the prisoners come out that their own their cells of of is verified”. volition 94 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT and HCV prevention, organised by Positive Voice. Raising-awareness event on HIV, inThessaloniki HBV 95 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT is the number of all is the number of all 15,638 tests were A total of 15,638 59,000

— — performed for HIV, HBV (Hepatitis (Hepatitis HBV HIV, for performed (Hepatitis C). B) and HCV beneficiaries, including those by been served who have through either Voice, Positive or updates, through exams the free or through information, distribution of condoms. HIV/AIDS. The Association strives to ensure to ensure The Association strives HIV/AIDS. practices, and information better prevention and social support of the care services for and HIV- people living with HIV/AIDS the same time, At social groups. vulnerable the social acceptance, for it is working to solidarity and support of these groups of their dignity and the violations address human rights.

POSITIVE VOICE POSITIVE Positive Voice is the Association of HIV is the Association of HIV Voice Positive people living with of Greece, People Positive These fixed centres are operated by by operated are centres These fixed in and since 2012 in Athens Voice” “Positive at targeted are They Thessaloniki since 2014. population, while at the active the sexually on an almost daily basis, they same time, campaigns and with targeted approach, social HIV-vulnerable actions on the street, sexual such as men with homosexual groups, Roma, migrants, workers, sex relations, drug homeless, and intravenous prisoners of the “Checkpoint” The operations users. best based on practices from are centres abroad. In 2017, the Foundation supported the supported the the Foundation In 2017, Examination and of the Prevention operation HIV/AIDS These are “Checkpoint”. Centres centres, screening and rapid prevention provided. services are information where the only are centres The “Checkpoint” the for in Greece non-clinical HIV centres of and promotion information, prevention, HBV HIV, for the ideamedical screenings of (Hepatitis C). (Hepatitis B) and HCV “Checkpoint” for HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS for Examination Centres Centres Examination Prevention and Prevention operation of the of operation Support for the for Support 96 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE OFLIFE with HIV/AIDS people living Programme for Support” “Peer toPeer support services: support confidentiality, andconsists ofarange of mutual respect, and accountability framework ofdiscretion, understanding, The programme isoffered withinastrict implemented inAthens andThessaloniki. experienced by everyone, andwas of betterunderstanding thesituation similar concernsandproblems, withtheaim looking for others withsimilarexperiences, programmesupport responds totheneedof well astotheirfamilies andpartners.The living withHIVtootherHIV/AIDS peopleas free ofcharge by speciallytrained people Support” programme, anew offered service ofthe“Peerimplementation toPeer The Foundation the supported rights inGreece andpsychological services. sexual interventions health, concerningHIV educational programmes concerning awareness-raising campaignsand population. TheCentre’s include activities and theirpartnersaswell asthegeneral people livingwithHIV/AIDS, theirfamilies providing for services support theneedsof Since 1991, theCentre ofLife hasbeen the services oftheCentrethe services of Life. want tobeinformed more generally about - MeetingswithHIV-positive people who in thecommunity. information and awareness-raising activities of- Participationintheimplementation for peopleindifficulties. - Practical inhandlinglogistics assistance placeofhosting). hospital, - Visitswhere andescorts needed(home, possible way. inthebestmanagement ofHIVissues - Support andempowerment aimingat with HIV/AIDS. topeoplelivingpeer services 4 peoplewhooffered peer-to- provided for theemployment of —

The Foundation’s funding 97 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Drop-in Centre is one of the main services is one of the main services Centre The Drop-in and is where of Life the Centre by provided place. Support” sessions take to Peer “Peer 98 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT living conditionsin Greece. Watch mainlyfocuses onmonitoring refugees’ Refugee inarefugee campinLesvos. HumanRights 99 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch

— conducted a number of studies conducted a number of studies concerning the human rights issued and situation in Greece articles and comments. relevant access to food, to safe places to sleep, to to places to sleep, to safe access to food, toilets and to health care. supported the work the Foundation In 2017, which, in Greece of Human Rights Watch close monitoring of the problems through in Greece groups social vulnerable by faced minors, unaccompanied children, (women, the elderly and people with disabilities), aims and publicizing violations of at recording the living to improve human rights in order conditions of these groups.

The arrival of hundreds of thousands of of of thousands of hundreds The arrival on the seekers and asylum immigrants our country has brought coasts of Greece refugee of the European to the forefront of of the borders the closure crisis. With people, countries, many European several or including often unaccompanied children in often live people in need of protection, or conditions, such as improvised adverse difficulties in camps, and face overcrowded Human Rights Watch was founded in in founded was Human Rights Watch leading of the world’s and is one 1978 dedicated independent organisations of human rights. The to the protection methodology operating organisation’s of basic steps: scrutiny consists of three and presentation rights abuses, recording of institutional and exercising thereof, bodies on competent of authority pressure justice worldwide. to safeguard

Human Rights Human Refugees’ Refugees’ WATCH HUMAN RIGHTS Vulnerable Vulnerable the Defence of Defence the Support for for Support 100 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SAFE WATER SPORTS Water Sports Activities and for Water Safety Standards Enhancement of forCampaign the Information produced exceed 520,000. Facebook, 35,000 students. about channels andonsocialmedia. was presented inschools,onnational audio-visual materialwas produced which Forrules. ofthecampaign, the purposes at educatingthepublicaboutrelevant safety promoting related activities and tothesea campaign for theyear 2017, whichaimedat The Foundation fundedSafe Water Sports’ dent prevention issues. emphasisonsafetywith particular andacci- (sportsactivities andrecreational activities), regarding related allissues towater to provide information andraise awareness profit organisation whosemainobjective is Recreational Water Activities) isanon- the Promotion ofSafety inWater and Sports Safe Water (Greek Sports Associationfor — —

To date, consideringonly The campaign“reached” 320 andabout schools views ofthevideos 101 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Octopus Safe is starring in the informative video video is starring in the informative Octopus Safe Sports, which aims at informing Water Safe by created provides mobile application that the public on the free the across sports facilities on water useful information country. Safe Water Sports Water Safe Panagiotis Paschalakis Paschalakis Panagiotis President - the Foun from “Funding enabled us to has dation video an informative create and actors with well-known - “Octo our childhood hero aiming at in 3D, Safe” pus and old on young informing in safety to related issues sea. and at The video water the the use of also promotes Water mobile app Safe free Sports, much which provides the to useful information exposure public. Its extensive media and social media to a large to contributed has in app users in 2017, increase com- 500% of the degree to 2016”. to pared 102 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT the Fire Service. Elefsina, July2017. premises ofthe1stSpecialDisasterResponse Unit of Chinook helicopters are beingdelivered for useinthe The state-of-the-art airbornefire-fighting buckets for Benefit Foundation Board, John S. Latsis Public ofSecretary theExecutive Dimitris Afendoulis Protection". Citizenthe country's are invaluablecapacities to contributions subject to their forces, sincetheirindividual citizens themselvesto join organisationsbenefit andthe private initiative, public is imperative for theState, for future generations, it guarantee qualityof life asresources, wellas to citizens andournatural of ourfellowproperties battle to protect thelives and "Our isthat belief inthe tion inthesummerof2017. during fire-fighting opera- Air Force isreplenishing Chinook helicopterofthe 103 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1.500 water water 1.500

— These buckets enable the enable the — These buckets a to make helicopter operators with thus of water, partial drop in the areas absolute precision of fire. fire-fighting — During the 2017 period, the Chinook helicopters over for flew of the Air Force to hours which correspond 500 approximately drops.

This donation contributes significantly to the This donation contributes significantly to the of the protection of the fire strengthening and consequently resources forest country’s are fires as forest of its citizens, to the lives The Greece. phenomenon for a frequent buckets donation of the airborne fire-fighting of strengthening is part of a long tradition the Latsis by Security Forces the country’s Service’s in which the Fire Foundation, held an important place. support has always The Foundation responded positively to a to a positively responded The Foundation Service to supply two the Fire by request heavy-lift for buckets airborne fire-fighting special plastic buckets These are helicopters. made each. The donation was litres of 7,600 Service and to the Headquarters of the Fire to the Air made available were the buckets helicopters, Chinook use by for Force of the needs to the operational according period. Service during the fire-fighting Fire Donation Donation Bucket Bucket FIRE SERVICE Firefighting Firefighting Forest Forest 104 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Programme Environmental “A BetterLife” “Cooking abetterworld for ourchildren” awareness-raising campaign withtheslogan environment-friendly modelofnutrition. The with aview toadoptingamore and health- habitsofthestudents,changing thedietary educationwiththeaimofschools ofprimary and parents are distributednationwide to and theaccompanying guidefor teachers workshops “Healthy Children, Healthy Planet” school educationalmaterialfor nutrition ofEducation,theintegratedthe Ministry On thenutritionaxis,withapproval of for thegeneral public. inawareness-raisingand participate events woods, parks intheircities andotherplaces Citizens nationwide record andevaluate information www.kalyterizoi.gr portal . app“Greenspaces”smartphone through the on makingavailable andpromoting thefree On theurbangreen focus axis,theactivities of food waste. of theMediterraneanmodelandlimiting and b)nutrition,focusing ontheadoption a) thepromotion ofgreen incities, oases which isdeveloped alongtwo mainaxes: are themainobjectives oftheprogramme, informing andmobilisingGreek society Improving thedailylife ofcitizens and WWF GREECE umbrella programme “A BetterLife”. Niarchos Foundation, ofthe isasupporter The Foundation, togetherwiththe Stavros nutritionacrosssustainable thecountry. of thetravelling interactive exhibition on an extensive programme oflocalvisits programme reinforced isfurther through achievement oftheobjectives of the aspires toincitepublicinterest, whilethe on nutrition. visited by themobile exhibition been mapped. have inthecountry cities already Greenspaces app. already downloaded thefree www.kalyterizoi.gr. at theinformation portal — — — — 20 Greekwillbe cities 1,900 green in126 spaces 10,000 citizens have 78,000 citizens are registered 105 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Children are getting acquainted with healthy and and getting acquainted with healthy are Children friendly eating habits during WWF’s environmentally that is taking place in the context mobile exhibition, a campaign “Cooking of the awareness-raising our children”. for better world Achilleas Plitharas Achilleas Programme Life” Better “A Manager “Thanks to the Foundation's the Foundation's to “Thanks support,decisive the programme Life” Better “A the WWF for of Greece the way of improvement and old young of life of in in 2017, succeeded, than 6,000 training more students, in organising activities more in which citizens than 20,000 participated, and in touching 2 million Greeks almost concerning on matters sustainable nutrition, waste food of avoidance and urban greenery”. 106 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ideas of New Business the Development Programmes for the emergence ofawinningteam. with planstoajury andbusiness of ideas The programme culminatedinthepitching anintegratedmodel. business established from thearea ofinternationalbusiness, guidance ofinstructors andmentors wereof ideas created, which,underthe for thedevelopment andmanagement framework oftheprogramme, smallteams new aspiringentrepreneurs. Within the training andguidanceprogramme for Specifically, RG Bootcamp17isaseven-day investment. thatareideas of seekingcapital atthestage andRG ideas, business Challengesupports stage,RGan early YEPreinforces advanced RG Bootcampaddresses thatare ideas at that are atdifferent ofdevelopment. stages programmes are ideas aimedatbusiness theircommongoal,thethreeDespite and economicimpact. diaspora inorder tohave apositive social well asthemobilisationofGreeks ofthe social andeconomicbenefitsfor Greece as are aimedatdeveloping new ventures with RG Bootcamp17. Thethree programmes Programme (RG YEP),RG Challenge17and Reloadmain activities: Young Entrepreneurs the Reload Greece organisation for itsthree In 2017, theFoundation continuedtosupport RELOAD GREECE from Greece. whom camefrom abroad and14 took charge ofthetraining, 17of 31 programme participants. mentoring were “accelerated” through 304 programme. United Kingdom. 8 different universities ofthe Accelerate andPitch. programme comprisedthree Ignite, stages: Greek associations.The studentandbusiness the United Kingdomwiththe collaboration of workshops were organised atuniversities of Young Entrepreneurs Programme (RG YEP), Within theframework oftheReload conducted atthe London School Business 250,000 Britishpounds.Theprogramme was manage investments between 50,000 and with theaimofbeingabletoattract and 17, aprogramme start-ups thatsupported Finally, theFoundation fundedRG Challenge — — — — ideas 9business Intotal,

Theseminars tookplacein 26 mentorsand5trainers 11 inthe participated teams hours for the

107 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Members of the teams that participated of the teamsMembers that participated Programme Entrepreneurs in the Young Greece. Reload by YEP), organised (RG advanced YEP reinforces The RG business ideas. by a total of 90 mentors. by Guidance to the groups Guidance to the groups 10 start-ups participated for — — 384 training training 384 through given was hours 9 days. and the teams gained knowledge concerning concerning and the teams gained knowledge of the United environment the investment to manage the way as Kingdom as well their ideas The teams presented investments. and to international audiences. to investors 108 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Olympic Committee. Athens, April2017. Awards Ceremony atthe premises oftheHellenic Snapshot from theOlympicPreparation Scholarship 109 SOCIAL WELFARE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT to the Greek man and 1 to the Greek scholarships were

6 Greek medals of out of the 6 Greek

Since the start the of period, 41 the 2016-2017 For a wide range from Athletes 5

— — — — to the Greek woman who finished who finished woman to the Greek Classical in the 34th first Marathon. programme until today, over over until today, programme 400 annual scholarships have to athletes from been awarded and Cyprus. Greece sports to athletes competing awarded in individual Olympic sports, as as 1 well of sports, rowing, such as track, diving, sailing, swimming, etc. gymnastics, archery, fencing, Olympic received have scholarships. the Olympic Games in Rio were been athleteshave who by won an Olympic preparation awarded scholarship.

The scholarship programme of the A.G. of the A.G. programme The scholarship is an institution in Foundation Leventis the field and has been supporting, in the often hard, those who train last 18 years, to enter to conditions, in unfavourable best compete with the of the deservedly of “celebration” in this great world athleticism, the Olympic Games. The of years its first from programme, implementation, is at the side of the of champions, generation new promising for resources lack of the general offsetting sports. competitive professional With the common desire to support to support desire the common With Olympic spirit and hope, excellence, the people, particularly among young with the combines forces Latsis Foundation and Hellenic Hope, Foundation Leventis A.G. and Cypriot athletes who bolstering Greek begun their diligent preparations have Olympic Games in 2020. the Tokyo for Programme Scholarship Scholarship Preparation Preparation Olympic Olympic 110 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM Άνοιγμα Νεράιδα Highlights Grantmaking Museum Neraida Floating

111 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM —04 nature. nature. educational, informative and scientific educational, informative the marine environment through activities of through the marine environment the field of business history and to protect the field of business history and to protect shipping history of the country, to highlight shipping history of the country, is, inter alia, to promote the maritime and is, inter alia, to promote The purpose of the Neraida Floating Museum Floating Museum Neraida The purpose of the 112 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM The Neraida FloatingMuseum. 113 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM

visited the people visited the 13,055 visitors than 53,000 More

— — Neraida Floating Museum in 2017. Neraida the by been received have the museum from commencement of its operation until today. in 2012 The Neraida Floating Museum, moored at the at the Floating Museum, moored The Neraida entrance operates with free Marina, Flisvos The museum’s public. general the for story both the ship of the collection recounts one Neraida”, the passenger ship “the itself, coastal sailing that of Greek of the symbols to 1974, 1950 from sailed in the Argo-Saronic into a of its remaking and the chronology floating museum, as modern and seaworthy John owner, of its as the business career well century. Latsis, which spans most of the 20th of celebrations the anniversary In 2017, dedicated were International Museum Day to the theme of “Museums and contested the unspeakable in histories: saying the selected by This theme, museums”. International Council of Museums (ICOM), at highlighting primarily aimed was to the contributing museums as actors aspects of of complex understanding multiple visuals offering human history, Floating Museum, The Neraida and readings. organised participatingevents, celebratory in public a series to the general and offered of the museum, tours of specially-themed public and personal highlighting unknown, on drawing stories specific exhibits, about to the objects historical publications related of the museum. Museum Museum Operation 114 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM (ICOM). organized by theInternationalCouncilofMuseums anniversary celebration ofInternationalMuseumDay, the Neraidain FloatingMuseumparticipated objects oftheNeraida tellstories"."The In2017, 115 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM Snapshot from the speech titled “The unknown the speech titled “The unknown Snapshot from writer, Foustanos, G. Mr. Shipping”, by Merchant Shipping of the The Greek historian and founder online shipping museum. the first Miracle, 116 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM Programme Educational Game onBoard” the Neraida: A “Travelling with cooperation schoolsofthe withtheprimary educational programme was implementedin In thefirst six monthsof2017, the peopleandmemories. transportation, navigation, communicationand such astravel boatsand andthesea, andinvestigatecentury individual themes shipping ofthe20th andoceangoing coastal as well aboutaspects ofGreek astolearn and discovery toexplore thehistoricship encourage thechildren through thegames group andfirst-hand and games activities of outaseries carry museum pedagogues and tradition ofthecountry. Qualified to acquaintchildren withtheshippinghistory for free inthemuseum’s premises andaims school,takesto sixthgradesofprimary place The programme, for speciallydesigned third education. with schoolsofprimary Neraida. AGameonBoard”, incollaboration interactive programme “Travelling withthe continued offering theeducational In 2017, theNeraida FloatingMuseum and ). Piraeus, , , Salamina, Keratsini,Galata, Korydallos, , Nikaia, ofAegina,municipalities Agios Ioannis Renti, Piraeus Directorate Education(the ofPrimary Chalkidona)andthePhiladelphia andNea , ,Kessariani, Nea of Athens, , ,Dafni-Ymittos, Education(themunicipalitiesof Primary collaboration withtheA’ Athens Directorate programme continuedtobeconductedin of thenew schoolyear of2017-2018, the Faliro andTavros), whileat thebeginning Moschato,, Smyrni, Nea Paleo , Argyroupoli, ,Elliniko, ofAgios(the municipalities Demetrios, D’ Athens Directorate Education ofPrimary 21 inAttica. schools 2017. the educationalprogramme in — —

Class visits were organised by 938 children in participated 117 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM Primary school students participate in the educational Primary school students participate in the educational A Game on with the Neraida. “Travelling programme Floating Museum. place in the Neraida that takes Board”, 118 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM Zea Marina, May 2017. Museum attheopening ceremony ofthe“Sea Days”. Piraeus municipal bandinfront of theNeraida Floating 119 NERAIDA FLOATING MUSEUM

were welcomed welcomed visitors were 1,238 Educational programmes

— — aboard the Neraida Floating Floating the Neraida aboard Marina. Museum at Zea in 4 schools organised were of Piraeus. The Neraida Floating Museum, taking part in Floating Museum, takingThe Neraida part in Days” “Sea of celebratory events the tradition was of Piraeus, the Municipality by organised 24/5 Wednesday Marina from at Zea moored its visitors. to welcome 30/5 until Tuesday on the sea and focusing This tradition, the importance aims to showcase culture, of the city the development of the sea for themed various and, through of Piraeus attempts to highlight activities events, and parts its of the city and honour different people. MUNICIPALITY OF PIRAEUS MUNICIPALITY Participation Participation in the celebratory events Days” “Sea 120 page 20 Anatolia College page 66 Minos Alchanati page 108 Foundation G.A. Leventis page 81 ActionAid Photos page 46 Youth Opera Greek National Opera / 34-35pages Friends ofEurope page 31 Educational Trip page 36 DOC Research Institute page 22 CERN 54-55pages MuseumCapodistrias page 49 Benaki Museum page 77 “PERPATO” Prefecture ofRhodope and Friends ofthe with Kinetic Problems Association for People 70-pages 71 Panagiotis Anthopoulos Grymanis Music Festival /Alex Molyvos International page 57 ofCycladesAntiquities /EphorateSports of ofCultureMinistry and 74,pages 78 Alexandros Merkouris page 94 Photography Lightghouse page 5 72-73pages Mesogaia andLavreotiki Holy Metropolis of page 102 Hellenic AirForce page 45 Orchestra Greek Youth Symphony pages 60,pages 102 Panoulis Photography page 29 Municipality ofMaroussi page 38 page 50 Archive John S. Digital Latsis Karanikas Music Festival /Thomas Molyvos International

114, 115, 116 88-89, 90, 93, 96, 112-113, 41-42, 53, 58, 82-83, 84-85, 2-3,pages 15, 16, 19, 24-25, Marq Riley page 106 Reload Greece page 98 WatchRights ZALMAΪ for Human 68-69pages Visual Storytellers www.rchive.gr/rChive page 105 GreeceWWF page 27 University ofTrento 64-65pages TsiringakisCostas 12,pages 17, 86-87, 110, 118 Paris Tavitian page 42 Change –Create CulturalStart 62-63pages Hospital ofAttica Sismanogleio General page 32 Andreas Schoinas 100-101pages Safe Water Sports 121 122