Santa Clara Again After Four Years? the SCHOOL WAS GROWING THEN
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LIBRARY USE I!M!H!3BIS H'iliwHHHDi ONLY iflflBHflH ril \ ^ ' H^RVMHOWIWATO AAXJ i B vinos UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO 1950 Edward Murphy Editor James Kenney Business Manager Cecil Anderson Asst. Business Manager William Knill Photographer Charles Loughran Asst. Photographer James Raser Sports Editor John Bay Asst. Sports Editor Gerald J. Nagle, S. J Moderator STAFF James Doherty Donald McLaughlin Richard Murphy William Walters Thomas Barron Kevin Walsh Anthony Avellar Richard O'Brien Norman Adler Richard Pahl Gerald Geary Mario Vedrich CONTRIBUTORS Joseph Laharty Lawrence Lawson Joseph Gumina Walter Johnson Albert Schlarmann Gerald Mulvihill Patrick See Frank Maloon Gilbert DeLaMora Grateful acknowledgement is extended to Raymond T. Feely, S. J.; Gerald J. Nagle, S.J.; John Shanks, S. J.; the members of the Executive Council; the Student Body Officers; the Athletic Publicity Department and the Foghorn, without whose cooperation this chronicle of Student Life could not have been recorded. Copyright 1950 by the Associated Students WILLIAM J. DUNNE, S. J. President of the University of San Francisco 7&im nunRHnnnMm do<u x LD W^V SIS' ~E> (o C\ 5c < <L,5U GERALD J. NAGLE, SJ Dean of Men ALEXIS I. MEI, SJ. Dean of the College of Science CARROLL M. O'SULLIVAN, S. J. Rector RAYMOND T. FEELY, S.J. Dean of Faculties PAUL J. HARNEY, SJ. Dean, Dept. of Education ROY C. HALL, M.B.A. Dean of the College of Business Administration STUDENT BODY OFFICERS •••LB LARRY LAWSON President The University of San Francisco is the only Jesuit as: rebuilding of stairs and remodeling of the lounge. institution which allows the students the responsibility The Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, and Frosh Football of self-government. This privilege is granted to the teams were awarded suitable trophies for their out governing body, called the Executive Council, by the standing work through the funds of the Associated constitution which is nationally renowned as a model Students. for student government. Setting up the machinery for better receptions and As the purpose of the fund drive has been to build a closer cooperation between the Bay Region schools greater University externally, the task of the Executive was another important action of the year. Committee has been to build a greater University Many other lasting projects, too numerous to men I Jfrom .within. Led. by., Body President Larry R. tion, were begun by this group. The students assisting i Lawsofn, ithis, .yc'^r'^. Sj<ud^4 Government aimed for Lawson this year were the following officers: Bill Duffy, progressive programs which would develop a better Vice President; Gilbert J. De La Mora, Treasurer; 'bv^peiative spir^am'ong the students of the University. John A. Merrill, Corresponding Secretary; Fred R. The practical achievements of this group are ample Behnke, Recording Secretary; Robert E. Bundy, B. S. proof of their success during the past year. C. Chairman; John E. Benson, Head Yell Leader; During the year 1949-1950 many organizations were James Kenney, C. I. C. Representative. The presidents reactivated. A Freshman orientation program was es and representatives of all four classes composed the tablished for the first time since the prewar years along remainder of the Council. with a new Frosh athletic club called the Numeral The work of this group, under the moderation of Fr. Society. Gerald J. Nagle, S. J., will long be remembered in the The rallies operated under a new plan featuring years to come. The many projects and ideas put forth well-known entertainers. Campus improvement proj by these men will become more and more obvious as ects originated by the board were carried through, such the rule of Student Government becomes more evident. BILL DUFFY FRED BEHNKE JACK MERRILL GILBERT DE LA MORA Vice-President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer RICHARD O'BRIEN Vice-President SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS President Ed Murphy headed the class of '50 in its last year at USF. This was the class that saw the first great influx of returning servicemen swelling the ranks of the University. He was ably assisted by Dick O'Brien, vice- president; Jim Kenney, secretary-treasurer; and Jim Doherty and Tom Barron, representatives. JAMES KENNEY Among the many projects undertaken by the group Secretary-Treasurer were the arrangements for the Senior Ball and Senior Exclusive, and the organizing of a yearbook to replace class book previously published exclusively for the senior class. They also cooperated in planning the senior-junior picnic and the senior retreat. As members of the executive council, they represented their class in that body and helped formulate the student policies and assisted in the projects. The work of the class officers has been indicative in general of the outstanding year which has been one of athletic prominence, improved social activities, and academic attainments, all of which were permeated with true Christian ideals. JAMES DOHERTY Representative EDWARD MURPHY President 1 THOMAS BARRON Representative flaHiiiin i .' ':•:•: ".:,y: CLASS HISTORY CAN YOU REMEMBER .. the long lines of confusion as registration reached a new high of 2,045 that September in 1946? When Fr. O'Farrell's English classes memorized the Aims and Creed of the University? Dr. Fearon's Psych 2 course or Fr. Brolan's Logic? How the age span in one class varied from 17 to 32, but with just about everyone wearing suntans who could tell the difference between a vet and a high school graduate of that year except for an occasional grimace of pain on the face of a student whose subsistence check was late in arriving? How all attended the ninetieth student retreat in early November, which was resumed after a five year lapse, and read with interest that article in the Sat-evepost which rated us seventh in the nation, but which was overlooked as Forrest Hall became our Ail-American nominee? Or when the band played on both sides of the field during the Kansas State game, and we played Santa Clara again after four years? THE SCHOOL WAS GROWING THEN ... as Fr. Dunne broke the ground in the "red rock area" for the new huts . and Dr. Kessel was finishing up his work on the Fiat-Footed Fly ... as the many clubs reactivated themselves . the Alpha Sigma Nu, the Bio-Chems, the International Relations Club, the Scabbard and Blade, and the Marachis . and Art McCue's Glee Club (remember "The Irish of Old Notre Dame"?). THE FOGHORN, then as now, was the voice of the campus as it promoted such events as the Frosh Fandango on St. Pat's Day in the Colonial Room of the St. Francis, and the Frosh-Soph picnic ... as it featured such columnists as Joe Mouille's "Hilltop Lowdown," which itemized the doings on the Hilltop, including the weekly thermometer of USF affections, which left a certain nearby girls' college in the deep-freeze week after week . and Pat Cannon's San Franciscana . and reported the doings and quotations of Daniel O'Brien III the head exec, and of our class officers —Jack Riordan as prexy, Art Hall as his "veep," and Jack Reilly, Bud Jenkins and Frank Falls as assistant cogs . and how it plugged "Boss" Gill's plays, tops of which were "Joan of Lorraine" and "The Late George Apley" . and announced with a note of sadness the death of Col. Sanger of the History Department. THE ATHLETIC OFFICE SPENT A BUSY YEAR . announcing the several changes in football coaches, and the arrival of many new faces in the barracks . giving out the results of boxing, featuring such names as Roy "Tiger" Barni, Julien Miguel, John "Spider" Henessev, and others . learning how to spell the monikers of such Page Street performers as McNamee, Giesen, Rodrigues, Bennington and Giudice . trying to foster a crew on Lake Merced and getting nowhere . arranging transportation for the tennis team which bounced up with 13 wins against 2 losses . but failed to report that Fr. Dunne pitched his usual one inning on President's Day, and that the Class of '50 won the tug of war and the pie-eating contest. THE GREEN AND GOLD ROOM ECHOES THE YEAR OF 1947 . with talk of such events as the Fathers and Sons Night and of Father Jim who "Duce'd" himself into the hearts of everyone there . when the ROTCadets willingly returned to the United States from Ft. Bliss . because it was an interesting semester with football victories and field-goal attempts from the 50 yard line, after-game dances at the Ariel Rowing Club, Danny Galvin the perennial yell leader, ably assisted by Bill Baldwin Jr. whose pop was our seasonal M.C. at the rallies . and the FOGHORN put out the "Bell Edition" to prove that we had THE Bell, thanks to Jim Ryan and Hal Jensen. THE TEMPO OF EDUCATION INCREASED TOO ... as Fr. Nagle assumed his duties of Dean of Men in a brand new, clean office (anyone been in there latelv?) . and Fr. Harney began formulating the Education Department, climaxed by the State Board issuing USF a license in February to give teachers' credentials . Dean Hall arrived and the Bus Ad School hasn't been the same since . registration increased to 2,602 and talk began about a new library ... a placement bureau was created to make sure no one rejoined the 52-20 club, a non-campus organization. Class officers were George Snyder and Jack Grealish as number one and number two men, assisted by Joe Truzzo- lino, Mike Egan and Dan Strazulo . the Soph Drag in October found the class at the Palace Hotel with Ray Hackett's music . tickets were issued for the Winter Carnival Express after a five year derailment .