When Do Voters Punish Corrupt Politicians? Experimental Evidence from Brazil∗
When Do Voters Punish Corrupt Politicians? Experimental Evidence from Brazil∗ Miguel F. P. de Figueiredo† Department of Political Science UC Berkeley F. Daniel Hidalgo‡ Department of Political Science MIT Yuri Kasahara§ Center for Development and the Environment University of Oslo May 29, 2012 ∗We would like to thank Diego Werneck Arguelhes, Desmond Arias, Henry Brady, David Broockman, Adam Co- hon, David Collier, Ruth Berins Collier, John de Figueiredo, Ana De La O, Thad Dunning, Joaquim Falcao,˜ Marcus Figueiredo, Alan Gerber, Enoque Gomes, Don Green, Al Klevorick, Paul Lagunes, Antonioˆ Lavareda, Malte Lierl, Fer- nando Limongi, Daniel Markovits, Lindsay Mayka, Marcus Melo, John Morley, David Nickerson, Jairo Nicolau, Roger Noll, Lucas Novaes, Anne Joseph O’Connell, Lucio´ Renno,´ Neal Richardson, Alberto Luis Rollo, Roberta Romano, Su- san Rose-Ackerman, Eric Schickler, Luis Schuartz, Luis Schiumerini, Jas Sekhon, Rodrigo Soares, Haroldo Torres, Matt Winters, and Cesar Zucco for helpful assistance in the field and for comments on drafts. The paper also benefitted from comments given during presentations at FGV-Rio Law School’s Faculty Workshop, IPESPE, Yale Law School’s John M. Olin Law and Economics Summer Workshop and Oscar M. Ruebhausen Lecture, the 2009 American Political Sci- ence Association Annual Meeting, the 2010 American Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting, the 2012 Latin American Studies Association International Congress, the 2012 Latin American & Caribbean Economic Association America Latina Crime and Policy Network (AL CAPONE) Conference, the Yale Comparative Politics Workshop, the Northwestern Law and Political Economy Workshop, the University of Texas Law and Economics Workshop, and the UC Berkeley Development Lunch. Fabricio Costa and Nara Pavao˜ provided excellent research assistance.
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