Crossroads 9-05
ro s s o a d s C R Official newsletter of the September 2005 Police department, chief shine at state law enforcement confere n c e The Suwanee Police Department and Chief Michael Jones both stood out at the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police summer conference held in Savannah at the end of July. Chief Jones was elected fourth vice president of the state chiefs association, and the Suwanee Police Department was a finalist for the Dr. Curtis McClung Award of Excellence. As a result of his election, Jones will be the Ge o r g i a Association of Chiefs of Police president in five years. “ I ’m ve r y humbled and excited about the opport u n i- ty to help enhance law enforcement in the state of Police Chief Georgia,” says Jones. “One thing that we need to work on Mike Jones as an organization is to have a more unified, stronger voice. We need to speak as one, particularly to the legislature. We have to speak in a stronger vo i c e about the laws, or the tools if you will, that we need to make our citize n s , communities, and roadways safer. ” Also during the conference, Jones was recognized for his graduation from Command College at Columbus State University, an advanced training Celebrate program for police executives and administrators, through which he complet- ed his master's degree in public administration. Suwanee Day Meanwhile, Suwanee's community policing philosophy and associated on September 17 p rog rams made the City's police department one of three finalists for the McClung Aw a rd, which honors programs that, among other things, are Come to Town Center Park to celebrate i n n ova t i ve, impact quality of life within the community, promote commu- community with your friends, neighbors, nity relations, and enhance law enforc e- ment pro f e s s i o n a l i s m .
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