Amb Dhanapala before Lessons Learnt Commission: Lessons Learnt Com today Rajiva supports

Former Peace post-war role for Secretariat Chief military Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala will testify at BY SHAMINDRA FERDINANDO the Lessons Learnt and Jayantha Reconciliation Former Peace Commission today at 2 pm. He was pre- Secretariat Chief UPFA ceded by two Peace Secretariat Chiefs, MP Professor Rajiva Ambassador Bernard Goonetilike and Wijesinha says a liaison Professor . between the military Vol. 29 No. 239 Wednesday 25th August, 2010, 44 pages Rs. 20 Registered in as a Newspaper - First Edition and civilian adminis- tration is needed. MP Wijesinha says there is Rajiva absolutely nothing Elders: Answering a The Union Hostel SL assess wrong in the military playing a role in re-building of the Northern and Eastern call to relish carrion of the University performances after Provinces. comfort of Ceylon earning slot in final Government forces finished off the 8 10 16 LTTE on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon May last year. Since then they Page 7 ds: Pakistan floo haming ritish public ‘s have been engaged in a massive effort to B ith -9 iticians’ w Page 8 world pol onations a £29m d flies, resettle, rehabilitate and reconstruct hoe ... a A s ks 15 r duc Page eade n? octor l s bor German d end i war devastated areas. tr wanted for ter manslaugh accused of nd Responding to a query by Chandi drugging a UNP in fresh crisis as Karu J moves en raping wom Chanmugam, a member of the Lessons 10 25th, 20 day August Wednes Learnt Commission, MP Wijesinha said lian on Monday (Aug. 23) that a small section Austra of the military may not be tactful, but ld be against ‘a common and ruthless enemy’ PM cou the majority had shown the capacity to y decided b BY SHAMINDRA FERDINANDO party. Sources say a consensus take on big tasks. The military is imagi- Queen’s A fresh crisis is developing is developing that the post of native and capable of handling over- e representativ in the UNP with its Deputy the Deputy Leader should go to whelming tasks, he said. a facing tralia is - Leader taking MP Premadasa, while some Although some donors had been us al stand stitution r con ntest fo d the co off an may ountry A ns the c d by o ru ecide a tough stance against President suggest responsibilities can be opposed to a military role in civilian wh to be d ly have ative, final present een’s re the Qu eneral. ernor-G the Gov Rajapaksa’s government amid divided between incumbent work, the Sri Lankan armed forces could lloon t air ba ar a ho of pose ne catures testers d cari s Pro nt hea ndidate ng gia tion ca weari ral elec ront of an fede lard in f ongoing consultations between Jayasuriya, MP and MP play an important role, MP Wijesinha ustrali lia Gil ay, A t and Ju , Tuesd y Abbot anberra Ton ouse C tralia. ment H ra, Aus Parlia Canber 2010, in Aug. 17, the SLFP and the UNP over pro- Premadasa. Political sources said. ge See Pa 16 posed constitutional reforms. said that this was a con- Continued on page 2 Political sources say the UNP Ranil Karu Sajith tentious issue, which could Pakistan in political seems to be sharply divided over trigger tensions among vari- its strategy, though the party time being. on-one meetings with Sajith ous factions. Lankan asylum-seekers crisis amid allegations of recently managed to resolve the UNP leader Ranil Premadasa to defuse tensions flooding aid corruption leadership crisis at least for the Wickremesinghe had three one- over the leadership crisis in the Continued on page 2 must stay in jail, Canada says August 24, 2010 UNP joins More than 400 Sri Lankan Tamil refugees who arrived in Canada aboard a cargo ship 11 days ago have been told anti-dengue battle they must stay in jail. he embattled government The Canadian Immigration and of President Asif Ali The UNP plans to launch Refugee Board agreed with government TZardari slipped further into a special programme to erad- requests for more time to check the crisis after its largest coalition icate dengue. migrants’ identity papers. partner called for a military coup Gampaha District MP Dr Government officials want to estab- to tackle corruption and failures says lish whether there are militants from over flooding. the Opposition can play an the Tamil Tigers, a group banned in important role in support of Canada. Taiwan craftsman the government efforts. Some 49 children arrived with the Responding to a query by group, but they have not been detained. seeks to save The Island, MP Jayawardena Jayalath Government officials said the chil- printing heritage said that the UNP would dren were either in jails with their moth- launch the programme today (Aug 25) at ers, or in the care of social services care Cambridge Terrace with the participation of if they had arrived unaccompanied. UNP leader . Under Canadian law, asylum seekers MP Jayawardena said that the UNP would dis- held in custody are allowed periodic tribute 500,000 leaflets to educate the public of detention hearings. the signs and symptoms of dengue. The Sri Lankan Tamils arrived in UNP MP recently urged Canadian waters aboard the MV Sun Sea UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe to launch an on 13 August. They had reportedly spent unched over a metal anti-dengue project. Addressing the Working 90 days travelling from Thailand, cross- casting machine, Chang Committee, MP Senanayake emphasized the need ing the Pacific and being turned away in HChieh-kuan carefully on the part of the UNP to assist the public strug- Australia. guides a tiny copper mold into gling to cope with the dengue threat. The One migrant died during the voyage. a hydraulic press. Seconds District MP proposed MP Jayawardena It was the second boat carrying Tamil later he extracts a piece of lead to lead their effort. migrants to arrive in Canadian less than type with the Chinese charac- ter for “happiness.” MP Jayawardena said that the government a year, BBC reports. had failed in its duty to take preventive meas- ures. Dengue claimed the lives of 195 persons this The Island WORLD VIEW year. Asked why the UNP delayed its campaign until almost 200 innocent people died of dengue, MP Jayawardena said that it was the govern- RamazanRamazan ment’s responsibility to tackle the threat. He Fasting/Prayer Times recalled how former Health Minister Nimal August 24-26 Siripala de Silva declared that a government Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete is crowned Miss Universe during the Miss Sahar Ends 4.31 which had the strength to destroy Tigers would- Universe pageant, Monday, Aug. 23, 2010 in Las Vegas. (AP) Fajr 4.46 n’t be scared of mosquitoes. (SF) Sunrise 6.04 Zuhar 12.14 MR orders pavement Asar 3.25 Maghrib 6.22 Lankan Tamils appeal rejection hawkers in Colombo Isha 7.34 7,2,10 be relocated of asylum in Australia BY ZACKI JABBAR August 24, 2010: CANBER- a federal government contrac- Hawkers on RA, Australia — Two Sri tor for Christmas Island cases the pavements of Lankans appealed to upheld the decision. As a result, Colombo 7, 2 and Australia’s High Court on they face deportation back to 10 are to be relo- Tuesday to reconsider them for Sri Lanka. cated, on a asylum and challenged as The asylum seekers, identi- Presidential directive. unfair the handling of their fied only as M61 and M69, are Informed sources said that refugee claims offshore. pleading a lack of procedural the order had been given dur- The two members of the fairness because the immigra- ing a meeting between the !UNP leaders join Tamil ethnic group were tion minister failed to personal- President and Chief City anti-dengue battle detained in October 2009 at Australia by boat. ly consider their cases, said Administrator Omar Kamil on Christmas Island, a remote pro- An immigration department David Manne of the Refugee Monday. !What! They waited till cessing centre for would-be official assessed their cases and Immigration Legal Centre. “Those evicted,would be dengue claimed nearly 200 immigrants trying to reach before asylum was rejected, and housed in five by four feet lives Continued on page 2 Continued on page 2