United Methodist Divided:Understanding Our

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United Methodist Divided:Understanding Our AUTHOR’S NOTE: COMPLIMENTARY COPY FOR PASTORS Dear Fellow United Methodist Pastors, Please accept this complimentary PDF copy of United Methodists Divided: Understanding Our Differences Over Homosexuality. This book is my modest effort to help United Methodists understand the reasons why we are so divided as a denomination, while also impartially presenting the major proposals likely to be considered by the special General Conference in 2019. I take no side on this crisis. My aim is to present the traditionalist and progressive perspectives within our denomination using their own convictions, language, and tone. I am offering this complimentary copy of United Methodists Divided in hopes that it is a helpful resource as you lead your congregations during this precarious time. I respectfully request that you limit its distribution to other United Methodist pastors. Paperback and Kindle eBook versions of the book are available at Amazon.com. May God bless our common ministry as we seek a way forward. Grace and Peace in Christ, Dale McConkey, Ph.D. Pastor, Mount Tabor United Methodist Church, Armuchee, GA Associate Professor of Sociology, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA UNDERSTANDING OUR DIFFERENCES OVER HOMOSEXUALITY DALE MCCONKEY ROME, GA UNITED METHODISTS DIVIDED: UNDERSTANDING OUR DIFFERENCES OVER HOMOSEXUALITY Global Parish Press www.Global-Parish.com Copyright © 2018 Global Parish Press ISBN: 978-1-7326607-0-0 All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by copyright laws of the United States of America. For permission requests, contact Global Parish Press at [email protected]. Scripture taken from the Common English Bible®, CEB® Copyright © 2010, 2011 by Common English Bible.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. The “CEB” and “Common English Bible” trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Common English Bible. Use of either trademark requires the permission of Common English Bible. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Passages from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church—2016. Copyright © 2016 by The United Methodist Publishing House. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Cover Design by CANDesigner Interior Design Liliana Gonzalez by ipublicidades BRIEF CONTENTS PREFACE - 1 - CHAPTER 1 Introduction: How Are We Divided? - 3 - CHAPTER 2 Scripture: Divided Over the Bible - 21 - CHAPTER 3 Tradition: Divided Over the Church’s Past - 43 - CHAPTER 4 Experience: Divided Over the Spirit’s Work - 71 - CHAPTER 5 Reason: Divided Over Evidence - 99 - CHAPTER 6 Conclusion: Resolving Our Divisions? - 125 - APPENDICES A: Glossary of Human Sexuality Terms - 151 - B: Social Principles: Human Sexuality - 155 - C: United Methodist Organization - 157 - D: Recommendations for Group Discussion - 163 - BIBLIOGRAPHY - 167 - vi DETAILED CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Introduction: How Are We Divided? Methods and Motivations .............................................................................3 The Dilemma in Brief ..................................................................................5 Cultural Conflict in the United States ..........................................................8 Changing Views of Homosexuality .............................................................9 Official Positions of the Church .................................................................10 The Wesleyan Quadrilateral ......................................................................15 The Challenge of Terminology ..................................................................16 Conclusion: Exploring Our Divisions ........................................................18 Questions to Consider .................................................................................19 CHAPTER 2 Scripture: Divided Over the Bible The Power of Scripture ...............................................................................21 United Methodist Understanding of Scripture ..........................................22 Specific Passages on Homosexuality ..........................................................23 Jesus and Homosexuality ............................................................................33 Biblical Obedience and Church Law ........................................................36 Conclusion: Divided Over the Bible .........................................................38 Questions to Consider .................................................................................40 CHAPTER 3 Tradition: Divided Over the Church’s Past The Power of Tradition...............................................................................43 United Methodist Understanding of Tradition .........................................44 Homosexuality and Church History ..........................................................45 Homosexuality and Wesleyan Tradition ...................................................51 Homosexuality and United Methodist Tradition ......................................57 Conclusion: Different Streams of Tradition ..............................................67 Questions to Consider .................................................................................68 vii United Methodists Divided CHAPTER 4 Experience: Divided Over the Spirit’s Work The Power of Experience ...........................................................................71 United Methodist Understanding of Experience ......................................72 Two Challenges ...........................................................................................73 LGBTQ Experiences ...................................................................................75 Traditionalist Critique .................................................................................80 Traditionalist Experiences ..........................................................................83 Pastoral Acts of Conscience ........................................................................87 Conclusion: Invoking the Holy Spirit ........................................................94 Questions to Consider .................................................................................97 CHAPTER 5 Reason: Divided Over Evidence The Power of Reason ..................................................................................99 United Methodist Understanding of Reason ...........................................100 The Church Studies Homosexuality ........................................................101 Shifting Meaning ........................................................................................105 Nature and Nurture ...................................................................................108 Cultural Changes .......................................................................................114 Conclusion: The Limits of Reason ...........................................................120 Questions to Consider ...............................................................................122 CHAPTER 6 Conclusion: Resolving Our Divisions? The Broken Chalice ..................................................................................125 The 2016 General Conference .................................................................127 Aftermath of General Conference ...........................................................129 Three Proposed Plans ...............................................................................134 The 2019 Special General Conference ....................................................145 Conclusion: A Precarious Future .............................................................147 Questions to Consider ...............................................................................149 viii Contents APPENDICES A: Glossary of Human Sexuality Terms ..................................................151 B: Social Principles: Human Sexuality .....................................................155 C: United Methodist Organization ...........................................................157 D: Recommendations for Group Discussion ..........................................163 BIBLIOGRAPHY - 167 - ix In memory of my wife, Ingrid In honor of my children, Kristen and Stephen In service to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ For the people called United Methodist PREFACE The United Methodist Church is facing the most pressing crisis of its 50- year history. At the center of the controversy is a debate over the church’s stance toward homosexuality. This book aims to provide an impartial account of this controversy, a resource that will help United Methodists better understand both the issues that are dividing us and the options that are before us. After an introductory chapter, the middle four chapters are organized around the theological sources of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral: Scripture, tradition, experience, and reason. The book concludes with a discussion of the current
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