
Gillian Alcock Parish Clerk Message from the Chairman of the Council

It is hard to believe as I write this that it is four years since the current Parish Council took office. We started in 2015 as an almost ‘rookie’ Parish Council with a newly appointed Clerk, only a couple of days before the first Annual Parish Meeting. “Hitting the road running” with a very steep learning curve for many of us, initially involving a lot of time and effort, was our induction.

Since then we have held regular Parish Council Meetings, produced monthly Embsay with Eastby News Reports and revamped the website (keeping it up to date with ongoing news and reports).

Successful projects during the past year have included the refurbishment of the War Memorial and gardens in preparation for the Armistice Centenary in November 2018. The Council’s thanks go both to the family of Pat Harris for the donation of a bench in the Memorial Garden and the family of Frank Stokes for their agreement that a donation from Frank, prior to his death, be used towards the refurbishments.

Early 2018 saw the culmination of the acquisition of the Main Street Car Park lease by the Parish Council and since then the planned improvements for surface repairs, remarked parking bays and renewed signage have been completed - vastly improving the original site. The Parish Council has continued to take responsibility for the ‘bring bins’ in the car park, thereby managing to retain a useful community service.

Additionally, the Parish Council has undertaken extensive tree maintenance in the parish particularly in the Recreation Ground and the Memorial Garden whilst also supporting several initiatives within the Nature Reserve.

September 2018 saw the first Village Fete, organised by volunteers and supported by the Parish Council, for the enjoyment of the whole parish. Similarly, the Armistice Centenary Weekend provided an opportunity for both sombre reflection and lighter celebration with services, afternoon tea and period entertainment. Once again, the parish showed the versatility, talents and enthusiasm of many of its residents, given freely for the enjoyment of others.

One notable performer was the Reverend Louise Taylor- Kenyon and the Parish Council would like to put on record its appreciation for all that she did for the parish, prior to her recent departure to Northumberland.

The Parish Council has continued to maintain the Defibrillators, in place for emergency use, in both Embsay and Eastby. The Vehicle Activated Speed signs have been in evidence throughout the year, along with the volunteer Speedwatch Group, in order to highlight and hopefully reduce incidences of speeding, for the ultimate safety of all residents and visitors.

I should, personally, like to thank the very many volunteers that we have in the Parish. Whether by direct involvement with the Parish Council - helping to maintain gardens, benches and footpaths or by their support through some of the many other groups such as The Village Show Committee, The Friends of the Recreation Ground and of the Nature Reserve, The Good Neighbours, The Embsay Research Group, Speedwatch, Neighbourhood Watch, the Embsay with Eastby News and the Library they all help to make the Parish the community we would wish it to be. I hope that when you read this report you will also share my appreciation for all that your Elected Council Members have achieved, during their four-year term of office, with the help of the all-important Clerk.

Judith Benjamin – Chairman of the Parish Council May 2019 MEMBERS

Cllr. Brian Shuttleworth (Vice-Chairman) Cllr. Vince Smith

Cllr. Stella Kirkbride Cllr. David Hill

Cllr. Andrew Ayrton Cllr. Robert Stead

Cllr. Tom Lovett Gillian Alcock (The Clerk)

The Council Year 2018 – 2019

This is the last year of this Council’s term of office. However, by the time this issue is printed we will have the New Council formed. As always, the past year’s activities reflect Council Members’ commitment to regularly undertake appropriate action to improve or extend the services to the Parish. These includes the following:

Village Maintenance and Environment

Cllr Benjamin, Cllr Kirkbride, Cllr Hill and Cllr Stead The grass cutting contract with Dragonfly Grounds Care Ltd has been renewed for another year and they are now responsible for cutting most of the verges in the parish. They also assisted in the clearing of the footpath from the Church to Kirk Lane, making it more accessible to many. Another multi-waste bin has been installed on Millholme Rise and the Parish Council is working along with the District Cleaner Neighbourhoods team to keep litter and dog waste to a minimum. The Council is aware that there are many dog walkers in the parish and your assistance is much appreciated. Several protected trees have been pruned back this year and the Parish Council has also met its obligation regarding overhanging trees. Parishioners are reminded that it is the householder or land owner’s responsibility to ensure that trees and shrubs do not overhang other properties or footpaths. Some of the Christmas Lights in Elm Tree square were renewed following damage and brightened up the darkness of winter until Candlemas. Volunteer Group: The volunteer’s group has continued to assist the Parish Council by helping with the ongoing maintenance of benches, flower beds, troughs and garden areas, in addition to litter picking throughout the parish. Volunteers also help with the upkeep of the Car Park, Memorial Gardens, Nature Reserve and the Recreation Ground.

The Parish Council would like to express its thanks to all who have helped in any way, giving freely of their time and expertise or by donation.

If you would like more information on the Volunteer’s Group or need to report a problem, please contact the Clerk. Nature Reserve & Allotments

Cllr Ayrton, Cllr Kirkbride and Cllr Hill

Friends of Embsay with Eastby Nature Reserve Report for 2018-19

The Friends of the Nature Reserve and Students of Craven College have been very busy this year with a major upgrade to the reserve’s paths, materials for which have been funded by the Dales National Park Authority’s Sustainable Development Fund. YDNPA have also restored the entrance gate, funded by a NYCC grant for the gate itself. New finger post signs have been installed at Millholme Rise and West Lane/Primrose Glen, to help visitors locate the reserve entrance.

The Friends and Students have continued to carry out fence repairs, tree surgery and the clearing of excessive vegetation. This has let a lot of light in and provided space for the planting of 1,500 snowdrops and 500 bluebells, both native species of . A further batch of bluebells and native wild flowers are intended to be set this coming season.

The Friends would like to thank Embsay with Eastby Parish Council, Craven College and YDNPA for their material and manpower support in the above endeavours.

All this hard work was rewarded by the Friends winning a Craven Community Champion Award 2019. Congratulations to John Oldfield, Sarah Copeland, Roger Henderson, Tom Lovett, David Hill, Stella Kirkbride and to all the volunteers involved The Nature Reserve was nominated for the Greener Craven Award by Andrea Burden, the Sustainable Development Fund Officer at Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority. FEENR is now recognised to be up there with the best !

Another pleasant surprise was that Shona Watson (in the photo) was there on behalf of the Skipton and Craven Parents Group, which won the Best Community Group award, so congratulations to them.


The Embsay with Eastby Allotment Association Report 2018-19

The Allotment Association Members have been busy this year securing and making safe the boundary fencing and walling. Thanks go to Cllr Ayrton for his assistance. New plans for the year ahead, with the aid of a Parish Council grant, is to provide easier disabled access to both sites. (enquiries to Peter Creek by email [email protected])

Recreation Ground

Cllr Stead and Cllr Hill

The Friends of the Recreation Ground have had a successful year in terms of fundraising for the development of the ground receiving several grants from outside bodies, including Aviva, ‘Tesco Bags of Help’ and by donations from the Village Fete Committee along with their own organised events such as the’ Race Night’. New signage was recently provided by the Parish Council, which also continues to oversee regular safety inspections. The Friends organise ‘tidy up’ sessions of the Recreation Ground and it continues to be a popular facility for both residents and visitors. If you would like to get involved with support for fundraising or general maintenance assistance please contact [email protected] or Mark on [email protected]. The group also has a Facebook page “embsay play” The Parish Council requests that if anyone is aware of any damage or problems, they please contact the Clerk, or a member of the Recreation Ground Working Party. Contact details are posted on the noticeboard in the play area.

Planning and Land Development

Cllr Shuttleworth, Cllr Benjamin, Cllr Smith and The Clerk All planning applications in the Parish (submitted to either Craven District Council or the Yorkshire Dales National Park, dependent on location) are sent to the Parish Council as statutory consultees. All are carefully considered and responded to. Many are routine but some are more complex. The Parish Council is always careful to adhere to the guidelines of the National Planning Policy Framework, the recently submitted Craven District Council Local Plan and the recently adopted National Park Plan. The Parish Council also tries to ensure that, where applicable, the interests of the parish are considered. The Parish Council has welcomed the approach by several applicants to discuss their plans prior to submission, as this can alleviate issues or queries that may arise subsequently. If you wish to discuss your proposals, please contact the Clerk in the first instance. Total number of applications for this period is 32

Cllr Tom Lovett will be joining the working group this year.

Communication/Information Technology

Cllr Stead, Cllr Shuttleworth, Cllr Benjamin and The Clerk


The Parish website is co- ordinated and managed by the Parish Council with almost 77,000 hits at the time of going to press. Official information is publicised by notices displayed on the noticeboards, press releases and through social media. This aims to ensure that all sections of the community are kept fully informed of the Parish Council’s actions. Thanks go to Cllr Stead for giving his free time to this vital communication tool. Personnel and Contracts

Cllr Shuttleworth, Cllr Benjamin Cllr Smith and The Clerk

Annual staff appraisal has taken place over the past year, with targets set to ensure continuity of the standards required. Financial and legal requirements have been met and improved upon to ensure the smooth running of all council business. All service Contracts, Policies and Procedures have been reviewed and renewed for the year ahead. Financial

Cllr Smith and The Clerk

This year’s budget had a slight overspend due to a reduced precept last year and some additional expenditure on some unexpected projects. All other areas of expenditure were on target and covered all predicted costs. This coming year’s finances have been set to reflect the future needs of the Parish and savings are being made where ever possible. The internal audit, by an independent auditor. has taken place and this year’s report will be submitted to an independent external auditor in due course.

Highways & Road Safety

Cllr Smith, Cllr Hill and Cllr Kirkbride

The Parish Council continues to work with the Traffic Bureau and NYCC Highways to ensure that the speed limit through the villages is adhered to. VAS signs have been deployed at Skipton Road and Kirk Lane at various times to help alert drivers to the dangers of speeding. A new initiative by NYCC to sell VAS signs to Parish Councils is being looked at as a future possibility.

Community Speed Watch is an active service by members of the Parish Council and volunteers, to deter speeding, educate drivers and encourage them to adhere to the 30mph speed limit. If you would like to participate please contact Cllr David Hill

Continued and New links are being secured with organisations working for the benefit of the community.

Fair Trade Village Project Cllr Kirkbride

Embsay with Eastby Fairtrade goes from strength to strength. After a successful year the team now consists of seven very enthusiastic members, all of whom live in the villages. The breakfasts/brunches held in the Methodist Hall proved to be a winner and now incorporate craft stalls with items coming from as far away as Israel and Nepal!

Events have included Coffee Mornings selling Fairtrade goods held in the Village Institute and Swishing Evenings where everyone can “swap not shop” good clothes and accessories. The Fairtrade group supports all village events including the Village Show and The Tour de Yorkshire cycle race!

It’s very encouraging to see our local village school, St Mary’s Church, the Chapel, the Parish Council, the Library, the Village Institute and the Cavendish Arms all supporting Fairtrade, embracing the ethos of the initiative. The team wish to thank everyone who has supported Fairtrade in one way or another this year and may next year prove even more successful.

Village Institute Representative Cllr Kirkbride

The Village Institute has had a very busy and successful year with the completion of the Energy Efficiency Project, led by John Bowers. The Institute opened its door to celebrate the Armistice Centenary and the Tour de Yorkshire whizzing past the front doors. The Management committee also installed free Internet access for all users and visitors. A new website was produced which includes an on-line booking system. www.embsaywitheastbyvillageinsitute.org.uk

The Memorial Garden Makeover – To celebrate the WWI Armistice Centenary the Parish Council have undertaken some improvements to allow better visual access for parishioners and visitors at the Cenotaph Service . Thanks go to Richard and Marcia Whitham for the many years of dedication given to keeping the garden looking its best

At the memorial service poppies made by the children of Embsay Primary School representing each of the soldiers lost, were placed in the garden. Embsay with Eastby Research Group investigated not only the lives of those soldiers killed but also the lives of those soldiers who returned to the village. This has been recorded in a publication that is still available from the Research Group.

Embsay and Bolton Abbey steam railway organised re-enactments of troops returning to Embsay Station from the war, with the co-operation of Skipton Academy

The Parish Council funded an evening of entertainment for the benefit of the community. As part of the event Shirley Moorhouse created symbolic table decorations.

Cllrs Smith, Kirkbride, Hill and Mr & Mrs Whitham will continue to oversee this project

About Your Parish Council

Embsay with Eastby Parish Council is part of the three tiers of local government which comprises of Parish and Town Council, District and County Council. There are 8 councillors elected every four years. Vacancies between elections are normally filled through co-option procedure. Councillors are unpaid but have the services of a part- time Parish Clerk to the Council.

Ordinary Parish Council meetings take place 7 times per year, including the Annual Parish Council Meeting. An agenda item for public questions or suggestions is included at each meeting. The Annual Parish Meeting is held each May, providing the local electorate with a summary of the year’s activities. Notices of meetings and agendas are displayed on the Parish noticeboards at the Village Institute, Skipton Road bus shelter and Barden Road Eastby. Minutes of the meetings are available in hard copy in the Library and can be viewed or downloaded on the council web site: - www.embsayeastbypc.co.uk

The Council has powers to raise income by means of the precept levied on households in the villages. This is collected, together with the Council Tax, by Craven District Council. The Council precept and expenditure is monitored annually by independent auditors. Each year budget setting takes place to reflect the predicted expenditure based on the needs of the Parish.

Powers, Functions and Responsibilities

The Parish Council has a wide range of powers which it can exercise but not all are appropriate to a Parish of this size.

The various functions of local government in England are carried out by different levels of organisation. In Yorkshire, the Parish Council is the “third tier” of local government – the “grass roots” level of local democracy. Members play a significant role in making sure the duty of the Parish Council is legal and in line with Government statutory protocols – as well as taking direct action in a number of areas, i.e. to respond to any consultation papers from other bodies and agencies on matters of importance to residents and businesses. In addition, councillors are appointed to represent the Council on several local and district organisations. Since its inception, the Parish Council has assumed responsibility for some services from both Craven District Council and NYCC. It also addresses many issues and problems and undertakes appropriate action.

Parish Council Statutory Services

Embsay with Eastby Parish Council is legally responsible to oversee and co-ordinate the following activities and services: -

Allotments Recreation Ground Communication Consultation Planning and Land Development Environment Nature Reserve War Memorial & Garden Main Street Car Park

Our First Village Fete

Grants Awarded in 2018/19

This year’s grants were issued to the following projects: Embsay with Eastby Village Fete £200

The Embsay with Eastby Research Group £100

Fair Trade Group (Village Signs) £88.32 The Neighbourhood Project (IT access) £100

The Art Group £25

Embsay with Eastby Parish Council DRAFT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 22nd April 19

Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31st March 2019

2018/19 2017/18 RECEIPTS

Precept 22596.00 24493.00 Interest Received 85.87 47.01 Bank Compensation 0.00 150.00 Donations and Grants Village Amenities 467.16 500.00 th Queens 90 Fund 0.00 0.00 NYCC Grass Cutting 322.21 322.21 YLCA Transparency Fund 0.00 1,490.16 789.37 2312.37 Allotment Rent Reimbursement 0.00 600.00 Insurance Claims 0.00 320.00

VAT Recovered 1411.82 1300.36

24883.06 29222.74 PAYMENTS

Clerks Salary 9115.65 8614.81 Administration 3245.25 2,902.91 Legal & Professional Fees 1067.00 1,447.00 Village Maintenance 8151.04 4,995.21 Car Park Expenses 3093.00 1,796.28 Allotment Rent 0.00 600.00 15556.29 11,741.40

Queens 90th Fund 529.00 0.00 Grants Gifts and Donations 513.32 500.00 VAT on Payments 1566.75 1128.60

27281.01 21984.81

CASH SURPLUS for year -2397.95 7237.93 Add Bank Balances brought forward from: 2017/18 2016/17

Community Account 800.00 500.00 Business Premium Account (feeder account) 10255.93 3,353.61 Business Premium Account (saver account) 3004.84 3002.81 14060.77 6856.42 National Savings Investment Account 7159.35 7125.77 21220.12 13982.19

Gives Bank Balances carried forward April 2019 Community Account 452.85 800.00 Business Premium Account (feeder account) 9943.31 10,255.93 Business Premium Account (saver account) 3010.84 3004.84 13407 14060.77 National Savings Investment Account 7211.27 7159.35 Less unpresented 1796.1

18822.17 21220.12



The Parish Council consist of 8 members who undertake their responsibilities on an unpaid voluntary basis together with a part time, employed Parish Clerk who administrates the activities of the Council.

There is no formal Council Office. Clerk Contact Hours: Mon – Friday 10am to 2pm. Text Messages & Emails can be sent at any time. Members of the public are invited to contact the Council, through the Parish Clerk who works from the following address:

Mrs Gillian Alcock (Parish Clerk) 74 Tatton, Tarn House Country Park, Stirton, Nr Skipton, BD23 3QL Tel: 07414850766 or Email: [email protected] Member’s Contact Details

Cllr. Judith Benjamin [email protected]


Cllr. Brian Shuttleworth [email protected]


Cllr. Vince Smith [email protected]

01756 700256

Cllr. Robert Stead [email protected]

01756 799755

Cllr. Stella Kirkbride [email protected]

01756 790469

Cllr. David Hill [email protected]

01756 795493

Cllr. Andrew Ayrton [email protected]

07815071151 Cllr Tom Lovett [email protected]

