WausharaWaushara County County Veteran Veteran Services Services VVeett’’ss VVaannttaageg e MARCH 2018 AFTER READING, PLEASE JULYPASS THIS 2013 TO ANOTHER VETERAN !


The Agent Orange Fast Track Claims Pro- eBenefits on line @ www.ebenefits.va.gov. cessing System is dedicated to processing Fast Track Claims Process 1 Explained ATTN : claims for Vietnam Veterans who are Article cut to fit page claiming service connection for any of the RVN Vets following conditions who served in the The Fully Developed Claim (FDC) Pro- Vietnam Vet In Memory 2 Republic of Vietnam or in-land waterways gram is the fastest way to get your claim between January 9, 1962 and May 7, Program processed and there is no risk to partici- Green Alerts 1975.: pate! To participate in the FDC Program, AL Amyloidosis, Chronic B-Cell Leukemi- if you are making a claim for veterans dis- HUD-VASH Update 3 as, Chloracne, Diabetes Type II, Hod- ability compensation or related compensa- VA Welcome Kit Website tion benefits, simply submit your claim in kin’s Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease, SSIA Funding Need to 4 accordance with the "FDC Criteria" Multiple Myeolema, Non Hodkins’ Lym- End “Widows Tax” shown on VA-Form 21-526EZ, Application phoma, Parkinson’s Disease, Periphheral Gun Control Update Neuropathy-Early Onset (within 1 year of For Disability Compensation and Related leaving service), Porphyria Cutanea Tarda Compensation Benefits. If you are making VA Care Giver Update 5 (within 1 year of leaving the service) a claim for veterans non service-connected Prostate Cancer, Respiratory Cancers pension benefits, use VA Form 21-527EZ, (includes lung cancer) Soft Tissue Sarco- Application for Pension. If you are making Upcoming Events 6 mas (other than osteosarcoma, chondro- a claim for survivor benefits, use VA Form DACA “Dreamers” Pro- sarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, or mesothelio- 21-534EZ, Application for DIC, Death Pen- tected Status ma). sion, and/or Accrued Benefits. VA forms Liver Flukes Small Study 7 are available at www.va.gov/vaforms. The Fast Tract system is exclusively a of RVN Veterans web-based platform. Whereas, veterans Veterans who find computers challenging can simply log on to the VA web portal may want to consult with their VSO or Help For Vets Energy, 8 and submit their claims documentation, find help from a computer specialist to Mental, Jobs etc. supporting medical evidence from all help them navigate the Fast Track system. sources and any other documentation Some veterans have reported that the Fast needed to establish and verify their ser- Tract system seems cumbersome and con- vice-connected claim. VA doctors will fusing. [Source: U.S. Veteran Compensa- have access to the Fast Tract system, that tion Programs | David Fuller | February 9, A veteran isis someone someone will enable them to take the veteran out of 2018 ++] who, atat one one point point in in the role as middle man between care pro- Though this article makes the process their lives,lives, wrotewrote a a viders and VA. VA doctors can then fill sound smooth and uncomplicated don’t try blank checkcheck mademade paya- out the forms and submit them online this UNLESS you know what you are doing. quickly and easily. VA rating specialists If you are an “in country” RVN veteran and blepayable to ‘The to United‘The Unit- will be able to log on to the system, identi- have ANY of these diseases listed on the left, Statesed States of America’ of America’ for fy outstanding information on the way make an appointment to see your County anfor amountan amount of ‘up of to ‘up to fully developing a claim (FDC) and give Veteran Service Officer. We are a free ser- andto and including including my mylife’. a suggested rating at the end of the auto- vice to veterans in Waushara County and mated process. You can apply for VA disa- have the training . Call 920-787-0446 to life’. bility compensation and pension through make an appointment.

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Page 2 Vet’s Vantage

VIETNAM VETERAN IN MEMORY PROGRAM GREEN ALERTS The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Go to Wisconsin might become the first Fund created the 'In Memory' http://www.vvmf.org/userfiles/files state in the nation to create a program to honor Vietnam veter- /PDF/In%20Memory%20Applicat Green Alert system for missing ans whose lives were cut short as ion%202018%20web.pdf to fill out vulnerable veterans. The system a result of their service but are an application online which are would be similar to state Amber not eligible for inscription on The due by March 9 for the 2018 Pro- Wall under DoD guidelines. In gram. If you have a question about and Silver alerts for missing chil- Memory is a way that Vietnam the program or are experiencing dren and older adults, respective- veterans can be honored on the difficulty with the application, con- ly. The state Senate passed legis- National Mall. The plaque that tact VVMF at (202) 393-0090 or lation to create the system last honors these veterans was dedi- via e-mail at [email protected]. week, and the state Assembly is cated as a part of the Vietnam Along with the application there expected to take up the bill in Veterans Memorial in 2004. In are two documents required in the February. “We’re hoping this Memory began in 1999 and has application process. A copy of the goes national,” state Democratic since honored more than 3,200 death certificate and a copy of the Sen. LaTonya Johnson told the veterans. DD214. Examples of proof of ser- newspaper. Johnson had intro- vice in Vietnam are listed on the duced the bill. “Veterans give so DD214 as: much.” Johnson said. Referring  Vietnam Service Medal (VSM) to an Air Force veteran whose death prompted her to introduce  Vietnam Campaign Medal the bill, she said that the vet had  Vietnam Service Ribbon “served (three) tours and he came home safe. If he made it home Having a loved one honored in safe we should have done every- Examples of causes of death VVMF’s In Memory program in- thing to make sure he was made that do fit the criteria for inclu- cludes: whole.” Republican state Assem- sion in VVMF's In Memory pro-  Inclusion in the annual In blyman Joel Kleefisch, a sponsor gram: Memory Day ceremony held on the of the bill, said he expects it to  PTSD related illnesses / events National Mall. Family and friends pass the Assembly and be on Gov. of new honorees are invited to at- Scott Walker’s desk by the end of  Exposure to Agent Orange tend the ceremony and say their February. “I will not be surprised loved one's name. and similar chemicals if we see Green Alert in every  At the ceremony, you will be state of the union in the next  Diabetes provided with a “Tribute” – a 9 x three to four years,” Kleefisch  Cancer 12 framed certificate containing told the newspaper. [Source: The the Honoree’s photo and other Republican | Diane Lederman |  Cholangiocarcinoma provided information. January 12, 2018 ++]  Hodgkin's Disease Your loved one will be included in the annual In Memory yearbook.  Ischemic Heart Disease The yearbook includes the full list and photos of current year’s hon-  Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma orees. Your Honoree will be added to VVMF’s virtual In Memory  Parkinson's Disease Honor Roll. Family and friends of To have a loved one considered honorees are invited to attend all for the In Memory program, you future In Memory ceremonies. must submit an application to [Source: VFW Action Corps VVMF. Weekly | February 2, 2018 ++] Green Alert for Missing Vulnerable Veterans

Vet’s Vantage Page 3


The Department of Veterans Af- February 8, 2018, Monet said the in homelessness funding until some fairs issued a memorandum in ear- memo alleviated some of her nonprofit groups spoke against it. ly February that officially reverses doubts. “The National Coalition Monet agreed if the VA were to plans to shift millions of dollars for Homeless Veterans is pleased make changes, stakeholders should from a VA account dedicated to that the [VA] has announced a know beforehand. “We hope VA combating veteran homelessness. decision not to move HUD-VASH will carefully examine any changes Steve Young, VA deputy undersec- case management funding for the it may propose to critical pro- retary for health, sent the memo rest of the fiscal year,” she wrote grams for homeless veterans to Tuesday to all VA network direc- in an email. “This commitment ensure there will be no unintended tors, homeless coordinators and must remain in the years to confusion for, or adverse impact medical center directors. It states come.” on, the veterans these programs the VA will not reallocate funds Shulkin explained to Congress serve,” she said. Tuesday’s memo this fiscal year earmarked for a last month that his intent was to followed another VA directive in veteran housing program known move funding from HUD-VASH January that delayed shifting the as HUD-VASH, in which the VA into a general-purpose account to homeless funding. That directive provides case management for vet- provide more flexibility for local said funds could still be re- erans who receive housing vouch- leaders, who could then decide allocated in fiscal year 2019. ers from the Department of Hous- how to combat veteran homeless- [Source: Stars And Stripes | Nikki ing and Urban Development. ness in their geographical area. Wentling | February 8, 2018 ++] The memo eased concerns among Though the memo states the VA collaborators who help veterans won’t shift funding in fiscal year get shelter through HUD-VASH. 2018, which ends 30 SEP, there Collaborators spoke out in Decem- could be future changes. Accord- ber when they discovered VA Sec- ing to a HUD report from Decem- retary David Shulkin planned to ber, there were 585 more home- reallocate $460 million specifically less veterans at the beginning of geared toward the program into 2017 than in 2016. It was the first hospitals’ general-purpose ac- increase of homeless veterans counts. Shulkin quickly back- since 2010. Because of that, the tracked after swift outcry from the HUD-VASH program needs a collaborators and lawmakers, but “reboot,” Shulkin said. Winston doubts lingered. would support more funding flex- VA Welcome Kit “This does give us more confi- ibility for local VA leaders but dence,” Leon Winston, chief oper- said there must be a process for https://www.vets.gov/welcome-to- ating officer of Swords to Plow- garnering input before any va/ shares, said of the memo. Swords changes are made. The VA’s lack to Plowshares is a nonprofit organ- of communication in December By going to the web site above, ization that helps house veterans in was worrisome, he said. “The you will find all kinds of infor- Northern California. messaging was so mixed up, based mation and contacts for the VA. on who you talked to and what It was clear in January during a day of the week it was,” Winston A “Welcome Home Kit”, can be hearing of the House Committee said. “It was conflated. That’s printed in black and white or in on Veterans’ Affairs that a rift ex- why everybody was so very trou- color includes information on all isted between collaborators, such bled.” aspects of the veterans life, such as as Swords to Plowshares, and the getting out of the service, making VA. At the time, Kathryn Monet, In a hearing last month, Sen. Pat- a claim, pre interment for a burial chief executive officer of the Na- ty Murray (D-WA) asked Shulkin in a Veterans Memorial Ceme- tional Coalition for Homeless Vet- for more transparency, stating tery, buying a house etc. Worth erans, still worried the funding many members of Congress did- your time to read! could be cut from HUD-VASH. On n’t know about the proposed shift

Page 4 Page 4 Vet’s Vantage

SSIA: FUNDING NEEDED TO END WIDOW’S TAX The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is calling on lawmakers to end the widows tax on 67,000 military sur- vivors. Compared to the last session of Congress, there appears to be more momentum to address the issue. Currently, the number of House cosponsors to end the widows tax is up from 175 to 207; in the Senate, the number of lawmakers supporting repeal has increased to 37 from 30. Widows Tax Explained Current federal law requires survivors of deceased military members to forfeit part or all of their Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) annuity when they are awarded VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC). This loss of any portion of the SBP annuity is known as the “widows tax.” Congress recognizes the inequity and has worked hard over the years to address the issue. Starting in 2008, Congress established the Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance (SSIA) to help military survivors affected by the widows tax. SSIA began as a 10-year temporary benefit. Thanks to the hard work of House Armed Services Committee chair Mac Thornberry (R-Texas), a provision in the FY 2018 National Defense Authorization Act makes SSIA permanent at its current level of $310 a month. Future increases will be indexed to inflation. State of Play “Last year's work by Chairman Thornberry was a strong good faith effort showing how seriously he takes this issue. There's concern in the survivors' community that lawmakers may consider the issue fixed and they can move on to other pri- orities,” said Jamie Naughton, Associate Director of Government Relations at MOAA. Raising awareness of the issue is im- portant. According to DoD's Office of the Actuary, over 40 percent of military survivors affected by the widows tax live in five states: Texas, Florida, California, Virginia, and North Carolina. The increased support is deeply appreciated, but we know lawmakers won't be able to do much unless they're given the budg- et authority necessary to pay for ending the tax. The first step in the process is to get the House and Senate Budget Commit- tees to give their counterparts on the Armed Services Committees - who have jurisdiction over military survivor issues - nec- essary funding to provide relief. Readers are requested to send their elected officials a MOAA-suggested message asking them to end the widows tax for military survivors. Refer to http://takeaction.moaa.org/app/write-a-letter? 0&engagementId=352553. [Source: MOAA Leg Up | January 19, 2018 ++]

Gun Control Update

A group of bipartisan U.S. Senators arms Licensees use to determine wheth- Rather than use the fiduciary rule, simi- has filed legislation to reverse the fact er a prospective buyer is eligible to buy lar to one proposed by the Social Securi- that some vets are losing their right to guns. Grassley feels to do so is a Second ty Administration and repealed by Con- keep and bear arms because someone Amendment violation. “Veterans are gress, the VA would have to submit indi- is handling their finances. On Febru- losing their Second Amendment rights viduals to a board made up of three for- ary 6, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chair- because they have someone managing mer judicial officers or administrative man Chuck Grassley — joined by their checkbook,” Grassley said on the law judges or through a judicial process. fellow Iowa Republican Sen. Joni floor of the Senate. As of Dec. 31, 2016, While it would not automatically remove Ernst and West Virginia Democrat NICS had active records on 167,824 those currently reported to the FBI, Sen. Joe Manchin — introduced veterans reported by the VA for mental those with active files would be able to S.2386, which could tackle how the health reasons. This figure is down challenge their classification and all Department of Veterans Affairs re- from 260,381 in 2015. Still, Grassley would be given notice by the VA of their ports veterans to the FBI’s National points out that 98 percent of the names rights to due process. “When a constitu- Criminal Background Check System. in the gun check system listed by feder- tional right is involved, the burden must al agencies for mental health reasons always be on the government,” said Currently, a veteran assigned a come from the VA alone. Grassley. The measure has been referred fiduciary trustee to act on their be- Termed the Veterans’ Second Amend- to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. half is automatically declared ment Rights Restoration Act of 2018, [Source: Guns.com | Chris Eger | Feb- “mentally defective” and is reported the language of the bill would force the ruary 8, 2018 ++] to NICS, the database Federal Fire- VA to overhaul who they report to

Vet’s Vantage Page 5


Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin acknowledged that a sim- recommendations that we can to Shulkin insists a limited expansion ple expansion of the existing pro- congress,” Shulkin said. “It’s up to of his department’s caregivers sti- gram to all veterans would likely them. They built these eligibility pend program could save the fed- swell the participants and cost sev- standards into the current law, so eral government around $2.5 bil- enfold, to more than 180,000 care- it will be theirs to decide to lion annually. But the upfront givers. He is supporting expanding change.” The VA initiated a review costs of the plan still present a ma- the program to only the most se- of the program last April, follow- jor obstacle for congressional law- verely injured and incapacitated ing an NPR investigation that makers. On February 6, 2018 the veterans, which would add around found 32 VA medical centers had House Veterans’ Affairs Commit- 40,000 new stipends. That move, cut the number of families from tee renewed debate on the issue of he said, could save the department the program since 2014, some of VA’s caregiver program, which $2.5 billion a year by the late them by more than half. There awards living stipends — totaling 2020s, through reduced nursing were inconsistent decisions across up to several thousands of dollars home and medical assistance costs. the VA system about who should a month — to the families of veter- Current recipients would be be removed, and some caregivers ans who require around-the-clock grandfathered into the program. and veterans were kicked out erro- home care. When lawmakers cre- Democrats on the committee, who neously. “Needless to say, signifi- ated the program in 2011, it only have largely looked past the cost cantly higher-than-expected de- covered veterans of the post-Sept. issue in the debate, framed the ex- mand for the program has created 11 era. For much of the last year, pansion as another opportunity for set-backs,” Roe said. “There has Shulkin has advocated (along with “choice” in veterans medical care, been miscommunication, confu- veterans groups) that the program an echo of the president’s promises sion, and frustration from veter- should include other generations of to give veterans more flexibility in ans, caregivers and VA employees veterans as well, especially as they private-sector care options. alike concerning practically every aspect of this program.” Since age and require new medical care. Article Cut to Fit Page April, the agency stopped remov- Lawmakers in both the House and Non-monetary support services ing veterans from the program for Senate have been supportive of the are available to caregivers from three months while it trained em- idea, but not necessarily the cost. every war generation, and current ployees who work with caregivers, Senate lawmakers have suggested stipend recipients have complained Shulkin said. Prior to the training, a rolling expansion of the stipend about processing and changing the VA removed an average of 237 program that the Congressional eligibility problems with the cur- caregivers each month from the Budget Office says would require rent system. Shulkin said work is support program. Now, an average $3.4 billion in new funding over being done to address those com- of 192 are removed. The VA was five years, money that would re- plaints, including some program seeking input recently from the quire offsets under House rules. changes that do not require legisla- public about possible changes, “No veteran and no caregiver from tive intervention. But he also said such as how injured a veteran any generation is well-served by those reviews should not slow must be to qualify, how often their having access in name only to a down progress on future expan- eligibility should be reassessed and program that has the deficits this sions. “We need to be adding that how the VA should calculate one does and is as ill-prepared as one piece to the program that has monthly stipend amounts. The one this one is to accept a sudden in- been missing,” he said. “These -month public comment period flux of new beneficiaries,” said caregivers are already unbelieva- ended February 5, 2018 and gar- committee Chairman Rep. Phil bly burdened.” Shulkin told re- nered about 300 responses. The Roe (R-TN). He noted past VA un- porters following the hearing VA will go through the answers in derestimates estimates on eligibil- Tuesday that he would present the next six to eight weeks, find ity and usage of the stipend pro- new eligibility standards to Con- patterns and use the answers to gram, which currently serves gress, which would be responsible guide regulatory changes, Shulkin about 26,000 caregivers at a cost of for any final decision. “We’re just said. [Source: ArmyTimes | Leo around $400 million. going to provide the very best Shane III | February 6, 2018 ++]

Page 6 Page 6 Vet’s Vantage DACA “Dreamers” Protected Status Upcoming Events

The United States Congress chose The approximately 800 service obviously would have had to be March 25th when it designated a members whose military service obeyed. National Medal of Honor Day as was put in limbo by President the first Medal of Honor awards ’s decision to end were made to six members of An- the Deferred Action for Child- Mattis did not provide additional drew's Raiders during the Civil hood Arrivals, or DACA, pro- details on the agreement but said War on March 25, 1863. 2009 Wis- gram will not be deported, De- it was his understanding that consin Act 144 enacted on March fense Secretary said 8 DACA military service members 3, 2010 creates an annual Wiscon- FEB. Congress has been at an were always protected. “They’re sin Medal of Honor Day. The Med- impasse over DACA, which pro- protected,” Mattis said. He also al of Honor is the highest military vides a protected status for some said he thinks the program will award for bravery that can be con- younger undocumented immi- live on. “I think that it is not com- ferred on a member of the Ameri- grants who were brought to the ing to an end right now either,” can armed forces. 62 citizens from U.S. as children. Mattis told re- Mattis said. “You can sign up Wisconsin received the Medal of porters that he has finalized an right now, as I understand.” Honor from Civil War to now. agreement with Department of Homeland Security Secretary In January a federal court is- To recognize the 1,239 Wisconsin sued a preliminary injunction or- armed forces members who are to put the mili- tary’s ”Dreamers” in a protected dering the Department of Home- listed on the Vietnam Memorial land Security to resume accepting Wall in Washington, D.C., and to status. DACA applicants. The controver- express pride and gratitude to the sy over DACA in Washington is veterans of that war, March 29 is The Military Accessions Vital to National Interest pilot pro- fueled by Trump’s requirement designated as “Vietnam Veterans that any agreement to extend Day” in Wisconsin. The governor gram is one way service members may gain U.S. citizenship; the DACA would include broader im- shall issue annually a suitable migration policy changes, includ- proclamation for the observance of program has been on hold since summer 2017. “Anyone who is in ing a border wall. The issue split “Vietnam Veterans Day” and re- Congress to the extent that the quest that some portion of the day the delayed enlistment program, in other words they are already government shut down over the be used to recall the Vietnam vet- issue in January. [Source: Air- erans’ accomplishments and to signed up and they are waiting to go into boot camp, anyone on ac- ForceTimes | Tara Copp February thank those veterans for their ser- 8, 2018 ++] vice during that war. tive duty and anyone in the active reserves and anyone with an hon- WI Vets Museum School Days Off orable discharge is, right now, FREE family-friendly activities at except for two possible excep- the museum 10 AM to 2 PM tions, they will not be subject to

March 16: Anniversary of Sinking any kind of deportation.” The exceptions are: of the Maine–Boatbuilding

March 27: Design Your Own In- If for some reason they have com- signia mitted a serious felony, and I re- March 28: Explore & Create alize even a low-level felony ap- Maps parently does not put you in that category ... that could jeopardize March 29: Explore Aerial Photo- Immigrants and Non-Citizens in them. They are just like any other the US Armed Service. (Army graphs & Draw From an Aerial citizen,” Mattis said. Photo) Perspective March 30: The Art of Disquise If a federal judge has signed a Make your own camouflage pat- final order of deportation — that would be a judicial action that tern.

Page 7 Vet’s Vantage Page 7


Nearly one in four Vietnam War study confirms what many vets hundreds of thousands of U.S. combat veterans who participated have asserted: some of our brave troops. The VA pays disability in a small study at the Northport Vietnam veterans were, in fact, ex- claims to Vietnam veterans who VA to detect past infestations of posed to cancer-causing parasites suffer from any of a host of mala- the cancer-causing liver fluke par- when serving overseas,” Schumer dies linked to Agent Orange expo- asite tested positive, according to a said in a release. “I am urging the sure, from heart disease to blad- paper penned by researchers at VA to move forward with develop- der cancer. Since 2013, the VA the VA Medical Center. The pilot ing a treatment, screening and has received 240 disability claims study, titled “Screening US Vi- awareness program to help our Vi- related to bile-duct cancers asso- etnam Veterans for Liver Fluke etnam veterans who may be at risk ciated with liver fluke, the agency Exposure 5 Decades After the End to developing bile duct cancer in the said. It had rejected more than 76 of the War,” is in the current edi- future,” Schumer said. Suozzi said percent of those claims. [Source: tion of the periodical Infectious the VA should move quickly to ad- Newsday | Martin C. Evans | Jan- Diseases in Clinical Practice. The dress the study’s findings. “There uary 25, 2018 ++] Department of Veterans Affairs must be a lot of anxiety in the Vi- Medical Center at Northport con- etnam veterans community and we ducted the study last spring, after should try to alleviate that anxiety Vietnam combat veteran Jerry by actually getting firm answers,” Chiano of Valley Stream was diag- Suozzi said. nosed with bile-duct cancer in 2013. Chiano died in November. Liver flukes are parasitic worms that spend part of their life cycle in Northport examined 97 Vi- freshwater snails that inhabit rivers These RVN vets received notice etnam War veterans and selected throughout parts of the Far East, they were part of the 25% RVN 50 who met the inclusion criteria including Southeast Asia, China veterans who tested positive for of having eaten undercooked and the Korean Peninsula. The liver flukes. There is nothing at freshwater fish while serving in snails release larvae that burrow this time saying the VA will con- Vietnam. Blood samples collected into the flesh of fish and can infest tinue the study. at Northport were subjected to the bile ducts of humans who eat ...VA sometimes approves the serological examinations per- the fish. They can reside symptom- link between wartime service formed by researchers at Seoul less in a victim’s body for decades. and cholangiocarcinoma, the National University College of The adult worm is believed to re- vast majority of claims — 3 out Medicine in South Korea because lease an irritant during its quarter- of 4 — are rejected, according to no facility in the United States is century life span — an irritant that data obtained by The Associated equipped to identify the antigen can lead to cancerous lesions in the Press through the Freedom of marker that shows the parasite bile duct decades after the parasitic Information Act.—News Nation & was once present. infestation has died out. In some world article The Mercury News south Asian villages where raw fish consumption is part of the culture, Two members of Congress — more than one in two people harbor Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and liver fluke infestations, according to Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-Glen Cove) — parasitologists. released statements calling for a broader study to determine wheth- Some activists have likened the er wartime exposure to liver fluke seriousness of fluke exposure in Vi- should be considered service- etnam veterans to Agent Orange, a related. “The Northport Medical class of dioxin-contaminated herbi- VA Center’s groundbreaking cides believed to have tainted

Mental Health, Energy Assistance Homelessness/Job Counseling

Julie Powers 608-264- If you have been denied Energy 5342 of the Madison Center for Vet Issues: (Homeless/Near Homeless) Assistance, and you are a veteran, Vet Center Free Coun- Angela Kalsbbeck MSW 920-906-4779 seling to combat veter- you may have one more option to ans and sexual trauma seek help. Heat for Heroes will JOBS!!! Low Income/Disabled/ Newly Returned veterans. 5 sessions to or Vets between the ages of 18-24. Corey Skaags non-combat veterans. first need a denial from Energy Marriage counseling, Assistance and they might be able DWD counsels helps with resume’ building for also offered. Please call to help you with your energy bill. jobs at Waushara Co. Court House 2nd and 4th and arrange an ap- If you have been denied by Ener- Thursdays each month. Call 920-251-4761 for pointment with Julie. gy Assistance, please call 800-891- appt. 9276 Issues many different, AODA, Mental Health and other issues: Cal Stammer 715-409-3767

SUICIDE PREVENTION Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, text to 838255, or chat online 24/7/365

Waushara County Veteran Services PO BOX 159 230 W. Park St Wautoma, WI 54982 [email protected] (920)787-0446 Fax (920)787-0423

«AddressBlock» Berlin Public Library 121 W Park Ave Berlin, WI 54923