WausharaWaushara County County Veteran Veteran Services Services VVeett’’ss VVaannttaageg e MARCH 2018 AFTER READING, PLEASE JULYPASS THIS 2013 TO ANOTHER VETERAN ! FAST TRACK CLAIMS PROCESS EXPLAINED Inside this issue: The Agent Orange Fast Track Claims Pro- eBenefits on line @ www.ebenefits.va.gov. cessing System is dedicated to processing Fast Track Claims Process 1 Explained ATTN : claims for Vietnam Veterans who are Article cut to fit page claiming service connection for any of the RVN Vets following conditions who served in the The Fully Developed Claim (FDC) Pro- Vietnam Vet In Memory 2 Republic of Vietnam or in-land waterways gram is the fastest way to get your claim between January 9, 1962 and May 7, Program processed and there is no risk to partici- Green Alerts 1975.: pate! To participate in the FDC Program, AL Amyloidosis, Chronic B-Cell Leukemi- if you are making a claim for veterans dis- HUD-VASH Update 3 as, Chloracne, Diabetes Type II, Hod- ability compensation or related compensa- VA Welcome Kit Website tion benefits, simply submit your claim in kin’s Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease, SSIA Funding Need to 4 accordance with the "FDC Criteria" Multiple Myeolema, Non Hodkins’ Lym- End “Widows Tax” shown on VA-Form 21-526EZ, Application phoma, Parkinson’s Disease, Periphheral Gun Control Update Neuropathy-Early Onset (within 1 year of For Disability Compensation and Related leaving service), Porphyria Cutanea Tarda Compensation Benefits. If you are making VA Care Giver Update 5 (within 1 year of leaving the service) a claim for veterans non service-connected Prostate Cancer, Respiratory Cancers pension benefits, use VA Form 21-527EZ, (includes lung cancer) Soft Tissue Sarco- Application for Pension. If you are making Upcoming Events 6 mas (other than osteosarcoma, chondro- a claim for survivor benefits, use VA Form DACA “Dreamers” Pro- sarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, or mesothelio- 21-534EZ, Application for DIC, Death Pen- tected Status ma). sion, and/or Accrued Benefits. VA forms Liver Flukes Small Study 7 are available at www.va.gov/vaforms. The Fast Tract system is exclusively a of RVN Veterans web-based platform. Whereas, veterans Veterans who find computers challenging can simply log on to the VA web portal may want to consult with their VSO or Help For Vets Energy, 8 and submit their claims documentation, find help from a computer specialist to Mental, Jobs etc. supporting medical evidence from all help them navigate the Fast Track system. sources and any other documentation Some veterans have reported that the Fast Tract system seems cumbersome and con- needed to establish and verify their ser- vice-connected claim. VA doctors will fusing. [Source: U.S. Veteran Compensa- have access to the Fast Tract system, that tion Programs | David Fuller | February 9, A veteran isis someone someone will enable them to take the veteran out of 2018 ++] who, atat one one point point in in the role as middle man between care pro- Though this article makes the process their lives,lives, wrotewrote a a viders and VA. VA doctors can then fill sound smooth and uncomplicated don’t try blank checkcheck mademade paya- out the forms and submit them online this UNLESS you know what you are doing. quickly and easily. VA rating specialists If you are an “in country” RVN veteran and blepayable to ‘The to United‘The Unit- will be able to log on to the system, identi- have ANY of these diseases listed on the left, Statesed States of America’ of America’ for fy outstanding information on the way make an appointment to see your County anfor amountan amount of ‘up of to ‘up to fully developing a claim (FDC) and give Veteran Service Officer. We are a free ser- andto and including including my mylife’. a suggested rating at the end of the auto- vice to veterans in Waushara County and mated process. You can apply for VA disa- have the training . Call 920-787-0446 to life’. bility compensation and pension through make an appointment. FAIR USE NOTICE: This document contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such as material available in an effort to advance understanding of veterans’ issues. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copy- right Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107, the material in this document is distributed without profit to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the included information for education purposes. For more information go to http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this document for purposes Page 2 Vet’s Vantage VIETNAM VETERAN IN MEMORY PROGRAM GREEN ALERTS The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Go to Wisconsin might become the first Fund created the 'In Memory' http://www.vvmf.org/userfiles/files state in the nation to create a program to honor Vietnam veter- /PDF/In%20Memory%20Applicat Green Alert system for missing ans whose lives were cut short as ion%202018%20web.pdf to fill out vulnerable veterans. The system a result of their service but are an application online which are would be similar to state Amber not eligible for inscription on The due by March 9 for the 2018 Pro- Wall under DoD guidelines. In gram. If you have a question about and Silver alerts for missing chil- Memory is a way that Vietnam the program or are experiencing dren and older adults, respective- veterans can be honored on the difficulty with the application, con- ly. The state Senate passed legis- National Mall. The plaque that tact VVMF at (202) 393-0090 or lation to create the system last honors these veterans was dedi- via e-mail at [email protected]. week, and the state Assembly is cated as a part of the Vietnam Along with the application there expected to take up the bill in Veterans Memorial in 2004. In are two documents required in the February. “We’re hoping this Memory began in 1999 and has application process. A copy of the goes national,” state Democratic since honored more than 3,200 death certificate and a copy of the Sen. LaTonya Johnson told the veterans. DD214. Examples of proof of ser- newspaper. Johnson had intro- vice in Vietnam are listed on the duced the bill. “Veterans give so DD214 as: much.” Johnson said. Referring Vietnam Service Medal (VSM) to an Air Force veteran whose death prompted her to introduce Vietnam Campaign Medal the bill, she said that the vet had Vietnam Service Ribbon “served (three) tours and he came home safe. If he made it home Having a loved one honored in safe we should have done every- Examples of causes of death VVMF’s In Memory program in- thing to make sure he was made that do fit the criteria for inclu- cludes: whole.” Republican state Assem- sion in VVMF's In Memory pro- Inclusion in the annual In blyman Joel Kleefisch, a sponsor gram: Memory Day ceremony held on the of the bill, said he expects it to PTSD related illnesses / events National Mall. Family and friends pass the Assembly and be on Gov. of new honorees are invited to at- Scott Walker’s desk by the end of Exposure to Agent Orange tend the ceremony and say their February. “I will not be surprised loved one's name. and similar chemicals if we see Green Alert in every At the ceremony, you will be state of the union in the next Diabetes provided with a “Tribute” – a 9 x three to four years,” Kleefisch Cancer 12 framed certificate containing told the newspaper. [Source: The the Honoree’s photo and other Republican | Diane Lederman | Cholangiocarcinoma provided information. January 12, 2018 ++] Hodgkin's Disease Your loved one will be included in the annual In Memory yearbook. Ischemic Heart Disease The yearbook includes the full list and photos of current year’s hon- Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma orees. Your Honoree will be added to VVMF’s virtual In Memory Parkinson's Disease Honor Roll. Family and friends of To have a loved one considered honorees are invited to attend all for the In Memory program, you future In Memory ceremonies. must submit an application to [Source: VFW Action Corps VVMF. Weekly | February 2, 2018 ++] Green Alert for Missing Vulnerable Veterans Vet’s Vantage Page 3 VA HUD-VASH UPDATE The Department of Veterans Af- February 8, 2018, Monet said the in homelessness funding until some fairs issued a memorandum in ear- memo alleviated some of her nonprofit groups spoke against it. ly February that officially reverses doubts. “The National Coalition Monet agreed if the VA were to plans to shift millions of dollars for Homeless Veterans is pleased make changes, stakeholders should from a VA account dedicated to that the [VA] has announced a know beforehand. “We hope VA combating veteran homelessness. decision not to move HUD-VASH will carefully examine any changes Steve Young, VA deputy undersec- case management funding for the it may propose to critical pro- retary for health, sent the memo rest of the fiscal year,” she wrote grams for homeless veterans to Tuesday to all VA network direc- in an email. “This commitment ensure there will be no unintended tors, homeless coordinators and must remain in the years to confusion for, or adverse impact medical center directors. It states come.” on, the veterans these programs the VA will not reallocate funds Shulkin explained to Congress serve,” she said. Tuesday’s memo this fiscal year earmarked for a last month that his intent was to followed another VA directive in veteran housing program known move funding from HUD-VASH January that delayed shifting the as HUD-VASH, in which the VA into a general-purpose account to homeless funding.
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