Fulton Daily Leader, September 3, 1946 Fulton Daily Leader
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Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 9-3-1946 Fulton Daily Leader, September 3, 1946 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, September 3, 1946" (1946). Fulton Daily Leader. 443. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/443 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FULTON DA;IX LEADER Fulton, Kentucky, Tueaey Evening, September 3, 1946. No, 210 mt, Schools To Bulldogs Face Two Boum'Over X-Ray Open Fall Term May Campaign-,, To Grand Jury Big Four Plan To Cut Italy's Monday,September 9th; Nine Contests Plans Blocked ' For Assault Are Scheduled Postwar Strength Approved; In 1946 Season Williarn St and E. W Pintheewart - September 13-18 Enro ent Of 790 Is Expected By Mead Group egar were bound over to I Trieste Future Hotly Debated ea grand Jury under $500 bond each Wils n Gantt Is Tiptonville High First May Be Ordered this morning by Judge lain Ad- First Locations Are Total Armed Force The Weather Opponent Sept. 20th ams following their trial on Hickman And Cayce; Dove Season HSPrincipal; For Gorenflo's Squad To Testify Agaits charges of assault and battery Service Free Of Charge Of Axis Partner Kintadiy—Falr with mederste against D. T. Creedle, Plain 6 Others Added temporataire tonight; Waimea- Coach J. B. Clomnno today lf He Makes Race Street merchant. Free x-ray clinics sponsored Opened Here Set At 297,500 in the day essetly Weedy, probably fel- announced a nine-game schedule Creedie was struck head by the Woman's Club in coopera- lows' by mattered Mowers in for his 1946 Bulldogs of the grid- with a bottle at his store Sun- FACULTY WILL MEET SUBPOENA AWAITS Hit tion with the Fulton county SIAVS, ITALIANS CLAM Weal pestles. iron, leading off with Tipton- day evening, officers said, and With A Bang health department will be held ARM! 1946-47 enrollment at Teenessee: Featly Weedy with ville here September 20. Washington, Sept 3--( AP I Stewart, Pinner and Roy Sean Parts, Sep. 3— (AP).—"Ber were arrested for questioning In th's county September 13 city schools, which begin moderate temperature tonight Other games on the Fulton Any move by Rep. May (D-K). Four" recommendations that the yesterday. Ninirneis Report Nice and Weasesday. card for this fall are: to wage an active reelection ca.' -. through 18, the health depart- all terms next Monday, 18 Seay was released, Judge Ad- Italian Army, Navy and Airforce Exteeded Pereeast: Kentucky Sept 27, Russellville there. ment announced today. Bag For First Day; to be approximately paign seemeo nkely today }o ams added. be limited to 297,000 men—only Insnessine (threes:it Sesday) Oct. 4, Dresden here. Bird Supper Enjoyed ism Increase of three to and prompt new demands for an ado- Dates and places in which the wIB Oct. 11, Murray here. a fraction of war-time strength r cent over last year's —Tempwatares tee Period perance here to explain his eta. clinic will be in operation are: degrees below normal; Oct. le Union City there. Local nimrods turned out in --were approved unanimously to- according to Supertn- MOW 3 nectior. with the Garason M ' Hickman, September 13—at Thersday, weenier Retar- Oct. 25, Martin there. a large numbers Monday for day by the Military W. L. Holland. Meier tions Combine. 1st District Can Western School. for whites and the Commiadon shearers late Wednesday and Nov. I, Greenfield here. teachers have been der Aides of the Senate war colored, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.; Sep- opening of the dove season, of the 21-Nation Peace confer- totaling &heat ~- Nov. .3. Mayfield there. silty faculties, Mr. Hal- TIalmilay yeetigating Comm!ttee said tember 14—Main Street, 9 a. m. Scores of sportsmen were in the enee. third el am Mel'. Nov. 15, Princeton here. Elect Cooper, Wilson Gantt, Mar- Thirty candidates for spots on group expects a report to 3 p. m.: September 16—at field early Monday morning and Under the approval provisions. College graduate, is from May's Prestonsburg, Last Hickman school 9 a. m. to this year's eleven are reporting reported doves to be plentiful Italy is Permitted to have an pal of the high school. physicians on the Congre noon. for practice daily this week at Willis . Army of 250.000 I including 0,- faculty meeting will physical condition. May fa Asserts Cayce. September 16, 1:30 to 3 this year. • ;World Headed 9.00 and 3:40. 000 Carabinern. a Navy of 10.10 be held in the nigh school build- to appear before the Senate p. m. returned to the city late *They 1 I Co-es.ptains are Hunter White- with many and an Airforce of 25,000. at 910 Monday morning. rnittee when he was stricken Fulton, September 16, 17, and In the morning Ing sell, euerd sAd Pal Boaz, back, Prediction Made She is barred from ocassirion and students will last month. 18. amusing incidents and stories.. /September 9, For Next War, both seniors. of aircraft carriers and her lane report instructors at 1 I On his last 'fist to Was Those taking advantage of One story that every hunter to their Other squad mnnbers are At G.O. P. Rally airforce is restricted to 200 fight- Monday. Classes will meet:Mi nist ton, Chairman Mead (D-Nyt), this free service are advised to brought back that was net SO p. m. Danny Baird, senior, back, 135 era and reconniamance planes Tuesday school will be 1 told reporters the committee Is dress in ordinary, every-day amusing was that there were morning. er Says I lbs.; Billy Bone, Junior, end, 170: On Ky. Lake with an additional 110 transport nocn, and • keeping a careful watch On clothes. All adults and all chit- more game wardens than hunt- adjourned that day at I Jack Browder, senior, guard, 145; several and training planes. first full day of classwork May's condition and is preparlid dreg under 16 years of age who era. of the sportsmen es- . the ;Billy Browning, eighth grade, CITES HIS OWN RACE i The military commission ac- held Wednesday. Sep- to issue a new subpoena whip have had contact with known that there were a r wilt be Dr.A. C.Baker back, 115; Royce Bynum, junior, cepted the Foreign he recovers sufficiently to test! oases of tuberculosis are urged minimum of 15 state game ward- Ministers' 11. , guard. 145; Dan Collings, eighth Paducah, Ky., Sept. draft setting the strength of members of the city Tells Rotary Of May said in a statement f to have an x-ray made. ens in Fulton county yesterday. tig:r I grade, guard, 115; Curtis Craven, Gov. Simeon Willis belives John the Carabinieril (state police) at in addltion to Mr. his home recently that he Further information may be staff, Fears For Future Junior, guard 150, Jerry Forrest, Sherman Cooper can win the A few arrests were reported 00,000 after Yugoslavia with- Mies Christine Jones, campaign for reelection, but secured from the Fulton county another but , are: r freshman, end, 138; B. Joe For- United States Senatorial elec- for one violation or drew an amendment to Unlit the second grade did not state whether he health depaetment oMee. first and I rest, back, 160, Lloyd Orymes, tion by 50,000 votes if 25,000 the consensus of opinion of the force to 30,000 -Norman; Miss GOD" conduct an active, personal ward- r at Terry "GO BACK TO senior tnikle, 165; Aubrey Olas- Republicans in the First District hunters was that the game Without debate the Nashville. Tenn., or possibly depend on nsik) looking for Ten- Warren, , cow, sophomore, tackle, 170, vote in the November elections. ens were here commission adopted all MK school music teethe.; Dr. A. C Baker, visiting evaxi- I Read Round, speeches. He was unopposed Ain instead of Ken- Junior, tackle, The Chief executive said so W.E Palmer nessee hunters of the Naval limitation Carter, La Verne, Tenn., 'OA at the First Baptist church, the Kentucky primary. t tucker hunters. , 158; Johnny Hylends, sophomore, yesterday at a District rally at drafted by the Foreign inathema- warned members of the Fulton Mead said the committee hits r high school back i • 1121111 Jmp. n1, Kentucky Lake. Ronald Jones was among the council, including one on - Rotary club today that the world not yet been furnished with Sunday In assistant win balk, 145. He told a crowd estimated at Dies dove hur.ters who got sidetrack- poesession of aircraft I,. headed for a third major con- copy of the audit May told an" mach; Ian Marione Jerry Lowe, senicr, center, 185, 3,000 persons that when he won ed awl killed a squirrel. When and submarines. Wel flict unless the leaders of the end, House on July 8 was being the squirrel fell to the ground quoit, °mower. Oths Union, sophomore, the Governorship in 1143 by 8.000 FLEET DICIUMON DIELATUS larger nations agree to let the of his financial connections Weakley Co. bone in ;IWO. Lett* Pierce, Nash, 130; Leon Mann, sophomore, votes, he polled led* in the he had a horse his mouth Approval of *Big Four" teachings of Christ guide their the Cumberland Lumber Co., home science. high back, 140; Diet Meacham.