Township with the Suburban Newspaper Largest in Guaranteed This Area Circulation
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MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District VOL. VI.—No. 17 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1941 PRICE THREE CENTS Raritan Defense Council \ Safety Council To Discuss 4th Annual Fixes Dates For Meetings Chief Cites'-Missing First Chance, HousewivesPupil Shift Buying Of New Ambulance Two Parties RARITAN TOWNSHIP—The RARITAN TOWNSHIP— recently organized Local De- Hazard M^ Aluminum Collection Repeat The Raritan Township Safety Derby Date fense Council will meet in the Fight Set Council will meet tonight at the Undecided 1 Municipal Building, Piscataway- Arranges To Accommodate Them; Sets July Mayfair Grill, Route 25, to dis- town, at 8 P. M. on the third cuss the purchase of a used am- Monday of each month, Com- 1 O s Second Date For Town To Pick Up Old Utensils By Raritan ibulance to replace the old ve- On Tickets August 23 missioner James Forgione yes- hicle at Menlo Park. terday announced. The first FORDS — Numerous requests for a repeat perform- The Menlo Park Safety Squad, Youths Between 9 And 15 session is scheduled to take Movement Of Explosives ance of last Saturday's collection of aluminum-ware now using the discarded ambu- Democrats7 Problem Ap- place July 21. Township Board To Push lance of the Piscatawaytown for National Defense convinced Township Attorney first aid unit, is having consid- Eligible To Compete In At Arsenal Brings Leon E. McElroy, secretary of the Local Defense Council, Battle To Transfer erable difficulty operating the parently Too Many Can- relic. Soap-Box Classic to set aside Saturday, July 26, as a second collection date didates; GOP, Too Few Prospective Draftees Grandjean Warning in Woodbridge Township. 9th Grade Students Have Questionnaires The local drive is in cooperation with the national LOCATION UNDECIDED; 2 STATE DEPARTMENTS j campaign which will take place HEARING TO BE HELD Town To Get $46,319 RIVALRY IN 2ND, 3RD ! July 21-2!) inclusive. Woodbridge PRIZES ARE OFFERED Registrants In 1st Call (Township beat other municipalities BY ELLIOTT JULY 24 Cut From State Levy WARDS FRETS FORMER Get Forms In Classication to the gun by conducting its first Sensations collection last Saturday. This Sum Expected By Col- Total Cost of 'Cars' Limi- Step Immediate Consideration A small truck load of used alum- Local Officials Claim Plan Dunigan Petitions In Circu- lector Next Week, Due WOODBRIDGE—-Continuing at inum coffee pots, frying pans and Promised To Use Woodbridge Will ted To $3.00; Length Is a brisk pace, the local Draft Board Of Problem Raised By other kitchen items was collected In Utility Taxes lation ; Republican In- this week mailed out scores more Saturday throughout the Town- Effect Big Savings Restricted To 6 Feet of questionnaires to registrants in Defense Work, Urged ship. It will all go into airplane WOODBRlDGE — A check for cumbents Are Silent the first selective service call. parts and other needed items in At Carnival $46,319.80 in gross receipts and the national defense program. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — De- Those to whom the ques- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Chief franchise taxes on public utility FORDS — Primary election IB WOODBRIDGE—It's here! It':; tionnaires were sent follow: Four township owned trucks spite strong opposition from other companies, representing balance Soap Box Derby time. For the of Police Charles Grand jean yes- Fords Fire Company Spon- municipalities,, particularly New scarcely two 'months away, and •Henry Kress, 102 'Maxwell Avc, terday formally requested that the toured the entire township last due the Township for 1038 and while the Democrats apparent^ past few years, the 'down-hill Fords;'Stephen Petruseck, Elm St., Saturday, but in many instances Brunswick, the local Board of Ed- 1939, is anticipated by Tax Collec- races in home-made buggies has Fords; James Muiray, 5,3 Second state highway and motor vehicle soring Zachini Shows ucation plans to go the limit to tor Michael J. Trainer early next have a plethora of would-be housewives were not prepared to candidates for at least throo of tho taken the nation by storm. St., Woodbridge; Walter Rosen- departments give immediate con- contribute aluminum utensils. As have its high school tuition pupils week. The Woodbridge Recreation berg, East St., Colonia; Steve Cin- Starting Monday transported to Woodbridge High four Township offices to bo filled. sideration to the ti'affic problems a result, Mr. McElroy and the The moneys which had been held the Republicans may havo some Department will sponsor its fourth kota, 115 Watson Avc., Wood- township road department received School. annual derby for township boys bridge; Casper Boehn, 538 West which have been created lately up pending the outcome of state difficulty in filling a slate. Both through increased defense activity many phone calls to send trucks Dr. Charles H. Elliott, state court litigation -,vill bo released tickets are unknown quantities. between the ages of nine and fif- Avc, Sewarcn; John Coryell, 499 back for pickup of articles. This FORDS PARK IS SCENE commissioner of education, has by State Treasurer William H. Al- teen. The event will take place Harroll Ave., Woodbridge; John at the Raritan Arsenal. condition prompted the second arranged for a hearing of the pro- bright, who, on Wednesday, was Practically everywhere you turn Saturday afternoon, August 23, Keating, 21 E. Green St., Wood- Chief Grandjean's request for collection date July 26. OF MAMMOTH BAZAAR there is someone willing to run for bridge; Peter Gatson, 215 Bamford posed transfer of students in the ordered to distribute to municipali- at 2 o'clock, at a location to be assistance was prompted hy an in- Middlesex County Court House, ties $7,759,820 in gross receipts something on the Democratic announced later. Avc., Woodbridge; Paul Katravsky, creasingly heavy traffic condition Schedule Repeated ticket, provided, of course, you for- Coppernic Ave., Keasbey; William New Brunswick, Thursday morn- and franchise taxes. Prizes and trophies will be on roads in the vicinity of the ar- The same collection schedule 'Human Cannonball' Fea- ing, July 24, at 10 A. M. get all about the mayoralty. On awarded the winners. Samuel Toryak, Omar Avc, Avenel; Nor- senal and the hazardous condition will be held. Two trucks will oper- The court litigation involved the the assumption that Mayor August Gioe, recreation director, is ar- man Kilby, 924 Rahway Ave., brought about by the movement of ate in Fords, Keasbey and Hope- New Brunswick's school board method of distributing the fund.s. F. Greiner will seek a fifth tarm, Avenel; Frank DcBerardino, RFD railroad cars carrying explosives. lawn from i) A. M., to 12 noon; tured Among Many is expected to raise considerable Woodbridge, as well as oilier small- although ho has confided his inten- ranging for band music for that No. 2, Rahway; Louis Malon, 175 er municipalities in the state, bene- day. An accident on Route 25, which one truck will cover Iselin, Colonia opposition to the plan. Other ob- tions to no-ono, there is a notice- Bergen St., Woodbridge; Edward might have caused serious disaster, and Avenel from 9 A. M., to 12 Attractions jectors will include Perth Am- fitted by the final court decision. able lack of enthusiasm on the part Johnston, Ii32 Howard St., Hope- was pointed out by the police chief. noon, and one truck will be as- boy, Metuchen and Highland Park. The Township's gain amounted to of any of the eligibles to jump into Perth Amboy Derby lawn; George Flynn, Wylic St. and He said that a car traveling on the signed to Woodbridge, Sewaren FORDS—Starting Monday ami All four school districts, as well more than §20,000. the ring with him. Some, of tho Ziegler Ave., Avenel; Stephen Si- Mr. Gioe last night announced highway swerved bradside into a and Port Reading during the same continuing through Saturday as Raritan Township, will be rep- In addition to the $46,319.80 Democratic leaders, hi fact, haven't that youngsters desirous of en- pos, Jr., 75 Cramp ton Ave., Wood- railroad car carrying explosives. hours. resented at the hearing. due for 1938 and 1939, taxes for been the least bit shy in declaring bridge; Kalman Kedves, 20 Claire The driver fortunately applied the night, Zachini Bros. Shows, one tho bid for Mayor no content and tering in the Out-of-Town class All articles are to be left on the Raritan Township wants to send 1941 .total $81,815.11. of the 6 th Annual Runyon Ave., Woodbridge; Christopher brakes of his cav in time to avoid of the largest traveling carnivals permitting Mr. Greiner to run un- Matisa, 64 Campbell St., Wood- front steps of each home so that its high school tuition pupils to Franchise taxes for 1.938 and opposed. Soap Box Derby in Perth Am- a hard impact -with the explosive- in the country, will present a 1939 amount to $29,033.89, while bridge; Julius iSzucs, 115 William laden freight car, the chief stated. a watch can be kept on them until Woodbridge for the purpose of boy, Wednesday afternoon, St., Amboy Heights. collected. Only Township trucks wide variety of entertainment at effecting a huge saving in the cost gross receipts for the same period It should be added, however, Had a large truck hit the freight 1 July 23, at 2 o'clock, can do so art authorized to pick up donated the triangle opposite Fords Park. of educating: high school students. total $16,285.91. Gross receipts that this opinion is by no means by obtaining an entry blank Thomas Coughlm, 51 Sherry St., car, the chief said, the results items. and franchise taxes for 1941 unanimous and even if tho •ther might have been disastrous for the Appearance of the giant show Tuition costs per pupil at Wood- from him at the Parish House, Woodbridgo; George Kearney, 146 bridge are considerably lower than amount to $32,000.51 and $40,- school is not at all sanguino about entire area.