Antisemitic Anti-Zionism: the Root of Labour's Crisis. a Submission To

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Antisemitic Anti-Zionism: the Root of Labour's Crisis. a Submission To Antisemitic anti-Zionism: the root of Labour’s crisis A submission to the Labour Party inquiry into antisemitism and other forms of racism Professor Alan Johnson June 2016 Antisemitic anti-Zionism: the root of Labour’s Palestine, pro-Israel, pro-peace crisis 4.4 A final word Professor Alan Johnson is Senior Research Fellow at the Britain Israel Communications and Introduction Research Centre (BICOM), founder and editor of Fathom: for a deeper understanding of Israel Everything depends on the Labour Party and the region, and a registered Labour Party understanding what it is dealing with: almost supporter (Unite). never old-fashioned Jew hatred, almost always modern antisemitic anti-Zionism – a programme to abolish Israel, a movement to boycott Israel CONTENTS and discourse to demonise Israel. To combat it, the party needs to understand the historical roots, Introduction ideological tributaries, contemporary modes and forms of expressions of antisemitic anti-Zionism. Part 1: Ideological Tributaries 1.1 Rethinking our values: assimilationism, * universalism, the Jews and the Left 1.2 Ideological Tributary: Communism and ‘anti- Antisemitism is the most protean of hatreds and Cosmopolitanism’ it has shape-shifted again (Gidley 2011). Labour 1.3 Ideological Tributary: The New Left and ‘anti- does not have a neo-Nazi problem. It does, Zionism’ however, have a problem with a modern anti- 1.4 Ideological Tributary: Islam, Islamism and Zionism of a particularly excessive, obsessive, and antisemitism demonising kind, which has co-mingled with an older set of classical antisemitic tropes, images Part 2: Modes and assumptions to create antisemitic anti- 2.1 The Programme to abolish Israel Zionism (Wistrich 1984, 1991, 2004, 2009, 2012; 2.2 The Discourse to demonise Israel Johnson 2015a, 2016). Antisemitic anti-Zionism Annexe: OK, this discourse is offensive, but is it bends the meaning of Israel and Zionism out of really antisemitic? shape until both become receptacles for those 2.3 The Movement to exclude Israelis tropes, images and ideas. Part 3: Expressions In short, that which the demonological Jew once 3.1 Antisemitic anti-Zionism and the membership was in older forms of antisemitism, demonological 3.2 Antisemitic anti-Zionism and the leadership Israel now is in contemporary anti-Semitic anti- Zionism: uniquely malevolent, full of blood lust, Part 4: Recommendations all-controlling, the hidden hand, tricksy, always 4.1 Adopt a version of the EUMC Working acting in bad faith, the obstacle to a better, Definition of antisemitism purer, more spiritual world, uniquely deserving 4.2 A political education programme of punishment, and so on (Johnson 2015b, Hirsh 4.3 Create a new party campaign: ‘Pro’: pro- 2007, 2013b). and is structured as follows. Antisemitism’s core motif is that the Jews, collectively and in their essence, are not just Part 1 of the submission sets out three ideological Other but also malign. However, the content of tributaries of contemporary left-wing antisemitic this perceived malignity changes with the times anti-Zionism. and with the needs of the anti-Semites. ‘God- killers,’ ‘aliens,’ ‘cosmopolitans,’ ‘sub-humans’ and (a) Communist cold-war antisemitism, presented now ‘Zionists’ have all served as code words to as ‘anti-Zionism’. mark the Jew for destruction. (b) New Left ‘anti-imperialist’ thinking that depicts Israel as evil and illegitimate, and seeks the end Antisemitic anti-Zionism does not ‘criticise’ of the Jewish state. Israel—it demonises it. It is a form of antisemitism (c) an antisemitism that has its roots in parts – I dependent upon demonising constructs of stress parts – of the Muslim community. ‘Zionism’ and ‘Israel’. While classic antisemitism wanted to make the world Judenfrei, free of Jews, Part 2 sets out the three modes of contemporary antisemitic anti-Zionism wants to make the world antisemitic anti-Zionism found within parts of the Judenstaatrein, free of a Jewish state. party. To grasp the relationship between antisemitism First, the programme to abolish Israel. and anti-Zionism today, imagine them as two circles. Some party members – very few, if any, Second, a discourse to demonise Israel. true be told – imagine that, viewed from above, one would see only one circle, because the first Third, the movement to boycott Israel. fits exactly atop the second; to them, anti-Zionism simply is antisemitism. Other party members These three modes – programme, movement, – many, many more, as the suspensions make and discourse – should be considered together, clear – see two circles that never touch and never each interacting with and reinforcing the other, could touch. For them, anti-Zionism – no matter creating an environment uniquely conducive to what claims it makes about Zionism and Israel, in the spread of antisemitic anti-Zionism on the left. whatever demonising language these claims are expressed, whatever hate-filled and obsessive Part 3 examines some of the recent expressions spirit animates them, however close is the of antisemitic anti-Zionism within the party and relationship of their ‘criticism of Israel’ to classic claims that, almost without exceptions, they antisemitic tropes, images, and ideas about involve modern antisemitic anti-Zionism not old- ‘the Jew’, and whether or not their ‘criticism’ fashioned Nazi-style Jew hatred. It also suggests also involves full-throated support for violent that the problem of anti-Semitic anti-Zionism is antisemites such as Hamas and Hezbollah – is found among some leaders of the party as well always and only just that: legitimate ‘criticism of as among parts of the membership. Israel’. Part 4 makes three recommendations to tackle The problem the party faces is that neither way antisemitic anti-Zionism within the party: the of conceptualising today’s relationship between adoption of the EUMC Working Definition of antisemitism and anti-Zionism – absolute antisemitism, a political education programme to identity or total separation – is able to properly educate the party in its spirit, and a new Labour grasp the phenomenon which has prompted this party campaign: ‘Pro’ – pro-Palestine, pro-Israel, enquiry. ‘Moving on’ is only possible for the party pro-peace. if it understands that antisemitism has moved on again: in short, the two circles now overlap in complex ways, creating a new phenomenon: antisemitic anti-Zionism. Part 1: Ideological Tributaries This submission focuses on that phenomenon There is no wave of popular antisemitism in the UK. Rather, there are three distinct political the Jews as a people with the right to national antisemitisms; on the dwindling far right; in parts self-determination as opposed to individuals with – I stress parts – of the British Muslim community; civil rights. Much of the Left hoped to dissolve and in parts – again, I stress parts – of the Left. Jewish peoplehood in the solvent of progressive This submission is concerned almost exclusively universalism. The proletariat, understood as the with the last. universalist class par excellence, was to make a world revolution, and this would solve ‘the Jewish Left-wing antisemitism has never been the question’ once and for all, ‘in passing’ (Geras dominant strand of opinion on the Left, and it is 2013; Johnson 2015b). not so today; not by a long chalk. But it has always existed, it is growing today, and it is causing a But this left-wing universalism was always breakdown in the relationship between Jews ‘spurious’ as Norman Geras put it, because it and the Left (Steve Cohen 1984; Ben Cohen 2004; singled out the Jews as ‘special amongst other Wistrich 2012). groups’ in the sense that it obliged the Jews to ‘settle for forms of political freedom in which their identity may not be asserted collectively.’ ‘Jews,’ 1.1 Rethinking our values: assimilationism, Geras noted, ‘must be satisfied, instead, merely universalism, the Jews and the Left with the rights available to them as individuals’ (Geras 2013). The contemporary Left needs to rethink its relationship to a couple of its own values – Of course, in the 19th century and the early assimilation and universalism. It needs to 20th century, many European Jews were keen understand better how it has misused those supporters of both universalism and assimilation; values in its understanding of Israel and the Jews, it was the name of their desire too. But world allowing them to prevent a serious engagement history went another way and Jewish history with the history of the 20th century, and, as a went with it. This is the way that history went: result, those values have badly misshapen its the degeneration of the Russian Revolution into relationship to Zionism as a project and Israel Stalinism and antisemitism, the failure of the as a state. European socialist revolution, the rise of Fascism and Nazism, the unprecedented transformation There has always been a distinct tradition of of the assault upon the Jews in the form of the left-wing antisemitism. As a Labour student, the Shoah, an industrial-scale genocide in the author worked with the Union of Jewish Students heart of Europe, the expulsion of the Jews from in the mid 1980s against the far-left campaign to the Arab lands. All this left the appeal to Jews ban Jewish Societies from UK university campuses of assimilationism and universalism in tatters on the grounds that they were ‘Zionist’. Left-wing (Deutscher 1958). antisemitism got going during the foundations of the socialist movement in the late 19th century as In response, Jews insisted on defining their parts of the left, often as a tactical ploy, identified own mode of participation in modernity and ‘The Jew’ with finance capitalism. August Bebel, in universal emancipation: support for Zionism the German Social Democrat leader, shook his and a homeland for the Jews; the creation of head at all this and called it the ‘socialism of Israel, a nation-state in a world of nation-states. fools’ (Steve Cohen 1984, Wistrich 2012).
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