Н. К. Дмитриева

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Изд. № 54 EDUCATIONANDENGINEERING CIVIL Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования ПЕТРОЗАВОДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ 185910, Петрозаводск, пр. Ленина, 33 https://petrsu.ru Тел. (8142) 71-10-01 Изготовлено в Издательстве ПетрГУ 185910, Петрозаводск, пр. Ленина, 33 URL: press.petrsu.ru/UNIPRESS/UNIPRESS.html Н. К. Дмитриева Тел. / факс (8142) 78-15-40 [email protected] Education and Civil Engineering

Учебное электронное пособие по английскому языку для обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавриата «Строительство» Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования ПЕТРОЗАВОДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ

Н. К. Дмитриева Education and Civil Engineering Учебное электронное пособие по английскому языку для обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавриата «Строительство»

Петрозаводск Издательство ПетрГУ 2017 УДК 811.111 Unit 1 ББК 81.432.1 Д534

The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Malcolm Forbes Рецензенты: О. Л. Добрынина, доцент, Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation. кандидат педагогических наук, институт иностранных языков ПетрГУ, кафедра ИЯЕТНиС; I. Ancient Russia, ancient language, ancient people, ancient culture, feudal state, feudal tradi- tions, feudal laws, national feuds, nation, nationalities, national language, early morning, early М. Н. Горанская, доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, death, write (wrote, written), written works, written language, place, replace, replacement, exist, Карельский филиал Российской академии народного хозяйства existence, existent, existed, develop, developed, development, involve, involved, involvement, и государственной службы при Президенте civil, civilize, civilized, civilization, number, numerous, numerical, treasures, treasure funds, Российской Федерации, кафедра иностранных языков. found, founded, foundation, follow, following, follower, during, durable, duration, accumulate, accumulated, accumulation, know (knew, known), knowledge, knowledgeable, phenomena, phe- nomenal, high, height, the heighest, monasteries, monks, monarchs, education, educational, edu- cated, large, enlarge, enlargement, libraries, librarian, equip, equipment, well-equipped, book- making, book reading, shops, confident, confidently, confidentially, children, church, chose, curl, curriculum, curve, turn, return, surprise, copy, cover, center, city, cease, origin, original, Дмитриева, Наталия Константиновна. originate, originally. Д534 Education and Civil Engineering : учебное электронное пособие по английскому языку для обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавриата «Строительство» / II. Revolution, pre-revolutionary Russia, network of primary school, primary education, common Н. К. Дмитриева ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. people, common schools, commercial schools, well-off people, noble, nobility, never, neverthe- образоват. учреждение высш. образования Петрозавод. гос. ун-т. — Электрон. дан. — less, literacy, illiteracy, illiterate, teacher, teach (taught, taught) think (thought, thought), thinker, Петрозаводск : Издательство ПетрГУ, 2017. — 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-R) ; 12 см. — catch (caught, caught) catcher, bring (brought, brought), range, ranging, ranger, admit, admis- Систем. требования : РС, МАС с процессором Intel 1,3 ГГц и выше ; Windows, MAC sion, admitted, attend, attendance, attention, attentive, nature, literature, culture, manufacture, OSX ; 256 Мб ; видеосистема : разрешение экрана 800×600 и выше ; графический уско- law, lawyer, lawful, physics, physical, logic, logical, rhetoric, rhetorical, train, aim, aimless, ритель (опционально) ; мышь или другое аналогичное устройство. — Загл. с этикетки claim, fail, failure, intelligent, intelligentsia, intellectuals, her, term, firm, service, graduate, диска. graduation, higher educational institution, higher education establishment, initiative, initiate, ISBN 978-5-8021-2303-4 guarantee, guarantor, constitution, constitutional, conduct, conductor, through, throughout, com- Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для обучающихся по направлению подготов- pulsory, complete, completion, pass, passage, password, passenger, receive, receiver, month, ки бакалавриата «Строительство» и содержит тексты и задания, направленные на развитие monthly, depend, independent, independence. навыков чтения, перевода и взаимодействия на иностранном языке по вопросам изученных тем. При составлении пособия использовалась учебная литература с частично адаптирован- III. Power, powerful, powerless, democracy, democratic, democrat, society, social, socialism, ными текстами, оригинальная литература и электронные ресурсы. Каждый раздел включает introduce, introduction, introductory, inform, information, informative, science, scientific, scien- в себя несколько текстов для изучающего чтения с разработанными заданиями на понимание tist, compute, computers, computable, appear, appearance, disappear, human, humanities, hu- их содержания, овладение новой лексикой и усвоение базового лексико-грамматического ма- териала раздела. Упражнения различны по своему характеру и ориентированы на самостоя- manitarian, leave (left, left), leavers, entertain, entertainment, entertaining, broad, abroad, тельную работу обучающихся. Broadway, change, changeable, exchange, exchangeable, unchangeable, doubt, doubtful, un- doubtedly, stable, stability, stabilize, who, whom, whose, whole. УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432.1 Exercise 2. Study the following phrases.

1. Ancient times древние времена © Дмитриева Н. К., 2017 2. Replacement of books замена книг © Петрозаводский государственный 3. Cultural treasures культурные сокровища ISBN 978-5-8021-2303-4 университет, 2017 4. Numerous book shops многочисленные книгопечатные мастерские

5. Illiteracy among common people безграмотность простолюдинов 6. Well-educated nobility хорошо образованная знать

3 3

Unit 1

The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Malcolm Forbes

Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation.

I. Ancient Russia, ancient language, ancient people, ancient culture, feudal state, feudal tradi- tions, feudal laws, national feuds, nation, nationalities, national language, early morning, early death, write (wrote, written), written works, written language, place, replace, replacement, exist, existence, existent, existed, develop, developed, development, involve, involved, involvement, civil, civilize, civilized, civilization, number, numerous, numerical, treasures, treasure funds, found, founded, foundation, follow, following, follower, during, durable, duration, accumulate, accumulated, accumulation, know (knew, known), knowledge, knowledgeable, phenomena, phe- nomenal, high, height, the heighest, monasteries, monks, monarchs, education, educational, edu- cated, large, enlarge, enlargement, libraries, librarian, equip, equipment, well-equipped, book- making, book reading, shops, confident, confidently, confidentially, children, church, chose, curl, curriculum, curve, turn, return, surprise, copy, cover, center, city, cease, origin, original, originate, originally.

II. Revolution, pre-revolutionary Russia, network of primary school, primary education, common people, common schools, commercial schools, well-off people, noble, nobility, never, neverthe- less, literacy, illiteracy, illiterate, teacher, teach (taught, taught) think (thought, thought), thinker, catch (caught, caught) catcher, bring (brought, brought), range, ranging, ranger, admit, admis- sion, admitted, attend, attendance, attention, attentive, nature, literature, culture, manufacture, law, lawyer, lawful, physics, physical, logic, logical, rhetoric, rhetorical, train, aim, aimless, claim, fail, failure, intelligent, intelligentsia, intellectuals, her, term, firm, service, graduate, graduation, higher educational institution, higher education establishment, initiative, initiate, guarantee, guarantor, constitution, constitutional, conduct, conductor, through, throughout, com- pulsory, complete, completion, pass, passage, password, passenger, receive, receiver, month, monthly, depend, independent, independence.

III. Power, powerful, powerless, democracy, democratic, democrat, society, social, socialism, introduce, introduction, introductory, inform, information, informative, science, scientific, scien- tist, compute, computers, computable, appear, appearance, disappear, human, humanities, hu- manitarian, leave (left, left), leavers, entertain, entertainment, entertaining, broad, abroad, Broadway, change, changeable, exchange, exchangeable, unchangeable, doubt, doubtful, un- doubtedly, stable, stability, stabilize, who, whom, whose, whole.

Exercise 2. Study the following phrases.

1. Ancient times древние времена 2. Replacement of books замена книг 3. Cultural treasures культурные сокровища 4. Numerous book shops многочисленные книгопечатные мастерские

5. Illiteracy among common people безграмотность простолюдинов 6. Well-educated nobility хорошо образованная знать

3 4

Окончание табл. 1.1. What significant developments helped Rus to grow into a state of high culture and deep 7. To realize dreams осуществить мечты knowledge?

8. Feudal states феодальные государства 2. In pre-revolutionary Russia there was a network of primary schools for common people. Ne- 9. To conduct a research провести исследование vertheless, illiteracy among common people was very high. Well-off people taught their children 10. To complete a course of study завершить курс обучения in grammar schools, commercial schools or secondary schools. 11. To receive higher education получить высшее образование 12. Educational establishment образовательное учреждение There were also schools for nobles only. Entrance to those schools was limited. For example, at lyceum where A. S. Pushkin studied, the number of pupils ranged from thirty to one hundred. 13. To fail state exams не сдать (провалить) гоcэкзамены Only boys at the age of 10 or 12 from noble families of high rank were admitted to study there. 14. To pass entrance exams сдать вступительные экзамены The course lasted for six years. They were taught many different subjects. The most important 15. Semester term семестр were Russian literature, history, geography, mathematics, physics, logic, law, rhetoric and such 16. To develop quickly быстро развиваться foreign languages as French, English, German and Latin. Great attention was paid to different 17. To appear появляться, оказываться arts and physical training: riding, swimming, fencing and dancing. The aim of this school was to 18. To brings up воспитывать bring up intelligent people in the broad sense of the word. Those who graduated from such edu- 19. The numbers may range число может меняться cational institutions usually entered the service of their country to realize their abilities and 20. To enter the service of the country пойти на госслужбу knowledge to the benefit of their state. 21. Academic curriculum академический план 22. The latest alterations недавние изменения 2.1. What characteristic features were inherent to the educational system of the pre- 23. Well off people состоятельные люди revolutionary Russia? 24. In accordance with в соответствии с 3. The history of higher education in Russia goes back to 1785 when the first University was Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences. founded in Moscow on the initiative of M. V. Lomonosov. The university was structured in ac- cordance with his plan. Later, universities were opened in many other big cities of the country. 1. Throughout centuries a small nation has managed to preserve its numerous cultural treas- ures and to maintain its ancient local traditions. 2. Replacement of the old academic plans for a set of new and more challenging curriculums 3.1. What educational establishment served as a precursor of the subsequent academic system? involved all higher educational establishments of the Russian Federation. 3. The purpose of conducted scientific research was to establish the level of literacy among 4. After the revolution in 1917 education was guaranteed to Soviet citizens by the Constitution common people of ancient Russia. and was free of charge, including higher education. Teaching at schools was conducted in almost 4. It takes years of work and study to bring up well educated and intelligent people. all national languages. The system of education was the same throughout the country. School 5. The number of students may range from year to year. attendance was compulsory for those between 7 and 15. Those who completed their secondary 6. It has always been prestigious to enter the service of your own country. education and passed entrance examinations to higher education establishments received month- 7. New academic curriculums were introduced at all high schools and colleges. ly grants if they did not fail examinations that they took at the end of each term. Higher educa- 8. The latest alterations in the political life of the country have influenced the system of higher tion lasted for five years. education in Russia. 9. In accordance with the academic curriculum we had to take exams in English in the second 4.1. What characteristic features were intrinsic to the Russian post-revolutionary educational semester. system?

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following text. 5. In 1991 the former fifteen republics of the Soviet Union became independent states. The Rus- sian Federation, the biggest and the most powerful of them, began to develop as a democratic Education in Russia state. From the very start democratic reforms were brought into various fields of human life. The 1. Ancient Rus was one of the early feudal states and held a leading place in the world history. The latest alterations in political, economic and social conditions required changes in the system of Slavonic written language came to Rus from Bulgaria in the 9th century. Towards the end of this education. The aim of the reforms was to prepare the new growing generation for an independent century the replacement of religious books in Greek for those in the Slavonic language began. life and for the work in new conditions. Between the 10th and 13th centuries Russians developed a high civilization, which served as a New curriculums were introduced in all public schools. Along with the state schools, where edu- solid foundation of the Russian culture in the following centuries. During this period numerous cation was free of charge, there appeared many private schools, colleges, lyceums, and gymnasi- cultural treasures were accumulated. The written works of the time show that the level of ums with different courses, where students could study sciences, humanities and foreign lan- knowledge on most natural phenomena was as high as that of Ancient Greece. guages at the advanced level. Monasteries were cultural and educational centers. They had large libraries and well-equipped book-making shops, in which not only church manuscripts were copied and translated, but origi- 5.1. What events and processes prompted fundamental changes in the educational system of the nal books were also written. Today we can confidently say that Ancient Rus was a state of high Russian Federation? culture and knowledge.

4 5 5

1.1. What significant developments helped Rus to grow into a state of high culture and deep knowledge?

2. In pre-revolutionary Russia there was a network of primary schools for common people. Ne- vertheless, illiteracy among common people was very high. Well-off people taught their children in grammar schools, commercial schools or secondary schools. There were also schools for nobles only. Entrance to those schools was limited. For example, at lyceum where A. S. Pushkin studied, the number of pupils ranged from thirty to one hundred. Only boys at the age of 10 or 12 from noble families of high rank were admitted to study there. The course lasted for six years. They were taught many different subjects. The most important were Russian literature, history, geography, mathematics, physics, logic, law, rhetoric and such foreign languages as French, English, German and Latin. Great attention was paid to different arts and physical training: riding, swimming, fencing and dancing. The aim of this school was to bring up intelligent people in the broad sense of the word. Those who graduated from such edu- cational institutions usually entered the service of their country to realize their abilities and knowledge to the benefit of their state.

2.1. What characteristic features were inherent to the educational system of the pre- revolutionary Russia?

3. The history of higher education in Russia goes back to 1785 when the first University was founded in Moscow on the initiative of M. V. Lomonosov. The university was structured in ac- cordance with his plan. Later, universities were opened in many other big cities of the country.

3.1. What educational establishment served as a precursor of the subsequent academic system?

4. After the revolution in 1917 education was guaranteed to Soviet citizens by the Constitution and was free of charge, including higher education. Teaching at schools was conducted in almost all national languages. The system of education was the same throughout the country. School attendance was compulsory for those between 7 and 15. Those who completed their secondary education and passed entrance examinations to higher education establishments received month- ly grants if they did not fail examinations that they took at the end of each term. Higher educa- tion lasted for five years.

4.1. What characteristic features were intrinsic to the Russian post-revolutionary educational system?

5. In 1991 the former fifteen republics of the Soviet Union became independent states. The Rus- sian Federation, the biggest and the most powerful of them, began to develop as a democratic state. From the very start democratic reforms were brought into various fields of human life. The latest alterations in political, economic and social conditions required changes in the system of education. The aim of the reforms was to prepare the new growing generation for an independent life and for the work in new conditions. New curriculums were introduced in all public schools. Along with the state schools, where edu- cation was free of charge, there appeared many private schools, colleges, lyceums, and gymnasi- ums with different courses, where students could study sciences, humanities and foreign lan- guages at the advanced level.

5.1. What events and processes prompted fundamental changes in the educational system of the Russian Federation?

5 6

Exercise 5. Say if the following sentences are true or false. Exercise 7. Choose the right words to complete the following sentences.

1. Slavonic written language was introduced into the ancient culture of Rus at the beginning of 1. Between the 10th and the 13th centuries ancient Rus (included, received, developed) into a the 10th century. high civilization. 2. Religious books written in Greek were replaced by the books written in Bulgarian. 2. During this period numerous cultural (universities, facilities, treasures) were accumulated. 3. The first cultural treasures were accumulated by the literate representatives of ancient Rus at 3. Nevertheless (participation, illiteracy, involvement) among common people was very high. the end of the 11 century. 4. Only boys from noble families of high rank were (invited, admitted, introduced) to schools. 4. Churches of ancient Rus were well-equipped to print numerous books. 5. The history of higher (establishment, curriculum, education,) goes back to the 1775 when the 5. Illiteracy among nobility and well off people was very high. first university was (considered, continued, founded). 6. Entrance to schools for nobility was not limited. 6. After the revolution of 1917, education was (provided, guaranteed, available) by the Soviet 7. At schools for nobility great attention was paid to different arts and physical training: foot- Constitution. ball, ice hockey, skiing and singing. 7. Those who (finished, generated, graduated) from higher educational (buildings, complexes, 8. Under the Soviet power, education was guaranteed to every child and was conducted in all institutions) entered the (job, employment, service) of their country. national languages. 8. School (admittance, attendance, dependence) was compulsory. 9. Attendance at schools was compulsory. 9. Those who passed entrance exams successfully (distributed, received, established) monthly 10. Fourteen Soviet republics decided to leave the Soviet Union of Socialist States and to be- grants. come independent in 1992. 10. The system of education was the same (in, throughout, about) the country. 11. In contemporary Russia both secondary and higher education are free of charge. 11. Teaching at schools was (conducted, brought, thought) in almost all national languages.

Exercise 6. Match the following phrases in English with their translation. Exercise 8. Find synonyms of the words from the table A in the table B. 1. feudal state a. сформировать новую мировую культуру 2. to hold a leading place b. провалить экзамены Table A 3. foreign language c. быть принятым в учебное заведение academic plan to visit a hundred years 4. written language d. безграмотность среди простолюдинов free to get to enroll 5. replacement of religious books e. феодальное государство to realize pupils to finish 6. toward the end of the century f. уровень знаний 7. highly developed civilization g. высоко развитая цивилизация Many to carry out to replace 8. to develop new world culture h. учебный план 9. to form a foundation i. число студентов варьировалось Table B 10. Russian culture j. письменность Chargeless to obtain to end 11. in the following centuries k. занимать лидирующее место to accomplish millennium students 12. numerous cultural treasures l. иностранный язык to substitute numerous to accept 13. cultural and educational centers m. дворянские семьи высшего сословия 14. to accumulate strength and power n. российская культура to conduct attend curriculum 15. during the first semester term o. поступление в школу 16. the level of knowledge p. бесплатно Find antonyms of the words from the table A in the table B. 17. on most natural phenomena q. получать ежемесячную стипендию 18. as high as that of Ancient Greece r. культурные и образовательные центры Table A 19. monasteries as educational centers s. сформировать основу ancient illiteracy exit 20. illiteracy among common people t. мощное демократическое государство dependence expel insignificant 21. entrance to school u. накопить мощь и силу slavery poorly equipped private 22. noble families of high rank v. во время первого семестра to disappear native undoubtedly 23. the number of students ranged w. многочисленные культурные сокровища 24. to be admitted to the educational institution x. к концу столетия 25. attendance was compulsory y. в следующие столетия Table B 26. free of charge z. монастыри как образовательные центры to show up public intelligence 27. to receive monthly grants aa. обо всех естественных явлениях to enroll important for sure 28. to fail exams bb. посещение занятий обязательно well facilitated contemporary sovereignty 29. curriculum cc. такой же высокий, как в Древней Греции foreign entrance freedom 30. powerful democratic state dd. замена религиозных книг

6 7 7

Exercise 7. Choose the right words to complete the following sentences.

1. Between the 10th and the 13th centuries ancient Rus (included, received, developed) into a high civilization. 2. During this period numerous cultural (universities, facilities, treasures) were accumulated. 3. Nevertheless (participation, illiteracy, involvement) among common people was very high. 4. Only boys from noble families of high rank were (invited, admitted, introduced) to schools. 5. The history of higher (establishment, curriculum, education,) goes back to the 1775 when the first university was (considered, continued, founded). 6. After the revolution of 1917, education was (provided, guaranteed, available) by the Soviet Constitution. 7. Those who (finished, generated, graduated) from higher educational (buildings, complexes, institutions) entered the (job, employment, service) of their country. 8. School (admittance, attendance, dependence) was compulsory. 9. Those who passed entrance exams successfully (distributed, received, established) monthly grants. 10. The system of education was the same (in, throughout, about) the country. 11. Teaching at schools was (conducted, brought, thought) in almost all national languages.

Exercise 8. Find synonyms of the words from the table A in the table B.

Table A academic plan to visit a hundred years free to get to enroll to realize pupils to finish Many to carry out to replace

Table B Chargeless to obtain to end to accomplish millennium students to substitute numerous to accept to conduct attend curriculum

Find antonyms of the words from the table A in the table B.

Table A ancient illiteracy exit dependence expel insignificant slavery poorly equipped private to disappear native undoubtedly

Table B to show up public intelligence to enroll important for sure well facilitated contemporary sovereignty foreign entrance freedom

7 8

Exercise 9. Fill in the missing forms of the verbs or nouns and translate them. 4. The written works of the time show that the level of … knowledge on most natural … was as high as that of Ancient Greece. Verbs Nouns 5. Today we can … say that Ancient Rus was a … of high culture and knowledge. 1. a. development 6. Nevertheless, … among common people was very high. 2. attend b. 7. … to those schools was limited. 3. c. dependence 8. Great … was paid to different arts and physical training. 4. involve d. 9. The aim of this school was … intelligent people in the broad sense of the word. 5. facilitate e. 10. The history of higher education in Russia … to 1785 when the first University was founded 6. f. substitution in Moscow … of M. V. Lomonosov 7. provide g. 11. After the revolution in 1917, education was … to Soviet citizens by the Constitution and was 8. h. receiver … including higher education. 9. i. failure 12. Those who … their secondary education and … entrance examinations to higher education 10. pass j. establishments received monthly grants if they did not fail examinations that they took at the end of each term. 11. k. entrance 13. The latest changes in political, economic and social conditions … changes in the system of 12. enroll l. education. 13. m. introduction 14. The … of the reforms was to prepare the growing generation for independent life and work 14. produce n. in new conditions. 15. humanize o. 15. All schools introduced new … 16. p. education 17. q. representatives Exercise 12. Make up sentences from the following words. 18. accumulate r. 19. generate s. 1. Monasteries / cultural / became / centers / educational / and. 20. institute t. 2. People / Russia / in / pre-revolutionary / schools / a network / there was / of / primary / 21. u. appearance common / for. 22. equip v. 3. System / the / was / the country / of / education / throughout / the same. 23. w. examination 4. Sense / the aim / of / this school / to bring up / in the broad / was / intelligent / of the word / 24. include x. people. 25. absorb y. 5. Curriculums / at / new / the century / introduced / of / schools / were / at the beginning. 26. z. variation 27. establish aa. Exercise 13. Ask your partner a few questions using the content of the text.

Exercise 10. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian. 1. about the time when Rus adopted its new written language. 2. about the level of knowledge development in ancient Rus. Древняя Русь, феодальное государство, письменность, высоко развитая цивилизация, по- 3. about the place where the first book making shops were located. следующие столетия, замена религиозных книг, монастыри как образовательные центры, 4. about educational goals of the schools for nobility. глубокие изменения, сеть начальных школ, простолюдины и дворянство, число обучаю- 5. about the goals of the new curriculums’ introduction in contemporary Russia. щихся варьировалось, цель школы — воспитать высокообразованных людей, в соответст- 6. about the subjects studied at schools. вии с его планом, гарантировать всем гражданам, обязательное посещение школы, сдать вступительные экзамены, провалить экзамены, окончание семестра, характерные особен- Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences. ности, потребовать преобразований, подрастающее поколение, бесплатное высшее обра- зование, естественно-технические и гуманитарные науки. 1. Славянская письменность пришла в феодальную Русь из Болгарии в IX веке н. э. 2. К концу столетия произошла замена религиозных книг на греческом языке на книги, Exercise 11. Fill in the blanks with the missing words from the following list. написанные на славянском языке. 3. В последующие столетия Русь сформировала прочный фундамент, основанный на knowledge, passed, replacement, entrance, phenomena, developed, required, early feudal, confi- многочисленных накопленных ценностях, для развития новой цивилизации. dently, free of charge, illiteracy, completed, on the initiative, curriculums, began, held, 4. Монастыри были единственными образовательными центрами. knowledge, attention, state, to bring up, goes back, aim, guaranteed 5. Состоятельные люди обучали своих детей в грамматических школах. 1. Ancient Rus was one of the … states, which … a leading place in the world history. 6. История высшего образования в России уходит своими корнями к 1775 году, дате ос- 2. Towards the end of this century the … of religious books in Greek for those in the Slavonic нования первого российского университета. language … 7. Обучение проводилось на всех национальных языках. 3. Between the 10th and 13th centuries Russians… a high civilization

8 9 9

4. The written works of the time show that the level of … knowledge on most natural … was as high as that of Ancient Greece. 5. Today we can … say that Ancient Rus was a … of high culture and knowledge. 6. Nevertheless, … among common people was very high. 7. … to those schools was limited. 8. Great … was paid to different arts and physical training. 9. The aim of this school was … intelligent people in the broad sense of the word. 10. The history of higher education in Russia … to 1785 when the first University was founded in Moscow … of M. V. Lomonosov 11. After the revolution in 1917, education was … to Soviet citizens by the Constitution and was … including higher education. 12. Those who … their secondary education and … entrance examinations to higher education establishments received monthly grants if they did not fail examinations that they took at the end of each term. 13. The latest changes in political, economic and social conditions … changes in the system of education. 14. The … of the reforms was to prepare the growing generation for independent life and work in new conditions. 15. All schools introduced new …

Exercise 12. Make up sentences from the following words.

1. Monasteries / cultural / became / centers / educational / and. 2. People / Russia / in / pre-revolutionary / schools / a network / there was / of / primary / common / for. 3. System / the / was / the country / of / education / throughout / the same. 4. Sense / the aim / of / this school / to bring up / in the broad / was / intelligent / of the word / people. 5. Curriculums / at / new / the century / introduced / of / schools / were / at the beginning.

Exercise 13. Ask your partner a few questions using the content of the text.

1. about the time when Rus adopted its new written language. 2. about the level of knowledge development in ancient Rus. 3. about the place where the first book making shops were located. 4. about educational goals of the schools for nobility. 5. about the goals of the new curriculums’ introduction in contemporary Russia. 6. about the subjects studied at schools.

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences.

1. Славянская письменность пришла в феодальную Русь из Болгарии в IX веке н. э. 2. К концу столетия произошла замена религиозных книг на греческом языке на книги, написанные на славянском языке. 3. В последующие столетия Русь сформировала прочный фундамент, основанный на многочисленных накопленных ценностях, для развития новой цивилизации. 4. Монастыри были единственными образовательными центрами. 5. Состоятельные люди обучали своих детей в грамматических школах. 6. История высшего образования в России уходит своими корнями к 1775 году, дате ос- нования первого российского университета. 7. Обучение проводилось на всех национальных языках.

9 10

8. Целью образовательных учреждений было воспитать образованных, интеллигентных versities that provide engineering, teaching, and agriculture degrees; private universities and людей. small privately endowed colleges; religious colleges and universities; and community and junior 9. Посещение было обязательным. colleges that offer part-time and two-year degree programs. This complex and diverse range of 10. Учебный план включал изучение иностранных языков и гуманитарных предметов. schools has made American higher education the envy of other countries and one of the nation’s greatest assets in creating and maintaining a technologically advanced society. Exercise 15. Read and translate the following text. Highlight the main idea of each para- graph and summarize the content of the text using the key words of each paragraph. 3.1. What characteristic features are inherent to the system of American education? 3.2. Where are the most prestigious colleges of the United States located? The History of Education in America 3.3. Why is American education considered the most precious asset of the country?

1. Until the 1830s, most American children attended school irregularly, and most schools were 4. When more people began to attend college, there were a number of repercussions. Going to either run privately or by charities. This irregular system was replaced in the Northeast and college delayed maturity and independence for many Americans, extending many of the stresses Midwest by publicly financed elementary schools, known as common schools. Common schools of adolescence into a person’s 20s and postponing the rites of adulthood, such as marriage and provided rudimentary instruction in literacy and trained students in citizenship. This democratic childbearing. As society paid more attention to education, it also devoted a greater proportion of ideal expanded after the Civil War to all parts of the nation. By the 1880s and 1890s, schools be- its resources to it. Local communities were required to spend more money on schools and teach- gan to expand attendance requirements so that more children and older children attended school ers, while colleges and universities were driven to expand their facilities and course offerings to regularly. These more rigorous requirements were intended to ensure that all students, including accommodate an ever-growing student body. Parents were also expected to support their children those whose families had immigrated from elsewhere, were integrated into society. In addition, longer and to forgo their children's contribution to the household. the schools tried to equip children with the more complex skills required in an industrialized ur- ban society. 4.1. What social initiatives slowed down the process of social maturation in American adoles- cents? 1.1. How did American schools of the 1830s differ from the ones established earlier? 4.2. How did the availability of college education effect American citizen, their communities and 1.2. Where did the sources of financial provision for American schools come from? nuclear families? 1.3. What administrative initiative helped to involve more children into the system of American education? Exercise 16. Say if the following statements are true or false. 1.4. What type of instruction and training did American children receive in Common Schools 1. Attendance requirements for school children became more rigorous because too many stu- 2. Education became increasingly important during the 20th century, as America’s sophisticated dents were not interested in education. industrial society demanded a more literate and skilled workforce. In addition, school degrees 2. In the 20th century education became more popular because of the needs of the society in edu- provided a sought-after means to obtain better-paying and higher-status jobs. Schools were the cated and well skilled people. one American institution that could provide the literate skills and work habits necessary for 3. Going to college promotes maturation and independence of young students. Americans of all backgrounds to compete in industries. As a result, education expanded rapidly. In the first decades of the 20th century, mandatory education laws required children to complete Exercise 17. Say how you understand the following statements. grade school. By the end of the 20th century, many states required children to attend school until they were at least 16. In 1960, 45 percent of high school graduates enrolled in college; by 1996 1. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet (Aristotle). that enrollment rate had risen to 65 percent. By the late 20th century, an advanced education was 2. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself (John Dewey). necessary for success in the globally competitive and technologically advanced modern econo- 3. Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom (George Washington Carver). my. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, workers with a bachelor’s degree in 1997 earned an 4. Education is the movement from darkness to light (Allan Bloom). average of $ 40,000 annually, while those with a high school degree earned about $ 23,000. 5. Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world (Nelson Those who did not complete high school earned about $ 16,000. Mandela). 6. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it (Aris- 2.1. Why has the value of American education significantly changed in the 20th century? totle). 2.2. By how many percent did the enrollment of college students increased by the 1996 in com- 7. The function of education is to teach one think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence parison with the 1960s? plus character — that is the goal of true education (Martin Luther King. Jr.). 2.3. How did the university degree find its reflection in the paycheck of American workers? Exercise 18. Write down a short essay about the meaning and purpose of education in your 3. In the United States, higher education is widely available and obtainable through thousands of life and share your story with your groupmates. private, religious, and state-run institutions, which offer advanced professional, scientific, and other training programs that enable students to become proficient in diverse subjects. Colleges vary in cost and level of prestige. Many of the oldest and most famous colleges on the East Coast are expensive and set extremely high admissions standards. Large state universities are less diffi- cult to enter, and their fees are substantially lower. Other types of institutions include state uni-

10 11 11

versities that provide engineering, teaching, and agriculture degrees; private universities and small privately endowed colleges; religious colleges and universities; and community and junior colleges that offer part-time and two-year degree programs. This complex and diverse range of schools has made American higher education the envy of other countries and one of the nation’s greatest assets in creating and maintaining a technologically advanced society.

3.1. What characteristic features are inherent to the system of American education? 3.2. Where are the most prestigious colleges of the United States located? 3.3. Why is American education considered the most precious asset of the country?

4. When more people began to attend college, there were a number of repercussions. Going to college delayed maturity and independence for many Americans, extending many of the stresses of adolescence into a person’s 20s and postponing the rites of adulthood, such as marriage and childbearing. As society paid more attention to education, it also devoted a greater proportion of its resources to it. Local communities were required to spend more money on schools and teach- ers, while colleges and universities were driven to expand their facilities and course offerings to accommodate an ever-growing student body. Parents were also expected to support their children longer and to forgo their children's contribution to the household.

4.1. What social initiatives slowed down the process of social maturation in American adoles- cents? 4.2. How did the availability of college education effect American citizen, their communities and nuclear families?

Exercise 16. Say if the following statements are true or false.

1. Attendance requirements for school children became more rigorous because too many stu- dents were not interested in education. 2. In the 20th century education became more popular because of the needs of the society in edu- cated and well skilled people. 3. Going to college promotes maturation and independence of young students.

Exercise 17. Say how you understand the following statements.

1. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet (Aristotle). 2. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself (John Dewey). 3. Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom (George Washington Carver). 4. Education is the movement from darkness to light (Allan Bloom). 5. Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world (Nelson Mandela). 6. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it (Aris- totle). 7. The function of education is to teach one think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education (Martin Luther King. Jr.).

Exercise 18. Write down a short essay about the meaning and purpose of education in your life and share your story with your groupmates.

11 12

Unit 2 Окончание табл. 20. due to вследствие, благодаря 21. to go on with продолжить 22. vocational school профессиональное училище 23. acquisition овладение (программой) Education is simply the soul of the society as it passes from one generation to another. 24. research paper исследовательская работа G. K. Chesterton) 25. requirement требование Whatever is good to know is difficult to learn. 26. enrollment of applicants зачисление абитуриентов Greek proverb 27. subsequent последующий 28. consistent development устойчивое развитие What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul. Joseph Addison 29. profound reform глубокие реформы 30. pursuit of higher education стремление получить высшее образование Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation. 31. to consider рассматривать, принимать во внимание 32. great demand высокая потребность High, higher, the highest, start, started, starting, century, century-old, construct, construction, 33. contemporary современный constructor, populate, population, populated, pursuit, pursue, pursued, consider, consideration, considered, considering, prestige, prestigious, concern, concerning, concerned, right, fight, light, 1. All applicants must take competitive exams. state, stated, stating, sure, ensure, ensured, insurance, pulse, compulsory, establish, establish- 2. The newly constructed educational system was similar to that of Germany. ment, established, develop, development, developed, extra, extramural, extracurricular, curricu- 3. The pursuit of higher education has always been considered very prestigious. lum, course, courses, scholar, scholarship, schooling, include, including, included, inclusion, in- 4. Attendance of all classes has always been compulsory. clusive, exclude, excluded, exclusion, primary, secondary, core, vocation, vocational, train, train- 5. Due to the great demand in highly qualified and skilled specialist new classes were orga- ing, trained, apply, applied, application, applicant, academy, academic, academician, graduate, nized. undergraduate, graduation, national, international, vary, variety, various, transit, transition, tran- sitioning, similar, similarities, equivalent, degree, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, accord, Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text. accordance, according, profession, professional, professor, war, award, awarded, regulate, regu- lation, regulated, guide, guidance, success, successful, require, required, requirement, sequence, Higher Education in Russia subsequent, hold, (held, held) holders, roll, enroll, enrollment. 1. Russia's higher educational system originated with the foundation of universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the middle of the 18th century. The newly constructed educational system Exercise 2. Read, study and memorize the following words and word combinations. was similar to that of Germany. In Soviet times all citizens of Russia had a diploma of secondary education, or a graduation certificate (American English). The pursuit of higher education has 1. applicant абитуриент always been considered very prestigious. More than 50 % of the people residing in Russia have 2. to award награждать higher education. Russians have always shown a great concern for education. 3. to carry out выполнять The right for education is stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is ensured by 4. completion завершение, окончание the social function, advance and consistent development of compulsory secondary schools, voca- 5. compulsory attendance обязательное посещение tional schools, and higher educational establishments. It is also guaranteed by the development 6. core curriculum основная программа of extramural and evening courses and the system of state scholarships and grants. Education in 7. to defend a thesis защитить дипломную работу Russia is compulsory up to the 9th grade inclusive. If a pupil of the secondary school wishes to 8. demand / to demand требование / требовать go on with his education, he or she must stay at school for two more years. 9. to elaborate тщательно разработать

10. to ensure обеспечить, гарантировать 11. extramural courses заочное отделение 1.1. What unique ambition was characteristic of all Soviet citizens? 12. evening courses вечернее обучение 1.2. How is the right for education guaranteed in contemporary Russia? 13. higher education establishment вуз 2. Primary and secondary schools together comprise 11 years of study. Every school has a «core 14. humanities гуманитарные науки curriculum» of academic subjects. After finishing the 9th grade a student can apply to a voca- 15. to pass exams сдать экзамены tional school, which offers programs of academic subjects and programs of training in certain 16. to ensure обеспечить, гарантировать technical fields. After finishing the 11 th grade of a secondary school, a lyceum or a gymnasium 17. to elaborate разработать a successful school graduate can continue his or her education and get enrolled at one of the 18. similar похожий, одинаковый Universities. All applicants must take competitive exams. Higher education institutions offer a 4- 19. to take competitive exams сдавать конкурсные экзамены year program of academic subjects for undergraduates in a variety of fields.

12 13 13

Окончание табл. 20. due to вследствие, благодаря 21. to go on with продолжить 22. vocational school профессиональное училище 23. acquisition овладение (программой) 24. research paper исследовательская работа 25. requirement требование 26. enrollment of applicants зачисление абитуриентов 27. subsequent последующий 28. consistent development устойчивое развитие 29. profound reform глубокие реформы 30. pursuit of higher education стремление получить высшее образование 31. to consider рассматривать, принимать во внимание 32. great demand высокая потребность 33. contemporary современный

1. All applicants must take competitive exams. 2. The newly constructed educational system was similar to that of Germany. 3. The pursuit of higher education has always been considered very prestigious. 4. Attendance of all classes has always been compulsory. 5. Due to the great demand in highly qualified and skilled specialist new classes were orga- nized.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text.

Higher Education in Russia 1. Russia's higher educational system originated with the foundation of universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the middle of the 18th century. The newly constructed educational system was similar to that of Germany. In Soviet times all citizens of Russia had a diploma of secondary education, or a graduation certificate (American English). The pursuit of higher education has always been considered very prestigious. More than 50 % of the people residing in Russia have higher education. Russians have always shown a great concern for education. The right for education is stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is ensured by the social function, advance and consistent development of compulsory secondary schools, voca- tional schools, and higher educational establishments. It is also guaranteed by the development of extramural and evening courses and the system of state scholarships and grants. Education in Russia is compulsory up to the 9th grade inclusive. If a pupil of the secondary school wishes to go on with his education, he or she must stay at school for two more years.

1.1. What unique ambition was characteristic of all Soviet citizens? 1.2. How is the right for education guaranteed in contemporary Russia?

2. Primary and secondary schools together comprise 11 years of study. Every school has a «core curriculum» of academic subjects. After finishing the 9th grade a student can apply to a voca- tional school, which offers programs of academic subjects and programs of training in certain technical fields. After finishing the 11 th grade of a secondary school, a lyceum or a gymnasium a successful school graduate can continue his or her education and get enrolled at one of the Universities. All applicants must take competitive exams. Higher education institutions offer a 4- year program of academic subjects for undergraduates in a variety of fields.

13 14

2.1. How long does the general course of study last? 13. Future holders of the Master’s degree are expected to defend a thesis. 2.2. What common feature unites all educational institutions? 14. No original contribution into the development of science and technology is required from 2.3. Under what circumstances can a school graduate get enrolled at the university? graduates in order to be awarded a Master’s degree.

3. Due to the great demand for competitive specialists and pressure coming from versatile inter- Exercise 5. Match the words with their meanings. national educational organizations, the Russian system of education started its gradual but pro- found reform. Universities began their transition to a system similar to that of Britain and the 1. university applicant a. потребность в кадрах USA: 4 years for the Bachelor's degree (the first university level degree, which is equivalent to 2. to award a diploma b. обеспечить права граждан the B. Sc. degree in the US or Western Europe) and 2 years for a Master's degree (postgraduate 3. compulsory education c. обязательное обучение higher education, which is equivalent to a Master's Degree (M. Sc. or M. A.) in the US of Ame- 4. curriculum d. требования к посещаемости rica or Western Europe. The acquisition of programs for Bachelor's degree lasts for at least 4 5. demand for skilled specialist e. зачисление студентов years. It implies a full-time university-level study. 6. educational establishment f. в связи с / благодаря 7. to ensure the citizens’ rights g. развитие 3.1. What events and processes forced the Russian system of education into gradual transition? 8. to elaborate a program h. абитуриент университета 9. attendance requirement i. гуманитарные науки 4. The programs are elaborated in accordance with the State Educational Standards, which regu- 10. enrollment of students j. разработать программу late almost 80 % of their content. The other 20 % are elaborated by the university itself. The 11. development k. вручать диплом programs include professional and special courses in Science, Humanities and Social-economic 12. due to l. сдать экзамен disciplines, professional training, completion of a research paper/project and passing of the State 13. humanities m. образовательное учреждение finals. Having obtained the Bachelor's degree, students may apply for a Master's program or con- 14. to pass exams n. стремление к знаниям tinue their studies in the framework of the Specialist Diploma programs. The Bachelor's degree 15. a pursuit of knowledge o. учебный план is awarded after defending a Diploma project prepared under the guidance of a supervisor and passing all final exams. Holders of the Bachelor's degree are admitted to the Specialist Diploma Exercise 6. Translate the following phrases from English into Russian. and Master's degree programs. Access to these programs is competitive. The Master's degree is awarded upon successful completion of the two-year full-time study. All students must carry out Russia’s higher educational system, constructed similar to, compulsory secondary education, a one-year research based on the experimental study and prepare and defend a thesis, which con- pursuit of higher education, is considered very prestigious, ensured by educational institutions, to stitutes an original contribution into the field of science. Nowadays, the system of higher educa- comprise 11 years of study, compulsory to the 9th grade inclusive, core curriculum, to offer train- tion in Russia is going through intensive transition; therefore, the universities together with their ing in technical field, applicants take competitive exams, academic subjects for undergraduates, a academic programs are also a subject of deep and permanent changes. variety of fields, due to great demands, to begin transitioning to a new system, 4 years for the Bachelor’s degree, 2 years for the Master’s degree, full-time-university-level study, the programs are elaborated in accordance with the State Educational Standards, to regulate academic content, 4.1. How are academic programs developed? to include professional and special courses, to be awarded a degree, to carry out one year re- 4.2. What special achievements are expected from a perspective Master’s degree holder? search paper, profound reform, to enroll at the University.

Exercise 4. Say if the following sentences are true or false. Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks: 1) pursuit, 2) guidance, 3) applicants, 4) awarded, 5) compulsory, 6) stated, 7) demand, 8) pressure, 9) originated, 10) similar, 11) elaborated. 1. Russia’s higher educational system was started together with the development of industrial

progress. 1. Russia's higher educational system (…) with the foundation of universities in Moscow and St. 2. The educational system of Russian was similar to the systems of the western world. Petersburg. 3. The pursuit of higher education was and still is well respected in Russia. 2. The newly constructed educational system was (…) to that of Germany. 4. The right for education is guaranteed by the main law of the country. 3. The (…) of higher education has always been considered very prestigious. 5. Education in Russian is obligatory up to the 11th grade. 4. The right for education is (…) in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 6. Vocational schools offer programs of different variety. 5. Education in Russia is (…) up to the 9th grade inclusive. 7. Only some university applicants are expected to take competitive exams. 6. All (…) must take competitive exams. 8. Due to the needs of the economy the system of education in Russian started its transition to a 7. Due to the great (…) for competitive specialists and (…) coming from versatile international two level system comparable to the one in the western world. educational organizations, the Russian system of education started its gradual but profound re- 9. Upon graduation all university students are awarded a Bachelor’s degree. form. 10. Bachelor’s degree programs last for 5 years. 8. The programs are (…) in accordance with the State Educational Standards. 11. The programs are elaborated in keeping with the requirements of the State Educational 9. The Bachelor's degree is (…) after defending a Diploma project prepared under the (…) of a Standards. supervisor and passing all final exams. 12. In order to obtain a Bachelor’s degree a graduate must either defend a Diploma or pass the

final exams.

14 15 15

13. Future holders of the Master’s degree are expected to defend a thesis. 14. No original contribution into the development of science and technology is required from graduates in order to be awarded a Master’s degree.

Exercise 5. Match the words with their meanings.

1. university applicant a. потребность в кадрах 2. to award a diploma b. обеспечить права граждан 3. compulsory education c. обязательное обучение 4. curriculum d. требования к посещаемости 5. demand for skilled specialist e. зачисление студентов 6. educational establishment f. в связи с / благодаря 7. to ensure the citizens’ rights g. развитие 8. to elaborate a program h. абитуриент университета 9. attendance requirement i. гуманитарные науки 10. enrollment of students j. разработать программу 11. development k. вручать диплом 12. due to l. сдать экзамен 13. humanities m. образовательное учреждение 14. to pass exams n. стремление к знаниям 15. a pursuit of knowledge o. учебный план

Exercise 6. Translate the following phrases from English into Russian.

Russia’s higher educational system, constructed similar to, compulsory secondary education, pursuit of higher education, is considered very prestigious, ensured by educational institutions, to comprise 11 years of study, compulsory to the 9th grade inclusive, core curriculum, to offer train- ing in technical field, applicants take competitive exams, academic subjects for undergraduates, a variety of fields, due to great demands, to begin transitioning to a new system, 4 years for the Bachelor’s degree, 2 years for the Master’s degree, full-time-university-level study, the programs are elaborated in accordance with the State Educational Standards, to regulate academic content, to include professional and special courses, to be awarded a degree, to carry out one year re- search paper, profound reform, to enroll at the University.

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks: 1) pursuit, 2) guidance, 3) applicants, 4) awarded, 5) compulsory, 6) stated, 7) demand, 8) pressure, 9) originated, 10) similar, 11) elaborated.

1. Russia's higher educational system (…) with the foundation of universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. 2. The newly constructed educational system was (…) to that of Germany. 3. The (…) of higher education has always been considered very prestigious. 4. The right for education is (…) in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 5. Education in Russia is (…) up to the 9th grade inclusive. 6. All (…) must take competitive exams. 7. Due to the great (…) for competitive specialists and (…) coming from versatile international educational organizations, the Russian system of education started its gradual but profound re- form. 8. The programs are (…) in accordance with the State Educational Standards. 9. The Bachelor's degree is (…) after defending a Diploma project prepared under the (…) of a supervisor and passing all final exams.

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Exercise 8. Translate the following phases from Russian into English. Exercise 11. Write 3 sentences of your own using a synonym — antonym pair.

Основание университетов, система высшего образования, построена по образцу немецкой For example: Even though all university applicants have different levels of knowledge in Math- системы образования, право на образование защищено Конституцией, обеспечено разви- ematics they face the same academic requirements. тием заочных и вечерних курсов, продолжить обучение в профессиональном училище, основная программа, курсы заочного и вечернего обучения, сдавать вступительные экза- Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. мены, получить степень бакалавра (магистра), гуманитарные науки, написать и защитить дипломную работу, под руководством преподавателя, обладатели степени бакалавра, про- 1. Развитие системы высшего образования в России началось с основания классических вести научное исследование, сдать государственный экзамен. университетов в Москве и Петербурге. 2. Стремление получить высшее образование характерно для всех граждан России. Exercise 9. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations. 3. Право на образование гарантируется Конституцией РФ. 4. Все абитуриенты сдают вступительные экзамены. Continuing or further education, education for life, university education, compulsory education, 5. Система высшего образования в России стала меняться вследствие изменения требова- classical education, vocational training, many-sided education, to provide education, free educa- ний к выпускникам вузов. tion, special education, secondary education, high school education, general education, elemen- 6. Степень магистра присуждается только после успешной защиты дипломной работы и tary education. сдачи государственных экзаменов.

Exercise 10. Provide synonyms for the following words in table A from table B. Exercise 13. Study the following vocabulary and read the following text. Give a short summary of the text. Table A to enroll to continue disciplines 1. Assessment practice — практика оценки результатов. basis thanks to to be the same 2. The level of academic competency development — уровень развития академической ком- research project guidance to suggest петенции. 3. The answers are scanned digitally — ответы проверяются в цифровой форме. deep accomplishment versatile 4. To check automatically — проверять автоматически. to alter features compulsory 5. The excellent score ranges — оценка «отлично» ранжируется по баллам. 6. To provide certain benefits — обеспечить определенные преимущества. Table B 7. Sufficient for subsequent enrollment — достаточно для дальнейшего зачисления. to go on profound foundation 8. Academic proficiency — академический опыт. study achievement science 9. Cumulative score — общее количество баллов.

due to to admit supervision Unified State Exam to propose similar various This type of examination was adopted and widely introduced into the assessment practice of characteristics obligatory to change Russian educational institutions at the beginning of the XXI century. The test is taken at the end of the 9th and 11th grade. The purpose of the test is to assess the level of students’ academic Provide antonyms for the following words in table A from table B. competency development. It consists of three parts: part A contains tasks where a student has to pick out one correct answer out of several options; in part В the correct answer should be written Table A in one word, and no variants are given; and in Part С the student has to provide the full solution to start exclusive morning courses (as in mathematics) or a composition (as in literature). The answers are written on special blanks to fail an exam different day time department and later digitally scanned. The parts A and В are checked automatically by the computer to drop out academic to jeopardize software. An excellent score ranges, depending on the subject, from 65 (mathematics) to 90 (for- eign language) out of 100. This form of assessment provides certain benefits to the students of stagnation superficial completion the 11 grade. They don’t need to take entrance exams at the university. Results of the Unified Inherent comparable in accordance State Exam clearly demonstrate the level of student’s academic competency development and are sufficient for subsequent enrollment into one of the higher educational institution. The Table B score of several subjects is summed up; this total score is an indicator of the student’s academic evening classes to be accepted similar proficiency. As of today, all school graduates also have a chance to apply at several universities amateur to pass an exam inclusive and choose one. The applicants can make their choice based on the obtained cumulative score. The average exam score indicates if it is high enough for the entrance or enrollment to this or profound extramural department beginning that university. progress to secure to end foreign in dissonance different

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Exercise 11. Write 3 sentences of your own using a synonym — antonym pair.

For example: Even though all university applicants have different levels of knowledge in Math- ematics they face the same academic requirements.

Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Развитие системы высшего образования в России началось с основания классических университетов в Москве и Петербурге. 2. Стремление получить высшее образование характерно для всех граждан России. 3. Право на образование гарантируется Конституцией РФ. 4. Все абитуриенты сдают вступительные экзамены. 5. Система высшего образования в России стала меняться вследствие изменения требова- ний к выпускникам вузов. 6. Степень магистра присуждается только после успешной защиты дипломной работы и сдачи государственных экзаменов.

Exercise 13. Study the following vocabulary and read the following text. Give a short summary of the text.

1. Assessment practice — практика оценки результатов. 2. The level of academic competency development — уровень развития академической ком- петенции. 3. The answers are scanned digitally — ответы проверяются в цифровой форме. 4. To check automatically — проверять автоматически. 5. The excellent score ranges — оценка «отлично» ранжируется по баллам. 6. To provide certain benefits — обеспечить определенные преимущества. 7. Sufficient for subsequent enrollment — достаточно для дальнейшего зачисления. 8. Academic proficiency — академический опыт. 9. Cumulative score — общее количество баллов.

Unified State Exam This type of examination was adopted and widely introduced into the assessment practice of Russian educational institutions at the beginning of the XXI century. The test is taken at the end of the 9th and 11th grade. The purpose of the test is to assess the level of students’ academic competency development. It consists of three parts: part A contains tasks where a student has to pick out one correct answer out of several options; in part В the correct answer should be written in one word, and no variants are given; and in Part С the student has to provide the full solution (as in mathematics) or a composition (as in literature). The answers are written on special blanks and later digitally scanned. The parts A and В are checked automatically by the computer software. An excellent score ranges, depending on the subject, from 65 (mathematics) to 90 (for- eign language) out of 100. This form of assessment provides certain benefits to the students of the 11 grade. They don’t need to take entrance exams at the university. Results of the Unified State Exam clearly demonstrate the level of student’s academic competency development and are sufficient for subsequent enrollment into one of the higher educational institution. The score of several subjects is summed up; this total score is an indicator of the student’s academic proficiency. As of today, all school graduates also have a chance to apply at several universities and choose one. The applicants can make their choice based on the obtained cumulative score. The average exam score indicates if it is high enough for the entrance or enrollment to this or that university.

17 18

Exercise 14. Say if the following statements are true or false. Unit 3 1. Unified State exam was introduced into the assessment practice of the Russian educational system at the end of the XX century. 2. USE is aimed at the assessment of students’ academic knowledge and practical skills.

3. The number of parts that a test consists of usually varies (changes). One man’s magic is another man’s engineering. Supernatural is a null word. 4. It is necessary to pass all parts of the USE to get enrolled at the university. Robert A. Heinlein 5. The applicants make their choices about future institute or university based on the obtained cumulative score. Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation. Engine, engineer, engineering, term, terminology, termination, discipline, disciplined, disciple, Exercise 15. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations. maintain, maintained, maintenance, construct, constructed, construction, environment, environ- mentally friendly, surround, surrounded, surrounding, imply, implied, implication, apply, ap- th To adopt and introduce into practice, assessment practice, educational institutions, 11 grade, the plied, application, employ, employed, employment, employee, employer, concern, concerning, level of academic competency development, to contain tasks, several options, to provide solu- concerned, consideration, provide, provided, provider, provision, sewage, sewage system, sew- tions, special blanks, excellent score ranges, to provide certain benefits, sufficient for subsequent age back up, facility, facilitate, facilitation, facilitative, supply, supplication, supplied, main, enrollment, students’ academic proficiency. gain, retain, assault, assaultive, assaulted, hostile, hostilities, involve, involvement, involved, treat, treatment, treated, fluctuate, fluctuation, fluctuated, affect, affection, affected. Exercise 16. Make up 5 sentences of your own using some of these words and word combi- nations. Exercise 2. Study and memorize the following vocabulary.

Exercise 17. Say how you understand the following sayings. 1. Discipline область науки, знания 2. To deal with иметь дело с … 1. Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back (Chinese saying). 3. To imply подразумевать 2. Education is the best provision for the old age (Aristotle). 4. Surroundings окружающая среда 3. The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursuing 5. To apply нанимать, использовать, применять his education (John W. Gardner). 6. To employ использовать, нанимать 7. To involve вовлекать, включать Exercise 18. Go to the official site of Petrozavodsk State University, find and share the infor- 8. To protect защищать mation concerning its history, structure, requirements for students’ enrollment and tuition fee. 9. Hostile враждебный Pay special attention to the structure of the Institute where you study. 10. To assess оценивать

11. To cause быть причиной, вызывать Exercise 19. Work in pairs and find information about any European or over the seas higher ed- ucational establishment. Present it to your fellow students using a Power Point format. 12. Sewage system канализация 13. Maintenance ремонт, обслуживание, содержание 14. To execute выполнять 15. To take into account принять во внимание

1. Civil engineering is a professional discipline. 2. The industry deals with construction of civil and military objects. 3. The term «civil engineering» implies deep knowledge of math, physics and chemistry. 4. Protection of natural surroundings is one of the missions of civil engineering. 5. Application of new construction technologies expedites the process of housing industry de- velopment. 6. The term is employed to describe the nature of engineering profession. 7. The industry is involved with development of environmentally friendly projects. 8. To protect natural surroundings from hostile industrial activities it is necessary to assess possible damages and to develop a safe construction strategy. 9. Industrial pollution of the territory was caused by the large scale construction process. 10. They took into account the impact a building might have on the environment. 11. Maintenance of municipal sewage systems should be executed regularly and professionally to avoid environmental pollution and outbreak of infectious diseases.

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Unit 3

One man’s magic is another man’s engineering. Supernatural is a null word. Robert A. Heinlein

Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation. Engine, engineer, engineering, term, terminology, termination, discipline, disciplined, disciple, maintain, maintained, maintenance, construct, constructed, construction, environment, environ- mentally friendly, surround, surrounded, surrounding, imply, implied, implication, apply, ap- plied, application, employ, employed, employment, employee, employer, concern, concerning, concerned, consideration, provide, provided, provider, provision, sewage, sewage system, sew- age back up, facility, facilitate, facilitation, facilitative, supply, supplication, supplied, main, gain, retain, assault, assaultive, assaulted, hostile, hostilities, involve, involvement, involved, treat, treatment, treated, fluctuate, fluctuation, fluctuated, affect, affection, affected.

Exercise 2. Study and memorize the following vocabulary.

1. Discipline область науки, знания 2. To deal with иметь дело с … 3. To imply подразумевать 4. Surroundings окружающая среда 5. To apply нанимать, использовать, применять 6. To employ использовать, нанимать 7. To involve вовлекать, включать 8. To protect защищать 9. Hostile враждебный 10. To assess оценивать 11. To cause быть причиной, вызывать 12. Sewage system канализация 13. Maintenance ремонт, обслуживание, содержание 14. To execute выполнять 15. To take into account принять во внимание

1. Civil engineering is a professional discipline. 2. The industry deals with construction of civil and military objects. 3. The term «civil engineering» implies deep knowledge of math, physics and chemistry. 4. Protection of natural surroundings is one of the missions of civil engineering. 5. Application of new construction technologies expedites the process of housing industry de- velopment. 6. The term is employed to describe the nature of engineering profession. 7. The industry is involved with development of environmentally friendly projects. 8. To protect natural surroundings from hostile industrial activities it is necessary to assess possible damages and to develop a safe construction strategy. 9. Industrial pollution of the territory was caused by the large scale construction process. 10. They took into account the impact a building might have on the environment. 11. Maintenance of municipal sewage systems should be executed regularly and professionally to avoid environmental pollution and outbreak of infectious diseases.

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A civil engineer works from an architect’s drawings and considers whether the chosen construc- Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text. tion materials for a particular building are strong enough to hold a structure of that height or de- sign. At the same time they also take into account (consider) the effect that a structure might TEXT 1 have on its surroundings. It is the responsibility of the civil engineer to produce safe and envi- The term «Civil Engineering» ronmentally friendly structures. Civil engineers may specialize as chief civil engineers, construction engineers, municipal engi- The word «engineering» is a modern term. Civil engineering is a professional engineering disci- neers, transport engineers, or water supply distribution engineers. Work opportunities for civil pline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physically and naturally engineers are affected by fluctuations in the building and construction industry. The instability built environment including works like roads, , canals, dams and various buildings. (Wi- (fluctuations) is caused by the rise or fall in prices of shares of construction companies in a short kipedia) It implies practical application of scientific and mathematical principles. Nowadays the period of time. In other words when the market rule of «supply and demand» is violated, the sta- term «engineering» means, as a rule, the art of designing, constructing, or using engines. It is bility of the industry is in danger. As a result the market needs for this type of specialists may employed to describe the art of executing such works as objects of civil and military architecture, rise or fall over a short period of time. in which engines or other mechanical appliances are involved.

Engineering is a term applied to a profession, in which knowledge of mathematical and natural Exercise 7. Answer the following questions using the content of the text. sciences, gained by the study, experience, and practice are used for the benefit of the society: its military security, business and population needs and demands. While the definition of civil engi- 1. What types of physical infrastructure are provided by civil engineers? neering dates back only two centuries, the profession of civil engineering is as old as the civi- 2. What environmental projects are civil engineers involved with? lized life itself. It started developing with the rise of ancient Rome. From prehistoric times peo- 3. What types of responsibilities does a profession of civil engineers involve? ple had to protect themselves from negative effects of nature and assaults of hostile forces. 4. In what areas of life can civil engineers specialize? 5. What social or economic phenomena have deep influence on the stability of construction in- Exercise 4. Say if the following statements are true or false. dustry?

1. The word civil engineering is an ancient term. Exercise 8. Say if the following statesmen are true or false. 2. Civil engineering deals with the process of green zones development on the territory of ur- ban centers. 1. Civil engineers are concerned with exceptional structures designed to meet the needs of some 3. This field of science implies only theoretical study of physical phenomena. representatives of the society. 4. The discipline of civil engineering is employed to describe the art of executing construction 2. Civil engineers are responsible only for the design and construction of our transportation sys- works. tem and the design and management of our gas and water supply systems. 5. Civil engineering is a profession, which started its evolution with the rise of ancient Greece. 3. Civil engineers are involved in many environmental areas such as the assessment of impact or damage to the environment caused by the large scale projects. Exercise 5. Answer the following questions. 4. Work opportunities for civil engineers are never affected by fluctuations in the building and construction industry. 1. What is civil engineering concerned with? 5. It is the responsibility of the civil engineer to produce safe and environmentally friendly struc- 2. What does a contemporary meaning of the term «civil engineering» imply? tures. 3. How does a society benefit from supporting civil engineering as a field of science and an art of design and construction? Exercise 9. Translate the following words and phrases.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the following text. A modern term, engineering discipline, to deal with maintenance, environmentally friendly, to imply practical application, execution of construction works, the art of designing, to involve me- TEXT 2 chanical appliances, to be concerned with civil projects, sewage system, water supply, water Civil Engineering treatment, assessment of the impact or damage, industrial wastes, air pollution, pollution control, to work from architects’ drawings, safe and environmentally friendly, work opportunities, mar- Much of the physical infrastructure of our modern society is provided by Civil engineers. Civil ket fluctuation. engineers are concerned with all types of structures designed to meet the needs of all layers of the society. They are responsible for the design and construction of our transportation system, Exercise 10. Choose the right words to finish the following sentences. the design and management of our gas and water supply system, water treatment system, sewer- age system, harbors, airports and railways. Civil engineers plan, design, and test the structure of 1. Much of the physical infrastructure of our modern society is (to provide, to draw, to special- private and public buildings and their facilities. ize) by Civil engineers. Civil engineers are also involved in many environmental projects, which include assessment of 2. Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that (to maintain, to deal with, to the impact or damage to the environment caused by the large scale projects; collection and construct) the design, construction and maintenance of the physically and naturally built envi- treatment of sewage and industrial wastes; pollution control; environmental control; resource ronment. protection and their effective management. 20 21 21

A civil engineer works from an architect’s drawings and considers whether the chosen construc- tion materials for a particular building are strong enough to hold a structure of that height or de- sign. At the same time they also take into account (consider) the effect that a structure might have on its surroundings. It is the responsibility of the civil engineer to produce safe and envi- ronmentally friendly structures. Civil engineers may specialize as chief civil engineers, construction engineers, municipal engi- neers, transport engineers, or water supply distribution engineers. Work opportunities for civil engineers are affected by fluctuations in the building and construction industry. The instability (fluctuations) is caused by the rise or fall in prices of shares of construction companies in a short period of time. In other words when the market rule of «supply and demand» is violated, the sta- bility of the industry is in danger. As a result the market needs for this type of specialists may rise or fall over a short period of time.

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions using the content of the text.

1. What types of physical infrastructure are provided by civil engineers? 2. What environmental projects are civil engineers involved with? 3. What types of responsibilities does a profession of civil engineers involve? 4. In what areas of life can civil engineers specialize? 5. What social or economic phenomena have deep influence on the stability of construction in- dustry?

Exercise 8. Say if the following statesmen are true or false.

1. Civil engineers are concerned with exceptional structures designed to meet the needs of some representatives of the society. 2. Civil engineers are responsible only for the design and construction of our transportation sys- tem and the design and management of our gas and water supply systems. 3. Civil engineers are involved in many environmental areas such as the assessment of impact or damage to the environment caused by the large scale projects. 4. Work opportunities for civil engineers are never affected by fluctuations in the building and construction industry. 5. It is the responsibility of the civil engineer to produce safe and environmentally friendly struc- tures.

Exercise 9. Translate the following words and phrases.

A modern term, engineering discipline, to deal with maintenance, environmentally friendly, to imply practical application, execution of construction works, the art of designing, to involve me- chanical appliances, to be concerned with civil projects, sewage system, water supply, water treatment, assessment of the impact or damage, industrial wastes, air pollution, pollution control, to work from architects’ drawings, safe and environmentally friendly, work opportunities, mar- ket fluctuation.

Exercise 10. Choose the right words to finish the following sentences.

1. Much of the physical infrastructure of our modern society is (to provide, to draw, to special- ize) by Civil engineers. 2. Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that (to maintain, to deal with, to construct) the design, construction and maintenance of the physically and naturally built envi- ronment.

21 22

3. A profession of every civil engineer (to establish, to supply, to imply) practical application of Окончание табл. scientific and mathematical principles. вовлекать to treat to supply to involve 4. Engineering is a term (to involve, to treat, to apply) to a profession, in which knowledge of развиваться to change to develop to conduct mathematical and natural sciences are used for the benefit of the industry and society. 5. It is the responsibility of the civil engineer (to produce, to fluctuate, to discuss) safe and envi- снабжать to supply to provide to carry out ronmentally friendly structures. обеспечивать to provide to fluctuate to fail 6. From prehistoric times people had to (to assess, to consider, to protect) themselves from nega- нанимать на работу to care to employ to pass tive effects of nature and assaults of hostile forces колебаться to change to alter to fluctuate 7. Work opportunities for civil engineers are (to plan, to affect, to design) by fluctuations in the воздействовать to govern to consider to impact building and construction industry очищать / обрабаты- to support to process to treat 8. When the market rule of «supply and demand» is (to violate, to destroy, to influence), the sta- вать bility of the industry is in danger. содержать / обслу- to civilize to maintain to damage живать Exercise 11. Fill in the blanks with the missing nouns or verbs and translate them. Exercise 14. Cross the odd one out. For example: construction — to construct.

modern contemporary contemptuous nowadays NOUNS VERBS to contain to consist to include to emphasize to provide to employ to utilize to execute to use employer to assess to evaluate to lengthen to grade to fluctuate to manage to govern to administer to follow protection damage destruction ruins sufferings to execute fluctuations changes instability flexibility assessment to supply to provide to guarantee to secure to utilize to involve to include to incorporate to invite management to deal with to be concerned with to work at to execute to apply to treat to present to purify to clean supply

to treat Exercise 15. Pair the words using a cause and effect principle. involvement

to deal with Example: to cause damage — to endure suffering, destruction — economic losses. maintain to consider 1. to receive higher education a. to introduce corrections treatment 2. to employ for an execution of the big pro- b. to cause instability to design ject production 3. to assess the strength of the structure c. to feel safe 4. to fluctuate d. to get stable income Exercise 12. Fill in the blanks with mission prepositions. 5. to protect from forces of nature e. to create friendly and safe environment

6. to develop a reliable sewage system f. to become a highly qualified specialist 1. Civil engineering is a term applied … a profession.

2. The discipline deals … design, construction, and management of civil objects. Exercise 16. Translate from Russian into English. 3. It is employed to describe the art … executing such works … objects of military architecture.

4. The practice is used … the benefit of the society. Профессиональная дисциплина, иметь ввиду (подразумевать) знания в технических нау- 5. It started developing … the rise of Roman empire. ках, возведение и обслуживание промышленных и гражданских объектов, различные ви- 6. It was decided to assess damage caused … this large scale project. ды зданий, практическое использование математических принципов, использовать для 7. Civil engineers have to consider the effect that the structure might have … its surroundings. описания искусства возведения инженерных объектов, иметь дело с дизайном, использо- 8. Much … the physical infrastructure of our modern society is provided … Civil engineers. вать на благо общества, удовлетворять потребности всех слоев общества, проектирование 9. A profession of civil engineering is … old … the civilized life itself. и управление, водоснабжение и канализация, техническое испытание прочности сооруже-

ний, оценка ущерба для окружающей среды, защищать природные ресурсы, принимать во Exercise 13. Find translation of the following words. внимание возможные последствия для окружающей среды, колебания на рынке строи- управлять to control to manage to rule тельной индустрии. заниматься чем-то to protect to carry out to deal with

22 23 23

Окончание табл. вовлекать to treat to supply to involve развиваться to change to develop to conduct снабжать to supply to provide to carry out обеспечивать to provide to fluctuate to fail нанимать на работу to care to employ to pass колебаться to change to alter to fluctuate воздействовать to govern to consider to impact очищать / обрабаты- to support to process to treat вать содержать / обслу- to civilize to maintain to damage живать

Exercise 14. Cross the odd one out.

modern contemporary contemptuous nowadays to contain to consist to include to emphasize to employ to utilize to execute to use to assess to evaluate to lengthen to grade to manage to govern to administer to follow damage destruction ruins sufferings fluctuations changes instability flexibility to supply to provide to guarantee to secure to involve to include to incorporate to invite to deal with to be concerned with to work at to execute to treat to present to purify to clean

Exercise 15. Pair the words using a cause and effect principle.

Example: to cause damage — to endure suffering, destruction — economic losses.

1. to receive higher education a. to introduce corrections 2. to employ for an execution of the big pro- b. to cause instability ject 3. to assess the strength of the structure c. to feel safe 4. to fluctuate d. to get stable income 5. to protect from forces of nature e. to create friendly and safe environment 6. to develop a reliable sewage system f. to become a highly qualified specialist

Exercise 16. Translate from Russian into English.

Профессиональная дисциплина, иметь ввиду (подразумевать) знания в технических нау- ках, возведение и обслуживание промышленных и гражданских объектов, различные ви- ды зданий, практическое использование математических принципов, использовать для описания искусства возведения инженерных объектов, иметь дело с дизайном, использо- вать на благо общества, удовлетворять потребности всех слоев общества, проектирование и управление, водоснабжение и канализация, техническое испытание прочности сооруже- ний, оценка ущерба для окружающей среды, защищать природные ресурсы, принимать во внимание возможные последствия для окружающей среды, колебания на рынке строи- тельной индустрии.

23 24

Exercise 17. Ask your fellow student and listen to his/her answer. Unit 4 1. Аbout the time and the place where civil engineering originated from. 2. Аbout the types of structures civil engineering is involved with. 3. Аbout employment of the term «civil engineering» to describe its essence and areas of appli- cation. 4. Аbout phenomena affecting work opportunities in civil engineering industry.

Exercise 18. Translate the following sentences. Part I

1. Процесс дизайна, возведения и обслуживания строительных объектов в современной The only way to do great job is to do what you love to do. практике называется искусством гражданской инженерии. You’ve got to find what you love. 2. Современная гражданская инженерия подразумевает как широкое внедрение новых Steve Jobs строительных материалов и промышленных технологий, так и использование техниче- ского оборудования и машин. Say what you know about Steve Jobs. 3. Индустрия гражданского строительства занимается строительством и обслуживанием Exercise 1. Study the following vocabulary and listen to Steve’s first life story. систем водоснабжения, водоотведения и канализации. 4. Оценка возможного ущерба окружающей среде, вызванного возведением крупных гра- 1. I am honored честь для меня жданских объектов, также является ответственностью инженеров гражданского строи- 2. commencement вручение дипломов тельства. 3. no big deal ничего особенного 5. Гражданское строительство — эта такая отрасль экономики, которая подвержена ры- 4. to connect the dots соединить точки ночным колебаниям. 5. to drop out of college уйти из колледжа 6. to stay as a drop in быть вольнослушателем Exercise 19. Say how you understand the following statements. 7. to quit (to stop) перестать 8. unwed college student незамужняя студентка 1. Science is about knowing, engineering is about doing (Henry Petroski). 9. to put smb up for adoption отдать на усыновление 2. Some make wonders happen, some watch wonders happen, some wonder what happens (un- 10. to pop out родиться (выскочить из нутра матери) known). 11. to relent уступать 3. All we know about the new economic world tells us that nations which train engineers will 12. savings накопления prevail over those which train lawyers. No nation has ever sued its way to greatness (Richard Lamm). 13. college tuition плата за обучение 4. Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create 14. to figure smth out (understand) разобраться their own problems (Scott Adams). 15. to be pretty scary довольно страшно 16. dorm room общежитие 17. to stumble into наткнуться на 18. to follow smb curiosity удовлетворять любопытство 19. serif and sans шрифт с дополнительными графическими элементами 20. calligraphy каллиграфия 21. fonts комплект шрифтов 22. to avoid the trap of dogmas избежать ловушку догм

Exercise 2. Translate the following statements. 1. I am honored to be here with you today. 2. These three stories about connecting the dots are stories from my life. 3. He dropped out of college because he had no interested in classes he was attending. 4. It was not easy to figure out (to understand) what he really wanted to do life. 5. All of his parent’s savings were spent on college tuition. 6. Steve always followed his curiosity and did his best to avoid the trap of dogmas.

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Unit 4

Part I

The only way to do great job is to do what you love to do. You’ve got to find what you love. Steve Jobs

Say what you know about Steve Jobs. Exercise 1. Study the following vocabulary and listen to Steve’s first life story.

1. I am honored честь для меня 2. commencement вручение дипломов 3. no big deal ничего особенного 4. to connect the dots соединить точки 5. to drop out of college уйти из колледжа 6. to stay as a drop in быть вольнослушателем 7. to quit (to stop) перестать 8. unwed college student незамужняя студентка 9. to put smb up for adoption отдать на усыновление 10. to pop out родиться (выскочить из нутра матери) 11. to relent уступать 12. savings накопления 13. college tuition плата за обучение 14. to figure smth out (understand) разобраться 15. to be pretty scary довольно страшно 16. dorm room общежитие 17. to stumble into наткнуться на 18. to follow smb curiosity удовлетворять любопытство 19. serif and sans шрифт с дополнительными графическими элементами 20. calligraphy каллиграфия 21. fonts комплект шрифтов 22. to avoid the trap of dogmas избежать ловушку догм

Exercise 2. Translate the following statements. 1. I am honored to be here with you today. 2. These three stories about connecting the dots are stories from my life. 3. He dropped out of college because he had no interested in classes he was attending. 4. It was not easy to figure out (to understand) what he really wanted to do life. 5. All of his parent’s savings were spent on college tuition. 6. Steve always followed his curiosity and did his best to avoid the trap of dogmas.

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Exercise 3. Listen to the first part of Steve’s commencement address: http://news. Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/ and say if the following statements are true or false. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn’t have to take the normal classes, I decided to 1. Steve felt very uncomfortable to give his commencement speech at Stanford University. take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and sans serif typefaces, 2. During his commencement address Steve told the quests and graduates of Stanford University about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes a story of his childhood. great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can’t 3. Steve studied at Reed College for 18 months, and then he dropped out. capture, and I found it fascinating. 4. Steve dropped out of college because he had no interest in classes he was taking at the time. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But 10 years later, when we 5. His parents were highly educated people with diplomas from one prestigious law school. were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into 6. Steve’s parents refused to spend their savings on college education of their adopted son. the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that 7. Steve had to collect Coke bottles to pay for his college education. single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally 8. Steve was interested (fascinated by) in calligraphy because it was beautiful, historical and ar- spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it’s likely that no personal computer tistically subtle. would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy 9. 10 years later Steve’s skills and knowledge in calligraphy became rather useful in designing class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course his first Macintosh computer. it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years later. Exercise 4. Read and translate the first part of Steve’s commencement address. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking back- 'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says. ward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, This is a prepared text of the Commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple and it has made all the difference in my life. Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005. (JUNE 14, 2005 http://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/) I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a Exercise 5. Match the words with their meaning. college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories. 1. to stop attending classes because of poor a. savings The first story is about connecting the dots. self-discipline 2. money put aside for particular purposes b. dormitory (students dorm) I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for 3. money paid for higher education c. to follow ones curiosity another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? 4. accommodation for out of town students d. to give up for adoption (to adopt) It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, 5. procedure of rewarding graduates with e. to drop out of school and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by col- diplomas lege graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. 6. to trust a child into a different family f. no big deal Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So 7. to discover smth unexpectedly g. to connect the dots my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: «We have an 8. to live by wishes and desires h. to stumble into smth unexpected baby boy; do you want him»? They said: «Of course». My biological mother later 9. to understand the meaning of some past i. to figure out found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never gradu- events (here) ated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few 10. nothing special j. college tuition fee months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college. 11. to understand k. commencement And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents’ savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn’t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks. and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all 1. I am … to be here with you today at your commencement. work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I 2. I never … from college. ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn’t interest 3. The first story is about … the dots. me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. 4. Steve … out of college after the first six month of education. 5. Steve stayed as a … in for another 18 months before he really quit. It wasn’t all romantic. I didn’t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, I re- 6. His mother was a young, … college graduate. turned Coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across 7. She decided to … him up for adoption. town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. 8. Steve chose a college that was as … as Stanford. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be price- 9. His parent’s … were spent on college tuition. less later on. Let me give you one example: 26 27 27

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn’t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and sans serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can’t capture, and I found it fascinating. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But 10 years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it’s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking back- ward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. (JUNE 14, 2005 http://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/)

Exercise 5. Match the words with their meaning.

1. to stop attending classes because of poor a. savings self-discipline 2. money put aside for particular purposes b. dormitory (students dorm) 3. money paid for higher education c. to follow ones curiosity 4. accommodation for out of town students d. to give up for adoption (to adopt) 5. procedure of rewarding graduates with e. to drop out of school diplomas 6. to trust a child into a different family f. no big deal 7. to discover smth unexpectedly g. to connect the dots 8. to live by wishes and desires h. to stumble into smth 9. to understand the meaning of some past i. to figure out events (here) 10. nothing special j. college tuition fee 11. to understand k. commencement

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks. 1. I am … to be here with you today at your commencement. 2. I never … from college. 3. The first story is about … the dots. 4. Steve … out of college after the first six month of education. 5. Steve stayed as a … in for another 18 months before he really quit. 6. His mother was a young, … college graduate. 7. She decided to … him up for adoption. 8. Steve chose a college that was as … as Stanford. 9. His parent’s … were spent on college tuition.

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10. Looking back it was one of the best … I ever made. Окончание табл. 11. Reed College offered the best … classes. 3. to release выпустить 12. It all came back to him … years later when they were designing the first Macintosh. 4. the finest creation лучший продукт (творение)

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions. 5. to turn 30 стать 30-летним 6. to get fired быть уволенным 1. How did Steve feel himself at Stanford commencement ceremony? 7. to start a company основать компанию 2. What did he tell his listeners? 3. What education did Steve Jobs receive after he graduated from high school? 8. to hire people нанять людей 4. For how long was he listed as a student of Reed College? 9. to run the company руководить компанией 5. Who were his biological parents? 10. to diverge расходиться 6. Why did his biological mother put him up for adoption? 11. to have a falling out вступить в конфликт, разругаться 7. On what conditions were adoption papers signed? 12. adult life взрослая жизнь 8. What type of the family adopted Steve? 9. Why did Steve drop out of college? 13. devastating опустошающий 10. How did he provide for himself while being a drop in at college? 14. to let smb down подвести кого-либо 11. What particular things interested him the most? 15. to side with smb солидаризироваться с кем-либо 12. When did his knowledge and experience gained at Reed College become useful? 16. to drop a baton уронить эстафетную палочку 13. What does he mean by saying «You can’t connect all the dots looking forward». 17. to screw up badly завалить дело Exercise 8. Acquaint yourself with the most famous and inspiring Steve’s quotes. 18. to dawn on smb осенять (приходить с голову) 19. the turn of events поворот событий 1. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — 20. the heaviness of being successful тяжесть успеха which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and 21. remarkable замечательный intuition. 22. awful tasting medicine отвратительная пилюля https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/s/stevejobs416854.html 23. a patient пациент 24. to lose faith терять веру 2. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If 25. to be convinced in smth быть уверенным you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know 26. to roll on катиться, продолжаться when you find it. 27. don’t settle не успокаиваться https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/s/stevejobs416859.html 28. turn of events поворот событий

3. Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people (Ste- ve Jobs). Exercise 2. Listen to the second story of Steve’s commencement address: http://news. stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/ and say if the following sentences are true or false. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/s/stevejobs737723.html 1. Steve has never been a lucky guy. 4. That's been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: 2. At the age of 30 he started to work for his friend’s company. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end 3. The company Steve started employed 400 people and cost about 2 million dollars. because once you get there, you can move mountains. 4. Steve’s finest creation was released a year after he turned 30. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/s/stevejobs416929.html 5. All Steve’s friends were fired from the Apple company. 6. The founders of the company had a big fall out because of the money and future invest- ments. 7. Steve was fired secretly. Part II 8. He never felt sorry for his screw ups and left the valley without any regrets. 9. After being fired Steve decided that what he had been doing before was all wrong. Steve Jobs’ second story 10. His sacking out of Apple was the worst thing that ever happened to him. Exercise 1. Study the following words and listen to the second story of Steve’s life. 11. Steve met his future wife at his parents’ birthday party. 12. Pixar is a widely used software program. 1. to be lucky быть счастливым 13. The only thing that kept Steve going was a feeling of revenge and hatred. 2. to grow into a big company вырасти в большую компанию 14. The only way to do great work is by making lots of mоney. 15. With years relationships and things get worse and weaker.

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Окончание табл. 3. to release выпустить 4. the finest creation лучший продукт (творение) 5. to turn 30 стать 30-летним 6. to get fired быть уволенным 7. to start a company основать компанию 8. to hire people нанять людей 9. to run the company руководить компанией 10. to diverge расходиться 11. to have a falling out вступить в конфликт, разругаться 12. adult life взрослая жизнь 13. devastating опустошающий 14. to let smb down подвести кого-либо 15. to side with smb солидаризироваться с кем-либо 16. to drop a baton уронить эстафетную палочку 17. to screw up badly завалить дело 18. to dawn on smb осенять (приходить с голову) 19. the turn of events поворот событий 20. the heaviness of being successful тяжесть успеха 21. remarkable замечательный 22. awful tasting medicine отвратительная пилюля 23. a patient пациент 24. to lose faith терять веру 25. to be convinced in smth быть уверенным 26. to roll on катиться, продолжаться 27. don’t settle не успокаиваться 28. turn of events поворот событий

Exercise 2. Listen to the second story of Steve’s commencement address: http://news. stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/ and say if the following sentences are true or false. 1. Steve has never been a lucky guy. 2. At the age of 30 he started to work for his friend’s company. 3. The company Steve started employed 400 people and cost about 2 million dollars. 4. Steve’s finest creation was released a year after he turned 30. 5. All Steve’s friends were fired from the Apple company. 6. The founders of the company had a big fall out because of the money and future invest- ments. 7. Steve was fired secretly. 8. He never felt sorry for his screw ups and left the valley without any regrets. 9. After being fired Steve decided that what he had been doing before was all wrong. 10. His sacking out of Apple was the worst thing that ever happened to him. 11. Steve met his future wife at his parents’ birthday party. 12. Pixar is a widely used software program. 13. The only thing that kept Steve going was a feeling of revenge and hatred. 14. The only way to do great work is by making lots of mоney. 15. With years relationships and things get worse and weaker.

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Exercise 3. Read the second part of Steve’s speech and do the following exercises. Окончание табл. My second story is about love and loss. 11. an animated feature film to be kicked or sacked out of job 12. renaissance to fail badly I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents’ garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of 13. medicine sacred feelings and emotions us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4,000 employees. We had just released our 14. matters of the heart wonderful finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks. I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. 1. I was … I found what I loved to do early in my life. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. 2. My friend and I started our company in my parent’s … What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating. 3. The company grew into a 2 … company with over 4 … I really didn’t know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of 4. We had just … our finest creation the Macintosh. entrepreneurs down — that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with Da- 5. When I … 30, I was … from the company. vid Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public 6. They thought I was talented to … the company. failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to 7. Our visions of the future began to … and we had a … dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. 8. The Board of Directors … with him. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over. 9. Getting … from Apple was the best thing that … to me. 10. The … of being successful was replaced by the… of being a beginner again. I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could 11. During the next five years I … a company named Pixar. have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of 12. I … in love with an … woman who would become my wife. being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative 13. Pixar went on to great its first computer … … film. periods of my life. 14. In a remarkable … … Apple bought Pixar and I … to Apple again. During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, 15. Being fired from Apple was an awful tasting …, but the … needed it. and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the 16. Don’t …, keep … world’s first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful anima- 17. Like in any relationship, it just gets better and better as the years … on. tion studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple’s current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together. Part III I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a Steve Jobs’ third story of life brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your Exercise 1. Study the following words. lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. 1. death смерть If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll 2. quote цитата know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years 3. impression впечатление roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle. 4. to encounter встречать, сталкиваться 5. expectation ожидания (JUNE 14, 2005 http://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/) 6. pride гордость, гордыня Exercise 4. Match the words with their definitions. 7. embarrassment смущение, замешательство 8. failure неудача 1. a lucky guy to give smb a paid job or position 9. to avoid the trap избежать западни 2. an employee to have different, opposing visions 10. cancer рак (заболевание) 3. to hire smb undertakers 11. tumor опухоль 4. to get fired happy person 12. pancreas поджелудочная железа 5. to diverge to affiliate with smb 13. incurable / curable неизлечимый / излечимый 6. entrepreneurs to happen, to occur 14. to get all affairs in order привести дела в порядок 7. to side with smb cartoons 15. to button up довести до конца 8. to screw up revival 16. to sedate анестезировать 9. to turn out a hired worker 17. destination место назначения 10. amazing treatment, cure, a pill 18. to share разделять, иметь что-то общее

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Окончание табл. 11. an animated feature film to be kicked or sacked out of job 12. renaissance to fail badly 13. medicine sacred feelings and emotions 14. matters of the heart wonderful

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks. 1. I was … I found what I loved to do early in my life. 2. My friend and I started our company in my parent’s … 3. The company grew into a 2 … company with over 4 … 4. We had just … our finest creation the Macintosh. 5. When I … 30, I was … from the company. 6. They thought I was talented to … the company. 7. Our visions of the future began to … and we had a … 8. The Board of Directors … with him. 9. Getting … from Apple was the best thing that … to me. 10. The … of being successful was replaced by the… of being a beginner again. 11. During the next five years I … a company named Pixar. 12. I … in love with an … woman who would become my wife. 13. Pixar went on to great its first computer … … film. 14. In a remarkable … … Apple bought Pixar and I … to Apple again. 15. Being fired from Apple was an awful tasting …, but the … needed it. 16. Don’t …, keep … 17. Like in any relationship, it just gets better and better as the years … on.

Part III

Steve Jobs’ third story of life Exercise 1. Study the following words.

1. death смерть 2. quote цитата 3. impression впечатление 4. to encounter встречать, сталкиваться 5. expectation ожидания 6. pride гордость, гордыня 7. embarrassment смущение, замешательство 8. failure неудача 9. to avoid the trap избежать западни 10. cancer рак (заболевание) 11. tumor опухоль 12. pancreas поджелудочная железа 13. incurable / curable неизлечимый / излечимый 14. to get all affairs in order привести дела в порядок 15. to button up довести до конца 16. to sedate анестезировать 17. destination место назначения 18. to share разделять, иметь что-то общее

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Окончание табл. I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endo- 19. to waste time терять время scope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancre- 20. courage мужество as and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that 21. to put out an issue опубликовать (издать) выпуск журнала when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to 22. to run its course идти своим чередом be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I’m fine now. 23. hitchhiking путешествие автостопом 24. farewell message прощальное письмо This was the closest I’ve been to facing death, and I hope it’s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept: Exercise 2. Listen to the third part of Steve’s story http://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/ No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And jobs-061505/ and say if the following statements are true or false. yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, 1. When Steve was a teenager one book on computer technologies made a great impression on because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears him. out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from 2. Steve enjoyed looking into the mirror before starting his workday. now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is 3. He always knew he had to change something when things in his office went downhill. quite true. 4. His unrealized ambitions helped him to move forward in life. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — 5. Steve thought that achievements and professional success fall away in the face of death. which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions 6. To avoid the trap of thinking «you have something to lose» is to remember what you might drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and get in the long run. intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is sec- 7. The doctors were confident that the disease was untreatable. ondary. 8. One way to make a farewell with the family easy is to bring all things in order. When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which 9. The doctor was wet from tears because there was no medication available to treat the was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far disease. from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 10. True believers are happy to die to get to heaven. 1960s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, 11. We all are so different that there is not even one thing in the world that we might share. scissors and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before 12. To be trapped by dogma is to live with the results of other people’s thinking. Google came along: It was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. 13. To be courageous means to pursue your dream. Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had 14. Personal computers were invented in the late 60s. run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid — 1970s, and I was your age. On the 15. Hitchhiking always means to stay hungry and to stay foolish. back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you

might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: «Stay Exercise 3. Read the third part of Steve’s story and to the following exercises. Hungry. Stay Foolish». It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Fool- My third story is about death. ish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: «If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right». It made an impression on me, and since then, for Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: «If today were Thank you all very much. the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?» And whenever the an- (JUNE 14, 2005 http://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/) swer has been «No» for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me Exercise 4. Match the words with their meanings. make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only 1. quote a. to come upon smth unexpectedly what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid 2. expectation b. impossible to be treated by medicine the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to 3. to encounter c. to stay or keep away from something follow your heart. 4. embarrassment d. to bring everything in order About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly 5. incurable e. somebody’s phrase or statement showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn’t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this 6. to avoid f. travel by getting free rides from motorists was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer 7. to button up g. the place set for the end of the journey than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is 8. destination h. hope and trust into smth doctor’s code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you’d have 9. to put out an issue i. to publish for public usage the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up 10. hitchhiking j. shame and discomposure so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

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I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endo- scope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancre- as and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I’m fine now. This was the closest I’ve been to facing death, and I hope it’s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept: No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is sec- ondary. When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: It was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid — 1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: «Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish». It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Fool- ish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Thank you all very much. (JUNE 14, 2005 http://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/)

Exercise 4. Match the words with their meanings.

1. quote a. to come upon smth unexpectedly 2. expectation b. impossible to be treated by medicine 3. to encounter c. to stay or keep away from something 4. embarrassment d. to bring everything in order 5. incurable e. somebody’s phrase or statement 6. to avoid f. travel by getting free rides from motorists 7. to button up g. the place set for the end of the journey 8. destination h. hope and trust into smth 9. to put out an issue i. to publish for public usage 10. hitchhiking j. shame and discomposure

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Exercise 5. Find synonyms of the words in italics. 4. Стив никогда не стремился к славе, его достижения основаны на стремлении следовать желаниям своего сердца. 1. expectation wishes anticipation desires 5. На церемонии вручения дипломов в Стэндфордском университете Стив призвал выпу- 2. embarrassment shyness discomfort shame скников к смелости (to have the courage), быть открытыми и дерзкими (hungry and 3. advise gossip counsel information foolish), никогда не успокаиваться и помнить о конечности отпущенного нам времени 4. to trap to get stuck to ambush to fail (our time is limited). 5. courage bravery cowardice boldness 6. Страх провала и стыда, ожидания сообщества, чужие догмы не должны останавливать 6. hitchhiking Hitchcock movies to thumb a lift/ride play hide and seek подрастающее поколение на пути новых открытий и достижений. 7. to encounter to corner to count to stumble into 7. Три истории о «соединении точек», рассказанные Стивом выпускникам Стэндфордско- 8. achievements accomplishments things adventures го университета, — это рассказ о том, как, казалось бы, несвязанные между собой со- бытия прошлого влияют на свершения в будущем.

Exercise 6. Add necessary suffixes to make up nouns, translate them, and find sentences Exercise 9. Say what lessons you personally have learned from Steve’s stories and write a with these words in the text. short essay about Steve Jobs’ philosophy of life. To achieve To accomplish Exercise 10. Tell your groupmates about people or their projects that inspired or encour- To expect aged you in your academic life. To anticipate To state To embarrass To fail To treat To medicate To encourage To invent To avoid

Exercise 7. Finish the following sentences. 1. If you live each day as if it is your last … 2. When the answer has been «no» for too many days in a row … 3. All external expectation, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure … 4. There is no reason not to … 5. My doctor advised me to go home and … 6. The doctor started crying because that was … 7. It was the closest I have been to … 8. Death was a useful but an … 9. Even people who want to go to … 10. Your time is limited … 11. Don’t be trapped by dogma … 12. Have the courage to …

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences. 1. Стив Джобс является одним из самых ярких изобретателей и предпринимателей ХХ века в области информационных технологий. 2. Навыки, приобретенные Стивом в области каллиграфии еще в ранней юности, помог- ли ему создать одну из самых конкурентоспособных (competitive) компаний и удоб- ных в употреблении (customer or user friendly) гаджетов. 3. Его путь к известности и популярности был не только трудным, но даже драматиче- ским в отдельные периоды его жизни.

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4. Стив никогда не стремился к славе, его достижения основаны на стремлении следовать желаниям своего сердца. 5. На церемонии вручения дипломов в Стэндфордском университете Стив призвал выпу- скников к смелости (to have the courage), быть открытыми и дерзкими (hungry and foolish), никогда не успокаиваться и помнить о конечности отпущенного нам времени (our time is limited). 6. Страх провала и стыда, ожидания сообщества, чужие догмы не должны останавливать подрастающее поколение на пути новых открытий и достижений. 7. Три истории о «соединении точек», рассказанные Стивом выпускникам Стэндфордско- го университета, — это рассказ о том, как, казалось бы, несвязанные между собой со- бытия прошлого влияют на свершения в будущем.

Exercise 9. Say what lessons you personally have learned from Steve’s stories and write a short essay about Steve Jobs’ philosophy of life.

Exercise 10. Tell your groupmates about people or their projects that inspired or encour- aged you in your academic life.

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Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences. Unit 5 1. The strength and durability of wooden structures depend on the skills of the builder and climate conditions. 2. The Greeks not only borrowed some construction ideas from the Romans, but also improved architectural designs of Roman columns and as a result advanced in their engineering skills. My house is my castle. 3. Due to the Mediterranean weather conditions not flat but slanting roofs became a necessity proverb in Greek architecture. 4. Reinforced concrete as a construction material was widely used for huge industrial projects Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation. of the XX century. 5. A shortage of building materials during construction process was caused not by the Build, builder, building materials, climate, climatic, wood, woody, earth, earthly, earthen, leaf, lack of money but by poor management. leaves, convenient, conveniences, all, small, tall, wall, although, exist, existence, nonexistent, 6. Advanced construction technologies have significantly increased the speed of house discover, discovery, discoverer, cover, covered, covering, dwell, dwelling, present, presented, building. construct, construction, beauty, beautiful, beautify, admire, admiration, roof, roofing materials, improve, improved, improvement, borrow, borrower, borrowed, architecture, architectural, archi- Exercise 4. Read and translate the following text. tect, strength, strengthen, strong, length, lengthen, long, widen, width, wide, direct, direction, director, add, addition, added, commemorate, commemoration, flower, flourish, fortune, unfor- The House tunately, invade, invasion, invaded, destroy, destruction, cause, caused, because, damage, dam- 1. Man has always been a builder. The kind of houses he built depended upon the climate, upon aged, crowd, crowded, note, noted, notable, force, inforce, reinforce, manufacture, manufacturer, his enemies, and upon building materials at hand. The first houses in many parts of the world manufactured, expenses, expensive, at the expense of, church, fur, further, furthermore, labor, were made of wood, for in those days the greater part of the earth was covered with forests. Men laborious, characterize, characteristic, character, sky, skyscraper, skyline, diverse, diversity, di- tied together the tops of several trees and covered them with the skins of animals or with leaves versify, differ, different, differentiate, complete, completion. and grass. So, a tent or hut, was the first house of the primitive people who lived where there was much wood. Exercise 2. Study the following words and phrases. In other regions the most convenient building material was stone. Men began building houses out 1. To depend upon environment зависеть от окружающей среды of stone a long time ago. Even though they were built without cement the remains of a few of 2. Woody structures деревянные сооружения them still exist. 3. Earthen houses земляные дома It appears that the most ancient homes on the territory of Russia were earthen houses. One such 4. It appeared that как оказалось home was discovered near Voronezh in 1927. It consisted of a shallow hole of oval shape. The 5. Shallow hole неглубокое отверстие floor was covered with limestone slabs. The roof was conical in shape and stood on poles cov- 6. To borrow architectural ideas заимствовать архитектурные идеи ered by branches or animal skins. Such dwellings existed in that part of the country in the Upper 7. To put up buildings возводить здания Paleolithic Period (from 40,000 to 12,000 years ago). 8. Flat or slanting roofs плоские и покатые крыши 9. To arouse admiration вызывать восхищение 1.1. What circumstances defined the choice of construction materials? 10. Strength and durability прочность и долговечность 1.2. What adhesive material was not known to builders of the ancient time? 11. To serve as a fortress выступать в качестве крепости 12. To destroy housing разрушать дома 2. The ancient Egyptians built very simple houses, by present standards. Having dried the bricks 13. To cover with animal skins покрывать шкурами животных in the sun, they put up four walls, and above these they placed a flat roof. The roof was flat be- 14. Dwelling жилище, дом cause there was very little rain in Egypt. Although their buildings were simple in construction, 15. To improve Egyptian columns усовершенствовать египетские колонны the Egyptian art of building was very beautiful. Their pyramids and monuments, sphinxes and 16. Diversity of architectural styles разнообразие архитектурных стилей palaces arouse our admiration to this day. An important part in the history of the building has 17. Reinforced concrete железобетон been played by the column, and it was ancient Egypt that gave the world its first lesson in the art 18. Limestone slabs известковые плиты of making columns. The Greeks learned much from Egypt. But they didn’t borrow the flat roof. 19. Shortage of construction materials нехватка строительных материалов They built the slanting roof because there was much rain in their country. The Greeks made the roof slant in two directions from the middle. They also improved on Egypt’s columns and soon 20. Advanced construction technologies современные строительные технологии became the teachers of the world in column making. 21. Enemy invasion вражеское вторжение 22. Lack of money недостаток денег The Romans, in turn, learned much from the Greeks. First of all they borrowed the slanting roof 23. To increase significantly увеличиться значительно and the columns. But they added the arch, thus adding much strength and beauty to their build- 24. To advance in construction skills усовершенствовать навыки строительства ings. 25. To be caused by быть причиной чего-либо 2.1. What construction ideas turned simple house building procedure into an art of architecture? 36 37 37

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences.

1. The strength and durability of wooden structures depend on the skills of the builder and climate conditions. 2. The Greeks not only borrowed some construction ideas from the Romans, but also improved architectural designs of Roman columns and as a result advanced in their engineering skills. 3. Due to the Mediterranean weather conditions not flat but slanting roofs became a necessity in Greek architecture. 4. Reinforced concrete as a construction material was widely used for huge industrial projects of the XX century. 5. A shortage of building materials during bridge construction process was caused not by the lack of money but by poor management. 6. Advanced construction technologies have significantly increased the speed of house building.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following text.

The House 1. Man has always been a builder. The kind of houses he built depended upon the climate, upon his enemies, and upon building materials at hand. The first houses in many parts of the world were made of wood, for in those days the greater part of the earth was covered with forests. Men tied together the tops of several trees and covered them with the skins of animals or with leaves and grass. So, a tent or hut, was the first house of the primitive people who lived where there was much wood. In other regions the most convenient building material was stone. Men began building houses out of stone a long time ago. Even though they were built without cement the remains of a few of them still exist. It appears that the most ancient homes on the territory of Russia were earthen houses. One such home was discovered near Voronezh in 1927. It consisted of a shallow hole of oval shape. The floor was covered with limestone slabs. The roof was conical in shape and stood on poles cov- ered by branches or animal skins. Such dwellings existed in that part of the country in the Upper Paleolithic Period (from 40,000 to 12,000 years ago).

1.1. What circumstances defined the choice of construction materials? 1.2. What adhesive material was not known to builders of the ancient time?

2. The ancient Egyptians built very simple houses, by present standards. Having dried the bricks in the sun, they put up four walls, and above these they placed a flat roof. The roof was flat be- cause there was very little rain in Egypt. Although their buildings were simple in construction, the Egyptian art of building was very beautiful. Their pyramids and monuments, sphinxes and palaces arouse our admiration to this day. An important part in the history of the building has been played by the column, and it was ancient Egypt that gave the world its first lesson in the art of making columns. The Greeks learned much from Egypt. But they didn’t borrow the flat roof. They built the slanting roof because there was much rain in their country. The Greeks made the roof slant in two directions from the middle. They also improved on Egypt’s columns and soon became the teachers of the world in column making. The Romans, in turn, learned much from the Greeks. First of all they borrowed the slanting roof and the columns. But they added the arch, thus adding much strength and beauty to their build- ings.

2.1. What construction ideas turned simple house building procedure into an art of architecture? 37 38

3. In ancient Russia architecture flourished for the first time in Kiev Russ. Unfortunately only a 5. The ancient Egyptians built very complex architectural structures. few of the church buildings of that period have remained, among them the famous Cathedral of 6. Flat roofs were not popular among Egyptian builders. St. Sophia, the cornerstone of which was laid in 1037 to commemorate the victory over 7. Egyptian architecture was plain and boring. Pechenegs. The churches of that time were strong buildings with thick walls and small windows. 8. Columns as an architectural innovation of the time were invented by the Greeks. They often had to serve as fortresses against enemy invasions. During the Second World War the 9. Greeks built slanting roofs to make their houses look taller and; therefore, more noticeable. finest ancient architectural monuments were destroyed and great effort has got into restoring 10. The strength and beauty of multiple buildings was enhanced by different types of arches. them. 11. Christian churches of the 11 century were strong buildings with small windows to keep the warmth inside the structure. 3.1. What multiple functions did churches of the ancient Rus serve? 12. The houses of medieval towns were later destroyed mainly due to the lack of professional knowledge. 4. In the Middle Ages in Europe numerous wars between different nations caused great damages 13. Monarchs and nobles built castles as a form of investment. to the houses of crowded Medieval towns. Therefore, many monarchs and nobles built castles as 14. The Renaissance was a period of return to classical forms and proportions of ancient Roman a form of defense. Those castles had very strong walls, narrow windows and projecting fortifica- buildings. tions. 15. The 19th century was characterized by the use of iron and steel as an alternative to wood. st 4.1. What architectural features were intrinsic to medieval castles? 16. Reinforced concrete as a construction material of the 21 century has largely prolonged the life and enhanced the strength of constructed buildings. 5. The Renaissance, which was a European movement, lasted roughly from the 14th to the 17th century. During this Period, art and sciences underwent great changes. In architecture these Exercise 5. Read and translate the following word combinations. changes were marked by a return to classical forms and proportions of ancient Roman buildings. To depend on climate and quality, in the middle of the night, to tie together, the top of wooden 5.1. Why does contemporary architecture consider the period of Renaissance a special time span planks, to appear on the horizon, in the middle of the day, a shallow hole, to have no shape in the history of civil and military engineering? (shapeless), a flat ground, to put up a tent, a stone wall, to do something in turn, the strength of materials, thick wood, to serve as an explanation, to destroy the city, great effort, advanced 6. Buildings of the 19th century are characterized by the use of new materials and by a great di- workers, steel and concrete, numerous units, to manufacture tubes, to assemble houses, to be versity of architectural styles. From the end of the 18th century iron and steel became widely used made of bricks, a new flat, in the wrong direction, shortage of water, the assembly of aggregates, as alternatives to wood, for by that time many countries experienced shortage of this material. duration of crises, a number of advantages, to extend (lengthen) the road, to heat the house, ex- Later the Industrial Revolution brought mass-production of building parts which were manufac- pensive means, huge scale, to play an important part, to take part in the concert, to take place, to tured at a factory and then simply assembled at a site. be damaged by storm, a damaged car, a crowded street.

Exercise 6. Choose the right translation. 6.1. Why had steel become so popular by the end of the 18th century?

1. передовой advanced flat huge convenient 7. The 20th century is notable for widespread use of steel — reinforced concrete. Huge reinforced 2. длительность advantage duration establishment construction concrete units manufactured in heated factory premises are brought to the site which becomes 3. дорогой width concrete previous expensive something like an assembly shop. This technique has many advantages over other building methods. First of all it cuts the labor needed for building by 60 to 70 % and extends the building 4. кроме того without still in turn furthermore season what is very important for countries where winter lasts for many months. Furthermore the 5. простираться to heat to tie to increase to extend duration of building is greatly cut. All this makes the building process less expensive and much 6. мелкий huge shallow gigantic deep less laborious. 7. длина strength width length advantage 8. ожидать to assemble to expect to put up to arouse Architecture of the 20th century is characterized by very high buildings — particularly skyscrap- 9. собирать to cut to perform to assemble to spread ers — and by the great diversity of styles, which are very much different from those in the past. 10. подвергаться to discover to appear to undergo to improve

7.1. How did the introduction of new construction technologies change the industry of house Exercise 7. Cross the odd one out. building?

advanced innovative new progressive Exercise 4. Say if the following statements are true or false. to borrow to take to lend to loan 1. The types of houses people built in ancient times depended upon local architecture. expensive costly valuable extensive 2. In woody areas the first shelters were built from stone and granite. to increase to enlarge to enhance to lengthen 3. In ancient times, pieces of stone structures were held together by cement. to expect to look forward to look for to anticipate 4. The earthen homes found on the territory of Russia had slanting roofs made of limestone to assemble to put together to collect to make up slabs. shortage deficiency lack drawback to cause to trigger to contribute to promote

38 39 39

5. The ancient Egyptians built very complex architectural structures. 6. Flat roofs were not popular among Egyptian builders. 7. Egyptian architecture was plain and boring. 8. Columns as an architectural innovation of the time were invented by the Greeks. 9. Greeks built slanting roofs to make their houses look taller and; therefore, more noticeable. 10. The strength and beauty of multiple buildings was enhanced by different types of arches. 11. Christian churches of the 11 century were strong buildings with small windows to keep the warmth inside the structure. 12. The houses of medieval towns were later destroyed mainly due to the lack of professional knowledge. 13. Monarchs and nobles built castles as a form of investment. 14. The Renaissance was a period of return to classical forms and proportions of ancient Roman buildings. 15. The 19th century was characterized by the use of iron and steel as an alternative to wood. 16. Reinforced concrete as a construction material of the 21st century has largely prolonged the life and enhanced the strength of constructed buildings.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the following word combinations.

To depend on climate and quality, in the middle of the night, to tie together, the top of wooden planks, to appear on the horizon, in the middle of the day, a shallow hole, to have no shape (shapeless), a flat ground, to put up a tent, a stone wall, to do something in turn, the strength of materials, thick wood, to serve as an explanation, to destroy the city, great effort, advanced workers, steel and concrete, numerous units, to manufacture tubes, to assemble houses, to be made of bricks, a new flat, in the wrong direction, shortage of water, the assembly of aggregates, duration of crises, a number of advantages, to extend (lengthen) the road, to heat the house, ex- pensive means, huge scale, to play an important part, to take part in the concert, to take place, to be damaged by storm, a damaged car, a crowded street.

Exercise 6. Choose the right translation.

1. передовой advanced flat huge convenient 2. длительность advantage duration establishment construction 3. дорогой width concrete previous expensive 4. кроме того without still in turn furthermore 5. простираться to heat to tie to increase to extend 6. мелкий huge shallow gigantic deep 7. длина strength width length advantage 8. ожидать to assemble to expect to put up to arouse 9. собирать to cut to perform to assemble to spread 10. подвергаться to discover to appear to undergo to improve

Exercise 7. Cross the odd one out.

advanced innovative new progressive to borrow to take to lend to loan expensive costly valuable extensive to increase to enlarge to enhance to lengthen to expect to look forward to look for to anticipate to assemble to put together to collect to make up shortage deficiency lack drawback to cause to trigger to contribute to promote

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Exercise 8. Provide English equivalents of the Russian words in brackets. Exercise 10. Find antonyms of the words written in cursive.

1. A type of the house a man built (зависел от) the climate. 1. easy successful pretty outstanding challenging 2. The first houses in many parts of the world (были сделаны из) wood. 2. shallow flat similar profound deep 3. Men (связывали) together the tops of several trees. 3. empty total inclusive proper full 4. So a tent, or (хижина), was the first house of the primitive people. 4. to destroy to cut to heat to build to assemble 5. Men began building houses (из камня) a long time ago. 5. huge numerous expensive hard small 6. The most ancient homes on the territory of Russia were (землянки). 6. complicated permanent profound simple advanced 7. The floor was covered with (известняковыми плитами). 7. to remain to put up to diversify to leave to put up 8. Having dried (кирпичи) in the sun, they put up four walls, and above this they placed a 8. weakness width scale strength brick (плоскую крышу). 9. never always as well as without still 9. Sphinxes and palaces (вызывают восхищение). 10. to restore to shape to tie to heat to damage 10. Ancient Egypt gave the world its first lesson in the (искусство изготовления колонн). 11. to assemble to manipulate to put apart to destroy to enlarge 11. They built a (наклонную) roof because there was much rain in their country. 12. advanced underdeveloped improved sophisticated uneasy 12. Archs added much (прочности) and beauty to the Romans’ buildings. 13. durable expensive sustainable perishable cheap 13. In ancient Russia architecture (процветала) for the first time in Kiev Russ. 14. flammable combustible inflammable hard severe 14. The cornerstone of Cathedral of St. Sophia was laid in 1037 (в ознаменование) the victory over the Pechenegs. 15. During the Second World War the finest ancient architectural monuments (были Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. разрушены). 1. Выбор строительного материaла зависит от климатических условий и строительных 16. Those (крепости) had very strong walls, (узкие) windows and projecting (укрепления). материалов, доступных в регионе. 17. Arts and sciences (подвергались) great changes. 18. Buildings of the 19th century are characterized by a (большим разнообразием) of architec- 2. Первые хижины были сделаны из веток деревьев, связанных наверху, и шкур диких tural styles. зверей, покрывавших связанные ветки. 19. (Железо) and steel became widely used as alternatives to (дереву). 3. Самый прочный строительный материал — это, конечно, камень. 20. Many countries experienced (нехватку) of this material. 4. Крыши жилищ имели коническую форму и крепились (stood on) на столбах, которые, 21. Building parts were manufactured at a factory and then simply (собирались) at a site. в свою очередь, покрывались ветками деревьев. 22. Huge (железобетонные) units are brought to the site. 5. Важную роль в развитии домостроения в частности и архитектуры в целом сыграло 23. This technique has many (преимуществ) over other building methods. внедрение колонн и арок. 24. It (сокращает) the labour needed for building. 25. Furthermore the (продолжительность) of building is greatly cut. 6. Греки усовершенствовали римскую технологию возведения колон. 26. It makes the building process (менее дорогостоящим) and much (менее трудоемким). 7. Римляне заимствовали у греков технологию возведения покатых крыш, которые были широко распространены в Греции из-за дождливого климата. Exercise 9. Find synonyms of the words written in cursive. 8. Кафедральные соборы и церковные здания часто выполняли функцию крепости для защиты от вражеского вторжения. 1. to diminish shorten lengthen reduce enlarge 9. Во время Второй мировой войны многие архитектурные памятники были разрушены, 2. experience existence know how disappearance lifestyle в связи с чем понадобилось много времени для их восстановления. 3. to strengthen lengthen widen stretch reinforce 10. Для строительных сооружений XIX века характерно широкое использование новых 4. to improve develop modernize transform revolutionize строительных материалов и многообразие архитектурных стилей. 5. to manufacture organize introduce produce enlarge 11. ХХ столетие примечательно внедрением новых строительных технологий и возведе- 6. movement motivation process progress regress нием высотных зданий. 7. durable flexible strong waterproof shapeless 12. Особую роль в развитии строительной индустрии ХХ века сыграли железобетон и тех- 8. advantage disadvantage benefit failure appearance нология его использования для возведения зданий. 9. to advance improve move assemble extend 13. Огромные железобетонные конструкции заготавливались в сборочном цехе, а затем 10. to extend widen heat light lengthen транспортировались на строительную площадку. 11. shortage abundance deficiency richness footage 14. Отличительной чертой строительной индустрии XXI века является использование эко- 12. flat dull even rocky uneven логически чистого и энергосберегающего строительного материала. 13. difficult funny challenging flat easy 15. Широчайшее распространение в строительной индустрии XXI века получили такие 14. combustible durable water proof flexible flammable новые строительные материалы, как газобетон, стекло, пластик, винил.

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Exercise 10. Find antonyms of the words written in cursive.

1. easy successful pretty outstanding challenging 2. shallow flat similar profound deep 3. empty total inclusive proper full 4. to destroy to cut to heat to build to assemble 5. huge numerous expensive hard small 6. complicated permanent profound simple advanced 7. to remain to put up to diversify to leave to put up 8. weakness width scale strength brick 9. never always as well as without still 10. to restore to shape to tie to heat to damage 11. to assemble to manipulate to put apart to destroy to enlarge 12. advanced underdeveloped improved sophisticated uneasy 13. durable expensive sustainable perishable cheap 14. flammable combustible inflammable hard severe

Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Выбор строительного материaла зависит от климатических условий и строительных материалов, доступных в регионе. 2. Первые хижины были сделаны из веток деревьев, связанных наверху, и шкур диких зверей, покрывавших связанные ветки. 3. Самый прочный строительный материал — это, конечно, камень. 4. Крыши жилищ имели коническую форму и крепились (stood on) на столбах, которые, в свою очередь, покрывались ветками деревьев. 5. Важную роль в развитии домостроения в частности и архитектуры в целом сыграло внедрение колонн и арок. 6. Греки усовершенствовали римскую технологию возведения колон. 7. Римляне заимствовали у греков технологию возведения покатых крыш, которые были широко распространены в Греции из-за дождливого климата. 8. Кафедральные соборы и церковные здания часто выполняли функцию крепости для защиты от вражеского вторжения. 9. Во время Второй мировой войны многие архитектурные памятники были разрушены, в связи с чем понадобилось много времени для их восстановления. 10. Для строительных сооружений XIX века характерно широкое использование новых строительных материалов и многообразие архитектурных стилей. 11. ХХ столетие примечательно внедрением новых строительных технологий и возведе- нием высотных зданий. 12. Особую роль в развитии строительной индустрии ХХ века сыграли железобетон и тех- нология его использования для возведения зданий. 13. Огромные железобетонные конструкции заготавливались в сборочном цехе, а затем транспортировались на строительную площадку. 14. Отличительной чертой строительной индустрии XXI века является использование эко- логически чистого и энергосберегающего строительного материала. 15. Широчайшее распространение в строительной индустрии XXI века получили такие новые строительные материалы, как газобетон, стекло, пластик, винил.

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Exercise 12. Write 5 sentences of your own using the following synonyms and antonyms. 3. Good fences make good neighbors. 4. «A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as for the body» Combustible: inflammable; 2. Durable: perishable; 3. Advanced: underdeveloped: 4. Shallow: (Benjamin Franklin). deep; 5. Easy: challenging. 5. «The interior of the house personifies the private world; the exterior of it is a part of the out- For example: It is not easy to restore an architectural monument after it had been utterly de- side world» (Stephen Gardiner). stroyed. Some people like to complicate very simple issues. Your strength is in your weakness. 6. Home is where the heart it.

Exercise 13. Read and summarize the meaning of the following test.

ESSENCE OF THE HOUSE The English word «house» derives directly from the Old English Hus meaning «dwelling, shel- ter, place, and home». A house is a building that functions as a home for humans ranging from simple dwellings such as rudimentary huts of nomadic tribes and the improvised shacks in shan- tytowns to complex, fixed structures of wood, brick, or other materials containing plumbing, ventilation and electrical systems. Most conventional modern houses in Western cultures will contain a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen or a cooking area, and a living room. In traditional ag- riculture-oriented societies, domestic animals such as chickens or larger livestock (like cattle) may share part of the house with humans. The social unit that lives in a house is known as a household. Most commonly, a household is a family unit of some kind, although households may also be other social groups or individuals. The design and structure of the house is also a subject to change as a consequence of globalization, urbanization and other social, economic, demo- graphic, and technological reasons. Various other cultural factors transfer their influence on the style and patterns of human domestic space (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Exercise 14. Answer the following questions.

1. What does the word house mean? 2. How did the function of the house develop with time? 3. What phenomena and processes influence the function, the interior and exterior parts of the house?

Exercise 15. Find English equivalents of the following expressions.

Происходит от древнеанглийского слова; жилище, укрытие, помещение; начиная с про- стых укрытий и заканчивая сложными техническими сооружениями; система водопрово- да, вентиляции и энергообеспечения; быть объектом изменений (модернизации); модель внутреннего пространства.

Exercise 16. Say if the following sentences are true or false and find sentences supporting your statement.

1. The origin of the word house comes from one English speaking country washed by the wa- ters of Atlantic Ocean. 2. Contemporary western houses are deprived of modern facilities. 3. A household is a category denoting people living together in one house. 4. The interior and exterior parts of the house are subject to change due to variable and incon- sistent environmental conditions.

Exercise 17. Say how you understand the following proverbs and sayings about the house.

1. Men make houses, women make homes. 2. There is no place like home.

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3. Good fences make good neighbors. 4. «A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as for the body» (Benjamin Franklin). 5. «The interior of the house personifies the private world; the exterior of it is a part of the out- side world» (Stephen Gardiner). 6. Home is where the heart it.

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3. What does an architect have to think of when designing buildings? Unit 6 4. When were the pyramids of Egypt constructed? 5. How do the pyramids look like? 6. What is the height of the largest Egyptian pyramid? 7. What sciences were developed in ancient Egypt? 8. What was the main material used for construction of Egyptian pyramids? Why? From the heights of these pyramids, forty centuries look down at us. 9. Who built the pyramids? Napoleon Bonaparte 10. What were the pyramids built for? When Moses was alive, these pyramids were a thousand years old. Here began the history of architecture. Exercise 4. Match the columns. Here people learned to measure time by calendar, to plot the stars by astronomy and to chart the earth by geometry. 1. timber a. to draw a plan, to make a sketch And here they developed the most awesome of all ideas — the idea of eternity. Walter Cronkite 2. stone b. a person, who designs and supervises construction process 3. concrete c. solid mineral matter which is not metallic Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation. 4. to design d. a rectangular block of clay baked by the fire or sun

5. dwelling e. hard alloy of iron and carbon or other elements Architecture, architect, architectural, build, builder, building, beauty, beautiful, beatify, call, caller, called, triangle, triangular, construct, constructor, constructed, advance, advanced, ad- 6. architect f. building material made by mixing cement with sand and gravel vancing, philosopher, philosophy, philosophical, during, durable, durability, mount, amount. 7. brick g. a structure in memory of a person or event 8. steel h. belonging to the old time Exercise 2. Read the text and say what you have learned about the history of Egyptian Pyr- 9. ancient i. manufactured wood amids. 10. monument j. a place of residence

Egyptian Pyramids Exercise 5. Find translation of the following words. Architecture is the art which makes buildings beautiful to look at as well as useful. A man who

designs buildings and makes the plans for them is called an architect. He has to think not only of полезный even useful hard what he wants the building to look like when it is finished, but also what it is to be used for. He must not forget the sort of material to be used in the building. This may be stone, brick, wood or проектировать to draw to construct to design steel and concrete. кирпич stone brick lime stone There have been many different styles or kinds of architecture in the past and there are many dif- треугольный rectangular lateral triangular ferent styles today in different parts of the world. The oldest monuments which are met within развитый advanced dull flat architecture are the colossal pyramids of Egypt most of which were constructed about 6,000 прочный light flammable durable years ago. лесоматериал timber concrete wood Architecture is the art of large triangular buildings which were placed over the tombs of Egyp- жилище house dwelling location tian kings. The best known of the pyramids are a group of three structures built at Giza south of защитить provide improve protect Cairo. The largest of these is 482 feet high. They tell us of the advanced civilization of ancient Egypt, which is much spoken about even in our days. Exercise 6. Finish the following sentences. It was a country which had expert mathematicians and engineers, where astronomy and philoso-

phy were known and studied. The country was rich in hard and durable stone, but poor in timber 1. Architecture is the art … and metal, so that the main material used for construction was granite, and this was the reason 2. An architect needs to think of … for the durability of the pyramids. 3. The pyramids are … Large blocks of stone were transported over long distances by land and water, and placed into 4. The country was known for expert mathematicians, philosophers … position with the help of the most primitive equipment. That was done by slaves working for 5. Large block stones were transported … thirty or forty years. All this great amount of work was done, masses of material and a large ter- ritory sometimes of about 52,000 square meters were used only for protecting the body of a dead Exercise 7. Unscramble the following sentences. king and constructing a dwelling place for his happy life in the «other world». a) poor in, rich in, hard and durable, the country, stone, timber and metal, was, but. Exercise 3. Answer the following questions. b) over long distances, were transported, large blocks, by land and water, of stone. 1. What is architecture? c) which, a country, it, was, and, had, mathematicians, expert, engineers. 2. Who is called an architect?

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3. What does an architect have to think of when designing buildings? 4. When were the pyramids of Egypt constructed? 5. How do the pyramids look like? 6. What is the height of the largest Egyptian pyramid? 7. What sciences were developed in ancient Egypt? 8. What was the main material used for construction of Egyptian pyramids? Why? 9. Who built the pyramids? 10. What were the pyramids built for?

Exercise 4. Match the columns.

1. timber a. to draw a plan, to make a sketch 2. stone b. a person, who designs and supervises construction process 3. concrete c. solid mineral matter which is not metallic 4. to design d. a rectangular block of clay baked by the fire or sun 5. dwelling e. hard alloy of iron and carbon or other elements 6. architect f. building material made by mixing cement with sand and gravel 7. brick g. a structure in memory of a person or event 8. steel h. belonging to the old time 9. ancient i. manufactured wood 10. monument j. a place of residence

Exercise 5. Find translation of the following words.

полезный even useful hard проектировать to draw to construct to design кирпич stone brick lime stone треугольный rectangular lateral triangular развитый advanced dull flat прочный light flammable durable лесоматериал timber concrete wood жилище house dwelling location защитить provide improve protect

Exercise 6. Finish the following sentences.

1. Architecture is the art … 2. An architect needs to think of … 3. The pyramids are … 4. The country was known for expert mathematicians, philosophers … 5. Large block stones were transported …

Exercise 7. Unscramble the following sentences.

a) poor in, rich in, hard and durable, the country, stone, timber and metal, was, but. b) over long distances, were transported, large blocks, by land and water, of stone. c) which, a country, it, was, and, had, mathematicians, expert, engineers.

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Exercise 8. Read the following text and highlight the main facts referring to the uniqueness 4. Египтяне обладали глубокими знаниями в области математики и химии. of Egyptian Pyramids. 5. Современные ученые до сих пор спорят о том, какие именно технологии были ис- пользованы при строительстве Египетских пирамид. Stones of Pyramids 6. Похожие строительные материалы используются в современной промышленности. Egyptian pyramids are huge structures, which are almost 4,600 years old. The Pyramid of Che- ops, for example, consists of 2,300,000 stones. Each of the stone weighs about 2,5 tones. Exercise 12. Read the following text and name all construction techniques possibly em- ployed in the process of Egyptian pyramids’ construction. According to the usual explanation large blocks of stone were cut out in the mountains and then

transported with the help of the most primitive equipment. Presumably, about 100 thousand peo- Construction Techniques of Egyptian Pyramids ple had to take part in the construction. There have been many hypotheses about Egyptian pyramid construction techniques. These tech- However, the experiments of our institute show that the stones of pyramids were not transported niques seem to have developed over time; later pyramids were not built the same way as the ear- to the construction site. Twelve years of research in the field of chemistry and archeology pro- lier ones. Most of the construction hypotheses are based on the idea that huge stones were carved vided us with a quite definite answer. The stones of pyramids were made synthetically. Egyp- with copper chisels from stone quarries, and these blocks were then dragged and lifted into posi- tians produced some special solution. Later they mixed it with one of the minerals. It took them tion. Disagreements chiefly concern the methods used to move and place the stones. There is al- several hours to transform this mixture into a very hard rock. The rocks were produced on the so a hypothesis that the pyramids were built out of geopolymer cement, otherwise known as cast construction site and, therefore, there was no need to transport heavy stone blocks. stone. Cotemporary scientists and engineers know how to produce hard materials synthetically. At pre-  What types of disagreements are common to most Egyptologists? sent, multiple synthetic materials are used in construction industry. It is worth mentioning that In addition to the many unresolved arguments about the construction techniques, there have been any synthetic rock looks like limestone granite or a hard piece of rock. disagreements as to the kind of workforce used. The Greeks, many years after the event, be- Egyptians were good at mathematics and chemistry; therefore, they could know this technique. lieved that the pyramids were built by slave labor. Archaeologists now believe that the Great All necessary minerals could have been found in the vicinity. Pyramid of Giza (at least) was built by tens of thousands of skilled workers who camped Only the use of this technique can explain some strange facts. For example, the presence of huge near the pyramids and worked for a salary or as a form of tax payment (levy) until the con- monolithic stones inside the pyramids, which are too large for the entrance opening, and the struction was completed. The following conclusion was made based on the discovery of the presence of a human hair which is 21 cm long inside one of the stones. workers' cemeteries, which were exposed by archaeologists Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner in 1990. As far as the Middle Kingdom Pyramid of Amenemhat II is concerned, some of the revealed evidence speak of the use of foreigners from Palestine for its construction (From Exercise 9. Match the columns. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).  What type of workforce was allegedly employed to construct Pyramids? 1. Egyptian pyramids are huge structures a) and then transported with the help of the most primitive equipment Exercise 13. Cross the odd one out. 2. It took them several hours b) how to produce hard materials synthetically 3. Only the use of this technique c) to transform this mixture into very hard rock hypothesis supposition speculation admiration 4. Large blocks of stone were cut out in the d) which are almost 4,600 years old. technique engineering skills instrumentality innovation mountains to develop to advance to progress to enlarge 5. Now scientists and engineers know e) can explain some strange facts to carve to cut out to engrave to plaster 6. It is worth mentioning f) that the synthetic rocks look like granite disagreement contradiction displeasure inconsistency workforce staff members occupied population active population erection construction building placement Exercise 10. Find English equivalents of the following expressions. researcher explorer teacher investigator origin genesis source ending Огромные сооружения, состоит из камней, согласно обычному объяснению, современные to concern to ban to connect to relate ученые, с помощью примитивного оборудования, принимать участие в строительстве, ка- to use to employ to promote to utilize кой-то специальный раствор, преобразовать смесь в очень твердый камень, похожие мате- to improve to beautify to perfect to develop риалы используются в промышленности, использование этой технологии, это стоит упо- минания, хорошо владеть математикой, многолетние археологические исследования обес- cemetery burial ground grave site industrial site печили нас данными, таким образом, наличие человеческого волоса. Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the words Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences. from the above table.

1. Египетские пирамиды — это древний архитектурный памятник. 1. Существует несколько гипотез относительно технологий, использованных при возве- 2. В строительстве пирамид принимало участие более 100 000 человек. дении пирамид. 3. Египтяне изготавливали специальный строительный раствор.

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4. Египтяне обладали глубокими знаниями в области математики и химии. 5. Современные ученые до сих пор спорят о том, какие именно технологии были ис- пользованы при строительстве Египетских пирамид. 6. Похожие строительные материалы используются в современной промышленности.

Exercise 12. Read the following text and name all construction techniques possibly em- ployed in the process of Egyptian pyramids’ construction.

Construction Techniques of Egyptian Pyramids There have been many hypotheses about Egyptian pyramid construction techniques. These tech- niques seem to have developed over time; later pyramids were not built the same way as the ear- lier ones. Most of the construction hypotheses are based on the idea that huge stones were carved with copper chisels from stone quarries, and these blocks were then dragged and lifted into posi- tion. Disagreements chiefly concern the methods used to move and place the stones. There is al- so a hypothesis that the pyramids were built out of geopolymer cement, otherwise known as cast stone.  What types of disagreements are common to most Egyptologists? In addition to the many unresolved arguments about the construction techniques, there have been disagreements as to the kind of workforce used. The Greeks, many years after the event, be- lieved that the pyramids were built by slave labor. Archaeologists now believe that the Great Pyramid of Giza (at least) was built by tens of thousands of skilled workers who camped near the pyramids and worked for a salary or as a form of tax payment (levy) until the con- struction was completed. The following conclusion was made based on the discovery of the workers' cemeteries, which were exposed by archaeologists Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner in 1990. As far as the Middle Kingdom Pyramid of Amenemhat II is concerned, some of the revealed evidence speak of the use of foreigners from Palestine for its construction (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).  What type of workforce was allegedly employed to construct Pyramids?

Exercise 13. Cross the odd one out.

hypothesis supposition speculation admiration technique engineering skills instrumentality innovation to develop to advance to progress to enlarge to carve to cut out to engrave to plaster disagreement contradiction displeasure inconsistency workforce staff members occupied population active population erection construction building placement researcher explorer teacher investigator origin genesis source ending to concern to ban to connect to relate to use to employ to promote to utilize to improve to beautify to perfect to develop cemetery burial ground grave site industrial site

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the words from the above table.

1. Существует несколько гипотез относительно технологий, использованных при возве- дении пирамид.

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2. Многие технологии возведения пирамид были со временем усовершенствованы егип- тянами. Unit 7 3. Большая часть исследователей убеждена, что каменные блоки для пирамид высека- лись в каменных карьерах при помощи медной стамески. 4. Основные разногласия касаются способов перемещения каменных блоков на место

возведения пирамид и их подъем. We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us. 5. Исследователи также расходятся во мнении относительно происхождения использо- Winston Churchill ванной рабочей силы. 6. Недалеко от места возведения пирамид были найдены захоронения рабочих. Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud.

Exercise 15. Say how you understand the following sayings. Architect, architecture, architectural, design, designer, designed, physics, physical, physicality, perceive, perception, imperceptible, survive, survival, surviving, achieve, achievement, achieva- 1. Some men are like pyramids, which are very broad where they touch the ground, but grow ble, civil, civilize, civilization, unit, unity, unify, unification, here, inherent, coherent, utilize, narrow as they reach the sky (Henry Ward Beecher). utility, utilization, labor, laborious, elaborate, concept, conceptual, conceptualize, sustain, sus- 2. There are some people who knock the pyramids because they don’t have elevators. tainable, sustenance. 3. The pyramids themselves, doting with age, have forgotten the names of their founders. Exercise 2. Study the following vocabulary.

1. To perceive понимать, воспринимать 2. To survive выжить, уцелеть 3. To elaborate разработать, уточнить, развивать 4. Safety безопасность 5. To strive стремиться, пытаться 6. To fulfill выполнить, исполнить 7. Durability долговечность, прочность 8. Utility функциональность, полезность 9. To govern управлять 10. Superficially поверхностно, на первый взгляд 11. Ornament украшение 12. To consider рассматривать, обдумывать 13. Ingenuity изобретательность 14. To encompass сосредоточить в себе 15. Approach подход 16. Common характерный 17. Notion понятие, представление 18. To pursue стремиться, следовать 19. Inherent присущий, характерный 20. To be subjected to functionality подчиняться функциональности 21. Awe- inspiring place место, внушающее трепет 22. Piety набожность 23. Sustainable architecture устойчивая архитектура

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences.

1. Ancient architectural designs are frequently perceived as historical monuments of previous civilizations. 2. To survive in harsh conditions of Northern regions the local civil engineers had to consider multiple architectural and construction factors such as safety, durability and utility of elab- orated structures. 3. The team of developers worked hard to fulfill promises given to the investors (equity hold- ers).

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Unit 7

We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us. Winston Churchill

Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud.

Architect, architecture, architectural, design, designer, designed, physics, physical, physicality, perceive, perception, imperceptible, survive, survival, surviving, achieve, achievement, achieva- ble, civil, civilize, civilization, unit, unity, unify, unification, here, inherent, coherent, utilize, utility, utilization, labor, laborious, elaborate, concept, conceptual, conceptualize, sustain, sus- tainable, sustenance.

Exercise 2. Study the following vocabulary.

1. To perceive понимать, воспринимать 2. To survive выжить, уцелеть 3. To elaborate разработать, уточнить, развивать 4. Safety безопасность 5. To strive стремиться, пытаться 6. To fulfill выполнить, исполнить 7. Durability долговечность, прочность 8. Utility функциональность, полезность 9. To govern управлять 10. Superficially поверхностно, на первый взгляд 11. Ornament украшение 12. To consider рассматривать, обдумывать 13. Ingenuity изобретательность 14. To encompass сосредоточить в себе 15. Approach подход 16. Common характерный 17. Notion понятие, представление 18. To pursue стремиться, следовать 19. Inherent присущий, характерный 20. To be subjected to functionality подчиняться функциональности 21. Awe- inspiring place место, внушающее трепет 22. Piety набожность 23. Sustainable architecture устойчивая архитектура

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences.

1. Ancient architectural designs are frequently perceived as historical monuments of previous civilizations. 2. To survive in harsh conditions of Northern regions the local civil engineers had to consider multiple architectural and construction factors such as safety, durability and utility of elab- orated structures. 3. The team of developers worked hard to fulfill promises given to the investors (equity hold- ers).

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4. The building of the temple was heavily ornamented with stucco moldings. of the neo-medieval world. The architect believed that Gothic architecture, was the only «true 5. Ingenuity is at work, when an architect is not only an engineer but a creative designer as well. Christian form of architecture». Some gothic buildings — particularly churches and cathedrals 6. A desire to create something new and unusual is inherent to every architect. became awe-inspiring places of piety and worship. They were grand, tall designs, which swept 7. Cathedrals and temples of Gothic architecture are awe-inspiring places for true believers. upwards with height and grace.

Exercise 4. Say how you understand the term architecture and what functions it plays in 5.1. Why was Gothic architecture believed to be the only «true Christian» form of architecture? the life of contemporary society. 6. Considering the difference between the ideals of architecture and mere construction, the re- Exercise 5. Read and translate the following text. nowned 20th century architect Le Corbusier wrote: «You employ stone, wood, and concrete, and with these materials you build houses and palaces: that is construction. Ingenuity is at work. But Architecture suddenly you touch my heart, you do me good. I am happy and I say: This is beautiful. That is 1. Architecture is both a process and a product of planning, designing, and constructing housing Architecture». and other physical structures. Architectural works, in their material forms of buildings, are often The notable 19th century architect of skyscrapers, Louis Sullivan, promoted a new overriding perceived as cultural symbols and works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified by concept of the architectural design — the function. The notion that structural and aesthetic con- their surviving architectural achievements. siderations should be entirely subjected to functionality was met with both popularity and skepti- cism. In this new approach, the concept of function came to encompass all criteria of the use, 1.1. Why is architecture perceived an important part of human history? perception and enjoyment of the building. It meant that not only practical but also aesthetic, psy- chological and cultural attributes defined the concept of functionality. 2. The term «Architecture» reflects a rather complex concept that involves the following mean- ings: 6.1. What construction principle became one of the main features of the late 19th and the begin-  A general term to describe buildings and other physical structures. ning of the 20th century?  The art and science of designing buildings and other structures.

 The style of design and methods of constructing engineering structures for civil and indus- 7.1. In the late 20th century the concept of structure and function was expanded by new consider- trial purposes. ations of sustainability. Such complex approach in engineering is perceived as sustainable archi-  A unifying or a coherent form or structure. tecture.  Knowledge of art, science, technology, and humanity.  The design activity of the architect, from the macro-level (urban design, landscape archi- Sustainable architecture implies that a contemporary building should be constructed in a manner tecture) to the micro-level (construction details and furniture). which is environmentally friendly both in terms of its construction materials’ safety and em- ployed construction technologies. This new architectural approach considers the structure’s im- 2.1. What characteristic features turn architecture into a complex phenomenon? pact on the natural and constructed environment of its surrounding area. The effect that a struc- ture might cause on the non-sustainable power sources of lighting, heating or cooling, water sup- 3. The earliest surviving written work on the subject of architecture, De Architectura, was elabo- ply and waste management should be seriously and professionally scrutinized. rated by the Roman architect Vitruvius. His work dates back to the early 1st century AD. Ac- cording to Vitruvius, a good building should satisfy the following three principles of firmitas, 7.1. What is sustainable architecture? utilitas, venustas (Latin), commonly known in the original translation as firmness, commodity and delight. According to Vitruvius, the architect should strive to fulfill each of these three at- Exercise 6. Say if the following statements are true or false. tributes. In modern English an equivalent of these terms would mean:  Durability — a building should stand up robustly and remain in good condition. 1. Architecture is a process of constructing high rise buildings for residential, cultural and reli-  Utility — it should be suitable for the purposes for which it is used. gious purposes.  Beauty — it should be aesthetically pleasing. 2. The works of architecture are generally perceived as products of human creativity and profes- sional skills. 3.1. What architectural principles were pursued by the architects of the 1st century? 3. Different historical civilizations are distinguished by their investment into the development and beauty of architectural art. 4. Leon Battista Alberti, who elaborated Vitruvius’s ideas in his work De Re Aedificatoria, saw 4. The term «architecture» involves interaction of different concepts. beauty primarily as a matter of proportion, although ornament also played its modest part. In 5. The first work on architecture was written by Greek philosophers. mathematics the rule is called «the Golden ratio». The most important aspect of beauty was, 6. Durability and utility are the main attributes an architect should consider in the process of de- therefore, an inherent part of an object, rather than something applied superficially. The notion of signing and planning. beauty was also based on universal, recognizable truths. 7. Beauty as an inherent part of the object is conditioned by its proportions. 8. Gothic architecture is a twisted image of the post-medieval world. 4.1. How is beauty perceived in the art of architecture? 9. A new concept of functionality elaborated in the 19th century encompassed all criteria of the 5. The early 19th century architect, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin, in his work The Con- use, perception and enjoyment of the building. trasts (1836) compared the modern industrial world, which he disliked, with an idealized image

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of the neo-medieval world. The architect believed that Gothic architecture, was the only «true Christian form of architecture». Some gothic buildings — particularly churches and cathedrals became awe-inspiring places of piety and worship. They were grand, tall designs, which swept upwards with height and grace.

5.1. Why was Gothic architecture believed to be the only «true Christian» form of architecture?

6. Considering the difference between the ideals of architecture and mere construction, the re- nowned 20th century architect Le Corbusier wrote: «You employ stone, wood, and concrete, and with these materials you build houses and palaces: that is construction. Ingenuity is at work. But suddenly you touch my heart, you do me good. I am happy and I say: This is beautiful. That is Architecture». The notable 19th century architect of skyscrapers, Louis Sullivan, promoted a new overriding concept of the architectural design — the function. The notion that structural and aesthetic con- siderations should be entirely subjected to functionality was met with both popularity and skepti- cism. In this new approach, the concept of function came to encompass all criteria of the use, perception and enjoyment of the building. It meant that not only practical but also aesthetic, psy- chological and cultural attributes defined the concept of functionality.

6.1. What construction principle became one of the main features of the late 19th and the begin- ning of the 20th century?

7.1. In the late 20th century the concept of structure and function was expanded by new consider- ations of sustainability. Such complex approach in engineering is perceived as sustainable archi- tecture. Sustainable architecture implies that a contemporary building should be constructed in a manner which is environmentally friendly both in terms of its construction materials’ safety and em- ployed construction technologies. This new architectural approach considers the structure’s im- pact on the natural and constructed environment of its surrounding area. The effect that a struc- ture might cause on the non-sustainable power sources of lighting, heating or cooling, water sup- ply and waste management should be seriously and professionally scrutinized.

7.1. What is sustainable architecture?

Exercise 6. Say if the following statements are true or false.

1. Architecture is a process of constructing high rise buildings for residential, cultural and reli- gious purposes. 2. The works of architecture are generally perceived as products of human creativity and profes- sional skills. 3. Different historical civilizations are distinguished by their investment into the development and beauty of architectural art. 4. The term «architecture» involves interaction of different concepts. 5. The first work on architecture was written by Greek philosophers. 6. Durability and utility are the main attributes an architect should consider in the process of de- signing and planning. 7. Beauty as an inherent part of the object is conditioned by its proportions. 8. Gothic architecture is a twisted image of the post-medieval world. 9. A new concept of functionality elaborated in the 19th century encompassed all criteria of the use, perception and enjoyment of the building.

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10. The concept of sustainable architecture implies close interrelationships between the team of Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions. constructors and future residents. 1. Historical civilizations are often identified (…) their surviving architectural achievements. Exercise 7. Match the words with their definitions. 2. The earliest surviving written work (…) the subject of architecture, De Architectura, was elaborated (…) the Roman architect Vitruvius. 1. Durability a. to work out in details, to clarify and add 3. Leon Battista Alberti who elaborated Vitruvius’s ideas in his work De Re Aedificatoria saw more ideas beauty primarily (…) a matter of proportion. 2. To survive b. to include or have as a part of smth 4. The notion of beauty was also based (…) universal, recognizable truths. 3. Ingenuity c. the quality of resisting influence which 5. Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin in his work The Contrasts (1836) compared the modern, causes destruction industrial world, which he disliked, (…) an idealized image of the neo-medieval world. 4. Utility d. a decoration used to beautify an architec- 6. Sustainable architecture implies that a contemporary building should be constructed (…) a tural structure manner which is environmentally friendly. 5. To encompass e. the power of creative imagination 6. To perceive f. functionality or usefulness Exercise 10. Choose the right words to finish the following sentences and change their 7. Ornament g. quick and without attention to details forms where necessary. 8. To elaborate h. to obtain knowledge of smth through sens- es 1. Architectural works of creative designers are often (to pursue, to recommend, to perceive) as 9. Superficial i. to continue to live or exist through hard- cultural symbols and works of art. ships 2. Historical civilizations are often (to diminish, to limit, to identify) by their (to destroy, to re- 10. Approach j. to meet the needs and demands surrect, to survive) architectural achievements. 11. Satisfy k. the action of one object coming closer to 3. The term «architecture» (to include, to reflect, to restore,) a rather complex concept that in- another volves multiple meanings. 12. Sustainable l. strong, healthy and capable of being self- 4. The concept of architecture (to imply, to strive, to fulfill) creation of unifying or coherent maintained forms of versatile structures. 5. The earliest surviving written work on the subject of architecture, De Architectura, was (to

put together, to develop, to elaborate) by the Roman architect Vitruvius. Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with the missing words from the following list. 6. The concept of durability means that a building should (to go up, to put up, to stand up) ro-

bustly and (to remain, stay, to exist) in good condition. 1) beauty, 2) a product, 3) Gothic, 4) constructing, 5) identified, 6) superficially, 7) impact, 7. The most important aspect of beauty was, therefore, an (integral, inherent, inclusive) part of 8) achievements, 9) involves, 10) reflects, 11) elaborated, 12) believed, 13) to encompass, an object, rather than something applied ( naturally, superficially, artificially). 14) satisfy, 15) sustainable, 16) perceived, 17) skyscrapers. 8. Sustainable architecture (to include, to involve, to imply) that a contemporary building should be (to construct, to excavate, to visualize) in a manner which is environmentally 1. Architecture is both a process and (…) of planning, designing, and (…) housing and other friendly both in terms of its construction materials’ safety and employed construction (manu- physical structures. factures, structures, technologies). 2. Architectural works, in their material forms of buildings, are often (…) as cultural symbols and works of art. Exercise 11. Finish the following sentences. 3. Historical civilizations are often (…) by their surviving architectural (…). 4. The term «architecture» (…) a rather complex concept that (…) understanding of art and en- 1. Architecture is a complex concept … gineering science. 2. Surviving architectural monuments speak of … 5. According to Vitruvius, a good building should (…) the following three principles: durabi- 3. Designing a building every architect should consider … lity, utility and beauty. 4. In architecture the most important part of beauty … 6. Leon Battista Alberti, who (…) Vitruvius’s ideas, saw beauty primarily as a matter of pro- 5. The concept of sustainable architecture implies … portion. 6. Some designers consider Gothic architecture the only form of Christian architecture be- 7. The most important aspect of (…) was, therefore, an inherent part of an object, rather than cause … something applied (…). 8. The architect (…) that (…) architecture was the only «true Christian form of architecture». Exercise 12. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences. 9. The notable 19th-century architect of (…), Louis Sullivan, promoted an overriding concept of an architectural design: «function». 1. Historical civilizations often identified by its surviving architectural monuments. 10. In this new approach, the concept of «function» came (…) all criteria of the use, perception 2. The term «architecture» reflecting an rather complex concept. and enjoyment of the building. 3. The most important aspect of beauty, as an inherent part of an object, is their proportions ra- 11. The concept of (…) architecture considers the structure’s (…) on the natural and constructed ther than something applied superficial. environment of its surrounding area.

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Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions.

1. Historical civilizations are often identified (…) their surviving architectural achievements. 2. The earliest surviving written work (…) the subject of architecture, De Architectura, was elaborated (…) the Roman architect Vitruvius. 3. Leon Battista Alberti who elaborated Vitruvius’s ideas in his work De Re Aedificatoria saw beauty primarily (…) a matter of proportion. 4. The notion of beauty was also based (…) universal, recognizable truths. 5. Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin in his work The Contrasts (1836) compared the modern, industrial world, which he disliked, (…) an idealized image of the neo-medieval world. 6. Sustainable architecture implies that a contemporary building should be constructed (…) a manner which is environmentally friendly.

Exercise 10. Choose the right words to finish the following sentences and change their forms where necessary.

1. Architectural works of creative designers are often (to pursue, to recommend, to perceive) as cultural symbols and works of art. 2. Historical civilizations are often (to diminish, to limit, to identify) by their (to destroy, to re- surrect, to survive) architectural achievements. 3. The term «architecture» (to include, to reflect, to restore,) a rather complex concept that in- volves multiple meanings. 4. The concept of architecture (to imply, to strive, to fulfill) creation of unifying or coherent forms of versatile structures. 5. The earliest surviving written work on the subject of architecture, De Architectura, was (to put together, to develop, to elaborate) by the Roman architect Vitruvius. 6. The concept of durability means that a building should (to go up, to put up, to stand up) ro- bustly and (to remain, stay, to exist) in good condition. 7. The most important aspect of beauty was, therefore, an (integral, inherent, inclusive) part of an object, rather than something applied ( naturally, superficially, artificially). 8. Sustainable architecture (to include, to involve, to imply) that a contemporary building should be (to construct, to excavate, to visualize) in a manner which is environmentally friendly both in terms of its construction materials’ safety and employed construction (manu- factures, structures, technologies).

Exercise 11. Finish the following sentences.

1. Architecture is a complex concept … 2. Surviving architectural monuments speak of … 3. Designing a building every architect should consider … 4. In architecture the most important part of beauty … 5. The concept of sustainable architecture implies … 6. Some designers consider Gothic architecture the only form of Christian architecture be- cause …

Exercise 12. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Historical civilizations often identified by its surviving architectural monuments. 2. The term «architecture» reflecting an rather complex concept. 3. The most important aspect of beauty, as an inherent part of an object, is their proportions ra- ther than something applied superficial.

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4. Louis Sullivan, the notable 19th century architect of skyscrapers, promoting function as an overriding concept of an architect design. Unit 8 5. The new architectural approach considers the impact of the structure to the natural and con- struct environment.

Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. Gothic architecture is concerned with light through but not light on. Marshal McLuhan 1. Термин архитектура подразумевает под собой сложную концепцию, включающую в себя искусство дизайна, планирования и применения новых строительных технологий. The Gothic cathedral is a blossoming in stone subdued 2. История развития древних цивилизаций может быть прослежена (can be traced by) по by the insatiable demand of harmony in man. Ralf Waldo Emerson оставшимся памятникам архитектуры.

3. В древности архитекторы руководствовались тремя строительными принципами: Say what you know about Gothic architecture and name some of the famous stone struc- прочность, функциональность и эстетичность. tures built in this style. 4. Один из первых создателей небоскребов Луис Салливан продвигал новую архитек-

турную концепцию высотного здания — его функциональность. Exercise 1. Study the following vocabulary. 5. Современная архитектурная концепция учитывает воздействие сооружения на окру-

жающую среду и различные источники энергии, на экологически безопасное водо- 1. to flourish процветать, быстро развиваться снабжение и водоотведение (water supply and water treatment). 2. masonry buildings здания из каменной кладки 6. Концепция функциональности здания подразумевает не только его практичность (utility and practicality), но и его эстетическую значимость (beauty). 3. cavernous spaces изобилующее впадинами пространство 7. В архитектуре концепция красоты привязана не к внешним украшениям, а к пропор- 4. overlaid tracery наложенный ажурный витражный переплет циям объекта и материалам, использованным в процессе его создания. 5. pointed arch стрельчатая арка 6. ribbed vault веерный готический свод 7. flying buttress контрфорсная арка Exercise 14. Work in small subgroups and find information about outstanding architectural de- 8. stained glass window panels витражи signs located on the territory of Europe, Asia, Middle East or United States of America. Share 9. masons каменщики this information with your groupmates using a Power Point format. Provide your language pro- 10. rudimentary слаборазвитый, элементарный ject with quizzes, questionnaires and language games. 11. to render light передавать свет 12. grand structures величественные структуры 13. to scale new heights покорять новые высоты 14. intricate carvings сложная, замысловатая резьба 15. heavy ceilings and bulky walls тяжелые потолки и объемные стены 16. evolvement of features развитие характеристик 17. vaulted ceilings сводчатые потолки 18. damp and moldy сырой и заплесневевший 19. slate roofs шиферная кровля 20. small and scarce windows маленькие и нечастые окна 21. gargoyles горгулья, водосточный фигурный желоб 22. to be perched at battlements закреплен на парапетной или зубчатой сте- не 23. spouts or water drains водосточная труба 24. to strike fear into внушить страх 25. to scare smb into the church загнать кого-то в церковь 26. to leer down смотреть с высоты искоса и злобно 27. to incorporate включить, соединить

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences.

1. Masonry buildings ornamented by pointed arches, overlaid tracery and huge stained glass windows became a historical attraction for many tourists visiting Europe.

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Unit 8

Gothic architecture is concerned with light through but not light on. Marshal McLuhan

The Gothic cathedral is a blossoming in stone subdued by the insatiable demand of harmony in man. Ralf Waldo Emerson

Say what you know about Gothic architecture and name some of the famous stone struc- tures built in this style.

Exercise 1. Study the following vocabulary.

1. to flourish процветать, быстро развиваться 2. masonry buildings здания из каменной кладки 3. cavernous spaces изобилующее впадинами пространство 4. overlaid tracery наложенный ажурный витражный переплет 5. pointed arch стрельчатая арка 6. ribbed vault веерный готический свод 7. flying buttress контрфорсная арка 8. stained glass window panels витражи 9. masons каменщики 10. rudimentary слаборазвитый, элементарный 11. to render light передавать свет 12. grand structures величественные структуры 13. to scale new heights покорять новые высоты 14. intricate carvings сложная, замысловатая резьба 15. heavy ceilings and bulky walls тяжелые потолки и объемные стены 16. evolvement of features развитие характеристик 17. vaulted ceilings сводчатые потолки 18. damp and moldy сырой и заплесневевший 19. slate roofs шиферная кровля 20. small and scarce windows маленькие и нечастые окна 21. gargoyles горгулья, водосточный фигурный желоб 22. to be perched at battlements закреплен на парапетной или зубчатой сте- не 23. spouts or water drains водосточная труба 24. to strike fear into внушить страх 25. to scare smb into the church загнать кого-то в церковь 26. to leer down смотреть с высоты искоса и злобно 27. to incorporate включить, соединить

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences.

1. Masonry buildings ornamented by pointed arches, overlaid tracery and huge stained glass windows became a historical attraction for many tourists visiting Europe.

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2. The flying buttress, the pointed arch and the ribbed vaulted ceiling transformed medieval II. The flying buttress. stone structures into beautiful, high and strong architectural monuments. The flying buttress is a defining external characteristic of Gothic architecture. It helps to spread 3. Heavy ceilings and bulky walls were supported by architectural structures designed by Goth- the weight of the heavy stone walls evenly. The flying buttress supports the structure by transfer- ic architects. ring the force weight of the walls directly to the ground. It is necessary to mention that the flying 4. In Medieval castles the windows were small and scarce. buttress had both the functional and the aesthetic purposes. Flying buttresses were often elabo- 5. Gargoyles of Gothic structures served a number of purposes. They acted as spouts or water rately designed and decorated with intricate carvings giving the sense of movement and flight, drains during heavy rainfalls and as awe-inspiring creatures for doubting believers. grandeur and importance.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text. 3.3. What function does the flying buttress fulfill in the construction of high structures? «Seven Key Features of Gothic Architecture» III. The pointed arch. 1. Gothic architecture is an architectural style that flourished in Europe and lasted from the mid- dle of the 12th to the end of the 16th century. It is a style employed in construction of masonry The innovation of the pointed arch was another key characteristic of Gothic architecture. Its sig- buildings characterized by cavernous spaces with the expanse of walls broken by overlaid tracery nificance was both practical and decorative. The pointed arch is a sturdy little design. Its form (bars or ribs used decoratively in windows or other openings). This design evolved from the distributed the force of heavier ceilings and bulky walls. It could support much more weight than Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by the Renaissance architecture. This style in archi- the previous, simple, spindly pillars. The stronger arches allowed for much more vertical height tecture originated in France and was known as Opus Francigenum or in other words «French too. The Gothic arch wasn’t just a workhorse. It had its aesthetic value and beauty. The pointed work». Its key characteristics include such features as the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the arch played an important role in further development of Gothic architecture and evolvement of flying buttress. These construction innovations were used as solutions to building tall structures its characteristic features. Most notable among them is the vaulted ceiling. while preserving as much natural light as possible. In addition, characteristic to Gothic structures stained glass window panels rendered a startling sun-light interior effect. 3.4. How is the pointed arch different from the flying buttress?

1.1. Where did Gothic architecture originate from? IV. The vaulted ceiling. 1.2. What are key features of Gothic style? The vaulted ceiling was an innovation that developed as a logical result reflecting construction 1.3. How did Gothic architecture change the interior of tall masonry buildings? achievements of the pointed arch. Irregular vaulted ceilings utilized the pointed arch technology to spread the force and the weight from upper floors. The distribution of forces within the vault- 2. This form of architecture developed because of common architectural problems inherent to all ed ceiling enabled construction of the vaults in different shapes and sizes. Previously, the vaults grand medieval structures including castles, abbeys, churches, temples and cathedrals. Back in were small and had circular or rectangular shapes. the 12 century the building skills of European brick layers and masons were rather limited. Most of the stone castles and cathedrals were rudimentary — dark, cold, and damp. Gothic architec- 3.5. What advantages did the vaulted ceiling bring into the construction of vaulted ceilings? ture tried to solve these unpleasant problems and created light, pleasant and airy buildings. Be- fore the era of Gothic structures, grand architecture was purely functional. Development of Goth- V. Light and airy interiors. ic style in the architecture of magnificent structures made churches, cathedrals, and temples Early Medieval castles were pretty depressing places to live in or to worship in. Castles in par- beautiful. ticular were damp and moldy. Most castle walls were too weak to support slate or stone roofing. As a result many fortresses had wooden roofs, which let in moisture. Early Medieval structures 2.1. What architectural problems were solved with the help of Gothic innovations? tended to be dark and dingy. Most of the interior never saw any sunlight. The windows were small and scarce. New for the era architectural innovations allowed construction of the light and 3. The following seven key characteristics of Gothic architecture are identified by the researchers airy structures. Big bright windows and airy interiors transformed churches and temples into a of architectural styles and designs: more pleasant and majestic environment. I. Grand and tall designs, which swept upwards with height and grace. In the times before Gothic architecture early medieval architects struggled to spread the weight 3.6. How did Gothic architecture transform medieval structures into pleasant and aesthetic of heavy stone walls. This meant that the towers of grand structures had to be short and the walls monuments? had to be thin. Otherwise, the weight of the high floors would make the building collapse into itself. VI. The gargoyles of Gothic architecture. One of the fundamental characteristics of Gothic architecture was its height. New building tech- One of the most notable characteristics of Gothic architecture is the gargoyle. Gargoyles are dec- niques (such as the flying buttress) enabled the architects to spread the weight of tall walls and orative, monstrous little creatures, perched at and along the roofs and battlements of gothic lofty towers evenly. This meant that Gothic buildings could, quite literary, scale new heights. It buildings and castles. Gargoyles have a practical purpose. They served as spouts, or water drains, allowed them to reach up to heaven — perfect for cathedrals and churches. enabling rainwater to drain off the roof and gush (run down) through their mouths. However, gargoyles had another intended purpose. They were meant to strike fear into the hearts of ill-

educated medieval peasants scaring them into the church or cathedral. Many gargoyles include 3.1. How did early medieval structures look before the era of Gothic architecture? elements of the grotesque: exaggerated, evil creatures in threatening poses, which leered 3.2. What effect did the flying buttress have on the construction of stone structures? (looked) down from on-high. 56 57 57

II. The flying buttress. The flying buttress is a defining external characteristic of Gothic architecture. It helps to spread the weight of the heavy stone walls evenly. The flying buttress supports the structure by transfer- ring the force weight of the walls directly to the ground. It is necessary to mention that the flying buttress had both the functional and the aesthetic purposes. Flying buttresses were often elabo- rately designed and decorated with intricate carvings giving the sense of movement and flight, grandeur and importance.

3.3. What function does the flying buttress fulfill in the construction of high structures?

III. The pointed arch. The innovation of the pointed arch was another key characteristic of Gothic architecture. Its sig- nificance was both practical and decorative. The pointed arch is a sturdy little design. Its form distributed the force of heavier ceilings and bulky walls. It could support much more weight than the previous, simple, spindly pillars. The stronger arches allowed for much more vertical height too. The Gothic arch wasn’t just a workhorse. It had its aesthetic value and beauty. The pointed arch played an important role in further development of Gothic architecture and evolvement of its characteristic features. Most notable among them is the vaulted ceiling.

3.4. How is the pointed arch different from the flying buttress?

IV. The vaulted ceiling. The vaulted ceiling was an innovation that developed as a logical result reflecting construction achievements of the pointed arch. Irregular vaulted ceilings utilized the pointed arch technology to spread the force and the weight from upper floors. The distribution of forces within the vault- ed ceiling enabled construction of the vaults in different shapes and sizes. Previously, the vaults were small and had circular or rectangular shapes.

3.5. What advantages did the vaulted ceiling bring into the construction of vaulted ceilings?

V. Light and airy interiors. Early Medieval castles were pretty depressing places to live in or to worship in. Castles in par- ticular were damp and moldy. Most castle walls were too weak to support slate or stone roofing. As a result many fortresses had wooden roofs, which let in moisture. Early Medieval structures tended to be dark and dingy. Most of the interior never saw any sunlight. The windows were small and scarce. New for the era architectural innovations allowed construction of the light and airy structures. Big bright windows and airy interiors transformed churches and temples into a more pleasant and majestic environment.

3.6. How did Gothic architecture transform medieval structures into pleasant and aesthetic monuments?

VI. The gargoyles of Gothic architecture. One of the most notable characteristics of Gothic architecture is the gargoyle. Gargoyles are dec- orative, monstrous little creatures, perched at and along the roofs and battlements of gothic buildings and castles. Gargoyles have a practical purpose. They served as spouts, or water drains, enabling rainwater to drain off the roof and gush (run down) through their mouths. However, gargoyles had another intended purpose. They were meant to strike fear into the hearts of ill- educated medieval peasants scaring them into the church or cathedral. Many gargoyles include elements of the grotesque: exaggerated, evil creatures in threatening poses, which leered (looked) down from on-high. 57 58

3.7. What is a gargoyle? Окончание табл. 3.8. What functions did gargoyles play in the architecture of Gothic structures? Слив spout pipe tube

Ажурный витражный stained glass tracery window pane VII. Decorative style and ornaments. переплет Gothic architecture incorporated beauty and aesthetic values into the design of the building. This Слаборазвитый forgotten forsaken rudimentary new approach revolutionized Medieval people’s understanding of the role and function played Зубчатая стена ribbed wall battlement masonry by the building. Gothic structures developed their own value and meaning. With time increasing- Внушить страх to strike fear to scare to be afraid ly ambitious and ornate designs of churches, cathedrals and temples began to spread around Eu- Плесень mixture moisture mold rope. Rivalry and competition drew different groups of builders to design and construct grander Развитие evolvement evil event and more decorative designs for the Glory of Christian faith.

Exercise 7. Match the parts of the broken sentences. 3.9. How was the architectural mentality of medieval people revolutionizes? 1. Gothic architecture is an architectural style rendered a startling sun-light interior effect Exercise 4. Say if the following sentences are true or false. that flourished in Europe 2. This design evolved from the Romanesque in further development of Gothic architecture 1. Gothic architecture developed as a result of Norman invasion? architecture and and evolvement of its characteristic features 2. Simplicity and modesty are inherent features of Gothic style in building construction. 3. Characteristic to Gothic structures stained and lasted from the middle of the 12th to the 3. One of the problems that Gothic architecture had to solve was the height of constructed glass window panels end of the 16th century buildings. 4. Gothic architecture tried to solve these un- perched at and along the roofs and battlements 4. A strong and durable stone foundation of the building allowed construction of high struc- pleasant problems and of gothic buildings and castles tures. 5. The pointed arch played an important role was succeeded by the Renaissance architecture 5. Employment of the flying buttress provided the sense of movement, flight, and grace. 6. Gargoyles are decorative, monstrous little created light, pleasant and airy buildings 6. The pointed arch is a real workhorse of the Gothic building. creatures 7. Medieval castles were poorly sunlit. 7. Gothic architecture incorporated to design and construct grander and more deco- 8. Gargoyles have no practical purposes. rative designs for the Glory of Christian faith 9. Rivalry and competition destroyed Gothic movement. 8. Rivalry and competition drew different beauty and aesthetic values into the design of

groups of builders the building Exercise 5. Match the words with their definitions.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences. 1. Gargoyles a. a state of competition

2. Flying buttress b. ornamental work consisting of ribs and bars 1. Готическая архитектура помогла решить целый ряд проблем, связанных с высотой, 3. Vaulted ceiling c. an external arched support of the wall освещенностью и эстетической красотой каменных сооружений. 4. Pointed arch d. complex shaping of solid material 2. Отличительными характеристиками готического стиля являются стрельчатые арки, 5. To flourish e. to unite or to combine витражи, сводчатые потолки разных размеров, сливы в форме горгулий и головокру- 6. Masonry f. arched structure forming a roof or a ceiling жительная высота сооружений. 7. Stained glass window panels g. a process of development 3. Готическая архитектура изменила видение и понимание средневекового человека 8. Overlaid tracery h. to be successful and prosper о предназначении (functions) каменных сооружений. 9. Intricate carvings i. monstrous creature 4. Стремление создать неповторимые (distinct or unparalleled) и внушающие трепет хра- 10. Rudimentary j. colored or pained glass мы в готическом стиле способствовало (assisted in) развитию конкуренции среди сред- 11. Spouts or water drains k. elementary and undeveloped невековых каменщиков. 12. To incorporate l. an arch having a pointed apex 13. Rivalry m. stone work 14. Evolvement n. a pipe or a tube

Exercise 6. Choose the right translation.

Контрфорсная арка pointed arch flying buttress vaulted arch Стрельчатая арка spouts battlements pointed arch Сводчатый потолок vault vaulted ceiling round ceiling Веерный свод circle triangular vault ribbed vault Витражное окно painted window stained glass window shutters

58 59 59

Окончание табл. Слив spout pipe tube Ажурный витражный stained glass tracery window pane переплет Слаборазвитый forgotten forsaken rudimentary Зубчатая стена ribbed wall battlement masonry Внушить страх to strike fear to scare to be afraid Плесень mixture moisture mold Развитие evolvement evil event

Exercise 7. Match the parts of the broken sentences.

1. Gothic architecture is an architectural style rendered a startling sun-light interior effect that flourished in Europe 2. This design evolved from the Romanesque in further development of Gothic architecture architecture and and evolvement of its characteristic features 3. Characteristic to Gothic structures stained and lasted from the middle of the 12th to the glass window panels end of the 16th century 4. Gothic architecture tried to solve these un- perched at and along the roofs and battlements pleasant problems and of gothic buildings and castles 5. The pointed arch played an important role was succeeded by the Renaissance architecture 6. Gargoyles are decorative, monstrous little created light, pleasant and airy buildings creatures 7. Gothic architecture incorporated to design and construct grander and more deco- rative designs for the Glory of Christian faith 8. Rivalry and competition drew different beauty and aesthetic values into the design of groups of builders the building

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences.

1. Готическая архитектура помогла решить целый ряд проблем, связанных с высотой, освещенностью и эстетической красотой каменных сооружений. 2. Отличительными характеристиками готического стиля являются стрельчатые арки, витражи, сводчатые потолки разных размеров, сливы в форме горгулий и головокру- жительная высота сооружений. 3. Готическая архитектура изменила видение и понимание средневекового человека о предназначении (functions) каменных сооружений. 4. Стремление создать неповторимые (distinct or unparalleled) и внушающие трепет хра- мы в готическом стиле способствовало (assisted in) развитию конкуренции среди сред- невековых каменщиков.

59 60

insulation works — утепление помещений Unit 9 to deal with — иметь дело с habitat — естественная среда processed materials — обработанные материалы industrial settings — промышленная площадка The road to success is always under construction. human manipulations — человеческий труд Get it right CIVIL ENGINEERS. A common mistake that people make wattle and daub — мазанка when trying to design something completely foolproof is flexible — гибкий to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. Douglas Adams to bend — сгибать inherent to — характерный для to strip of bark — снимать кору Pretext exercises to notch and lash into pieces — делать зарубки и разрезать на куски mechanic saw — механическая пила Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation. to feature — отображать; (сущ.) характерная черта wood lot — участок, лесное угодье I. Build (built, built), rebuild, builder, building, industry, industrial, industrious, construct, con- hazardous materials — опасные материалы structor, contract, contractor, construction, constructed, constructing, structure, structural, struc- to grow and harvest trees — выращивать и срубать деревья turing, structured, introduce, introduction, introductory, nature, natural, naturally, feature, fea- dimensional lumber — разделанная древесина tured, featuring, event, eventually, manufacture, manufacturer, manufactured, manufacturing, to put up a building — возвести (построить) здание fur, occur, occurred, occurring, occurrence, purpose, purposeful, purposeless, girl, first, circum- stances, circle, her, refer, vertically, personal, personally, modern, western, references, wood, binder — переплет, затяжка woody, woods, products, productive, production, produce, producing, produced, type, typical, to hydrate and harden — увлажнить и затвердеть part, apart, bars, segment, segmented, special, specialist, specialty, specific, play, day, clay, car, tensile strength — предел прочности при отрыве carpentry, large, far, plumb, plumbing, plumber, human, humanities, humanitarian, roof, roofing. reinforced concrete — железобетон II. Insulate, insulation, manipulate, manipulation, bus, mud, until, use, used, useful, usual, use- steel rods — стальные прутья less, cut, cutter, lumber, till, tilt, timber, species, special, specialize, process, processed, unpro- air bubbles — воздушные пузыри cessed, generic, general, generally, fill, filled, filler, flexible, flexibility, quality, qualitative, longevity — долговечность quantity, quantitative, quick, quicker, the quickest, saw, sawyer, sawed, compose, composed, formability — пластичность composing, composite, bind, binder, hydrate, dehydrate, tense, tensile, strong, strength, strength- ease of transport — легкость при транспортировке en, long, longevity, length, lengthen, weak, weaken, force, reinforce, reinforced, concrete, liquid concrete, steel, rods, minimize, minimally, eliminate, elimination, train, entrain, entrained air, air metal alloy — металлический сплав bubbles, air conditioning, pour, porous, iron, ironwork, dominant, predominant, form, formation, refined and treated — очищенный и обработанный formability, easy, ease, external, internal, surfing, surface, choose, chose, chosen, choice, fine, prefabricated structures — сборные конструкции refine, refined, treat, treated, treatment, resist, resistance, resistant, corrosion, items, itemize, to be inherent to — быть присущим promote, promoted, promotion, prominent, prominently, require, requirements, required, be- hardness — прочность, твердость cause, cause, caustic. perishable — подверженный порче combustible — воспламеняющийся Exercise 2. Study the following vocabulary. caustic — ядовитый

formability — формуемость Purpose — цель

to occur — происходить, иметь место Exercise 3. Read and translate the following sentences. apart from — за исключением manufacture — производство, гл. производить 1. The purpose of our research was to establish the strength and durability of new construction to establish — устанавливать materials. specialty trades — строительные работы 2. It is not always easy to deal with naturally occurring construction materials. carpentry — плотничество 3. Such interior works as carpentry and plumbing should be considered in the process of house plumbing — прокладка труб, сантехнические работы planning and design. 4. Flexibility is a quality inherent to most natural and some artificial materials. roofing — кровельные работы 5. Wood is referred to perishable and combustible substances.

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insulation works — утепление помещений to deal with — иметь дело с habitat — естественная среда processed materials — обработанные материалы industrial settings — промышленная площадка human manipulations — человеческий труд wattle and daub — мазанка flexible — гибкий to bend — сгибать inherent to — характерный для to strip of bark — снимать кору to notch and lash into pieces — делать зарубки и разрезать на куски mechanic saw — механическая пила to feature — отображать; (сущ.) характерная черта wood lot — участок, лесное угодье hazardous materials — опасные материалы to grow and harvest trees — выращивать и срубать деревья dimensional lumber — разделанная древесина to put up a building — возвести (построить) здание binder — переплет, затяжка to hydrate and harden — увлажнить и затвердеть tensile strength — предел прочности при отрыве reinforced concrete — железобетон steel rods — стальные прутья air bubbles — воздушные пузыри longevity — долговечность formability — пластичность ease of transport — легкость при транспортировке metal alloy — металлический сплав refined and treated — очищенный и обработанный prefabricated structures — сборные конструкции to be inherent to — быть присущим hardness — прочность, твердость perishable — подверженный порче combustible — воспламеняющийся caustic — ядовитый formability — формуемость

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following sentences.

1. The purpose of our research was to establish the strength and durability of new construction materials. 2. It is not always easy to deal with naturally occurring construction materials. 3. Such interior works as carpentry and plumbing should be considered in the process of house planning and design. 4. Flexibility is a quality inherent to most natural and some artificial materials. 5. Wood is referred to perishable and combustible substances.

61 62

6. Civil and military structures made of reinforced concrete are characterized by high longevity Say if the following statements are true or false: and hardness. 7. Prefabricated structures are manufactured in industrial settings. 1. Construction materials are employed for research and scientific projects. 8. Some construction materials can be rather caustic; therefore, they are labeled as hazardous 2. Building materials found in natural settings have to be processed to be used for construction substances. purposes. 3. The industry of building materials’ manufacture is still evolving. Exercise 4. Read and translate the following words, phrases and word combinations. Natural and synthetic building materials Building materials; construction purposes; naturally occurring substances; clay, wood, rocks, Building materials can be generally categorized into two groups: natural and synthetic ones. twigs and leaves; man made products; manufacture of building materials; established industry; Natural building materials are those that are unprocessed or minimally processed by industry, carpentry, roofing and insulation; unprocessed materials; industrial settings; human manipula- such as lumber or glass. tions; petroleum based paints; to suit existing weather conditions; ancient northern people, fi- brous plants; lumber, logs and timber; boards and planks; flexible and strong; deciding quality; Mud, stone, clay, and fibrous plants are the most basic natural building materials. Such flexible needed length; stripped of bark; personal wood lot; to grow and harvest trees; mechanizing saws; materials as cloth or skins are used less frequently and mostly for construction of tents. People dimensional timber; composite materials; binding materials; to hydrate and harden, tensile all over the world combined the use of these materials to create homes suitable for their local strength; steel rods or bars; reinforced concrete; to minimize air bubbles; entrained air; to pour weather conditions. In general, stone and brush are used as basic structural components, while concrete around ironwork; longevity, formability and ease of transport; external surface cover- mud is used to fill in the space between stones, bricks or branches. In that case mud acts as a ing; metal alloy; refined and treated; low density; corrosion resistance; prefabricated structures; type of concrete and insulation. A unique example of using natural materials for permanent hous- required human labor. ing in tropical countries is a wattle (or daub). These types of structures were put up by ancient people in hot and rainy climate zones. Exercise 5. Match the words from the first columns with their definitions. Synthetic materials are made in industrial settings after much human manipulations. Synthetic construction materials are predominantly made from plastic and different chemical substances. 1. purpose a. to produce items or goods The main plastic base products are binding substances, vinil, polymers, fillers, hardeners, (hard- 2. to harvest b. natural environment ening compounds), coloring matters, (colorants), stabilizers and ets. Both types of construction 3. to occur c. the aim or the goal of the project materials have their uses. 4. to manufacture d. lasting properties 5. carpentry e. to manufacture for the ease of transport Say if the following statements are true or false: 6. to deal with f. to make stronger or strengthen 1. Civil engineering industry identifies more than two types of construction materials. 7. habitat g. to show or describe quality 2. Naturally occurring building materials are those that are minimally processed in industrial 8. to reinforce h. a subject to decay or destruction settings. 9. longevity i. capable of igniting or burning 3. Production of synthetic materials requires manufacture of naturally occurring substances. 10. to bind j. characteristic of something 4. Binding materials are produced with the help of chemicals. 11. to prefabricate k. to work with somebody or something 5. Naturally occurring construction materials are more flexible and durable then synthetic ma- 12. perishable l. installation of pipes and fixtures terials. 13. combustible m. to stock up or collect items or product 6. Civil engineering industry never combines different construction materials in the process of 14. caustic n. burns or destroys living tissues building residential structures. 15. plumbing o. to happen or to take place 16. to be inherent to p. to hold by physical force WOOD 17. to feature q. woodworks Wood is a product of trees and sometimes of other fibrous plants. It is widely used for construc- tion purposes. Wood is usually cut or pressed into lumber and timber such as boards, planks and Exercise 6. Read and translate the following texts. similar materials. It is a generic building material, which is employed for construction of differ- ent structures in various climates. Wood can be very flexible under loads, keeping strength while BUILDING MATERIALS bending, and is incredibly strong when compressed vertically. There are many different qualities A building material is any material which is used for a construction purpose. Many naturally oc- inherent to various types of wood. It is necessary to mention that favorable growing conditions curring substances such as clay, sand, wood, rocks and even twigs and leaves have been used to of tree species are important for their deciding quality. construct buildings. Apart from naturally occurring materials, many man-made products, some Historically, large wooden structures were built from unprocessed timber or logs. Wood is usual- more and some less synthetic, are used in construction industry. The manufacture of building ly cut or pressed into lumber and timber such as boards, planks and similar materials. materials is both an established and evolving industry in many countries. The use of these mate- In some parts of the world, many country homes or communities have their personal wood-lots rials is typically segmented into specific specialty trades, such as carpentry, plumbing, roofing from which a family or a community grow and harvest trees to build with. These lots are tended and insulation works. to with great care as if they are garden plots. .

Mass production of dimensional lumber (cut-to-length timber) came with the invention of mech- 62 63 63

Say if the following statements are true or false:

1. Construction materials are employed for research and scientific projects. 2. Building materials found in natural settings have to be processed to be used for construction purposes. 3. The industry of building materials’ manufacture is still evolving.

Natural and synthetic building materials Building materials can be generally categorized into two groups: natural and synthetic ones. Natural building materials are those that are unprocessed or minimally processed by industry, such as lumber or glass. Mud, stone, clay, and fibrous plants are the most basic natural building materials. Such flexible materials as cloth or skins are used less frequently and mostly for construction of tents. People all over the world combined the use of these materials to create homes suitable for their local weather conditions. In general, stone and brush are used as basic structural components, while mud is used to fill in the space between stones, bricks or branches. In that case mud acts as a type of concrete and insulation. A unique example of using natural materials for permanent hous- ing in tropical countries is a wattle (or daub). These types of structures were put up by ancient people in hot and rainy climate zones. Synthetic materials are made in industrial settings after much human manipulations. Synthetic construction materials are predominantly made from plastic and different chemical substances. The main plastic base products are binding substances, vinil, polymers, fillers, hardeners, (hard- ening compounds), coloring matters, (colorants), stabilizers and ets. Both types of construction materials have their uses.

Say if the following statements are true or false: 1. Civil engineering industry identifies more than two types of construction materials. 2. Naturally occurring building materials are those that are minimally processed in industrial settings. 3. Production of synthetic materials requires manufacture of naturally occurring substances. 4. Binding materials are produced with the help of chemicals. 5. Naturally occurring construction materials are more flexible and durable then synthetic ma- terials. 6. Civil engineering industry never combines different construction materials in the process of building residential structures.

WOOD Wood is a product of trees and sometimes of other fibrous plants. It is widely used for construc- tion purposes. Wood is usually cut or pressed into lumber and timber such as boards, planks and similar materials. It is a generic building material, which is employed for construction of differ- ent structures in various climates. Wood can be very flexible under loads, keeping strength while bending, and is incredibly strong when compressed vertically. There are many different qualities inherent to various types of wood. It is necessary to mention that favorable growing conditions of tree species are important for their deciding quality. Historically, large wooden structures were built from unprocessed timber or logs. Wood is usual- ly cut or pressed into lumber and timber such as boards, planks and similar materials. In some parts of the world, many country homes or communities have their personal wood-lots from which a family or a community grow and harvest trees to build with. These lots are tended to with great care as if they are garden plots. . Mass production of dimensional lumber (cut-to-length timber) came with the invention of mech- 63 64

anizing saws. This made the process of wood harvesting much quicker. As a result, construction Steel is strong, flexible, and if refined well lasts for a long time. Corrosion is the metal's prime of wooden buildings gained speed and became more uniform. This is how most of the private enemy when it comes to longevity. western style homes were put up. Aluminum alloys are also widely employed in construction industry. The lower density and Houses made of wood are very popular among people even though they are not durable. The better corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys and tin sometimes overcome their greater cost. main advantage of such structures is that they have no chemical substances in them. Buildings These materials are widely used in the sector of nanotechnologies or strategically important sec- made of wood are well ventilated and can be easily heated. Timber for housing industry is rather tors of industry. Brass, as a construction material, was more common in the past. Today its use is available and inexpensive. It takes little time to put up a wooden house. There are though some restricted to specific purposes such as creation of special items. major disadvantages when it comes to wooden structures. This material is perishable. Houses Other metals, used in construction industry, include titanium, chrome, gold, and silver. Tita- made of wood are subjects to insects if not properly coated. They may also rotten fast in humid nium can be used for structural purposes, but it is much more expensive than steel. Chrome, climates. The most serious disadvantage of wood is that this construction material is combus- gold, and silver are used for decoration, because these materials are expensive and lack structural tible. An extensive fire can burn any wooden structure to ashes. qualities such as tensile strength or hardness.

Say if the following statements are true or false: Say if the following statements are true or false: 1. Wood is a product of coniferous trees only. 1. Metal is utilized in construction of high rising buildings. 2. Boards, planks and logs are made of timber. 2. Production of metal requires the use of high technologies. 3. Wood is especially strong under horizontal loads. 3. The main enemy of metal is high humidity. 4. Flexibility is not characteristic of wood. 4. Due to high cost chrome, gold and silver are excluded from construction industry. 5. Mass production of wooden housing came with the invention of forest harvesting machines. 6. Wooden structures are durable and nonperishable. Exercise 7. Answer the following questions about the text.

CONCRETE 1. What purposes do building materials serve? Concrete is a composite building material made from a combination of composites (aggregate) 2. What naturally occurring substances are used to construct buildings? and binders such as cement. The most common form of concrete is Portland cement, which con- 3. How are construction materials categorized? sists of a mineral aggregate (generally gravel and sand), Portland cement, and water. Portland 4. Where and how are synthetic materials made? cement is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar and stucco. It usually originates from limestone 5. What natural materials act as basic building materials? and comes in the form of fine powder. It is rather caustic and can cause chemical burns. Upon 6. What is wood? mixing, the cement dehydrates and eventually hardens into a stone-like material. When used in 7. What characteristic features are inherent to wood products? its generic sense this material is referred to as concrete. 8. By means of what tool was dimensional timber introduced into construction industry? 9. What is concrete? As long as concrete has a rather low tensile strength, it is generally strengthened by using steel 10. What construction properties make concrete special? rods or bars. This strengthened concrete is then referred to as reinforced concrete. In order to 11. How is concrete enhanced and strengthened? minimize any air bubbles that may weaken the structure, a vibrator is used to eliminate air that is 12. Why has concrete become one of the dominant construction materials? usually entrained when a mix of liquid concrete is poured around the ironwork. Concrete has be- 13. What types of construction works require usage of metal? come one of the dominant construction materials of the 20th and 21st centuries due to its longevi- 14. What threatens one of the key characteristic properties of metal? ty, formability, and ease of transport. In contrast to wood this material is noncombustible. 15. What civil engineering projects require wide employment of metal structures? 16. How are expensive metals used in construction industry? Say if the following statements are true or false: 1. Concrete is a composite binding material. 2. Portland cement belongs to hazardous material. Exercise 8. Match the words from the first column with the words from the second column 3. Concrete is strengthened by the high temperature and cold water. to make word combinations and phrases. 4. Reinforced concrete contains multiple air bubbles. 5. The main characteristics of concrete are its fragility and transparency. 1. Naturally occurring a. strength or hardness 2. Man made b. local weather conditions METAL 3. composite c. dimensional timber 4. Structural d. concrete Metal is used as a structural framework for huge and tall buildings such as skyscrapers. Some- times it is employed to create an external surface covering. Production of metal requires a great 5. Metal e. air bubbles deal of human labor. Much effort is needed especially when large amounts of metal are required 6. Production of f. substances for building industries. 7. To suit g. components 8. Minimally processed by h. products There are many types of metals used for construction purposes. Steel is a metal alloy containing 9. Strengthened or reinforced i. alloy iron as a major component. It is one of the most frequent choices in construction of sport arenas. 10. To eliminate j. building material

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Steel is strong, flexible, and if refined well lasts for a long time. Corrosion is the metal's prime enemy when it comes to longevity. Aluminum alloys are also widely employed in construction industry. The lower density and better corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys and tin sometimes overcome their greater cost. These materials are widely used in the sector of nanotechnologies or strategically important sec- tors of industry. Brass, as a construction material, was more common in the past. Today its use is restricted to specific purposes such as creation of special items. Other metals, used in construction industry, include titanium, chrome, gold, and silver. Tita- nium can be used for structural purposes, but it is much more expensive than steel. Chrome, gold, and silver are used for decoration, because these materials are expensive and lack structural qualities such as tensile strength or hardness.

Say if the following statements are true or false: 1. Metal is utilized in construction of high rising buildings. 2. Production of metal requires the use of high technologies. 3. The main enemy of metal is high humidity. 4. Due to high cost chrome, gold and silver are excluded from construction industry.

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions about the text.

1. What purposes do building materials serve? 2. What naturally occurring substances are used to construct buildings? 3. How are construction materials categorized? 4. Where and how are synthetic materials made? 5. What natural materials act as basic building materials? 6. What is wood? 7. What characteristic features are inherent to wood products? 8. By means of what tool was dimensional timber introduced into construction industry? 9. What is concrete? 10. What construction properties make concrete special? 11. How is concrete enhanced and strengthened? 12. Why has concrete become one of the dominant construction materials? 13. What types of construction works require usage of metal? 14. What threatens one of the key characteristic properties of metal? 15. What civil engineering projects require wide employment of metal structures? 16. How are expensive metals used in construction industry?

Exercise 8. Match the words from the first column with the words from the second column to make word combinations and phrases.

1. Naturally occurring a. strength or hardness 2. Man made b. local weather conditions 3. composite c. dimensional timber 4. Structural d. concrete 5. Metal e. air bubbles 6. Production of f. substances 7. To suit g. components 8. Minimally processed by h. products 9. Strengthened or reinforced i. alloy 10. To eliminate j. building material

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Окончание табл. 3. People all … the world combined the use of these materials to create homes. 4. Mud is used to fill … the space between stones, bricks or branches. 11. Tensile k. Structures 5. These types of structures were constructed … ancient people … hot and rainy climate zones. 12. Prefabricated l. industry or human manipulations 6. Synthetic materials are made … industrial settings … much human manipulations. 7. Wood is usually cut … pressed … lumber and timber such … boards, planks and similar ma- terials. Exercise 9. Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending. 8. It takes little time to put … a wooden house. 9. … mixing, the cement dehydrates and eventually hardens … a stone-like material. 1. Building material is any material 1. is an established industry in many countries 10. Steel is a metal alloy containing iron … a major component. 2. With the invention of mechanizing saws 2. into two sources, natural and synthetic 3. Metal is used as a structural framework for 3. those that are unprocessed or minimally Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences. larger buildings processed by industry 4. Concrete has become one of the dominant 4. came the mass production of dimensional 1. Строительные материалы используются для домостроения и возведения инженерных building material in this modern age lumber сооружений. 5. The manufacture of building materials 5. such as carpentry, plumbing, roofing and 2. Существующие строительные материалы можно подразделить на два вида: натураль- insulation work ные (естественно встречающиеся) в природе строительные материалы и синтетиче- 6. Natural building materials are 6. which is used for a construction purpose ские материалы (материалы, сделанные человеком). 7. Synthetic materials are made 7. such as skyscrapers, or as an external sur- 3. Производство строительных материалов — это хорошо отлаженная индустрия. face covering 4. Строительные материалы используются в таких строительных работах, как плотниче- 8. Building materials can be generally catego- 8. due to its longevity, formability, and ease of ство, сантехнические работы, кровельные работы, изоляционные работы. rized transport 9. The use of these materials is typically seg- 9. that this construction material is combus- 5. К природным строительным материалам относятся те материалы, которые не подверг- mented into specific specialty trades tible лись никакой обработке в промышленных условиях. 10. The most serious disadvantage of wood is 10. in industrial settings after much human 6. Синтетические материалы производятся в промышленных условиях посредством мно- manipulations гочисленных процедур. 7. Базовыми природными строительными материалами являются глина, камень, волок- Exercise 10. Read the following sentences and translate phrases and words in the brackets. нистые растения, ветки, прутья и даже листья и трава. 8. Такой гибкий природный материал, как шкура животных, используется для строитель- 1. A building material is any material which is used (для строительных целей). ства шалашей. 2. The manufacture of building materials is (хорошо развитая строительная индустрия). 9. Глина используется для заполнения пространства между камнями и выступает в каче- 3. Natural building materials are those (которые не обработаны или минимально обработа- стве цементирующего вещества и изоляционного материала. ны вручную или в промышленных условиях). 10. Древесина — это продукт, получаемый из деревьев и волокнистых растений. 4. (Глина, песок, камень, дерево) are the most basic natural building materials. 11. Недостатком древесины как строительного материала является его воспламеняемость. 5. People all over the world (используют и совмещают различные строительные материа- лы, чтобы построить дома) suitable for their climate conditions. 12. Бетон — это сложный строительный материал, представляющий собой комбинацию из 6. Stone and brush are used as basic structural components (в то время как глина использу- смесей и такого связующего вещества, как цемент. ется в качестве связующего компонента между кирпичом или камнем). 13. После замешивания цемент поглощает воду и застывает в камнеподобный материал. 7. Wood can be very (гибкой и сохранять прочность) while bending, and is incredibly strong 14. Обычно бетон укрепляется при помощи стальных прутьев. при (вертикальной компрессии). 15. Бетон, укрепленный арматурой (iron bars), называется железобетоном. 8. Mass production of dimensional lumber (cut-to-length timber) came with (с изобретением 16. Для уменьшения количества воздушных пузырей, которые могут ослабить всю струк- механической пилы). туру, используется вибратор. 9. As long as concrete has a rather (низкий предел прочности), it is generally (укрепляется 17. Бетон стал одним из ведущих строительных материалов ХХ века благодаря его долго- при помощи металлических стержней). вечности, пластичности и простоте транспортировки. 10. A vibrator is used (для устранения воздуха) that is usually entrained when a mix of liquid 18. Металл используется для возведения несущих конструкций высотных зданий, таких concrete is poured around the ironwork. как небоскребы. 11. Other metals, used in construction industry (включают в себя тетаний, медь, золото и се- ребро). 19. Сталь — это металлический сплав, главным компонентом которого является железо. 20. Коррозия — это главный враг металла, сокращающий его срок служения. Exercise 11. Fill in the blanks with the missing prepositions or conjunctions. 21. Производство металла требует большого количества человеческого труда. 22. Титан также используется в строительных целях, но он гораздо дороже стали. 1. A building material is any material which is used … construction purposes. 23. Золото и серебро используются в основном для украшения, так как эти материалы 2. The use of these materials is typically segmented … specific specialty trades. очень дорогие.

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3. People all … the world combined the use of these materials to create homes. 4. Mud is used to fill … the space between stones, bricks or branches. 5. These types of structures were constructed … ancient people … hot and rainy climate zones. 6. Synthetic materials are made … industrial settings … much human manipulations. 7. Wood is usually cut … pressed … lumber and timber such … boards, planks and similar ma- terials. 8. It takes little time to put … a wooden house. 9. … mixing, the cement dehydrates and eventually hardens … a stone-like material. 10. Steel is a metal alloy containing iron … a major component.

Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences.

1. Строительные материалы используются для домостроения и возведения инженерных сооружений. 2. Существующие строительные материалы можно подразделить на два вида: натураль- ные (естественно встречающиеся) в природе строительные материалы и синтетиче- ские материалы (материалы, сделанные человеком). 3. Производство строительных материалов — это хорошо отлаженная индустрия. 4. Строительные материалы используются в таких строительных работах, как плотниче- ство, сантехнические работы, кровельные работы, изоляционные работы. 5. К природным строительным материалам относятся те материалы, которые не подверг- лись никакой обработке в промышленных условиях. 6. Синтетические материалы производятся в промышленных условиях посредством мно- гочисленных процедур. 7. Базовыми природными строительными материалами являются глина, камень, волок- нистые растения, ветки, прутья и даже листья и трава. 8. Такой гибкий природный материал, как шкура животных, используется для строитель- ства шалашей. 9. Глина используется для заполнения пространства между камнями и выступает в каче- стве цементирующего вещества и изоляционного материала. 10. Древесина — это продукт, получаемый из деревьев и волокнистых растений. 11. Недостатком древесины как строительного материала является его воспламеняемость. 12. Бетон — это сложный строительный материал, представляющий собой комбинацию из смесей и такого связующего вещества, как цемент. 13. После замешивания цемент поглощает воду и застывает в камнеподобный материал. 14. Обычно бетон укрепляется при помощи стальных прутьев. 15. Бетон, укрепленный арматурой (iron bars), называется железобетоном. 16. Для уменьшения количества воздушных пузырей, которые могут ослабить всю струк- туру, используется вибратор. 17. Бетон стал одним из ведущих строительных материалов ХХ века благодаря его долго- вечности, пластичности и простоте транспортировки. 18. Металл используется для возведения несущих конструкций высотных зданий, таких как небоскребы. 19. Сталь — это металлический сплав, главным компонентом которого является железо. 20. Коррозия — это главный враг металла, сокращающий его срок служения. 21. Производство металла требует большого количества человеческого труда. 22. Титан также используется в строительных целях, но он гораздо дороже стали. 23. Золото и серебро используются в основном для украшения, так как эти материалы очень дорогие.

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Exercise 13. Say how you understand the following phrases. Unit 10 1. The whole difference between a construction and a creation is exactly this: a thing constructed can be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists (G. K. Chesterton). 2. Rome wasn't built in a day and if it had been, it might have fallen apart just as quickly (Jeff

Davidson). We build to many walls and not enough bridges. Isaac Newton

The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn. Education is all a matter of building bridges. Ralph Ellison

Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation.

Out, amount, doubt, outstanding, civil, civilize, civilization, measure, measurement, measuring, measured, mean (meant, meant), stream, streamer, steam, chief, commune, communicate, com- munication, communicated, concern, concerned, concerning, cross, across, crossed, crossing, flow( flew, flown) fast flowing, deep, depth, deepen, wide, width, widen, early, earlier, the earli- est, all, tall, fall (fell, fallen), probably, probability, bracket, cantilever, bed, embed, embedded, banks, river banks, reach, reaching, reached, suspend, suspension, suspended, parallel, paral- leled, lay (laid, laid), lie (lay, lain) cables, rail, derail, narrow, narrowed, narrowing, temporary, float, floating, floated, find (found, found), pontoon bridge, wove (weaved, woven), support, supported, supporting, purpose, purposeful, principle, construct, construction, constructed, equip, equipment, equipped, secure, security, heavy, extreme, extremely, modern, modernity, modern- ize, demand, demanded, demanding, railways, railroad, handrails, easy, easier, the easiest duct, viaduct, conduct, iron, steel, hinge, hinged, consider, consideration, accord, according, design, designer, designed, suit, suitable, nature, natural, found, founded, foundation, care, careful, care- less, carefully, calculate, calculation, calculated, vary, variety, various, distribute, distribution, distributed, decide, decision, decisive, expensive, expenses, suspend, suspension, suspended, draw (drew, drawn).

Exercise 2. Study the following words and word combinations.

a bracket — кронштейн a cantilever — консоль a bridge on a bracket or cantilever principle — консольный мост a bridge on the suspension principle — подвесной мост rope handrails — поручни из веревок a floating bridge — понтонный мост a trestle or pile bridge — мост на рамных основах a suspended bridge — висячий (подвесной) мост a drawbridge — разводной мост little doubt — незначительные сомнения to measure — измерить barriers to communication — препятствия, мешающие сообщению to be concerned with — задумываться над чем-либо, заниматься, изучать to span physical obstacles — наводить мосты через препятствие to construct and anchor — построить и закрепить to make a crossing — создать переход (проход) to evolve — развиваться, появляться 68 69 69

Unit 10

We build to many walls and not enough bridges. Isaac Newton

The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn. Education is all a matter of building bridges. Ralph Ellison

Exercise 1. Read the following words aloud and pay attention to their pronunciation.

Out, amount, doubt, outstanding, civil, civilize, civilization, measure, measurement, measuring, measured, mean (meant, meant), stream, streamer, steam, chief, commune, communicate, com- munication, communicated, concern, concerned, concerning, cross, across, crossed, crossing, flow( flew, flown) fast flowing, deep, depth, deepen, wide, width, widen, early, earlier, the earli- est, all, tall, fall (fell, fallen), probably, probability, bracket, cantilever, bed, embed, embedded, banks, river banks, reach, reaching, reached, suspend, suspension, suspended, parallel, paral- leled, lay (laid, laid), lie (lay, lain) cables, rail, derail, narrow, narrowed, narrowing, temporary, float, floating, floated, find (found, found), pontoon bridge, wove (weaved, woven), support, supported, supporting, purpose, purposeful, principle, construct, construction, constructed, equip, equipment, equipped, secure, security, heavy, extreme, extremely, modern, modernity, modern- ize, demand, demanded, demanding, railways, railroad, handrails, easy, easier, the easiest duct, viaduct, conduct, iron, steel, hinge, hinged, consider, consideration, accord, according, design, designer, designed, suit, suitable, nature, natural, found, founded, foundation, care, careful, care- less, carefully, calculate, calculation, calculated, vary, variety, various, distribute, distribution, distributed, decide, decision, decisive, expensive, expenses, suspend, suspension, suspended, draw (drew, drawn).

Exercise 2. Study the following words and word combinations.

a bracket — кронштейн a cantilever — консоль a bridge on a bracket or cantilever principle — консольный мост a bridge on the suspension principle — подвесной мост rope handrails — поручни из веревок a floating bridge — понтонный мост a trestle or pile bridge — мост на рамных основах a suspended bridge — висячий (подвесной) мост a drawbridge — разводной мост little doubt — незначительные сомнения to measure — измерить barriers to communication — препятствия, мешающие сообщению to be concerned with — задумываться над чем-либо, заниматься, изучать to span physical obstacles — наводить мосты через препятствие to construct and anchor — построить и закрепить to make a crossing — создать переход (проход) to evolve — развиваться, появляться 69 70

timber beams — деревянные балки (перекрытия) as rails. The greatest bridge builders of antiquity were the ancient Romans. The Romans built to take into consideration — принимать во внимание arch bridges and aqueducts that could stand in conditions that would damage or destroy earlier designs.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences. 3.1. Where were bridges built?

3.2. How is a bridge on simple brackets built? 1. First bridges were built on а very simple bracket, and later the cantilever principle evolved quickly. 3.3. In what countries are bridges on a cantilever principle still popular? 3.4. How is a bridge on a cantilever principle built? 2. A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles. 3.5. What functions did six ropes of Incas suspension bridges fulfill? 3. The progress of human civilization can be measured by the evolution in bridge building in- dustry. 3.6. What is a suspension bridge?

4. Timber beams were embedded into the banks of the river. 4. All these bridges made possible crossings only over narrow rivers. The type of a temporary 5. Engineers have always been concerned with the beauty, safety and durabily of bridges. floating bridge, the pontoon bridge, has been used for military purposes. Military engineers can 6. Suspension bridges are very popular in such countries as India and Japan. construct a temporary bridge on this principle in an extremely short time. Such bridges are able 7. Two parallel ropes can make a rather secure crossing. to carry all heavy equipment of a modem army. The idea of driving wooden piles into the bed of

the river in order to support a platform was put into practice 3,500 years ago. This is the basis of Exercise 4. Read and translate the following text. the 'trestle' or pile bridge. This technique helps to build much wider crossings. Spacious cross-

ings make the transport of animals and goods much easier and comfortable. Text 1

Evolution of Bridge Building Industry 4.1. What characteristic features make a floating bridge so suitable for military purposes? 4.2. What techniques were used to construct bridges able to span wide gaps? 1. An outstanding statesman once said in his speech: «There can be little doubt that in many 4.3. When was this practice used for the first time and for what purposes? ways the story of bridge-building is the story of civilization. By it we can readily measure an im- portant part of people’s progress». Great rivers are important means of communication, for in 5. With the coming of the railroad industry at the end of the 19th century, a great demand for many parts of the world they have been, and still are, the chief roads. But they are also barriers to bridges to carry different types of transportation and vehicles became evident. Fortunately, rail- communication, and people have always been concerned with finding ways to cross them. road companies had enough capital to build them. The first railway bridges were built of stone or brick. In many places long lines of viaducts were laid to carry railways. For instance, there are 1.1. How can the progress of human civilization be measured? miles of brick viaducts laid to support railways leading to London. The next important develop- 1.2. What are the most important means of communication? ment in bridge-building was the use of iron and later steel. The first iron bridge crossed the river 1.3. Why have people always been so concerned with the problem of crossing rivers? Severn in Great Britain. The idea of a drawbridge, a bridge hinged so that it can be lifted by chains from inside to prevent 2. A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles such as a body of water, valley, or road passage, is an old one. Some St. Petersburg bridges were built on this principle. for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle. There are many different designs that serve this unique purpose and apply to different situations. Designs of bridges vary depending on 5.1. Appearance of what industrial structures contributed to the evolution of bridge building? the function of the bridge, the nature of the terrain where the bridge is constructed and anchored, 5.2. What construction material facilitated in the development of bridge building? the material used to make it, and the funds available to build it. The first bridges were made by 5.3. What is a draw bridge? the nature itself. It was simply a log fallen across a stream of water or a small river. 6. Modern bridges definitely demand greater skills from a designer and a builder than any other 2.1. What is a bridge? civil engineering projects. Many things should be taken into consideration, and these may vary 2.2. What do designs of bridges depend upon? widely depending on the location of the future construction site. In deciding what type of the 2.3. How did people get an idea of bridge building? bridge is most suitable a designer has to consider the volume and the weight of the traffic, the width and the depth of the gap to be bridged, the nature of the foundation and terrain, the meth- 3. For hundreds of years men have built bridges over fast-flowing rivers or deep and rocky can- ods and technologies to be employed in the bridge construction process. The designer has to cal- yons. Early man probably got the idea of a bridge from a tree fallen across a body of water. From culate carefully how various loads should be distributed and to decide which building materials this, at a later stage, a bridge on а very simple bracket or cantilever principle was evolved. Tim- are more suitable for this purpose. ber beams were embedded into the banks of the river. The ends of the beams extended over the water. These made simple supports for a central beam reaching across from one bracket to the 6.1. Why is construction of modern bridges so challenging nowadays? other. Bridges of this type are still used in Japan, and in India. A simple bridge on the suspension 6.2. What should a designer keep in mind in the process of designing contemporary bridges? principle was made by an early man by means of ropes, and is still used in countries such as Ti- bet. Two parallel ropes suspended from rocks or trees on each bank of the river, with a platform of woven mats laid across them, made a secure crossing. Further, two more ropes were added as handrails. When the Spaniards reached South America, they found that the Incas of Peru used suspension bridges made of six strong cables, four of which supported a platform and two served

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as rails. The greatest bridge builders of antiquity were the ancient Romans. The Romans built arch bridges and aqueducts that could stand in conditions that would damage or destroy earlier designs.

3.1. Where were bridges built? 3.2. How is a bridge on simple brackets built? 3.3. In what countries are bridges on a cantilever principle still popular? 3.4. How is a bridge on a cantilever principle built? 3.5. What functions did six ropes of Incas suspension bridges fulfill? 3.6. What is a suspension bridge?

4. All these bridges made possible crossings only over narrow rivers. The type of a temporary floating bridge, the pontoon bridge, has been used for military purposes. Military engineers can construct a temporary bridge on this principle in an extremely short time. Such bridges are able to carry all heavy equipment of a modem army. The idea of driving wooden piles into the bed of the river in order to support a platform was put into practice 3,500 years ago. This is the basis of the 'trestle' or pile bridge. This technique helps to build much wider crossings. Spacious cross- ings make the transport of animals and goods much easier and comfortable.

4.1. What characteristic features make a floating bridge so suitable for military purposes? 4.2. What techniques were used to construct bridges able to span wide gaps? 4.3. When was this practice used for the first time and for what purposes?

5. With the coming of the railroad industry at the end of the 19th century, a great demand for bridges to carry different types of transportation and vehicles became evident. Fortunately, rail- road companies had enough capital to build them. The first railway bridges were built of stone or brick. In many places long lines of viaducts were laid to carry railways. For instance, there are miles of brick viaducts laid to support railways leading to London. The next important develop- ment in bridge-building was the use of iron and later steel. The first iron bridge crossed the river Severn in Great Britain. The idea of a drawbridge, a bridge hinged so that it can be lifted by chains from inside to prevent passage, is an old one. Some St. Petersburg bridges were built on this principle.

5.1. Appearance of what industrial structures contributed to the evolution of bridge building? 5.2. What construction material facilitated in the development of bridge building? 5.3. What is a draw bridge?

6. Modern bridges definitely demand greater skills from a designer and a builder than any other civil engineering projects. Many things should be taken into consideration, and these may vary widely depending on the location of the future construction site. In deciding what type of the bridge is most suitable a designer has to consider the volume and the weight of the traffic, the width and the depth of the gap to be bridged, the nature of the foundation and terrain, the meth- ods and technologies to be employed in the bridge construction process. The designer has to cal- culate carefully how various loads should be distributed and to decide which building materials are more suitable for this purpose.

6.1. Why is construction of modern bridges so challenging nowadays? 6.2. What should a designer keep in mind in the process of designing contemporary bridges?

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Exercise 5. Read and translate the following phrases. Окончание табл.

15. The weight of o. finding the ways of crossing rivers An outstanding statesman, little doubt, to measure an important progress, means of communica- tion, chief roads, to provide passage over an obstacle, to serve unique purposes and apply to dif- 16. The width and depth of p. construction of bridges ferent situations, nature of the terrain, constructed and anchored, available funds, logs fallen 17. The nature of foundation q. and method of erecting the bridge across a stream, fast-flowing rivers, deep and rocky canyons, later stage, simple brackets, canti- 18. To provide r. the traffic lever principle, evolved industry, timber beams and ropes, iron brackets, to reach across the span, 19. To be concerned with s. passage suspension bridges, platform of woven mats, a secure crossing, to add handrails, bridges and aq- 20. Barriers t. of iron and steel ueducts, to damage or destroy structures, to cross narrow rivers, temporary floating bridges, to carry heavy equipment, to drive wooden piles into the bed (or banks) of the river, to build wider Exercise 8. Translate from Russian into English. crossings, to transport goods, appearance of the railway, growing demand, lines of viaducts, em- ployment of steel and iron, to demand skills, the type and weight of traffic, the width and depth История мостостроения, важная часть человеческого прогресса, измерительные инстру- of the gap, hinged bridges, drawbridges, suitable to carry the load, to distribute and calculate, to менты, развитие цивилизации, средства коммуникации и перевоза грузов, основные доро- pass, passage, password. ги, наводить мост над физическими объектами, обеспечить проход над водными препят- ствиями, уникальная цель, применять в разных ситуациях, зависеть от функций моста и Exercise 6. Change infinitives of the verbs in the following sentences. рельефа местности, построить и укрепить мост (to anchor, to fix), бревно, упавшее через реку, принцип консольного моста, принцип подвесного моста, деревянные балки, парал- 1. Great rivers (to be) important means of communication. лельные веревки, подвешенные (to suspend) с деревьев или скал, поручни, сделанные из 2. They (to be) also barriers to communication, and people always (to be concerned) with (to веревок, плетеное полотно моста, безопасный переход, арочные мосты, противостоять find) ways to cross them. (stand, resist, survive) суровым погодным условиям, повредить или разрушить ранние по- 3. A bridge (to be) a structure built (to span) physical obstacles such as a body of water. стройки, временный мост, военное оборудование, вбивать деревянные сваи в дно реки, с 4. Designs of bridges (to vary) depending on the function of the bridge, the nature of the terrain приходом железных дорог, потребность в мостах, заблокировать или предотвратить пере- where the bridge (to construct) and (to anchor). ход по мосту. 5. The first bridges (to make) by nature itself — as simple as a log (to fall) across a stream or stones in a river. 6. A bridge on а very simple bracket or cantilever principle (to evolve) by ancient builders in Exercise 9. Match the beginning of sentences with their endings. prehistoric time. 7. A simple bridge on the suspension principle (to make) by an early man by means of ropes. 1. A bridge is a structure built to span a. where the bridge is constructed and 8. The Romans (to build) arch bridges and aqueducts that could (to stand) in conditions that physical obstacles anchored, the material used to make it, would (to damage) or (to destroy) earlier designs. and the funds available to build it 9. The idea of (to drive) wooden piles into the bed of the river in order to support a platform (to 2. The next important development in b. for in many parts of the world they have put) into practice 3,500 years ago. bridge-building been, and still are, the chief roads 10. At the end of the 19th century, a great demand for bridges to carry different types of trans- portation and vehicles (to become) evident. 3. Two parallel ropes suspended from rocks c. on each side of the river with their ends 11. In many places long lines of viaducts (to lay) to carry railways. or trees on each bank of the river, extending over the water 4. They are also barriers to communication d. in order to support a platform was put into Exercise 7. Match the beginning of phrases with their endings and translate them. practice 3,500 years ago

1. Fast flowing a. principle 5. Timber beans were embedded into the e. was the use of iron and, later, steel 2. People’s b. to be lifted by chains banks 3. Timber beams embedded c. For greater skills from designers 6. The Romans built arch bridges f. with a platform of woven mats laid across 4. Heavy equipment d. into the bed of the river and aqueducts them, made a secure crossing 5. To drive wooden piles e. stronger bridges 7. Great rivers are important means of com- g. by chains from inside to prevent passage, 6. A platform of woven mats f. progress munication is an old one 7. Parallel ropes g. into the banks the river 8. The idea of driving wooden piles into the h. that could stand in conditions that would 8. Сantilever h. to communication bed of the river damage or destroy earlier designs 9. A demand i. rivers 10. The next development j. of a modern army 9. Designs of bridges vary depending on the i. such as a body of water, valley, or road, for 11. A bridge hinged k. suspended from rocks or trees function of the bridge, the nature of the the purpose of providing passage over the terrain obstacle 12. Appearance of modern l. laid across two suspended ropes 10. The idea of a drawbridge, a bridge hinged j. and people have always been concerned 13. Demands m. the gap to be bridged so that it can be lifted with finding ways to cross them 14. The use (employment of) n. in bridge building

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Окончание табл. 15. The weight of o. finding the ways of crossing rivers 16. The width and depth of p. construction of bridges 17. The nature of foundation q. and method of erecting the bridge 18. To provide r. the traffic 19. To be concerned with s. passage 20. Barriers t. of iron and steel

Exercise 8. Translate from Russian into English.

История мостостроения, важная часть человеческого прогресса, измерительные инстру- менты, развитие цивилизации, средства коммуникации и перевоза грузов, основные доро- ги, наводить мост над физическими объектами, обеспечить проход над водными препят- ствиями, уникальная цель, применять в разных ситуациях, зависеть от функций моста и рельефа местности, построить и укрепить мост (to anchor, to fix), бревно, упавшее через реку, принцип консольного моста, принцип подвесного моста, деревянные балки, парал- лельные веревки, подвешенные (to suspend) с деревьев или скал, поручни, сделанные из веревок, плетеное полотно моста, безопасный переход, арочные мосты, противостоять (stand, resist, survive) суровым погодным условиям, повредить или разрушить ранние по- стройки, временный мост, военное оборудование, вбивать деревянные сваи в дно реки, с приходом железных дорог, потребность в мостах, заблокировать или предотвратить пере- ход по мосту.

Exercise 9. Match the beginning of sentences with their endings.

1. A bridge is a structure built to span a. where the bridge is constructed and physical obstacles anchored, the material used to make it, and the funds available to build it 2. The next important development in b. for in many parts of the world they have bridge-building been, and still are, the chief roads 3. Two parallel ropes suspended from rocks c. on each side of the river with their ends or trees on each bank of the river, extending over the water 4. They are also barriers to communication d. in order to support a platform was put into practice 3,500 years ago 5. Timber beans were embedded into the e. was the use of iron and, later, steel banks 6. The Romans built arch bridges f. with a platform of woven mats laid across and aqueducts them, made a secure crossing 7. Great rivers are important means of com- g. by chains from inside to prevent passage, munication is an old one 8. The idea of driving wooden piles into the h. that could stand in conditions that would bed of the river damage or destroy earlier designs 9. Designs of bridges vary depending on the i. such as a body of water, valley, or road, for function of the bridge, the nature of the the purpose of providing passage over the terrain obstacle 10. The idea of a drawbridge, a bridge hinged j. and people have always been concerned so that it can be lifted with finding ways to cross them

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Exercise 10. Write down the main idea of each paragraph of the text 1. water supply and drainage — водоснабжение и канализация circular in cross-section — круглые в поперечном сечении Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. to lay permanent roads — прокладывать постоянные дороги

1. Эволюция мостостроения — это, в известном смысле, история развития цивилизации. Tunnels 2. Крупные реки до сих пор являются основными путями транспортировки во многих Tunneling is a difficult, expensive and dangerous engineering work. Tunnels are built to provide современных странах. direct automobile or railway routes through mountain ranges, under or over rivers. They can also 3. Мост — это инженерное сооружение, построенное для преодоления (to span) физи- provide underground channels for water, sewage or oil. It took a long time for professional engi- ческих объектов, таких как водные резервуары, долины и даже дороги, с целью neers to acquire (develop) sufficient engineering skills assistive in construction and management обеспечения прохода над преградами. of extensive tunneling. Tunnels, however, were known in ancient times. They were, for instance, 4. Существует много различных конструкций, которые служат достижению данной це- driven into the rock under the Pyramids of Egypt. The Romans built one huge tunnel in Rome ли. for their chief drainage system. Parts of this architectural design still remain intact. One of the 5. Дизайны мостов варьируются в зависимости от их функции, физических особенно- earliest tunnels known to mankind was made in Babylon. It passed under the Euphrates river. It стей местности, на которой устанавливается (to anchor) мост, и используемых строи- was constructed of arched brickwork being 12 feet high and 15 feet wide. Other ancient tunnels тельных материалов. were built for water supply and for drainage. 6. Первым мостом, сотворенным самой природой, было дерево, упавшее через реку. 7. В течение долгих столетий люди сооружали мосты над бурными водами рек. Modem tunnels are often very long and deep. The Simplon Tunnel on the France-to-Italy rail- way, for example, is 12 miles long and in one place the peaks of the Alps rise over 6,000 feet 8. В результате развития мостостроения появились консольные мосты. above it. Some tunnels are over 50 feet in diameter. Many are circular in cross-section. Others 9. Деревянные балки встраивались в берега по обе стороны реки, концы балок при этом are horseshoe-shaped, with a level floor on which it is easy to lay permanent roads and railways. возвышались над водной поверхностью реки. 10. Простейшие подвесные мосты сооружаются при помощи канатов (ropes). Exercise 13. Say if the following sentences are true or false; support your statements by 11. Чтобы сделать подвесной мост безопасным, к нему добавили поручни, также сде- providing sentences from the test. ланные из канатов. 12. Таким образом, четыре каната поддерживают висячий мост, а два других выполняют 1. Tunneling demands a lot of financial investments together with high expertise of engineering функцию (serve as) поручней. work. 13. Консольные и подвесные мосты обеспечивают безопасный проход (secure crossing) 2. Tunnels are erected to provide communication and passage of traffic through mountain ridges только над узкими реками и каньонами. only. th 14. Временные понтонные мосты широко используются в военных целях для транспор- 3. Extensive tunneling construction was not known to men till the end of the 18 century. тировки тяжелого вооружения современной армии. 4. Men had acquired some skills in bridge building long before the appearance of Roman Em- pire. 15. Идея вбивания свай в дно реки с целью поддержания широкой платформы моста 5. There are no traces of Roman tunnels left. возникла более 3500 лет назад. 6. In ancient times tunnels were built with the purpose of water provision and waste drainage. 16. Внедрение этой технологии содействовало развитию инженерной мысли, направ- 7. Modern tunnels are an example of advanced engineering thought. ленной на (aimed at) строительство широких мостов. 8. Contemporary tunnels are used by different vehicles and trains. 17. Появление железных дорог было еще одним стимулом (stimuli) для развития инже- нерии мостостроения. Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences. 18. Серьезным вкладом в развитие мостостроения стало использование железа и стали. 19. Современное мостостроение требует от конструктора и строителя особых умений и 1. Строительство тоннелей — это опасная и дорогостоящая инженерная работа. навыков, так как возведение мостов — это один из наиболее сложных гражданских 2. Тоннели строятся для обеспечения автомобильных и железнодорожных маршрутов че- проектов. рез горные цепи, над и под водными преградами. 20. При строительстве и проектировании мостов необходимо принимать во внимание 3. Тоннели используются также для прокладки водопроводов, нефтепроводов и канализа- множество разнообразных факторов. ции. 4. В древности тоннели прокладывались в основном в скалах. Text 2 5. Современные тоннели — это сложные инженерные сооружения, которые имеют боль- шую длину, иногда круглую форму в диаметре. Tunneling 6. Существуют тоннели подковообразной формы с горизонтальным основанием, удобным

(suitable for) для прокладки (pavement) как дорожного, так и железнодорожного полот- Exercise 12. Study the following vocabulary and read the text. на.

expensive and dangerous — дорогой и опасный

maintain ranges — горные цепи

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water supply and drainage — водоснабжение и канализация circular in cross-section — круглые в поперечном сечении to lay permanent roads — прокладывать постоянные дороги

Tunnels Tunneling is a difficult, expensive and dangerous engineering work. Tunnels are built to provide direct automobile or railway routes through mountain ranges, under or over rivers. They can also provide underground channels for water, sewage or oil. It took a long time for professional engi- neers to acquire (develop) sufficient engineering skills assistive in construction and management of extensive tunneling. Tunnels, however, were known in ancient times. They were, for instance, driven into the rock under the Pyramids of Egypt. The Romans built one huge tunnel in Rome for their chief drainage system. Parts of this architectural design still remain intact. One of the earliest tunnels known to mankind was made in Babylon. It passed under the Euphrates river. It was constructed of arched brickwork being 12 feet high and 15 feet wide. Other ancient tunnels were built for water supply and for drainage.

Modem tunnels are often very long and deep. The Simplon Tunnel on the France-to-Italy rail- way, for example, is 12 miles long and in one place the peaks of the Alps rise over 6,000 feet above it. Some tunnels are over 50 feet in diameter. Many are circular in cross-section. Others are horseshoe-shaped, with a level floor on which it is easy to lay permanent roads and railways.

Exercise 13. Say if the following sentences are true or false; support your statements by providing sentences from the test.

1. Tunneling demands a lot of financial investments together with high expertise of engineering work. 2. Tunnels are erected to provide communication and passage of traffic through mountain ridges only. 3. Extensive tunneling construction was not known to men till the end of the 18th century. 4. Men had acquired some skills in bridge building long before the appearance of Roman Em- pire. 5. There are no traces of Roman tunnels left. 6. In ancient times tunnels were built with the purpose of water provision and waste drainage. 7. Modern tunnels are an example of advanced engineering thought. 8. Contemporary tunnels are used by different vehicles and trains.

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences.

1. Строительство тоннелей — это опасная и дорогостоящая инженерная работа. 2. Тоннели строятся для обеспечения автомобильных и железнодорожных маршрутов че- рез горные цепи, над и под водными преградами. 3. Тоннели используются также для прокладки водопроводов, нефтепроводов и канализа- ции. 4. В древности тоннели прокладывались в основном в скалах. 5. Современные тоннели — это сложные инженерные сооружения, которые имеют боль- шую длину, иногда круглую форму в диаметре. 6. Существуют тоннели подковообразной формы с горизонтальным основанием, удобным (suitable for) для прокладки (pavement) как дорожного, так и железнодорожного полот- на.

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Text 3 Translate the following sentences into English. Tunnel under Channel 1. В мире существует не так много инженерных проектов, против строительства которых выдвигалось бы столько возражений. Exercise 15. Study the following vocabulary, read and translate the text. 2. Возражения носили культурный, экономический и, конечно, военный характер. 3. Первые чертежи по строительству канала появились в начале XIX века, но в то время mainland — материк они не были реализованы из-за войны между Великобританией и Францией. prejudice — предрассудки 4. Тоннель пролегает через слой рыхлого известняка, который не трескается, а медленно suggestion — предложение пропускает через себя воду. to draft a plan — сделать чертеж проекта a layer of dense chalk — слой плотного известняка 5. На пересечение тоннеля у машин и грузовиков уходит примерно около 35 минут, что на free of cracks — без трещин целый час меньше, чем пересечение водного пространства при помощи парома. penetrate slowly — проникать медленно

1. Connecting the Isles of the Great Britain to mainland Europe is a fantasy that can be dated back to nearly 200 years. We can name very few projects against which there existed a deeper and more powerful prejudice than the construction of a railway tunnel between Dover and Cal- ais. The objections have been cultural, political and, of course, military. The British government objected to the scheme mainly because they thought that the enemy could easily invade England through such a tunnel. The first suggestion to construct a tunnel came from Napoleon in 1800. His engineers even drafted a tunnel plan, but Britain and France were at war at that time. In 1988 the question of a Channel Tunnel was studied afresh by a group of French and British engineers and the work ac- tually began. They agreed to start boring for the Eurotunnel on both English and French Coasts. The Tunnel runs under the sea through a layer of dense chalk which is known to be free of cracks and allows water to penetrate it slowly. The work proceeded very quickly and was successfully completed in about six years. The Tunnel was opened to traffic on May 7, 1994.Two main tun- nels, with service tunnel between, carry one-way rail traffic. 2. Original estimate was 7.2 billion dollars at current rate. The cost today is 13.1 billion dollars shared between Britain, France and other investors. So far the project is not quite profitable and still needs more investments. Cars and trucks carried by rail make the crossing in 35 minutes, about an hour less than by ferry. Passengers remain in their vehicles. The Tunnel personnel does its best to make passengers feel comfortable and safe during the crossing. But as it was mentioned by the commercial director of the Tunnel, they still have many serious problems and one of them is security. Nevertheless, the authorities are sure to be able to solve all the problems successfully.

Answer the following questions.

1. How was the idea of building a tunnel connecting Great Britain with Europe accepted? 2. What types of objections were introduced to resist this construction? 3. What country was the first to come up with a suggestion of such a project? 4. What countries participated in the Euro tunnel construction? 5. How long did it take to implement the project? 6. How does the inside structure of the tunnel look like? 7. What was the original estimate value of the channel crossing and how much money was final- ly invested into the structure? 8. How long does it take for a car or a truck to cross the channel? 9. Are there any serious problems or challenges that still need to be solved?

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Translate the following sentences into English.

1. В мире существует не так много инженерных проектов, против строительства которых выдвигалось бы столько возражений. 2. Возражения носили культурный, экономический и, конечно, военный характер. 3. Первые чертежи по строительству канала появились в начале XIX века, но в то время они не были реализованы из-за войны между Великобританией и Францией. 4. Тоннель пролегает через слой рыхлого известняка, который не трескается, а медленно пропускает через себя воду. 5. На пересечение тоннеля у машин и грузовиков уходит примерно около 35 минут, что на целый час меньше, чем пересечение водного пространства при помощи парома.

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ously supported, it is when the beams are connected across two or more spans. When there are Unit 11 multiple spans, the intermediate supports are known as piers. The earliest beam bridges were simple logs that sat across streams and similar simple structures. In modern times, beam bridges can range from small wooden beams to large steel boxes. The vertical force on the bridge be- comes a shear and a flexural load on the beam, which is transferred down its length to the sub-

structures on either side. They are typically made of steel, concrete or wood. The beam bridge Exercise 1. Study the following vocabulary and read the texts below. spans rarely exceed the length of 250 feet (76 m). This phenomenon is conditioned by the pro-

portional increase of the flexural stress on the square of the length. However, the main span of tension — напряжение, растягивающая сила, усилие натяжения the Rio-Niteroi Bridge, a box girder bridge, is 300 meters (980 ft). compression — сжатие, сжимающее действие bending — гибкость The world's longest beam bridge is Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in southern Louisiana, USA. torsion — сопротивление скручиванию, растяжение, кручение The bridge is 23.83 miles (38.35 km) long, with individual spans of 56 feet (17 m). Beam bridg- shear — сдвиг es are the most common bridge types in use today. cable-stayed span — вантовый мост, канатный висячий мост box beam — балка коробчатого сечения beam bridges — балочный мост multiple spans — многочисленные пролеты между опорами Classification of Bridges a shear load — поперечная нагрузка, нагрузка на сдвиг Bridges can be categorized in several different ways. Common categories include the following flexural load — изгибающая нагрузка features: the type of structural elements used to carry the bridge; whether the elements are piers — опоры, пилоны fixed or movable; and construction materials employed to engineer the structure. girder bridge — ферменный или балочный мост

Bridges may be classified by how the forces of tension, compression, bending, torsion and Answer the following questions: shear are distributed through their structure. Most bridges will employ all of the principal forces

to some degree, but only a few will dominate. The separation of forces may be quite clear. In a 1. What are beam bridges? suspension or cable-stayed span, the elements in tension are distinct in shape and placement. In 2. How are the beams in beam bridges supported? other cases the forces may be distributed among a large number of members, as in a truss, or not 3. In what cases are intermediate supports called piers? clearly discernible (perceivable) to a casual observer as in a box beam. 4. How did the earliest beam bridges look like? 5. What is a shear and flexural load? Exercise 2. Answer the following questions. 6. Why do beam bridges rarely exceed the length of 80 meters?

1. How can bridges be classified? 2. What are the principle forces conventionally utilized in bridge construction? 3. Do bridge engineers incorporate all principle forces in the process of bridge construction? 4. What types of forces dominate in suspension bridges? 5. In what types of bridges employed forces are not discernable to a casual observer?

Exercise 3. Read the texts about different types of bridges and answer the questions. Pic. 2


Pic. 1 A truss bridge is a bridge, which load-bearing superstructure is composed of a truss. The truss is a structure of connected elements forming triangular units. The connected elements (typically straight) may be stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic loads. Truss bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges. The basic types of truss Text A bridges have simple and similar designs, which could be easily realized by the nineteenth and BEAM BRIDGES early twentieth century engineers. A truss bridge is economical to construct due to its efficient use of materials. Beam bridges are basic type bridges that are supported by several beams of various shapes and sizes. Beam bridges are horizontal beams supported at each end by substructure units and can either be simply supported, it is when the beams are connected across a single span, or continu- truss bridge — балочный мост со сквозными фермами

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ously supported, it is when the beams are connected across two or more spans. When there are multiple spans, the intermediate supports are known as piers. The earliest beam bridges were simple logs that sat across streams and similar simple structures. In modern times, beam bridges can range from small wooden beams to large steel boxes. The vertical force on the bridge be- comes a shear and a flexural load on the beam, which is transferred down its length to the sub- structures on either side. They are typically made of steel, concrete or wood. The beam bridge spans rarely exceed the length of 250 feet (76 m). This phenomenon is conditioned by the pro- portional increase of the flexural stress on the square of the length. However, the main span of the Rio-Niteroi Bridge, a box girder bridge, is 300 meters (980 ft). The world's longest beam bridge is Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in southern Louisiana, USA. The bridge is 23.83 miles (38.35 km) long, with individual spans of 56 feet (17 m). Beam bridg- es are the most common bridge types in use today.

beam bridges — балочный мост multiple spans — многочисленные пролеты между опорами a shear load — поперечная нагрузка, нагрузка на сдвиг flexural load — изгибающая нагрузка piers — опоры, пилоны girder bridge — ферменный или балочный мост

Answer the following questions:

1. What are beam bridges? 2. How are the beams in beam bridges supported? 3. In what cases are intermediate supports called piers? 4. How did the earliest beam bridges look like? 5. What is a shear and flexural load? 6. Why do beam bridges rarely exceed the length of 80 meters?

Pic. 2


A truss bridge is a bridge, which load-bearing superstructure is composed of a truss. The truss is a structure of connected elements forming triangular units. The connected elements (typically straight) may be stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic loads. Truss bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges. The basic types of truss bridges have simple and similar designs, which could be easily realized by the nineteenth and early twentieth century engineers. A truss bridge is economical to construct due to its efficient use of materials.

truss bridge — балочный мост со сквозными фермами

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truss — стропильная ферма, сквозная ферма, прогон, связь the Greeks. With the span of 220 meters (720 ft), the Solkan Bridge over the Soča River at triangular units — рамы треугольной формы Solkan in Slovenia is the second largest stone bridge in the world and the longest railroad stone bridge. It was completed in 1905. Its arch, which was constructed from over 5,000 tons of stone Answer the following questions: blocks in just 18 days, is the second largest stone arch in the world, surpassed only by the Friedensbrücke in Plauen, and the largest railroad stone arch. The arch of the Friedensbrücke, 1. What is a truss bridge? which was built in the same year, has the span of 90 m (300 ft) and crosses the valley of the 2. How can a truss be described? Syrabach River. The difference between the two is that the Solkan Bridge was built from stone 3. What can stress connected elements of the truss bridge? blocks, whereas the Friedensbrücke was built from a mixture of crushed stone and cement mor- 4. What characteristic features are inherent to truss bridges? tar. The world's current largest arch bridge is the Chaotianmen Bridge over the River with a length of 1,741 m (5,712 ft) and a span of 552 meters (1,811 ft). The bridge was opened in 2009 in , . hinge — петля, повеска endure — выдержать Pic. 3 abutment — концевая опора моста thrust — опираться, проталкивать, вколачивать surpass — превосходить

Text C Answer the following questions: CANTILEVER BRIDGES 1. How are arch bridges built? Cantilever bridges are built using cantilevers — horizontal beams supported on one end only. 2. What characteristic features of the arch bridge make it strong and reliable? Most cantilever bridges use a pair of continuous spans that extend from opposite sides of the supporting piers to meet at the center of the obstacle that the bridge crosses. Cantilever bridges are constructed using much the same materials and techniques as beam bridges. The difference comes in the action of the forces through the bridge. The largest cantilever bridge is the 549-metre (1,801 ft) Quebec Bridge in Quebec, Canada.

cantilever bridge — консольный мост Pic. 5 pier — опора, пилон, пилястр

Answer the following questions: Text E 1. What is a cantilever bridge? TIED ARCH BRIDGES 2. What types of techniques are used to construct cantilever bridges? 3. How are cantilever bridges constructed? Tied arch bridges have an arch-shaped superstructure but differ from conventional arch bridges. Instead of transferring the weight of the bridge and traffic loads into thrust forces into the abut- ments, the ends of the arches are restrained by tension in the bottom chord of the structure. The elimination of horizontal forces on bridge abutments allows tied-arch bridges to be constructed with less robust foundations; thus they can be situated atop elevated piers or in the areas of un- stable soils. Such arches are also called bowstring arch bridges. Their structure reminds of the bowstring that is being flattened. Pic. 4 tied arch bridge — арочный мост с затяжкой thrust force — осевая сила, распорное усилие, равнодействующая распора Text D conventional arch — традиционная арка ARCH BRIDGES bowstring arches — арочная ферма с затяжкой bottom chord — нижний пояс (фермы), нижний пролет Arch bridges use arches as the main structural component (the arch is always located below the bowstring arch — арка с затяжкой bridge, never above it). They are made with one or more hinges, depending on the load and а string of the bow — лук натянутой стрелой stress forces they must endure. Arch bridges have abutments at each end. The weight of the to flatten — натянуть bridge is thrust into the abutments at either side. The earliest known arch bridges were built by

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the Greeks. With the span of 220 meters (720 ft), the Solkan Bridge over the Soča River at Solkan in Slovenia is the second largest stone bridge in the world and the longest railroad stone bridge. It was completed in 1905. Its arch, which was constructed from over 5,000 tons of stone blocks in just 18 days, is the second largest stone arch in the world, surpassed only by the Friedensbrücke in Plauen, and the largest railroad stone arch. The arch of the Friedensbrücke, which was built in the same year, has the span of 90 m (300 ft) and crosses the valley of the Syrabach River. The difference between the two is that the Solkan Bridge was built from stone blocks, whereas the Friedensbrücke was built from a mixture of crushed stone and cement mor- tar. The world's current largest arch bridge is the Chaotianmen Bridge over the Yangtze River with a length of 1,741 m (5,712 ft) and a span of 552 meters (1,811 ft). The bridge was opened in 2009 in Chongqing, China. hinge — петля, повеска endure — выдержать abutment — концевая опора моста thrust — опираться, проталкивать, вколачивать surpass — превосходить

Answer the following questions: 1. How are arch bridges built? 2. What characteristic features of the arch bridge make it strong and reliable?

Pic. 5


Tied arch bridges have an arch-shaped superstructure but differ from conventional arch bridges. Instead of transferring the weight of the bridge and traffic loads into thrust forces into the abut- ments, the ends of the arches are restrained by tension in the bottom chord of the structure. The elimination of horizontal forces on bridge abutments allows tied-arch bridges to be constructed with less robust foundations; thus they can be situated atop elevated piers or in the areas of un- stable soils. Such arches are also called bowstring arch bridges. Their structure reminds of the bowstring that is being flattened.

tied arch bridge — арочный мост с затяжкой thrust force — осевая сила, распорное усилие, равнодействующая распора conventional arch — традиционная арка bowstring arches — арочная ферма с затяжкой bottom chord — нижний пояс (фермы), нижний пролет bowstring arch — арка с затяжкой а string of the bow — лук натянутой стрелой to flatten — натянуть

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Answer the following questions: world are spots of prevalent graffiti. Some bridges attract people attempting suicide, and become known as suicide bridges. 1. How do tied arch bridges differ from conventional arch bridges? 2. Why are tied arch bridges called bowstring arch structures? Bridge types by material The materials used to build the structure are also used to categorize bridges. Until the end of the 18th century, bridges were made out of timber, stone and masonry. Modern bridges are currently built in concrete, steel, fiber reinforced polymers (FRP), stainless steel or combinations of those materials. Living bridges are constructed of live plants such as tree roots in India and vines in Japan. Pic. 6 A table of bridge types classified by the materials used in their construction

Table 1 Text F

SUSPENSION BRIDGES Types of Materials used for bridge construction Suspension bridges are suspended from cables. The earliest suspension bridges were made of bridges ropes or vines covered with pieces of bamboo. In modern construction of suspension bridges, the In small footbridges, cantilevers may be made of simple beams; however, large Cantilever cables hang from towers that are attached to caissons or cofferdams. The caissons or cofferdams cantilever bridges designed to handle road or rail traffic use trusses built from bridges are implanted deep into the floor of the lake or river. The subtypes of suspension bridges include structural steel, or box girders built from pre-stressed concrete the simple suspension bridge, the stressed ribbon bridge, the under spanned suspension bridge, Suspension Cables for suspension bridges are usually made of steel threads coated with Zinc, the suspended-deck suspension bridge, and the self-anchored suspension bridge. bridges bridges are made of steel and steel reinforced concrete The longest suspension bridge in the world is the 3,909 m (12,825 ft) Akashi Kaikyō Bridge in Arch bridges are made of stones, bricks and other materials that are strong in Japan. Arch bridges compression the suspension bridge — навесной мост caissons or cofferdams — кессоны, водонепроницаемая гидротехническая перемычка Pre-stressed concrete is an ideal material for beam bridge construction; concrete the ribbon bridge — наплавной мост, лента из понтонов Beam withstands the forces of compression well and the steel rods imbedded within re- bridges sist the forces of tension. Pre-stressed concrete also tends to be one of the least Answer the following questions: expensive materials in construction 1. What is a suspension bridge? Truss Ttriangular pieces of truss bridges are manufactured from straight steel bars, ac- 2. How are caissons involved in the structure of suspended bridges? bridges cording to the truss bridge designs

Fixed or movable bridges Exercise 4. Highlight the main architectural distinctions of each type of bridges.

Most bridges are fixed bridges, meaning they have no moving parts and stay in one place until Exercise 5. Provide examples of bridges built on different construction principles, tell about they fail or are demolished. Temporary bridges are designed to be assembled, and taken apart, their history, location, and architectural design. Present your language research in the Power transported to a different site and reused. They are important in military engineering, and are also Point format. Provide your presentation with quizzes, language games and crossword puzzles. used to carry traffic while an old bridge is rebuilt. Movable bridges are designed to move out of the way of the boats or other kinds of traffic, which would otherwise be too tall to fit. They are generally electrically powered.

Bridge types by use A bridge can be categorized by what it is designed to carry such as trains, pedestrians or road traffic; a pipeline or waterway for water transport or barge traffic. An aqueduct is a bridge that carries water, resembling a viaduct, which is a bridge that connects points of equal heights. A road rail bridge carries both road and rail traffic. A bridge can carry overhead power lines. Some bridges accommodate other purposes, such as the tower of Nový Most Bridge in Bratisla- va, which serves as a restaurant. Other suspension bridge towers carry transmission antennas. Bridges are subject to unplanned uses as well. The areas underneath some bridges have become makeshift shelters and homes to homeless people, and the undersides of bridges all around the

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world are spots of prevalent graffiti. Some bridges attract people attempting suicide, and become known as suicide bridges.

Bridge types by material The materials used to build the structure are also used to categorize bridges. Until the end of the 18th century, bridges were made out of timber, stone and masonry. Modern bridges are currently built in concrete, steel, fiber reinforced polymers (FRP), stainless steel or combinations of those materials. Living bridges are constructed of live plants such as tree roots in India and vines in Japan.

A table of bridge types classified by the materials used in their construction

Table 1

Types of Materials used for bridge construction bridges In small footbridges, cantilevers may be made of simple beams; however, large Cantilever cantilever bridges designed to handle road or rail traffic use trusses built from bridges structural steel, or box girders built from pre-stressed concrete Suspension Cables for suspension bridges are usually made of steel threads coated with Zinc, bridges bridges are made of steel and steel reinforced concrete Arch bridges are made of stones, bricks and other materials that are strong in Arch bridges compression Pre-stressed concrete is an ideal material for beam bridge construction; concrete Beam withstands the forces of compression well and the steel rods imbedded within re- bridges sist the forces of tension. Pre-stressed concrete also tends to be one of the least expensive materials in construction Truss Ttriangular pieces of truss bridges are manufactured from straight steel bars, ac- bridges cording to the truss bridge designs

Exercise 4. Highlight the main architectural distinctions of each type of bridges.

Exercise 5. Provide examples of bridges built on different construction principles, tell about their history, location, and architectural design. Present your language research in the Power Point format. Provide your presentation with quizzes, language games and crossword puzzles.

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Список использованной литературы и интернет-ресурсов

1. Агабекян, И. П. Английский для инженеров : учебник, высшее образование / И. П. Агабекян, П. И. Коваленко. — изд. 7-е, доп. и испр. — Ростов-на-Дону : Феникс, 2009. — 317 с. 2. Английский язык для инженеров : учебник / Т. Ю. Полякова [и др.]. — изд. 7-е, доп. и испр. — Москва : Высш. шк., 2007. — 463 с. 3. Architecture [Электронный ресурс] / Article. — Электрон. дан. — URL: https://en.wi-kipe- dia.org/wiki/Architecture — (21.04.2017). 4. American Institute of steel constructions [Электронный ресурс] / Design of steel tied arch. — Электрон. дан. — URL: https://www.aisc.org/research/researchlibrary/design-of-steel-tied-arch- brid-ges/ — (21.04.2017). 5. Brainy quotes [Электронный ресурс] / Steve Jobs quotes. — Электрон. дан. — URL: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/s/stevejobs416854.html — (21.04.2017). 6. Brainy quotes [Электронный ресурс] / Engineering quotes. — Электрон. дан. — URL: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/engineering.html — (19.04.2017). 7. Columbia Engineering [Электронный ресурс] / Civil Engineering and engineering mechanics. — Электрон. дан. — URL: http://civil.columbia.edu/what-civil-engineering (21.04.2017). 8. Exploring castles [Электронный ресурс] / Castle designs. — Электрон. дан. — URL: http://www.exploring-castles.com/castle_designs/characteristics_gothic_architecture/ (10.03.2017). 9. Global Britannica [Электронный ресурс] / Gothic architecture. — Электрон. дан. — URL: https://global.britannica.com/art/Gothic-architecture — (24.04.2017). 10. History of bridges [Электронный ресурс] / Bridge types. — Электрон. дан. — URL: http://www.historyofbridges.com/facts-about-bridges/types-of-bridges/ — (10.04.2017) 11. The constructor [Электронный ресурс] / Use of construction materials. — Электрон. дан. — URL: https://theconstructor.org/building/types-of-building-materials-construc-tion/699/ — (21.04.2017) 12. Stanford news [Электронный ресурс] / You’ve got to find what you love. — Электрон. дан. — URL: http://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505/ — (10.04.2017).

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Unit 1. Education ...... 3

Unit 2. Higher Education in Russia ...... 12

Unit 3. Civil Engineering ...... 19

Unit 4. Steve Jobs commencement speech address ...... 25

Unit 5. The House ...... 36

Unit 6. Egyptian Pyramids ...... 44

Unit 7. Architecture ...... 49

Unit 8. Gothic Architecture ...... 55

Unit 9. Construction Materials ...... 60

Unit 10. Bridge and Tunnel Building ...... 69

Unit 11. Types of Bridges ...... 78

Список использованной литературы и интернет-ресурсов ...... 84 Учебное электронное издание

Дмитриева Наталия Константиновна Education and Civil Engineering Учебное электронное пособие по английскому языку для обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавриата «Строительство»

Редактор Т. А. Каракан Оригинал-макет, электронная версия и оформление обложки Е. Ю. Тихонова

Подписано к изготовлению 24.08.2017. 1CD-R. 5,5 Мб. Изд. № 54

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