07/16/20 CURRICULUM VITAE OF ROBERT SPAHR I. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION AND CONTACT INFORMATION Associate Professor with Tenure Digital Media Arts Acting Interim Chair Department of Radio, Television and Digital Media Department of Cinema and Photography College of Mass Communication and Media Arts Southern Illinois University Carbondale
[email protected] [email protected] Online Portfolio (Recent Work) https://www.robertspahr.com/recentwork/ Complete Online Portfolio https://www.robertspahr.com Student Work https://www.robertspahr.com/studentwork/ II. EDUCATION 1991 Parsons School of Design / The New School, New York, NY Master of Fine Arts, Sculpture, Magna Cum Laude 1988 Art Academy of Cincinnati, College of Art & Design, Cincinnati, OH Bachelors of Fine Arts, Sculpture, Magna Cum Laude III. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2020-present Acting Interim Chair, Department of Radio, Television and Digital Media Department of Cinema and Photography Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL 2015-present Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Cinema and Photography, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL Curriculum Vitae of Robert Spahr Page 1 of 36 2016-2019 Coordinator of the Peace Studies Minor, The course of study is interdisciplinary, designed to provide undergraduates with a better understanding of the causes of war and violence, the history of war and peace, and alternatives to violence in thought and practice. 2016 Academic Sabbatical. During the fall semester I continued to develop analog images and objects based on auto-generated computational art. Traveled to London, England, to research original documents in the British Museum, Glasgow, Scotland to study the design of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, and to Moscow, Russia to research Russian Icon paintings and Constructivism in the Tretyakov Gallery, as well as Constructivist and Soviet architecture.