European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2021; 25: 2031-2038 Abnormal ventral network homogeneity in patients with right temporal lobe epilepsy

D.-B. LI1,2, R.-S. LIU3, X. WANG4, P.-A. XIONG5, H.-W. REN6, Y.-F. WEI2, L.-M. ZHANG1, Y.-J. GAO7

1Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China 2First Department of Neurology and Neuroscience Center, Heilongjiang Provincial Hospital, Harbin, China 3Department of Neurology, The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China 4Department of Mental Health, Taihe Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan, China 5Department of Taihe Hospital Reproductive Medicine Center Affiliated to Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan, China 6Department of Medical Imaging, Tianyou Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China 7Department of Psychiatry, Tianyou Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China Dongbin Li and Ruoshi Liu contributed equally to this work

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: The attention net- to the pathophysiology of cognitive impairment work is the structural basis of cognitive func- in rTLE. tion. As one of the two known attention net- works, the ventral attention network (VAN) has Key Words: a significant impact on the cognitive impairment Right temporal lobe epilepsy, Ventral attention net- of patients with epilepsy. Nevertheless, changes work, Network homogeneity, Resting-state function- in network homogeneity (NH) are rarely reported al magnetic resonance imaging. in the VAN of right temporal lobe epilepsy (rTLE) patients. Therefore, we explored the NH of the VAN in rTLE patients in this study. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventy rTLE pa- Introduction tients and 69 healthy controls were recruited. All participants underwent resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which was Epilepsy is a severe brain condition, characte- the primary method of evaluation. The executive rized by the recurrence of seizures, and results in control reaction time (ECRT) was examined via a massive burden on the healthcare infrastructure the attentional network test. The Data Process- and economy1. As one of the most common forms ing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF) of focal epilepsy, temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is was used to analyze NH. The independent com- characterized by cognitive dysfunctions and re- ponent analysis (ICA) and correlation analysis 2 were used in data analysis. fractoriness . With the advent of new and widely RESULTS: Compared to the control group, pa- applied imaging techniques, structural abnor- tients with right temporal lobe epilepsy showed malities in several brain regions of patients with a lower NH in the right superior temporal gyrus, epilepsy have been identified. TLE was confir- and a longer ECRT. However, abnormal NH val- med as a condition associated with network-level ues had no significant association with the clin- destruction3. Increasing evidence, provided by ical measurements. resting-state functional magnetic resonance ima- CONCLUSIONS: Patients with right tempo- ral lobe epilepsy have abnormal NH values in ging studies (fMRI), has also confirmed the pre- the VAN, and the executive functions in rTLE sence of neural connections, which were thought patients are also altered. The altered NH val- to be the most direct approach to functional con- ues in VAN may help provide new insights in- nectivity among separated regions of the brain at

Corresponding Authors: Liming Zhang, MD; e-mail: [email protected] Yujun Gao, e-mail: [email protected] 2031 D.-B. Li, R.-S. Liu, X. Wang, P.-A. Xiong, H.-W. Ren, Y.-F. Wei, L.-M. Zhang, Y.-J. Gao rest. Thus, fMRI analysis is the primary method been reported. Therefore, we measured the diffe- for research into brain networks. rences in the NH values of the VAN between the The ventral attention network (VAN) is a rTLE patients and healthy controls and investiga- resting-state network and an array of brain re- ted the potential mechanism of impaired attention gions in the right cerebral hemisphere are cen- function of rTLE. tered on the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex4. As one of the two well-known attention networks in the Patients and Methods human brain, the VAN modulates bottom-up “exogenous” attention, which directs attention Patients to an unexpected stimulus. When an unexpected Seventy patients with rTLE were recruited from event occurs, the VAN activates and generates the Department of Psychiatry, Tianyou Hospital an “interrupt signal” to break the current focus Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and of attention and reallocate attention to a new Technology. Sixty-nine healthy people were recru- spatial location5. The VAN has been reported ited from those who underwent a standard physical to correlate with cognition, information proces- examination at the medical examination center of sing speed, emotion regulation, depression, and the Tianyou Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan Uni- anxiety6-8. Because of its location, structure, and versity of Science and Technology. Seventy rTLE function, the VAN has been reported to be highly patients were diagnosed according to the Interna- associated with many neuropsychiatric disorders, tional League Against Epilepsy25. The inclusion including Alzheimer’s, , and autism criteria for the rTLE were as follows (epilepsy spectrum disorder9-11. Recent works have found patients who met any two of the following symp- that cognitive impairment and attention deficit toms): (1) the clinical onset of symptoms suggested are prominent in epileptic patients12,13, and, as epileptic foci in the temporal lobe, such as psychia- the basis of advanced nervous function, attention tric symptoms, abnormal emotional experiences, function plays an essential role in cognitive pro- automatisms, epigastric rising, or dystonic postu- cessing. Considering the importance of the VAN, ring of the limbs; (2) the interictal electroencepha- which is associated with attention functioning, lographic traces suggested abnormality in the right especially visual-spatial attention14,15, studies on temporal lobe; and (3) the imaging results showed the action of the VAN in epileptic patients would atrophy or sclerosis in the right hippocampus. The be important. As a survey method, network ho- exclusion criteria for all subjects were as follows: mogeneity (NH) was thought to be an ideal (1) structural MRI finding identifiable focal abnor- parameter with which to assess the connectivi- malities other than hippocampal sclerosis atrophy; ty of brain networks in many neuropsychiatric (2) left-handed; (3) any lifetime psychiatric di- diseases, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity sorder; (4) history of serious medical diseases or disorder, schizophrenia, and somatization16-24. As other neurological illness; and (5) Mini-Mental a voxel-wise survey, NH correlates with other State Examination scores ≤ 24. All subjects gave voxels within a given network, and can be uti- written, informed consent before participating in lized to assess the connectivity of a voxel with the study. Our study was performed according to the other brain voxels of a predefined network. the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the NH is defined as the average connectivity of Medical Ethics Committee of the Tianyou Hospi- any specific time series of a voxel with the time tal Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and series of every other voxel in the network. With Technology. this approach, compromised network homogenei- ty in brain regions of a specific disease can be Behavioral Paradigm identified17. As NH combines the advantages of The executive function was assessed by the 26 the region-of-interest, seed-based functional con- attentional network test (ANT) . “In the center nectivity method and the independent component of the testing screen, four cue signals indicating analysis method, it offers an unbiased, hypothe- forthcoming target signals consisted of a double sis-driven measure of a given brain network. asterisk, a central asterisk, an asterisk above or Thus, group differences can be identified without below, and no asterisk. Arrows could appear in the need for a priori knowledge of where in the one of the following: one target arrow in the cen- network abnormalities might be16. However, the ter and another four arrows for interference. Two VAN homogeneity in patients with rTLE has not different directions randomly appeared between

2032 Abnormal ventral attention network homogeneity in patients with right temporal lobe epilepsy the central and interfering arrows in congruent or Ventral Attention Network Identification incongruent directions. Participants were requi- The GIFT toolbox32 was used to select VAN as red to quickly and correctly determine the target a mask from all participants through the group orientation. Reaction time (RT) was then recor- ICA method. We used three steps from the GIFT ded by the ANT software, and by subtracting the toolbox as follows: data reduction; independent consistent arrow direction RT from the inconsi- component separation; and back reconstruction. stent arrow direction RT, the executive control When every component was considered, a sta- reaction time (ECRT) was calculated. tistical map was generated and threshold by a The detailed steps which are quoted in this pa- voxel-wise, one-sample t-test (p<0.01 for multiple ragraph were excerpted from our previous study27. comparisons corrected via Gaussian random field A longer ECRT indicates lower executive function. (GRF) theory; voxel significance: p<0.01; and cluster significance: p<0.01). Masks were created Scan Acquisition for the VAN components. Finally, the masks were An Achieva 3T MRI scanner (Philips, Am- combined to generate a VAN mask that could be sterdam, the Netherlands) was used for the re- used in the subsequent NH analysis (excerpted sting-state functional magnetic resonance ima- from our previous study27). ging. “Participants were instructed to lie down with their eyes closed and remain awake. A pro- Network Homogeneity Analysis totype quadrature birdcage head coil filled with MATLAB was used for NH analysis16,17. “Indi- foam padding was used to limit head motion” vidual homogeneity maps were generated by cal- (excerpted from a previous study27). The scan- culating the KCC concordance of each time series ning parameters were as follows: DTI scan: re- to those of its 26 nearest neighbors for each voxel. petition time/echo time (TR/TE) = 2,000/30 ms; To eliminate any effect of individual differences, 5 mm slice thickness; 1 mm pitch; 24 cm field of the homogeneity of each voxel was converted into view (FOV); and 90◦ flip angles. For the structu- a z-score by subtracting the average homogeneity ral scan (T1-weighted), the following parameters value and dividing the value thus obtained by the were used: spin-echo sequence, TR = 20 ms; TE standard deviation of the whole-brain homogenei- = 3.5 ms; 1 mm slice thickness; and 24 cm FOV. ty map, yielding a standard homogeneity value. Finally, the NH maps within the VAN mask were Data Preprocessing applied for group comparison.” The detailed steps The data processing assistant for resting-state that are quoted in this paragraph were excerpted fMRI (DPARSF) software28 in MATLAB (Ma- from our previous study27. thworks) was applied to the imaging data. After signal stabilization, head motion and slice-timing Statistical Analysis correction were conducted29,30. The subjects had Demographic information, including sex, a maximal translation ≤ 2 mm in the x, y, or z age, education degree, and imaging data we- direction and an angular rotation ≤ 2° on each re calculated between the patient and control axis. The functional images were normalized groups. Continuous variables were analyzed to the standard template in the Montreal Neu- with a two-sample t-test, and categorical data rological Institute (MNI) template and spatially were analyzed with a chi-square test by using resampled to a voxel size of 3 mm × 3 mm × 3 the IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 software (IBM, mm. The head motion parameters obtained by Armonk, NY, USA). To test for regional group rigid body correction, the white matter signal, differences in NH, voxel-wise two-sample t-te- and the cerebrospinal fluid signal were removed sts were used, and NH maps were analyzed with from the images by linear regression. The signal an analysis of covariance through voxel-wise, was bandpass-filtered (0.01-0.1 Hz) and linearly cross-subject statistics in the VAN mask. The detrended to reduce high-frequency physiological significance level was set at the correctedp <0.01 noise and low-frequency drift. The global signal for multiple comparisons using the Gaussian removal can introduce artifacts into the data and Random Field (GRF) theory (GRF corrected, distort resting-state connectivity patterns. In ad- voxel significance:p <0.001, cluster significance: dition, the regression of the global signal may si- p<0.01). Pearson correlation tests were perfor- gnificantly distort results when studying clinical med between NH and clinical variables in the populations. Therefore, the global signal was pre- patient group through the IBM SPSS Statistics served31,32 (excerpted from our previous study27). 22.0 software (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA).

2033 D.-B. Li, R.-S. Liu, X. Wang, P.-A. Xiong, H.-W. Ren, Y.-F. Wei, L.-M. Zhang, Y.-J. Gao

Table I. Characteristics of the participants. Characteristics Patients (n = 70) NC (n = 69) p-value

Gender (male/female) 70 (36/34) 69 (38/31) 0.667a Age, years 27.71 ± 5.78 26.69 ± 5.40 0.281b Years of education, years 12.89 ± 2.62 12.74 ± 2.14 0.718b ECRT 117.11 ± 51.21 67.13 ± 36.81 0.00b aThe p-value for gender distribution was obtained by the chi-square test. bThe p-values were obtained by two sample t-tests. Abbreviations: NC, normal control; ECRT, executive control reaction time.

Results vious study indicated that internal functional connectivity in the temporal lobe had already In total, 70 rTLE patients and 69 healthy changed during the latent and chronic periods controls were recruited for the study. The demo- of epilepsy33. Meanwhile, many functions, inclu- graphic and clinical characteristics of the study ding social cognition, language ability, emotion subjects are provided in Table I. No signifi- processing, and memory performance, have be- cant differences were observed between the two en proved to be strongly linked to the superior groups regarding age, sex, and years of education. temporal gyrus34-37. Furthermore, there is evi- The patient group showed longer ECRT. dence that the impaired superior temporal gyrus affects many brain disorders, including the au- VAN Maps as Ascertained by Group ICA tism spectrum disorder38, major depression di- In this study, we selected the VAN masks from sorders39, and obsessive-compulsive disorder40. the control group via the ICA method. The area And the superior temporal gyrus was an optimal involved in the VAN was the right superior tem- location for the temporal lobe epilepsy surgical poral gyrus (Figure 1). The VAN was used as a treatment known as the trans-superior temporal mask in the following NH analysis. gyrus keyhole approach41. Attention is a neurocognitive function that se- Group Differences of NH in the VAN lects currently relevant information and ignores The NH values within the VAN masks of patients and controls were compared using the two-sample t-test. Compared to the controls, rT- LE patients showed lower NH in the right supe- rior temporal gyrus (Figure 2).

Correlation Analyses To examine the correlations between abnormal NH values and clinical variables, Pearson linear correlation analysis was used in this study. No significant correlations were observed between NH and these clinical variables.


In this paper, the NH method was used to survey the VAN in rTLE patients. Compared to the controls, patients with rTLE showed signifi- cantly lower NH in the right superior temporal gyrus. The temporal lobe plays an important ro- le in the regulation and transmission of epileptic discharge and was found to be the core area of structure and function in TLE using the brain Figure 1. Ventral attention network (based on group-ICA functional connectivity analysis method. A pre- with threshold at z ≥ 5).

2034 Abnormal ventral attention network homogeneity in patients with right temporal lobe epilepsy

Figure 2. Statistical maps showing NH differences in the right superior temporal gyrus between groups (blue indicates a lower NH and the color bar indicates the T-values from a two-sample t-test). irrelevant information. Two partially segregated tion networks have focused on the dorsal rather attention networks that subserve attention orien- than the ventral attention network in the past. ting were demonstrated by resting-state fMRI Ptak et al42 observed that the DAN mediates functional connectivity analyses: the ventral at- orientation toward behaviorally relevant stimu- tention network (VAN) and the dorsal attention li in spatial neglect. Cao et al43 found that the network (DAN)14. The DAN was also known long-range connections within the DAN become as a “visual spatial attention network,” compri- more dominant until around the age of ~30 ye- sing the frontal cortex and , ars. Esposito et al44 found that disruptions to the and thought to modulate spatial attention and DAN are associated with mild cognitive impair- visual movement; more specifically, the DAN ment. However, recent studies have shown that modulates voluntary, goal-driven, top-down en- the VAN plays a special, valuable, and irreplace- dogenous signals. The VAN comprises the right able role in the attention network6,8,45. TPJ and the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, The NH is a novel method that combines the is thought to modulate bottom-up exogenous advantages of independent component analysis signals. However, much of the research in atten- and the region-of-interest, seed-based functional

2035 D.-B. Li, R.-S. Liu, X. Wang, P.-A. Xiong, H.-W. Ren, Y.-F. Wei, L.-M. Zhang, Y.-J. Gao connectivity. Thus, it offers an unbiased, hypothe- ECRT). Although longer ECRTs were obser- sis-driven measure for a given brain network that ved in the rTLE patients compared to healthy is associated with a pathophysiologic process or controls, it was unexpected that no correlations a specific disorder. A higher NH value means were found between these factors in our study. stronger resting-state functional connectivity, and The possible explanation for this phenomenon is vice versa, the functional connectivity decreases. that abnormal NH is a trait alteration for rTLE Previously, we examined the NH of a default-mode independently of seizure severity. In the present network in patients with rTLE, and found decre- study, all rTLE patients had received 1-2 weeks ased NH in the right middle temporal gyrus and of normal anti-epileptic drug therapy before increased NH in the bilateral posterior cingulate resting-state fMRI, and all the patients have not cortex27. However, only a small fraction of the recurred anymore. Thus, despite the fact that an- VAN, the right superior temporal gyrus, showed tiepileptic drugs may have effects on functional abnormal NH values in the present study. We networks, the drug impact is minimal. hypothesize that the decreased NH in the superior There are several limitations to the study: (1) temporal gyrus is caused by its unique anatomic physiological noise could not be removed thorou- position. As part of the VAN, the TPJ becomes ghly; (2) the sample size was relatively small; and included more and more in cognitive neuroscience (3) we focused only on abnormalities of the VAN studies; however, the TPJ does not, in fact, map in rTLE, and, although illuminating the pathophy- accurately onto any specific anatomical features46. siological contribution of the VAN is instrumental, It is well known that the superior temporal gyrus, other significant brain networks may be neglected. which is located at the junction of the temporal and parietal gyrus, and adjacent to the frontal lo- be, should be the core of the VAN. And the inner Conclusions side of the temporal lobe is the hippocampus, the most widely studied brain structure in epilepsy. Our study is the first to examine the network ho- Hence, the decreased NH of the superior temporal mogeneity of the VAN in patients with rTLE. The gyrus best represents the alterations of the VAN results suggested that decreased homogeneity in in patients with rTLE. To our knowledge, this is the VAN may be involved in the pathophysiology the first report of abnormal NH in the VAN with of rTLE, and thus, highlight the attention network right temporal lobe epilepsy, which could enhance contribution to the pathophysiology of rTLE. the understanding of the pathophysiology of rTLE. Previous research had found that the VAN is a right-lateralized ventral cortical network and is 14 Conflict of Interest associated with attention functions . By altering The Authors declare that they have no conflict of interests. the bottom-up, stimulus-driven attentional con- trols, the VAN participates in information pro- 8 cessing . In addition, during the target task, the Funding VAN plays a pivotal role in maintaining sustai- The investigation was supported by the grant from the Nat- ned attention41. Attention is a central theme in ural Science Joint Foundation of Hubei province (Grant advanced cognitive functions, which comprise No. WJ2019H232 and Grant No. WJ2019H233), Health memory, language, and executive functions47,48. Commission of Hubei Province Scientific research project (WJ2021M007) and Health of Hubei Province Scientific Re- Epilepsy patients usually display cognitional sarch Project (2020CFB512). impairment and longer executive control re- action time27,48. The parameter ECRT is based on the ANT test26, which has been also utilized Informed Consent in other research, such as obsessive-compulsive Informed consent was obtained from all individual partici- disorder and movement disorder49,50. Since the pants included in the study. execution functions are reported to be associa- ted with the activated VAN in the right supe- References rior temporal gyrus and the parameter ECRT indicates the efficiency of the prompt executive control network51, we supposed that there we- 1) Meyer AC, Dua T, Ma J, Saxena S, Birbeck G. Global disparities in the epilepsy treatment gap: a re correlations between abnormal NH values systematic review. Bull World Health Organ 2010; and clinical variables (i.e., illness severity and 88: 260-266.

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