2005 DEC. 15 M.P.C. 55685 The MINOR PLANET CIRCULARS/MINOR PLANETS AND COMETS are published, on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union, usually in batches on or near the date of each full moon, by: Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
[email protected] or FAX 617{495{7231 (subscriptions)
[email protected] (science) Phone 617{495{7244/7444/7440/7273 (for emergency use only). World-Wide Web address http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html ISSN 0736-6884 Brian G. Marsden, Director Gareth V. Williams, Associate Director Timothy B. Spahr, NEO Technical Specialist Syuichi Nakano, Andreas Doppler and Kyle E. Smalley, Associates Supported in part by the Brinson and TABASGO Foundations c Copyright 2005 Minor Planet Center Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network ° EDITORIAL NOTICE 147 Osservatorio Astron¶omico di Suno. Observers L. Buzzi, D. Crespi, S. Foglia, G. Galli, S. Minuto, V. Sacco. Measurers L. Buzzi, S. Foglia, G. Galli, The Minor Planet Center is pleased to acknowledge with thanks another gen- S. Minuto. 0.40-m /4 reflector + CCD. erous donation from F. K. Edmondson (Bloomington, IN; senior former president of f 170 Observatorio de Begues. Observer J. Manteca. 0.36-m /10 Schmidt- IAU Commission 20). f Cassegrain + CCD. The next batch of Minor Planet Circulars will be issued on or about 2006 Feb. 201 Jonathan B. Postel Observatory. Observer V. Pozzoli. 0.30-m f/10 reflector 13. There will be no Circulars during January. + CCD. 204 Schiaparelli Observatory. Observer L.