Officce of Finnancial Researcch WWorkingg Paper #0002 Marchh 26, 20012 Forgging BBest Practices in Risk MManaggement Mark JJ. Flannery1 Paul Glassermman2 DDavid K.A. Morddecai3 Clifff Rossi44 1 University of Florida annd the Office oof Financial Ressearch,
[email protected] 2 Columbia University annd the Office oof Financial Ressearch,*
[email protected] 3 Risk Economics, Inc. annd NYU Courannt Institute of MMathematical SSciences, davidd_mordecai@risk‐ 4 University of Marylandd, Department of Finance Exeecutive‐in‐Resiidence, and thee Office of Finaancial Research,* The Officce of Financial Research (OFR) Working Paper Seeries allows staff and thheir co‐authoors to disseminaate preliminaary research findings in aa format inttended to geenerate discuussion and ccritical commentts. Papers in tthe OFR Working Paper Seeries are workks in progresss and subject to revision. Views and opinions exxpressed aree those of thee authors andd do not neccessarily reprresent officiaal OFR or Treasuury positions or policy. CComments are welcome aas are suggeestions for immprovementss, and should bee directed to the authors. OFR Workingg Papers mayy be quoted wwithout addittional permisssion. * This papeer was produceed while Paul GGlasserman and Cliff Rossi weere under conttract with the Office of Finanncial Research. Forging Best Practices in Risk Management Mark J. Flannerya, Paul Glassermanb, David K.A. Mordecaic, Cliff Rossid Abstract This paper approaches risk management from three perspectives: firm-level risk measurement, governance and incentives, and systemic concerns. These are three essential dimensions of best practices in risk management; although we discuss each dimension separately, they are interrelated. The paper begins with a brief review of salient changes and unmet challenges in risk measurement in the wake of the financial crisis.