Wednesday Walk to Big Badja – 21 January 2009

Big Badja is part of the Great Dividing Range and provides 360 degree views. The summit is about 1400m above sea level. We drove to Pikes Saddle on the Krawaree Road then walked the Badja fire trail to the turn off to the summit where we had lunch. We saw a number of species in flower – P. asperula, P. chamaepeuce, P. silvatica - as we walked through eucalypt forest – mainly E. fraxinoides and E. radiata. Also flowering were oxyantha, Epacris robusta, Westringia ? eremicola and Prostanthera lasianthos.

View south from Big Badja Image by Persoonia silvatica Image by Roger Roger Farrow Farrow

Eucalyptus fraxinoides beside Badja fire trail Image by Roger Farrow

Grevillea oxyantha Image by Roger Farrow Epacris robusta Image by Roger Farrow

Persoonia chamaepeuce Image by Roger Farrow Persoonia asperula Image by Roger Farrow

Prepared by the Wednesday Walkers of the Australian Native Society, Canberra Region

Stylidium armeria Image by Roger Westringia ? eremicola Image by Roger Prostanthera lasianthos Image by Roger Farrow Farrow Farrow

Plant List for Big Badja – 21 January 2009

? indicates that those present were unsure of the name

Acacia dealbata Acacia obliquinervia Lycopodium deuterodensum Acrotriche divaricata Monotoca ellipticum Allocasuarina nana Monotoca scoparia Arrhenechthites mixta Olearia erubescens Brachyloma daphnoides Oxylobium ellipticum Callistemon pallidus Patersonia sericea Choretrum pauciflorum Persoonia asperula Cotula alpina Persoonia chamaepeuce Daviesia mimosoides Persoonia silvatica Daviesia ulicifolia Pimelea sp. Dianella tasmanica Platysace lanceolata Epacris robusta Poa sp. Eucalyptus dives Polyscias sambucifolia Eucalyptus fraxinoides Poranthera microphylla Eucalyptus maidenii Prostanthera lasianthos Eucalyptus pauciflora Pteridium esculentum Eucalyptus radiata Stackhousia viminea Exocarpus strictus Stylidium armeria Goodenia hederacea ssp. alpestre Tasmannia lanceolata Thelionema caespitosum Joycea pallida Viola betonicifolia Kunzea ‘Badja Carpet’ Viola hederacea Lepidosperma laterale Wahlenbergia gloriosa Leucopogon lanceolata Westringia ? eremicola Leucopogon microphyllus var. pilibundus Xerochrysum viscosum Lomandra longifolia

Prepared by the Wednesday Walkers of the Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region