6384 NOTICES burg, PA and will take place for approximately 45 min- CAPITOL utes. Then the group will travel to the new facility PRESERVATION COMMITTEE (individuals must provide their own transportation) at 2221 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA. Individuals will Request for Proposals review the new storage facility along with the receiving dock. The Committee expects this site walk through to CPC 19.168: Moving of Civil War Battle Flags. The take approximately 45 minutes. Capitol Preservation Committee (Committee) is the stew- Proposal Receipt Date ard of the Commonwealth’s historic Civil War battle flag collection. Recently the Committee established a new The proposal receipt date is November 20, 2019, at 2 repository for the collection. The Civil War flags must be p.m. All proposals must remain firm for 60 calendar days relocated to the new repository. from the date that the proposal is opened. Purpose Contact The purpose of this request is to enable the safe Contact Tara Pyle at
[email protected] for more transfer of the Civil War battle flags from 10th and information. A $25 deposit will be required for the Market Streets, Harrisburg, PA to the new flag facility documents. located at 2221 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA. DAVID L. CRAIG, General Scope of Work Executive Director • All the labor. [Pa.B. Doc. No. 19-1581. Filed for public inspection October 25, 2019, 9:00 a.m.] • All material. • All protection. • The work must be so sequenced, arranged and sched- uled that the occupants/contractors of the surrounding offices/property and areas above, below and adjacent to the project sites can continue to occupy the facilities and DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE maintain work access and operations during the project.