Introduction to Vassiliev Knot Invariants First Draft. Comments
Introduction to Vassiliev Knot Invariants First draft. Comments welcome. July 20, 2010 S. Chmutov S. Duzhin J. Mostovoy The Ohio State University, Mansfield Campus, 1680 Univer- sity Drive, Mansfield, OH 44906, USA E-mail address: Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg Division, Fontanka 27, St. Petersburg, 191011, Russia E-mail address: Departamento de Matematicas,´ CINVESTAV, Apartado Postal 14-740, C.P. 07000 Mexico,´ D.F. Mexico E-mail address: Contents Preface 8 Part 1. Fundamentals Chapter 1. Knots and their relatives 15 1.1. Definitions and examples 15 § 1.2. Isotopy 16 § 1.3. Plane knot diagrams 19 § 1.4. Inverses and mirror images 21 § 1.5. Knot tables 23 § 1.6. Algebra of knots 25 § 1.7. Tangles, string links and braids 25 § 1.8. Variations 30 § Exercises 34 Chapter 2. Knot invariants 39 2.1. Definition and first examples 39 § 2.2. Linking number 40 § 2.3. Conway polynomial 43 § 2.4. Jones polynomial 45 § 2.5. Algebra of knot invariants 47 § 2.6. Quantum invariants 47 § 2.7. Two-variable link polynomials 55 § Exercises 62 3 4 Contents Chapter 3. Finite type invariants 69 3.1. Definition of Vassiliev invariants 69 § 3.2. Algebra of Vassiliev invariants 72 § 3.3. Vassiliev invariants of degrees 0, 1 and 2 76 § 3.4. Chord diagrams 78 § 3.5. Invariants of framed knots 80 § 3.6. Classical knot polynomials as Vassiliev invariants 82 § 3.7. Actuality tables 88 § 3.8. Vassiliev invariants of tangles 91 § Exercises 93 Chapter 4.
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