Bricklayers Arms bus service changes

Consultation Report September 2017


Executive summary ...... 3 Summary of issues raised during consultation ...... 3 Next steps ...... 3 1. About the proposals ...... 4 2. About the consultation ...... 5 2.1 Purpose ...... 5 2.2 Potential outcomes ...... 5 2.3 Who we consulted ...... 5 2.4 Dates and duration ...... 5 2.5 What we asked ...... 6 2.6 Methods of responding ...... 6 2.7 Analysis of consultation responses ...... 6 3. About the respondents ...... 7 3.1 Number of respondents ...... 7 3.2 How respondents heard about the consultation ...... 8 3.3 Postcodes of respondents ...... 9 4. Summary of all consultation responses ...... 10 4.1 Summary of responses to Question 1 ...... 10 4.2 Summary of Question 2 ...... 13 4.3 Summary of stakeholder responses ...... 13 4.4 Comments on the consultation ...... 13 5. Next steps ...... 15

2 Executive summary

This document explains the processes, responses and outcomes of the consultation to reroute buses 53 and 363 over the flyover at the Bricklayers Arms roundabout.

Between 12 June and 21 July 2017, we consulted on proposals to reroute the 53 and 363 to run over the Bricklayers arms flyover, eastbound rather than via the roundabout. This will provide through passengers with a quicker journey and will help improve the reliability of both bus services.

We received 606 responses to the consultation, of which 88% either supported or strongly supported our proposals.

The main themes are highlighted below.

Summary of issues raised during consultation Positive comments included general support for the proposal, quicker journey times and reduced traffic on road & the roundabout. It was also noted that Bricklayers Arms roundabout is well served by alternative buses.

Negative comments or concerns mainly centred on fears that this wouldn’t resolve the current congestion perceived at Tower Bridge road & the roundabout. Some residents were also opposed to the proposals as the bus stops earmarked for closure are the perceived as the busiest and key interchange points that will cause inconvenience to local residents.

Next steps We have reviewed the comments and our response to the main issues raised can be viewed in a separate document. We have decided to go ahead with the changes which will be introduced in early 2018.

3 1. About the proposals

We proposed to reroute the 53 and 363 to run over the Bricklayers arms flyover, eastbound rather than via the roundabout. This would provide through passengers with a quicker journey and will help improve the reliability of both bus services.

To allow the buses to run via the flyover, buses would no longer be able to serve either eastbound stop at New Road or Bricklayers Arms.

Some local residents who catch the bus to/from the roundabout would have a longer walk (around 400m) to access these routes. However bus routes, 63, 168, 172, 415 and 453 will still operate via the roundabout and will remain unchanged. For destinations beyond New Cross on route 53 passengers would need to take route 453 and change at New Cross. For destinations beyond Honor Oak on route 363 passengers would need to take route 63 and change at Honor Oak.

To assist routes 53 and 363 to operate over the flyover and serve the south east bound stop on safely; we proposed to also make some minor amendments to the road layout. We proposed to reduce the length of the hatching separating the off slip and Old Kent Road and extend the bus stop cage in order to maximise the distance available for buses to merge across to the bus stop. The bus stop shelter and flag will also be relocated approximately 7m south west.

4 2. About the consultation

2.1 Purpose The objectives of the consultation were:

 To give stakeholders and the public easily-understandable information about the proposals and allow them to respond

 To understand the level of support or opposition for the change/s for the proposals

 To understand any issues that might affect the proposal of which we were not previously aware

 To understand concerns and objections

 To allow respondents to make suggestions

2.2 Potential outcomes The potential outcomes of the consultation were:

 Following careful consideration of the consultation responses, we decide to proceed with the scheme as set out in the consultation

 Following careful consideration of the consultation responses, we modify the proposals in response to issues raised and proceed with a revised scheme

 Following careful consideration of the consultation responses, we decide not to proceed with the scheme Our conclusion and next steps are set out in Chapter 4.

2.3 Who we consulted We consulted oyster and contactless registered users of all buses affected by the changes and local residents who would be affected by the removal of bus stops. We also consulted with key business and user groups and local MPs and councillors.

2.4 Dates and duration The consultation ran for six weeks from 12 June 2017 until 21 July 2017.

5 2.5 What we asked We asked two key questions which were, “do you use routes 53 and 363” and “do you support our proposals for routes 53 and 363”.

2.6 Methods of responding People were able to respond online by filling in the online survey, or by letter to our freepost address, or by email.

2.7 Analysis of consultation responses Analysis of the consultation was carried out by the consultation team. We used a coding framework based around the first 100 responses and tagged them using this framework. Any duplicate responses have been removed.

6 3. About the respondents

3.1 Number of respondents There were 603 response to this consultation, of these 599 were received via our online consultation survey and four were sent in by email

Total number of responses received

Option No. of responses (%) Online 599 99% Email 4 1%

Total 603

Total number of responses

650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Online Email No. of responses 599 4 (%) 99% 1%

7 3.2 How respondents heard about the consultation We asked respondents to let us know how they had heard about our consultation; this allows us to better understand how our communications methods are being utilised.

In this instance the majority of respondents found out about the consultation as a result of an email we sent to passengers who hold a registered oyster/contactless card.

How did you hear about this consultation?

Option No. of responses (%) Received an email from TfL 497 85.20% Received a letter from TfL 1 0.17% Read about in the press 5 0.52% Saw it on the TfL website 42 5.51% Social media 23 3.27%

Other (please specify) 14 2.41% Not Answered 21 2.93%

Total 603

How did you hear about this consultation? 600






0 Received Received Read Saw it on Other Not Social an email a letter about in the TfL (please Answere media from TfL from TfL the press website specify) d No. of responses 4971 5 42231421 (%) 85.20% 0.17% 0.52% 5.51% 3.27% 2.41% 2.93%

8 3.3 Postcodes of respondents The map below shows the location of the respondents in relation to both routes.

9 4. Summary of all consultation responses

4.1 Summary of responses to Question 1

4.1.1 Overall support

Do you support our proposals for changes to route 53 and 363?

Option No. of responses (%) Strongly Support 394 65.45% Support 136 22.59% Neither support or oppose 12 1.99% Oppose 17 2.82% Strongly oppose 37 5.98% Not sure 4 0.66% Not Answered 3 0.50% Total 603

Do you support our proposals for changes to route 53 and 363? 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Neither Strongly Strongly Not Support support or Oppose Not sure Support oppose Answered oppose No. of responses 394 136 12 17 37 4 3 (%) 65.45% 22.59% 1.99% 2.82% 5.98% 0.66% 0.50%

10 4.1.2 Issues commonly raised

Routes 53 & 363 - General comments Number of Top ten emerging themes - Routes 53 & 363 comments Positive comments Support the proposal 87 Quicker journey/ reduced delays 86 Reduced traffic on Tower Bridge road & the roundabout 43 Bricklayers Arms roundabout well served by alternative buses 22 53: Quicker journey 15 Negative comments Current: Tower Bridge road & the roundabout congested 43 Opposing proposal due to inconvenience caused without any real benefits 10 Bus stop: Stop earmarked for closure is one of the busiest/ key change point 5 53: Opposed to the proposal 5 Better communication needed when drivers decide to use flyover to avoid congestion at 5 roundabout (current) Other Comments about routes 63/N563/453 not being part of this consultation 15

11 Routes 53 & 363 - General comments Number of Full list of comments comme nts

Concerns 31 Changing buses convenient/ expensive if forced to get on two or more buses 16 Concerned about buses using flyover on windy days 3 Concerned about the weight of buses full of passengers on the flyover 5 Concerned about extra pressure on route 63 & other local routes 4 Could cause delays/accidents as buses cut across lanes to reach the bus cage 3

Negative comments/ opposed 86 Current: Tower Bridge road & the roundabout congested 43 Opposing proposal due to inconvenience caused without any real benefits 10 Bus stop: Stop earmarked for closure is one of the busiest/ key change point 5 3 Inconvenience to local residents Oppose the proposal 2 Bus driver behaviour 3 Generally opposed 2 Increased commuting time 1 Safety concern: Dangerous for the local school children 1 Not convinced that use of flyover will improve journey times 1 Safety concern: Buses using flyover would slow down car traffic making it unsafe for 1 cyclists/pedestrians/motorists Route 53 53: Opposed to the proposal 5 53: Overcrowded (current) 3 Route 363 363: Poor frequency 2 363: Terminating short of advertised destination (current) 2 363: Current route works well & shouldn't be changed 2 363: Overcrowded (current) 1

Other: out of scope of this consultation Other comments and suggestions out of the scope of this consultation 20 Comments about routes 63/N563/453 not being part of this consultation 15 Other insignificant/ unclear comment/ misunderstood content of consultation 9

Positive comments/ Support 277 Support the proposal 88 Quicker journey/ reduced delays 86 Reduced traffic/ congestion on Tower Bridge road & the roundabout 43 Supportive as Bricklayers Arms roundabout is well served by alternative buses 22 Hopper fare will make it easier to change buses if needed 3 Reduced pollution due to reduced traffic/congestion at the roundabout 3 Provided passengers with limited mobility & residents not majorly affected 3 Proposed changes safer for cyclists 1 Route 53 53: Quicker journey 15 Route 363 363: Quicker journey 14 Suggestions 27 Better communication needed when drivers decide to use flyover to avoid congestion at 5 roundabout (current) 12 Prioritise feedback from residents/ less able bodied passengers 2 Use the old route for late night/early morning journeys 2 Bus stop: Adjus/ move bus stops before & after flyover 1 4.2 Summary of Question 2 We asked if people used both services to understand if people responding had an interest in both routes.

Do you use routes 53 and 363?

Option No. of responses (%) Yes 592 98.17% No 8 1.33% Not answered 3 0.50%

Total 603

Do you use routes 53 and 363? 700







0 Yes No Not answered No. of responses 592 8 3 (%) 98.17% 1.33% 0.50%

4.3 Summary of stakeholder responses All responses were received from local residents and those traveling through the area. There were no responses from any key stakeholders including the Borough of and local politicians.

4.4 Comments on the consultation We asked respondents what they thought about the quality of the consultation and the materials provided.

13 The table and graph below outline their response.

What do you think about the quality of this consultation?

Option No.of responses (%) Very good 327 54.15% Good 189 31.56% Acceptable 48 7.97% Poor 81.16% Very poor 71.16% Not Answered 24 3.99% Total 603

What do you think about the quality of this consultation? 350







0 Not Very Accepta Very Good Poor Answere good ble poor d No.of responses 327 189 48 8 7 24 (%) 54.15% 31.56% 7.97% 1.16% 1.16% 3.99%

14 5. Next steps

Following a review of the issues raised, we have decided that we will implement the changes as laid out in the consultation. Routes 53 and 363 will begin to use the flyover rather than the roundabout at Bricklayers Arms from early 2018.