First Meeting , 10 – 14 November 2003




M. Ghulam Sediq Rasuli Deuxième Secrétaire, Mission permanente Genève


H.E. Mr. Vladimir Thanati Ambassador, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mrs. Pranvera Goxhi First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


S.E. M. Mohamed-Salah Dembri Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève Chef de délégation

Mlle Nassima Baghli Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève

M. Mohamed Chaabane Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève


Sra. Norma Nascimbene de Dumont Ministro, Representante Permanente Alterno en Ginebra

Srta. Alicia de Hoz Ministro, Misión Permanente en Ginebra

Sr. Marcelo Valle Fonrouge Consejero, Misión Permanente en Ginebra

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H.E. Mr. Michael Smith Ambassador to the Conference on Disarmament and Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Dr. Geoffrey Shaw Counsellor and Deputy Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Mr. Peter Truswell Third Secretary Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament Geneva

Dr. Robert Mathews Principal Research Scientist Defence Scientific and Technology Organisation Department of Defence, Melbourne


H.E. Mr. Wolfgang Petritsch Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Ms. Dorothea Auer Minister plenipotentiary Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Alexander Kmentt Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Peter Grabner Brigadier General, Military Adviser Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Saeed Mohamed Al-Faihani Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Ali Al Sisi First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Ali Abdulla Al-Aradi Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Mohamed Rashid Al Sowaidi Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Dr. Toufiq Ali Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

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Mr. Kazi Imtiaz Hossain Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Md. Daniul Islam Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Advisor


Mr. Sergei Aleinik Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Vladimir Malevich Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Ivan Grinevich Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva


S.E. M. Michel Adam Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de la Conférence du Désarmement, Genève Chef de la Délégation

M. Paul Huynen Chef du Service Non-Prolifération et désarmement Service Public Fédéral Affaires Etrangères

M. Damien Angelet Premier Secrétaire, Représentant permanent auprès de la Conférence du Désarmement, Genève

Capitaine Dirk Dons Service Public Fédéral Défense Conseiller

Mme Jenny Ulrichts Attachée administrative


H.E. Mr. Alvaro Moscoso Blanco Ambassador, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Gino Poggi Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Angelica Navarro First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr Miloš Vukašinovic Ambassador, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Nazif Gatackic Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 4


H.E. Mr. Carlos A. da Rocha Paranhos Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative Geneva Head of Delegation

General Joélcio de Campos Silveira Military Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Antonio C. do Nascimento Pedro Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Ana Maria Sampaio Fernandes Counsellor Division of Disarmament and Sensitive Technologies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Roque Monteleone Neto General Coordinator of Sensitive Goods Ministry of Science and Technology

Colonel Manoel Luiz Parfaz Pafiadache Assistant Military Adviser Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Fernando Apparicio da Silva First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Paulino Franco de Carvalho Neto First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Todor Churov Ambassador, Director of NATO and International Security Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of Delegation

Mr. Peter Kolarov Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Vesselin Garvalov State Expert, NATO and International Security Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Col. Emil Penkov Head of the Center for Military Epidemiology and Hygiene, Military Medical Academy


H.E. Mr. Paul Meyer Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Ms. Ann Pollack Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. Brian Parai Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 5

Mr. David Steuerman Advisor, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Dr. Frank Ronald Cleminson Advisor, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Sr. Rodrigo Espinosa Consejero, Misión Permanente en Ginebra


H.E. Mr. Hu Xiaodi Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs Head of Delegation

Mr. Liu Jiucheng Official, Ministry of Defense

Mr. Fu Zhigang First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Mao Junwen Expert, Ministry of Defense

Mr. Chen Guanghua Deputy Director Supervisory Institute of Veterinary Drugs Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. Yang Zhaohui Second Secretary Department of Arms Control and Disarmament Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mrs. Yang Yi Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Yu Bianjiang Attaché, Department of Arms Control and Disarmament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Li Zhengmao Associate Desk Officer Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Health


S.E. Sra. Clemencia Forero Ucros Embajadora, Representante Permanente en Ginebra

Sr. Rafael Quintero Cubides Segundo Secretario Misión Permanente en Ginebra

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H.E. Mr. Gordan Markotic Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Toma Galli Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Colonel Slavko Bokan Ministry of Defence


S.E. Sr. Jorge Iván Mora Godoy Embajador, Representante Permanente en Ginebra Jefe de la Delegación

Sr. Oscar León González Segundo Secretario Misión Permanente en Ginebra

Sr. Rodolfo Eliseo Benítez Verson Funcionario de la Dirección de Asuntos Multilaterales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


H.E. Mr. James C. Droushiotis Ambassador, Permanent Representative Geneva

Ms. Frances-Galatia Lanitou Williams Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative Geneva

Ms. Helena Mina Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Alexander Slabý Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Ivan Pintér Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Alternate

Mr. Jirí Svoboda Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate

Mr. Karel Lehmert State Office for Nuclear Safety

Mr. Bohumír Kríž Expert, Ministry of Health

Mr. Josef Št’astný Ministry of Defense BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 7

Mr. Jirí Bajgar Expert, Ministry of Defense


H.E. Mr. Henrik Rée Iversen Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. John Kierulf Minister Counsellor, Head of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Unit Foreign and Security Policy Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Mrs. Lene Wang Kristensen Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva


Lic. Ysset Román Maldonado Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente en Ginebra

Lic. Magaly Bello de Kemper Consejera, Misión Permanente en Ginebra


H.E. Mr. Clyde Kull Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Ms. Kirke Kraav Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Fisseha Yimer Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Ojulu Owar Ochalla First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Dr. Markku Reimaa Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Harri Mäki-Reinikka Minister Counsellor, Permanent Representation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Mr. Kai Räsänen Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs,

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Dr. Sebastian Hielm Senior Health Officer Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Helsinki

Dr. Simo Nikkari Chief Physician, Institute of Military Medicine Helsinki


S.E. M. François Rivasseau Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de la Conférence du Désarmement, Genève

M. Jean-Michel Despax Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la Conférence du Désarmement, Genève

M. Yann Hwang Premier Secrétaire, Représentation permanente auprès de la Conférence du Désarmement, Genève

Colonel Francis Brossard Conseiller militaire, Représentation permanente auprès de la Conférence du Désarmement, Genève

M. Gabriel Bernier Ministère des Affaires étrangères

M. Arnaud d'Aboville Ministère de la Défense

Mme Françoise Anglade Ministère de la Défense

M. Thierry Fournier Ministère de la Défense

M. Nicolas Kasprzyk Ministère de la Défense

Mme Anne Rouban Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Industrie


Mr. Alexander Kavsadze Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Geneva


H.E. Mr. Volker Heinsberg Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Bernhard Brasack Minister Counsellor Deputy Acting Head of Delegation Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office, BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 9

Dr. Volker Beck Minister Counsellor Adviser to the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin

Mr. Andreas Schröder Counsellor, Deputy Head of Division Federal Foreign Office, Berlin

Mrs. Sabine Taufmann Counsellor, Permanent Representation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Commander Thomas Frisch Assistant Head of Division Federal Ministry of Defence

Mr. Albrecht Schad Deputy Head of Division Federal Ministry of Health and Social Security

Mrs. Claudia Kurz Technical Adviser

Dr. Oliver Thränert Scientific Adviser


H.E. Mr. Fritz K. Poku Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative Geneva Head of Delegation

Ms. Victoria Tettegah First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Tassos Kriekoukis Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Dimitrios Papandreou, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Athens

Mr. Athanassios Kotsionis First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Athena Makri Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Dr. Antonis Antoniadis Expert, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


H.E. Sr. Ricardo Alvarado Ortigoza Embajador, Representante Permanente en Ginebra

Sr. Carlos José Arroyave Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente en Ginebra

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S.E. Mgr Silvano M. Tomasi Nonce Apostolique, Observateur permanent Genève

Mgr Fortunatus Nwachukwu Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève

Rev. Antoine Abi Ghanem Mission permanente, Genève


H.E. Mr. Tibor Tóth Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

H.E. Mr. András Tóth Ambassador, Head of Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Gyula Kocsis Director, Licensing and Administration Office of the Ministry of Economy and Transport, Budapest

Mrs. Erika Mosolits Scientific Advisor Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest

Mr. Balázs Rátkai Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mrs. Andrea Aján Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Stefán H. Jóhannesson Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mrs. Ingibjorg Davidsdottir First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mrs. Ásthildur Knutsdottir Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Rakesh Sood Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Indra Mani Pandey First Secretary (Disarmament), Permanent Mission Geneva

Dr. B.M. Gandhi Adviser, Department of Biotechnology BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 11

Mr. Krishnamurthy Sekhar Director, Defence Research & Development Establishment


H.E. Mr. Nugroho Wisnumurti Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Dian Wirengjurit Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Suryana Sastradiredja Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Fikri Cassidy First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York

Mr. Ramadansyah Hasan Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Dr. Mohammad Reza Alborzi Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Mohsen Naziri-Asl Director, Department of Disarmament Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Hamid Eslamizad First Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Behnam Bolourian Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Akbar Eisazadeh Expert, Department of Disarmament Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Seyed Hadi Hosseini Adviser

Mr. Mohsen Sarhadi Adviser


Dr. Ala'a Mahdi Abbas Ministry of Science & Technology, Director General of the National Monitoring Directorate Head of Delegation

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Mr. Hoshiar H.S. Dazayi Chargé d'affaires, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Mowafak Ayoub Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of Disarmament Section

Dr. Emad S. Shams Al-Din, Ministry of Science and Technology Director of International Affairs

Mr. Nawfal T. Al-Basri Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Obay Al-Taii Attaché, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Disarmament Section


H.E. Ms. Mary Whelan Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Adrian McDaid Director, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Section, Department of Foreign Affairs,

Mr. Cillian Smith First Secretary Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Section Department of Foreign Affairs, Dublin

Mr. Brian Cahalane First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Dr. Ronald Russell Director, The Moyne Institute University of Dublin Adviser


H.E. Mr. Carlo Trezza Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Raffaele de Benedictis Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Mr. Paolo Cuculi Counsellor, Office for Disarmament Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome

Mr. Luigi Scotto First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Dr. Antonio Della Guardia Expert, Ministry of Defence, Rome

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H.E. Dr. Kuniko Inoguchi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Head of the Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Kazuya Ogawa Minister, Deputy Head of the Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Mr. Kazuhiro Nakai Director, Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo

Ms. Keiko Yanai First Secretary, Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Ms. Michiyo Kotake Official, Biological & Chemical Weapons Conventions Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo

Dr. Yuri Kase Adviser for Disarmament Affairs Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament Geneva

Ms. Catherine Bull Adviser, Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Shehab A. Madi Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Walid Obeidat First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Suleiman Al-Marashdeh Colonel, Armed Forces

Mr. Salaheddin Mohammad Ahmad Major, Armed Forces


H.E. Ms. Amina C. Mohamed Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Ms. Tabu Irina First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Dharar A.R. Razzooqi Ambassador, Permanent Mission, Geneva BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 14

Mr. Najeeb Al-Bader First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Janis Karklins Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva


Mr. Johnny Ibrahim Chargé d'affaires a.i., Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Roula Noureddine First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


Mr. Murad Hamaima Minister Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Mohamed M. Othman Al Houni Colonel, General People’s Committee for Defence

Mr. Muftah A. Ali General People's Committee for Foreign Liaisons and International Cooperation, Tripoli

Mr. Mohamed Sharif Expert, National Academy of Science and Research


H.E. Mr. Algimanats Rimkunas Ambassador, Permanent Representative Geneva

Mr. Erikas Petrikas Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Erika Deviatnikova Head of International Organisations Division Ministry of Defence


H.E. Mrs. Rajmah Hussain Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation Mr. Zainol Rahim Zainuddin Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva

Dr. R. Devan K. Ramu Principal Assistant Director Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health

Mr. Wan Aznainizam Yusri Wan A. Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

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Colonel Razali Ahmad Principal Assistant Secretary, Policy Division Ministry of Defence


H.E. Mr. Saviour F. Borg Ambassador, Permanent Representative Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Ray Sarsero Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. John Busuttil First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Tony Bonnici Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


S.E. Sr. Gustavo Albin Embajador, Representante Permanente en Ginebra Jefe de delegación

S.E. Sr. Pablo Macedo Embajador, Representante Permanente Alterno en Ginebra

Sr. Enrique Ochoa Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente en Ginebra


M. Jean-Philippe Bertani Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente, Genève

M. Alexandre Jahlan Troisième Secrétaire, Mission permanente Genève


H.E. Mr. Khasbazaryn Bekhbat Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Suren Badral Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva


S.E. M. Omar Hilale Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève

M. Azzeddine Farhane Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève

Mlle Siham Mourabit Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente, Genève BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 16


H.E. Mr. Chris C. Sanders Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Paul van Rhijn Second Secretary, Permanent Representation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Mr. Harmen van Dijk Security Policy Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague


H.E. Mr. Tim Caughley Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Head of Delegation

Ms. Hine-Wai Loose Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva Alternate

Mrs. Rosemary Banks Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wellington


Mr. Robert U. Audu Permanent Secretary, Political Affairs Office Abuja

Mr. P.K. Emefiele Assistant Director/Secretary, Council on National Authority, Chemical Weapons Convention, Abuja


H.E. Mr. Sverre Bergh Johansen Ambassador, Permanent Representative Geneva Head of Delegation

Ms. Merete Lundemo Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Geir Tønnesen Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

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H.E. Mr. A.M. Masoud Al-Riyami Ambassador and Permanent Representative Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Al-Qassimi Ali First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Mohammed Aqeel Ba-Omar First Secretary, Director of Disarmament Office Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Muscat


H.E. Mr. Shaukat Umer Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. S. Shaukat Hasan Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Qazi Mohammad Khalilullah Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva


S.E. Sr. Anel Beliz Embajador, Representante Permanente en Ginebra


S.E. Sr. Jorge Voto-Bernales Embajador, Representante Permanente en Ginebra

Sr. José Luis Salinas Ministro, Representante Permanente Alterno en Ginebra

Sr. Diego Beleván Secundo Secretario, Misión Permanente en Ginebra


H.E. Enrique A. Manalo Ambassador, Permanent Representative Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Frank R. Cimafranca First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

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H.E. Mr. Krzysztof Jakubowski Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

H.E. Mr. Stanislaw Przygodzki Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative Geneva

Mr. Waldemar Ratajczak Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Marek Orlinski Section Head, Department of United Nation System and Global Issues Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw

Mr. Grzegorz Poznanski Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Lukasz Zielinski Attaché, Security Policy Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw

Ms. Paulina Gonciarz Expert, Department of International Co-operation Ministry of National Defence, Warsaw


Mr. Fernando Demée de Brito Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

M. Vasco Seruya First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


Mr. Mohammed A. El-Dehaimi First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Chung Eui-yong Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Park Hee-kwon Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Yoon Soon-ku First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Lee Choong-myon First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Lim Chae-hong Disarmament Attaché, Permanent Mission Geneva

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Mr. Choi Dae-keon Deputy Director, Biotechnology & Chemical Industries Division, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Seoul

Mr. Seong Baik-lin Professor, Department of Biotechnology Yonsei University, Seoul


Mr. Petru Dumitriu Chargé d’affaires a.i. Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mrs. Anca Jurcan Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Anatoly I. Antonov Ambassador-at-large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of Delegation

Mr. Nikifor T. Vasiliev Ministry of Defence

Ms. Natalia I. Kalinina Government

Mr. Vladimir Melnikov Government

Mr. Valery V. Spirande Russian Munitions Agency

Mr. Sergey M. Koshelev Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Vladimir V. Shvets Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Mikhail B. Kustovsky Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Petr A. Svirin Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Oleg A. Krokhalev Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dr. Vladimir S. Bundin Russian Munitions Agency

Mr. Alexander A. Dmitriev Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

Mr. Yury M. Krokunov Security Council

Mr. Alexander A. Likhodkin Ministry of Defence

Mr. Igor V. Dokuchaev Ministry of Defence

Mr. Alexander F. Petrachkov Permanent Mission, Geneva BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 20

Mr. Serguei G. Mursankov Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Vadim A. Linyuchev Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Roman B. Zholus Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Alexey G. Petrenko Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Dr. Abdulwahab A. Attar Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Abdulaziz Abdullah Al-Zir Ministry of the Interior

Dr. Mohamed Taher Joharji Ministry of Defence, Medical Service Department

Mr. Naif Bandar Al-Sudairi Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Ahmad Omar Al-Spaiyal Ministry of Defence

Mr. Saud Ali Al-Shihri Ministry of Defence, Medical Service Department

Dr. Ahmad Alias Hussein Kassim Ministry of Health


M. Daouda Maliguèye Sene Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève

Mme Fatou Alamine Lô Deuxième Conseiller, Mission permanente Genève

M. Papa Diop Deuxième Conseiller, Mission permanente Genève


Ms. Dusanka Divjak Tomic Chargé d’affaires, Permanent Mission, Geneva


H.E. Mr. Vanu Gopala Menon Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Sudesh Maniar Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Ong Soo Chuan First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 21


H.E. Kálmán Petöcz Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Milan Cigánik First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Henrik Markuš Ministry of Foreign Affairs


H.E. Mr. Aljaž Gosnar Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Igor Jukic First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


Mr. Peter Goosen Chief Director Peace and Security Department of Foreign Affairs, Pretoria Head of Delegation

Dr. Ben Steyn Office of the Surgeon General, Pretoria Adviser

Mrs. Nontombi N. Makupula First Secretary, Disarmament Permanent Mission, Geneva Adviser


Excmo. Sr. D. Carlos Miranda Embajador Delegado en la Conferencia de Desarme en Ginebra Jefe de Delegación

Sr. D. Marcos Rodríguez Cantero Jefe de Area, Ministerio Asuntos Exteriores Madrid

Sra. I. Garcia Fernández-Llamazares Consejera de Embajada en Ginebra

Sr. D. Rafael Pérez-Mellado Subdirector del Centro Nacional de Biotecnología Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Madrid

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H.E. Mr. Prasad Kariyawasam Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Ms. Himalee Arunatilaka First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Sugeeshwara Gunaratna Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


S.E. M. Elsadig Mustafa O. Almagly Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent adjoint Genève


H.E. Ms. Elisabeth Borsiin Bonnier Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

Dr. Anders Norquist Researcher, National Defence Research Agency Umeå

Ms. Britta Häggström Researcher, Swedish Defence Research Agency Umeå

Ms. Anneli Lindahl Kenny Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Dr. Annika Thunborg First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Joakim Ladeborn Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Anders Bergsten Trainee, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm


H.E. M. Christian Faessler Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de la Conférence du désarmement, Genève Chef de délégation

M. Andreas Friedrich Chef de la Section Maîtrise des Armements et Désarmement Département fédéral des affaires étrangères, Berne

Dr. René Haug Conseiller militaire, Mission permanente, Genève

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M. Bernard Jeanty Direction Politique de Sécurité, Département fédéral de la défense, de la protection de la population et des sports, Berne

M. Francesco Quattrini Section Maîtrise des Armements et Désarmement Département fédéral des affaires étrangères, Berne

Dr. Martin Schütz Chef Biologie, Laboratoire de Spiez

M. Dominique Werner Chef a.i. Désarmement, Laboratoire de Spiez

Dr. Thomas Binz Section sécurité biologique, Office fédéral de la santé publique

Dr. Thomas Schmidt Section de la maîtrise eurorégionale des armements et du désarmement, Etat-major général

Dr. Flavio Del Ponte Domaine aide humanitaire et Corps d'aide humanitaire


Mr. Witchu Vejjajiva First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


S.E. M. Habib Mansour Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève

M. Khaled Khiari Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève

M. Mounir Ben Rejiba Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève

M. Elyes Lakhal Secrétaire des Affaires étrangères


H.E. Mr. Türkekul Kurttekin Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Ugur Dogan Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Murat S. Esenli Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Hüseyin Ergani Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

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Mr. Dmytro Konopko Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Olexandr Kapustin Ministry of Foreign Affairs


H.E. Mr. David Broucher Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Michael Clark Permanent Representation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Mrs Elizabeth March Press Officer, Permanent Representation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Mr. Nicholas Joseph Permanent Representation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

Dr. Patrick Lamb Foreign and Commonwealth Office,

Dr. John Walker Arms Control and Disarmament Research Unit Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London

Mr. Andrew Holbrook Counter-Proliferation Department Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London

Mr. Robert Hunt Ministry of Defence, London

Mr. Ian Grimley Department for Trade and Industry, London


H.E. Mr. Donald A. Mahley Ambassador, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multilateral and Conventional Arms Control and Special Negotiator for Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions, Department of State Head of Delegation

Ms. Katharine Crittenberger Department of State Alternate Head of Delegation Mr. Guy B. Roberts Office of Secretary of Defense Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. James F. Churbuck Joint Chiefs of Staff BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 25

Mr. Nelson Erickson Office of Secretary of Defense

Mr. Edward L. Freedman Department of Commerce

Ms. Jennie P. Gromoll Department of State

Ms. Carolyn Leddy Department of State

Mr. Gene A. Madding Department of State

Mr. Gregory J. Stewart Department of State

Mr. Stewart Simonson Department of Health and Human Services

Mr. Richard E. Weller Department of Energy


Sra. Blancanieve Portocarrero Embajadora Representante Permanente en Ginebra

Sr. William Santana Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente en Ginebra


H.E. Mr. Ngo Quang Xuan Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Truong Trieu Duong Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Dang Quoc Hung First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


Mr. Saleh Shafiq First Secretary, Head of Disarmament Section International Organisations and Conferences Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Ismail Mohamed Iwad Colonel, Representative of the Ministry of Defense

Mr. Khaled Almakhathi Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

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H.E. Mrs. Naéla Gabr Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Mr. Sameh Aboul-Enein Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Alaa Roushdy First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva


S.E. M. Etzer Charles Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève


S.E. M. Alfred Rambeloson Ambassadeur et Représentant permanent, Genève

Mme Clarah Andrianjaka Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève


H.E. U Mya Than Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation

U Myint Thu First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

U Kyaw Thu Nyein Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva




Mr. Joshua L. Zarka Counsellor for Disarmament Affairs Permanent Mission, Geneva


Mr. Barlybay Sadykov First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 27


International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Mr. Peter Herby Coordinator, Mines-Arms Unit, Legal Division

Mr. Dominique Loye Technical Adviser

Dr. Robin Coupland Medical Adviser

Mr. John Borrie Programme Officer

Ms. Kathleen Lawand Legal Adviser

Ms. Camilla Waszink National Society and Programme Officer

World Health Organization (Geneva, )

Ms. Marijke A. van Drunen Littel External Relations Officer, EGB/GOV

Dr. Ottorino Cosivi Project Leader, Programme for Preparedness for Deliberate Epidemics

Dr. Maurizio Barbeschi Scientist, Programme for Preparedness for Deliberate Epidemics


United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)

Dr. Patricia Lewis Director, Head of delegation

Dr. Christophe Carle Deputy Director Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Nicolas Gérard Programme Manager

Ms. Kerstin Vignard Editor

Mr. Andrew Prosser Research Assistant

Ms. Vanessa Martin

Ms. Kathryn McLaughlin

Ms. Elli Kytömäki

BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 28

United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)

Dr. Kay Mereish

Mr. Peter Prosser


BioWeapons Prevention Project

Dr. Jean Pascal Zanders Director

Ms. Ulla Jasper External Consultant

Federation of American Scientists

Mrs. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg Research Professor of Natural Science University of New York-Purchase

Dr. Jack Melling Director, Karl Landsteiner Institute, Vienna

International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES)

Ms. Kathryn Nixdorff Chair, INES Working Group on Biological and Toxin Weapons Control

International Peace Bureau

Mr. Fritz Quero

Mountbatten Centre for International Studies

Dr. Jez Littlewood Research Fellow, University of Southampton

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Mr. Richard Guthrie Project Leader Chemical and Biological Warfare Project

Ms. Frida Kuhlau Research Assistant

The Sunshine Project

Mr. Jan van Aken Director, Sunshine Project BWC/MSP/2003/INF.1 Page 29

University of Bradford

Dr. Graham S. Pearson Visiting Professor of International Security

Dr. Malcolm R. Dando Professor of International Security

Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC)

Ms. Angela Woodward Legal Researcher
