Curriculum Vitae

Name Dr. (Mrs.) Peacefully Kharkongor

Designation Assistant Professor

Date of birth January 5, 1975

Present Address Golden Estate, Nongthymmai, Shillong 793014

Academic qualifications M.A., Ph.D.

Fields of interest Social or cultural aspects of different tribal groups, Crafting, and painting.

Academic achievements

• Ph.D. from North-Eastern Hill University in 2015

• Doctoral Fellowship from I.C.S.S.R. (N.E.R.C.) in 2011-12

• N.E.T. (U.G.C.) in 2000

• M.A. from North-Eastern Hill University in 1999

• B.A. from North-Eastern Hill University in 1997

Courses taught Under Graduate


• An article “Khasi Myths and Matriliny” in Artha Journal of Social Sciences, Christ College, Bangalore, Vol 4, No.2,July-December 2005

Teaching Experience

• Assistant Professor in Women’s College since June 2005 till date. • Lecturer in St. Claret, Salaya, , Lower Subansiri District, in 2004-05. • Teacher in Mount Olives Academy, Bermiok, South from 2001-03

Other experience

• Member,Board of Under Graduate Studies in the School of Human and Environmental Sciences, N.E.H.U. from 2008 till 2017. • Member,Board of Studies in the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, N.E.H.U. from 2018 till date. • Paper Setter for Under Graduate Examination from 2009 till date. • Member, Board of Moderation of Question Paper, N.E.H.U. from 2009 till date. • Member, Cultural Committee, and Secretary W-Alumni Association of Women’s College.



• Member, New Life Foundation “The Society for Social Humanitarian Upliftment and school for Children in need of Special ”-Mount Aghe, P.O. HapoliZiro, Lower Subansiri District, Arunachal Pradesh (2004-05). • Completed Grade 3 in Guitar (Practical) from Trinity College, London. • Convener of (R.U.S.A. sponsored) Craft Making Workshop, with the theme ‘Getting Innovative through Folk Art’ in July 2017 and March 2018. • Co-Convener with Ms. OlishaWarjri in organizing the(R.U.S.A. sponsored) Traditional Khasi Music Workshop with the theme, ‘Music of the Land’in April 2019. • Participated in Orientation Programme (I.T.) organized by U.G.C. Academic Staff College, N.E.H.U. in 2009. • Participated in Painting Exhibition on the theme ‘Folklore’ organized by the Department of Arts and Culture, Government of in October 2009. • Participated in Workshop on “Paper Setting and Evaluation” organized by Department of Examination, N.E.H.U. in September 2014. • Co-Presented paper, “Bamboo Art of North-East ” with Dr. GeetikaRanjanat the“National Workshop on Multi-Disciplinary Survey, Research, and Documentation of Rock Art in North-East India” organized by NEHU in collaboration with Lalit Kala Akademi and in 2014. • Participated in Refresher Course in Tribal Studies (Interdisciplinary) organized by U.G.C. Human Resource Development Centre in 2016. • Presented paper, ” Women and the Material Culture of Bamboo in Domestic and Economic Sphere” at the “National Symposium-cum- Workshop on Significance of Bamboo in Socio- Cultural and Economic Development of North-East India and Celebration of Bamboo Culture” organized by IGNCA New Delhi and Department of Creative and Cultural Studies NEHU and RITI Academy of Visual Arts, Shillong, in March 2016. • Participated in seminar, “The Importance of Collection & Compilation of Oral Literature” in the Khasi Hills of Meghalaya, conducted by Government of Meghalaya, Department of Arts and Culture in November 2017. • Participated in “National Seminar on Translating Contemporary Indian Drama” organized by The Department of English NEHU, Shillong in collaboration with SahityaAkademi in September 2017. • Presented a talk in the Faculty Colloquium of the College on “The Hollow Earth Theory” in 2014, and on “Significance of Megaliths” in 2019.

Brief bio-sketch in paragraph:

Dr. (Mrs.) Peacefully Kharkongor is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Women’s College, Shillong since June 2005. She did her M.A. in Socio-Cultural Anthropology from North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, in 1999 and completed her Ph.D.in Socio-Cultural for her thesis, “The Significance of Bamboo in Khasi Culture” from the Department of Anthropology, North- Eastern Hill University, Shillong,in 2015. She also availed the Doctoral Fellowship from I.C.S.S.R. in 2011-12. As a member of the Cultural Committee of the College, and Secretary of the W-Alumni Association, she takes active part in different academic and co-curricular activities of the College. She has also conducted Craft-Making as well as Music Workshops for the benefit of the students of the College.