CANTERBURY Further information: Native plants Motukarara Conservation Nursery Waihora Domain, Motukarara, natural to RD 2, Christchurch 7672 PHONE: 03 329 7846 Canterbury EMAIL:
[email protected] Plains conservationnursery Grown from seed collected from the Canterbury Plains Ecological District Cover photo: Kōwhai Published by: Department of Conservation Mahaanui/Sockburn Office PO Box 11089, Sockburn 8443 Christchurch, New Zealand Editing and design: DOC Creative Services Conservation House Wellington May 2021 This publication is produced using paper sourced from well-managed, renewable and legally logged forests. R194826 The history of the native vegetation of the Canterbury Plains R = rare Elaeocarpus hookerianus, pōkākā is one of sucession, destruction and regeneration. For many T = threatened Festuca novae-zelandiae, fescue grass millions of years prior to European settlement the patterns of Griselinia littoralis, pāpāuma, broadleaf native vegetation were defined by shifting rivers and creeks, Aciphylla subflabellata, kuri kuri, spear grass Helichrysum lanceolatum, niniao floods, shingle build-up, alluvial deposits, soil damage and fire. Anemanthele lessoniana (R), hunangāmoho, wind grass, Hypericum gramineum, rolled-leaf hypericum bamboo grass Kunzea serotina, kānuka The plant life varied between: Austroderia richardii, toetoe Leptinella filiformis(T) 1. Prostrate herbs and grasses on gravels. Brachyscome pinnata (T) Leptinella squalida 2. Tussocks and small shrubs on younger terraces. Carex buchananii, matirewa, cutty grass Leptospermum scoparium, mānuka, tea tree Carex comans, tussock grass Lophomyrtus obcordata, rōhutu, NZ myrtle 3. Woodland vegetation of kānuka, cabbage tree, olearia and Carex flagellifera, mānia, tussock grass Melicytus alpinus, porcupine shrub kōwhai on higher, older terraces. Carmichaelia grandiflora Muehlenbeckia astonii (T), shrubby tororaro 4.