T H-U.R.8 D AY,

BOSTON, November 1 7. Thi. Invention, which U redded to e ptofKce both fceno of blood tod deJbUtio* from wbkk the* hare IMPORTANT CJPJVMl. e»fy and free from every defect, h.t been fanatened. lately been relieved, would not ftraaj7 eJbt difer- N Saturday anchored ia- .Nantalket Reed*, the by the pttrin**^ of fonte of the mo* diflingoifhed ganiaen e» ran*}. It wit expeAad that they, would United Stttet frigate BoftM, George Little, Bfy eharaaen in the kingdom a«d of feveral foreign am- fleer for tee hof pcttblc fltoret of Americau ' Ocg*««and«r, with htr nrra*, the. French national baflador*. kjany perfortt, «*ho have been obliged to In a former paper we (rated, that the bottle of re- corvette Le Bcrtetu, commanded by citiven Louh have recoorfc ro the copying or rather preffng ma­ prefentatjve* had amended the amendment* ef the fe- Aadre Sen**, capured on th« isth October, in lat. chine, have experienced th« mot complete f*titf«Aion nate ro the ckOoraJ bill, and that the- fcaat* bad, oa 11, 50, N. long, ji, W. after an action of one bow in the ufe of the DOUBLE WRITER. TN iron. Friday laft negatived thole amendment*. «pd 40 minotM. L* B«rce«u mount) la French nine, Me and inconvenience attending the former, are totally On Saturday morniaf/- th* heafe of Brprefrnrairvea tod a twelve.pounder* oo one deck ; and had oa fupercedcd by the latter, which i* fo jttf ly formed met^at the uful hour, and, after iraoiacHaig fana* caV board at the commencement of the tclion 230 men. thtt there can be BO m4d*ke in it* nfe, and coaflraAed dintry Defined, the following rcfblution wee moweft Her loft WM 35 killed and number wounded. The with Cock mechanical eia&*«nj and folidity> at to pre­ by Mr, BotUau, faeondcal by Mr. Robert*. force of the BoUoo ii 24 twelve tad 6 nine-pouadert, clude the necefity of all repair. By th« machine, oft " Rcfalv*dt that thi* houfe will not recede .front ud 230 men. The name* ol the killed and wounded the merit* of which alone the patentee reftt hi* pr*- it» eraeadexatt to the amendment* of the fraam ok oe board the Boftoo, art, William Ford, John Hig- tention* to geaefal encouragemettt, the merchant and the biil, catitkd, " AM *£t for ciefiiiUing, oa the) |JBI, Mauniu Jefey, tad William M'Kee, killed t trader, thofe concerned i« the Variant department* of behalf of thi* ftete( the conftitationaj injeneiiont that tfr. Samuel Yoong, perfer, Tbomaa Hartley, and the public fenrrca, gentlemen of alrnott every dtfcrlfN each Aate Otall appoint ekOork tt a {aniihmt ami Nathaniel Dill, wounded, .firrce dead i and Mr. J. tion in the law, and all perfon* engaged ha an men- vicc-preidkat / the United Stale*.* M. Htlwell, midfhlpman, Crorge Groom, G«»in five and important eorrefpondence, will be enabfed Alter a few obCtrvitkm* on the ajtwIHoti of order) Wilkinfhaw, Prancia Rice, John Runlett, Frtncii not only to ftve the great trouble and etpence, hut the queftion on ih* re/oJmicro win p»t, «a*d aarrbti ail fnaci*. John AI ford, and John Collini, wounded Ifo to avoid the pombiiky of incenefineftf to which tbe aifireiMive-rVeti 54 Nayt 11. d likely to recover. The prize loft all three of '-tier the beft copyiAt are too frequenrly liable. , . The clerk of the houfe immediatefy carried At i*> Mtt>, tnd mat very much difabled. The Boftoo ii The Double Writer will be found peculiarly offial falutioa to th* fenite, and a copy ef the bUI. > ' Mch injured in her mtfb, (par*, rigging and fiili. in copying drawing! i and to (tentlcmen who travel it The fetomte, after receiving (hit commnaicafH bich obliged captain Little to return Iron hi* craife muft be more valuable in point of accuracy and fe- on, adjourned I* tea o'clock oh Monday tborftt tmfit. We an informed captain Liule hat exprefTed crecy than the molk aKIe and confident**! amanuenfr*. ing. ia ftfong itrrai hit approbation of the eonduft of hit The execution of the machine I* fo eittlly minute, at Th* kaafe of rcprefentetivc* haebnj rcfnfrd to afrf oficer* and crew, daring the aft ion ; and confidrred to reader it impoffible to di(rover the flighieft dif­ cede to the amendment* of the iehacr, the bill i«, of tut it would be iajuftice to the commander of Le Ber- ference in a htir troke. or in the mart* of punOua- cuurfc, loft. rHO, not to ftate that be gallantly defended hit fhip at lion. Ihc fpace occupied by the machine it very We are informed, that nothing fanner ha*bee*i )**( ft fh* waa capable of making a defence. trifling, at it i* contained in a final I fixed portable done ia thit bufipei*. ' > Le Berceau hid been out from Cayenne, 15 day*, writing deft. [The following i* a very droll fpcefme* ef Tanhe* I daring which (he bad plundered two American vefTelt, Manufactured and fold only by J. H. Parthiaf, Nfe wit. It hat adoally ppearod in a Providence p*pe*% tad made price of one. On a forager cruile, fhe bad 43, Cornhill, London, pocket.hool-maker, a«d porte* and if the groccriet of thi* Rhcde-Ifltnd jefter be al ctptortd feveral American, aod a great number of bie writing dtfk anaoufaclurer, wholelale, And for ex* high flavoured (* hi* homoar, he dcfervc* a dallj Psrtiiguefe fliip* from Brazil. portation. crowd of cuHomw.] V^>n^t CMC.] A variety or circumfiance* reader* thi* eaptnre of November 26. TO us SOLD £r ore importance than appear* at the firft bluflt. Le A letter received in town yeflerday from Provi­ .NICHOLAS BRANCH, dence, R. I. Atttf, that oat of 550 volet for eicAe-r* At hh refrfibry, wett end of the bridge PibtU Strceau i* coofidercd a* one of the fafteft failing cor- of prefident and vlcc-prefident, at that place, 560 vtte* in the French navy i fhe f erred at a look-out . dence, were for'the Federal ticket, and that at Newport, ihe wffel to the French fleet for i month* i ha* fre. SOLID ARGUMENTS, Anti-Federal ticket had a majority of 6 It lurrhcf COMIKTIMO OF qiently been chafed by the Bririfh cruifer*. and wai ftate*, that there it bat' Itctle doubt of the Federal trm overtaken before i fli* b*i be«n very fucceftfol Bread, batter, ehecfe, ham, egg*, falmon, mte*»t ticket being carried throughout the ftai*v__j_____ capturing Britifh, Portugoefe and American vef. _ __ IStMa oyften,AGITATIONS, Ace. ready cooked* :(.]X .,. Ill u»d WM bound toil cruife to intercept the A me- Cfder, vinegar, (alt, picklei, fweet-oil, Itc'. ikta Indiarna*^ and South-American fnlp*. Capt. HARR J SB U R G, Nov«mMf-i4. GRIEVANCES. Inethu b«en poi.captain in the IrVnch navy for many On Thnrfday morning T»ft, the xoth Novembrt, Pepper-faoce^ tnoftcrr), fclack pepper, Cayenne, Jtei j«*n t aad wa* a midftipcna* in coont d'Bftaing*! fleet, inft. two fhockt of an earthquake were fenfibljr felt by PUNISHMENTS, ii (hi* harbour. He ha* been in feveral engagement*, the iahabiiaatt of thia town tnd neighbourhood. Wine, brandy, r.ir». ipiriti, bitterly Porter, ftc. tad ii edeemed a brave aod intelligent officer. The firft, took place about 15 minutti before J SUPERFLUITIES, The Berceau loft in the en fife men t her firft lieot. o'clock, and laded about 40 feconrii t in fomt hnufet, SnurJ, lobacce and fegan. tier, boatfwain*, matter guanar, and pilot, befide* the effccli were more viftWe than in other* the N. B. Any of the above article* to be extkasfed cam moo roe*^. > knocker* on fome of the door*, rapped tt tBougb they for The Borton expended opwaid* 1700 wt. of pow. were moved by handt j and in one dwelling, a let of NECESSARIES, vtx. »>r, above 1500 round (hot, bcfide* double th«t num. china w»t fliaken from a table and broke to piece*. Preach crow at, Snawfh dollar*, piftareena, ceat*< Wt of chain, double beaded, and grape, during the The fright occ*6oned nuny of the inhabitant! to rile male, or bank bill*. . iflton. from their *. Caeoir cnrr* roh The prize ii now ctxnrtnnded by lieutenant Har­ The fecond (hock took place r minute* after 5 PAYMENTS, well, firft lteu«. of the Bofton. o'clock, and Ufted about hill a miauic t w*t not la 30, 60 and 90 fecondi, or n long u a tnae can hold} The corvette meaUrct no feet upon her gun deck, fevere u the other, but wa* alfo very lenibly felt in hit bretth CM! nearly the width of the Botton. almoft every dwelling. In both laftancei, a rombltnf RUDIMENTS. Ond*, vie. Ctpt. Senet, and a coaBBtifioner who wai in Lc Ber­ npife, accompanied the trembling of the earth. ate, after being on board the Bofton i c dayi, were. I* M their requeft, permitted to go ro Barbtdoet on P H I L A DELPHI A, November 14. tbifJk U m rievawee, parole, they took ptfiefc to a veflel bound to that EAKTHCJVAKII. V Ptfnimmetrtf »kce. Lootujitr, Ntvtmbtr IX. tr/rtk Superfluities ' In the coorfe of the two UK dayt we have beeet H *# Necrfary, PROVIDBNCB, November 10. viftted by fever*) alarming earthquake*. The rumour* Yefterday town-meetiagt were held throughout the t to the- number and violence ot thefe eonvulGon*t hie. for the choke of clcelon for prefident and vice- have not yet been redaced to certainty by the public PETERSBURG, Novtanber 14. ptfident of the United State*. The vote* in (hi* opinion. We believe the ftrft appearance *»a» oa Upoh the receipt of the newt ia thit town orf Toef- Mta at the clofe of the poll, ftood u follow : Wednefdty morning, about j o'clock, which " fttmtJ dty lilt, that a treaty between tliii country and Franca For the Federal ticket 51 lib ibt aMnaur/ /* ttijta* 4vt*4." A few minute* had been figned by the commifioner* of the tew get And-Federal 56 before fix oo the lame morning, we had the moft vio­ vernmentt. the pnce of tobacco- experienced a very Cranfton, 13 majority for the Anti-Federal lent fltock. It continued for about to fecond*, agitated fudden rife, aad fold in the courfe of the day fear aa. ticket. every thing, and waa in found like the rambling of cafh and 16 to *8i. at 60 aad ou d»y* credit. lohnftort, 6 for do. * many carriage* over a tone pavement. Ye&erday day before it wai doll at in. 0 Bmithfield, 6 majoritj for do. morning, fhortly before two o'clock, there waa a Gloucefter, 19 mafdMtV fordo. fltock nearly at violent. In the interval, and fince, BALTIMORE, November 10. lefcriplion ol the N. Providence, 34 majority for Federal ticket. four or five more trivial agitation* have taken place. gjctrma of Itturfnm Cf*rtytm, S. C. nr<*W ly tb * of the A veflel fee-mil*, e*d Atwme* mea * «*ti*g at the fame inftant TWO ORIGINALS, ac- arrived fame lime ago Mom Dieppe in France* with November if. Wdtng 10 the common mode of 'writing it offered to a n amber of planter* oa board, principally ee* the) TW earthquake whkh wa* felt at Letcalcr, W«. fa commercial, legal and literary world, at well at foutrur*. part of the iu*a*1, who h*4 been the ereav miag*on, aVc. aad of which en eccoant Wai pohKiie4 * "- «T ptttoat deftrom of preserving tuiheouc recordt lure* of ihe Infamoa* fecobe* general Rigettd The yewaVdaw, wa* fek here about tbe fame time, thoogg «* th'eir correfpondeace, (tata t coopufitioni, ajgvcrameat gf t*. Itommao, Jbofal ef .thai at h it not ooafaal 9 he* a ftariWr Haaft m ike «fef< from tha dritla| of farr!a|w, waggon*, tee. all hour* Tht following addrefi wat agreed to In the (enata of tonftitote the dignity of kjraaa natnre. and lay of tht night, it created very little inquiry. A p«r- the- United-State*, on the loth ultimo. only foundation for the profpcriiy or dnration of « fbn who paid fame ayentioo ro the fhock. WM .-« wakened by it b*n»ee* 4 and j ofclock oa .Wexfcnf. IV AI>AM$, JOHN ADiUiS. day , owning, ike aoth intent, when hi ftootfnprlght V PtiupEjiT of tht^UntriD AjitTM. of Wathiogtoa, in hit bed, which appeffcd to rock like a . Wr. 16, tloo. The concuOe* -end oMeftradaaily d«creefed'dll it fubfided. In the neighbourhood of the city, we un- IMPRESSED with tbe important rfutb, that the dcrtiod heart* of ruler* aod p:op)c are in the hand of the At- Anfwer of the houfe of reprefentative* Mike ret&dutl it WM felt much more fenfibly. mighty, .Tkt following gentlemen are chofen cleAor* 'the (enate of the United Stales moft cordially of the United State*. of join in pftfiJCBt tnd vice.prcfidut foe the Bate of North- your invocation* for appropriate blcffing* upon he governor* nod people of thii union. Carolina, via. , ; >. ? '- To JOHN ADAMS, >hn Hamilton, We meet you, Sir, and the other branch of the na- Bdcoton diftriA, tioaal legiQaiure, in the city which Ncwbern do. £rvaa Whitfield, ii honoured by PrtjUnt tf tit Unttt Sttttt. ;v Northampton, Thorn* Wynni, the D*ra*, of pur late hero and fage. the illnflrtocw Sia, WafhioDpo, with fenfationi and emotion*, whkh Halifax, Gideon Allion, ex­ The houfe of reprefeatative* have received Weigh. Jofeph Teylor, ceed our power of defcription. While we congratulate ourfelvea on the convention great refpeA, the communication which you have Hillfborough, AWalom Titom, been pleafed to make to the two houfei of Jofeph Wirtrtora, A of the legislature at the permaneet feat of government t 'Itockingh«in, and ardently hope tbat grefi, at the coaaaicacctocnt of the prefcnt | Morgan, William Tate, permaawoce and ftabtUly may iion. Edgcombe, Nathin Mayo. be communicated ea well to the government itfelf, at to it* feat* our mind* arc irrefittibty led to deplore the The final eftablifltment of thereat of nitroaal < Wtlmrngton, Thoinil Brown, vemment, which ha* now takan place, withia tat Fatettevillc, William Martin, death of him who bore fo honourable and efficient a peri ia the cftablifhment of both. Great indeed diftriA of Columbia, i* an event of no (snail hap*, Salisbury, Spruce Mitay. lance in the political tranlWlion* of e*r country : ( ware fupported by would have been our gratification, if hi* (urn of earn*. The eight Irft named the Jy. happincfi we cordially qnite oar wifhc* with yoan, that u_ friend* of Mr. jeffcrfen, and the four laft by thofe bad been completed, by feeing the go. of vernrnent thui peaceably territory may be tbc reidcnce of happincfi ard vir. | Mr. Adam*. convened at thii place: toe. But we derive confutation from a belief tbat (he no. The laft account* from India mention, that a flight Nor can we, oa tkla otcafion omit to expnft of Locudi, feveral mile* in extent, and fo thick 11 men t in which we wcredettined to experience the in Jofi we hope, that the fpirit which animated the great I their progrefi wholly to obfcore the Sun, had parted deplore, waa fixed by that Being whole conn- (el* cannot err | and from a hope, founder of thii city, may dcfcend to future gencrarr- over Malda, Rajemet, and Helebu, foitunatety for that fincc in thii cm, and that tbe wifdom, magnanimity and the terrified inhabitant*, without Mopping. feat of government which bear* hi* name, hi* earthly Prom remain* will be dcpofiVd, whkh marked the event* of h,- ' ' toward* Agra i ia the neighbourhood and all who inhabit the city, with tbefe memorial* of that city before them, will retain A conidcratioa of thole power* Whfch have bee* they are dated to have deicendcd, and to have totally hi* virtue* in lively recol­ veiled lection, and make hi* patriotilm, moral*, and piety, in coagref* over the dittriA of Cclnn.bi*. will dJclroyed the vegetation of model* not efcape our attcation t nor ftiart we forger, tbat ra for imitation. And permit at to add, Sir, that cxercifing it ii not among tbe leaft of our confolatiooi, that you, tbefe power* a regard muft be bid to ifiofe In England a mod* ha* been difcovered of m*pu- event*, which will neceflarily attend the cipita! of faAuring paper frooa who have been hi* companion aad friend, from the draw. It ii of troflg confidence, dawning Atncrka. and though it retain* the colour of of our national exigence, aad trained in the the material form fame fchool of exertion The cheerfulncft and regularity wiih whkh the which it ia made, will fervc for packing parcel*, print. to tff«ft our independence, oflk«n are ftill preserved, by a gracioui Providence, in health and foldivn of the temporary army ht«e M* November a iag hand-bill*, poticg bill*, and (uch other ordinary turned to the condition of private citikcnt, ii a tefti. rpofei. It ii hoped, therefore, and activity, to exercifc the furtclior.i of chief raagif. that thii invention will trate. inony, clear and conclufive, of the pnrky of iMr likely to reduce the pvefent advanced price* of rag* motive*, whkh induced C The queflinn whether the loci! power* them to eogige la the pablic ad paper, and dcftroy a moft infamout monopoly. over the fcrvke i and will remain a proof on all future octal. M. Achard, the Pniftan chemift, diflrifl ol Columbia, vetted hy tbe conftiiution in ihe hai at length congrefi 001, that an army of foldier*. drawn from the citi­ brought bi* difcoveriei, in the ankle of fugar from of the United State*, inall be immediately exeicifcd, i* ol great importance, zen* of our country, defcrve onr confidence anl vegetable*, to foch perfection that fee ia enabled to and in deliberating rcfpcA. upon it, we (ball naturally be vend it at AK foot the poawd. led to weigh the attend­ N" fuhjcA c,a be more important than that of tU ing circumfUnce* and every probable conference of judiciary, the mcafure* which nay be prepared. which yeu have (gain rccoeaniended te Coaoaitiof the UNITED STATBS. our confideration, and it (hall receive our early aad The feveral fubjiAs for Irgiflttive confideration, deliberate atteniion. HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES. contained in your (peech to both houfe* of congrefi, The following are tbe amendment* to the conftituH. (ball receive The con dilution of the United State* haviag COB- lrc.ro the lenaie all the attention which fided the management of our foreign on of the United State*, proposed by Mr. Nicbolai, they can give, when contemplating ib »le objeA*, both negmiationi n> on Friday, which were referred to McflYt. in refpett to their the control ol the executive power, we chrcrfaljy Nicholn, national imp nance, and the ad. iuboiit to it* decificrt* on thi* impcraiot Harper, Macon, Grifwold and Evani. ditional weight that i* given them by your rccotn- terjte). Previoofly to reading them, Mr. Nicholai ncodation. And in refptA to the negotiation*, now pcadiag wxk noticed France, we finrerely hope that the final the propofition* fubotitted by him during tbc lali fef« We deprecate with you, Sir, all fpirit of iaaovation reiult %*j fion. and tbe extraordinary prove a* fortunate to our country, at the moft irdnt proviaan* made in a bill from whatever quarter it may arife, whirh may im­ mind can wim. ivcd from the fenatc, and ft.aud. ibc improbability pair tbe factcd band thai ctmenu the. different part* of So Joog of hi* voting for thii at a predatory war ii carried on apitui ont hi* own proportion*, in cafe they bad empire i and we truft, that under the protection of commerce, we fhould lacrifice our interrfli, and dif. been called up by the houfe. Divine Providence, the wifdom and virtue of the ci- appoint the expectation* tixen* of the United State* ol our coaUitneno, fccuU Kf/il-viJ ty lltftiuilt anJ btitft tf rrtrtfmlMtivti tf lift will deliver our national we lor a moment, relax that f>ftcm of rnarinaif de­ Umtld Slalti, t*i» ikirdi of tctk bct/iii turnrring, compaA unimpaired to a grateful pofterity. fence, which' From paft experience "hH^fefulted in fuch beneficial ctcA*. that lit fflbwiff arliclft It frtftfii H lit Itpjlatmrtt it i* impoffible for the fenate At thi* period it si confidently belkved, that few tf lit VmitiJ Stain. *l 0mt»4mntt H tkt tt*ftit*lu* of the United State* to doubt of your xealoua co­ per Ion i can operation be found within the United btatci, whs / lit Uvlnt SlMtu , with the Icgiflature ia every effort to pro­ do not admit, that a navy, well organixed, mutt toe. That after the )<) day of March, ia the year mote the general heppincf* and tranquillity of the dilute the natural and efficient defence oj ihu tvma- one thoufand eight hundred and one, the choice of union. \ try againfi all foreign hoHility. ele&ors of prcGdent and vice-prefideni, (hill be made Accept, Sir, our'warmed wifte* for your health TJie prog re f i which bat been made in the mitdfae. by dividing each ftate into a number of diftricli, and happined. lure of arim, leave* uo doubt ibat ibe public pttrta- equal to tb« number of eleAor* to be cholen in fuch age ha* already placed thi* country beyond all n*rff~ fine, and by the pwbm* in each of thofe dinriAi To which the PreBdtnt made the following reply. fary dependence on foreign market*, for in article U> who (hall have the qualification* requifita for eliAor* Mr. Prt/Unl, iodifpcafable (or defence i and give* at ifiuiaacca, of the raoft numerou* branch of ibe IcgiOainre of »*d Gintltmn tf tbt Sngtr, that under the encouragement which government will fuch ftate, chafing one cleAor in the manner which FOR thii excellent addrefi, fo refpeclfol to the me. continue to extend to this important objecl, we Ih*U the legiQitnre thereof (ball prefcribc. mory of my illuflrioui predeceflbr, which 1 receive foot) rival foreign countriei, not only in U)t nuaibet, a. Tbat the elaAion of reprefentative* to ferve after from the fenate of tbe United State*, at thii time, and but in the qutliiy of arm*, completed from our owe the third day of March, in the year one thoufand in thii place, with peculiar fatiifaAion, I pray you to minufaclorici. ii eight hundred and three, (hall be by dividing each accept of my unfeigned acknowledgment*. With you Few eventi could have teen more pleating to our ftate into a number of diftriA* equil to the number I ardently hope, that permanence and (lability will be conflituenti, than tbat great and lapid inert*.- of i«- of reprefenutive* to which fuch ftate (hall be entitled, communicated ai well to the government ilfell, ai to it* venue, which ha* arifen from permanent t»»'«- and by the people within each of thofe diftricU who beautiful and commodiou* feat. With you I deplore Whilft ihi* event explain* the great tod incrcifing it- (hall have the qualification* requifite for eleAon of the the death of that hero and fage who bore fo honourable fource* of our country, it carriet along, with it a proof moft numerou* branch of the legiQature of fuch Rate, and efficient a part ia tbc cftablifhm'ent of both. which cannot be refilled, th*t thole mcafurc* ol ma­ chufing one rtpreCentative ia tbc manner which the Great indeed would have been my gratification, if hi* ritime defence, which wcie calculated to meet cm lefiflirarc thereof (hall pretcribe. fum of earthly happined had been completed by feeing enemy upon tbc ocean, and which have pto^Mcd Monday, November 24. the government thui peaceably convened at thii place, (uch exteofive protection to our comovcuc, *ere The fpeaker read a letter from Oliver Wolcott, fe- himfclf at iti head. But while we fubmit to the de- founded in wifdom and policy. The inind nwft i* cnttry of the tretfury, dating, that with the appro, cifion of Hciven, whofe counfel* are infcrutable to our opinion, be inlenfible to the plaioett truthi, wbKk ballon of the prefident, he had determined to rcfign ui, we cannot but hope, that the memberi of congrefi, cannot difcern the elevated ground en which thi* p> hi* office at the clofe of the year t and inviting, if toe the officer* of government, and all who inhabit the licy ha* placed our country. That national f|>iii'i houfe deemed it fit, .an invcftigation into hit official city, or the country, will retain hi* virtue* in lively which alone could vindicate our toounou light*, M conduit. recollection, and make hi* patriotifn, moral*, and been row fed, and tbofc l*tcQL*J^|ie«, wbkh hid D i piety, model* for imitation. been fully known, were MlBod and brought *"> WAR DEPARTMENT, I thank yotr, gentlemen, for your aOurance* that view, and our feirbw-cititenMirere picpred to BK«I the feveral fubjeAi for legiOalive coafideration, recom­ every event, which national honour or naiiooil U open, and the ftrcami of eloquence (or ever flow. jeAi, recommended to our confideration, ftiall iecci»* Annapolis i December 4. Here nay the youth of thii txtcnfive country for ever our eirly and deliberate attention, and confident ol look up without difappointment, not only to the your co-operation, in every meafure whtcb m*v b> YeftcrtUy the cleAor* of prefident and vice prefident monument* and memorial* of the deed, but to the ex> calculated to promote the general intereft, wr (Wj of the United State* met in thl* city, and voted a* ample* of tbe llvUg, in the member* of coogrei* and endeavour on oar part, to wftily by our indu&ry »n follow : John Adam* «, Charle* C. Plnskmey 5, Tho- ooviwn of government, for fialfhed modeltof all thofe difpa'tch, the teal end iaterlty with which wi << f, aod A*nw> Buff f. virtue*, pace*, talenti/and accompliuacou, which ftrd the public good. AS, ALE. In virtue of a tro* repofed in me by a decree of the JOSEPH EVANS* tfit OoatmrT.i of Ga.gTA.cia am^CoW-r. of Chancellor of Maryland, I fhall on the aid inltant, Takes thii method to Inform the public, and hit 4 .. - -Jfarict. »t |i o'clock, on the prcmlfea* EXPOS* to PUB- /riendt in particular, that be hat commenced LIC SALE. bufioefa in-the fore-boafe lately occupied. * LL that U'Gk or parcel of LAND, called HALF bjr RiooILt and EVANS, where. b« J[jL Pom* fituated on Elk-Ridga, in Anne-A run- now OFFERS for SALE, del lounty.' The tertw of falc arc, fix month* credit A VARIETY of GOODS, from tlie day. ol fat*, the pnrcbaier giving bond with Suitable, to the pulent foafoo, . __——— _. .- n • «e approved fccartty. Thit tnd of land ta fold to diU Actonf ft which ate, HE parina/ftup ot RlDGhLY aod fcVANS charge a mortgage debt doe «KHD JOHN BAIHOW to having thii day been dUTolved by mutual coo- Ra&m HAMMOND, and other*, aod when the whole UPERFINE, factmd I A variety of the neataft Ic ftnt,T ill perfoni having claim* againA (aid firm am and coarfe broad' molt faihionable cah- purchase none/ it paid the purchaser will recaiva S clothe*..,. . ; . requested to prefent them to J»«ar^£v>m, who ia dead, from - " ... coca and etinnei. duly authorised to receive and pay alMebu due to and Double a>iJU**dreb of » Riband*, gWbo binding*, JOHN WELCH, Trnftee. fuperior quality. from (aid firm i thofe indebted to the orm.aJoreUid, December i, 1800. and ferret*. Super ine and coerfe coat- by note* or bonda, are requeQed to make-pay meat, Ounce, coloured 8c ofna- and tbofe indebted on open account are dcfired to call ingt. briga thread*. Notice it hereby given, Btft Flufhinc*, faJhiona- and pay the fame, or give their note* or boodi, (with B«tt fhoe do. in balla. fecurity, if required) on or. before the firft day of HAT the fubfcriber imtndi to petition the next cafiacra. , J*ina thread edging*, aod January, 1801. RJDGEL.Y and EVANS. T Cecil county court for a commimon to mark Green baitea, fearnought* writing paper, teftatnentt September it,, 18*0. and bound, agreeably to an aft of aflembly, entitled, and hajfthktt. and fpclhng book*. An acl for ntarking and bounding land*, pafftd in the Muted plaint, white keti Ink powder, wafer* aod OTICE ia hereby given, that 1 intend to apply November feffion, 1786, and the fupplemcnt* thereto,1 I fayi. quill*. N to the next general liembly of Maryland lor the following traAtof land, viz. ST. XAVS»IU», ST. Welch nliini, flannel*, Black lead pencil*, alma­ an acl of ia&Jvcncy. ' * loHATitn, part of Woasst MAKOE, part of WOOD- ftriped It rofe . nack*. RICHARD T. CHESELD1NB. aioci, aod part of AiKMOaa, all being and lying Velvet*, fancy. ccrdt, Leather and Morocco JDflober, 1800. in Cecil county, near the Head of 'St. Auftin'i creek, thickfeti, corduroy i & pocket book*. common 1; called Little Bohemia, bete* and owped by fuEiant. Tooth, cloth, and fcrab- Thirty Dollars Reward. the Corporation ol the Roman Catholic Clergy. Silk velvet*., and fwan- ing brufhet. AN away (ran the fnbfcriber, living in PriBCe- PRANCIS BEESTON, Agent down*. Hair broom* tc feive*. R George*a county, on the ibth intent, a negro for the Corp. R. C. C. Striped bed ticking* tt Cowhide ft plated whip*. nan named C>£SAR, about 11 yean old, 5 feet 9 Annapolii, December st apron check*. Ladiet tortoifelhell and or 10 inchea. high, of, a yellowifh complexion, and Moreent, tamborcena Ic crooked horn comb*. baa a very wild look when fpoken to, he haa a large Negroes for Sale. Joao*. Coarfe hom, ivory, and fear on the back of hi* left hand, and ha* had i cut EVERAL negro women, with their children, Duranu, calimancoet It barber'* ditto. atrof* the lift joint of the fore finger of the right band, confifting of boyi and girli, from three to twelve wiidborei. Be ft gunpowder, patent a floipe in the back of the hand, which ha* left a very Bombazecnt «V bombetet*. (hot, end gun flint*'. large fear, and.fcufed the fiagerto be OUT, hi* cbeCha yttnold, to be fold in familiei. Inquire o/ thelub- Luteftringt, fattin* and fctibcr, BOK Pig Point, Aone-Aruodcl county. Caftor oil, in quart bot­ are uncertain. Whoever will fecure faid negro in any pclongi. tle*. gaol in the Itate of Maryland, (hall receive the above . ',.. SAMUEL HARR1SON. Mode* and farcenet. reward, and SIXTY DOLLARS if taken out of the Noraaber 15, iSoo. ;> ..., . r. , - Glauber fain, be* red Striped fattin florcfltine*. barb. aforefaid date, and if brought home all rtafonable Ladict Morocco and Ituff Table knlve* and forkl. charge*. ARNOLD WATERS. HERE ta at the plantation of Mr. PAT»ICI (hoe*. N. B. All rniften of veflcJ*. and other perfoni, an MACOILI. taken up ai a ttray, « b*y HORSE, Pocket and be ft penknive*. T Womena and men* filk, Botcher*, oylter, and forewarned harbouring or carrying off faid negro at thoat 1 3 or 14 yean old, 13 haedi high, nut branded, It worded hole. their pen I. (one (addle fputa, apd a pair of old (hue* on. The pruning ditto. Girl* and boy* cotton and Razon and fciflcri, af- eneer itdefircd to come and tike him away.. worQed ditto. Forty Dollars Reward. WILLIAM MBSSER, Omfetr. forted. Elk.Ridgc, November i, 1800. Mem tt boy i coarfe yarrr} Elegant jipaned tea tray*, AN away irom the fubfcriber, oo the igth of fulled, worQed glove* and waiter*. R Oclobtr laft, negro JACOB, JJ yeah of age, and (locking*. Curry comb* and horfe anout 6 feet high, laaootb face, high forehead, hit /COMMITTED to my cuftody at a runaway, oo Lidie* habit, kid and ex­ \^ the I9'.h of Oclobcr Ult, a negro man named brufbea. wool growing in a peak leare* hi* temple* hare, fpeak* tra long white and co­ Wood fcrew* It braft pin*. low and rather hoarfe i had on and took with him ALLEN, ot a dark complexion, about *i yeari of loured filk glovei. when he went away, a brawnifli cotton coat, a blue *(t, aod 5 feet 6 or j iocbej high, who liyu he ii the Lock* of variou* kind* Mem buck, died doe, Hinge* afiorted, Ipadei, coarfe fhort coat with metal button*, old breecbri, property of a Mr. JOHN SIMMI, of South Carolina, ofnabrig fhirt, and a match coat ) hit Sunday aid formerly the properly ot capt. Thomai Roger (on, drawn tanned, beaver, and frying-pan*. and white filk, ditto. Japanned, flit and fhort apparel, a purple cloth coat with rimmed buttoni, »f tbia county. Hit owner i» dcfirtd to come and take Men* and boya fine and nankeen breechei, mixed worded flocking*, aod half kin away, othcrwife he will be fold according to law. brad candle-Rick*. coarfe hau. Sprig*«(Titted. boon i be proleffe* to be a Methoditt, and ha* been THOMAS PRICE, Sheriff IriOi *, diipen, and in the praelice of preaching of night* \ it i* expccled ... ., ,. . 4d, 8ti, tod, ttd, & aod, i on agitnl cor November 1 5, IBOO. _ diaper ubJee,lotha.. flaf pointed nail*,-' ,- he it harbouring about the city of Anrrapoiia, Weft ~ terrfli, *nd dtl- Ruffia & I rift, flieetiag*. Patent iron tea kettle*, ic river, South river. South river Neck, or Queen-Anne, Ruffia drilling*. a* he ha* a wife at Mil* Murdoch'*. Whoever take* lUitatoo, Iwuld HB fubfcriber hereby fore warm all pcrloni from iron*. of maritimt de- Brown and white role*. Shovel* and tongi. up and fccuret faid fellow in any gaol, fo that I get hur\iin|, or trefpeUing in any mincer wh«t- Brown hempen linen, and him again, (hall receive the above reward, paid by bcneficiil tl«eU. rrer,T on HILL'I DBLIOHT, near Anoapolii, at be ii Iron pott, Dutch oven*, kvcd, that few bed ticklenburgi. and fkatca. THOMAS GIBBS, living near Queen-Annc. determined to put the law u> lorcc againit all (uch of­ Bindanno, crof* oarred, It N. Bv All maflcri of veffeli and other* are fore­ iltcd fettle*, who fender*. China and glaft ware. tiled, mutt co». black Barcelona, filk Green and blue edged warned . iirbouring, employing, 01 cirrjiDgofF faid JOSEPH LEONARD. handkerchief*. fellow a/, their peril. T. O. :« o ibu November 11, 1800. di(hei and plate*. Stamped liten aod cotton White ditto. March 7, 1800. ditto. Wafh bowls and pitcher*, NOTICE. Purple fhawlt, chintz, &c. Ice. Twenty Dollars Reward. T INTEND to apply to the next March court, of muflin, aod camel'* h*ir Large and fmail brown AN away from the fubfcrttter, on the aStb of X St. Mary'i county, for a commiffion to iflue to ditto. done jam and jug* R September lan, a (tout well made mulatto fel­ atirk and boood two tnfii of land, called NOTLKY An handfome aflbrtment 8 by 10 and 10 by- it low, by the name of NED, he Ii about 13 or 14 HALL and NaicHiouanooD, lying to fa id county, of muflini and muflin Bohemia window g!a(«. yean ol age. c feet 8 or 9 incbet high, with Areight ajnctbly to ao ihe court- houle fquare, whereon ftaodi two very pod boarded houfei, one of which rent* for one bun. NOTICE. HE fubfcriber beg* leave to inform hit frleoda ted and fifty poundi per year, the other for twenty- and cuftomert, that he hai removed to the tan- pcrandi p*r other lot* in faid town, N confequeoce of a fcriet of commercial lofle*, yardT in the city of Aooapolii, lately occupied by Mr. g on the Point ling each other, which af- I which prudence could neither forcfac nor prevent, JOHN HYDI, where he mean* to carry on the tanning i moft beattti'u of the creek and ware- 1 fhall apply to the next general aUcmbly ol Maryland bufincf* in all it* variou* braochei. He it now pre­ ti i allo at>out ot (ndred acre* of fwamp land, for a fpccial aft of iofolvency. pared to receive bidea to tan from thofe who pleaie to tovared with timber of all kind*, a deal of which ia JOHN ATKINS BURFORD. favour him with their cufiom, and tan the fame on the calculated for (hip bui'ding i alfo a number of country Oclober 4, 1800. , . . following term*, to wit : Hide* at fifteen (hilling* each, kip-flcin* at eleven (hillings and three. pence each, calf, burn Have*, of all ag«i and fleet, men, women, boya DO hereby give notice, that I fhall petition the aod girl*, horfci, blick cattle, and houfehold furni- flcin* at five (hillings and /even-pence half-penny. genera) affcmbly of Maryland, at their next fef­ The fubfcriber, from a long experience in the bad. ' *. Thii property i* fold to difcharge my juft debit, fion,I tor an afi td have the tobacco warehoufe at Cole*, C- fee. Thofc who may think proper to purchafe nefi, flatten himfelf that hi* work will be rendered! in St. Mary'i county, with the ground on which it plrafing to hii cuftomcri. ay be efliired 10 receive good title* to the whole or Hindi, or fo much aa will be neceflary for public nfci, ay pen, on the payment of the ca(h. A note from to be taken for the ufa of the public, and the value r WALTER W. NORMAN. Ckarlet Wallace, Efqi fo Auuapolu, or William I (hall have a quantity of upper and foal leather for thereof afcertained, with the diladvantagci of the roada (ale by the laft of September next. W- W. II, Cook*, Efqi in Baltiinorc.town, will be taken in dif. leading thereto through my land. of any purcbafc that may be made. AugultS, 1800. MICHAEL PBNW1CK. Annapoll*, Auguft 14, 1800.______-\ v CHARLES MANK1N. "~ JUST RECEIVED, *^ November J, 1800. OTICE it hereby given, thit I intend tope, And to be SOLD at thia offer, lilion the next general aflembly of Maryland, Price one eighth of a dollar, By the COMMITTEE of CUAIHI. Nto obtain the benefit of an aft of tnfolvcncy to releafe ml - - - ~ *HE COMMITTIB of CLAIM* will fit every day, ma from debti which I am enable to pay. Ill health, The WILL during the prefent feffion, from niua o'clock in and feriei of mUfortune*, alone urge me to adopt, OK "*"""' until three in the afternoon. thi* meafure. General By orda/, WILLIAM 8PKTGG BOWJE. A. COLDER, Clk. Prince-George'* county, October 8, 1800, George Walhington. Mr*. Mary M',Crmet wift of M*. pta/ge V/C.c., Y GIDEON WHITE, Fell'. Point, wa* perfectly cured (J-JVtb New Troy, Chtrte* county, Oftober 10, iSoo. SALE, grocer, Bond-fVreet, court of fitd HAS JUST RECEIVED, FOR' perfevering in the ul« of Hamilton'! Effence *nd By virtue of an order of the orphan* (by of the i*th of December next, Ptcm JuEE'. and Co. Patent and Family Medktac Extraa of ttoftftrA) ** a rhattajatio complaint county, on Wednesday pan of laftf am- not'the firt. fair day,: at thi* place, will ftore Baltimore, erevtn ytarfftadlng. The gr«W*ft if f.ir, if : or undreli without a]BHt. be OFFERED for SALE, br PUBLIC V EN­ A frem fupply of the following valuable medicine. ter QIC wa* unable to inii (he had th« beft medical e4v*N bativ in -Europe DUE*, for READY MONEY, D*. HAHN'. GENUINE WATER? aft*, MA TPWARDS of thirty likely country born SLAV**, remedy for all difeafe* of the eye*, and America without Tf ftout A fovereign \J confiding of men, women, and children, efred* of natural weakncb or of accident, * large., whether the Eht. HAMfLTON'. lad* and girl., one of the men i* a carpenter, fpcedily removing inflammation*, deflumoti* of rheum,, labourer*, very handy never tailing Wo an Di. rue-Tine LoziNOia, proportion of the reft are male dnllnef*. itching, and film, on the eye., thootaad pa*. farming bnfineft, and the woman frequently fuccecii the Whioh- have telkved npvnrdaof eighteen |n the planting and to core ihofe maladtea which month* paft, ia variM» ufed to houfe work » alfo draoflu hocfet, and fever*, and wonderfully fun* of nil eft*, within nine nnd girl, are fmall-pox, meaale*. arifiag (rom worn*, ami. froca n few hogftcadt Lctder, and fome brandy, and about a weak fight. Hundred, have expe­ dangeroa. complaint*-, . pay. strengthening or obftru&ton. in the ftomach and lx>w»l*.» . one hundred barren of corn, for the^pmpofe of it* eWellent virtue*, foulnef* deceafed. rienced they ere remedy fuited to every age and coaflitation, ing debt, due by NICHOLAS BIACKI.OCK, and term*, a convenient ftore contain nothing but what it perleAfy innocent, And to be let on reafonaWe they cannot injar* at thii place, being an DROPS. are f» mild in their operation that T| ^ouf?, with a connting'-room, TOOTk-ACHE lady,, or tbe tendered in­ good country (rend for doing bufiaef* in the give* im­ the moft delicate pregnant If the fcfp Rofe, exceedtne The only remedy yet difcovered which would ao worm* exjft in the line, within four mile* of tidewater. It moft fevere in- fant of a week old, here laft tvenin| mercintile mediate and lifting relief in the without pain or gtipiog, clc*nfe the rnott earneftly reqnefted that all thofe indebted to the body, but will, to the 1 9th of ( is Aancer. of whatever U toul or offenflve.. a>c htVe eft.te of faid deceafed will pay off their refpeclive ac­ ftomach .and bowel* prrfeot claim* ageiaft thereby prevent the produ&ioo of worn* aa4 The paper* ope count* without delay, and thofa having THE ANODYNE ELIXIR, and are likewife reqnefteJ to bring them in, le- fatal dilorder*. complaint* of the fime For the cure of every kind of head-ache. ; and filly authenticated, on or before the firft of December. cootint)e of faid deceafcd are informed, that TH a PERSIAN LOTION, great talk, of p The creditor* THE DAMASK LIP SALVE fy/titnatlt tkrmgbeut Sunff, the ijth of December i* appointed for them St et/tkrattil emnrgjl lit war { neither w Tuefday I* recommended (particularly to th* Jadiet) a* an cofmeiic, perleftly innocent in*T attend...__ at_. Troy,_.-,, for-- the... purpofe of receiving_ their and fore A* an- invaluable with any dcgr to raifed elegant and plealtnt preparation for chopped from any corrofivc and repellent miner*)*, was • refpeaive proportion* of the money that may be occifioned fife, free LuneviHe lip*, and every blemifh and inconvenience (the bafi* of other lotion.) and of unparalleled eificac*; pacific tn»y be i from faid fale, ind otherwife, by _ reftoring a beautiful by cold*, fever*, he. fpeedily in preventing and removing cutaacoui blcmifbct of the The American eni BENIAMiN foftaef* to the lip*. freckle., pin- rofy colour and delicate * ""- and (kin of every kind, panicuUrly the 8th, and w JOHN SPALDING, * face pie*, pit* after the (mall-pox, inflammatory trdn«f», for the United HE fubfcriber finding that from the coft* of a THI RiiroaATivB POWDER ringworm*, ionbum*, ptkkly l?c*i, pre­ being n the kurfj, utter., TV Rofe number of fuit* brought againft him, and THE TEETH AND GUMS. mature wrinkle*, Ac. . txr (hip news— it will FOR Tprcffing demand, of a part of hi* creditor*, that comfort, and ftrengthen* The Perfitn Lotion operate! mildly, without im- Ur of America the amount Thii excellent preparation which it be entirely out of hi. power even to reduce enamel from decay, and pedir.g thit natural, infevfibie perfpiratfon juflice to the gums, preferve* the effeOi are> of hi. debt*, think, it would be doing >ort t»e teeth, abforbing all that erTential to the health Yet it* faintary LOI to delfUr up hi. pro­ cleanfe* -and whiten* the (kin dtlicittty- hi. creditor, and family at once flime ind foulncfi, which fuffcrcd to ac­ fpeedy end permanent, rendering hi* creditor*, and to petition acrimonin* the complexion ind re- CON perty for the benefit of never fail, to injure and finally ruin them, foft and fmooth, improving to paf* an ac\ to releafe him from hi. cumulate, of yontfa. Never failing to reader ani HB congtcji the legiOuure florin*; the bloom I which he hereby give* notice ha (hall do, at countenance beiutllul, and an nandfone one, diatefy. debt*, Da. HAMILTON'. ordinary aT1 ninifter of w* their next leuwo of affembly. mote fo. JAMES A. MAGRUDER. GRAND RESTORATIVE, prit, who condu for the i Upper-Mar'.borough, Oaober to, 1800.______IS recommended »i IB invaluable medicine, HAHN*. ANTI-BILFOU3 PILLS, MID mioiften, relief and permanent care of .the variou* com­ Ollll>ratiJftr na of the Frencl fpeedy < NOTICE. plaints which refolt from diffiptted piexfore* juvenile faperfiuou. bile, and preventing it* mor­ *>pntie* of the to Evicuiting till peace INTEND to petition the next general affembly of indifcretioni refidence in climite* unfavourable feention—removing obftinn* coibvenel., tad re-< eoo|ref. of tea, frequent bid Auftrii and Fr*m Marylind for an a& of infolvency. the conftitution >the immoderate u(e ftorrng loft appetite. I THOMAS EDGAR. intoxication, or any other dcftruflivr intemperance mr, Pruffia ha* difeafe* the depotlei Annapolit, OSober si, 1800. the unlkilful or exceQive nfe of mercury the INFALLIBLE AGUE AMoFPVBR DROPS. tin to female*, at a certain period of life bad can ttflify of their being cared by theft jiffi immedntely SALE. peculiar Thoufandi FOR in, tec. In. the bark and every other mediciae aa« rppoioted plenipo 1 tying, to drop*, after At the Printing-Office, And i. pryed by long and ettenf »e experience ineffcfinal i and not one in an hundred bat <**'.&*, Ami dif- proved «ot relaxed ic The following be abfolutely unparalled in the core of nervoui had occafton to take more thin one, and number* ant lit of fpiriti, lof* of ap­ aiperor, upon hi O OK 8, order*, confomptiom, lownef* half a bottle. • B of the blood, byfterical affeAioni, dwwtioa recoat Speaker, petite, impurity 'Bnfield'i weikneffe., violent crimp* in the ftomach and HAH»'I TB'OB and cantnvt a every thing Buchan't Domeftic Medicine, inward Da. back, indigeftion, melincholy, gout in the ftomich, GERMAN CORN PLASTER. euntry. Immortal Mentor, .- emiffioni, ruaovne, The procl.mat »,« "f. pain* in the limb*, retention., involuntary An hifarhble remedy for corns, Ipeedily Dodd no Dt»tb, ". '* fluor ajbui, [or .. any* Mlrror,~ *;'WV .'' ignfetHiaal- weakneJc*» obftlntte glett., them root and bvanvn, e*U*oai giiing-paia. impotency, barrennefi, Ac. tec. am*. a novel* . .'-'. ' white.) Arundel, cafe* of extremity where the long previlence and GENUINE COUGH DROPS. I: hu been rej j«ft book, » In ' CHURCH'. American obftimcy of difeile hi. brought on a general impo- , ftttlj «W tJfUtttt ttmtJj Hi . flight. Bat i Pron. pier, fyftem, extern»e debility of the' •< delicacy of i Companion, verifhment of the Head-achei, Sote throats, Merry Feilirw'* frimc, and * wafting of the fle(h which no Whetxingt, • WrntloB of the Legacy, whole Catarrh*, Gregory'* nburifhment or cordial could repair, a perfeveratce in Congtraltd pnVfnl, Nan, a/, Shonnef* of breath, Italian the ule of thi. medicine hai performed the moft the throat, Spitting of blood, Conftantia de Valmont, Tickling* in HI. tonifhing cure*. Tightnefi of the chelt, Sorenelt of the brrtft Uhi l>«ctaVieaof Charlotte Temple, gt*nd reftorative i* prepared in pill* a* well at ftomach, &c. &c. w be the oal a novel, The Hooping coogb, Ormond, in a fiuid form, which afTift* confiderabty in producing I *«t ihe late cori BlolToroi of Morality, lifting effeft. Their virtue* remain aad long*. ' »itt be Ind befo Female So,' a gradual and And all dilorder* of the breaft* Bcmtiei of the for yean in any climate. •Uo, that forae fi Jonti, in 3 volt. unimpaired Tom OINTMENT FOR T«I ITCH, tkem^-wheu American Preceptor, SOVEREIGN Da. HAMILTON'. WtrrtMtd u* infallibU «W im*»limti art «| met ^fcf.' I WO confideraiio Gilt Blblet, pleafant re­ will lift f< Doubtful, ' Gtxxint E/ntt mJ ExIrmB / M*j!*rJ. Being the rooft fperdy, effectual, and Adventure of David and for the Utitfic- the cure ol rheumatifon, gout, rheumatic medy ever offered to the public, Nightingale, FOR the proprietor aMulrfiaalA, tn*t r"ni» piptn gout, palfy. lumbigo, numbnef*. white-fwelling*, lion of the timorou., Philanthropift. not contain a fingk pankl* af " chilblain*, fpraioi, bruifei, acute and chronic rhturaa. thi* ointment doth mercury or any other pcrnicioui ingredient in iti con. It wit not pc> Dollars Reward. tifm. (*Ict| to i Fifteen been much difappointrd by pur. fiiion, and may be ufed with the ruoft perfccl I *»wonicat* the fablcriber, li»ing in Anne- Mmy perfon* h«ve born. *fitecorrefpon AN away frem under th« name of Effence'of Muf. , pregnant women and on infant* nawly county, on the aift of February, a chafing medicine* K I ftrnmenu, tl Arundel are perfectly-different from thi. remedy- R named DICK, ebaot forty yean of age, tard, which xd filence, i negro man qualitie* of which Dr. Hamilton beg* fix inche* high, round full face, large eye*, the fuperior , per to pabli! five feet prove by the following cure*, fclc&cd from a INDIAN VEGETABLE bow legged, flow of fpecch, and fond of imoking leave to cure of lfr«>ination of very lift. For the pipe, he i* a methodift preacher i look along with numerou. »f rvtry dtfcriflii*. I fcfon Thugnt, a and Vntriul ttmpimnti him a country cloth coat, and on* gray coloured, Bal. trial of near four year, hu proved UM l<*h'bach 10 fu co»t »nd From Mr. Charka Willet, Plaftercr, Pratt-Arcet, An extenfive brcechet, two ofnabtig fhirt*. fcort kerfey Specific to be effeQual in expelling th* «- «> the French j take, up the faid ne. timore. Vegetable ttoufer*, (hoe* niiled. Whoever neriil virui, however deeply rooted in the conftitutio*, and fccnre* him in any gaol; (hill receive the Sir, many who h*»e bwal There are le gro, the particular* of my care by Hamil­ and ha* reftorad health ao reward, and if brought home all reafonable I-SEND you by the improver adroiniar.ua* * »Jth Septe above ind Extnft of Muftard, that you roiy brought to the grave, chargei, paid by me HUGH DRUMMOND. ton'* Effence Within thi. period upwird. of ft« '"Ralph Abe it known for the benefit of other.. About two of mercury. February 14, 1800. xnike a have experienced in faluury *» emhark, M month* ago I drained my right knee fo violently by thoufand patient, without a crutch, I f*a». j±. *k* 'allowing MUNROE, fall, that 1 wa* unable to walk defcriptioa of tk* I on (he JOHN and other medicine., but With the medicine It ^P*n a ' 'led tried Bririfh oil, oppodcldoc (lage of the or i Boot and Shoe-Maker, worfe, and the part became in- fymptom* which obtain in every '*» *6rti grew confiderably for their treatmvat, (au»\ ««<*iulned in Ha* juft received irom LOHDOH, -and fwellcd to a confidence degree, when I with copiou* direction* aad KIP flinicd cure in the (kurtaft tiax, *a4 *«'r deftinitk A 14 handfome afbrtmeat of MOROCCO recommended to the Effence of MuMrd, and by accomrlifh a perfeA a qnandty of feat wn a poffiblc. Meffr*. I(i /\ L»ATH§a,of varion* colour., ufing two bottle* I we* able to walk in left than with the kaft inconvenience ben foal*, and a variety of ladiai a* ever. A'nericin cow font. boot.leg., week, and am now a* hearty of the abov* » her iffbned. CHAai.iiWii.LiT. Thofe who wiflt to pvchafe any *»*rd to kid flipper*, Dec. 30, 1799. the impofitioa of inirrioal a* Anaipoli., Oftober 13. 1800. tide, are cautioned agaioft Ornvllle, of No. 14, medicine*, and to inquire for than only of Mr, f "^ At the corn give notice, thit the fubfcriber bath Mr. Henry Reefc, Butcher, Proprietor HIS i* to Baltimore. . . d' flour ex obtained from the orphan* court of Anne-Arun- Centre mirket.honfe, ft|ol allowed a liWral profit by ** | t*He» on county, letter, of idmlnlDration on the pcrfonal Sir, Wholefalc pttrcaaj«n ija*. i del month* ago, your yeloable medicine and Co. Baltimore. "^w eft.tr of CHARLES PARIS, late of faid county, ABOUT, two drrfQng to Rd. Lee, 100*. igainft Angular fervice to me, I wa* not able to 91* to deceafed ; all perfun. therefore who have claim, proved of NEW7 The diftill, the fame, aad move from my room for upward* of a fortnight, with the deceafed are reqnefl«d to exhibit, and *«WitioV'l '.ch iadebted to the faid af- the rheametmo or rheumatic gout in my left foot CONVERSATION CARDS, tnofe wno arc in aay minner the EfieM* defircd to make payment, to ancle, when Dr. Bnchanin,recommended Profe and Verfe>~For fale at thia Office.) Ute are medicine to be depended on, In . WILLIAM FARJ8, Adminiftretor. of Mnftard, a* the only 'of* of requeuing tbofe who and directed me where to procure it, and by ufiag left N. B. I take thii method the pill*. I ANNAPOLIS fo the deceafed, that they would than a qyarttr of a bottle and a few of btft book* belonglbg day, and have bean return them to the fubfcriber, and they »wa* aMa to ride to market next Printed by Fnt»ttioic •nd immediately complaint ever fine*. will oblige their humble fervent, W. P. perfectly free from ny ORBBN. AnatpoUa, October 15, iMo. Jen. 4, iftoo. (|4Vth YEAI.) T H 5 (No. ,2813.) GAZETTE

T H "U R 8 DAY, DECEMBER ji, 1800.

• Naw-YoKK. December a. j~" The camp at A mien i ia d,«ily receiving frefb re- Gftober 9. THB LATEST. infurcemeou : it U o«w fappoied to amount to 80,000 G«Mril Bertkier he* been appointed mrnifter of I |r thC fclp Rofe, in 41 dayi from Liverpool, arrived .men. Tip building of pew (hip*, and preparation war, in the TOXD of citiexn Caraot who hae give* in, here left evening, we have received London paper* for a naval armament, are carried on with >great acti­ hii refigoatton. t toth« llthof October ten. dayi the lateft. At vity all along the Dutch »od Flemilh coaft. A fqua- • ' * ' Oaober 10. prrfeot w*c hiVe time only to make a few cxtracU. (iron, confining of one (hip of the line and fix fri­ An erevcof aa extuordioary nature, though per­ Tbe paptn dpon the whole, art barren. Great gate*, ia already fijted out in the poeta of Middlebur§ fectly natural, will probebly re.efiablifh harm-uiy be­ complaint* of the Scarcity of grain in England jugf} Flulhing. The fame activity prevail* in the tween Spain and Portugal. A Ponuguefe fleet let oit continue ; *nd partial tumultt prevail. There are Texel, and alfo at Rotterdam, Helvoetfluya and Aan- from Bmmil for Lifboo, at tbe £an»e time that ive great tafki of peace, and continual preparation! for Rerdajn. All Uic armament! on the Flennlh and Ba- Spanifli vefTela went from Plato to Cadiz. The fltelt war j neither of Which event*- can be calculated 'on favitn coaAt are qnder the direction of the rharquia met. The commanderi ignorant of tbe line of COB- with any degree of certainty. Thf oongrefs at Ducreft, the friend of the duke of Ortami, who has doft agreed upon by their respective fovereiga*, pro­ LaneviHe was about to be opened, where fomething Lately beep fent pot of England by order at the duke ceeded in company, and arrived together at Lifboa). pacific may be agreed on. ; of Portland. Every thing it in preparation for two The Spanifh veffelt laden with t> milluxii of pitftrce The American envoyi arrived at Havre from P*rit oa expedition!; one is deftined to the coaft of England i will be deemed a lawful price tf the war take* place's tbe 8th, and were to (ail about the 16th of October, the other, more confiderable, it to proceed to Irefend, but Spain, which u in want of xooocy, will conftttt (or the 'United Sum. where the French government expefia a powerful co- to a peace to obtain them. The Roft being at the Hook, we are anable to give opera lion on the part of the inhabitant!. Oaober ti. ber (hip news She failed In company with a num­ The rruqaii Dncreft hat lately been called to Paria On the lath, about mid.day, the American rainif- ber of American veflelt. by an exprcliof the chief cental, with whona he haa tcn took leave of the chief conful, to whom they had fevcral conference!. They no doubt relate to were j/retented by the minifter for foreign affair*. LONDON, Oflober 13. tbefe projected opeditioni. Buonaparte ii laid to Mr Ellfworth. *||the name of hit colleague*, le the American .revolution. treaty of peace concluded with Poitigai* a* the tn- tlfo, that fome financial propofitioni may be fubmitted Alter dinner feveral toafti were drank \ the firik, tctceffion of ihe court of Madiad. . . totbem whcu all thefe thing*, we repeat, are taken given by the firft conful, wai | "to confidcruioo, it can fcarcely be fuppofed thai the " To the mtnei of the French and American*, HAGUE, Oflober 3. Moo will left (o fhort a time at a fortnight. who died in the field oi battle for the independence Report* from Berlin fpcak of tb* departure of Mr. Oaober 16. of the New-World." DC Doha), (or the congreii of Lwncville. rVrlt panen have at length arrived. We received IhtftnnJ, by ibt ctmful Camlunfrti : «ta» lete lati night to the I xth inllant. " To the fuccrffira of WaOtiugton." ALGIERS, September 6. It was not per ha pa to be e*pe£ted that they would Tbt ttmful Lt Emm— . Admiral Keith hai not carried into rffrd hii threat* (Mmonicatc to ui any information upon the fubjed " To the union of America with the power* of the of prelcntiog him(elf be/ore Algieri with a (quadron. rfiaecorrefpondMce between the Englifh and French north, to enforec the refpett to the liberty of the A (logic frigate, accompanied by two boati, arrived r*ernmcnli, the official paper prefcrvei the molt pro. lea.." there the }ift of Aogofl, and landed Mr. Falcoa), Mad filence, end the chief conful hu not thought After dinner were fire-work*, emblematic of the the Englifh coafbl, who, three month* before bad BO proper to poblifh arty account of the progrcft or the occafton, which were (ucceedad by a concert, and inclination to debark on finding that the dey wu not fwination of the negotiation, The refigoauoo of that wai followed by a fpccUcle which clofcd the difpofed to accede to the demandt with which be1 wu «*n>n Thugut, and the appointment of the count de night. charged. They were chiefly for tbe purpofe oi ob­ Lthibach to fuccecd him, have been omciaJly notified The count de Lehrbach ha* informed cititeaV Tal. taining the gratnitoui difchujc of about 170 Maltefe, * (he French government. ley rand, minifler for foreign affaira, that he hat been Neapolitan, and Milanefe flavei, talttn wit^ EngliQi Oaober 18. appointed minifUr for foreign alfairi in the place of paaTpont. ' Tne rtqueft wit refufed. There are letter* In town from Gibraltar, dated on haron Thugut, who ha* obtained hi* rcfignatioa from Tbe dev h»i coldly received Mr. Falcon, and given; rt>t tc,th September. Op that day tbe troopi und*,r hi* majefly the emperor. Count Cobcotzel ha* been him podive p»oo/i that the menace! of admiral Keith S'f Ralph Abcrcrombie and Sir Jtmei Pulteney began appointed by the emperor to coadocl the negotiation had not intimidated him. * eaatark, and they exrxfted to be ready to (ail on with France. (Official vtitlt.) Thit new conful ha* made preftnti of gre*t Value., Ike following day. 1FV account of their hiving October 7. '. and renewed Ure trtatiM. A new claule ha* beem '"led oa the 141!! «*i$'incorrect. It wai probably It we* only thi* morning that citizen Louia Buona­ added to them. It expreftly Rate* that Algerinc pro* *' s6th or 17th that (hey failed, and no doubt wai parte fet off for Berlin. perty (haH be refpeOed under every kind of flag, even treatment, Wteiuined in the tnny, of Egypt being the place of Letter* (rom MarfciUct announce that the garrifon though it fhould he deft in ed for a blockaded port. uW deftination. of Malu arrived there on tbe 8th Vendemaire, to Tbe Englifh art to fortriOi In le day* a frigate r^» Mrffn. Rich. Macdonald and Guitlemtrd, the the atrJount of 6000 men, and performed quaran­ carry to Conftantinople the Vekiargi with the nfual American commifliooen, were on Thurfday iatro- tine. prefentt. On the 4th September Mr. Falcon waa *»*td to btr mejefly at the drawing room, by lord They write from Cad it that an Englifh fleet eow- inftalkd in hit miffion ; -and the fame day the Irigab* Ornvlllt, and kitted hand* on their return. pofed of about 180 tranfporti, convoyed by fix fhipi Caroline, which brought Mm, (Vt out with 11 pri- At the corn exchange yefterday, the price* of wheat of the line, had appeared before the port of .that city, ibnart, alled|*d to have been repurch*i*d. ,*»d flour exr>«ri. Fioe wht*t wai conlternation wu the greater, at the mean* of defence LONDO, N, .,_ -, of Caatrc are weak. Rumour* oft very gloonsy k»*T rcfpetftlng flolli *WBJ ijit. to 140*. par ojiia/tcr, and fine flou/from were circulated ycfterday eventpg and thii morning. 9I»- to 100*. per lick. The cpcdemic dUorder, which ha* m«de fnch ra. T»>e diftilleri have within ihefa few day* m»de an v*ne* for lome time, ha*4oftfoy*d a part of the only The return of the Britifh cOBtaT who wai »ot nir- SpanraV fogiaacnt which wa* in garrifon. The only mitted to lead at Cronftadt, wai coofidered a* a nrau fage of more hoAile 4|«afur«i i and it v wa* ad4crd, p«r gaJlog upoq walh. hope of the inhabitant* i* ia the contagion, which they ta*ak Will terrify the enemy and prevent their even rbat the Ru««o charge d/»ff»i»«rh*x! % iplldd^ for ice' > » yt^'r^ ;eee,i»e4 at tb« admlrtltf of a paflport to leave thii coontry. p'"^ huecd, lofa' hj» m»>lly'i floop H""1"1* at Plymouth, landing. Ofitober8. we be, if thefe rumoun prove ntilroe j and \ by capuio Tu'quW, by which caulro. ba found that the Ruffian cbarge^'anWrei. if ht b«) f |Jie crtw ptrilh^d., The fottref* of Philrpfbui» waa delivered up qp the fccond of. OAoben to e«f' troop*, and general gotog from th» counta «all,Jt.ot.ly^.tifQme^.*. ^a' of the Spaniard* to make tn im­ " -A gentleman from Albany, ot the name of i* fc'A tT f M O R E, .Decunber f . Cfmttn6tt ' pafled through thi* city a few day* fair, if not mediate eruption into Portugal, for which purpofe a ago, The famont Indian chief, well know* by the ta. I it, 'old. large army is aflemMed in Andelafia. Genenl Ber- under a ftrong guard, on bis way to Quebec;. It pellttion of ceJovcl Brand t, and who win ' ! thier wat at Seville. feem* that he ha* been taken op a* a fpy. He JK LL the p It it underftood that a Urge i> a under the late prefident Wheelock, oi Ety __ Britilh Frenchman. If he haw been mediuting mi/chief, he jf\ ctefcd, ( force bat beta ordered for tht defence of Por­ college, has juft fent two fons to the above college for! aatdpovhry, al tugal. « -> will, no doubt, meet with pumfhmeot,." an education. They are both promifing youths ( aed] Letter* December 3. anew fain, w from Conftantinoplt, dited Aaguft 16, the eldeft it the 'heir appucat 10 hit fataet> . crop oo hand. mention the receipt of letter* from oo board L* Tigre, In addition to the intelligence we publifhed in the; honour*. Mercantile Advertifer yeUerday roorting day pi (alt. dated Cyprus, July 8, Rating that Sir Sidney Smith refpecVing December i. Wll wis in good htalth, and that the officer* and (hip* our commiffiontn, we find the lubUqutnt article Wi­ f'ir^inia tlttiin. company der the bead of >i December 9 were well. Ltttera from the captain Pacha, The following i* uken Iron the official retort ell written the loth, ftite. that he with the Tnrkifh fleet < H*Ya*f October 8. the votes publifhed by order of the governor: in company with Sir " The envoys of the American government, whofe S. Smith, in Le Tigre, were f or Jrfferfon tieket t7iCf|< AME to* oa their way to* Alexandria, for th* purpott of com. objeft is to perieel the work of reconciliation defired Adam* jntnciog aftive by all the friend* of peace, are now in our j,7t . - FIELD, operation* againlt the French. city. All C|UM. afoMll I It ii not true, fays a letter from Hamburg, of Oc­ the civil ind military authorities are eager to render Majority tober 3, that their homage to the reprelentativei 15,56, or brand, he i| the emperor hat ratified the preliminaries of an allied nation, owner concluded for a Separate peace by count St. Julien. ' acknowledged fince the year 1778 as the moft fiocere ' Decembei 8. it deGr Before the emperor figned the new convention, he friends of the nation. A guard of bouoor, of 50 HI* excellency Jarr.e* J*ckfon Esqi i* chosen a wl and take him a demanded 24 hours of Lahorie, but figned it at the men, his been fent to them for which they have re. tor tocongrefs, in the room of general Janet Gvr.n.1 December j expiration of i z hours. Before turned thanki according CO cuftom. They whose tine expire* on the third day of March] the prolongation of would ext» the arnaifticc was known, Lecourbe attacked on the already have fet fail if contrary winds bad not re. By tbt lift, the famous pit* of Sharintz in Tyrol. The re- tarded the departure of the American frigate Portf- The eltcton of prefident and vicc-prefidcat of thai United States fult of the attack remain* unka^BJn. Nothing can mouth. The calm will keep them hert for eight for the ftate of New-Jerky, kavt givca] f equal the activity with which days." ' their fuffragcs is follows: of J«, the preparations for war fent are continued in the Auftrien hereditary dominion*, ijetce, it i* rumoured, ha* been- concluded For John Adims, •, fcffion, In be­ three ia the cv lo Tyrol, and on its northern frontiers, an army of tween France and Portugal, through the mediation of Charles C. Prnetney, ? 50,000 regular* were afiembled. The Hungarian* Spain. FROM LANCASTER, are alfo refolved to bring into the field an army of The French funds have rifen : the tiers confolide ii December 3. 64,000 infantry and 18,000 cavalry, before the mid- at 37 livres, 10 cent*. The be ft meat it faid to be This day at the court boofe, in this borough, ihc| Hfc part die of October. There are likewife advice* of the only td per Ib. 15 elcclort voted by ballot, ftr two perfect at pten- having l Sib ult. from the Ruffian frontiers, Baling that the dent and vice-prtf fident of the United Stales i aaa*| fent,T all perk army under general Voadcrphalen ha* had order* to PHILADELPHIA, December t. upon counting up the votes, it appeared, that requeued topf return to it* cantonment*. The emperor it faid to Tht Gingr* and Connecticut Ooop* of war, we Thomts Jeficrloo had 8 vote*. duly lothoriid be perfectly fatisfied with the manner in which the nnderftand, are to fail Oionly for Batavia, and will Aroo Burr, g do, from faid firm difp'jte between England and Denmark bat be«n take convoy for thence. John Adam*, 7 do. by notes or b fettled Such r* the rage for betting in this city, on tht C. C. Pinkttey, 7^0. and thofe indel The elector of Bavaria every day exercifc* and ma- election of prefident and vice-ptcfident, that eve* tht aad pay the fai nceuvret the 18,000 troops which he hat in the Upper ladie* Make fafhionahle triflrs on the occa6on. Many security, if re Palatine. new fafhioned brulujjti (wigs) will be loft and won in \Annapdisi December ii. January, 1801 l A letter from Lifbon, dated October j, fay*. " By March next. [Ctvlfjltn C«x ] ' The honourable William Hindmin, Bfquire, ul September ; ' the Spanilh part of thi* morning information hat been, December 4. elefted, by the general afTembly of thia Aatc, a kaj-f received, tliat the mortality In Cadra Mr. Liftofl, our OT1CE i* couftderably ambilTidor to the United States of tor in the congrefi of the United Siaut, in the iam[ ro the decreafitd. .From the 1910 to the i)d ult. the norther­ America, it, it i* faid, OB his return. Mr. Adams, of James Lloyd, Efquire, refigncd. an ad of infoh ly winds had prevailed, and the number of per (on s the prefident, bat, it is dated, for upward) of a twelve _dying diily i* reduced ho» 870 to aoo,- I a*n for. -tpowhr made complaint* to Mr. Llllon of the conduct The Following tnfwer wat returned by the prefidratc ry to have to add, that the fame terrible diforder hai of Britilh rraifer* capturing American (hips and pro. the United Statet, to the addrcft of the boufic < extended to Seville, where it feem* to be daily grow. periy, at the very month* of their own harbour*. Mr. reprefemt lives. ing watfe. Th Precautions are taken to prevent its en. Li ton, we are' informed, tranfmitted thefe reroon- Mr Sp*Jter, *ml AN aw* tering this country. There i* a report here, that ftrance* to thia government, but he did not find that Crftltmn tf lit * «// tf nprtfa&tivti, George* Berthier htt prevailed upon they were the king of Spain to lend fufficiently attended to, and his fituation at Compelled by the habit* of along life, as wtUl Rtain named ( all his fhips to the French. It is faid here, that Sir Philadelphia became very irkfnme and unpleafani. at by all the principlei of focicty and government,! Ralph Abercrombie ar 10 iache* and Sir James Pultcney, with a [L»* Cmrifr, Off. 16 ] which I could ever uoderRand and believe, tocoa.l kat a very wil confidence force are off Cadiz. \\ The Britifh minifter, Mr. Lifton, (fiy* an AUx. fider the great body of the people, at the foorcc of all| fear on the ba avdria paper of the jgth November) hat obi lined from legitimate authority, no lefs than of flLificieni pone acrofs the lad SALEM, November ay. > hit court leave of ablcnce from this country for two r-it it impoffible for me to receive^i* addret* from I a flop* in the By the arrival of the fhip Thomas RufTcl, into years. Ht hat fet of for Norfolk, where he i* to the immediate reprefenlativrt of the American peoplt,! large fear, ao< Portland, on Tuefday lift, from Leghorn, which fhe take (hipping in the frigate Andromache, for the Weft. at this lime and in this place, without emotions, kick [ art uncertain, left the lift of September i we hive verbal reports, Indiet, Ht i* to be fucceeded by Mr. Merry, late It would he improper to axprefs, if any language coaU! gaol in the It* that the French were within a few miles of that charge det affaires for the Britifh government ii convey them. reward, and E place, that they had been recently defeated in the Sweden. May the fpirh which animated the great founder ot I eforefald > tati .adjacent village* and that the inhabitant* of Leghorn Captain Sherntin, of the brig Eliza, from L«ghorr, this city dcfcend to future generations, and may tail cairgc*. ' were determined to refill their approachet to the uimoft on the 1 9th of October, near the ifland of Majorca, wifdom, magnanimity, and fleadioed, whkh retried! N. B. Alt of their power. parted company with the Philadelphia, a fleet ot five the eventt of hit public life, be ioilaud ia all (ucctai.! fcrewarned b iail of men of war and a cutter brie; then in fight. ing age*. their peril. BOSTON. November is. The cutter brig hailed the Philadelphia, pafled her, I thank yoir, gentlemen, foi your aflbraacathttj in chace of tbt other brig i Stvtrt fltrm. ramt up with the Eliza the judiciary lylem (hall receive, your dclibcrau*u| about nine o'clock it night i fpoke her and continued teotinn. Yefterdiy morning a fevere ftorm from the N. E. AN aw, in chace of the Betfy. They law the Philadelphia With you, gentlemen, I Gocerely hop*, that lie I Septem accompanied by fnow and rain, began, and con­ heave to and wait until one of the men x>( war clme final refnh of the nctotiiliont now pending wiikl tinued naiil two o'clock, P. M. The violence of m, by tht up, and after about half an hour's detention, (he flood France, 'miy prove as fortunate to our COUOUT, ul TMra of age, the gale oeeafipited the tide to rife higher than hat O" again ) the next day at noon, faw a fbip a diAance they have been commenced with fincerity, ind pro- 1 Seen known for fourteen years, which did confiden- alack hair |i off, which they fuppofed to be the Philadelphia. fecu ted with deliberation and caution. With yea 11 «ken be we ble damag^ to the wharvei, (tores, Ire. Vail qutn- Captain S her man hat no doubt tbt above fleet were cordially agree, that fo long a* a preditory wtritl tititt of toother, wood, Oaves, and empty cafki, floated sod a snort v Britilh men of war. carried on again ft our coauacrce* we fhould dental bate other i way. Several vefTels broke their fafls, and, dragged the InttreQ ind'difippolnt the rxpecUtiooi of our n»-l their anchor*, occefiwed arjuch damage in tau\. A few, and feci WASHINGTON, November ia. (litoents, (hould we for a moment relax thit fyleaj ryltad, fo th fcrif Bad two feononert went afhore on Dorchefler t The following letter was thit day read in tht bonfe, of maritime defence, which hai lefolted in (ucbb«-| and It is feared cannot be g~ot off other* grounded on reward, with and ordered to lie on the table: neficiil effects. With you I confidently believe, af the ftau af the flats at high water. T.he Long Wbjrf has fuf- Ta*«.*uaY DapAarMiHT. few perfons can be found within the United Srtm,| lered material injury part pf it torn up, and feme of t)NR HU^ 8ia, who do not admit, that nttT, well organized ekirgcs, by H wafhed away. I deem it proper through you to inform the houfe conMitute the natural and emcknt defence of (kit ' As the weather wi* thick, we expcQ to hear of ike Head *f of reprcbntitivci, that I have obtained the peraiifion country igainft all foreign hoftility. k the State c ftlptvrecKi on the coaft, of the president of the United State*, to refign the Thofe who recolica the ditrcft and danger to tki? 1 The veflels of war la Prefident Hoad rode out the N. B. All office of fccretary of tbt Opafciy, at tktcJoU'oir the .country in former periodt, from the want of tr*u,r bid fellotv 01 prefcntyor. .. / .:. '.»: ., , :...... muft exult in the ifTurioce, from their rtprefenta(im»l r I indulge t hop* that I may without preemption . thit we fhall foon rival foreign countries, not OP); > | HE lu Captain Edct. anived here (torn the. Hsvmat, io- deckre, that the different office* with which i have the number, but in the quality ol arm*, aodci forms, ''That t^ft*/ d*y» previoai to hw failing, fe- been entrufted fince the eOiblifhment of thit depart­ from our own roanufaciorie*. yardT in the c veral '(hip* of w«r ,and a frigate left ilSat port on a ment, hare been executed according to my be ft (kill With you, gentlemen, I fully agree, that the grttt I Jta« HTPI cruife, they were pat but five day*, and never out of and judgment, with a confcientiou* regard to the incrcafc of revenne it a proof, thit the nieafufc» of I bafincft in i fight of the Moro Caftlei thev veturoed into port, rigbta of the public and of individuals, and under an marliimt defence were founded in wifdom. This p> [ Mnd. to race yvtre ft ripped^ aod moored at their oTual place. It impr«ffive (eofe of rcfpofibility tp the-fovernmeat. In Key ha* raiftd us ia the efteca* of foreign i nvoer him « wa* reported it tie H«van»a that a French «ad Spanifh conformity with thefe pcof*iion^ I now freely fub- That nalUw«J fptrit, and thofe 4ftrent tacrgkt. *»'c' 6«jat had taken Trinidad; «n<1 that they were coming ntjt |ha whole of my coadoA to any inveftigation had not been, and art not yet faj)y known to aejr, | kip (kins at « down to ta>e J»nujif»v This iffwrmalion c«o«t by which the hoafe of reprcfcotaiivta awy bo pkafcd to were not entirely forgotten by thofe who had litd ftlns at firt I ao e»pre,fi 19 th«igorernor from the fouth fide of Cab*. inttUutt. j, _ - . :.>«^. , long enough to fee in former lime* their operatic*, The fuhfc The ri«f rof of r Mexfea, ar the Havinna, wat about I cannot omit this only opportunity which may ever and feme of their effecl*. Our »ellow-clriteni «r«* 1 aefi. flatten ftp emUrk in fonje American fhip for Spain. be afforded, of expreffing the fincre lentimruti of gra­ undoubtedly prepared to meet every event, which a*- tisfloi to h ' 'a» at.|Het.JH4»aapa , 7 a 9 dolls, fcaree; no- titude, which I now feel ind (ball ever cultivate for tional kenott or national ferority could render Jttaav | pt|.Mg« bmpaw $4 doll*, per io, prd- the many proofs of confidence and indulgence winch I faty. Thefe, to It (*» La hoped, are (ecured u Bfiial. Cajh vary fcarce maey AeM- nave experienced in the coiuft of my official con- cheapeft and eafitft rat«, II not, they will be fcc»» | ly the la rica» ' ' oiunicauqiji with the kglflaturtj at at onra cxpeact. • i •> ~ • Annapolia \ 5-A 1 ttonk*f«o, f*nR«nm, for yottr aflurtnce, that the vtriow ftbjtOi recorafnetrted to 1 your con- A SALE. JOSEPH EVANS, fideratbB, &iU mcetai your deliberate attention. No In virtue of i truft repofe4 in nw the ChaK«Hor Take* thit method to, inform rfce pablk, end hit further vridewM it wtrfttag- to convince me'of '(he seal oiM»^««d, j aVOI Wend* in partietl^if, that be ha*'commenced e*d fincerlty with vflifch che hotfe of reptefemative* t I » o'clock, «oik»pre»»iM IKPOSfc » PUB­ LIC SALE, bufiaef* in the fore-hbiife lately occupied regard the public good.' ' ' ' ; ' ' - ' ' by RjDoH.il1 ; *)<(, EvAki, where LL that traft or parcel of LAND, called HAL* he I pnry yoo, genrtemcfi, to accept*? 017 belt wifhca now OFFERS for SALE, for yomr beakk and fcopptnei*, * ' ...... ,.PONI, fiintied on Elk-Ridge, in Anne Aruo- del 10 A * V A R t B"t Ji? , JOHN ADAMS. eliouoyr. Thetermi.of fakare, fix nontha credit of G 6.O D 8,' Wamingtotr, Ntfvalnhet tj\ 1 800. fronnlie t|*».pf .frle, ihe porchaler giving bond with Suitable to the, pretext feafon, 1 approved fecarity. Thifrtratt of land i* fold to di(. Asnofigft which ere, charge mortgage_debt due fiooi JOHN BARLOW to rjUPBRFINB,_. , fecond A variety of (he nearer) fc Bv at) order of the orphtni court of Anne-Aruadcl R,«zm HAMMO»O, and gthen, and when the whole ewrrcy. will b« EXPOSED O too* eejnrfe broad mod' faftionablc caU» to PUBLIC SALB, jHirchife money i* paid the purcbafer will receive a clothe*. pear Annapolit, on, Tu'e/day' Atke |qth inftant, ,if deed, from ... coe* *Dd chinttci. Double milled drab of a Rfbaodi,* galoon binding*, fair, if not the firit fair day, and continue till all JOHN WELCtf, Truflee. feloM. fuprrior quality. and ferren. .December i, iSoo. Superfine and'coftrii coat. LL the property of THOMAS TUCKER, de- Ing*. Ounce, colodred & ofna- ceafed, confiding brig* threads. of norfet, c«ttl«; hogi, (beep. Beft FfklHvngt^ po*hrv, all the household and kircbcri fornhure, Notice is hereby given, '' fefhiona- Beft ftoe do. in ball*. anew fci», with HAT tht fubfcriber intend* to petition Ihe next cafimeri. Pine threid edgiAgi, and ropet complete, an3 all the' prc lent Green bait**, fearnoughr* crop OB hand. The term* will be made known on toe T Czcil county court for a commimon to mark wririrtg paper, teJUment* and bound, agreeably to an aft of aflembty, entitled, anVJ halfthlfxd and fpelltng book*. An ift for mirking and bounding land*, patted in the Mited plaim, whitfker. Inkk uowder,powd wafer^ and WILLIAM TUCKER, Adminiftrator. fey*. ' 4 December 9,-1 800. No«emr»er feffioti, 1786, and the fuppleraenti thereto, *. the following tncl»ol land, fi«. ST. XAVI»IUI, ST. Welch ptairt*, fNnneli, Bliek lead pencil*, |lma- driped ft rofc blanket*. A STRAY. lowATius, part of WOMIL MAHOR, panofWooo- nacb. BMDOI, end part of ASKMOII, all being and lying Velvet*, fancy cord*, Leather ' end" Morocco AME to the quarter of LANCELOT WAR. thkkfet*, cordoroyi & 1 FIELD, in the Piney Wood*, forae time laft in Csscll county, near the Head of St. Audio'* creek, pocket book*., C|uoe, fm«ll bjack BULL, no perceivable ear mark commonly called Little Bohtmli, held and owned by Tooth; doth, ind fthab- the Corporation of the Roman Catholic Clergy.' Silk velvetay tftd fwan- fng braffiei. or bwa»d, he appears tu be about two rear* old. 1 he down*. >;' 'i owner U defired to prove hi* property, pay charge*, FRANCIS BEESTON, Agent Hair brooml & feires. for the Corp. R.'C.C. Striped bed tickings Cowhide at plated whip*. and uke him away. apron check*. December t, 1800. Annapolii, December z, 1800. Ladie* tortoifeuell and ___^ * ______*_____ Moreen*, umboreen* crooked horn comb*. ' Joint. By the COMMITTII of TSaurAUCS* and Cowat* of Negroes for Coarfe .horn, ivory, and Sale'. Dvrantt, callrnancoet barber'i ditto. , ... JtrtTici. EVERAL negro women, with their children, wi.'dboret. HE CoMtairTic of GaisvANCa* and COORTB .confiding of boy* and girl*, from three to twelve Bed .gunpowder,, pwent S Botnbaaecns (hot, and gun flinl*. of Jusrica will fit every day, during the pre- yean old, to be fold in familiei. Inquire of the fub- Lmeflrtngt, fattioi and Tfent fcffion, from nine o'clock in the morning unti. fcribcr, near Cador j»Jl, ia quart bot­ Pig Point, Anne-Arundel countv. pelongt. > tle*. . three in the evening. SAMUEL HARRI8GN. Mode* and farcenet. Oltnber 'fait*, bed red By order, November jc, 1800. Striped fattin floreminet. ______RICHARD bark*. K. WATTS, Clk. Ladica Morocco and iluff Table lylve* and fork*. Hi. pannerfhip ol RllXiLLY and EVAlNs T'HERE1 ii at the plantation of Mr. PATRICK fltoes. ^Pocket and bed penknive*. haaing thi* day been diffolved by mutaal con- MACOILL, taken upai a ftray, a bay HORSE, Women* and men* filk, about 'Bvtcbertj oytter, and lent,T all perfo&i having claim* agiinft did firm are 13 or I4yeariold. 13 baodi high, not branded, cofion & worded hofe. proniog ditto. requeued to prefent them to JoserH fame faddle fpota, and & pair of old (hoc* on. TIM Gtrlt and boyi cotton and Razor* and" EVA**/ who i* owner if dcfircd fciffer*, af. duly aothorifed to receive and pay all debt* due to and to come and tike him away. worked ditto. forted. from faid firm ; thofe indebted to .the WILLIAM MESSER, Qvaxfeer. Men* & boy* coarfe yarn, Eiegint jipaoedtea trayi, firm aforefaid, Elk.Ridge, November i, 1800. y notes or bond*, are requeued to make payment, fulled, worded glove* and waiter*. and thofe indebted and docking*. Curry eotajM a'l^d on open account are defired to call X^OMMITTED horfe nd pay the fame-, or-five their notes or bond*, (with to my cuftody aiaionawav, oo Ledie* habit, kid and e«. brulhet.- ' \^S the 29^ of October laft, secority, if required) on or before the firft day of a negro man Darned tra long white and co- Wood fcreWi It brmfs pin*. January, ALLEN, of a dark complexion, about 21 yean of loured Glk glove*. Lock* of varioui kind*. 1801. RIDQELY and EVANS. age, aod 5 feet September 13, 1800. 6 or 7 inchei high, who fayi be ia the Men* buck, died doe, Hinge* i (Toned, Ipadei, property of a Mr. JOH» SIMM*, of South-Carolina, drawn tanned, beaver, ind fryiDg-pan*. OTICE i* hereby given, that I intend to apply and formerly the property ol capt. Tbomai Rogerfon, aod while filk, ditto. Japanned, flit and (hort N to tbe neit general adembly of Maryland for of (hit county. Hit owner ii defired to com* and take Men* and boy* fine and bnfi candle.ftfck*. of infolvency. hiip away, other wife be will be (old accotdigg to law. coarle hat*. Spnpaffnr(ed. "" RICHARD T. CHESELDlNlV THOMAS PRICE, Sheriff IriAi linen*, diipert, and 4d, 8d, tod, isd, & iod, OAober, \too.' ______Charlca county. . . diaper table cloth*. flit pointed naili. November 15, 1800. ,-, . M t ;t \,\\ * . Raffia 4 Irifh (heeling*. Patent iron tea kettles, & Thirty Dollars Reward. Rufia drilling*. irons. AN away from the fubfcriber, living in Prince. HE fubfcriber hereby forewarn* all pcdon* from Brown and whirc role*. Shovelt and tongs. George** county, oa the loth inftant, a negro T hunting, or trcfpafiing in-^ny manner what­ Browo hempen linen, and Iron poti, Dutih oven*, manR named C/ESAR, about 11 year* old, 5 feet 9 ever, on HILL'I DBLIOHT, near Anna;n>iiit a* ha i* bed tkklenburg*. and fkaie*. w 10 i« high, of a yellowifh complexion, and determined to put the Uw in force againft all (uch of­ Bandanno, croft barred, & China and glafi ware. baa a very wild look when fpoken to, he ha* a large fender*. black Bircelona, filk Green and blue edged fear on the back of hi* left hand, and his had a cut , JOSEPH LEONARD. handkerchiefs. rflOiei aod plaie*. acrofs the lad joint of the fore finger of the right hand, November 1 1, 1800. _ , Stamped linen and cotton White ditto. a flop* in the back of the hand, which has left a very ditto. Wafh bowh and pitcher*, targe fear, aod caufed the finger to be difFi hit cloatha NOTICE. Purple fhawli, chintz, ftc. IK. art uncertain. Whoever will fecure f*id negro in any INTEND muOin, and camel'* hair Le«*e"ind fmall brown gaol in the date of Maryland, (hill receive to apply to the next March couQ, of ditto. the above St. Mary's county, for a comroiffion Hone jam and jug*. reward, and SIXTY DOLLARS if tiKen out of the to iffue to An hand mirkI and bound two trafli of land, called NOTUIY Come aflbrtment 8 by 10 and to b/'ia ic great founder c« I eforefeld ftaU. tod If brought home all reasonable of rouOin* and meflio BohemU window grafi. mi, and nijr tin I ^._._.. ..TH ARNOLD WATERS. HALL and NIIOHBOVIHOOD. lying in faid county, greeably to handkerchief*. :b, which routed! 0. AH mailer* of fcffelt, and an lA of affembly, entitled, An aft for other perfons, are marking and bounding land*. ALSO GROCERIES, vie. ned in all (ucceti. I forewarned harbouring or carrying off faid negro at JOSEPH HALL. Bed hyfon, hylon-fkin, Jame* river chewing to­ Montgomery county, November 17, 1800. fouchong & congo ten. bacco. our aflpranci that! Loaf and brown lugm. Bed old Cognac & French !i roar deliberate tu I Twenty Dollars Reward. Coffee, chocolate, ioap tt brandy. • , ;' " . 111' AN away frum the fubfcriber, on the i8th of NOTICE. fig blue. Rum and Juniica fpitfu. rly hopf, that tke September laft, a Hoot well made mulatto fel- Candle*, pepper, nutmeg* And. a pumber >w pending wual Will be EXPOSED to PUBLIC SALE, on Mnn- of,other bv the- naune of NED, be i* about 23 or 14 day the i;th day of December next, for RBADY ' alfpice. irikles top tedioua,i« to our country, ill rear* of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inchet high, with (freight finccrity, and pro- 1 QASH, it fair, if not the firft fair day, and con­ ilack heir {ike that of a white perfoo i he had on tinue until all is fold, He npt&t. in a (hort lime, to have a fuppiy of (Too. With y« 1 1 wae*> be went away, an ofntbrig (bin and troufcr*, whifkey. peach and apple brandy, aad alfo wine* of! i predatory war* I ALL the property of Chirtei Mankin, ofCharU* tod a fc'ort white kerfey cdaTt. he alfo took with him _ 1county, confuting of three LOTS, lying in various kind*, ill of which ,be will (all on the aoft we Ihould lictikt r feme other cWthi. whoever take* up the f*id fel- rcafonable term* for CASH. iUtioB* of our Charle* town, commonly tailed Port-Tgbacco, ad- few, and fecure* him i*> any giol in the ttite of M«- joinliig the court-houfe fquare, whereon ftand* two very I relax thit fjr ryltnd, fo that ( get him again, (hall receive the above efulted in luchbt-l good boarded'hoofu; one of which rent* for one ban. NOTICE. reward, with afl reafonabte charges. u4 if taken out dred and fifty pound* per year, ieotly believe, iMl| the other for twenty, N confequence Of the fiau aforefiid, and brought home, (hill receive five pound* per year i three other lot* in faid town, of a fcries of commercial lofTea, the United Sum, T)NR HUNDRED DOLLARS, with reafooable which prudence cqold neither forefee nor prevent, l\ orginicctl, lying on the Point, adjoining each other, which af­ I charge*, by applying tto the fubfcriber, living r.ear ford a mod beautiful view 1 (hall apply to the next general aflemblv ol Maryland it defect a of ihi» of the creek 'and ware* for a fptciai «& of Infolvency. tbe Hrad «f Severn river, In Anne-Amndel county, houfe* i alfo about one hundred acre* of fwamp land, ' ' ia the State of Maryland. P. HAMMOND. JOHN ATKINS BURPORD. covered with timber of all kinds, a deal of which ia Ofte6er4, itoA. >. n-i-t ;. i. N. B. All perfon* are forewarned htrbouring the calculated for (hip building i alfo a number of country fcld fellow on their peril. ______.% bom davet, of all age* and fitei, men, women, boy* DO hereby give aotiee* ltk« I (hall ptdtkui the HE lubiciiber betja leave to intorm hi* Iriend* and girl*, horiej, black cattle, and konfehold furni­ general aflembJy of Marylind, at their next fef. nd cuftomen, (bat be ha* removed to tht tan- ture. Thi* property i* fold to difcharge my jufl debit, Coo, for an act to have the tobacco warehonfe at Cole*, Tyird in the city of Annapoli*, lately occupied by Mr. £f fee. Thofe who may think proper to purchafe in St. Mary'i county, with the jr*)und on wbjch it nay free, that the gre«t J«BM HTPC. where he meaM to carry on ihe tanning be inVed to reeelve good title* tt> the whole or Hand*, or fo much a* will be necefjtry for public u/ci, liit the roetfuieiof buliBC(I in all it* varioui brancbei. He I* now ore- any part, on the pKyrnwt !6f. the ca/h. A note from fobe taken for the ufe of die puBllP, anJ the value Chirlei Wallace, Efqi wifdora. Tbii po­ Mnd to receive hidei to tan from tbofe who plesfe to in Annapolii, dr. William thereof afcenaloed, with lhc.dif«aivao(agei of the rotjda Cooke, Efqi in B«ltimore-«owo, will be ukrtUdif- of foreign bve*r him with their cudorri, and tin the fame on the leading thereto thraufh iity")«M.' ' ' " ' fellow in*; term*, to **UI Hides < fit teen (hilling* each, eharte ol any purcbafe that mky be made." " ' Auguftg. 1800. MIClRABL nt eocrgic*. P CHARLES fally known to »J, kip (kin* at eleven (billing* and three-pence each, calf- MANKIN. November 3, 1800. OTICB I* htrrty jjfvfc,, U.t 1 hole who hid IM ftlni at five (WHtpgi and feveo-pence half pawny. _ |M ',.-.-(_' nei their operation Tbe fubfcribtr. from a long eiptriencc in the bufi- utio» the next ' gene ra) afTembJ/ of Marylaoii ellow^cltiten* wert vfi. flatten himfelf that hi* work will be rendered Bf the Co**tTti» of CLAIWI.., .' to obtain tbe bencit of in ad of iofolvcbcy to.r«]M|« y event, which at- luting to hia cuttomerv <- +"- - HE COMMITTM wf JDaJiM* wW fit eVety dmy> »e from debt* which t am eoabU to piy. lj| n| could render east _", _, i , WALTER W. NORMAN. T during the rxercnt fenfon, from DIM o'clock In ind a ferie* of misfortune*, atone nrj* mtto"| , art ftcored at th« { IJ^il feiiyet*). quantity or wp|>cr and (bal leather for the morning until three in thr afternoon.' > : ' thii meftfurc. ' will fcUtVy Ihe lad ol September neat.' W- W. W. WILLIAM SPRIGO BOWIB. Anoapolie, Au,utt 14, A. COLDER, Clk. PrioM. George'* county, OAober i, iloo. V Mt*V M»ty -.-,"————. -, ——— -.-.-. r grocer, ktond-Ureet, Fell'* Puint, wa* pt , Prkc one eighth of a dollar, MAI JUST (by petfexejring inthe ufe of ya^lion'j F«em - - - i. , . iffAuJK&t if a ifcet%»iic;<;i the WIL4* ftoreAeltimoe* _ .. y«W^«dlng^feThtgr^tVlpat«, OP .,& A frdh fntrply of the flowing ««luaw> fiie wai uj|eble to d|if* or nndreit tq General^ Da.fcAttN'* GENUINE W*TB*. .»',' (he bad the bttt medical advice bot Europe Afoverelgn remedy for all difeaftt of tbf «yt», and America without effect. George Wafcngton, Whether the epefl* of natural weaknefc or of accident, fpecdilv removing inflammation*, deflumon* of rheum, D». HAMILTON"* Forty Dollars Reward. dVUocfa. »ching, «ndfil«« bfi the eye, never failing .. Wotut Dxin.OY.uio j______, nn away irom the fvbfcriber, on .the tqth of to cort thofe maledle. which Irequent^ (uccee* the WhicHhave retievcd upward* of eighteen thoofand per- R*SOQoberlaR, negro JACOB, 35 yean of age, fmall-pox, neaxlea, and fever., .nd wonderfully fon* of all age*, within nine monthl p*ft, in varioua' : 6 feet high, Imooth (ace, high forehead, hit ftwrttheniBg a weak light. Hundred, have e»pe. dangerpu* compliinti, urifing from worm*, and front woo) growing in . peak ttbve* hi* temple* hare, fpeaka. rlenccd it* excellent virtue*, w***«««r- foalntfrr>r obffruftloni in the ftomtclTfnd faowetl low and rather hoarfe > had on and took with hin) they are a remedy fuited to every age and conJUtution, when he- went away, a btownifh cotton coat, a blue fight. contain nothiog but w,ha,t U perfectly innotrnt, and coarfe fijort coat with metal button*, old breccbea, TOOTH.ACHE-DROPS. _...- re fo jfaifd .._.,.. if) their' operation-, that they cannot '»*«-^<-£ - ofntbrig fhirt, tnd a natch coat blanket j, hit Sunday TheTh. onlyMl. remcoyremedy ycyet «difcovered which give*, im. the moft ^delic.te pregnant^^ fady,^ ^^or the tende'relV^ W.^ apparel, a purple cloth coat with rimmed button** ., nankeen breechei, mixed worded flocking*, and half mediateed.ate and laib.g relief .n the mon levere u ^ , , without P.tn or gripirfg,, eftahfeTne boot* | he. profeffe* to be a Methodift, ae-d ha* beep lUncea. ftomach and boweTi of whatever it (on) or oftenfivt, in the practice of preaching of night* t it if expected THE ANODYNE ELIXIR, ; d thereby prevent the production of worm* aa4 he ii harbouring about the city of Annipoli*, Weft For the cure of every kind of head-ache. fatal di river, South rivet, South rivtr Neck, or Qgcea.Aane, tl- 9*t he ha* a wife at Mif* Murdoch'*. Whoever take* THE PERSIAN LOTION, THB DAMA"SK~LIP SALVE tlxffjMoMl'li tbrmtf up and iecufei bid feUow in aay gaol, Xo that I get I« recommended (particularly to the ladie*) a> an him again, fhtll receive the above reward, paid by Ai an invaiutbTe cofmetic, perfectly ionocent and THOkAS GIBBS, living near Quoen.Anoe. elegant and pleaftnt preparation iy chopped tnd fore fife, free from any corroAv'e a*d repellent mineral*, N. B. All matter* of veffelt and other* we fore. Up., and every blemift »nd inconvenience occasioned (thebafiiof other lottoh*) atid of nnpartlleled efficacy wtrned harbouring, employing, ot carrying off faid by cold*, fevart, Ac.'fpeedily reAoriog a beautiful kn preventing tnd removina cul.neoui bletnilhet ol the rofy corour and delicate ftftncfa to the lip*. fellow at their peril. T. G. face and (kin of every kino, partlcaltrly freckle*, pirn, March 7, i Boo.______plet, pit* after the fmfepox, infltmmatdrt rtdntfi, THB RIITOV.ATIVB Powoin fcurf*, tetten, ringwormtj funburni, prickly he*t, pre- HE fublcriber finding thtt from th« coft* ol a FOR THE TEETH AND GUMS. mature wrinkle*, &'c. number of fait* brought tgtinft him, and the The Perfian Lotion operate* mildly, without fa-* preffiug deroaod* of a part of hit creditors, that it will This excellent preparation comfort* and ftrengtheni It" T the Buro«, preferve* the enamel from decay, and peding that natural, infeftObh perfpiration which ii^ be entirely Out of hi* power even to red^e the amount cleanfe* and whiten* the teeth, abforbing all that ertentlal to the health Tet in falutary tftfli artf of hi* debt*, think* it would be doing llore juttice to acrimoniui nime «nd loolnefi, which (offered to ac fpeedy and permanent, rendering the (kin delicaieiy hi* creditor* and family at once to deliver up hit pro­ " »injure and finally ruin L -~ foft end fmooth, improving the 'complexion and re- perty for the benefit of hi* creditor*, and to petition ftoring the bloom of youth. Never ftlliog to render a« the legiflaturc to paft an ad to rcleafe him from hi* ordinary countenance beautiful, and no haadfoae one, debt*, which he hereby gives notice he Bull do, at Da. HAMILTON'* more fa. their next (effion ofeffembly. GRAND RESTORATIVE, JAMES A, MAGRUDER. IS recommended a* an invaluable medicine, for the HAHN»i ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, Uppcr-Mtrlboroogh, October 10, 1800. fpeedy relief and permanent cure ol the variou* com. CelfkrfttJftr . plaint* which refultlrom dilipated pleafure* juvenile Evaeuiring foperfluoui bile, and prcveealng to N O T I C E. looifcretioni refideoce in dim*tt* unfavourable- W bid fccretioo removing obftinale coQivcBenv, tod INTEND to petition the next general .flcmblv of the cotjUiturion the immoderate ufe of tea, frequent ftoring loft appetite. Maryland for an aft of insolvency. intoxication, or any other dedruftive intemperance During the arm I THOMAS EDGAR. the onfkilful or exceffive u(e of mereury the difeale* INFALLIBLE AGUE *HD PFVKR DROPS. ! Leber, Paitwin Annapoiii, Qftobcr * i, »8oo. peculiar to female*, at * certain period of life bad Thonfand* can tcftify of their being cared- by thefc tu brother lbr«h '*&« FOR SALE, """ laying* in, lie. &c. drop*, after the bark and every other medicine ha*' *ao bad been feni kid what were bii And i* proved by long and extenfive experience to proved in«fe&ual; and not one in an hundred tunj Al the Printiog-OSct, Uck in the moo be absolutely uoparalled in the cure of ocrvou* dK. kad occafion to take more then OtM, ud number* not The following order*, confuroptioni, lownef* ol (pirin, lof« of ep- farance*. But i - ' B-' O P £,- «, . .;. 1(t. _«tite, impurity of the blood, hytterical .ffeflion*. _ «aier'« defeat by ~Inward we.kncfle*. violent cramp* in the ftomach and C^lou rcfumed fc BnBeld'i Speaierj __. _._... - TRU« and Mating hi* army, Buchtn'* Domellic Medicine, beck, indigeftion, melancholy, foul in the flomeoh, GERMAN CORN PLASTER. pain* In the limb*, relaxation*, involuntary emifiioni, An Infallible remedy' for corfci, (jpeedily removjng k ii not a mere i Immortal Mentor, icminal weakneffea, obftinale gleet*. Buor albu»,v(or (mil injuriei, bu Dodd on Dtatb, them root tod branch, without giving pain. whitei) impotency, bairennef*. *c. Ice. only abetted by Lady'a Mirror, In c*<«* of extremity where the long prevalence end- CHURCH'. GENUINE COUGH DROPS, a we account fo Arun Jet, a novel, obftintcy of difetle hat brought on a general impo- fchiui regalarly Aewrleen jell book, Jtf/rvtrtipt, faff **d tftanal rtmfJf in He draw* all k verifhmeni of the ^aem, excefiv. debiliiy of the Head-ache*, Sore throa.U, Prompter, whole frame, and a wafting of the flefli which no ( hchii, for which Merry Fellow'* Companion, Catarrh*. Whcexing*, hu luppoCed he Bourlmment ov coidial could repair, a perkvennce in Shortnef* of breath, Congeraled phlegfi, Gregory'* Legacy, the ule ol thit medicine ha* performed the aoft af- ni Oc toman emp Italian Nan, Tickling* in the throat, SpUtint of blood, Confttniu de V»lmont, tonifhieg cnvea. \ '- TightneC* of the chcft, Soreoefi of the breat and The grand reftorative t* prepared in pill* a* well a* Charlotte Temple, Hooping cough, ftomach, &c. Itc, Ormond, a novel, to v fluid form, which ami* confideraWy in producing- . Bloffom* of Morality, n gradutl and lafthig efftft. Tk*ir virtue* remain And all difordcr* of the bretfi* and lnn|*« Tooi jomt, in } volt. ni»paired (or yean in any cliraau. American Preceptor, SOVEREIGN OrNTMBNT »9% t»i ITCH, Gik Bible*, . Dt. HAMILTON** WarrmUtdn inffJJit/t *»1 »wW/'<*» ntnf *i.**l •fa Adventure, of David Dovbtfol, Good* IJI<™ •** I**"* »f M*/I~J. Being the rnoft fpeedy, effectual, and pletfint re* Nightingale, FOR the core of rb«um*tifm, goat, rhetutetk medy ever ofcjed to the public, tnd for tbc (attifk* Philamhropift. gont, pally, lumbago, numbneti, white-fwellinp, lion of the tinteroui, the proprietor wudttib »*il, that chilWain*. fpralni, bfuife*, acute and chronic rheum*. thi* ointment doth not con tarn a Gngle particle or any other pernicicuu ingitdient in Fifteen Dollars Reward. L^ ..,.j _:.». .v. _7«rt ~..(. AN »w«y f"10 the fu°'cr>'>*'» living in Anne. Many pcrfon* have been mnch difappointed by pur. pofition', and may be ufcd with the Arundel county, on the »ift of Pebre.ry, e chafing medicine* under the name of Bflence of Muf- by prc|nant women and on infant* newly Rnetro man named DICK, about forty yeara of age, t.rd, which .re terfeaiy different from thii remedy five feet ftx leche. high, round fuHJaet, 1«ieeyct. the fuperior quaillirt of which Dr. Htmilion beg. P A7ENT Ttr, bow legged, flow of fpeech, and fond of fmoking leave to prove by the following cure*, (elected from INDIAN VEGETABLE SPECIFIC, a pipe, he it * methoditt preacher ; took along with uineroui lift. For the cure of him^a coUBtry doth coet, and one gray coloured, and ft***! ttmfUhti •/ evtrytyrrtttn*- bmchet, two ornrf>rig mirt*. (honkerfey co.t.nd From Mr. Chirle* Wilier, Plafterer, Pratt.ftrect, 8*1. An extenfive trial of near four year* b*» prowd the uWtoVilcd. 'Whoever take* up the faid ne. tinore. Vegetable Specific to be eFeQutl in exp«l)ii>| ^« " nerial virut, however deeply rooted in the conftitultat, .TO. and fecure* him in any gtol, Ihtll receive the Sir, i and if brought honr all retfontbK I SEND yon the particular* ol my care by H*mil- and ht* rel\ored health to retry who have been Iby.Mc HU^H PRMMMQND. ton'* Eflence and Extrad of Mufl»rd, that you may brought totbe grave, by the improper edm'mittratioo mtke it known for die benefit qf other*. Aboui two of mercu'Mr. ' Within tkli period upwardi of tow February 24. iSoo. . ..______^.,? . monmi ego i trained my right knee fo violently by a tboufand patkot* h*ve cxp«da*ced m f*Jutary ct JOHN MUNROE, fall, lint I wa* unable to walk without a crutch, I Wt • I . . -» ' ' ' " t * ' L'•"''-*' Shoe>M*lwr. tried Britim oil, oppodeldoe and other medlcinei, hot * With tb« ipedldo* li |fe n defcrtotlon of ite grew coafiderably worfe, and the part became in. fymptom* which obtain in every ftage olthedne*!** flatjMd and (welled to a confio>r«ble degree, when I with coplou* direftioo* for their treatowft, font* htndfome affortment of Moaocxo end BID wa* recommebdcd w the Efleore of Meftard, and by accocopHu a perfeft core in the (kortcft time, »** L»AT«e-n,«* v*»iou»«olouf», . qvMtity offml uBflg two bottle* I wu able to walk In lef* than a with the Uaft iaconvcnience pofiblc. . lep. ibea lo»U» and avartaejr of Udiej week, *pd am tow a* hearty a* ever. aTojted. . 0*4:30,1799. C»*fclia WitMT. Thofe who witi to purchafe any of the above »f Oclobettf. ticlr. are cautioned eg* in ft the Iwpofition of infcrM* M.^ it to' givfe notice, 'that the fubfcriber hatb, Mr, Hear* Ree/e, Butcher, Proprietor of No. 14, ' ' end to i.qoire for oV*t e*iy of Jkfr. '-^fc- obtained frorn \|ic ju^hani court of Anoe.Arun- Cento* narket-hotife, Baltimore. " on the, jjerfona| W, ' ' " Wholefale pprchaftn allowed a Hbetal pfolt by ad; ^fti4 county^ AAOUT two nt«apt)w<|«, your vahaab|e medicine drefling p.Rd. Ue, «nd Ce. B.ltlmott. _^___ . ^Ia[rr^ igtlnft proved of fingvlar fcrHee to ane, I wa* not able to N B W the dfc'etJed "aVe tequefled to exhibit the T»nie.. tnd move ftefc *V fOO«tf for upwards of a fortnight, with rhoft who aje in WJ[.5»f «r>4*«-d »<*««««< the ------rbeumatifm or rneumttic goot in my' left** f«ot " and CONVERSATION CARDS, tat* .TlfaBMi;»A?oiiy «^id.e"i'>»"d^emW' o^ i and di»«4«l «* wj»»fe M f>r«cnM i». and by ttflng W* AKJKTAPnli"S 8oo. rJ^^ISrJ*^***^^,*!?: .,- . GBW. YBAR.) T H £ GAZETTE H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A.i ir"^**gaaaaBiaiaaii 4 T H. O R s r> A Y, DECEMBER 18, 1$ -: *

CONSTANTINOPLE, Autnft 16. *»hh hfa corpj of guide*. General Ney glment which waa nuch reduced by ficknefa » th* UR preparatiene for renewing the WOT egainft th« )« to occupy the fottreiVof lagolaitdt, which ia now fole defence therelore 6f thi* city agaiaft tke French are more formidable then ev«r. Five O fjrrounded by hia troopa. General Angereau haa it ' the contagion which, doubtlcfa they._- -ill not.tea Ingatea are completely equipped and ready for fea. granted a neutrality to the pVincea^antt count* of Naf- tare to brave. They we bound to Egypt with I re In troopa to reia- Jan. Th< king of Pruffia haa interceded in 'thetr fa- October it, force the army of the grand vicier. The grand vkier v6ur. The Rate of their territory ia dittrefsful j they The news from the armic* are now entirely unin- iaxi the ctptiin pacha, ere making, flreanioua exertioni have withdrawn their contiagcau* from the army of tmfting. They arc murniag to the cantonmeiiU. i R> aid the execution of the plan of operation* concerted ihe empire, arid they ire now in treat/ for a feparaie Moreau la going to Paria. There ia now Ufa pre- with general Koebler and commodore Martin, com- peace. hability than ever that their fcrvicea will be re­ tunder of the Bnglilh auxiliary fquadron. quired. The famoui p«cha of Romelia, known in Turkey PARIS, It ia certain that M. Lifakevitr. late feerettry of k? the oame of the Ttrribh-»t*.n haa laie.lv made Ih the beginning of tail month a fi«g of trace ar- legation, and eow charge d'affsirc* iron Rutfa, haa literal attack* upon Paflawan Oglou, in which he haa rived from Mahon, at Barcelona. It brought about received order* from hi* coairt to quit EagUod and fja) been very unfucceftful. in hu left attack he waa 105 pritooer*, Spaotfh, Ligarian and French refcued proceed to Copenhagen, where he ia appointed am. completely routed aod obliged to retreat with tne re- hy the Bngllfti from Turki(h flavery. The cruel tie* baffador. The emperor hi* mailer, haa fig»ificd to auiei of hit army, even to Sophia, where he hat ia. they had experienced would freexe the foul. Among him hi* fatisfaSion with his conduct in the fituation traced himfeli With n intention ol waiting for rein- them waa young Thevenard, fon of Thevenard of he held there, particularly fince the retirement of forcemeat*. Toulou. He had loft a brother at the battle of Abou- count Worontow. Hi* Imperial majefty likewifi Tbia intelligence caofad an extraordinary divan to Hr | and he himfelf had languifhed in chaloa among prcfcnted him we are informed, with 4000!. to eoa* | k convened, ia which ir wa» determined, that PalTa- the Turka till Sir Sidney Smith wa* apprifcd of the ble him to appear at the court of Denmark with, | van Ogjoo (hould be deprived ot all hit honour* tod circumftance. By mean* of letter* aod application* fuitable fplendour and dignity. On hia departure, egmtie*, and declared a rebel highly dangerous to the of every kind Sir Sidney procured hia relcafe. But the emperor of tViflia will have no official agent in Fine, and that another large army fltould be imoie- thii generoua enemy did not flop there. He faraifaed thia country, aa we have none at Peteifburg. All I aetcly raited and fent againlt him. Thevenard with money, cloathi. Sec aod recom­ thi* pouting i* to be confidered M previoua to 'the fur. mendation* to hi* brother at CcmIUntinople, and for render of Malta. What will be the conftqoenct 8 B M L I N, September 9. all the Englifh naval oficcr*. Sir Sidney carried hi* when that event b known to hit Imperial ma- According to autKevtic accounta from Widden, it generofity lo far aa to equip an aviio to go and find jefly. I appear* that Paflawan Oglou haa at prefent 50,000 him at Rhodes. aua under arou. He ia daily raiEng recruiit tmonf The following i* a copy of one of the letter*** LISBON, September 13. aSt Greeka. It it faid he hu a iecret underftanding Thevenard hat, out of gratidude, prtfervcd them all. The following is a new incident which will have a kk th.e pacha* of Janin and Serra. He appears to They teliify the pleafure whkh^Sir Sidney enjoyeeV place in the hiftory of the difpntes that divide the te hoftile amovemcnta by the evtnU that happen in reftoring a fon to hi* aged father, and ia acknow­ courts of Spain and Portugal. A great convoy hu » rjK- ledging the effort* though fruitlefi, made by the bro. juti arrived from Bralil. At the time it failed from, During the armiftice between the grand vizier and ther ol Thevenard to alleviate hi* captivity at Havre, Europe, the political difpofition* of the two nation*) Ileber, Paflawao (hewed a pacific difpolition i and previoua to hi* removal to the temple. toward* each other were entirely unknown in Europe* | ku brother Ibrahaaa, a merchant in Conftantionple, Copy of a letter from commodore Sir Sidney Smiih, or rather it waa believed that there wa* the bed tin* ao had been (ent to him by the Porte, to know from to captain Gabriel Thevenard. dernanding between them ; live Spnnifb veffel* that I kis what vten bit real wifitea and intention*, brought On board the Tiger, June 15, 1800. were at La Plata, the commaniicrs of which thought tack in the month of Aogufl, the mod fatisfaclory M. Thevenard i* requefted to cone and dine with they could not do better than take the advantage of furaDce*. But no fooner bad the news of the grand Sir Sidney Smith, on board the Tiger, thia day at the convoy, and joining the Portugucfe vellel, with mer'a defeat by the French arrived, than P'flawan three. .Sir Sidney Smith takes the liberty to fend them arrived at Lifbon. -It is faid that they arejoaded Ck,lou rcfumed his hoftile tone, and fet about aug. fome cloatha, which he fuppofe* a perlbn efcaping with about 12 million ot piaflrei. But while they Bating hia army. Thia give* reafon for a belief that from prifnn may require. Tliefe, however, are not were on their piflage, the flate of affair* between the k it not a mere rebel, who withe* a redrefi for per- of the be ft i but excepting the Englilh naval uni­ two power* confiderably changed, and it ia probable batl injariei, but that behu other views, and ii f*. forms, /hey ate the only onca he ha* on board the that thii event will have i confidcrable influence on emly abetted by a great power. In what other way Tiger, and they are the fame Sir Sidney wore from the reciprocal conducl of the two nation*; one of aw we account for hi* immenfc rekwrcti which eaa. the temple till hi* reaching the fea. They will have which muft be unwilling to facriBce ita million*, and [ ak hiia regalarly to pay fo large ao araaf . done good fervice if they anfwer the fame purpofe a the other to rcftore them without pacific aflurancca He draw* all kit proviSoM from Bulgaria and Wal. fecooa time, in again reftoriog a fon jf hi* aged father for the future. ; hctiia, for which he paya with the uttnott punRuality. dying of grief. hu luppofed he airna at nothing fhort of fubverting Letters from Nancy, dated Oftober j, fay, " Yef- LONDON. OAober 16. | fa Ottooun empire. lerday evening, at fevcn o'clock, general Clarkc, with We mentioned in ycflerday'i paper the report of his fuite, arrived here. Hefelighted at the temple of the Ruian charge d'affaires, Mr. DC Lifakevilt, 8TRASBURG, OAober 4. peace, where, it i* foppoled, he will hold hia refidtncc having applied for a pajTport to leave thia country. Ixtttra from Aogfbarg of the X7th, fay, that the during the congrela. This morning the general of the We have been informed that the fatl i* a* follow* :_ I tm armlet are anteriog into their refpeclive quarter*. 4th military divifion, with the whole of the ftaff, vifited M. Lifakevitt, alter haying been during more than TK« want of forage ha* compelled a great part of the him to confer lelative to the preliminary operation* of twenty year* fecretary of legatiep, .waa inverted with Fiaacb . cavalry to retreat toward* the Nrckar. The the congrefi Every preparation ia making for the the title of charge d'affaire* on the departure of hia ri»icaa from Hungary and Galllcia, fay, that the completion and decoration of the place* de(lined for excellency count Worcnsow. A ihoit time after, he Ruffian troopa. which have been for fome time affetn- the refidencc of the plcnipatcniiarict i the road* are wa* appointed miniHtr from the coert ol Pctcrfber| Wd oe the confine* of the latter country, have re* covered wnh article* of confuroption, which arc for. to Copenhagen. The emperor Paul I. to teftify hi| wed ordera to return into the interior of Ruf- warding to Luneville." faiiifaclion for hi* fervicea, made'him a prclent ol General Clarkc, the bearer of the order* of govern- aoool. and two thoufand more to defray the cxpencea The Auftrian garriibni of Uita and Phillpfburg mcnt, and who i* to command extraordinary at Lune- ol hia voyage, and to enable him to appear futtabje to }-»r now paffiog through Suibii, In order to join the ville, and in the department rf the Meurthe, n the dignity of hi* new million. The difpatchc* from lapcrial array. Both haa fuflFcrad feverely through arrived there. After having con i erred with the rub- hi* court did not fix the time of hi* departure, uor 'Kcife. The Imperial army it retreating from Biva- prelect, and the mayor, he vlfttcd ia perfon all -the require him to make any fecret of it. But the mi. »i to the canwnmenta in Auftria aod in the enriron* hoafca of ihc be ft appearance i he fpared no pains to rider knowing the character of hi* matter, judged it *f Saltbarg. procure tor the members of the coogrefs lodging* and proper to fet out, a* toon a* he had received the order, The archdukt Chartea ia ferioufly indlfpofed, and it accommodation* fuitable to their dignity. without communicating hia intention to the office of ^ I*even faid that hia life ii in danger. Account* from Marfcille* Date, that the garrifon nf foreign affair*. The better to difguife hi* departure, Milta arrived .there on the joth September, to the he wrote to Mr. Hammond, endtr fecretary of ftatc, F R A N C F O.R T, Ofrober 5. number of 6000 men. They are 'here undergoing requefting a paffport for a mctTeogcr he propofcd to The landgrave of He He Caflel ha* adopted a fudden quarantine. Gen. Vauboi* has informed us, that the lend to Peterfburg with difpatchet. Mr. Hammend ad unexpected mealure, bf putting all hi* troops on unfortunate Duloumicu i* (reed from hi* fetteri, aod that atifwered him in a very polite letter, ip which he rW war aftabllOicnent. A certain number ot men he ii in a chamber where he can walk, read and obfarved, that it wa* not utual to give paffport* to »»t been detached from the garrifon of Hanau, in write. General Grmham i mere Red himfelf much in Ruffian courlera, who might embark at Yaraaouih to procure wnta and other requifitea at Cadcl ...hi* favour,. and to that general_ we arc indebted, for without any i but that he had (ent him one a* he re- TSe landgrave befidfa haa taken into pay jooo of the the prefervatlon at Malta, ot the Cabinet of Natural qucfted. With thu pal port M. Lifakrvirz fet of ilitia, who will ferve on the lame footing u the Hiftory belonging to that illuttriou* perfon. It privately, giving out tbat be was going on a vifit to : **>p* of the line, The motive of this rneafure can- i. now packing up in order to,, be few off for Pa. count Worootow, at Southampton. With the raw be conceived at period whtn the armiAice ha* fpeft to ihc return of Mr. Shairpe, the Briiift contnl, »k*tn prolonged, and when the moll appircnt intimacy We are informed from Cedii, that an Englilh fleet, from Cronfkadt, we arc forry to fay, that we auncB, 1 *f the three ballijerent pov ert aff>rd* tlie bcft confiding of about 180 traafpom, efcorted.. by 16 little credit to the rumour of hi* having cqmc back handed hopet of the approach of peace. There I* fliipiof the line, appeared before that city, and made merely on account of an informality in hit paffport. the neceflary preparation* for effecting a difembarkati- nafon to fuppoie that thii military difpt.fition it mere. OAober |8. ly eventual in order that the landgrave may be pre- on. We can hardly allow ourfelvei, however, to be. lieve, that the EngUfh will attempt a coup dc main Pamala, afterward* the unrortuaate lady Edward pwed, in cafe the nrgotiatboa fltould not be attended Fitzgerald, ii go'nK lo *** T4rried to Mr. Pitcalmt *ttVa favourable Iflue. J ' ' . againlt a place, the fituation of which ia painted in the following word* bjr Utter from fierce. American conful at Hamburg. regency of Carlfruhe ha* been officially In. The dinner lately given at Paria to the American fcrnjed by the French commandant at G'lmetfheim A* the malady become* more alarainf at CjdU* envoy a waa ferved upon thrte ubtca, in three large Hut rhe navigirion of the RUine i* fully aod freely re. rooma which communicated with each other. The "* btlmetf. The heart quarter* of the Auttiian army it lu* been thought proper to fumigate all the Utter* which arrive from thence. We arc informed by the fir* wai the Stilt* /'CUaai i the facond and third, now ajt Welii Li mi: the troop* of the empire which bore the ruunea .of W*fi>utft9* and trtukti^ \ *WTY tire C'-rrnn. ih« Bavarians ar* at Mahldmn", Utt courier, that during ihc lai four daya 731 perfooa died, and of 1 10,000 inhabitant*, who weie in that were adorned with thai buft* of thofe great Lien.^*. c«rp» of Wuitemburg .at Wafferbpurg. The The three rooms were beauiifally oinaeacaicd with. fpredt arrival 0f the f fencb brad quarter* ha* been beautiful but unfortunate city, 8c,oeX> have quitted it. The immenfe population of «t»e luburb* confitU only flower* and emtterneiical repr«(cnt*ttu«i. 1» QM *""e"* to the inkahlrtiu* of Stutgtrd. Murtan, rirft of (hcfe WA* (tea an eagle and Leiipgto* : ]* av rite French commandant of urtillrrr, of «happy wretchaa, whote dirtinef* and poverty add rlrft of «heV)ic»f ad»E< bot A foverelan rem*dy for all difeelea of the eyes, and America without effect. George Wa(hington. whether thVeflWis of natural w.ab*fc or of escWeot. f pecdily removing inBammayoni, deflumon* of rheum, Da.. HAlilLTONV Forty Dollars Reward. dullneis, itching, and films *B the eyes, never failing ... W«a>« D4S.iLO.Yui0 L T___ .. AN a, war, I ram tbe fnbfcriber, op ,lhe i<)tb of to core those maladies whicb trequentr, fuccee. the Whidkbeve relieved upwardi of eighteen thoufand per- Oftober left, negro JACOB, 3; jrtati of age, fmall-pox, raeaites, and fevers, and wonderfully fona of all ages, within nine month* paft, in various' R bout 6 feet high, imotth face, high forehead, hia a weak fight. Hundred* have expc. dangerous, complaint!, *r>Gng from 'worms, and from wool growing «° P**k Wfcwei hi* temples hare, fpe*ki ftrenkthenmg client virtu**, *wkn» mtrtf'• tifrivat tf fot^ndvSrr" Obnfaftloni in thettomstli and bowels low and rather boirft i had on and took with hies. rienced its ' '" tbtjf are a remedy (uited to every age And ttrnrXitution. when he went way, a btownifh cotton. «>at, blue fight. contain nothing but w,ha,t is perfedly innocent, ipd coarfe Jbort coat with metal button*, old breeches, TOOTH-ACHE* DROPS. are fo mild in their' operation that they cannot injurt ofnsbrig 6Sirt, and match coal blanket j. his Su»da,y ,, The only reWdf yet difcovered wnich give» im the moR delicate pregnant tady,' or the tendered In. apparel, a purple cloth coat with rimmed button*, ., Vf I ' ill-.. relief__1l~C in « thetk« woflAi/t(V fcvcre(fvrrm iaV-1^ fa'pt of a week old, fhould BO worms exift in the nankeen breeches, mixed worded (lockingi, and half mediate and letting body, 'but will, without pain or gripirig, cftahfe the boou i h* profefrcs to be a Method ill, ae4 has beep Unices. ftomach and bowefi of whatever it ton I or 6#enfiv%( in the pjwdke of preaching of nights » it is expe&id THE ANODYNE ELIXIR, .hereby prevent the prodaOioQ of wot tin and he ii harbouring about the city of Annipolii, Weft 1 fatal difbrdcri. ' ' J ' river, South *ivev, South river Neck, or Qacen-AAM, For the care of every kind of head-ache. 4«> he hai a wife at Mifi Murdoch*!. Whoever take* THE PERSIAN LOTION, up and fecures did fellow in any- gaol, t» that I gat THB DAMASK LIP SALVE Is recommended (particularly 10 the ladies) as an him again, lb*U revejve the above reward, paid by Ai an imralijibie couneiic, perfectly ionocim _.._ THOMAS G4BBS, living near Queen- Aane. . elegant and pleafsnt preparation, iy chopped and fore fafe, free from any corroftve and repellent mhterale, N. B. All msfteri of veffela aojd othcta w e fort- lips, and every blemift and inconvenience occasioned (the bafii of other lothjni) and of unpirslfeW efficacy warned harbouring, employing, 01 carrying oi" (aid bjTcotd», "««.' Ac.'fpeedily reftoring a beautiful in preventing and removing cutaneous blenimes of the rofy colour and delicate foitnefa to the hps. fellow at their peril. T. G. face and fltin of every kind, partlcalarty frecklei, ptm- plei, pit* after the (mall-pox, inflimm*t7, and.it pcuini;peding UJ»lthit IKIUI.I,natural, infehQh)* %. M>A/- perfniratioBj ..,.....-- which«.,,. ' be entirely out of hi. power even to redugthe amount cleanfcs and whitens the teeth, abforbing all that' eflentTal to the health Tet its fabtsry efW«i of hi. debts, tbinki it would be doing Jore juBice to ^•••* Mf^ _. ..•« ii»^«i-i-_.- fpeedyf . anda permanent,.... rendering•_ ' I. 9^ _ -1_-the A.l_fltln delicaiesfJ_«l_ hi, cltAtor. and faVnlly at once to dehVet up hi. pro­ crimoniuj flime snd foolnefi. which foffered to ac- never lails to injure and finally ruin them. foft and fmooth, improving the 'complexion and re- perty fpr tbe benefit of hi. credttors, and to petition ft or ing the bloom of youth. Never falling to Ttotfcr eel Jh% kgrflatore to pal. an .a to re eafe him from h» ordinary countenance beautiful, and an kandfome one, deb.., which he hereby gives notice he Jhall do, at Da.. HAMILTON. mote Co. ,hrir next leffion ***ffifr ^ MAGR1JDBR. GRAND RESTORATIVE, IS recommended at an invaluable medicine, for the Ofleber 10, 1800. HAHN*( ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. fpeedy relief and permanent cure of ihe vanoui com. CtUbrtttiftr . plaints wnkh refultfroin djffipated pleafures juvenile Bvaeutrhsg foperfluoo) bile, and prrventlng ft* nee* * NOT! C C. iBOifcretioni refidence in clim*tes uofavowrabl* so bid fccretlon removing obfttnate coQivcnenH and nf, INTEND to peution the next general affembly of the eoaiKitortoB the immoderate ufe of tea, Ircquent ftoiiog loft appetite. ^^dr°rtt ^ of THOMAS EDGAR. iatoxication, or any other dellmctive int«mper*Dce the anfltiltul or exceffive u(e o( mercury the difeales 1NPALLIBLB AGUB»D PFV^R DROPS. Aanapolis, IMober »i. tBoo. peculiar so females, ataeenain period of life bad Thoulands can tcflify of their being cured1 bv thefc 4 FOR SALE, > ' ' layings in, fcc. Jtc. drops, alter the bark and every other medicine hat' And is proved by long and eitenive experience to At tbe Prrnting.Ofic*, roved incffednal i and not one in an hundicd ha^ be absolutely uoparalled in tha core of nervous dK. ad occafion to take more than oat, aad numbers not orders, eonfutuptioni, lowntf* of Ipiriti, loft of sp- E -.T.TJV' The following , ,;,iV ,.,!., half abott)«. B ' O O Jtff fcV - pttlte, iwpnrity of the b4«oa\, hyUerical affeaion*, Bnfield's Speaker, i** r-*,: (award weeknefle*. violent cramp* in the flomach and Da. H»nw*i T*U« and Buchan's Domeftic Medicine, back, lndige«kk», melancholy, ajoui in ike ftomaoh, GERMAN CORN PLASTER. pain* in tbe limbs, relaiation*, invol«ntary cmiffions, Jmmortsl Menwr, An Infallible remedy for corns, fjpeedily Dodd on D«alb, feminal weakneffea, obftinau gleets, fluor aJbus^or them root and branch, without giving pain. JLady'i Mirror, . whitei) impotency, barrenncfi. *c. eVc. i.:p. •:".•' In cafcs of «uemiiy where the long prevalence and- Arandel, a novel, CHURCH'S GENUINE COUGH DROPS, obftmacy of diteate baa brooght on a general irnpo- AaMrkwn )tft book, verifhment of the £flem, wccfiva debility of ike (gore throats, Prompter, whole frame, and a waning of the flefli which no Head-aches, Merry Fellow's Companion, Catarrhs, nourifhttunt or cosdial could repair, a perseverance in Congeraled phlegp, Gregory's Letacy. the ole of this mediein* ha* performed the nioi nf- Shortnefs of breath, Italian Nan. Ticklingi in the throat, Spiltine of blood, Cooftantu da Vatmont, ininun »w^«». mt> • TightneGs of the cheft, Sorencfi of the bre.a8 and Tbe grand rrftorative u prepaved ia pill* ee well aa ftomach, &c. . , . ______; - . J make it known for the benefit qf others. About two month* ago i trained my right knee /o violently by a tbonfead padeot* have ccpecJMcejt til fa)atary tt JOHN- MUNROE, fill, that I w«» unable to w*lk without a crotch, I f«a*'.- ' ' ' '-,;' tited Britiin oil, oppod«ldoc and other medicines, but WlA tbe ojedlcioe Is grVtn' adefcrioiloo of iU Boot wind Sboe-M>«w. grew coafidcrebif. worfc, and the part became in. fymptocna which obtain in every Rage of the dHesfsf HV toft weo«ired arcm Lon no«, flatted and 'fwetied to a con6d«Table degree, when I with copjoo.1 directions for their treatment, fo at tt N handfome affortanent of M««oceo and Bin we* rccoejuMbded to the Effelare of Meftard, and by accomplifti a perfeft core in the Ikortcft tims, »l4 Le*»««a,»«*-»*fi<>u*'**lo*M» a qnantity offral ufiflg fwe bottlei I was able to walk in lefa than a with the leaft inconvenience pofiblc. teexi tba* feaia, end a varascy ot ' ' - wera;. and am now as hearty aa ever. afortad. - Ifco: JO, 1799* C»AntM WlLt»T. Tboie whowift to purrhafe any of the above ar- Anianoii*. titles are cautioned agslnft the Impofition of infcrioa v ._ notice, tb*t the fubfcriber hath Mr.'Henr* ateefe, Batcher, Proprtettr*|W therefore wKo have'claim* igaloft1 proved of finfttlar ftrviee to ate, I was not able ta> . , N a w ~ ic'emTtd are reouefled to exhibit the Imre, tnd «o»e Irew asV M»00atf;for upwards of a fortnight, with Ihofe"wh^ "a/f in. any• «>f>n«r*-^.-«J'L. .jnd'tbted j._^i__^.ij.<» to tie (aid at the'.1 • rbeumatifmi_ _.. __.HL_ or_ rBeumaiic goot In my left fan* and CONVERSATION CARDS, ****• ***** **- B**"10*" reeoiuaaendW aha BffswM - '-iV^BMfRis: ^M,. of Muftasd, as iM 6n> mediriale to be depended on, Jn Profjp tnd Vcrfe For fale at thi» Office. .pM'talui this tnetnpo of rcqpew»H and d»«4«d me avhtra toprocim it, and by ttflngltfs to, jhc decca/ed, tl^, than a t)Mt*w of a bonleboffle andanfl a fevffew of th«the pill*, l ANNAPOLI to the {ubicrioar, and wai abjf to •%'£^2S&.*m*t* Printed ^ pE1»««£* ^ fVMt, W. P. Anoi^olU, OAober » S. Hivar Riiat. (UVth YEAR.) T H B fffo. MART LAND GAZETTE

THURSDAY, D*c*M«fcR 18, iSoo.

CO N $T A N T JNO P L E, Atipl *6. w Aeg&orgj whh hh corn* of guide*. General Ney giment which wu nuch reduced by fickneft i lh* VR preparation* for renewing tht war again* tbe i« to occupy the fwretol Ingolftedt, which i« now fole defence therefore 61 thii city agate* tae French are more formidable cbtn ev«r. Fi« O larrounded by hi* troop*. General Angcreau hi* ii (he contagion which, doubile/i th«T will not. trigite* are completely equipped **d ready for fe«. granted a neutrality to the prince*; anil count* of Naf- tore to brave. They aie bound to Egypt with Irefh troop* to rein­ ha. The king of Pruffia hu interceded in tbeU fa- 'October it. , \ force the army of th« grand vixler. The gnnd titter T6ur, The Kate of their territory U dittrefsful ; they and the captain pacha 4re making, flrenuoui exertion! The newt from the armie« arc now entirely unin- have withdrawn their contingent* from the army of tertfting. They arc rttorniag to the canton^ctit*. ; V (id the execution of the plan ol operation* concerted the empire, and'they are now in treat* for a fcparate wiih general Koehler «nd commodore Martin, com- Moreao I* going to Pari*. There i* now Ufa pro­ peace. bability (haa ever that ibeir fervkea will be rt> tiider of the Englifb auxiliary fquadroit. quired. The fantoua pacha of Romelia, known In Turkey PARIS, ___ Jt« certain that M. Lifikevrt*. late iccntarjr of kr tit Dime of the «« Ttrrikk-**,." hu lwe.1v made In the beginning of UK month a $»g of trace ar fereral attack* upon legation, and now charge d'affaarc* from Ruffia, ha* Paflawan Oglou, in which he hu rived from Mahon, at Barcelona. It brought about received order* from hi* conrt to quit England and 0 keen very unfucceftfu). in hu lalt attack he wu loj prifbnen. Spanifh, Ligurian and French re (cued proceed to Copenhagen, where he ia appointed a»> completely routed tod obliged to ret/tit with Hke re- by the Rnglifh from Tnrkifb flivery. The cruel tie* baflador. The emperor hia mafUr, bu figxiJMd. to tiat of hi* army, crca to Sophia, where he hu ia. they had experienced would freexe the foul. Among him hi* fatiifaAioti with hit conduct in tbe fiiuatiom raced himfeli witk n intention ol wilting for rein- them wu young Thevenard, fon of Thevenard of be held there, particularly fince the rctiremcni o| farce meat*. Toolou. He had loft a brother at the battle of Abou- count Worontow. Hit Imperial mijtfly Jtkewifi Tbi* intelligence caofed an eitraordi«ary divan to kir ) and he himfelf had languilhed in chain* amodg pre/ented him we are informed, with 4000!. to ena» »e convened, ia which ir wu determined, that Ptfli- the Turka till Sir Sidney Smith wa* apprifcd of the ble. him to appear at tbe court of Denmark witk vto Og|ou fbould be deprived of all hit honour* and circumftance. By meant of letter* and application! fuitable fplendoar end dignity. On hit departure, egnitie*, and declared a rebel highly dangtrou* to (he of every kind Sir Sidney procured hit releafe. But the emperor of tyDffia will have no official *gu( i* Putt, and that another Urge army Ihould be imme. thit generout enemy did not ftop there. H*. fnrniftwd (hit coDntry, u we have none at Peieriburg. All j lately raifed aad Cent againtt him. Thevenard with money, cloatht, Ac and recom- (hi* pouring i* to be confidered u previoua to 'the fur- mendatioRt to hit brother at ConfUotioople, and 'for render of Malta. What will be tbe conftqoenc* S B M L I N, September 9. all the Englifh naval oficert. Sir Sidney carried hit when tbat event I* known to hi* Imperial ma* According lo authentic account* from VTidden, it generofity lo far u to equip an avifo to go and find jefty. I appear* that PafTawan Ogloa hu at prefent 50,000 him at Rhodet. \ ma under aroia. He i* daily raiing retrain among The following it a copy of one of the letter* LISBON, September 13. > Greek*. It i* faid be hu a feeret underRinding Theventrd hu, out of grttidude, prrfervtd them all. Tbe following i* a new incident which will have a [ »itk (he pacha* of j*nin and Serra. He appears to They tetiify the pleafure wbkh»Sir Sidney enjoy**1 place in the hiftory of the difpntei that divide the Mte h«ftile movemeou by the eviot* that happen in reftoring a fon to hit aged father, and in acknow- court* of Spain and Portugal. A great convoy ha* ia Egypt. ledging the effort* though fruitlefi, made by the bro- juil arrived from Bran,]. At ihe time it failed from, During the armiftlce betwem the grand vizier and ther of Thevenard to alleviate hit captivity at Havre, Europe, the political difpofition* of the two natiooa Liber, Paflawan (hewed a pacific difpofmon j and previout to hit removal to the temple. toward* each other weie entirely unknown i* Europe* 1 ku brother Ibranaei, merchant IB Coaftantinople, Copy of a letter from commodore Sir Sidney Smith, or rather it wu believed that there wat the bed tin* wko bad been fcnt to him by the Porte, lo know from to captain Gabriel Thevenard. dcrflanding between them ; five Sponifb veffel* that ) biai what vter* bU ml wtfhea and intention*, brought On board the Tiger, June 15, 1800. were at La Plata, the commamieri of which thought Uck in the month of Augult, the rooft fatitfattory M. Thevenard it reqiicfted to come and dine with (bey could not do better (ban take the advantage of abrancc*. Bat BO fooner hed the news of the grand Sir Sidney Smith, on board the Tiger, thit day at the convoy, and joining the Portuguefe reflel, with wier*! defeat by the French arrived, than PafTawan three. Sir Sidney Smith take* the liberty to fend them arrived n Lifbon. It ii faid that they ar* loaded Gfelou rcfumed his rioftile tone, and fet about aug- fomc cloatht, which he fuppofe* a period efeaping wiib about 12 million of plaflret. But while they tating hi* army. Thi* give* reafon for a belief that from prifon may require. Tlicfe, however, are not were on their paffage, the flate of affair* between the I k it not a mere rebel, who wiOie* a red reft for per- of (he bed j but excepting tbe Rnglifh naval uni­ two powert coofiderably changed, and it i* probable baal injariet. but that bc-hu other view*, and i* ft- forms, jhey aie the only one* he hu on board the that thii event will have a confidcrable influence on. [ emly abetted by a great power. In whit other way Tiger, and they are tbe fame Sir Sidney wore from the reciprocal cohducl of the two nation* t one of i « we account for hi* Wnmanfe re(6«rtti wVtch ena- the temple till hit reaching the fea. They will have which muft be unwilling to facrifice it* million*, and »U hiio regularly to pay fo large M eraay. done good fcrvice if ihey anfwer tbe fame purpofe a the other to re ft ore them without pacific iffuraacca He draw* all hit proviGont from Bulgiri* and WaU fecood tine, in (gain refioring a fan 9 bit aged father for the future. I hchia, for which he pay* with (he utmoft punctuality. dying of grief. I'u luppofcd he airaa at nothing fbort of fubverring Lctten from Nancy, dated Oftober j, fay, " Yef. LONDON, Odebtr 16. i At OttvMaaa empire. terday evening, at fcven o'clock, general Clarkc, with We mentioned in vefterday'i paper the report ol hit fuite,.arrived here. Hetolighied at the temple of the Ruian charge d'afFairca, Mr. DC JLifak«vit«, 8TRA8BURG. Oftober 4. peace, where, it it foppofed, he will hold hit refidence having applied for a paJTport to leave thi* country. Letter* from Aogfbarg of the sytn, fay, that the during the congrel*. Thii morning ihe general of the We have been informed that tbe fail it u follow* :. i t*oarmies are anteriog into their refpe&ivc quirten. 4th military divifion, with the whole of the ftaff. viJited M. Lifakevitt, after having been during more ,j,,B IV wane of forage bat compelled a great part of the him to confer i dative to the preliminary operation* of twenty yean fecretary of iegaiiep, ,wea iovtfled with • Frtach cavalry ta> retreat toward* (ha Nrckar. The the congreft Every preparation U making for the the title of charge d'affairte on tbe departure of hu ' tiiicie from Hungary and Gillicii, fay, that the completion and decoration of the place! deftined for excellency coo it Woronsow. A ibort iiaae a/ter, ke n troop*, which have been for fome time afltm- the refidence of the plenipMeaiiariea i the road* are wa* appointed miniAer from lh« conrt ol Petcrlbf rf Vkd oo the confine* of the latter country, have re> covered whh article* of confuropiion, which are for­ to Copenhagen. The emperor Paul I. to teftify blf «»cd ordera to return into the iatrrior of Ruf- warding to Luneville." fatitfaclion for hi* fervicu, made'him a prefent of General Clarkc, the bearer of the order* of govern­ aoool. and two (houfand more to defray the cxpcncra The Auftriin garrifbn* of U!m and PhiUpfburg ment, and who it to command estraordiQiry at Lune­ of hi* voyage, and to enable him V appear fuitabje to now paffing through Sgabia, In order to Join tha ville, and in the department c-f the Meurihc, it the dignity of bit new oiiflion. The difpatchca froo) Inperial array. Both ha* fafferad ftverely through arrived ibere. After having conferred wiib the fub- hit court did not fi» the time of hi* ckparture, uor 'Mctfc. The Imperial army ii r«(rea(ing from Bavi. prefecr, and the mayor, n« »I fried in perfon all the require him to nujte any fecrat of it. But the hti- m to tbe cantonment* in Auftria and in the eoriron* houfe* of the be ft appearance j he fpared no paint to niftcr knowing the cbaraOer of hi* matter, judged it «f S.ltborg. procure for the member! of the coogreft lodging* and proper to fet out, a* foon at he had received the order, The archduke Cbarle* i* ferioofly indifpofed, and it accommodation! fuitable to their dignity. without communicating hit intention to the oftcc of I* even faid (hat hi* life i* in danger. Account! from Marfcillrt date, that (he garrifon of foreign tfftiri. The belter to difguife hit depjornre, Mile arrived..there on tbe joih September, to the he wrote to Mr. Hammond, ender fccretary of gafe, P R A N C F O R T, OOober 5. number of 6000 men. They are there undergoing requefting a paffptirt for a meffeDgcr he propofed to The landgrave of Heffe CafTel hat adopted a fnddrn quarantine. Gen. Vauboit bu informed ut, that the lend to Pettrfburg with difpttchc*. Mr. Hamaaertd ud ooeiptfked meafure, by patting all hi* troop* on nofortaMte Duloumicu i* freed from hit fatten, and (bat anfwered him in a very pqlite letter, ip wKicb' ke >W war eflabllfhment. A certain number of men be it in a chamber where he can walk, read and obfervcd, thai it wu not ulual to give paflporu to fa* been'detached from the garrifon of Hanau, in write. General Graham inure fled himfelf much in Ruffian courier*, who might embark at YanDooih to procure wrut and 'other reqnifite* at Cartel. hit favour, and to that general we are indebted, for without any i but tbat he.b»d Tent him one u he re- The landgrave befide* hu taken into pay jooo of the the prefcrvation at Malta, ot tha Cabinet of Natural qucftcd. With thi* paflpon M. Lifakevim fet on* erilitia, who will ferve on the ftrne footing u the Hiflory belonging to that illnftriout perfon. . Il pfivetcly. giving out tbtt he wu going on a vifit to the line. Tbe motive of ihii tncafor* can- it now packing up in order to be fent off for Pa- count Wo too tow, at Southampton. With tne taw be conceived at n period when tbe armlAice ha* fpcft to ihe return of Mr. Shairpe, tbe Bntifh. confjil, in prolonged, and when the molt app»ren( intimacy We are informed from Cadit, that an Englilh fleet, front Cronlladt, we are forry to fay, that we auerk, *f the three balligercnt rxK en afford* tlie bcR confiaiog of about 180 traofporu. eScorted* by 16 little credit to the rumour of hia having cxun,e beck toanded ho pet of the approach of peace. There ia fliip* of (be Una, appeared before that city, and made merely on account of ao lalcnaaaJuy in mfbn to fuppote that thi* military difpofltinn It mere­ the ncceflary preparation* for effeding a difembarkatl* ly eventual in order that tbe landgrave may be pre. on. We can hardly allow oorfclvei, however, to b«'. Oftober 18. r pvtd. in cafe the nrgotUtbnt Ibou'.d not be atlendtd heve, that the BngUfb, wift attempt a, coup de main Pamela, afterward* the uorortunate lady Edward *1lVa favourable IfTuex. ' ' againtt a place, tbe fixation of which U painted P,itigocr lately given at Put* lo tbe Aawricaa At the malady become* atore alanniog at Ctdjbt* envoy* wu (erved up on Uvrte table*, in three large ' rti« navi|trion ol the Rhine ii fully and frtfly re- room* which communicated whh [ *db(lfSecr: The ne«t quarUrt of (he Aiillritn army it h«i been thonght proper to fumigate all the UtCtn each other. The which arrifc from thonce. We arc informed by tbe fir*; wu the Smllt 4 I'Umtf | the fe«on4 and third, M» now att Welit Linn ; the troop* of ib« empire wkkb bore the rmn-et .of Wtfiaifto* add ?r»«AU, [ retry w f'-rron. the Bavarian* are at Malildoiff, Uft courier, tb«t during |jbc lat four daya 7|« pcrfotw died, and of 11 o.ooo inhabitant*, who weie in tbat were adotped with »be bufti of (bofe great -KB^-^ *Ml the c*rp» of Wurtcmbur'n at Wafferbpurg. The Tbe three roemt were beautifully oinaeeenicd witk fmdy arrival of the French bead quanert o Uautiful but unfortunate city. 85,000 have quitted it. >The immenfe population of the fubnrba co*6tlt only rlowery and emblematical reprcieauiioB)*. 1» «J*» **»)*>* to th» inhabfraaia of Siut^ard. ^ of tbcfe wa* feen an cagla and Lcx|n«taja) t rhe Pr«nrIi < iii>im«n«i«nt 'of ait of «nh*ppy wretchu, whole dirtinefk and poverty add linl to the horror of the eUfeate, and aw* rocreaf* it* of J»lr, i77«^~A*a»»fKa*i Fevicn» J'«fcy *"d oth»rt will " " ' ,^*f u 1* . i during the artaiAice. Morctu wai on Uie and Warm: U n four*, 9 Vendemaire, year 9 had,.. failed under Sir R. Abercrombic for Egypt -, IipRfeUatelv on hi* arrival rn St. _ . ,- - fcm [the date of the tmly t] The? fifth, F. A Put- The Ruffian ubopa had once more difappearcd, ana fay Touflunt Louvertorc willwith di/patcaf* ior rht an: ^he fitth, Ville Federal* Trenton< The were) on their mum to Ruffia^Formidable preparati­ govetnjQCttiof the United State*. lie le^t tfets plact feventn, lyth O6obtr, 1 777 Saratoga Gate*; Tfil on* were making in Spain for the attack of Portugal for the city of WaOwogton thi* morning. - * eighth, 9th of O&pber, 1781 York-town: The A large French army wa* again aiTembling on the We are informed, that a proclamation wa* late! loth, the fhoret of Franca and America feparatac) by coaft, to excite if pomble an alann in England i .but jflised, by Touffaint, commanding the ncatoei to the fet a veffel quitting flivre and tailing for Phi­ the vigilance of our fleet* and army was luch, a* to turn to the plfntatMxu to which they Belonged and M ladelphia, and the name of Qreen : The tenth re pre­ remove all apprehcnfion from their parading gafconade. to workwork; i ininconsequence conleoucnce of which a mutiny' brok«' I faced, a French and an American veffel failing in In the naval line, nothing material haa taken place, oat among the blacks, which wa* quelled by t a of UM company with each other. except tne capture of two Spanifh frigates and two executed. Among the Parifian fafhioni there hai lately been corvette*. The high price of provifiona hid mad* an Introduced a luxury almoft hitherto unknown, which **rJp meeting of' parliament' neccffary t and hi* tna- BALTIMORE, December 9. it fported by the more difhing Gallic belle*. They jefty'i proclamation had been iflued for their sTcm. The French prifoncrs made by the capture of thi wear filk nocking^, richly, embroidered in gold: not bling the n th Nov. Btrceau, have been landed *. u. appointment* in the ferviee of the United State*, *n from windward, conclude* the whole to be a for­ Antigua bore SSE. diftance 4 league*, from which we informed, that their applications, with all the rtcoav- gery. took our departure. At half paft 5, faw a fail in mendatory letter* accompanying, were confumed by chifc of u* on our weather quarter. At 8, carried fire in the war office, on Saturday evening la*. NEW -YORK, Decembers. way our fore-top-maft. At t A. u. in lat. 19, long. Thnfe who continue to defire to be cunfid uiiter airy (pretence Take* thi* method to inform the public, and hi* HAT the fubfcriber intend* to,petition the next whatever, a* t am determined td profecmf fuch a* friend* in particular, that he hat commenced T Ctecil county court for a commitboo to mark O4tfe offend b*ret(ter,'*grceak tiucB, and part of AIKWOII, all being and lying- HEREBY certify, that WILLIAM M0TR thii Amoogft which ad chtAixe*. FRANCIS46EESTON. Agent be thirteen, jrcar*, of age, » perccivible biBnoV bob. Double milled drab of .a tail, and little white on the near hind hcDf, found kibandi, galoon biodingi, for the Corp. R. C. C. fuperior quility. and ferrci*. uefpaninj on hia.plenution. Gwco uodei my band* Su^oTanTco'irfe COM. Annapolitt December i, 1800. Ounce, toloQred te ofna. and lea.1 thi* 6xb December. »4oo. inga. ; . .v, brig* thtt**. , . HENRY GARDINBR (Seal.) Belt Flufhinga, filkiona- Beit ftoeUo. in bal|*. Negroes for Sale. The owner i* rcqutlled to prove property, .pay cafimer*. Fine thread edgini*, and EVERAL negro women, with their children, charge*, and take him away. ] . . Green baizu, fearnought* Vvritiag paper, ictUmcnl* S confiftlng of boy* end girl*, from three to twelve WILLIAM.!MUIR. and halflhtct*. year* ok), to be (old in farmhei. Inquire of the tub* and fpdling book*. ferilxr, near Pig Point, Anne-Arnndel county. Mixed plaioa, white ke»- Ink powder, wafers and Eight Dollars Reward^1 fey*. SAMUEL HARRISON. November 25, 1800. IV.1 AN away from the fubfcriber, on Monday morn- Welch plaint, flannel*, Black lead pencil*, alma­ fag, the jjd of November, a nt*ro woman (Iriped & rof* blanket*. nack*. R Velvet*, fanfjr cord*, Leather and Morocco HERE i* at the plantation of Mr PATIUCK M«aed LUCE, about as years of age, 5 *et a inchca MACOILI, ukcn up a* a ftray, a bay HORttE, ktgb i bad oa and took with her. a dark wjoJkn jacket thickfet*. cordoioyi «V pocket book*. T and petticoat, a Bith coating great coat,.* half worn fuftiani. Tooth, cloth, aod (crab- about 13 or 14 year* old, 13 band* high, not braooW, ' Silk vtlvttt, and (Wan. fome laddie (pot*, aod a pair of old (hoe* on. The woo*' 'hat,1 and new funrd ditto, alfo fondt; other ing brufiwi. owner i* dcfircd to come and take him away. nnknowa tome. 'Whoever takc Up the (aid down*. Hair broom It feive*. Striped bed ticking* it WILLIAM MESSER, Overfeer. negro, end bring* her to the fvbfcribe or to Mr. Cowhide & plated whip*. ' Elk-Ridge, November i, 1800. William Brewer, fen. Sooth river, or vcnreaberin apron check*. Ladie* tonoiltfhcll and Moreen*, Umboreena It crooked horn comb*. ay g*«ol, fo that 1 |tt her i|alo,t (hall receive the X">OMMlTTED to my cuftody a* a runaway, oo. above reward. - "* i Joan*. Coarfe horn, ivory, and Duranta, calimancoe* & b«rber'» ditto. \^ the 29th of October lalt, negro man named WILLIAM BRETER, jun. ALLEN, of a dark complexion, about 21 year* of Frederick count4 wi!dbore*. B«tt gunpowder, fatent 3ombax«en* It bombaieu. (hot, and gon flioU. age, and 5 feet 6 or 7 inche* high, who fay» he i* the N. B. Thl* h to forewarn all perfoni from harbour. property of a Mr. JOHN SIMM*, of South Caroline, fe| faioVaetrO^ u 1 ihall ufe the utmoll^ijoor ol the Luicllringi, fattut* aod Ctttor oil, in quart bot. »«. ,+ * .-»* -- -v^ i W. B. peJong*. tie*. aod formerly the property of capt. Tnomai Rogerfon, Model and farcenet. Glauber falu, bed red Of thii county. Hit owner it defircd to come and take Striped fattm florcntine*. bark*. him avf AT, otherwife he will be fold according to law. Twenty Dollar* Rcwafrd. Ladie* Morocco and Uuff Table knlve* and forki. THOMAS PRICE, Sheriff AN away from the fubfcriber, eb lh« loth of Cbarle* county. ^*> (hoe*. , Pocket and bcft pcnknive*. Not ember ij, 1800. November, negro HIM MmedjjBM, he ia Women* and men* filk, Butcher*, oyHcr, and (bootR >o year* of »age, 5 feet ft inchei high, fmooth cotton & worftcd bole. pruning ditto. face, large flat note, big month, aod i itck lipa j had Girl* and boy* cotton and Razor* aud fciffen, af. NOTICE. oa when he went away, a cloth oloure c*n*blet coat, worfted ditto. (ortcd. INTEND to appty to the next March court, of a pair oT new white kerfcy breecbei, i d a new ofna-- Mena & boyi coarfe yam, Elegant japaned tea Cray*, I Si. Mary'* county, for a comfniffion to iffue to Wig fhirt. He haa two 6flera who a i the property fulled, vvorfled glove* and waitcra. mark aqd bound two tradi of land, called Noriir ef Ur. George Wallace and Mr. Ri, urd Marfh.-l, and flocking*. Curry comb* and horfe HALL and NEIOHBOUKHOOD, lying in faid county, living between Magothy river and th( Bodkin Point, Ladie* habit, kid and ex­ bruflie*. agreeably to an ad of aflcmbly, entitled, An a£ lor be wu in that neighbourhood for lei daya or a fort­ tra long white and co- Wood fcrew* It brafi pin*. marking and bounding land*. night After leaving home, and then hac on an old blue loured Oik glove*. Lock* of vanou* kinda JOSEPH HALL. coat. Whoever take* up the (aid ne; u, and fecurci Men* back, died doe, Hinge* afforted, Ipadei, Montgomery county, November 17, 1800. kin in Annapolu, or any other ga I, fo that I get drawn tanned, beaver, and frying-pan*. V^P aniiu (b*H receive tbe above rew rd. and white filk, ditto. Japanned, flat and fhort By tbeCoMMiTTii of CLAIM*. . » ,OHN G LLOWAY. Men* and boy* fine aod brafi candle. ftlckr. HE CoMMiTTac of CirAt«*a will fit every day,*- Weft river, December 16, 1800. coarfe hat*. Sprigiafloited. T during the prefect feffion, Irom nine o'clock ia IriOi linen*, diaper*, and 4d, 8d, tod, i ad, & sod, the morning until three urthe afternoon. AM:AME to tbe fubfcribcr'a pUmat^n, near GiKert diapey table cloth*. Bat pointed nail* By order, A. COLDER, Clk. M. III, the z/th of Oaobcr, 18^0, a bright for. RufE* & IriQi (hectingi. Pauat tro* tea kettle*, & C el MAP lt»tn .yeari old neit jrmg, (be hai a Ruffi* drilling*. iron*. DO hereby give notice, that I (hall petition tbe blase face, /ounce*, haniia high, lo mane and tail, Brown and whi'e role*. Shovels and tong*. I general affembly of Mar} land, at their next fef. fcod beiore, trot* and gallop*, n« brand or mark. Brown hempen linen, and Iron potff Dutch oven*, fion, for an act to have the tobacco warehoufe at Cole*, The ownar ji dcCred to prove property, pay bed ticklenburg*. and (katc*. in St. Marv'i county, with the ground on which it chuie*. ud take her away Bandanno, crof* barred. It Chin* and glad ware. flacda, or fo much a* will be oeceflary for public ufe*1, G.RIFFFFTH CABLE. black Barcelona, filk Green and blue edged to be taken for the ufe of the public, and the value handkerchief*. . V dilhei and plate*. thereof afcertained, with the diladvantagei of tbe road* an order of the orphan* courturtjf f Anne-Atuodel> Stamped linen and cotton While ditto. leading thereto through my land. county, will be EXPOSED to UBLIC SALE, ditto. Wilh bowl* aod pitcher*, Augufl 8, 1800. MICHAEL PENWICK. near Ajinapoli*. «n Tuefday tb joth inftant, if Purple (bawl*, chintz, Stc. tec. lair, if not the foil fair day, ar .continue till all moflin, and camel'* hair Large and fmall brown OT1CB ia hereby given, that I intend to p«: tition the next general affembly of Maryland, ie (old, ditto. lion* jarri and jug* LL the property of THOMA TUCKER, de. An handf'xne aiTurtment to obtain the benefit of an art of infolvency to releefit 8 by 10 and 10 by is me from debt* which I am enable to pay. Ill heahb, ccafcd, confiUing of horlca, f tile, hjgi, fheep, of muflina and muflio Bohemia window glal*. andA poultry, al) tbe houfchold aac jkitchen furniture, handkerchief*. and a feric* of miifnrtonei, alone urge me to adopt thiamealure. WILLIAM SPRIGG BOWIg. vft. a new fcin, with rope* complete, t>d *1| the prtfeot ALSO GROCERIES, Prince-George'a county, OAobcr 8, lioo. ' crog oa hand. The term* wijl be ejade krtown on the Bell byfon, hyfoo-akio, Pearl barley. A few of HopLaBa'i razor ttrwp* aod compofition, gaol in the ftate of Maryland, (hall receive the above By the CoiukiTTtl of ia and Collar* of t a reduced price, . , reward, and SIXTY DOLLARS if taken out of the "' ' JUJTICI NOTICE. rr*~" ftforefaid ftate, and if brought home all mfonnble HR CoM-MITTISOt cil and Cou*,T» charge*. ARNOLD WATERS. of JuiTici will fit every d during the pre- TN confequrnce of a (eric* of co*»*a*rxt*l loflci, N. B. All mailer* of veflela, aad other perfoni, are CentT teftoa, from nine o'clock ! morning und. I which prudence could neither forefite nor prevent, fur*warned barbonling or carrying off faid negro U three in the everting. ffl)*'! apply to the next general aQcmbly ol Maryland their peril. I By order, lot t fpeciel adt of infolvency. RICHARD ATTS. Ol. JOHN ATKINS BURFOftD. Twenty Dollars Reward. Oclober 4, 1 800. "Ty AN away from the fobfcriber, on the a8th ol pi'tnerOiip ol .RllKibiY and bVANS t^ September laft, a flout well made mulatto fel­ Having thit d*y-betn did'olvil by mutual con- A SALE. low, by the name of NED, he b about t) or 14. alt perlona h»viug claim ei4<>l» f«id firm are lent, ,- - r---. . _ -. In virtue of a truft repoCed to m* by a decree of the yean of age/ c lect V or 9 inchei high, with ttreighC i* Kqueftad 10 prefent them to j0*t'R C.VAN*. Chancellor of Maryland, I (hall on the aid inflant, black hair like that of a white pcrfon } he' had oa dulv authorited to receive and pay ai| afoiciaid, LIC SALE, and a (hart white kerfey coat, he alfo took with him r\o(n 0» bondl, are requefted k make payment, A JjL thu trait or parcel of LAND, called HALF fome other cloatb*. Whoever txkt* up the faid fej. and thole indebted on open account Ire dcfircd to call j[V Pom, fituated on Elk Ridge, in Aunt Ar«n- low, and fccurca him in any gmol in (he Date of Me. and pay the lame, or give their notelor bonds, (with oel county. The lermi of fale are, Cc mootha credit ryland, ao that 1 get him again, (hall receive the above icquired) on or be'oralbe fcnt day of from the d»y of file,' ih« purch^Ur giving bond w'U> reward, with all realortable chargn, and if taken out R1DGELY id JTVANS. approved fecvriiy. Thii tracl of Und. ia fold to dU- of the Date aforrfaid, en4 brought home, (hall receive charge a mortgage debt due ftom JOHN BAHLOW to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, with readable t* hcrthy given, thai 1 ntend to apply RIXIN HAMMOND, aodothcr*. and when, the whole c'hiree*, by applying t*> ihe tnbfcriber, living new next geueial aflioiWy Maryland lor porchafejiooncy I*.pai4(h« purcjaa^e the Hrad «t Severn river, in Anne-AmndeJ county, deed, froeu " ,. ;/ ia the State o! Maryland. P. HAUMOND. \ JOHN WELCH. N. B. All perion* are forewarned harbouring the UU». t, 1800. faid fellow on their peril. J r>

OIDEON WHITE, Mrs. Atrj MTrae, wife ef Mr. George M'Lrn, YEAI To be SOLD at this offirt. HAS JUST RECEIVED. FOR SALf., grocer, Sond-ttreet, Fell's Point, was peritftly cuitd Price one eighth of a dollar, ' (by peril v«ring in the ul'e of Hamilton's Ellcnce , The WILL Trom i^E's and Co. Patent tind Family Medicine Extract m Muftird) of a rheumatic complaint of .OF ftore Baltimore, 'eleven ywrs Handing. The grcatelt part of laft win- A frefli fupply of the following valuable medicines: tcr .(he 4ti unable to drefs or undreis without ffilt. General DR. HAHN'. GENUINE WATER. nee, fha had the bed medical advice both io Euro'F*. A fovereign remedy for all difeafes of the eyes, nd Amcfica without eflfcA. George Waftiington. whether the effcfls of natural weakncfc or of accident, fpeedily removing inaammations.'defiumont of rheum, DR. HAMILTON'S Forty Dollars Reward. dullard, itching, and films on the eyes, never failing j""""WORM «DESTROYING »» "- ~««M*M,LOZENGES, AN away trom the fubfcriber, on the igth of to cure thofe maladiet which frequently lucceed the Which hate lelicvcd upwuds of eighteen thoufand per. October ltd, negro JACOB, 35 years of age, foiall-pox, measles, and levers, and wonderfully font of al ages, within nine months p»a, io vtrioat Rabout 6 feet high, imooth face, high lorehead, hit flrentrthening a weak fight. Hundreds have expe- dangerousjcomplaints, arifing from worms, and frot» wool growing in peat leaves his templet bare, fpeaki rienccd iu excellent virtues, vobtnintrlj Jtfriwdtf Joulnefs or! obftrucVions in the domach and bowels low and rather hoarfe ; had on and took with him fofa «*hey "»* "remedy fuited to every age and conftitution, when he went away, a brownifh cotton coat, a blue 5 * contain nothing but what is perfectly innocent, PA Rl cotrfe fhort coat with metal buttons, old breeches, ' *TOOTH-ACHE DROPS. are fo milain their operation that they cannot injure y i d«ree of the ofntbrig flurt, and a match coat blanket; hit Sunday the mod dtlicate pregnant lady, or the tendered in­ , f«ffel, lefsthao pparel, a purple cloth coat with rimmed buttont, The only remtdy yet difcovered which gives im­ in nstiontl veffelt mediate and laUiag relief in the mod levere in- fant of a week old, fliould no worms exift in ibt nankeen breeches, mixed worded dockings, and half body, butlwill, without pain or griping, cleanfe the I^T nctntpteo. if « «: boott t he proleffet to be a M«thodid, and has been llancet. ilomach tm bowels of whatever it loul or offenfive, tint tge •»•) in the practice of preaching of nights j it is expected tc THE ANODYNE ELIXIR, nd therebl prevent the production of worms aai he it harbouring about the city ol Annapolis, Weft nuuy fatal fifurdcrt. river, South river, South'river Neck, or Queen-Anne, For the cure of every kind of head-ache. as he hat a wife at Mift Murdoch's. Whoever taket THE PERSIAN LOTION, up and fecures faid fellow in any gaol, fo that I get THE DAMASK LIP SALVE «iver- . Is recommended (particularly to thfe ladies) at an Sa telilralal amingjt ibi fffl/ioaatlt ibrttgfaiti Eurtfr, him again, (hall receive tbe above reward, paid by As an invaluable cofmeuc, perfectly innocent aid plenipotenti ' THOMAS G1BBS, living near Queen.Anne. elegant and pletftot preparation for chopped and fore department o lips, and every blemifh and inconvenience occafioned fafe, free film any corrofive and repellent mincrala, N. B. AH .mailers of veflelt and others are fore- (thebafis of father lotions) and of unparalleled efficacy which warned harbouring, employing, 01 cttrying off faid by colds, fevers, &c. fpeedily redoring a beautiful -ople in his dep« rofy colour and delicate foftneft to the lipt. MI preventing and removing'cutaneous blemifties of the fellow at their peril. T. G. face and fkirlof every kind, particultrly freckles, pirn- vefftl, \> Match 7, 1800. , worth were f THI RESTORATIVE POWDER pies, pits aftlr the Imall-poi, inflammatory reaoeit, icurfs, tetteral ringworms, lunburns, prickly heat, pee. fniaoiepoebi, feme /nr^HE fubfcriber finding that from the colts of a FOR THE TEETH AND GUMS. _|_ number of foils brought agtind him, tnd the mature wrindes, &c. the Roman er prelling demandt of a part of hit creditors, that it will Th'u excellent preparation comforts and Urengthent The Petfni Lotion operates mildly, without im­ be entirely out of hit power even to reduce the tmount the gums, prefervet the enamel from decay, and peding that latural, infcnfible perfpiration which it obfem of his debts, thinks it would be doing more judice to cleanfes and whitens the teeth, abforbing all that ellentitl to ike health Yet itt falutary cffeflt are oil n procu* thefe his creditors and family at once to deliver up hit pro. acrimonius dime and foulneft, which fuffered to ac- fpeedy and permanent, rendering the (kin delicately :d them, were f perty for the benefit of hit creditors, and to petition cumulatc, never lailt to injure and finely ruin them. foft and fmotth, improving the complexion and re- nihem, n accord! the legiQiture to pafs an aft to relctfe him from his ftoring the blrfcoi of youth. Never failing to render « uwfares foand debit, which he hereby givet notice he ihtll do, at DR. HAMILTON'1 * ordinary couninauce beautiful, and an hiadlome one, prnnment. At %mptrte, governn their next (cffion ol aflembly. GRAND RESTORATIVE, more fo. \ M JAMES A, MAGRUDER. f tcitiien B IS recommended it an invaluable medkine, for the non to prevent Upper Maryborough, October io, 1800. fpeedy relief and permanent cure of the various com. HAHfTt ANTI/BILIOUS PILLS, lie bullion hy the < plaints which refuh from iliffjpaud plesfurej juvenile * Celtkraltdf»r Enrol them at y« NOTICE. indifcretions refidence in climates unfavourable to Evacuating Iperfluous bile, and preventing its mor­ lattxot't filence, INTEND to petition the next general aflembly of the conrtitulion the immoderate u!e ol tea, trequent bid fecretion (^moving obftinate cotUvcnels, -and re- ««t-l hope it wi Maryland for an alt of infolvency. intoxication, or any other dcllructivc intemperance- doring loft app4ite. Os dui reply, the fi I THOMAS EDGAR. the unfltillul or exceffive ufe of mercury the difcafrt Mt, one of the Annapolis, Odoberti, 1800 peculiar to females, at a certain period of life bad INPALLTBJfe AGUE AND FFVER DROPS. Thoufands cii tedify of their being cured In thefe a, thefe Roman t VOR SALE, Uyings in, &c. tec. isPrwce; accept at And it proved by long and extenfive experience to .drops, after tie! bark and every other medicine hi At the Printing-office, be abfolutely iinpaialled in the cure of nervous dif- proved ineffeltw ; and not one in an hundred hn tics, It thtt the mo Elf become pledge: The following orders, confomptions, lowncfi of Ipirits, lofs of ap­ had occafion to i|ke more than one, and numbers DM hall a bottle. '< ' France BOOKS, petite, impurity of the blood, hy'.lerical nffecliont, \ toward we:kneflcs. violent cramps in the ftomtch and -Bn6eld's Speaker, _ DR. H«HN'J TRUE and GENUINE BOURE Buchin'i Domellic Medicine, back, indigetUon melancholy, gout in the domarh, pains in the lirrbt, relaxations, involuntary cmiBions, ~GERltAN CORN PLASTER. Tse French frig Immortal Mentor, itCtacord and M leminal weakneffet, obdinate gleets, fluur albus, (or infallible imedy for cornt, fpeedily removing Dadd on Death, them root and brAch, without giving pain. aWety to Rochfo Lady's Mirror, , -' " tvhite>) impotency, btrrenntfs, &c. &c. In cafes of extremity where the loag prevalence and Arundel, a novel, CHURCH'S ENU1NB COUGH DROPS, BEL! American jed book, ohllinacy of difeale has brought on a general impo- teriflmient of jhe fydem, exceffive debility of the a nd tfft3*al rtmtij it Ctpy of a letter fr< Pron.pter, Head-aches. Sore throats, it the com trtdt Merry Fellow's Compaaion, whole Irame, and a wading of the fleth which no nounlhment or cordial could repair, a perfeveranre in Catarrhs, Wheexingt, > to their correfpo Gregory's Legacy, Shortneft of breai^ Congeralrd phlegm, " We hare hit Italian Nun, .' the ule of this medicine hat performed the mod af- tonifhing cures * Ticklings in the li*P«t, Spitting of blood, bmi weather, ai Con (limit de Valmont, , . Tigbtnefs ol the djelt, Soreneft of the bread ia4 try i tnd, not will Charlotte Temple, The grand reftorttive is prepared in pills as well at in a fluid form, which aftilts confiderably in producing Hooping cough, ftomtch, &c. &c. mtiaf gain in I Ormond, a novel, I) it this quartt B'.offoms of Morality, a gradual ,nd lading effect. Their virtuct rein am Mnimu«ued for years in any climate. And all diioJcrs of the breads and lungs. tlttitat crop in i Ton JOMI, in 3 vols. I* 0»t4 the qatlity American Preceptor, DR. HAMILTON'S SOVEREIGN 3INTMENT FOR THE ITCH, | MH tnd heavi Gilt Biblei, Warrant id an infafif/t and iotmtaiatt titrt at ntt *fa» tSMMM from An Adventures of David Doubtfdl, EJena and ExIraB tf MuJlcrJ. Being the modapeedy, effectual, and pleiltnt re­ inmtble of qu, Nightingale, FOR the cure of rheumaiifm, gout, rheumatic medy ever offered i> tbe public, and for the fttiiftc- MM*e««ry wh Philtnthropift. gout, pally, lumbago, numbnels, white-fwellingi, tion of tbtttmoroJ, the proprietor makttb *i/i, ihtt i fach good qua chilblains, if rains, bruifu, acute tnd chronic rheum*. tills ointment dotrl not contain a Tingle particle of I Mif. hopes of t Fifteen Dollars Reward. lift"' mercury or any otf4 pernicious ingredient in its com* |%tb*iagrernoin AN away from the fubfcriber, I'uing in Anne. M.ny perfont ha»e been much difappointed by pur- pofnon, and may £ !ifed~w7th~ ;he" mod perfect ftleij sbonJtnt tnd c Arundel county, on tbe aid of February, a chafiog medicines under the name of Eflence of Muf- by pregnant wumci End on infant! newly born, With retard to Rnegro roan named DICK, about forty yean of age, lard, which are perfectly different from this remedy «n;wnt t» about five feet fix inchet high, round full ftce, large eyes, the fuperior qualitict of which Dr. Hamilton hegt > ATE NT mdude, it wil very bow legged, flow o» fpeech, and lond of imokinf leave to prove oy the following curei, fclcAcd from a INDIAN VlGETABLB SPECIFIC, I ill thtceu a pipe, I e is a mcthodrtl preacher t took along with numerous lid. Ff r the cure of him a country cloth coal, and one gray coloured, and f'titrial o^Jiitti tf rvtry Jtfiriftitn. CHAR breechet, two ofnabrig fhirtt. feort kerfey coat and From Mr. Charles' Willet, Pladerer, Pratt-ftrtet, Bal. An extenfive trialpf netr four yetn hat proved the TtBtrday w troufers, flioet nailed. Whoever ttkct up the faid ne- timorc. Vegettble Specific ^ be effeclual in expelling the re- johnfon and ( «ro, and fecures him in any gaol, (hall receive the Sir, ntriil virus, howeM^ deeply routed in the conflitutioa, vet, for the n above reward, and il r-rouebt home all reafonable I SEND yon the pirticulirj ol my cure by Hsmil- and has redored i^alth to many who have beea (iftnttt and frc charges, paid by me HUGH DRUMMOND. ton't Effence and ExtraA of Mudard, that you may brought to tbe (rra«& by the improper adminiilniw* thtra in guilty February 24, 1800.______make it known for the benefit of others. About two of mercury. Widyn tkit period upwards of foot «f tggnvitiorv, montht ago I drained my right knee fo violently by a thoufand patients fcave experienced itt iiluttrj ef- Thty « »« ace JOHN MUNROE, fall, that I wat unable to wa'k without a crutch, I fefls. -t between the I Boot and Shoe-Maker, tried Britilh ml, oppodeldoc and other medicine*, but With the roerf Jne it given a defcription of the fdt tht tobacc Hatjuft received from LONDON, grew conGderably worfe, and the part became in* fympiomt which oS*>n in every dage of the dfletlet Vf ofio^ hnrm N htndfome tiFirtment of MOROCCO and Ki» flamed and (welled to a confiderable degree, wnen I with copious direjiont for their treatment, fo as to I to the place i LEATHER, of variout colours, a quantity of fral wat recommended to the Effence of MuHard, and by accomplifh a perl^ cure in the fturtcft time, an* ttiethirtecn-m fltint,A boot-legs, ben foalt, and a variety of ladica ufing* two bottle* I wtt able to walk in lefs than a with the lead incui»*enience poffible. foar o'clock, i week, and am now ts hearty as ever. kid dippers, afforted. M Friday the Thofe who wifc to purchafe any of the above tr- Annapolis. Oftobcr 33, 1800.______Dec. 30, 1799. CHARLES WILLET. ticlea are cautioriil ag*ind the impofition of inlenoa Veflerday Hli it to give notice, that the lubfcriber hath Mr. Henry Reefe, Butcher, Proprietor of No. 24, medicines, and tc inquire for them only ol VWr. 6<4»« Wfro fellow obtained from the orphans court of Anne-Arun­ Centre mtrket-houfe, Baltimore. mill. j ___ inurder of M Tdel county, letters of adminillntion on the perfonal Sir, Wholefale porffftfers allowed a liberal profit by ad- Wr. Smart, date of CHARLES PARIS, late of faid county, ABOUT two months ago, your, valuable medicine drerjing to Rd. Iff. «nd Co. Baltimore. __ IB like rninni deceafed i all perf- n» thertlore who h>ve claims agaiaft proved of finfular fervice to me, T wit not able to 4tr wtt cotni the deccaUd are requtded to exhibit the fame, and move from my room for upwards of a fortnight, with NEW thaho thofe who are i» any manner indebted to the faid ef- the rheumatifm or rheumatic gout In my left foot and Utc arc dcfircd to make payment, to SATION CARDS, ncU, when Dr. Buchanan recommended the Effenre erfe For fale at tliit Office. « Codfc i WILLIAM FAfclS, Adminiflraror. of Modsrd, as the only medicine to be depended on, folly, /r* N. B. I take thit method of requeding thofe who and directed me where to procure it, and by uGng lefs The great have hooks belonging to the deceafed, that they would than a quarter of a bottle and a few of the pills, I A P O L I S: the gore immediately return them to the fuWcrilxr, and they wat able to ride to market next day, and'have been REDERICK and SAMUII. will oblige their humble fcrvant, ' W. F. perfectly free from my complaint ever fince. .Aanapeitaj Oftobtt 15, Ja». 4, ileo. HENRY RICH. GKKIN. B V M'Urn, YEAR.) T H (No. 2815:} "tftly cuit.1 Eilence and 'oiplaint of of l«ft win- ithout affiit. GAZETTE J ia Europe ARTIAND

El, 8 1800. houftnd per. T H.-tHR Y, PECEM&B* 25, tt» in v*rioia «. and frot» nd bowed_ conftitution, Oftober i. aM . PARIS, nnoctnt, confnli, no matter or injure * d*«ree of the cinnot than 15 toni, it exempted fi tenderea ia. ,'a-veffel, left e*ift in ib« h/wfei were depoited every They divided tbeanfelvei into feveral bodre*. 1 8 mom i from the different Imqla. a third 5, cleinfe the lul nempted, if they for fmce, out of the gates in the night) from one going to Petara, another to Ravenna, and age may be commanded day to be carried general fotmed or offenfue, b ofVB grenadieriItl*.»*aj>Mple who • fwl — one hundred and fifty, out of which one towardi the (ttioprocua* thefe medali, becaufe the comtained tha few who remained hid themfclvea 7 effecla are be taken died. The other conventi fufftred greatly third body, and |fc?a them, were fearful left they mig hundred in the monntaini. fcin delicately lawsof France, likewife. and re> ID them, ti according to the ancient . ° At the moment when Bologna wu threatened exion belongcdby right to aSed with great g to reader M I trttforei loand in thit way i*. %ith invafion, the national guaidi replied the Irft cooful NE W-YORK, December column ready to co-operate hiBdlome one. Iferswnment. At prefect, and commerce, between firmnefl: they formed a will not conteft tl« good for. The convention of amity Cifalpine troop*. 1 prefented to jtatpirte, government France we are informed, hat with the French and it i* neceffary arufe every the United State* and of Cannon, which I am perfuaded (ateof cituen Bcfidei, in the Parii paperi. The following ii them 6 piece* i to prevent thefe mfdahbeing najted down been publifhed ufe glorioufly again ft the common ene­ ILLS, fourth article: they will by the cDuntry people buynp then, u the my. | an bullion after ARTICLE IV. expedition mor-1 them aa you can : probably, *d<*d he, " The Cifalpine troopi employed in that enting iti Property captured and not yet definitively con* and bravery. re- t IBOOKIH'I filence, it will be eafy for yoc to procure " the ex­ have emulated the French in activity rcneli, .«d prefeft. Jeroned, or which may be captured before fervice* on -1 hope it will, general, anfwercafehc deftined to General Pino hu rendered very important fkwerdi Mr. change of ratification (contraband goodi and the Cifalpine re. I OitKii reply, the firft conful advanced be mutually reflored the occafion to the French minifteraLand faid to n enemy'i port eicepted) (hall :R DROPS. r Dwit, one of the American citizenfhip, vi». [Htrtfti- public. have juv been found on the following proof of DUPONT, licnt. gen." ; cored In ihtfe ! hk, ihcfe Roman medali, Sir, tbt pt/ftrti ccw «/W try Am* (Signed) them with |pu to Ame­ Ivwt a cofy ef tbtftrm tf tr medicine hi. ii Inset; accept and carry thit pafl port (hall be fufficient monument* of the R>v>an republic rit*» vtffilt ] And PAIII, Oclober 16. in hundred hu rica, lo that trie other paper, any ordinance to the con­ enjoy th« not 1 pledget of amity and oniorbetweea the without any The city of Bourdeaux oontinuca to nd numbers aif become notwithftanding; which paflport (hall not be have far- France and the United Statfc. trary greatet tranquillity. Several circomnance* Hwklkt of deemed reqnifite to have been received or recalled, the melioration (hip may have nifhed the opportunity of difcovering 17. whatever number of voyage* the faid The feaft of the republic, the IUIN1 BO-URDEAUX, Septeier the of the public fpirit. made, unlef* (he (hall have returned home within Michael Montaigne, the PERr ..cFrench frigate Franchife, whfh failed with tranflation of the remain* of fpace of one year, j flf the armiftice, and the *dily removing | fcCaecord and Medea, that were tak«, hai returned be certificate! newi of the prolongation Proof with refpeQ to the cargo (hall firft conful laUke envoy* of the de­ aWety to Rochfort. 'i of the cargo, the difcourfei of the containing the feveral particular* have called forth r manifeftation of tht and whither (he ia bound i partment, place where the (hip (ailed, fentimenu with which a great majority of the H DROPS, BELFAST. Oaoberl*. or contraband good* may be dif- good it of the frft refpeQability fo that the forbidden inhabitant* of that beautiful city are animated^ rtmeitj bft of a letter from a hoafe by the ccrtificaui j which certificate* (hall in Blbtng. dated iBth September, tinguilhed TranOated for the Daily Advettifcr. its, lithe corn trade, been made out by the officer of the place whence received by the Ma­ A in Cjlafgow have coun­ On examining our Pirii paperi, Hi to their correfponde.; the (hip fct fail in the accuftomed form of the we difcovered the follow­ d phlegm, have hitherto experienced fuch favourable tilda from St. ScbifUam, * We try. : if blood, I weather, u aye have feldo-n l*|n in thii coun- or both, (hall ing paragraph the And if fuch paffportt, or Ctrtificitei, tt tfftjjmtti Btnaficrit. >f the bread ii4 I ind, notwhhftandiog the bac.+ardnefi of or taken away by , Plan in (afe- have been deflroyed by accident, PARII, Oclober 14. h, Sec. 4c. ' gain in dimmer, every thi«| it now be fupplied by fuch other Vendc- be deemed an force, their deficiency my During the firft dayi, of the xd decade of r, rj n thii quartet. Whaait cann*'. u are adminicle by the general that a perfon of bat *) have reafon to proofi of owner (hip maire, information wu received, and lungi. itatut crop in thii toon try, rvfldtng at No. 14, Rue dca the molt part will prove much ufageof nationt. merchant the name of Demcmllc, n»i& the quality for Brooli with refpell to any other than diftributed a confiderablc fum of mo­ THE ITCH, than for fevenl yean pafl; and Thii article Monlini, had i Vtttn ind heavier fhipi (hall be the coromifnon they bear. that fome well knewn villiani frequented fitrt ft nti *f*£ Anflrian Poland efpcWly, are equally the fignaturc. of the ney » and i from (ha'.l take efe£l from the date of hit houfe, and pleaJaat re- tie of quality aa of qaaiity. Barley and And if from the date of on the i ith and prefent provifiooal treaty. Pofhive information wu received, that for the fniific- M*ft«*try where in thefe proviieti abundant, any property (hall be condemned, to throw them, very flat. the faid ngnaiitrt inftint, eleven of thefe villiani were makitk M/i, that < fuch good quality in general aj afford to the intent of the (aid treaty, before the when coming out of thai of on their expona- contrary the felve* upon the firft conful, ngle particle Jjwf hopei of nSe exiftirg reftraiitt knowledge of thii ftipulaiion (hall be obtained, police then took the mod active mcafurea dient in iu com* very foon. Fameare alfo much more or paid for opera. The (one by ^he btiag removed property fo condemned (hall be reftored to watch them. On the i8ih two of them, loft perfecl faleiy and of better quality, than wu expected. in the lobby of badant which without delay." the name of Cerrachi) were irrefted :w)y born. With regard to the new irnpo*) on wheat i §. with cotlafle*. Demer- reafon to December the opera t they were armed »o»nt t»about 100 |. per UQIwe have of -the (hip Matilda from St. SebaftUm accomplicei were arrefted ia greatly tno- The arrival ville and fome of hit it will be entirely take!off or u* in poffeffion of Parii paperi to the. i6th are in puxfuit of the otheri t Demer-' not looner." hu put for the night they 'ECIP1C, I ia the courfa of the winteruf of Oftober. We have examined them in vain have both confefled. Thefi) by our Ville and Cerrachi the copy of the convention lately Concluded mifcreanti arc for the moft pan compofed of ftriftit*. Decetnber 4. to uoderftend had wretched of Sep­ CHARLESTON, envoyi, which we were given individual!, inured to murder in the maflacre* i hu proved the wu brought to rial, before jufticei officially. The two following arti- T«B«rday negro been publifhed tember, and thefe of Verfaille*. spelling the ve« JoWon and Qrover, Ben «nd Smart two the Intelligence we have yet deemed The ma. clei are all i the conuitutioa, »« , for the mardcr of William Maxwell. a tranftatiou ! the firft u comprising the December 16. have bet* in bringing worth PHILADELPHIA, who Itonrtt and freeholder* w«Ye un«\mout operaiioni of the army of Italy fince our lafl report, Thurfday laft, the 8 per cent, (lock of in* cr adminiftratioe (rout the circuakfUncei internal tran­ Since l-tptt »h»ia in guilty | and farther, and the fecond a demonftrative of the United Stale* hai experienced a fall of c upwirdi of foor mould be fcvere. Mr. Jeffcr- HgravaUorv, that the pan»lhmf»| quillity of the republic. cent, in confequence of the ekftioo of i iu Ulutary ef. w«rc accordingly fant«nced~tBcn to be carried, oot from Le fon. ten e've for the Mercantile- Advertifcr, , , rvA December 17. the deathwvBtii A i«-ila***— •-• -— —— lefcripiion of „, tv^vfj todv*w irs»•' rec to\\i fufftriuu*-i t6th Ofto- (hip Philadelphia . th«( tobacco---—-.-• infpeftiom, p^-v of the 14* Vendemalit, of the fupcrcargoe* of the, gc of the dfleafei maft,tob*c.Tfied Moniteur One Cape »J bein,- bnrned alive i the other, from Leghorn, arrived in town laft evening from catment, fouto I to the place where the murder « committed, near ARMY OF ITALY. place he left the (hip on Sunday even­ IB*" and May, at which hurtcft time, we thirteen.mil*. hcufe, a hour* of (en By him we learn, that :he (hip Philadelphia on ing. from war o'clock, and there u punlfhmant. her pefiage to thii port, flopped at Gibraltar, » Friday the 5th inftant. to tha Cibea of Delaware, (he had 4* day* of the (hove ir- whence- t v December 5. paffagf. Whilft the Philadelphia lay at Gibraltar, "ofilion of inffrioe fentence, Ben, a commanded by general Pino. there, from Leg­ uflerday wat burnt purfoaot^ The body of (hip belonging to Baltimore arrived inly of AV. 6i'«V»« to Mr. lre*inule* for the « "of' , DubiconRubicon,« and tone c to» informed, that, on the »»«to fe'.low b«|onin«. having evacuated the horn, the captain of which wurder of Mr. Wm, Maxwell, in barbarnui man- brigand* in Fenara OQober. he, with a number, of other*, were Bologna, the armed 1 6th accoaat profit by ad- V'. Smart, jMicaftied with Bet will fuffcr death obliged to (lip their caplei and pttt to fe* on beral mor. complete iorc. * »nn«r thi* day, at tha plac where the of a French army having attacked and got waaia eotnmitted, BMr >th« thine i-aile-hattfe, be oppofition. They Invaded the greateft Leghorn. ... txcefi wltboft pofleffion of with _the houri of ten and foor «nd advanced ai to*J'"*£ Our informant further add*, that the fleet «W«^'A'-^- part of thit territory, returned from frt'nlti rtfpttim tin down the tree* of liberty, turning t«« magil- troop* under Sir R.. Abercromble bad CARDS, " ' cutting every any thin*/, and tratei of the people out of office, and, axerciuBg Cadis to Gibraltar j without effecting e at tbii Office, u wu generally (uppofcd \ where the mod abominable pillage. had again failed, deftined, part o* the merchann.had left the city, to. (urprife them in the mldft of their Th« greater » In order to Egypt. vtikla-gf the governor had flopped ill coiAnunitation with 1 gave charge to general Monier to fend The Philadelphia, few a great nnmber of the Jncurfiom, with the ind SAMUBI ntjiorti, it b«ing icncrall^oppofed that to Ferll the Cifarplne fecohd half brigade, the eoatt bound In. Mged worfe in tbtaa. thin i'«Cadi», at which troopi from the 4th hnffan and 4th rt. I body of light ua thoatand died In, the courfiH two week*. December 18. 5. An ACT to repeal an aft, entitle^, An aft for 481 An ACT to prevent fwin« fam WASB1NGT' tatiflfnm Alpert and Gibraltar. the more effectual preftrvation of the breed of wild Rj We mentioned large in the town of Queen-Anne, in Princ:.(J letter* receive' in our paper of yellcrday that the deer in Somerfet and Dorchefter counties, fo far as it count George Wafhington frigate, captain Bainbridge, was rcfpefts the county of Dorchefler. 49. to fail for ConfUntinople An ACT to prevent the goin| from Algiers on the lyth of 6. An ACT declaring a road or ftreet leading geefe Oclober. We have G-.ice and iwine in Creager's-tewii, ifcertained that on the ar­ from Reifter's-town turnpikt road to interfeft How- count rival of the frigite : tht tatter place, the dey fent ard-ftreet, a public highway. . ( 50. An ACT tor the. relief of Henry Aaron B for our conful Mr. D'Brien, and informed him, that 7. An Difljln ACT to extend the powers of the truftees Fredt ck County. . » i « if he did not permit her to fill immediately for Con- of the poor of Caroline county. 61 A Supplement to an aft, entitled, An ftsnunople, he (the dey) would declare Mar igainft 8. An ACT, »A entitled, A Further fupplement to autho fc and empower the levy court of Montootn, the United State.', and endive ill the Americans at the aft'pafied at Novemberfeflion, feventcen coun' Algiers. hundred to afTefs and lery a Turn of money on the The conful was of courfe compelled to and eighty-feyeot .entitled, An aft to lay difpitch out feveral feffabi property thereof for the purpote of buii the frigite agreeably to the orders of tht turnpike rohds in Baltimore countyl tlty. ft hew 'ol in faid county. 9. An ACT to continue an aft, entitled, An aft The frigate failed 53. i ACT for the relief of WilKam M«wJ oa the igth of October from Al- for the better adminiftration of juftice in the feveral giers, completely loaded hon, others, fccurities of Kobek Smdaire. with (laves, beads, birds, counties of this (late, and the feveral fupplements (In-ri &c. as prrfrnts to the gr»ru! fignior. Allegany county. ' ^ There are let- thereto...... it n in town from Mr. OBricn, t 53. i ACT authorifing James Bewiil? iat» ezpreflipg his moft 10. An ACT ^to suter ana change the time for leftor ieripus ipprehexfinns, that if any Talbot county, to complete his collea accident fhould be. holding «jhe county courts of Baltimore arid Waffc- York fall tKe frigstc his fliuttion would 54. n ACT concerning the real eftate of be very critical. ington counties. ^ beth We are alfo told, that the conful recommends tts,s, late of Saint-Mary's county. 1 it to 11. A Supplement to an aft, entitled, An aft for the government, to difpatrh a few frigates 55. ACT authorifing" Vid empowering the off that the relief of fundry infolvcnf debtors. gifter place, to watch the m')ti"ns of the dey. o: twirls'•"• of Anne-Arunded county, to tranfi 13. An ACT to refurvey and lay out anew Prin- A Britifh frigate, that had arrived at Algiers tp the oEcc of regifter o/ wills of Worceftcr fome cefs-Anne-town, in Somerfet county, and for other time be ore captain Biinbridge, with the will \{ Thomas Powell, of Worcefter, dec tribute from purpofes. . .' : . Kentucky . - the Britifh government, had been " . 56. additional- fupplenjent to the aft, enti * ordetcd on the 13. An ACT, entitled, A further fuppWme'nt fenncttct above million to ConiUn.inople > but the commander, to An aft r the optning of Sccond-ftrett, in the - an ad\t entitled, An aft for building a new gaol in __ of Balti; ire, Nor*>-Cart.lina on paying a large fum ol money to the dey, was ex- Baltimore county.v . 57. e^nith Cirolioa cafid. wr incorporating the me 14. An ACT to incorporate« Prefcyterian and epifcopal urches, known by the name of u* u SALEM, December n. Lutheran church in the county On ThurfJay arrived of Baltimore. ftreet and' 'Id-town Methodift churches, in the at thi« port, the fhip Brutus, 15. An. ACT to incorporate ctr William Brown, commander, the Prelbyterian of Ball , in tbe flate of Maryland. in 32 days Irom Gib­ church in Snow Hill, in raltar, and 40 from Algiers. Worcefter county. 58. CT for the improvement Of public JU: Capt. Brown informs 16. An ACT, entitled, that the United An aft to repeal an aft, ill Kent c iy States frigite George Wafhington, entitled, An And for SA cip:«in Bainbridge, aft for the more cffcftual prefervatkm 59. A CT, entitled, A fupVlcment to failed Icr ConlUntiaopIc the iQth of the brrcd an «f Oflober; having of wild deer in Somerfet and Dorchefter entitled,. / aft to regulate eteftions. on board the Algerine general of counties. marine, and fuit, with prefmts, , 60. An CT for. opening a road leading ice. for the grand 17. An -ACT to iigninr. The dey of Algiers lay out t road frorn Chriftopher town of Bl 'eniourgh, in Prince-George's cou«,r, ; Baltimc by force compelled cap- Walker's mill, in Anne-Arundel lain B«inbnrtge to perform this bounty, to interfeft the city of alhington, until it interfefta the prefei fervice. and threaten­ the Frederick turnpike ed, in cafe of refufal, war to the road in Baltimore county, at road at or r the d.ftrift line <£ Columbia. United State', and or near the feven CO flivery to the officers and crew mile (lone on the faid turnpike 61. An TT to authorife tht hying out a pnblid of the George Wad). road. ingtoo. The dey alfo in lifted, that the road from ford interfeft ' : York road near Jofiah Hitchcock'1 pay or freight to colleftions. ruptcy tbroug,hc be al!o*e4 but the voyage to be confidered as old blackfmi (hop, in Harford county. a fa­ 19. An ACT to relinquifh United States. vour granted by the United States. Through the right of this ftsfte 62. An AIT to appoint an agcat for tbe year the to a traft of land l»ill>arafl influence of the American conful Mr. O'Brian, therein mentioned. "~ , thoufand e'rghsjhundrtd and one. ' of the i and . 20. An ACT to the fhips being private property and having a peri (lia­ lay out and open a road from 63« An for the relief of Henry Cafey, Jefle Tornlinfon's, li» of duties, t- ble cargo on board, (he was excufed from this fervice. on Braddock's old road, to Mat­ the city of B timore. thew Ball's, bnwbKks & b- Ciptiin Brown embraced this favourable moment, on George's creek. 64. An AfT /or the benefit of Michael Fenwkl 21. An ACT for the prefervation of the fearing a farther requiGtion, and quit Algiers, Oclo­ breed of of Saint-MarVI county. I * ber 2j. fi(h in Great Choptank river. 65. An AClfor the relief of Hugl. Fcrgnfon, ol I'jlaiJlto vaV pi 22. A Supplement iftkl to G of the rev^ more ferioqi difncu'ty. Two days out from Algiers, the feveral counties of this (late. , 67. An ACT efpefting idiots, lunatics, and I 24. , uVtrameatofthe capuin Brown WH brought to by the Britifh brig Ca- An ACT for the relief of Thomas Belli, of fons non compo [cntis. melia ; the lieutenant of which informed, Samuel, of Alkgany counfi^ttfem 68. An A T the relief of John Charles Stilt!. that (he Fi ' lj« of congrefs. |f* was bound /or Egypt, with dispatches from 25. An ACT for the ^B^uon of fquirrels in cis Chirac. lord DfMitmcnuof Keith } and that his lordfhip, with the fleet and tranf. Caroline county. t^'^ 69. An AClIrelative to the jnrilHiftton of i 3i ports under his comt&Mijf was deflined for Egypt. 26. An ACT to open srroad from Severn court! of appeals! * On arriving at Gibra^P, no one was permitted to Anne-Arundel county, to Patapfco lower ferry 70. An ACTIbr the direftion of furveyon ill land from the Brutus, beciufc (he was from the Barbary 27. An ACT to correft a miftake in the be­ executing warrarl of efcheat in certain cafes. coifl i but-in American, a refident there, 'came along ginning of lot No. three thoufand nine hundred and 71. An ACT Ir the relief of John Jarvij. fide, and informed, that the French marched into eighty«W to exhl Csecil county. new gaol in Bal county. _ Mttttmcnt, to 85. An addition: fupplement to thf aft, entitled/ 41. An ACT for the relief of Frederick Salor, of v \AnnapoIiSi December 25. Frederick county. An aft for the el blUhment and regulation of the » eral On levy courts in the ( countie* of this flate. Friday laft the general affembly of th» flate 49. A Further fupplement to an aft, entitled, An 86. An fupplement to adjourned, the addition an aft, entitled, Dcctmber 2 fenate to the firft Monday in Septem­ aft to flreighten and amend the public roads in Har­ An aft of fundry ber, and the luml'e of-delegates ford for the reli iofrlvent debtors. to the firft Monday county, and for other'purpofes. 87. An. revive and eontirtue in Oolober next, arVar having ACT the afti of paflcd the following 43. An ACT relating to the public wharf and aflembly therein mi tioned. laws: ferry at Chefter-town, in Kent county. , ihe 1911 - ^ 88. An ACT ^'empower tbe judges of the conrt vLEN, of i No. 1. An ACT to retire the levy court for Bal­ 44. An ACT for the relief of te the timore coun||' fundry infolvenf of appeals to rein eaufe of Job Garretftn l«, ib() 5 fee debtors* againft Richard Co 2. An ACT to aid and r^ptrty ol a revive the proceedings of 45a> An ACT for the 86. An ACT the payment of the journal of the orphans court of Talbot county. benefit "of Henry Jofeph «l formerly t Stier, of Prince-George's county. ( . accounts. f this county. 3.'An ACT Jo revive and aid the proceeding! of the orphan* 46. An ACT to enlarge vaif"ponrers of the com- 1m away, oil court of Saint-Mary's county. miflionera of th$ town oflfavfe-de-Grace. 4. ,An ACT to fettle anof akertain the falary of This Gtkette No. 2815, campletu the members 47. An ACT for the «Jfcf of John Woodall, of V of tbe council for the enfuing y«ar« county. tbtyitr wtb allow cujhmers. Ntm»ber i u.J • WASHINGTON CITY, Dfcernb •' ' rl *ASi. ;«ived from Louifmlle, (GJ ifilled fob- ^^ to give notice,, JOSEPH EVANS, of present, "XSWHF«*>« fubfcriber, of th^fify d/ .Bskimorf, Tales this method to inform the public, and his (fcqutnt I the public votes of 1 Diln obtained from the-oroha^t court'of ADDC* mends in particujar, • that he has commenced "g at Arundel county, in Maryland, ultets of adminifln- Duunef* in the nore-honfe lately occupied tion de bonii non, on the perfonal cQate ol JOHN by RIDOILT and EVAHJ, where ha Aaron Burr, 4 HENRY MACCUBBIN, late of-, Anne-Arnndel "7 pifli county, deceafed, all perfons having claims agiiu.ll ' - now OFFERS for SALE, <•„, PaaStDENT tod VlCI-PH DBKT. VOTK» "" '„• 1™" 5? faid deceafed are hereby warred to*exhibit the time, "A VARIETY jrf GOODS, Saitable to the prafent feafoq, W, An S «*o ^5 with the vouchers thereof, to the fubfciibcr, at or be. BfMont B ! I ^ (ore the 1 7th day of June next, they may otherwife * Amongft which are, ? n;7 on the ; Si*t«- ••*•n a by law tie excluded from all benefit of the faid eflate. QUPERF1NB, fecond A variety of the nested tt »le of buil ___— —— — -—— Given under nay hand this 24th day of November, and coarfe broad mod falhionable cali- -jJ^rUmplh.re - .... 6 i 1800. clothes. cots and chintao. ajiffichu'.eKi - • . . . . it i N. BRICB, Adainiflrator D. B. N. Double milled drab of a Ribands, galoon bindings, fuperior quality. Sinclair*, Rh*)e m»nd »• - ... 4 » of John, H. Macfcbbin. and ferrets. . • . . . - - 9 Superfine and coar/e coat- Ounce, coloured & ofaa- £p*neflicut - - ) ingj. t Verm'1'1* • • • - - - 4 4 HEREBY %rbid ind forewarn'all perfoni from . brigs threads. 12 12 .11 hunting on-'myiUJndS' with dog of gnn,\)r walking B!»»•« - ' Mixed plains, while ker- -j» •»» uinisi Mirylwd - - - ... j '{ 5 5 " WILLIAM MU1R. Ink powder, wafers and orceflf r count] 21 21 St. Mary's county* December 8, 1800. feys. quiils. / Vir|i«<» • ' ' Welch pliini, flinnelj, fter» deceafed. Kentucky . - - • «• . » Black lead pencils, alma. Saint-Mary's county, fc. ftriped ti rofe blankets. nicks. « aft, entity! ftnncffite - * !*«, m the ciS • - - -.4 t 8 8 HEREBY certify, that WILLIAM MUIR this Velvets, fancy cords, Lesther and Morocco Nor%)-CirOlina - thickfe/t, corduroys & * South .Oolina - i 8 8 1 day brought before me, thefubfcribtr. one of the pocket books. the me—„„ juilice* of the pc^e for the county aforefaid, a bay fuftisns. Tooth, cloth, and (crab- Georgu - - 4 4 Silk velvets, and fwan- : of the Light. 6 65|66|f>6 GELDING, about fourteen hands high, fuppofed to ing bru/bti, «» m the cit be thirteen years of age, no perceivable brand, bob. downs. «f Hiir bmoms tc fetvet. d. tail, and a little white on the near hind hoof, found Striped bed tickings Cowhide tc plated whips. of public — JUST PUBLISHED, trcfpafung on his plantation. Given under my hind apron check*. Ladies tortoilefhell and And for SALE, at the Printing-* ice. and feal this 6th December, 1800. Moreens, tsmbomns It crooked born combs. > Joans. ent to an ad THE I HENRY GARDINBR. (Seal.) Coarfe hnrn, ivory, and The owner Is requeftcd to prove property, pay Durants, calimancoci & barber's ditto. Baltimore Repofifory, charges, and take him away. wildboiei, Bell gunpowder, parent '« county, _ WILL.IAM MUIR. Bombazeft)! fc bombaze's. • (hot, and gun Bints. tf* the prtf.nl For the year 1801. ' Luteftring5, fsttins and Csflor oil, in quart bot­ mbij. CO NT A ININd pclongi. tles. .' • Eight Dollars, Reward. Modei and firctnet. Glauber faltsi bcfi rtd I out a pnblio. Poflaoffice leflablifnment, AN away from the fubfcriber, on Monday morn­ Striped fattin Florentines. >f GurrpowvJerJ with tint) of receiving Barki. . ' 'A biil to ellablilh an utu- ing, the 2}d ol Novcmb'er, a negro woman Ladies Morocco and duff Table knives flr»ft of the re™00" and frcA the United wool bat, and a new furred ditto, alfo fundry other Girls fed boyi rotton and Razors aod fciflert, af. Stitw. : [enry Ca%, 0| l«w. cloaths unknown to me. Whoever takes up the faid forted. LiH of duliei, tonnage, Lift of ifc navy of the negro, and brings her to the fubfcriber, or to Mr. Mens tc boyi coarfe yarn, Elegant japaned tea U«7», , briwbscks & bountici, Unitcdotitei. William Brewer, fen. South river, at fecures her in fulled, worQad gloves( and w«iten. Fetnrkk ' It:. Gorernmjit of the flate any gaol, fo that I get her again, (ball receive the and flocking;. Curry combs and horfa jliiflto vaV property of Mi land. above reward. Ladies habit, kid and ex- brulhes. iaitt to lay a direft tax. Liftoff general a(T of ihe retenue. Baltinfre, with a lift and white (ilk, ditto. itics, and law. W. B. Jipanoed, flat and fhort r>ernmentof the United of offiers. ___ - ._ ___ .- _—•a^rr-a-^^, -_.i _ - - ^—a————ri——————I————— ' Mem and boys fine and 4* candle. Hicks. Suits. Banks, pfurance coaipa- coarfe hats. • Sprig j aflbited. a Charles Fr nies, kc. in ditto. Twenty Dollars Reward. Irifh , dia'perj, and Ijlof congrefi. AN away from the fubfcriber, on the 20th of 4d, 8d, tod, ltd, te tod, Drptttmcnuof iate, trea- And a vriety of other ufe- diaper . . flat pointed nails. ifdiftion of tbt] ful oatter. November, a negro roan named JEM, be it Ruflii & Irift, (heelings. .iaty. war, navy and at 20 years of age, ej&et 8 inches high, fmooth •kot^iron tea kettles, tc Rudia drillings. iron's. jodiciiry. face, large flat nofe, big mouth, and thick lipsi had f furveyon iaj Brown and white roles. Shovels and toaga. iln cafei. on when he went away, a cloth coloured camblet coat, Brown hempen linen, and Public Sale.; a pair of new white kerfcy breeches, and a new ofna- Iron pon, Dutch OYcns( n Jarvjj. fciirroe of an order from the orphiis court of Aone- bell ticklenburg^s. and dates. the Pennfylra. '...... MI i_- O/-VT i r_ r^ACLT*.. bng fbirt. He hai two Cften who are the property Bandanno, crofs barred, tt Arundel county, will be SOL focCASH>at of Mr. George Wallace and Mr. Richird Marlball, China and glafi ware. sager'Mown, to ^Ilk-Ridge Landing, on Friday i e 1 6th of January blick Barcelona, filk Greea and blue cdg«4 • to the city «| living between Magothy river and the Bodkin Point, baddkerchiefi. T»«t. if '«ir. if ^>ot the firft fair lay, at 1 2 o'clock, he wsi in that neighbourhood for ten days or a fort­ difbes and pUlfi. n, in Frederick "hr-HB•»——••" two (lorfHOUSBi- "»i/-\rTcn and- _I lOT in that place, Stamped linen and cotton White ditto. night after leaving home, and then had on'an old blue ditto. 1 lite the property of Eow^ao GWINN, de- coit. Whoever takes up the faid negro, and fecures Warn bowls and pitchers, I of the trofttti I (5td, (he houfe is convenient,(and well finifbed, Purple (bawls, chinti, tec. 4c. him in AonapoHi, or any other gaol, (o that I get muflin, and camel's hair Large a«d fmall brown k«iaj three room* OR ihe firft fl x-.laod four on the fe- him again, (ball receive the above reward. )le property of 4 caW^ with a fire place to each i afo a kitchen, ftable, ditto. . ftonejsrrs and jugs. 7 for the pttr- JOHN GALLOWAY. An handfome affortment 8 by 10 and 10 by ii •4 wry other oeceffiry building The lot contains Weft river, December 1 6, 1800. sVxt one acre of. ground, and under a good paled of muflios ac^ maflin Bohemia window glafa. ift to Ity out i handkerchiefs. 'tot. AMfe to the fubfcriSer's plantation, near Gilf^rt * Annapolis to * ACHSAH GWINN, Admioittratrix of ALSO GROCERIES, «tz. the aft therein Mills, the ayth of Oftober, 1800, a bright {or. RDWAID GWINK* rclC MARB, feven years old next fpring, (be has a Bed hyfon, byfon-fkin, Pearl barley. v, December tc^ 1800. blaxe face, fourteen hands high; long mane and tail, fouchong tc congo teas. James river chewing to- efts in the re- Loaf, and brown fugars. bscao. ihe regifter of (hod before, trots and gallops, no brand or mark. is to give notice, th{ the fubfcriber hath The owner is deCred to prove his property,-ply Coffee, chocolate, foap, Bed old Cognac It French obtained from the orphjns court of Charles charges, and take her away. candles, flarch, and ng brandy. ind city council in Maryland, letters tefcmentary on the per. GRIFFITH CADLE. blue, Rum and Jamaica fplrita.- the fa id ciry. UUeftreof FRANCIS BOW'ING, late of Charles ___ Pepper, nutmegs, and al- Whitkey, peach and ap­ i appointed by Wanly, deccafed, all perfons paving claims agsinft an order of the orphans court of Anne-Aroddel i'fPi«- ple brandy.. ohn Punidt, of tW fiid deceafed are hereby 4arned to exhibit the Bycounty, will be EXPOSED to PUBLIC SALE, K*g and box raifins, al. And a number of other the lands tbere- Cime, wUh. the vouchers thereof to the fubfcriber, at near Annapolis, on Tue(day the J0th inftant, if mondi, figs, currants, t articles too tedious t* or before (he toih day of June text, they may other- fair, if not the firft fair day, and continue till all & f««et meats tn jarrs. mention. ft, entitled, An •ife by |iw be excluded from ill benefit of ihe fiid is (old, All of which he wjll fell on the moft reafooabla lebtors. .^ •late. Givrn under my hand tiii loth dayyrf De- terms forcifh, tobacco, wheat, and ladisn corn. ed, An aa for LL the proptrty of THOMAS TUCKER, de- wnbar, 1800. ' ceafed, confiding of horfcs, cattle, hogs, (heep^ t> A few of Hopkins'a rawr drops and compofitlon, MARSHAM BOWING,rut Executor of andA poo I try, all the houfehold and kitchen furniture, at a reduced price.______tes Calquhotra. PKAMCIS BOWIINI of the bond ta a new feio, with tgpei complete, ahd all the prefcnt i crop on hand. The terms will be made known on the Nolice is hereby given, , ' lie feveral conn- •NOT 'npHAT the fubfcriber inteada to puidoa the next ICE. day of fale. LL perfons indebted to tie eaateof HENRY WILLIAM TUCKER, Adnioiftrator. J[ Crcil county court lor a commifnon to mark ^ to ftreightm HALL, fen. late oi Arundel county, de- and bound, agreeably to an aft of aOembly, ensiled, .vre-de-Grace to December 9, 1800. c*a(rd, ire rcqucftcd to make ininediaie payment, ,*^aWfc^-^^»—^^«»^^ ••••^^aivav«aMawMBnBB»anH>MMW avviBBB* • An aft for muking and bounding lands, parted in to* >in<]il| who have claims againl' lie fiid tRate are re- ASTRAY. November feffion, 1786, and (be (qprriements thereto, I for building a jvl«d to exhibit the fame, leg Aauthcoiicated, lor AME to the quarter of LANCELOT WAR. tbe followingtrafts of land, viz. ST. XAViaiua. ST. wtiuncnt, to IOMATIUS, part of WoasaL MAMOB, part of WOOD- t aft, entitled/ FIELD, in the Piney Woods, fome time I aft OS. S. HAR ODD, for CJune, a fmall black BULL, no perceivable ear mark aaiooa, aadparfof AtKuoai, all being and lying rguUtion of the RACKIL HAI the fnrviving .or brand, he appears to be about two yearaold. Ihe in Cecil county, near the H«ad ol St. Auftin'i creek, this nate. executrix. owner is defired to prove bis property, pay charges, commonly called Little Bohemia/ held and owned by n aft, entitled, December 22, 1800. the Corporation ol the Roman Catholic Clergy. :nt debtors* and take him away. FRANCIS BftrSTON, Agent December 3, iSoct. irtue the afts of /COMMITTED to my cuftod; as a runaway, on for the Corp. R. C. C. \> ihe jQib of Oftober lair, apegro man named "J[""n N~0 T IfC E. Annapolis, December i, 1800. ,. jcs of the conrt ALIEN, of a dark complexion, ibout 21 years of Job Garretfon INTEND to apply to the next Marcd court, of aoi 5 feet 6 or 7 ineWca high, who fays he ii the St. Mary's county, for a cotnmiflion ta iffue to Negroes for Sale. nyol a Mr. JOH» SIMMS, df Sooth Carolina, EVERA'L negro women, with tikir cbildm, the journal of Imark and bound two trafti of land, ca\|ed NOTLSY formerly tha property of cept. Thomas Rogerfon, HALL and NEIGHBOURHOOD, lying in faid county, confifttng of boya aod glrla^ from three to (we)v« •f (hit county. Hi«,owner is defirei? (o come and lala S agreeably to aa aft,of aflembly, tntitled, An aft for years old, to be fold in familiel. Inquire of tha fub. *•» *»«y. Oth«iwife he will o« foldaccorJing to law. fcriber, near Pig Point, Anne-Arundrl county. * mukiag aod boanding lands. THOMAS FRICBl Sheriff JOSEPH HALL. 3AMURL HARRJSON. , complete .. Ckailes conity. November 25, 1800. cujhmert. November 15, 1800. ' Montgomery county, November 17, 1800. Mn. :«t» M*Crae, wife of Mr. Ctarac M'Cres, fo be SOLD at thh ofi«c, WHITE, * HAS JUST RECEIVED* FOR 5AEB, grocer, Bbid-ftrect,Wd-ftrcet, Fell's Point, was perUcllyperuaiy cured ft ice one eighth of a dollar, (by perfevfting in the ufe of Hamilton's Effcoce and," The WILL Prom i^BE's and Co. Patept and Family Medicine Extraft oBMuftsrd) of a rheumatic* complaint of OF ftore Baltimore, eleven ytaa Handing. The gretteft part of lad win. A frcOi fupply of the following vajuable medicines : ter (he walunable to drefs or undrefs witheijt affin. General DR. HAHN's GENUINE WATER. ance, (he hid the bed medical advice both in Europe George Wafhingtoii, A fovcreign remedy for all difeafei of the eyes, and Amelia without effed. • ' * whether the effects of natural weaknefi or of accident, fpeedily removing inflammations, dcflumons of rheum, !DR. HAMILTON;* ttUiratui Forty Dollars Reward. dullnefs, itching, and films -on the eyes, never tailing faRM DlSTROYINO LoZEMOIS, AN away from the fubfcriber, on the igth of to cure thofe maladies which frequently (ucceed the Which ha4 relieved upwards of eighteen thoufand October lad, negro JACOB, 3$ yean of age, (mall-pox, mcaales, and fevers, and wcndcrfnlly fons of alia go, within nine months pall, in vsrioui aboutR 6 feet high* Imooth face, high, forehead, hit firengtheniag a w,eak fight. Hundreds have eipe dangerous iomplaints, •riftnf from wOitns, and faot» wool growing in a peak leavet hit templet hare, fpetks rienced its exttlleat virtues, ^vtnnttrtj foulnefi orlpbdtuftions in the Homajh and bowels— low and rather hoarfc; had on and took with him they are a amedy (uited to every age and conftitutiqp, when he went away, a brownifh cotton coat, a blue contain noting but what it perfectly innocent, and coarfe fhort coat with metal buttons, old breeches', DROPS. vare fo nuldk their opcraiioa that they cannot injure ofnabrig fhirt, and a match coat blanket i his Sunday the mod dticate pregnant lady, or the tendered in. apparel, a purple cloth coat with rimmed buttons, The only rat difcpvtred which gives im­ lief in the mod fevete in- fant Of 9 vlek old, (hould oo worms exid in UK nankeen breeches, rnix^d worded (lockings, and half mediate and body, but kill, without pain or griping, cleanfe the boots i he profeflct to be a Methodid, and his been dancea. domach aof bowels of whatever is 'Ic-ul or offenfi»«, in the practice of preaching of nighu i it is expeQe4 THE, ANODYNE ELIXIR, and iherefcj prevent the production of worm* he is harbouring about the city oi Annapolis, Weft many fatal [(orders. river, South river, Sooth rifer Neck, or Queen-Ann*, For the cure of evr»f kind of head-achfc. as he has a wife at Mlfi Murdoch's. Whoever take! HB PERSIAN LOTION, and fecure* faid fellow in any gaol, fo that I get THB DAMASK LIP SALVE up Is recommended (0tnicuUrly to the ladies) as aa b ctltbratii ffl ibt f^titimbli tbntgbtft tirtfe, him again, (hall rtreive the above reward, paid by As an in luable cofmeuc, perfectly innocent and THOMAS G1BBS, living near Queen.Anne. elegant and plcaftnt preparation fa|| chopped and Tote lips, and every blemifh and inconvenience occ aliened fafe, free fi any corrofivc and repellent minerals, N. B. All mailers of veffelt and others are fore, (thebefj) o ier lotions) and of unparalleled efficacy warned harbouring, employing, 01 carrying off faid by colds, fevers, &c. fpeedily redoring a beautiful rofy colour and delicate foftncfs to the lips. in prrventi nd removing cutaneous bleinifliea of iha fellow at their peril. T. G. face and flcin f every kind, particularly freckles, pim- March 7, 1800. > pies, pits afic THI RtaTORATivt POWDER i th« (mall-pox, inflammatory rednefi, s~ir*^HB fubicriber finding that from the coftt of a icurfi, tecters.Vingwormi, lunhurnj. prickly heat, pie- FOR THE TEETH AND GUMS. i -i £ number of fuiu brought againd him, and the taature wrinklb, ic. preffing demands of a part of nil creditors, that it wilt This excellent preparation * comforts and ftrengtSent The Perfunl Lotion' operttti mildly, without im. be entirely out of his power even to reduce the amount the gumi. prefarves the enamel (rom decay, and peding that nltura!, infenfible perforation which is of his debts, thinks it would be doing more juQice to cleanfes and whitens the teeth, abforbing all taat. eflential to tht health—Yet Its falotary effeQs are his creditors and family at once to deliver up hit pro­ acrimonius (lime and foulnefs, which differed to ac­ fpeedy and pekanent, rendtriAg the ftin delicately perty for the benefit of his creditors, and to petition cumulate, never fails to injure and finally ruin them. foft and fmootl, impxofing the compleiion and re­ the legiflature to pafs a'n aft to releafe him Irom his ftoring the bloofc of |outh. Never falling to render aa debts, which he hereby gives notice he (hall do, at DR. HAMILTONV ordinary countenance bcautilul, and an haadfome one, rv their next (effion of aflembly. GRAND .RESTORATIVE, more fo. JAMES A. MAGRUDER. IS recommended at aa invaluable medicine,' for the* Upper-Marlborongh, October to, 1800, fpeedy relief and permanent cure of the various com. HAHI AtJTI-MLIOUS PILLS, plaintt which refnlt from diffipited pleafurci—juvenile CtltlratlJftr " NOTICE. « 4 * iodifcretiont—re fide nee in climates unfavourable to Evacuating ft rrfluous bile, and preventing Its mor- INTEND to petition the next general affembly of the conftitution—the immoderate ufe of tea, frequent bid fecretion—n loving obftinatc collivaath, ami re- Maryland for an aA of infolvency. intoxication, or any other dedruclive intemperance— doring Joft appcti I THOMAS EDGAR. the nnlkilful or exceffive ufe of mercury—the difeale* •Annapolis, October zi, 1800. peculiar to females, at a certain period of life—bad INPALLIBL; DROPS. " FOR SALE,———————— Thoufan^s can' tflify of their being cured by theft layings in, fcc. &c. And it proved by long and ext«nfive experience to drops, after the rk and every -other medicine has At the Printing-office, be abfolutefy unptralled in the cure of—nervous dif• proved inenVlui and not one .in an hundred has The following orders, confomplions, lownefs of (pints, lofs of ap­ had occtfion to tti more than one, and cumbers not B O O K 8, petite, impurity of the blood, hyfterical affections, half a bottle. inward weakneffes, violent cramps in the domach and Bn field'. Shaker, Da. HAI i'a TRU* and CENVIKI Buchan't Domedic Medicine, back, indigeftion, melancholy, gout in the domach, paina in the limbs, relaxations, involuntary emiffiorn, GERM. CORN PLASTER, ____^__ Immortal Mentor, An infallible itdy for coros, fpeedily removing • ... • Dodd on Dettb*?T fernlaat weakneffet, obdinate gleett, Boor albus, (or whites) impotcncy, barrennefs, tec. &c. root and braol without giving pain. Arondcl, a novel, In cafct of extremity when the loag prevalence and obdinacy of difeafc hat brought on a general impo- tHURCH's G NUINB COUGH DROPS, Aeiericsn jed book, nd ifflfftud rtmjjj i* Prompter, Verifhment of the fydem, exceffive debility of the whole frame, and a wading of the flefh which no Head-achet, Sore throats. Merry Fellow's Companion; Catarrhs. * ,, Wheeling", Gregory's Legacy, nouridiment or cordial could repair, a perfeverance in the nfc o\ this medicine hat performed the mod af- Shortneft of breath. Coageraled phlegm, Italian Nun, Ticklings in the thr |t, | Spitting of blood, <4>ondantia de Valmont, toaifhing cures. The grand redorative is prepared in pill* at well at Tightnefs of \he ch Sorenels of the breail a Charlotte Temple, Hooping cough, domach, &c.' Ice. Ormond, a novel, in a fluid form, whkh aflifla confiderably in producing a gradual aad lading effefi. Their virtuct remaia A Bloflbrnt of Morality, And all diford \ of the breads and long*; * Tom JOMS.. in 5 volt. animpaircd for yean in any climate. » American Preceptor, ITCH, Gilt Bible*, Da. HAMILTON'S SOVEREIGN OltTMBNT FOR THI Adventure* of David Doubtful, xmtJiatt tnrt ml i GnutM E/ntt ttnJ ExtrmB •/ MtflirJ. Being the mod y, effeclutl, and pleafaat re- Nightingale, FOR the cure of rhenmatifm, gout, rheumatic e public, and for the fatisfsc- Pailmihropift. a»edy ev«a» red to gout, palfy, lumbago, numbnefs, white-fuellings, lion of e proprietor mtlrlb »attt tkst chilblains, fprains, bruifet, acute tod chronic rheuraa. this ointment doth contain a finale particle of Fifteen Dollar»«Reward. tifm. mercury or any other icknii ingredient in its corn* AN away from the fubfcriber, living in Anne- Mtny pcrfons have been much diftppointed bv pur- pofition, and may be d with the mod perfecl fafetv Arvodel county, on the aid of February, a chtftng medicines under the name of Effence of Muf- by pregnant women a on infants newly bora. negroR man named DICK, about forty years of agefc tard, which art perfectly different from this remedy— five feet fix Inches high, round full face, large eyes, the fnperior qualitiet of which Dr. Hamilton begs 'TENT very bow legged, flow of fpcech, and fond of (racking leave to prove oy the following cures, felcfted from e> INDIAN VECfcTABLE SPECIFIC. a pipe, he it a methodid preacher i took along with numerc-nt lift. ic cure of . r,!1 him a aoonlry cloth coat, and one gray coloured, and ftftrial ttmplqtlt tf fvtry^fififtin. beecches, two ofnabrig rain*, fhort kerfey coat and From Mr. Charlet Willet, Pladerer, Pratt-ftiftt, Bal. An exMnfive trial ofVitar four years has proved tht troufen, (hoes nsiled. Whoever takes up the faid ne- timore. Vegettbla Specific to * effectual in expelling «he vi^ grtt. and fecures him in any gaol, (hall receive the Sir, nerial virus, however £eply rooted in the condition, *bovc reward, and if brought fcome all reafonable I SEND you the particulars of my core by Hi roil- and hat redored herfth to mtny who have beea charges, paid by me HUGH DRUMMOND. ton's EfTencc and Extraft of Mudtrd, that you may brought to the grave, iby the improper admimftratioo February 24, 1800. ______•_____^^ make it known for the benefit of others. About two of mercury. Withi* tkit period npwardt of four months ago I drained my right knee fo violently by a thoufand pallcata h«f* uperkoced itt ftluttry tf- \JOHN MUNROE, fall, that I wet nrrable to walk without a crutch, I fecit. 1 ' Boot and Shoe- Maker, ' ttiad Brltifh oi), oppodeldoc aad other medicines, but With the medicin«'lt given a defcriDtlon of the Hat jud received from LONDON, grew confiderably worfe, and the part became in­ fymptomt which obtait in every ftage of the dHealet flamed and fwelled to a confiderable degree, when I with copious direction for their treatment, lo ss is A N handfome aflbrtment of MOROCCO and Ki» time, an* J\ LEATHBR, of various colours, a quantity of («t| Was recommended to the Eflcnce of Mudard, aad by accomplifh a per ira in the ihorwd fltlnt, bjoot-ltft, ben foals, and a variety of, ladies ufatg two bottles I was able (p walk in left than a with the lead inc enca poffible. tvtek. and am now at hearty,a*ever. kid flippers, tffbrted. . t purchafe any of the above sr- Annapolis, Oflober aj, 1800. _____ I O«c. 30, 1799. • CRARLU WILLBT. Thofe who wifh tides are cautionec againd the impofition of inftnoa r-|~^HI3 is to five notice, that the fubfcriber hath Mr Htnry Reefe, $utcher, Promjttor of No. 14, medicines, and to ii uire for them only of Afr. Oi*w I obtained from lac orphans court of Anne-Arun- Centre markct-hoafe, Baliimon. Watt. dci county, letters of adminidraiion on the perfoaal Sir, f cfttu of CHTARLCT PARIS, late of faid county, Wholefale porchi :n allowed a liberal profit by ad. ABOUT two moatht ago, your valuable medicine and Co. Baltimore. ' ^ deceafcd j all perfona therefore who have claims tgaind proved of Angular ftrvWe to tne, I wat not able u dreffing to Rd. Lee the deceafed are rcquafled to exhibit the fame, and move from any room for upwards of a fortnight, wif& N, E*W thofe wh*> 4h in any mtnner indebted to the raid ef- the rhromatifm or rheumatic gout in my left foot and SAT10N CARDS, ute are drfircd to male payntant, to ancle, when Dr. Buchanan recommended the HBenct CONVE1 WILLIAM PARIS, Adminiftrator. of Mudard, as the only medicine to be depended on, In Profe and ' erfe-^For fale it thii Office. N* B. I take this method of requefting thofe who and directed me where to procure It, and by ufiog lefs have books'belonging to the deceafcd, that they would than a quarter of a aottlc and a few of the pills, I A«N I .AJpVtTIS: immediately return them to the fabfcribcr, and taey wai able to rid* to market next day, and have bcca •DEHICIC and SAMW" •ill oblige their hnrobla fenraat, W. F. perfectly fftt from my cottplaial.cver fince. Printed by F 15, iloo. Jaa. 4, iloa>. . f ' GlltM.