Stat331: Applied Linear Models Helena S. Ven 05 Sept. 2019 Instructor: Leilei Zeng (
[email protected]) Office: TTh, 4:00 { 5:00, at M3.4223 Topics: Modeling the relationship between a response variable and several explanatory variables via regression models. 1. Parameter estimation and inference 2. Confidence Intervals 3. Prediction 4. Model assumption checking, methods dealing with violations 5. Variable selection 6. Applied Issues: Outliers, Influential points, Multi-collinearity (highly correlated explanatory varia- bles) Grading: 20% Assignments (4), 20% Midterms (2), 50% Final Midterms are on 22 Oct., 12 Nov. Textbook: Abraham B., Ledolter J. Introduction to Regression Modeling Index 1 Simple Linear Regression 2 1.1 Regression Model . .2 1.2 Simple Linear Regression . .2 1.3 Method of Least Squares . .3 1.4 Method of Maximum Likelihood . .5 1.5 Properties of Estimators . .6 2 Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing 9 2.1 Pivotal Quantities . .9 2.2 Estimation of the Mean Response . 10 2.3 Prediction of a Single Response . 11 2.4 Analysis of Variance and F-test . 11 2.5 Co¨efficient of Determination . 14 3 Multiple Linear Regression 15 3.1 Random Vectors . 15 3.1.1 Multilinear Regression . 16 3.1.2 Parameter Estimation . 17 3.2 Estimation of Variance . 19 3.3 Inference and Prediction . 20 3.4 Maximum Likelihood Estimation . 21 3.5 Geometric Interpretation of Least Squares . 21 3.6 ANOVA For Multilinear Regression . 21 3.7 Hypothesis Testing . 23 3.7.1 Testing on Subsets of Co¨efficients . 23 3.8 Testing General Linear Hypothesis . 25 3.9 Interactions in Regression and Categorical Variables .