Grants Requests
For publication Bedford Borough Council – Report to the Mayor November 2012 Report by the Assistant Director (Revenues, Benefits & Customer Services) Subject: GRANT REQUESTS FROM PARISH COUNCILS 1. Executive Summary This report invites the Mayor to consider a request for financial assistance towards a capital expenditure project from a rural Parish Council. 2. Recommendation It is recommended that a grant of £25,000 is awarded to Wootton Parish Council towards the cost of a project to install a concrete skate park in the Wootton village recreation ground to enhance the use of this area by families and the community, subject to the following condition; i. Alternative funding for the remaining cost of the project, £89,750, is obtained prior to the commencement of works. 3. Reasons for Recommendation i. The application meets the criteria for the award of a rural grant, ii. The application is made by the Parish Council which is contributing £23,000 to the overall cost of the project, iii. Wootton Parish Council has stated that it has received written confirmation from the Council’s Planning Department that the proposed skate park constitutes permitted development under the terms of Part 12 of the General Permitted Development Order 1995 (as amended) and, therefore, does not require planning permission, iv. The Parish Council has confirmed that the ongoing revenue costs, including any specialist insurance costs, are to be met by the Parish Council, v. RoSPA is to undertake a post installation inspection of the skate park prior to it being open to the general public, vi. The project will provide additional sports facilities for children and young people, vii.
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